When You Wish Upon a Star | Fairytale Co-Write

  • I don't even do basic outlines half the time. You all make me feel very unorganised.
    Just so I know how this is going to work out with stuff at home how long before we actually start posting the story?
    Also how much of a time gap will there be between us posting chapters?
    January 5th, 2014 at 11:58pm
  • @ Selling dreams
    Don't worry about the outline if you don't want to do it, I thought I'd just set up some sort of plan for us.
    I was thinking about a week between each chapter, but school is starting up Tuesday so maybe two weeks tops instead? And as for starting, whenever Carissa is ready.
    January 6th, 2014 at 02:57am
  • @ stars hollow.
    Two week tops would be brilliant. I can barely keep afloat of my work this year, especially in English Lit, so two weeks is much more manageable than one week. Mr. Green

    And if we're not needed to provide an outline, I'll keep mine for reference to myself in my room so that it's right in my face because I haven't finish it yet as I've been unsuccessfully trying to make myself re-read Gatsby again for my coursework re-do. Facepalm
    January 6th, 2014 at 03:04am
  • @ castiel's vessel
    Totally feeling the English Lit situation! XD

    We did Great Gatsby for our coursework last year too! What was your essay about? Mine was about the role of the female in Fitzgerald's work.
    January 6th, 2014 at 03:06am
  • @ stars hollow.
    Why did I ever think I could take it?? Facepalm

    Last year mine was about how wealth and money was portrayed in his work, but this year I have to have a new question and the theme? Dreams. And I have literally not idea how to even attempt a plan of this essay, despite that it's due when I go back on Tuesday.
    January 6th, 2014 at 03:14am
  • @ castiel's vessel
    I know, the Lang/Lit combined course seems so much simpler. Facepalm

    Ouch, good luck!
    January 6th, 2014 at 03:28am
  • @ stars hollow.
    That's what my teacher said too! mrgun

    Thanks. Haha, Even if I flake this and the coursework for this year, I still have my confirmed first choice of creative writing because thankfully, it doesn't require a B or above in English. Mr. Green
    January 6th, 2014 at 03:33am
  • @ castiel's vessel
    That's lucky then. The coursework marks in our class were pretty low because we had the biggest jerk mark them. He took one girls coursework down from 30 marks to like, 22.
    January 6th, 2014 at 03:44am
  • @ stars hollow.
    That happened in my class too! No one got over a C for their coursework (or even their exam) and my teachers were baffled because at least four marks were taken from most coursework and the exam, they couldn't figure out why so many people got Ds. They were good teachers but the marker? Yeah, probably had a crappy day and decided to take it out on our work.
    January 6th, 2014 at 03:46am
  • @ stars hollow.
    I can start this week, in all sheer honesty, but I can hold off a bit if people want to work on their synopsis (synopses?) a little more. School doesn't start for me until the 22 & all my Mibba time will be dedicated to this & one other co-write I'm working on. So, yeah. I can start whenever. :)

    @ castiel's vessel @ Selling dreams
    January 6th, 2014 at 04:37am
  • @ mockingjay.
    No, it's fine if you start your chapter! I think we still need a summary though, but other than that I think it'd be okay if you started your chapter whenever you wanted.
    January 6th, 2014 at 04:40am
  • @ castiel's vessel
    I can work on a summary for the main page if you'd like? I'd post it here before actually putting it up; I just enjoy summaries. tehe And I'll submit a chapter overview before I post. I'll probably post chapter one on Wednesday, because I'm off that day. So tomorrow or Tuesday I'll have a little something something for my chapters; but it may be vagueish & not set in stone because sometimes I get better ideas as the story goes along.
    January 6th, 2014 at 04:49am
  • @ stars hollow.
    That's fine, as long as BT don't mess me around with my internet like they did when we moved here. Then my updates may be slow cause I'll be doing them at work but I'll let you know what's happening if that's the case.
    January 6th, 2014 at 10:44am
  • @ stars hollow.
    Okay, hopefully I've done this right. Here is my basic outline for my chapters.

    Chapter One: Introduce Kira, give a little bit of her background, life in the castle, etc. This will also be the chapter where the queen calls for her death & she flees the castle. The Huntsman, who of course was the one sent to kill her, informs her that he had no intention of carrying out the order & Kira convinces him to let her travel with him.

    Chapter Five: Kira & Thane encounter Kira's guardian & his two traveling companions. Kira will be skeptical about her role as the Chosen One, thinking it utterly impossible that she would be able to defeat Lucretia. Thane will begin teaching her how to use a bow & a sword, & her guardian will help her begin taking control of her Dreamwalking talents.

    Chapters Nine, Thirteen, Seventeen, Twenty-One, & Twenty-Five (is that right? Gosh I suck at chapter math. Facepalm ): Kira continues her weapons/magic training, & has an adventure or two. What those will entail I have no idea yet. My other two chosen universes will also come into play, although I'm still puzzling out how. I'm thinking her guardian will know of a couple more people whom they can bring into their little makeshift army. Meaning, Red Riding Hood & the daughter of Hansel, as it stands right now. I may alter things as other ideas come to me.

    Chapters Twenty-Nine & Thirty-Three: Meeting the Blue Fairy & other Chosen Ones, & whatever the frick they all decide to do together. Punk

    Chapter Thirty-Seven: Kira has her private jam session with the Blue Fairy.

    Chapters Forty-One, Forty-Five, Forty-Nine, & Fifty-Three: Kira takes care of her final preparations & then heads back to the castle to take out her evil witch. 2 Guns This will probably also be the time frame when she bites the poisoned apple (or pear, or peach, or some sort of evil fruit) & will reach Thane or her guardian via her fancy new Dreamwalking skills & let them know she's not really dead. Thumb up

    Chapter fifty-Eight: The epilogue, for which I will figure out my little blurb later, although she'll probably marry Thane & live happily ever after & shit. tehe Or...something.

    So I hope I did my numbers right there, & that's a decent enough synopsis. Mr. Green
    January 8th, 2014 at 07:52am
  • @ Selling dreams

    @ castiel's vessel

    @ stars hollow.

    I was messing around & made up a little summary for the main page. I promise my feelers won't be hurt if you don't like it. Cute It could probably use some tweaking anyway; I just kept it vague because I don't feel it's my place to write much on behalf of everyone else's characters. Something else that occurred to me was we could all write a piece of the summary, for our own characters, if we wanted something more detailed.

    Once upon a time...

    Chosen by fate, four girls from radically different backgrounds are drawn into a quest to defeat the powerful witches who rule their kingdoms with dark magic & iron fists. They will encounter danger & hidden truths that will shake their worlds in persuit of happily ever after. You thought you knew the stories, but you've never seen fairy tales like this.
    ...the story books were wrong.
    January 8th, 2014 at 08:33am
  • @ mockingjay.
    I really like that summary!
    January 8th, 2014 at 01:06pm
  • @ castiel's vessel
    Yay! Haha. I was bored & already working on this story, so I figured wtf, I'll try a summary. I'm glad you like it. Hug
    January 8th, 2014 at 01:12pm
  • @ mockingjay.
    If I were any good at summaries, I would have attempted it as I haven't gone back to sixth form yet as yeh roof has been damaged by recent storms. XD But as I'm still off today, I'll actually start planning my chapters out because I might start pre-writing some so that if I get too busy, I have them already done.
    January 8th, 2014 at 01:25pm
  • @ castiel's vessel
    That's good thinking! Sometimes I wish I had done chapters ahead of time for some of my stories, hah. I should be posting the first chapter for this sometime today/tonight.
    January 8th, 2014 at 09:11pm
  • @ mockingjay.
    I like the summary.
    January 9th, 2014 at 03:13am