Philyan Family Secrets

  • @ castiel's vessel
    Actually, no. I have no idea whatsoever XD I know our main plot and all, but I just don't know where we should begin..
    December 20th, 2013 at 02:14am
  • @ miki-kat
    It could be a sort of introduction to the royal court and such? Like, we could start in June so nothing is happening other than their parents still shielding the five of them from as much of court life as they can because of the curses, so maybe a normal day in Adaline's life but at the end she could stumble or something and a maid/servant in the house that she has never touched before steadies her because she's about to fall and she sees their death?
    December 20th, 2013 at 02:31am
  • @ castiel's vessel
    An introduction sounds about right. I was thinking Adaline would probably most of the time were gloves or some such though, so that she won't have to worry about keeping away from people so much. Maybe she has them off and ends up seeing something anyway? It could be the end of the chapter... also, how long were you imagining chapters? In co-authoring I've been asked to do around 500 words, and I've gone anywhere between that and a little over 4,000 per chapter.
    December 20th, 2013 at 02:44am
  • @ miki-kat
    Gloves sound good, not to mention sensible. Maybe one could have been ripped and she's on her way to her chamber to get a new pair and because one's ripped she isn't wearing any so that's how come she's gloveless and is able to see a death? I don't want to set a minimum on chapters because I feel that sometimes chapters can't be 1000 words without it being ruined, but generally over 500 words would be the best. Any more than that is great, and 4000 words is pretty grand as well. Just write as much as you feel you can for the chapter and that's all that matters.
    December 20th, 2013 at 03:03am
  • @ castiel's vessel
    Yeah, that sounds good! And okay. Some people are a bit weird, so I just wanted to check up on that. I don't generally have a set limit on chapters for myself; like I said, it ranges. Also, would this be first person or third? I do both, though most people only do one or the other. I'm a bit weird in that perspective too. Usually I decide depending on the feel of the story XD
    December 20th, 2013 at 03:10am
  • @ miki-kat
    I also feel that third person, past tense is better for stories that have more than one author, although sometimes two authors can make first person work, but four? Definitely not. So stick with third person, past tense.
    December 20th, 2013 at 03:21am
  • @ castiel's vessel
    Okay, awesome! My longer, more detailed chapters come from third person anyhow. I should be able to start on the chapter tomorrow, just so you know. It's about 8 at night here, and I don't feel like staying up til midnight writing when I just got all settled down. So yeah; tomorrow I'll start. Anything else I should be aware of or anything before I start? Because depending on how much I do or don't get into it, it might be ready within four hours of me starting
    December 20th, 2013 at 03:24am
  • @ miki-kat
    That's great then. So you're about six hours behind me as it's currently twenty to three in the morning here. XD But I don't think there's anything else to say other than we just need to work out the title and summary as I've got a layout already done. As it's late here, I'm not going to start the chapter outline on the first post but tomorrow I'll put yours in and then ask the others about theirs so we can try and plot this out chapter by chapter to see how far we're taking this story.
    December 20th, 2013 at 03:37am
  • @ castiel's vessel
    Oh my gosh, I would be dead to the world if it was 2:30 xD or heads would be rolling... that's always an option. Anyway, yeah, we can work on that stuff tomorrow XD and hopefully someone else besides us two will have posted by then too and offered something up! I'm so excited for this story by the way XD
    December 20th, 2013 at 03:41am
  • @ miki-kat
    I'm normally up until 3am so I'm used to it. XD The outline for this is something that I feel really needs to be done properly between the four of us because we're incorporating a war in and their father finally trying to loosen the restraints around them, not to mention the investigation into their curses so that's quite a bit to go over. Also I love being really organised so not planning it out really irks me. Facepalm And yes, hopefully one of the other two will have posted something by the morning, maybe even an outline of what they're thinking of doing for their first chapter. I'm really excited for this as well because I've had the idea for a while but have never had the time to do it just myself and putting the post in the joint stories thread was a whim because I honestly didn't think anyone would be interested in it but I was proved wrong! OMGYES
    December 20th, 2013 at 03:48am
  • @ castiel's vessel
    Yeah; now there's three other authors! I'm hoping this story is going to be realy good; which I have the feeling it will be ^_^
    I feel like this story might have some tragic ending though... it seems like that sort of story to me... I don't know. I'm not even sure what I'm thinking honestly >_<" Just, I have that vibe...
    December 20th, 2013 at 03:51am
  • @ miki-kat
    Tragedy is something I have a thing with, where I can't seem to not navigate towards it. And if I'm honest, I had a thought that the mother had to die in order to free the five from their curse which would, of course, be a tragedy. XD But it was just a thought and not at all an idea put forward.
    December 20th, 2013 at 03:57am
  • @ castiel's vessel
    heh. I guess we'll just see which direction we're taken. For all we know, the whole family might somehow be annihilated -sorry, on a computer without spell check >_> so I don't know if that's spelled correctly. But yeah... we just have to see ^_^
    December 20th, 2013 at 04:04am
  • @ Properly Improper
    @ Jamie is my boobear

    Do you guys have an outline for your first chapters?
    December 20th, 2013 at 03:29pm
  • @ Jamie is my boobear
    @ Properly Improper
    @ miki-kat

    Anyone have any title ideas? All I can think of is The Philyan Curse, which is terrible in itself and the title is vital to be able to get this up and running.
    December 21st, 2013 at 04:18am
  • @ castiel's vessel
    I honestly don't know... What about "The Cursed Throne", just to throw something out there...
    December 21st, 2013 at 04:24am
  • @ miki-kat

    I really like The Cursed Throne!!

    @ castiel's vessel

    I was thinking for my first chapter it would just be an intro for the twins. I think I'll also have them in the town in the beginning, hurrying back to the castle for some ball that's happening. Then they'll be getting ready and looking for their siblings, and happen to hear their father talking to their mother about an impending war? That could be the way all the kids find out, because Emmy freaks and runs to tell her siblings.
    December 21st, 2013 at 09:18am
  • @ Properly Improper
    @ miki-kat

    The Cursed Throne sounds good!

    And maybe the father is just discussing rising conflict which he fears will incite war as peace doesn't seem to be working. And that could be what Emmy hears and tells.
    December 21st, 2013 at 02:32pm
  • @ Properly Improper @ castiel's vessel

    I'm glad you guys like it! It was honestly just something off the top of my head XD
    December 21st, 2013 at 04:58pm
  • @ miki-kat
    @ Properly Improper

    Alright, so I'll make a story body when I get on my laptop and add you guys as authors. And I'll start making the outline up for reference.
    December 21st, 2013 at 05:20pm