Losing My Religion

  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    @ Yuurei.
    (Oh my gosh XD I bet that was interesting)

    Move in immediately... Leilah had no intention of moving in with the demon she was currently standing beside, though she, for obvious reasons, couldn't say such a thing. Instead she offered Della and Abby both a small smile, trying to look as pleased as possible with the news. "It's nice to meet you, Della," she said, right after the demon had introduced himself as Rennyn. It was a rather unusual name -as far as humans went- so she doubted it was fake. "And I'm Leilah," she continued, seeing as how she was the only one unintroduced from the group.

    She saw the little girl -Abby- was staring at the demon, and wondered just what was going through the girl's mind considering she didn't look at all happy. She brushed it off, however, as Della began talking again. "Well, since Abby's done playing, why don't we all head back to the apartment now?" she offered, seeming absolutely gleeful to Leilah. Inwardly, she groaned, and was forced to follow along with Rennyn as Della, her daughter in tow, began to lead them back. Leilah had a bad feeling twisting in her gut, wishing once more that she wasn't here. Her good mood had all but completely dissipated and to make matters worse, now she had to pretend to be in a good mood. Aside from that, she was pretending to be the adopted sister of a demon and was supposed to rent an apartment and stay with him. Maybe once she eventually got him alone some persuasion would go a long ways. She would get him to leave -or at least to leave the woman and her daughter alone- and then she could go home.
    October 15th, 2013 at 02:22am
  • Yuurei.

    Yuurei. (100)

    United States
    Rennyn did a short skip behind Della as she led the strange group towards where he assumed the apartment was located. "Thank you so much, I feel so much better now that my sister and I may have a place to live! I thought for sure I'd be homeless for months!" He continued to follow, an uncontrollable pep in his step. Could it really be this easy? The misery he felt rolling off the angel made him glow, and he was already anticipating his win. Maybe even much sooner than he'd hoped. Then again, he didn't underestimate this girl. She wasn't going to follow him easily, and neither was she going to let him take the woman with him. She was going to make his life as difficult as possible. But at least she was going to be miserable too. The thought made him smile.

    He looked down at the young girl that Della had introduced as her daughter, Abby. The suspicious looks she was giving him could be problematic. Maybe this was the reason why demons generally hated kids so much. She seemed to know more than she should, and it unnerved him. He would simply have to earn her trust as well.

    "Abby, right?" he asked her as gently as he was capable of. He bent himself a little lower as they carried on to be closer to her level, seeing Della smile down at him happily at his seeming interest in getting along with her daughter. "If we become neighbors, why don't we play sometime? I will buy us ice cream and we can let mom watch tv or something~" he offered. Abby seemed to take his words in, and she relaxed marginally, but her suspicious aura remained. It would take a while, but he would have all three of them trusting him eventually. He was determined to do so.
    October 15th, 2013 at 03:02am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    @ Yuurei.

    Leilah's eyes narrowed on the demon, and if it hadn't been for Della, who obviously trusted him, she would've argued with the little girl and told her that she shouldn't trust him under any circumstances. Then again, they probably shouldn't trust her either. The only reason she planned on helping them anyway was so she could get back home. She had tried creating a portal when she was first dropped here -naturally; she wasn't stupid- but somehow they had taken that ability from her. Well, are you happy now? I'm here. I'm trying to help someone get rid of a demon! The silent message was sent to her instructors, who had done this, with no small amount of venom.

    And the demon's happiness only served to piss her off more. She should've been able to simply run him through with a sword by now. She shouldn't have to deal with him for who knew how long instead. And he made it perfectly obvious how happy he was, likely knowing just how unhappy she was. But, for the sake of the charade she was trying to pull, apparently a group effort now since he had joined in, she at least pretended to be happy instead of letting everyone notice her sullen and wrathful mood. No, that really just wouldn't do.

    So she was quiet most the way back to where Della lived, and then she and Rennyn were asked to stay on the ground floor while she went to take her daughter up to their apartment before she came back down. As soon as Della was out of sight, Leilah glowered at the demon. "I won't let you trick them into trusting you," she said matter-of-factly. She wouldn't tell him why -that would be bad- but she did want to make her intentions clear. "I may not be able to actually kill you at this moment in time, just like you can't kill me, but I'm still going to find some way to stop you." And she would.... somehow.
    October 15th, 2013 at 03:29am
  • Yuurei.

    Yuurei. (100)

    United States
    Proud. He felt proud. And the angel, Leilah's words only served to make him feel even more so. She didn't seem to enjoy losing, even though it was so obvious that she would. She just didn't know how much she would be losing. Safely distanced from their innocent prey, or company...both he supposed, he finally let the evil grin he'd been holding back cross his features. "I don't know what you're talking about," he responded, knowing his feigned ignorance would get on her nerves. "I am a trustworthy person, and Ms. Della seems to already trust me anyways. As she should!" He inspected his fingernails closely, rather wishing they were longer and much sharper like he was used to as his face fell back into a passive expression.

    "Humans are such trusting creatures, after all. It's in their nature. It's so much easier than suspecting everything and everyone. The little girl will come around, as well. She won't be able to resist her new big brother." It had been a few minutes now, and he suspected Della would be on her way back soon, so he changed his appearance once again to fit the innocent little homeless boy. "I look forward to living with you, my lovely sister~" And maybe it was a little truthful. On the one hand, he would probably want to rip his own hair out, or at least have a good puke in the toilet by the end of things, but he looked forward to creating those same desires in the angel. Or better yet, befriending her. If he were able to do that, she'd follow him just like the pathetic humans would, right down into hell where they belonged. It was a challenge he excited in taking on.
    October 15th, 2013 at 03:47am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    @ Yuurei.

    Leilah felt an influx of strong emotions -stronger than she had ever remembered feeling before- all mixed together that made her want to act like a child and stomp her foot on the floor yet at the same time rip the demon's head off. His feigned ingenuousness grated heavily against her nerves, and combine that more-than-sufficient amount of irritation with the anger she was already feeling at this situation, and she suspected she felt very much like a volano about to blow. One thing that made her feel a little better though was the fact that somehow she was able to hold it in. Knowing fully well that Della would appear at the top of the stairs any moment, she hadn't even bothered attempting to reply in favor of stoic silence. She didn't smile, but she wiped the glower from her face. Her expression was nearly emotionless even with the tornadic state of her emotions at the moment.

    She knew, with the demon's last statement, that he planned on staying around the humans, too. She wanted to stop him, but she knew she couldn't do that without playing the part she had somehow caught herself in. That meant after today until she was allowed back home, she would be living with a demon.

    Well... bring it on. She would make this demon miss Hell while no one else was around. And that thought alone caused a small amount of happiness in her, just enough to bring a secret smirk to her lips right as Della reemerged, Abby-less. She led the "siblings" a little ways off and into an office on the ground level, where presumably they would be renting an apartment. As soon as she stepped in the office, she wrinkled her nose. What was that smell? She nearly turned around and walked right back out. That smell... it was so offending, almost like ammonia or bleach could be to a human. She coughed a couple of times, pressing it into her elbow and at the same time covering her nose for a few moments.

    She searched for the source of the smell but couldn't find anything, unless it came from the man sitting at the desk across the room from her. He had his head lowered, staring fixatedly at a screen. Most of the dome of his head was bald, with not much hair around the sides. Thankfully, he didn't have any facial hair though, which wouldn't have been flattering. He had sun-darkened skin though, and the air of someone who was sick -just physically ill. He had something in his hand, the tip burning and smoke rising from it. That smoke created a barely discernible cloud which spread about the room. Partner this with the sweat stains under his arms on the polo he wore, and Leilah felt sufficiently disgusted. This was the man who owned the apartments? How humans ever stood such... she didn't even know the word for it. It was beyond her though. She couldn't speak for demons, but angels took care of their own and they had a good amount of self decency.
    October 15th, 2013 at 04:02am
  • Yuurei.

    Yuurei. (100)

    United States
    Rennyn happily followed his new human towards the apartment's office. Immediately upon entering his nose was assaulted by a foul stench that only a human could create. He easily held in the reactions that begged to be released--cutting the human to pieces, burning him into ashes, anything that would get the thing into a state of relative scentlessness. It wasn't that bad, he reasoned. There were, unfortunately, places in hell that wreaked of human garbage that had been thrown away by his counterparts, and therefore it wasn't something he had not experienced before. That didn't mean he enjoyed, but to cover that area he simply looked to the obviously suffering angel. She seemed to be having a rough time of it, the poor thing. He giggled. He just couldn't help it.

    He skipped up to the counter beside Della, intending to be the talker in this situation. He didn't trust the angel with words, and he certainly didn't want her communicating with humans on his behalf. She'd screw everything up, he wouldn't put it past her. She was already feeling grudgy, he knew that.

    "Excuse me, but my sister and I are looking to rent an apartment. Preferably as soon as possible," he spoke up. The disgusting little man raised his droopy lids to meet Rennyn's cheerful appearance head on. He was not a very happy little man, it turned out. Rennyn pursed his lips, realizing his cute act wouldn't work on such a human.

    "You need money for that, kid," he said simply, his voice gruff and crackly. He probably had lung problems from all the smoking.

    "I have money," Rennyn responded, Della nodding next to him as if to verify his words. Not like she actually knew whether or not he did, she only had his word to go by. Her blind trust reignited his good mood. The man, however, raised a skeptical eyebrow, looking between Rennyn and the angel. He could tell that the man was questioning why Rennyn was (self-appointed) authority between them, as he definitely did not appear to be so. Chancing a strong whiff of that foul odor, Rennyn leaned in conspiratorially with a grin on his face. "I'm the bread-winner in our family," he whispered with a laugh. It was a polite way of insinuating his new sister was useless. He didn't care if she later disproved him in some way. For now, he just really wanted to piss her off.

    The man, oddly enough, seemed satisfied with this answer. "Like a man should be," he muttered back, and Rennyn nearly cackled at the obviously sexist remark. Oh god, even though this man was less worthy than shit under his shoe, Rennyn certainly appreciated his awful personality.
    October 15th, 2013 at 04:21am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    @ Yuurei.
    (I have to go to bed in around 20 minutes. I'll reply tomorrow -maybe while I have driver's ed and I'm stuck in the gym-)

    Smart demon, Leilah thought as he went to talk instead of letting her do so. She had no desire to be anywhere near the man sitting behind the desk though, and didn't even attempt approaching. Instead, she brooded near the door, hoping they would out of the office soon. She watched, semi-passively, with her arms crossed and leaning against the wall, trying very hard to ignore the offending smell.

    At least... she was semi-passive until she heard the two "men" and she narrowed her eyes, bristling a little. The demon had practically insinuated to the human that she was useless, and the human. He.. he... he agreed! Even knowing this was all something to get her worked up on purpose, Leilah couldn't hold back the glare this time. She could happily imagine punching the demon's face in.

    Before she started giving herself ideas though, she muttered something about needing air, and quickly left the office. Fine. Let the demon handle whatever the hell it was he was handling. She would have her revenge later, and at least she didn't have to suffer the stench any longer either. She worked to calm herself down once she was outside the building. Since no one was around -or no one who would see her reactions and care- she allowed herself to once more glare at everyone around her as she had when she had first been dropped here. The first thing she did though was a little more violent....

    Leilah left a fist sized dent in the wall of the apartment building.
    October 15th, 2013 at 04:39am
  • Yuurei.

    Yuurei. (100)

    United States
    ( XD okay~ )

    A huge pressure lifted off his shoulder, and he realized very quickly that the angel had left their immediate presence. He sighed, wanting to take in a huge breath but refraining to do so to save his nose from the after effects that it would cause. He may be in a human's body, but his senses were still much stronger than the average person's, and his tolerance wasn't that high.

    "Even so," the man said as they began working out the details, "I can't move in ya in today. Tomorrow is the earliest I can do. Have 'ta inspect the place first," he grumbled, obviously thinking it was a tedious task that wasn't worthy of his time. It didn't matter to Rennyn. He'd be hopefully spending much more time with his human pet and her little one. In any case, it gave him an excuse to look up quietly at Della.

    He didn't need to say anything. His sad eyes spoke for him, and he had Della melting in his palm.

    Oh man, would the feather-head be pissed when she heard this one!
    October 15th, 2013 at 04:59am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    @ Yuurei.

    After having hit the will, something that shouldn't have hurt in the least, Leilah noticed the distinct throbbing in her knuckles. Apparently her glamour, her human form, really couldn't take half of what she really could. She resolved to hide the swollen knuckles from the demon though, knowing it would only give him pleasure, and soon she had headed inside again. No one actually needed to know what exactly she had done after all.... And so that was how she ended up pacing the ground floor of the apartment building, mind running through everything that had happened so far -and then what could happen in the future. With the way things were going, she wasn't even certain of anything anymore. For all she knew, she could turn up dead tomorrow, even if she didn't actually think that would exactly happen.

    Then she felt it. The distinct of the demon's presence; and she stopped her pacing, turning to look. Della was with him, smiling, but he was what caught her attention -him and that damnable, self satisfied smirk. She knew right then that not everything had gone just like she had thought it would. Inwardly she groaned, while outwardly she was sure to hide her right hand -the one that had hit the wall- and tipped her head at the two. "So, brother dear, do we have an apartment?" She questioned.

    Della decided to pipe up then, still smiling. Obviously she was happy with whatever had happened. "Mr. Kress couldn't move you two in right away. He needs at least a day's notice so he can inspect the apartment and all," she began to explain. Leilah fought to make sure she didn't show any outside reaction though she knew what the woman was going to say next and she dreaded it. The demon had found a way to be close to his intended prey after all...
    That night, to escape being around the demon, if only for a while, Leilah got a shower. She came out fully clothed and hair wet. She had momentarily given up on keeping Rennyn away from the mother and daughter, especially since, for the night at least, they had taken up residence in their apartment. When Della had offered them the queen sized bed to share, because they were siblings, Leilah blatantly refused, only bothering to hide most of her displeasure. "You take your bed; we wouldn't want to kick you out. We can sleep in the living room," she added, disguising the real reason the thought abhorred her. Actually, what she meant by they could take the living room was that she would sleep on the couch and the demon could either use the floor or maybe a chair. It wasn't exactly the sort of punishment she would ideally give out to him, but under the circumstances it would do.
    October 15th, 2013 at 05:16pm
  • Yuurei.

    Yuurei. (100)

    United States
    And he was right. She hid it fairly well to begin, but as things just got better and better Rennyn could tell she was ready to kill him. Maybe even the humans as well if it weren't her job to protect them. He wondered how far the angel would follow him. If he had them on the road to hell, would she try to pull them out?

    Even as the various ideas flooded his mind he knew it would probably be a long time before he could reel this haul in. It was a lot for a first-timer, and even an experienced demon would have a hard time. He imagined they were all laughing at him down there, waiting for him to fuck it up, guessing what would happen next. He was living with an angel now, after all, he imagined it couldn't get much funnier.

    That being said before Della offered them the bed. And while he would have rather slept on something nice and comfortable, he was glad that the angel refused and came up with an excuse. Rennyn didn't think he would be able to. He was a selfish demon, and when comforts were offered, how could he refuse such hospitality.

    But now he was obviously facing the floor. Leilah looked like she was already going to nest on the couch, and she wasn't going to let him anywhere near her--not that he wanted to be, he would rather sleep on the roof honestly but he thought that might be strange. So when Della brought out pillows and blankets, he threw all of his on the floor willingly, without needing to be told. If he was going to have to stay there, he wasn't going to give the angel the pleasure of thinking she'd made him do it.

    To make a worse situation better, he decided to set up a fort. He figured the kid would love it, and it gave his hands something to do. He also figured it would earn him cuteness points with the mom. Moms liked cute, and forts were totally cute. He was going to be the son Della always wanted, even if he was a little older than he'd need to be for that role.

    It was going to be a damn good fort, though.
    October 15th, 2013 at 08:55pm
  • Yuurei.

    Yuurei. (100)

    United States
    (I don't feel like I added much in that one, sorry XD)
    October 15th, 2013 at 08:56pm
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    @ Yuurei.
    (Haha, it's no problem at all. ^-^ besides, I've been busy today and hardly got a chance to even look at this)

    Leilah ha actually come out of the showier to find the demon working on something with various blankets and sheets and pillows. She frowned as she stopped and watched for a moment. What he was thinking, or doing, was completely beyond her. It was also sickening how easily he fell in with the humans and acted like one of them. She didn't think either Della or Abby liked her much, and she couldn't even exactly bring herself to care. There may be certain areas where she had to pretend for the sake of the fabrication she'd created, but that was about the extent of it. Aside from acting at least a little friendly, she realized she was moody and sullen. Her only goal was to get the demon away from the family though so she didn't actually see a reason to act otherwise.

    Still, she had to wonder what he was playing at. He could've so easily claimed her words a lie back in the park -it was obvious he'd had at least some of the woman's trust. Yet he didn't, and he'd gone ahead with what she had been saying. She would've thought that he would want to be as far away from her as she did from him.

    Leilah brooded over this as she moved to the couch, sitting at the edge. Della had gone into the bathroom with Abby shortly after she had exited, so her daughter could get a bath, and she had a good half hour alone with the demon. So, that was how she found herself perched on the back of the couch, damp hair falling about her shoulders. She had on a tank top and shorts, leaning forward with her arms on her knees as she considered the demon as he worked. Finally, "What game are you playing with me?" She kept her voice down so as not to be overheard by the humans. "I know you don't want to be around me any more than I want to be around you, yet at the park you went along with that little story. You could've called out my lie and ruined every chance I had of getting you away from these humans, but you didn't. Instead, you're pretending we're siblings, knowing we would be stuck living together." Her eyes were narrowed as she watched him closely, and she even decided to give him a warning after a moment. "So that leads me to believe something's going on, and don't try to say otherwise. I'm not stupid.
    October 16th, 2013 at 02:23am
  • Yuurei.

    Yuurei. (100)

    United States
    @ miki-nevermore

    (I came up with an interesting idea in my lit class today so I'm excited to at some point incorporate it~ probably won't be for a bit yet though since we just started)

    When Leilah reentered the room, Rennyn ignored her. He didn't like her, but he would eventually need to find some way to get her down to hell with him. That meant trickery, or trust, and he couldn't do either of those without somehow getting into her head. That didn't mean he wanted to talk to her though, so when she finally spoke up, he let the groan of protest stay hidden in his throat and continued messing with the pillows and blankets. He'd pulled a decent sized, sturdy one from off the armchair and he was now trying to figure out how he could use it to hold everything together. He began trying to build off the side of the couch.

    "Right now, I'm not playing with you," Rennyn finally answered after a few moments of silence, "I'm playing with this fort because it's a lot more fun than you are, miss grumpy-wings," he said childishly. He'd be lying if he said he didn't find his own antics amusing, and he was really starting to think this acting thing was fun. He didn't question why all the humans wanted to be famous actors. He figured if he were one of those celebrities, he'd deserve an award.

    "And your intelligence is debatable," he added as an afterthought. His fort was getting more sturdy and usable now, and he believed he'd really come into a talent here, albeit a useless one. Though Abby would like it, he thought. Kids liked dumb things like this.
    October 16th, 2013 at 02:42am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    @ Yuurei.
    (Wanna share? And sorry it's taken me this long to reply. I had to read the first three chapters of a book for English)

    Damn demon. He was messing with her. She honestly didn't care how grumpy and "not fun" he thought she was, but he refused to admit to the little game he was playing, and he'd insulted her intelligence. Leilah's jaw clenched, her fists as well, though she winced at the pain that shot through her right hand. Maybe she'd done more damage to it than previously suspected. She was careful to hide it all the same though.

    Once again, she became rather quiet as he continued with his childish project. She had to come up with some way to get answers out of this demon if all he wanted to do was go about with his antics. They both knew what he was planning with the humans -there was only one reason a demon would make such an effort. She all but accepted the fact that she'd been left to her own devices and wouldn't be gaining any outside help as well. She wasn't sure if this demon was some sort of test or simply a coincidence. Couldn't he have been less childish though?

    And then he had a thought. What if she somehow got him to trust her? What if she fabricated some story and for him close enough for him to make some error? She could snap up the chance in an instant, get rid of him somehow, save the humans, and then she would be home and a full archangel. Just the idea of what could possibly go right from this awful situation had her in a better mood though she was careful to disguise it.

    "Well, shouldn't you be grumpy too?" She muttered in response to what he'd been saying to her. She would start with small and half truths to begin with, working into the lies and deceit. She let out an audible sigh. "I don't even want to be here," she continued in a grumble. "Apparently to be an archangel you have to complete a mission on earth or something like that. They just dropped me here, with nothing, and disabled my ability to get back. So I'm stuck, without a clue how to get back." She sharpened her gaze on him. "And you just had to screw things up. Not to mention you piss me off on principle without even trying to begin with." She shook her head, waiting for a reaction. She wasn't quite sure what to expect, but she knew she would adapt based on his reactions whenever she would talk to him and even if she didn't get it right this time, she would eventually.
    October 16th, 2013 at 03:08am
  • Yuurei.

    Yuurei. (100)

    United States
    @ miki-nevermore

    (I want to get them to a church, first. And then later, comparatively, a satanic cult. It'd be really interesting to have that contrast, and for them both to have that experience of humans believing in opposing ideas.)

    Perfect! It really looked like a fort, now. Fort Demon! ...he decided he needed to stop now before he actually turned into a child and scooted away from the thing (he was determined to sleep inside since he'd spent all the effort making it). Leilah began speaking again, seeming to be rather bitter, whether at her situation, at Rennyn, or both he wasn't sure. Probably both.

    It seemed like she was in a more talkative mood now, at least. She was probably already reaching a breaking point. He had no delusions that she was confiding in him though. At the very most she just needed a vent, and he was the only one around that she would even be allowed to speak truthfully with. Everything else was human or inanimate. Or not responding, he thought with a laugh.

    "Initially I was not happy either," he responded, deciding to go along with this whole 'confessional' thing she had going. "Humans are quite frankly disgusting, but I think I am beginning to enjoy it, despite having to be in your presence." He leaned against the now pillowless arm chair and grinned at the frustrated angel, feeling like he was in a much better position than her. "It actually sounds like I am the only luck you've encountered," he continued, "I could be that mission you're looking for, after all." Not really knowing how hard he'd just hit the nail on the head, Rennyn wasn't really concerned with whether or not he was giving her ideas. He had no intention to lose to her, and he had confidence in his ability. "Though if I were you, I would be feeling rather hopeless. It's much easier to corrupt a human than to save one. All humans have sin, it doesn't take much to bring that out in them."
    October 16th, 2013 at 03:25am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    @ Yuurei.
    (I think that definitely would be interesting. I'm not sure how Rennyn would react, but Leilah would be completely appalled)

    The demon didn't seem very talkative still... Leilah had started to become a little worried at the demon's continued silence when he finally broke it. Oh, she didn't believe for an instance that she was getting to him yet; that would require time, and while she didn't have much patience usually, she would be forcing patience upon herself where this issue was concerned. It was either that or go completely insane and possibly attempt to try and strangle the demon in his sleep-

    Wait. Why wasn't that a good idea again? Oh yeah, he had the humans on his side, and that didn't actually guarantee her getting home. She was stranded here, and had no idea when or how to get back. Even if she did manage to kill the demon, things still wouldn't bode well for her. It would actually likely cause a bigger pain in her ass than he already was. Damn, and she thought for a moment she'd been onto something...

    "Oh, I'm completely hopeless," she rolled her eyes. "I must be the first angel you've ever met." she shook her head a little with a sigh. "And don't worry; as soon as I recognized a demon nearby, I immediately thought about my chance to get back. I have absolutely zero desire to be here. You did a fantastic job of ruining my plan though, thank you very much. I'll figure out some way to keep you from getting their souls though, eventually. It's only a matter of time honestly." She was disgusted by his easy demeanor and how joyful and positively calm he seemed to be in their situation though. Still..

    She found herself leaning on her arms, which rested on her knees, staring at him. "So, with all the plan you have going on, I'm sure the last thing you need is an angel hanging around," she continued with her train of thought, staring at him intently. "I mean, I'm a potential danger to your mission or whatever you call it. I could find some way to get them out from under your thumb. So my question for you -why did you go along with my story at the park, knowing this would end up happening?" She paused, knowing he wouldn't be likely to actually her question, and she spent a moment in thought, allowing him to consider her words. Then, she took a small breath, having an idea. "I'll even make you a deal. I'll trade you a piece of information you want for your truthful answer to my question," she offered. Demon deals usually involved blood, she knew, and she wondered how enticing a deal with an angel would be to him.

    Leilah sat back and waited for his decision.
    October 16th, 2013 at 03:39am
  • Yuurei.

    Yuurei. (100)

    United States
    @ miki-nevermore

    (I got all excited thinking about how they would react XD I know, I'm strange. Also, sorry I had to make dinner~)

    Rennyn leaned forward, hanging off her words. He figured he'd get some insight to how she thought and a better feel for her character if he actually listened to her, and her intentions. He only became more interested when she mentioned a deal. He would have considered answering her to begin with, though there was always a twistable line between the truth and a lie, and being a demon, he knew how to twist truths rather well. He wasn't worried about giving her information, but for a demon, deals always meant profit in some way or another. It was a win-win.

    He grinned, showing off one unfortunately very human, fang. "You want to make a deal," he taunted, very curious now. "I'd love to make a deal with you, but are you sure you want to do that?" Deals with demons were dangerous, even angels knew that. No, especially angels knew that. It was dangerous not only to their wellbeing, but to their position.
    October 16th, 2013 at 03:56am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    @ Yuurei.
    (don't worry; I'm strange too ^_^ and no problem! It's all good Mr. Green)

    Leilah knew the instant she had caught the demon's attention with the offer of a deal by the way his eyes lit up. Of course she had been warned how very dangerous it was to make deals with demons. It was how humans ended up selling their souls and ending up in hell -which was the very thing she was actually attempting to keep Della and Abby from doing. Angels were afraid though, afraid they would mess up somehow or what consequences they may incur. And humans were stupid. They hadn't the slightest idea what they were getting into and let the demon create the deal. The demon would always know what loopholes they could follow, while the humans would be trapped. She planned on being sufficiently smarter than this.

    "That all depends on how cooperative you plan on being," Leilah responded. "Unlike humans, I know what I'm getting into. So, you'll let me make the stipulations, and what I'll offer will be harmless to where you can't use it against me." She paused, watching him, before she allowed herself to continue.

    "The deal I am proposing is that you truthfully answer the question I just asked. All of it. You aren't to leave out a detail that I've requested, or be evasive. In turn, I'll answer a question of your choosing. I won't answer just any question though," she was careful to warn. "If it exposes what I believe a secret of Heaven and the angels, or a question whose answer betrays my morals, then I have the right to offer you no answer." She paused, wondering if she had covered all of her bases with this. She wanted to make sure she was completely certain before she condemned herself to this deal. "I believe that's it. Just a trade of information," she finally concluded.
    October 16th, 2013 at 04:07am
  • Yuurei.

    Yuurei. (100)

    United States
    His grin widened. Honestly, it was an uneven trade. He knew this, but he didn't really care. It was an interesting turn of events, and any demon would think the same. He knew some were easy to sway or trick with the prospect of a deal, it was many-a-demon's undoing in fact, but Rennyn liked to think of himself as capable enough to turn the tables in the event of any unfortunate scenario. This deal would not hurt him, regardless of what the angel asked of him.

    "Then you will be willing to make a deal of blood?" it was a little disappointing, in this human form. A blood deal could not physically hurt the angel while he was in this state, so it was really just a binding seal. Neither could break it if it came to be. Not only was he interested in this deal of her's, but he felt this could only help him in the long run. If he was honest with her, he didn't expect instant best-friend status, but it certainly gave him points. At least, in his book it did. He liked to think his good karma book was actually filled more than the angel's. It was an ironic idea, and he quite enjoyed irony.

    He held his hand out to her. If she chose to accept it, then he would initiate the blood deal. It would be painful in the general sense, as it required physical harm to both deal-maker's palms in order to obtain the blood, but it was only superficial. Unfortunately.
    October 16th, 2013 at 04:23am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    @ Yuurei.
    (I just started laughing at that last paragraph. "Unfortunately" XD)

    Leilah realized of course how the deal more favored her getting her answers rather than the demon getting some he might be curious about, but she had fully expected him to take it anyway. For some reason, demons were really big about their deals, though for the life of her she couldn't understand. And as long as she was making the stipulations, she could make sure nothing went awry, so she saw no fault in this. It seemed he was sufficiently interested as well, which helped.

    "There's another kind of deal?" she raised her eyebrows at him, fairly certain there wasn't. She didn't know everything there was to know about demons though, so it wouldn't surprise her if there turned out to be other forms. Still, she found herself hesitating a moment as he stuck out his hand towards her. It was mostly the fact that his very aura made her feel sick honestly, nothing more, and she quickly pushed past it and clapsed his hand. Too late, she realized that she had given him her right hand. Shit. She favored her right hand and it was natural to use it to shake someone's hand, so she had naturally completely forgotten about the incident with the wall, and found herself glaring at the hand for a long moment.

    "Anyway, lets just get on with this. I'm not sure how much longer those two are going to be in the bathroom, and I'm fairly certain neither of us wants them coming out and finding us cutting our palms," she said, the words almost rushing out. She didn't want to give the demon a chance to take in the swollen, still throbbing knuckle, and possibly say something. She didn't want to see how happy he would be that he had driven her to punch a wall so hard as to possibly have fractured the bones -all thanks to the pathetic glamour she was forced to use here- and certainly didn't want to give him a chance to comment.
    October 16th, 2013 at 04:34am