Your Nightmare Comes To Life.

  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    @ RavenArtist93
    Did you get this reply? I've been posting from my phone and don't know if this stuff is going through, just want to make sure
    September 28th, 2014 at 06:01am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ foREVerYours.

    (Oh my, it didn't send the reply! D: I'm sorry :C)


    "I love you too, Matt," I whispered, turning over so that we both faced each other on our sides while still remaining to lie down under the sheets, "You are truly amazing."

    Matt smirked, "Oh that's not are the most amazing person...and don't deny it," he murmured as my fingers trailed over his jawline, "Even when you lose all your hair, I will still love you."

    I giggled weakly, "When I go bald, you are still going to be there? You are still gonna wanna screw me good like before...and embrace me like right now?"

    "Fuck!" I seethed in the most low tone that I could without causing attention to Jackson downstairs, my seed spilling into her violently as my entire body spasmed before collapsing on top of her, "Fuck..."

    Reluctantly grabbing the scarf around her mouth, I yank it down and press my lips to hers, "I hope you liked that baby...because fuck, that was hot," I chuckled, "I'm surprised I was able to hold my obnoxious noise in," I breathed with heavy pants, "You never cease to amaze me, Kaylyn. You are still fucking amazing as ever..."
    September 28th, 2014 at 06:46am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    @ RavenArtist93
    (It's fine Mr. Green )


    Once Brian removed the scarf from my mouth and I felt his lips on mine, I smiled. "That was amazing." I said softly, "It's a good thing you stayed quiet or else Jackson would have heard."

    The last thing we needed was to have him over hear us. I let my head rest on his chest for a moment before I spoke again, "Do you really think we should have another baby? Especially trying right now?" I asked, looking up at him, "I mean, I want another baby, but is it a good idea?"

    "Cynthia, you could be completely bald and it wouldn't change how much I love you. I know that you're going to need all the love and affection I can give, so you're going to get it." I told her honestly, pressing my lips to hers.

    Looking into her eyes, I smiled, "There's not a single thing that could change how I feel about you after all these years. You're always going to be the only woman I love." I said before kissing her forehead.
    September 28th, 2014 at 06:55am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ foREVerYours.


    "I would hope I would be the only woman you love," I smirked lightly, running my hands up his bare chest that was colored in some tattoo work that I absolutely still loved, "Otherwise your nuts are going to need some therapy."

    Matt winced at the thought and pulled me closer to him, "Don't mention that, that sounds horribly painful."

    I couldn't help but laugh at his priceless reaction, "But its true. If I see your hands on another woman, that girl is going to need some crutches and your hand is going up your ass. Got it?" I giggled.

    The statement really got to me when Kaylyn mentioned it: Do we seriously need another baby?

    Is Jackson going to be able to handle and be responsible with a new brother or sister?

    Letting out a long breath, I twirl my fingers in her vibrant hair and smiled at her, "It will be a bit difficult with Jackson getting closer to 18, I'll give you that. But honestly, maybe that boy needs a little responsibility and learning of heart. He is a great kid...but having a new baby might straighten him out to reality. Who knows, it could be the best thing to do for us," I grinned.
    October 2nd, 2014 at 01:19am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    @ RavenArtist93

    Listening to Brian talk, I knew he had a point, but I just couldn't seem to shake how nervous I was about bringing another child into the world.

    "I guess Jackson could use some responsibility, but I feel like since he's almost eighteen now, he's not going to want anything to do with the baby because there's such a huge age difference between the two of them...."
    Hearing her words, I quickly shook my head, how could Cynthia ever think I would cheat on her of all people?

    "Baby girl, you know that you're the only one I will ever want or need, no one even comes close to you." I told her, pressing my lips to the side of her head.

    "I promise that if you ever catch me cheating, you have every right to do whatever you want to me."
    October 2nd, 2014 at 02:24pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ foREVerYours.

    (Sorry...I been having massive blocks with this RP lately. I don't know what to post D: I'm out of ideas...)


    "Good," I smile, slowly transitioning it to a frown when I felt nausea hit me, "Be right back."

    Matt eyed me strangely but I instantly got out of bed and placed my robe on before heading to the bathroom. Once I entered our bathroom, I flipped the toilet seat and puked my guts out. The pain was horrible as the vomit burned my throat and poured into the toilet bowl. I coughed violently after I was finished, tears hitting my eyes from how much worse it has been getting.

    "Fuck I hate this..." I sighed, a few tears flowing down my cheeks as I heard Matt's footsteps come towards me.

    "Yeah it's understandable when you put it that way," I nodded slowly, letting out a breath of air of what the hell to do, "I mean...that's the thing. I'm a little nervous for when he hits 18 in just a few years. It's going to be nothing but trouble and it will only worsen when he is 21..."

    "Why you say that?" Kaylyn wondered.

    I sighed, "Because....21 is legal drinking age and...I'm afraid he's going to take a huge bad advantage of that. I don't want him to become a drunk like me."
    October 9th, 2014 at 01:49am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ foREVerYours.
    Not sure if you got this or not lol.
    I sent this when Mibba had bad glitches.
    Just want to check, love :P
    October 17th, 2014 at 03:39am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    @ RavenArtist93

    (Sorry, I've been really busy)


    Hearing Brian's words, I sighed softly, "Brian, you need to give him just a little bit of confidence...maybe he'll know better..." I said, not believing my own words, I knew better, Jackson was exactly like Brian, in almost every way and that was terrifying.

    Running a hand through my hair, I looked over at him, "I just hope he can find a good girl to keep him level, I mean, that was all you really needed." I said with a small smile, moving closer to him and sighing, "We have to let the kid make his own mistakes."

    As soon as Cynthia got up and ran to the bathroom, a sigh left my lips. I got up from my spot and walked over to the bathroom, waiting by the door, I didn't want to bother her. Walking into the bathroom, I watched as she got up and pulled her into my arms.

    "It's going to be okay, everything will work itself out...I'm just sorry you have to go through all this..." I told her honestly, pressing my lips to her forehead, trying to hold back the tears that were forming in my eyes. I hated seeing her so miserable and tired.
    October 26th, 2014 at 09:59pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ foREVerYours.

    (It's fine hun :) I been busy too lol)


    "Don't be sorry Matt," I sniffed, wiping some tears that were already forming more in my eyes, "It isn't your fault... It's nobody's fault. Shit like this just seems to happen."

    Leaving his grasp to go to the sink to brush my teeth, I grab the toothbrush and toothpaste while looking at him in the mirror, "Like you said, we will get through this...okay?"

    "Okay," he nodded, the tears building up in his eyes still evident that it made my heart ache painfully.

    After brushing my teeth real quick, I turn around and face him with my hands on his cheeks, "I love you, Matt..."

    "Yeah, the woman's touch really helped me through," I chuckled, "And that is no joke either. You really picked me up and realize how much life was meaningful, even when it was the shittiest it could have ever been."

    "I mean after all, he does have a thing for Angel," Kaylyn smiled, "We are only as close friends to Matt and Cynthia. And I know that I can see Jackson falling for Angel by how they are always with each other."

    "That I can truly see too," I smirked, "They are the double-trouble duo when they hook up."
    November 2nd, 2014 at 04:16pm
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    @ RavenArtist93


    A soft giggle escaped my lips as I thought about Jackson and Angel, "Could you imagine the two of them ending up together? They're enough trouble with them being just friends."

    "Oh the two of them would be the cutest couple and Jackson would do anything to protect her and I wish they would just realize their feelings for each other." I laughed softly, thinking that the two of them would be perfect.

    "I love you too, baby girl." I told her softly, pressing my lips to the side of her head. Just thinking about everything that was going on now, I wanted to make sure everything would be taken care of.

    Gently wrapping my arms around her, I sighed softly, "I was thinking about Angel, you know, there's a possibility that her and Jackson could end up together? Could you imagine that?" I laughed.
    November 2nd, 2014 at 11:18pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ foREVerYours.

    (Mind if we skip a head in time to the part where Cynthia collapses and is in the point of possibly dying from the disease? Like maybe several months ahead with no hair on her head and seemed to be doing okay until it makes a turn for the worst?)
    November 8th, 2014 at 02:13am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    @ RavenArtist93
    (Sure, go for it.)
    November 8th, 2014 at 03:33am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ foREVerYours.

    (Sweet. Just wanted your permission that's all LOL)

    **Several Months Later**


    It was a big day for us: Jackson's 16th Birthday.

    We all knew that meant trouble. But it was even more at ease when I started to feel a lot better, despite having cancer, which seemed to be fading by my results, and unfortunately, I still had no hair on my head. So pretty much all the time, I would wear a scarf around it or something to make it look decent. I would always be self-conscious but Matt always made it better for me.

    I owe him so much with my life.

    "You know you are going to be in for it, right? 16 is a bitch of an age," I told Kaylyn as we sat across from each other at one of the tables outside, our eyes on Jackson, Angel, and their friends who began screwing around with some type of weird sport.

    "Your wife seems to be doing better," I told Matt as he began grilling more burgers for the people to eat, "And you really don't have to cook for us. I easily could do this," I chuckled.

    "Nah, I need something to do while I let Cynthia have her time with Kaylyn," Matt smiled, "And yes, Cynthia is looking and feeling better. She lately has been...looking healthier and happier. I am doing what I can, along with the wonderful doctor we have."

    "Well you and the doctor are doing all you can," I nodded, "Cancer is a true killer...and Cynthia seems to be a true fighter."
    November 8th, 2014 at 03:43am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    @ RavenArtist93


    "Oh I'm sure Jackson is going to cause more trouble, he's already outdoing Brian..." I sighed softly, knowing that Jackson was growing into a young man, "But, he's been mellowing out just a bit since he's been spending more time with Angel."

    I glanced over at the group of kids and let a sigh out, "I'm starting to feel like I'm getting old, Jackson doesn't want anything to do with me anymore...I haven't seen any other girls around though, I think he really likes Angel..."

    "She's fighting like hell, of course Angel is doing everything she can to help out around the house and she seems like she's been on her best behavior lately..we're getting through it, slowly but it's working..." I said softly.

    I was cooking to give Cynthia some more time with Kaylyn, hoping they would have some nice bonding time. The kids were having a great time together, along with their friends, "Today's being a good day so far..."
    November 8th, 2014 at 04:30am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ foREVerYours.


    "That's great then," I grinned, sipping my beer as I saw Cynthia walk inside, "She's still...a bit too thin though. That radiation therapy really took it down quite a bit, along with the cancer itself."

    "Yeah," Matt sighed, "Cynthia would bring that up sometimes but I immediately try to make her feel more confident. I'm sure her hair will grow back instantly once the chemo is done with."

    I swallowed hard, "Have you...ever checked if this cancer has passed on in her past family? Just curious because I just...want to be cautious for Angel's sake."

    "If he does, then I would have no problem with it," I smiled in all honesty, "Of course, I would be on their butt about how they would be 'spending time' together, along with Matt. God, you better watch out for your son if they date because Matt would be on him like a hawk," I laughed.

    "No shit," Kaylyn chuckled.

    "Hey, I'll be right back, okay?" I told Kaylyn before heading over to the fridge inside to get a drink.

    It wasn't long until a huge wave of dizziness and a sudden throbbing in my head started to happen, causing me to groan in pain. I leaned against the wall and tried to maintain support. It felt and heard like a bunch of loud sirens blaring in my head with my eyes ready to blow out of their sockets.

    Heading to the fridge to try to get some water to wash this down, I tumble over to the counter, feeling my body become weaker.

    What the hell is happening??

    Unable to hold myself up any longer, I feel every muscle in my body give up as I collapse to the floor with a loud thud...and everything went black.
    November 8th, 2014 at 04:40am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    @ RavenArtist93


    "I haven't had the chance to ask yet, I was planning on asking at her next appointment." I told Brian, noticing after a few moments that Cynthia hadn't come back, I got up, "I'll be right back..." I walked into the house, "Cynthia??"

    Making my way into the kitchen, I stopped, "Shit! Cynthia!" I ran over, pulling her into my arms, grabbing my phone I called an ambulance, hoping that no one would come in right now.

    "Mom! Dad!" I looked over to see Jackson run out of the house, "Matt had to call an ambulance, Cynthia collapsed." He said lowly, not wanting everyone to freak out.

    I glanced over at Brian, seeing him go inside, "Jackson, you stay with Angel, make sure she's alright, okay?" He nodded quickly, "I'm gonna send everyone home, I don't want a crowd around right now, I just want to take care of Angel."

    Nodding, I watched as he got people to start leaving before going inside to help Brian and Matt.
    November 8th, 2014 at 04:52am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ foREVerYours.


    Running inside the house with my heart pounding against my ribcage and the feeling of nausea at the news I just heard, I enter the kitchen and see Matt on the floor with Cynthia in his arms, "What the heck happened?"

    "I-I don't know," Matt stuttered, my heart breaking at the tears that were building in his eyes and how Cynthia was just lying in his arms a corpse, "I came in here and found her on the floor. I-I don't know what happened...."

    Hearing everyone leave in a loud chatter and with agreement to Kaylyn's orders, I let out a sigh of relief that we could get some space for the ambulance to come in and all.

    "Mom???" I called out, the fear pulsing through me as Jackson followed up right by my side, soon seeing Dad holding Mom in his arms, "Dad...what's wrong with her? I thought the cancer was going away?"

    "Angel, I don't know if its the cancer, okay?" my dad responded, the anger and fear evident in his voice, "Please...let's just wait for an ambulance and pray she will be okay."

    Feeling the tears already fall, I clutch on to Jackson, wishing the ambulance would hurry up.

    Luckily, they came here several minutes later....

    What the hell happened to my mom??
    November 8th, 2014 at 04:58am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    @ RavenArtist93


    I didn't move from my spot until the EMT's had Cynthia on a stretcher and moved her to the ambulance. Following them quickly, I got in the ambulance, not wanting to leave Cynthia on her own.

    Before they closed the doors, I looked at Angel, "Stay with Jackson, you can come up to the hospital in a few hours, okay? I just need you to stay put right now..." With that, the doors closed and the ambulance drove to the hospital.

    I stayed back, letting Angel be by Cynthia and Matt until she came back to me and hold onto me, wrapping an arm around her, I pulled her close. "Everything is going to be okay..." I said softly, pressing a kiss to the side of her head.

    Once the ambulance was gone, I looked at her, "Angel, you should probably try and rest a little, your dad will call when your mom is stabilized..." I told her, hating seeing how upset she was, I just wanted to comfort her.
    November 8th, 2014 at 06:50am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ foREVerYours.

    **Hours Later...**


    I was glad that Matt permitted us to wait in the waiting room with him for comfort when the doctors and nurses were working on Cynthia's unknown condition. We had been waiting for over 3 hours and hoped by now that there would be answers. Matt was definitely not the same...neither was Kaylyn, who lied against my side with her hand in mine.

    "Family of Cynthia Sanders?" the nurse called out, in which we immediately got out of our seats and rushed to follow the nurse into Cynthia's room.

    Once we entered the room far down the hall, I could feel all of our hearts break into many pieces at the sight. Cynthia had tubes going in her mouth and arms with a heart monitor and...a mechanical ventilation, which was indeed a life support system. As the doctor approached us, I could immediately see the sorrow in his eyes that made Kaylyn quiver under my touch.

    "We tried everything we could," the doctor sighed, Matt's eyes already beginning to get watery at just the sound of how he talked, "Cynthia is not dead....but...unbelievably under our nose, the cancer spread to her brain rapidly, causing malfunction to a lobe that made her muscles fail and cause her entire body to collapse... We are doing everything we can right now...but...if this keeps up, she won't have long to live. I'm so sorry.."

    Lying against Jackson's chest at his room on his bed was enough to comfort me at the moment. I had kept my phone at the bed-stand the entire time since Dad has been gone. Knowing that he hasn't called yet made me very worried. But it was best not to interrupt him while things are getting figured out with Mom.

    God, I hope she is okay....because I can't live a world without her.

    "Thanks for being there for me, Jackson," I whispered, his fingers stroking my vibrant hair as I slowly lifted my head to look at his eyes, "It means a lot to me."

    Jackson smiled, "No problem, Angel... You mean everything to me..."

    After he said that, I knew that there wasn't any time to waste. Leaning my head in, I press my lips to his in a soft kiss before pulling away, "Sorry..."
    November 8th, 2014 at 02:54pm
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    @ RavenArtist93


    At those words, my heart broke, how could I lose my Cynthia? I knew she was fighting to keep herself alive, I couldn't bring myself to call Angel, she didn't need to see Cynthia like this right now.

    Looking at Brian and Kaylyn, I walked over, "What should I do? I know Angel is worried about Cynthia, but I don't think she'll be able to handle seeing her like this..."

    Feeling her lips against mine for the first time was amazing, "Angel, there's nothing to be sorry for..." I said softly, hoping that kiss meant some thing to her because it meant something to me.

    Leaning down, I gently kissed her lips again, giving it a few moments before pulling away, "I like you Angel, not just as a friend..."
    November 8th, 2014 at 03:51pm