We can make it until the end

  • [It's a secret talent, I suppose. XD I'm kind of surprised seeing as I laid down afterwards and it felt and looked like my room was spinning...haven't been that drunk in quite sometime...Facepalm]

    Lottie smiled softly. "If anyone's lucky here, it's me. I get to call someone like you my boyfriend." She said quietly, running her thumb along his cheek gently. The smile on her face only widened, and soft laughter escaped her lips when he began to press kiss all over her face and neck. "All that matters to me is how you are now. What happened in the past is in the past for a reason. You might have done some terrible things, and I'm not expecting you to tell me what they are, but if you do at some point in the future, I promise you that I won't think differently about you, Harry. Everyone fucks up. No one is ever perfect, and I don't expect you to be either." She didn't want him to think that, as soon as she discovered the truth about him, about what he'd done in the past, she'd leave. She wasn't going to do that, and she knew that it was probably easier said than done, but she wasn't going to break her promise.
    A slight smile tugged at the corners of Liam's lips. He really didn't know how he had gotten so lucky. He got to call Freya his girlfriend. He got to call one of the most amazing women in the entire world his. And it still honestly blew his mind. Something told him that things would always be that way too. His thinking would probably never change. "I'm going to hold you to both of those things." He murmured softly against her skin. "I'm never going to let you go again, Freya. I can promise you that much." He was going to be the best person that he could be from here on out. Not that he hadn't done so before she knew the truth, but he was going to continue on as such. He wasn't going to disappoint in her in any way, shape or form.
    March 10th, 2014 at 02:22am
  • Harry felt like rolling his eyes when Lottie said that she was the lucky one, she was wrong but for the time being he wouldn't say anything even if he knew he was the lucky one. "If you do leave me or think differently about me, than I'm going to fight for you. I'll always fight for you, love. We can go through everything together from now on, nothing will ever take me from you" He promised her, he'd fight for her if things got hard for her and she was struggling to deal with what he was. He'd fight for her if anyone threatened her or tried anything like the other stupid boy had done, she was the woman that he belonged with and he had searched for many centuries so nothing was going to ruin this for him.
    Freya smiled as she ran her fingers through Liam's soft dark hair, "You can hold me to both of them forever, nothing is going to change anything between us" She smiled knowing that he was all her's and nothing nor no one was going to ruin what they had together, "I know that you'll never let me go and I never want you to let me go" She gently moved his face closer to her's, "I'm sorry for upsetting you" She whispered before her lips were pressed to his for a tender kiss, she wanted to make him happy again and right now kissing him seemed to be the easiest way. She deepened their kiss as their bodies were already pressed together, all she cared about was Liam.
    March 11th, 2014 at 12:59am
  • Lottie smiled. "I'm going to hold you to that." She murmured softly, leaning in to press her lips against his sweetly. She wasn't going to ever let him stop fighting for her. She had no intention of ever giving up on them, so she hoped that he wouldn't either. "And nothing is ever going to take me from you either. I promise." She wasn't going to let anything or anyone take her away from him. She wasn't going to let anyone convince her that he was anything but what she thought he was. Because no one else mattered. Their opinions didn't matter. She knew Harry, and she would always stand by him. No matter what happened.
    "You have no idea how much hearing you say that means to me, love." Liam said quietly, smiling as he looked down to her. He didn't think she realized how much all of this meant to him really. He didn't know what she was doing with someone like him, but he wasn't going to complain either. She loved him even after she learned what he really was, and he really couldn't have been any happier. "You don't have to apologize." He assured her quietly just before her lips were pressed to his. He smiled, kissing her back softly, one hand reaching up to cup her cheek gently as he did so.
    March 11th, 2014 at 01:36am
  • Harry couldn't have been more happy than he was right now, "No you don't have to keep me to it, because I'm not going to break that promise" He placed two fingers underneath her chin and gently lifted her face so he could stare into her beautiful dark eyes, "I love you and nothing is going to change that. I'm only going to love you more every single day, darling" He whispered causing his breath to brush across her face before he had leaned down, his lips melting against Lottie's as he kissed her passionately. His hand moving from her chin to the back of her neck, so he could continue to kiss her for as long as he wanted.
    "I'll say it to you everyday if it makes you happy" Freya smiled at him as she pulled back slightly from his lips, she moved her hand to his and laced their fingers together. She stepped back out of his arms as she pulled him through his flat and into his bedroom, she told him to sit down on the bed where she pulled his shirt off. She looked through his chest of drawers and picked out another t-shirt for him to wear, "No I just want to look for a little while" She said to him as she stood in between his legs as she simply looked at his bare chest, her finger tips gently moving over where she had shot him. "Is this because your a vampire or have you always been like this?" She asked not knowing why someone so attractive wanted to be with her.
    March 12th, 2014 at 12:32am
  • Lottie smiled. His words caused a frenzy of butterflies to form in her stomach, and her heard to race. It probably sounded extremely cheesy, but it was the truth. "I love you too. So much." She murmured softly before practically melting when he kissed her. She kissed him back, putting just as much passion into the kiss as he was, a soft smile tugging at the corners of her lips as she did so. It was moments like this that she would always cherish. Moments that practically made her go weak in the knees. Moments that she never wanted to forget, because there was a time when she thought that she would never feel this way with someone. She never thought that she would find her "happy ending", but she had, and no matter what the future held, she planned on always remembering it.
    Liam chuckled softly. "I think I'd like that." He smiled, allowing her to lead him down the hallway towards his bedroom. He did as he was told, taking a seat on the bed. "I think it's a combination of both to be honest. I was always rather muscular as a human, however, I think everything just became more defined when I became a vampire." He told her honestly, giving his shoulders a slight shrug. "I've never actually come across a vampire who wasn't so...perfectly sculpted though. I think it's all connected to our supposed nature. We're predators, so naturally, we need something to attract our pray, and I guess looks is it."
    March 12th, 2014 at 02:45am
  • Harry smiled against her lips as he felt all the passion that Lottie was putting into the kiss, he ran his fingers through her long brunette hair which he did love playing with all the time. "I'm going to take care of you every single day, you'll never have to worry about a thing any longer" He murmured against Lottie's soft lips which tasted faintly of mint from her lip balm, he was always going to be there for her with whatever she needed or wanted. He was going to spoil her even if she told him not to, he wanted to share everything with her and he was planning on making that happen.
    Freya continued to take in the amazing view of her shirtless boyfriend, even though she was still holding onto a folded t-shirt she wasn't making any enough to hand it over to him. "Does that happen with women as well?" She asked knowing one day they'd have to talk about what was going to happen between them, she'd keep getting older while he didn't. "I wish I got to see you when you had been human, I don't think you need a shirt to cover all this. And because I'm your girlfriend, I think I deserve to see all of this" She smiled at him rather cheekily.
    March 12th, 2014 at 09:29am
  • Lottie smiled, allowing herself to just enjoy being with her amazing boyfriend. His words meant so much to her. She had people who cared about her, but Harry seemed to care for her even more than they did. She really just didn't know how she had managed to snag a guy like him. He was amazing for so many different reasons. He was definitely a keeper, and she had no intention of ever letting him slip through her fingers. After a few moments had passed, she pulled back, completely breathless, with a smile on her face. "You make me so happy." She said softly.
    Liam nodded. "I suppose it does." He said after thinking about it for a moment. He hadn't met a single vampire who wasn't attractive. Of course, everyone was attractive in their own way, but they were always very easy on the eyes regardless. A low chuckle rumbled in his chest as a response to her later, cheekier words. "You think so?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. An evident look of amusement had taken over his face. This was a side of Freya that sometimes caught him off guard. She was normally just so sweet, and kind, but sometimes a bit shy, so when she did get somewhat cheeky, it happened when he was least expecting it to.
    March 12th, 2014 at 08:22pm
  • Harry smiled widely knowing that Lottie still needed to actually breath so he couldn't just keep kissing her non-stop, which he would do if he could. "That's all I need to know, love" He whispered gently resting his forehead against her's, his fingers running through her long hair before his finger began to twirl some strands around. Knowing that he did make Lottie happy just made every worry and concern he had about their relationship vanish, she loved all of him and she was happy to be with him which is what he needed to know. "I'll keep making you happy, love" He promised her knowing that he'd be doing a hell of a lot more to keep her happy.
    Freya smiled as she nodded her head, "I do think so" She smiled at him knowing that she didn't get cheeky often, but when she did it could happen at any time and place. She looked back down at his bare torso knowing that her eyes would be the only ones who got to actually see what Liam hid under his clothes, she brushed her fingers over his bare skin and sighed contently. Even for the couple of hours that she had been away from Liam, she had missed just the simple things they did together. Like now they didn't need to speak as Freya was just happy to have him there with her, "I love you so much, Liam. I know that we can work through anything that comes our way" She assured him softly.
    March 15th, 2014 at 01:52am
  • Lottie smiled softly. "I know you will." She said quietly. He didn't have to make any promises to her. She knew that he loved her and she knew that he would continue to make her happy. Because she loved him too, and because he was in her life. She was so much happier now because of him. She couldn't remember the last time she'd been this happy. "Tell me more about you...and like the places you've been. You must have loads of interesting stories." She really just wanted to lay there and listen to him talk. She felt like she could lay there and listen to him talk forever sometimes.
    Liam smiled. "I love you too, darling. So much. And I know that we'll be able to work through anything and everything." He murmured softly. He had complete faith in them. He was sure that, if they could make it through him being a vampire and her coming from a family of vampire hunters, they could make it through just about anything. "Lets not worry about working through anything right now though." Everything just seemed so perfect and at ease right now. He didn't want to jinx it and have everything go to hell or something. That would just be terrible.
    March 15th, 2014 at 02:47am
  • Harry smiled at the question that Lottie asked him, he didn't need to hide himself or the things that he has done. "I've been to every city and town and village in the world, numerous times. I've seen a few wars and I was actually a solider in World War 2, I've seen so much pain and destruction in my life. I've had to kill so many people especially in the war, just so they weren't suffering anymore. The doctors and nurses know so much more now than they did back than, if you were injured than you would die and everyone knew that" He spoke softly having spent many years trying to forget about those times in his life, he was proud of what he did but the images of men loosing limbs and having friends die in their arms was something that would always stay with him.
    Freya nodded her head in agreement before she handed the clean shirt to him, watching as Liam dressed his naked torso. She sat down onto his lap giving his cheek a lingering kiss, "I want to know more about you and the things you've done, the places you've seen. Everything" She looked at him knowing that the only thing he didn't know was what her family did, he knew everything else about her because that wasn't a secret that she had been trying to keep from him. But there were so many things that she didn't know about him.
    March 17th, 2014 at 12:21am
  • Lottie listened intently to everything that he said. It was all just so fascinating. All of the things he had been through and witnessed. He could probably write a book, or maybe even an entire series, of his life experiences. "But you ended their suffering. You helped them." She said quietly. "You might have ended their lives, but they were probably in a lot of pain." She couldn't even begin to imagine all of the pain and suffering he had seen. She'd never dealt with anything like it before, and she couldn't imagine doing so.
    Liam took the clean shirt from her, slipping it on over his head. He smiled when she sat down in his lap, his arms wrapping instinctively around her waist and pulling her as close to him as he possibly could. After nearly losing her, or thinking that he had at least, he wanted to keep her as close to him as he possibly could. "We're probably going to be here for a while then." He said, letting out a soft chuckle. He sighed, trying to think of where he should start. "God, I don't even know where to start...."
    March 17th, 2014 at 01:46am
  • Harry knew that Lottie was right and even though he was a vampire and killing people was in his natural, he still felt horrible about every life he has taken. Whether it was when he was working on controlling himself or if it was to end someone's suffering, "I know that and I'd do it over if I needed to, but it's still not the best feeling in the world. I even made sure to find out about the men and I went to their families with the Sergeant, I don't know what I'd do if I ever lost you" He told him still remembering the heart break that appeared instantly on the families' faces, all they needed to do was see him in his Army uniform and they knew their loved one wasn't returning to them.
    Feeling him hold her body close to his own was the best feeling Freya could have right now, to know that Liam still wanted her after he knew about her family and especially after she had hurt him. "I have all the time in the world" She smiled knowing he would have so much to tell her about his life and she would happily listen to him, "Tell me about your life. The places you've been to and the things that you've seen" She told him wanting to know every single thing about him, it was just going to make them closer.
    March 18th, 2014 at 02:36am
  • "Well, it's a good thing that you're stuck with me than, isn't it?" Lottie said softly, drawing light patterns into his skin with her fingers. "And even if something did happen, and you did lose me, I would want you to keep living your life. I would want you to at least try to be happy. I know that that's probably easier said than done, but I wouldn't want you to do anything drastic or continue on absolutely miserable." She had never lost anyone who she was extremely close with before, so she couldn't imagine what any of those families had gone through. She'd always heard that, once someone became a parent, the worst thing that could happen was losing their child. Parents weren't meant to outlive their children. They weren't supposed to be there to bury their child. It just wasn't how things were supposed to work, but sometimes, things happened, and there really wasn't anything that could be done to prevent those things from happening.
    Liam chuckled softly, a smile on his face. This was why he loved Freya. Because she was just so accepting of what he really was. She wasn't afraid of him. He hadn't scared her away, and now she wanted to hear about everything he'd ever been through as if he was a normal twenty-something year old lad sharing a minimal amount of life experiences. "I've been around the world so many times that I've honestly lost count. I've lived here in London at least five times over, all at different times of course, but I'm always drawn back here. There's just something about this city. I don't know what it is, but I've always sort of felt at home here, you know? I moved around a lot the first couple of years after everything...happened. I've attended a countless number of different universities around the world, and studied a number of different subjects. Medicine was always of interest to me though...the whole idea of finding a cure for different diseases sort of amazed me, and when I first really started studying, this was shortly after I was turned, I sort of hoped that I would be able to find a cure for what I was. If people can find a cure for the Spanish Influenza or tuberculosis, why can't I discover one for vampirism? I never found anything though, and after a while, I sort of came to terms with everything. It's been difficult, but now I know why I was turned. If I wasn't, I wouldn't have ever met you, Freya."
    March 18th, 2014 at 07:07pm
  • @ sugarplum.
    [Wondering if you might want to continue this one as well? Cute]
    August 14th, 2014 at 05:59am
  • (Another one that I forgot about? That's just great.)

    Harry smiled widely as he looked at Lottie, "Oh I'm not stuck with you baby. I want you here and I'm always going to keep you here with me" He promised her as he knew he wouldn't want to live if she wasn't living with him, "If I didn't have you than I'm not going to continue to live or be happy. How can I be happy if the one I love more than anything, isn't with me?" He pressed his lips to her warm forehead and placed a tender kiss to her smooth skin, "Nothing you can say will ever change my mind. So you better not leave me, I'll also protect you with my life. I'd go around the world, no, I'd go to the moon and back for you" He whispered to her as his fingertips moved along her back, his fingers lingering on his milky skin as he enjoyed all the emotions and feelings that were filling his body and mind. He couldn't even think about what he'd do or what would happen to him if he didn't have Lottie, she was his life now. She was his world and he needed her.
    Freya sat there beside Liam on the couch and just listened to him, his deep voice could always sooth her or capture her full attention. She hadn't traveled anywhere but she did want to travel and see different places and cultures, her eyes were glued to his face. "You were born here so you'll probably always be drawn back" She felt a light flush settle on her tanned cheeks, "I'm glad that I met you as well. But I'm sure there are other great things that being a vampire has given you, you've traveled and seen events in history that have been written about" She could feel herself melting at his last sentence, she knew now just how lucky she was to have met him when she did. "Studying medicine is very impressive, doctor Liam Payne has a nice ring to it" She gave him a cheeky grin, "Now if I get sick I'll have my very own doctor to take care of me" She smiled at him happily.
    August 14th, 2014 at 08:59am
  • [Arms]

    Lottie smiled, leaning up to press a soft kiss to his lips. "Again, I don't understand how you always seem to know the right thing to say." She said quietly, a soft laugh escaping her lips. "I know, I'm sure it would be difficult, but if something ever happened to me, I wouldn't want you to be miserable, I'd want you to be happy." She was pretty sure that that was what most people wanted their loved ones to be if they ever were to leave them unexpectedly. "I'm not going anywhere, Harry, I promise. I'm here to stay." And she meant it too. She wasn't going anywhere. He really was stuck with her, and she'd never leave him, not by choice anyway.
    Liam nodded. "Yeah, you're probably right." He said. It made sense. No matter how much time passed, and no matter how much London changed, he'd always end up being drawn back to the city. There was just something about it that brought back old memories, some good and some bad, and he'd probably always end up coming back every couple of decades. He'd been there longer this time around than he usual would have been though, and that was because of Freya. He couldn't imagine leaving her behind. He loved her far too much. She meant the world and more to him. He smiled, shaking his head slightly at her words. "Nothing compares to meeting you, love." He told her honestly. "You mean so much to me, more than you'll ever realize." He chuckled slightly in response to her later words. "I'll always take care of you."
    August 14th, 2014 at 01:03pm
  • Harry sighed contently as he kissed Lottie's warm lips softly, "I've been around for a very long time, darling. I know how to charm and woo people" He grinned before laughing as he was only joking, the only person he was going to charm was the beautiful girl in his arms. "I do know that and if anything happens to me, then you'll need to move on and live your life happily" He told her as he wasn't going to let her mourn over him anymore than what she needed to, she was going to move on and find someone else who was going to love her and take care of her. "Even though that isn't going to be happening, I'm never ever going to leaving you. I love you too much, you're my everything now Lottie" He assured her softly and kissed her lips again.
    "Of course I'm right, babe" Freya smiled at him and it did make sense, people could travel all they liked but being home was better than seeing any new city or country. Home is where you were comfortable and needed to be. She had no idea still, how she had gotten so damn lucky to be able to call Liam her boyfriend. "There will be things that will beat meeting me, those things just haven't happened yet" She smiled at him knowing he wasn't going to be agreeing with her, "Nothing is ever going to take me away from you. I love you more than anything, Liam. All I want is you and I'll be happy forever" She leaned closer to him and pressed her lips to his for a tender kiss, she still felt tingles from his kisses and even his touches and she prayed that never ended.
    August 15th, 2014 at 08:33am
  • Lottie smiled into the kiss, her lips moving slowly against her boyfriend's. She snorted at his words, rolling her eyes playfully in response. "Charm and woo people? Is that what it's considered?" She asked, her tone light and teasing. She let out a quiet laugh soon after. She knew that he was only joking, and she was only joking with him too, something that she was sure had been expressed in her words. She nodded in response to his later words. "But you're not going anywhere, so it's not like it's something that either of us has to worry about." She said softly. "I love you too, and like I've said, you're stuck with me now. I'm not going anywhere either, I promise." She kissed him lightly.
    Liam chuckled slightly at her words. "Someone's sure of themselves." He teased. He knew that she was actually right though. What she'd said made perfect sense. It was all rather logical. He supposed that the saying home is where the heart is really did apply in some cases. He knew that she thought that she was the lucky one, but he saw it the other way around. He didn't know how he'd gotten so lucky as to snag someone as amazing as Freya. He just didn't know what she saw in him sometimes. "You have me, love, and I promise that I'm not going to be going anywhere either." He kissed her softly, a smile on his lips.
    August 16th, 2014 at 03:04am
  • Harry gasped in mock horror, "I can woo you. If I hadn't than you wouldn't be here right now" He grinned letting his fingertips move down lower than the small of her back, the warmth from her bare skin was soothing him and made him miss being human. "Neither of us are going anywhere, let's not worry about it. I don't even like thinking about, let alone talking about it" He smiled as she kissed him again which he happily returned, his hand glided over her bare backside and gave a cheeky little squeeze as he couldn't help himself. Charlotte brought out the cheek side of him, plus he always wanted to touch her and kiss her and just hold her in his arms.
    Freya smiled at him, "I am sure of myself when I know that I'm right" She smiled as she looked at him, "Besides now I'm here too and you'd always come back to me" She said in a certain tone of voice, not that he'd actually ever leave her somewhere where he had to return to her. She was already smiling when he kissed her, her small hand rested on his cheek so she could keep him close to her. Her thumb gently stroking his cheek bone as she melted into his arms and his kiss.
    August 16th, 2014 at 07:25am
  • Lottie let out a quiet laugh. "Alright, I guess you have a point there." She said. She'd only been teasing him anyway, and she knew that he certainly could woo her without any trouble at all. She nodded in response to his later words, smiling as she kissed him. She let out a soft squeak of surprise when she felt his wandering hand. "Cheeky bastard." She mumbled against his lips teasingly.
    Liam smiled. "That's very true, darling." He said. He knew that he'd always come back to her, no matter what. Of course, he wasn't planning on leaving her anytime soon. He had no reason to, he hadn't been living in London for that long this time around, though it was a bit longer than he normally would stay in one place. And, if he ever did have to leave, he'd figure something out, because, well, he loved her. And he'd find a way to be with her, regardless of what might happen. He smiled against her lips as he kissed her, resting a hand on her hip as he drew her in closer.
    August 16th, 2014 at 11:58pm