Your Nightmare Comes To Life.

  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ foREVerYours.


    "Definitely do not tell Angel yet," I told Matt, my chest tightening at just the sight of Cynthia and how there is a chance she would not make it, "She...doesn't need this now. Let's wait a bit to call Angel... I think we should all sit down by Cynthia and actually physically be there for her as she rests..."

    Watching both Kaylyn and Matt nod, I let out long breath of this clusterfuck we suddenly got stuck into. I quickly took a seat across from the room, giving Matt a chance to be next to Cynthia.

    "Out of all people...why does this have to happen to her?" I ask out loud, holding Kaylyn beside me who I knew was crying against my shoulder.

    "Really? I really that meant to have someone like you, Jackson?" I asked in curiosity, knowing I was a total damn pain in the ass lately for the past couple of years to mom and dad, "Sometimes I blame myself for being so hard on mom that it could have brought stress hard enough to lead her to the beginning of cancer..."

    "No, don't say that," Jackson warned me, cupping my face in his hands, "None of this is your fault. In fact, it is nobody's fault at all. Please don't blame yourself... You are a good person...that tends to be a pain in the booty sometimes."

    I snorted a soft weak laugh, "I guess..." I sigh, wiping the tears away from my eyes, "But I worth it enough?"
    November 11th, 2014 at 09:21pm
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    @ RavenArtist93


    I nodded, sitting down next to Cynthia, not saying a word as I sat there.


    My head was resting on Brian's shoulder, tears streaming down my face. "It's not fair, she's been through so much already, just give the girl a break."


    "You don't have any reason to feel guilty, this isn't your fault." I told her, pressing my lips to the side of her head. I hated seeing her so upset and I didn't want to see her like this anymore.

    I made her look at me, "You are worth it, all the trouble, the stress, everything. Your mom and dad love you, even through everything. Just like my mom and dad love me after the hell I've put them through."
    November 11th, 2014 at 09:42pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ foREVerYours.

    (Sorry, I been in true chaos with replying to RPs because of school and work D:)


    "Matt?" I muttered, keeping my arm secured around Kaylyn as I let her cry it out while my own eyes watered up from the tears that were threatening to fall.

    "Yeah?" he responded in a very low tone, the pain even evident in that response.

    I frowned at how broken he was right now, "What if...this becomes Cynthia's last in she will be dying soon?"

    "Don't say that, Brian," Kaylyn begged, clenching her fists on the fabric of my shirt, "Don't fucking say that..."

    "I know, I know," I whispered, looking back at Matt, "But I'm just a what if... Like, how are we going to handle all of this?.. What if we have to make a funeral preparation?... And how are we going to tell Angel? I just...want to be ready for the worse, that's all..."

    "I don't know, Jackson," I sighed, feeling my heart ache even more, "I just...hate feeling this fucking shit...and have to know that my mom may be dying... I can't live a life without her. And dad certainly can't live his damn life without her either because she is everything to his heart, including me..."

    "Yeah," he sighed, holding me closer to him as he rubbed my back, "I hope they call soon..."

    "Me too," I sniffed, "I hate having to be so...stressed from anticipation... I just want to know if she is getting better...or not. I hope it isn't the second guess..."
    November 20th, 2014 at 05:57am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    @ RavenArtist93


    The last thing I needed at that moment was to hear Brian talking about making funeral preparations. I wasn't going to give up on Cynthia, not after all this time. She was everything to me, the only thing I had besides her was Angel, but I didn't think I'd be able to keep taking care of Angel on my own.

    "Honestly Brian, we'll cross that bridge when and if it comes. I would rather not spend these moments with my wife thinking about making arrangements for her funeral. She's strong and I know she's going to keep fighting through this." I stated, not ready to give up on her.

    I gently titled her head up, listening to her get so upset over this was making me worried, "Angel, I know it would be hard without your mom here, but you know she wouldn't want you to give up on your life. She would want you to live to your full potential and she knows that you and your dad have a strong support system."

    Gently running my fingers through her hair, I sighed softly, "I just, I don't want you to give up completely when it comes to her, your mom isn't going to give up easily and I know your dad will try and be strong just for you."
    November 20th, 2014 at 02:15pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ foREVerYours.

    **Hours Later**


    It was already getting very late at night and Dad still wasn't home. Jackson went back to his house so he wouldn't get his ass handed to him by his own mom and dad. Things seemed to be falling apart and honestly, I don't know if my heart can take it.

    Hearing the front door open and then close shut, I look over from the couch I lied on to see Dad walking in and placing his keys on the table, "Go to bed, Angel..." he whispered, his voice weak and cracking from pure sadness that was still evident.

    Frowning, I slowly stood up and crossed my arms over my chest, "N-Not until you tell me what's wrong... Where's mom...and is she alright?"

    "Dad? Is Cynthia going to be okay?" Jackson immediately asked me as I escorted Kaylyn back into the house and let her lie down on the sofa to get some rest, "Why is mom so...depressed?"

    I sighed, looking over at Jackson's worried gaze, "Son...Cynthia isn't doing too well... And I need you to promise me something."

    Jackson swallowed, "What?"

    I placed my hands on his shoulders and stared at his eyes, "Promise me you will watch over Angel while Matt tries to help with Cynthia's health and figure things out. And please...stay out of trouble... Can you do that for me?"
    November 25th, 2014 at 08:22am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    @ RavenArtist93


    The last thing I wanted to do when I got home explain all this to Angel. Seeing that she had stayed up for me, I sighed, "Angel, I really don't want to get into this right now. It's been a long day."

    For some reason I knew there was no getting out of this, Angel wanted to know, so I'd have to tell her, "Honestly, your moms not doing so well sweetheart. It's not looking so good..."

    Just listening to dad and seeing how upset mom was, I knew things were bad. "Dad, there's no way I'm going to give up on Angel, especially right now."

    I sighed, looking at him, "It's going to be difficult, but I'll have to work through it to keep her close to me."
    November 25th, 2014 at 07:48pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ foREVerYours.


    "What do you mean...? What's going on?" I asked, tears already threatening to build in my eyes by just the look on Dad's face, "Tell me..."

    "Angel..." Dad sighed, rubbing his hands over his face, "Please....I can't-"

    "Dad, you can't hide this from me forever," I acknowledged, walking up to him and placing my hand on his arm, "Please tell me...just so I'm not overly anxious to know the dreadful outcome of mom at the last minute if it happens... Please tell me... I can't take it anymore."

    Dad moved his hands from his face and looked over at me, his one hand gently resting against my shoulder, "A-Angel...your in the hospital because....the cancer...has her brain," he said slowly.

    I felt as if my heart stopped completely, "W-What?... No..." I shook my head, tears already falling.

    "Please do that, because when Matt tells Angel what happened, things will never be the same for her," I sighed, very worried in how Angel will react at school, "You need to do something truly responsible and mature, which is looking out for her safety and at times, helping around with Matt. I will help as well...but I suggest you put more responsibility and keep this family secured. Can you do that?"

    He nodded instantly but slowly as if he was very nervous over it, "I will, Dad. How...exactly has Cynthia gotten worse, if you don't mind asking?"

    I frowned, "Cynthia's cancer didn't get better. It...only got worse, much worse. It somehow was able to secretly spread to her brain, causing her to be on life support and in a deep coma... There is...75% chance of death...and the percentage will rise each passing week..."
    November 30th, 2014 at 10:12pm
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    @ RavenArtist93


    Seeing that this news was upsetting Angel even more, I started to get more upset with myself, how had I let this happen? I should have made sure there was no more chance of it spreading, but it was too late for my worrying.

    A sigh escaped my lips, "Angel, I'm sorry. The doctor was so sure he had stopped the cancer from spreading, but somehow it got to her brain..." I was starting to choke up, "B-but now they're telling me the chance of her surviving are getting worse..."

    This wasn't what I wanted to tell my daughter, but I had to, "Sweetheart, if you want to, tomorrow we can go to the hospital and you can see her...if you want to..."

    I stared at my dad, glancing over to see my mom walking to the kitchen, she didn't look like herself, she looked exhausted and emotionally drained. I looked back at dad and nodded, "I'm going to do everything I can to help Angel..."

    Something was starting to bother me though, "How did the doctors not catch the cancer spreading? Shouldn't they have done tests or something like that? Instead of just assuming it hadn't spread? They could have done more to prevent it, right?"
    November 30th, 2014 at 10:47pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ foREVerYours.


    I nodded quickly to Dad's request, the tears falling from my eyes, "Y-Yes I need to see her...."

    Dad smiled, tears dripping from his eyes as well, "Come here," he opened his arms, welcoming me into a comforting hug to calm us down just a bit, "We have to stay know that, right?"

    "Yes," I softly sobbed, holding on to Dad as if he were to disappear from my grasp completely, "I love you daddy... I just want mom okay... I want us to be happy again..."

    I slightly shrugged with a long sigh, seeing Kaylyn come down to the couch with a cup of tea and her eyes all red from crying, "I don't know how they didn't catch it, son. There is a lot to ask...but from what the doctor told me, the cancer seemed to have snuck itself into her spinal cavity then to her brain somehow. I'm sure there is a lot of answers to be made by the next visit."

    "I hope so," Jackson muttered, looking over at Mom, "Anyway I can help mom?"

    I patted his shoulder, "Why don't you...just give your mom some company. For the sake of us, give her some love that she has been needing for a while now. We all need to stick together...and mom may need more help than ever in our lives."
    December 1st, 2014 at 02:39am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    @ RavenArtist93


    I nodded, "We're definitely going to take you to the hospital tomorrow to see your mom. All we can do right now, is hope that she's going to be okay..." I kissed the top of her head and held her close.

    "Maybe you could spend some more time with Jackson, I know you're going to need a lot of comfort and I'm not going to be able to be there all the time."

    I sighed, knowing that I had caused so much stress and so many problems between my parents. "I'm sorry, for all the shit I've pulled, I don't want to do that anymore and I'm going to be on my best behavior..."

    After giving my dad a smile, I went over to mom and hugged her, I couldn't remember the last time I had willingly hugged her and it brought tears to my eyes.

    Mom hugged me back, kissing the top of my head, "I love you, Jackson, don't you forget that, ever." I nodded, "I know mom, I love you too, I'm sorry for being such a pain..."
    December 1st, 2014 at 04:38am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ foREVerYours.

    **About 6 Weeks Later**


    It has been several weeks and still, my mom wouldn't wake up.

    The doctors are trying everything and did explain the reason for her cancer spreading to her brain. It was because that my Mom has never notified them of any odd pains in her head or back, which could have been solved a lot quicker if she would have just opened her mouth. Dad noticed it...but he thought that she was just going through random aches, which he didn't intentionally ignore.

    I guess he was just so eager to move on from the cancer scare that he forgot to look into it more...

    Letting out a long sigh after I finished my essay for English class, I closed my laptop and headed downstairs to check on Dad. School was...actually better now that people left me alone because of the situation being rumored around school. Jackson was right by my side the entire time...but Dad has turned to alcohol as a reliever.

    "Dad?" I softly called out his name, seeing him with a bottle of whiskey in his hand while he watched TV, "You want me to make dinner?"

    "You should really connect with Matt more," Kaylyn insisted as she prepared the pot roast for dinner, "He's...very distant with everyone lately. He only blames himself for Cynthia's condition..."

    I sighed, leaning my back against the wall with my arms crossed over my chest, "Everytime I go to talk to him, he pushes me away either physically or verbally. There's nothing I can really do Kaylyn... I guess he just needs space."

    Kaylyn frowned, "But...Angel has to deal with seeing Matt get drunk. That isn't something to encourage in the house...considering how close in relation Matt and Angel are."

    "I know," I breathed, "Funny how that used to be me back then," I chuckled bitterly, "At least Jackson is doing well in school...and the asshole kids left the two alone."
    December 2nd, 2014 at 07:49pm
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    @ RavenArtist93


    I sighed softly, hearing Angel, I had actually managed to go a few hours without opening another bottle of alcohol, meanwhile the bottle of whiskey in my hand was about empty. Honestly, I wasn't very hungry, but I'm sure she was, "Why don't you go over and have dinner with Jackson? I already ate..." I said softly.

    Part of me wanted to go to Brian and ask him about how I should get help, I didn't want to be this way I was when Cynthia woke up. After the bottle was gone, I put it down by the chair, not moving from my spot.

    To say Matt was in a bad place would be an understatement, he was drinking himself to death and Angel was being forced to live with it. I looked over at Jackson, "Why don't you go invite Angel over for dinner?"

    Once he walked over to Matt's, I looked at Brian, "Maybe we should have an intervention...invite everyone that cares about him and get all of us to talk to him, he needs to know that we're here for him..."
    December 3rd, 2014 at 03:22am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ foREVerYours.


    "You sure?" I asked softly, cautiously walking over to Dad to grab the almost empty bottle of whiskey, "Let me take this for you."

    "I got it Angel," he said bluntly while placing his face in his hands.

    Wanting to be safe with how he was now, I reached over and grabbed it when he suddenly grabbed my arm extremely tightly to the point where it hurt, "Ow...Dad, let go."

    His eyes looked at me in pure anger, knowing that the slightly drunken state was turning him upside down already, "Did you not hear me? I said I would fucking get it," he seethed, a sound that hurt my heart completely.

    "Dad, you are hurting me!" I yelled when he squeezed harder, letting out a small cry when he shoved me to the floor with a thud, a soft sob escaping my lips when moments later, I heard the front door open and Jackson's voice as well, "Why would you do that, Dad..." I whimpered, looking down at my arm that felt like it was on fire.

    "I know that for damn sure," I sighed contently, running a hand through my dark hair as I sat at the dinner table to await Jackson with Angel to join us, "Honestly, he's going to break into a hint of anger when his drunken state makes a turn to the worse. And I don't want Angel getting hurt from his unintentional anger...especially since he is a lot more stronger than I am."

    "You have a point," Kaylyn whispered, walking over to rub my shoulders in a soothing manner, "Try to relax, sweetie... We will eventually get everything worked out."

    I sighed and looked up at Kaylyn, letting out a hum of approval from the massage, "Thanks baby... I do love you with all my heart, you know that right?"
    December 3rd, 2014 at 03:36am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    @ RavenArtist93


    I opened the door to see Matt shove Angel to the floor, I was smaller than him, but there was no way I was going to let him push her around like that. I ran over and helped Angel up off the ground.

    Matt was sitting down again, a look of shock on his face. I looked down at Angel, "I think it'd be a good idea if you came over and stayed with us until he sobers up...okay?" I walked her back to the house, seeing a bruise starting to form on her arm where Matt grabbed her.

    I knew it wasn't the best time to bring it up, but I had to tell Brian now, "Bri, I have some good news..." I bit my lip gently while he turned to look at me, taking a breath, I hesitantly spoke, "I was waiting until I knew for sure, I had my appointment yesterday, I'm pregnant..."

    Before he had a chance to react, Jackson and Angel walked in, I immediately noticed a bruise on her arm and walked over, "Angel, did your dad do this to you?" I asked softly, knowing she would probably deny it.
    December 3rd, 2014 at 04:19am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ foREVerYours.


    Shock has taken over me completely by the fact that I never saw my Dad so...terrifyingly angry at me like that before. It was as if his soul has gone into a black hole when his eyes glared into mine at that very moment he grabbed me so harshly. He was never a physical person...but now since this happened, I'm not sure if I want to be around him if a bottle of alcohol is within range of where he stood.

    Crying from the pain as Jackson set me down on the couch before sitting right next to me, "H-He grabbed me...he was so angry and grabbed me..." I sobbed, unable to hold back anymore emotions that I was bottling up lately.

    Jackson gently rubbed my back as both Kaylyn and Brian came over to try to comfort me. I just didn't know what else to say...

    Mom, we need you back, please come back...

    During the process of trying to get Angel to settle down from the absolute shock that shook up her entire body in an unpleasant manner, I couldn't help the swirling thoughts of what Kaylyn said to me that she was...indeed pregnant. It was unbelievable that it actually worked that we were going to have another child...but was this the right time?

    "Angel, take it easy, sweetheart," Kaylyn hushed her, trying to get her to breathe normally from the breakdown she was going through, "Breathe, sweetie, breathe," Kaylyn encouraged as she took deep breaths for Angel to follow along, "Brian get me the med kid from upstairs."

    Nodding instantly, I ran upstairs for the medical kit in our closet before scurrying down the steps to take care of Angel's very bad bruise.

    Goddammit Matt, don't fall into the abyss like I almost did back then...
    December 3rd, 2014 at 04:30am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    @ RavenArtist93


    I couldn't bring myself to move from the chair, if Cynthia ever saw me act like that, especially towards our daughter, she would have beat the hell out of me. I shook my head, "Cynthia, I wish you were right here with me...I need you..."

    Hesitantly, I got up and made my way up the stairs to my bedroom. I pushed the door open and went to her closet, looking at the clothes. I found an outfit she always wore and held it in my hands, sitting on the edge of the bed, "None of this is fair..."

    When Brian came down the stairs, I grabbed the kit from him and tended to the bruise on Angel's arm, "Sweetheart, you know you're welcome to stay here as long as you'd like..."

    After a moment, I sighed, "I think it'd be best if you would stay here, we all want to help your dad get better, and I think the best thing we can do is confront him and bring this problem to his attention."
    December 3rd, 2014 at 04:51am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ foREVerYours.


    "O-Okay," I sniffed, wiping the tears away from my eyes as Jackson rubbed my shoulders comfortingly while Kaylyn took care of my arm, "Thank you..."

    After bandaging my arm in a matter of minutes, Kaylyn smiled and kissed my forehead, "You are welcome, sweetie. You can stay in Jackson's room if you like."

    I smiled, "That would be nice..." I said as I stood up and walked upstairs with Jackson, "I'm surprised she agreed to something like that..."

    "Me too...but she probably cares more about your mentality with all of this...especially since she knows that I love you with all my heart, Angel," Jackson stated with great sincere.

    Entering his bedroom, I looked up at him, "R-Really? You love me?"

    "You sure its a good idea to have Angel sleep with Jackson?" I asked Kaylyn curiously, completely confused by the fact that she always would say how that would never happen because of them possibly having sex.

    "Brian," Kaylyn breathed, "Angel needs Jackson more than ever...and he is a good kid. If they end up making love, then they do. Trust me, he's smart with it. After all, you did scare him with the whole 'if you don't use a condom, I'm going to break your dick' type of threat."

    I laughed, "I guess," I chuckled, soon transitioning it to a sigh, "We need to talk to Matt..."
    December 7th, 2014 at 04:37am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    @ RavenArtist93


    I stopped and closed the door behind Angel, looking down at her, "Angel, I truly love you more than anyone could imagine. I don't ever want you to doubt that, okay?"

    I cupped her face in my hands and leaned down, pressing our lips together gently. "I'm gonna be here for you always, if you ever need me, just let me know..."

    "Brian, I'm sure Angel and Jackson will be fine. Right now it's more important that we watch out for both of them since Cynthia's not here and Matt isn't well enough to know what he's doing..."

    A soft sigh left my lips, "Should we go now or wait until he sobers up tomorrow morning?"
    December 7th, 2014 at 05:46am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ foREVerYours.


    "Let's wait until tomorrow morning so he can sleep some of it off, okay?" I told Kaylyn as I cupped her cheeks, gently leaning in to kiss her, "Let's go to bed..."

    **Next Morning**

    Letting Kaylyn stay at our place to make breakfast for Angel and Jackson (possibly Matt if he is in the mood to join us), I go over to Matt's house and knock on his front door, "Matt? You awake?"

    "Yeah...hold on..." I heard a distinctive soft voice, surprised that he was up so early when I was expecting to walk right on in (since i have an extra key).

    In a few seconds, Matt unlocked the door and opened it, revealing how incredibly shitty he looked with the droopy eyes that made him look like he haven't slept in ages.

    " sleep at all, last night?" I asked curiously.

    Watching him shake his head, Matt sighed and leaned his side against the door, "I couldn't sleep after the damn mistake I made for hurting Angel... I feel like the worse father in the entire fucking world."

    "Trust me, you aren't horrible, you are just going through bad times," I assured, patting his shoulder, "How about we all have breakfast like a family so we can like we normally did."

    Waking up with a soft moan and a slight stir, I looked over to see Jackson with his arms wrapped around me and his face nuzzled into the back of my neck. I was happy to know that it wasn't a dream that he was sleeping right next to me. This was something I always wanted for a while now, which was to wake up with him in bed with me.

    "Morning, beautiful," he muttered against my neck, placing a soft kiss on the skin, "Did you sleep okay?"

    I sighed, "A little bit... Actually, it was the best sleep I have had since the night before Mom fell to the ground.. So I really appreciate this."

    I could tell that Jackson was smiling as he leaned over me and kissed my cheek, "You are welcome."

    "And I think your mom is making something really good because I can smell it up here and its making me hungry," I groaned lightly from the rumbling in my stomach.
    December 9th, 2014 at 02:49am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    @ RavenArtist93


    I nodded, agreeing to go over and have breakfast with them, "I think that would be a good idea. I'm gonna go change quick." I went upstairs and changed my clothes, trying to look a little better before going back downstairs.

    I followed Brian out, we walked into their house and I saw Kaylyn in the kitchen. Hearing noise from upstairs, I looked over and saw Jackson carrying Angel down the stairs.

    Hearing Angel mention my mom cooking, I laughed, "Yeah, she's probably making breakfast, come on." I got up and picked her up in my arms, walking out the door.

    Carrying her downstairs, I smiled and sat her down on the chair, "Morning Ma." I sat next to Angel and kissed her cheek, "So, what's for breakfast?"

    She laughed and smiled, "Eggs, bacon, toast, pancakes, basically everything."
    December 9th, 2014 at 03:21am