Life on the Road

  • purdygirl132

    purdygirl132 (100)

    United States
    December 4th, 2013 at 01:45am
  • purdygirl132

    purdygirl132 (100)

    United States
    Maci woke up to loud banging on her door. It was one of her roommates/band mates, Jeremy. "Maci get your ass up!" he yelled through the door. 'Does he need to be so loud?' she thought to herself as she rolled over to the other side of her bed to try to go back to sleep. Unfortunately that didn't work and she was dragged out of her bed by her ankles. "Ahhh! What the fuck!" she screamed to the two guys that where dragging her. She kicked away from them and sat up on the ground. "What do you two think you're doing dragging me like that you ass holes!" She yelled at her two friend's, Jeremy and Nate. "We were getting you out of bed" Jeremy said looking at the blue haired girl like she was dumb. "Yeah, Elina's gonna be here soon" Nate added on. Maci got up off the ground and glared at the two guys and pushed past them to go down stairs. "Fine whatever" said to them half way down the stairs. 'I wonder where Damon is, he wasn't in bed this morning' she thought to herself as she went to the kitchen.


    Jet was down in the basement playing his guitar when he heard loud screaming upstairs. 'I bet that's Maci, I told them not to wake her up' He chuckled to himself as he put his guitar down. The black haired guy got up from couch and walked up stairs and as he did he heard the front door open and close. 'Who the hell could that be' he thought.
    December 4th, 2013 at 02:04am
  • Rebelgirl013

    Rebelgirl013 (100)

    United States
    Damon is down stairs cooking in the kitchen, when he hared someone come down stairs he turned around to see Maci. He drops the dishes in the sink and walks over to her to kiss her good Moring. "Did you have a good night sleep beautiful?" as he rapped his arms around her.

    Elina wakes up to her phone playing Asking Alexandria to the stage. She rolls over to see that Damon was calling her. "This had better be a life or death situation or else" She said in a tiring but threating voice. " Are you still coming over today?' Damon asked impatiently." Maybe if you say please." She said as she rolled out of bed to get ready for her day. " Why should I say please it makes no difference to me if your hear or not." He said as he was raiding the fridge for eggs. " Yeah but you would have to hear it from an upset Maci if she hears that you were being mean to me as I make my way their." Elina said with a an evil grin on her face as she start her shower. Damon paused for a min as he looked up stairs at the door where Maci was still sleeping. " Please hurry the hell up and get here. I'm making breakfast." "Oh what's the occasion?" Elina said as she was setting out her outfit. " Your see when you get here just hurry up!" and with that he hung up the phone. " Who shoved a thong up his ass?" Elina said out loud as she was turning on her flat irons. She got in and the shower and got dressed grabbed a Monster and walked out the door. She got in her car and thought " I wonder what's going on over their? Oh well only one way to find out!" Elina turned on her car and put it in drive and drove to Macis house. She pulled up and instantly smelled something burning. " Damon is going to burn them all to hell if he keeps cooking." She thought as she walked up to the door and gave it three knocks.
    December 4th, 2013 at 02:14am
  • Rebelgirl013

    Rebelgirl013 (100)

    United States
    @ purdygirl132
    Damon is down stairs cooking in the kitchen, when he hared someone come down stairs he turned around to see Maci. He drops the dishes in the sink and walks over to her to kiss her good Moring. "Did you have a good night sleep beautiful?" as he rapped his arms around her.

    Elina wakes up to her phone playing Asking Alexandria to the stage. She rolls over to see that Damon was calling her. "This had better be a life or death situation or else" She said in a tiring but threating voice. " Are you still coming over today?' Damon asked impatiently." Maybe if you say please." She said as she rolled out of bed to get ready for her day. " Why should I say please it makes no difference to me if your hear or not." He said as he was raiding the fridge for eggs. " Yeah but you would have to hear it from an upset Maci if she hears that you were being mean to me as I make my way their." Elina said with a an evil grin on her face as she start her shower. Damon paused for a min as he looked up stairs at the door where Maci was still sleeping. " Please hurry the hell up and get here. I'm making breakfast." "Oh what's the occasion?" Elina said as she was setting out her outfit. " Your see when you get here just hurry up!" and with that he hung up the phone. " Who shoved a thong up his ass?" Elina said out loud as she was turning on her flat irons. She got in and the shower and got dressed grabbed a Monster and walked out the door. She got in her car and thought " I wonder what's going on over their? Oh well only one way to find out!" Elina turned on her car and put it in drive and drove to Macis house. She pulled up and instantly smelled something burning. " Damon is going to burn them all to hell if he keeps cooking." She thought as she walked up to the door and gave it three knocks.
    December 4th, 2013 at 02:43am
  • purdygirl132

    purdygirl132 (100)

    United States
    @ Rebelgirl013
    Jet looked to the door and saw a girl that he didn't know. 'I guess that must be Maci's friend Elina' he thought to himself, 'Wow she's.. Really pretty' he finished his thought. "Umm are you Elina?" he asked her as he stood in front of her with his arms crossed looking at her through his glasses.


    Maci looked up at her boyfriend and kissed him, "Yeah I slept good, just didn't have a good wake up" she said frowning annoyed as she remember Jeremy and Nate banging on her door and dragging her out of the bed. She placed her hands on his chest. Then the blue haired girl started to smell something, and it smelt burnt. "Oh my god!" she yelled then pushed past him and ran to the stove. Maci turned it off and moved the pan to a burner that was already off. "Ok that was close" she sighed relieved that a fire didn't start. The blue haired girl looked over to Damon and gave him a comforting smile as she placed one hand on his cheek and the other on his chest, "that was really sweet that you tried to cook, but maybe you should stay away from the kitchen for awhile" she giggled and then kissed him. "So how about I make pancakes?" she suggested with a smile.
    December 4th, 2013 at 03:02am
  • Rebelgirl013

    Rebelgirl013 (100)

    United States
    @ purdygirl132

    Damon looked down at his girlfriend and smiled and said "ok I just wanted to surprise you and I'm sorry about them waking you up ill take care of them after breakfast." He said as he looked at over at the couch. Then he looked back at Maci and said "I could never get your pancakes right. Mind telling me your secret or would you have to then kill me."
    Elina kept her sunglasses on her face and looked at the tall black haired guy and said " Ummm Yeah " as she puts one hand on her hip and took a sip of her monster.
    When she heard Maci tell Damon "maybe you should stay away from the kitchen for awhile." Elina chimed in with a " In other words you need not try to kill us all trying to show off your mad cooking skills." Elina said as she walked past the tall stranger and sat on the kitchen counter. "GET YOUR ASS OFF MY CONTER ELINA!!!" Damon shouted. Elina took another sip of her monster and looked at him and back at the counter and said "Nah I'm good." as she scooted back on the counter and crossed her legs. " If you don't get your butt off my counter I will..." Damon began to threaten " You'll what?" Elina said as she leaned in as a challenge to Damon's threat. " Ill pull you off!" Damon said evilly. " And Ill brake your pretty little face." Elina said as she sat back with her monster in hand. " Whatever you wont do anything to me. Maci wont let you. " Damon teased, " And you don't think your in trouble for threating me, her best friend." Elina said as she brought one knee up to her chest. Damon slowly but surly turned to look at his girlfriend. " Looks like your going to be in trouble before me." Elina said with a sinister grin " Now my first question is why was I greeted by big papa over their" as she pointed to the tall dark stranger ." and not my best friend and second what was so important that you had to rush me over here?" she said as she looked at Maci through her sunglasses.
    December 4th, 2013 at 03:22am
  • Rebelgirl013

    Rebelgirl013 (100)

    United States
    December 4th, 2013 at 03:23am
  • Rebelgirl013

    Rebelgirl013 (100)

    United States
    December 4th, 2013 at 03:23am
  • purdygirl132

    purdygirl132 (100)

    United States
    @ Rebelgirl013
    Maci listened as her best friend and boyfriend bicker, she stepped between them. "Ok, ok break it up you two. Elina stop threatening my boyfriend and leave his face alone" she said to her pointing her finger at her, then looked over at Damon. "And you, just leave her alone. You know she's gonna do whatever she wants" She sighed. The blue haired girl then laughed at what Elina had said, "Well that's Jet, my friend I told you about. He just joined the band and moved in" Maci said. "So be nice! And cause we wanted to see if you're still gonna go on tour with us?" she finished smiling.


    Jet was standing in the doorway laughing to himself amused at what was going on. He was surprised with how much confidence Elina had, and he admired her attitude. However he hadn't expected anything less, since she was Maci's best friend. He had then heard a comment about him, "Since when am I 'Big Papa'?" he asked the dark haired girl confused. Jet waited for her response then heard Maci, 'So she's going on tour with us..Huh..Should be interesting' he smirked to himself.
    December 4th, 2013 at 04:21am
  • Rebelgirl013

    Rebelgirl013 (100)

    United States
    @ purdygirl132

    Damon looked at Maci in a protesting manner and dropped his finger in defeat. Then he went to looking for food that she may need to make her pancakes. Then he went over to the living room to set up the eating area. While Damon was setting up the area his phone went off and it was the jeweler's shop. Asking him did he want to confirm his appointment with the manager. " Yes Yes I want to confirm it when I get back from tour and don't call the other number I gave you." Damon said in a secret voice so that maci would not hear his plan.

    Elina turned to look at Jet through her sunglasses and said in reply to his question " Since you opened the door like you ran the house, like a man called big papa would do, big papa." As she took another sip of her monster. She turned and looked at her best friend Maci and said "That's what I plan on doing unless anyone cares to object." Damon turned around to protest is objection and Elina pointed to Damon and said " That does not include you." Then she looked back at Jet and said " So your the big bad wolf, I have been hearing about, well at lest from Damon's point of view that is." Elina said as she took the last sip of her monster.
    December 4th, 2013 at 05:15am
  • purdygirl132

    purdygirl132 (100)

    United States
    @ Rebelgirl013
    Jet looked at the girl serious, "I didn't open the door, you just walked in" he said frankly as he leaned against the door way of the kitchen and crossed his arms. Then he smirked as he heard the last part of what she had said. "And maybe I am" he said looking down then meeting her blue eye's. "However that's for you to judge I guess" he finished as he walked over to her and stood in her way putting his hands on both sides of her on the counter smirking.


    Maci looked at her friend happily, "Awesome! And be nice Elina." she scolded pointing her finger. Then went to go make pancakes. She rolled her eyes as she heard Jet talking to Elina and walked out of the room. "Hey babe you wanna come help me?" she asked Damon.
    December 4th, 2013 at 06:01am
  • Rebelgirl013

    Rebelgirl013 (100)

    United States
    @ purdygirl132
    Damon put down the last coaster and walked over and warped his arms around his girls waste and whispered in her ear " I thought you would never ask" as he kissed her cheek and when to helping her.

    " Maci said if she ever called and rushed me to just come right in first of all" Elina said as she put her sunglasses on top of her head " Second of all that maybe so but you were the first "welcome" wagon that met me at the door." Elina said as she moved one of his hands. "Third of all big papa knows who big papa is he doesn't guess." She said as she moved his other hand " And lastly why so serious take the knot out of your thong and take a chill pill." She said as she pushed him against the fridge. " And im only nice when I see is fit to be you know that Maci." Ellina said as she was looking at jet , then she grabbed the last monster out the fridge " And get a room you two." Elina said as she walked away from jet.
    December 4th, 2013 at 06:31am
  • purdygirl132

    purdygirl132 (100)

    United States
    @ Rebelgirl013
    Jet just smirked at the girl amused, he liked the fire she had. Not many girls he knew had it like she does. He walked up behind where she was sitting and leaned over to wisper in her ear, "Trust me, I know I'm bad. So you better watch out, little girl" he smirked and walked away. Jet walked up to his room and closed the door behind him, 'This is definitely going to be an interesting tour' he thought as he grabbed his other guitar and plopped down on his bed.


    Maci smiled and slightly blushed, even though her and Damon had been dating for four years he could still make her blush. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him, "I love you" she said leaning her forehead against his. Although the mood was then ruined when Maci had heard what Elina said. The blue haired girl giggled slightly embarrassed as she put her face in Damon's chest, then turned her head to face her friend. "We have a room, you're just in it" she retorted in a smart ass tone.
    December 5th, 2013 at 06:53am
  • Rebelgirl013

    Rebelgirl013 (100)

    United States
    @ purdygirl132
    Elina gave Jet a side ways glance and said" Oh im so scared" in a sarcastic tone with a fake shiver. He may be bad but he has no clue to that im worse. She thought as she took another sip of her monster. " The kitchen is not a room it is a kitchen do we have to go back to school Mac?"

    Damon gave Elina a dirty look then smirked as he heard maci's combat, " Its our kitchen and we can do anything we want in here. If you don't like it I don't give a fuck." Damon said as he picked Maci up and put her on the counter put his hand on her cheek and kissed her. The couple then began to make out as Elina sat in the living room flipping through channels. " Do whatever you want but don't burn the house down. Your biscuits are burning." Damon paid no mind to what Elina was saying until he smelled the burning buns. " MY BISCUTS ARE BURNING!!!!!" Damon shouted " FUCK!!!" He shouted as he took out the burned biscuits that were now as black as night. "Way to go chef boy r dumb ass, " Elina said as she walked up next to Damon and put one hand on his shoulder, "you almost killed us all, GET YOUR ASS OUT THE KITCHEN YOU DAMN PYRO!!" Elina shouted as she pointed for him to leave the kitchen. Elina sighs and looks at the ceiling and said " maci why is all I can ask and say is why, why do you do this to me your going to get us all killed if you keep letting him in the kitchen." Why does she has to be such a bitch about every damn thing. Damon thought, " Whatever Elina I tried to surprise Maci and show here that I love her and I am thankful that she puts up with all my bull." Damon said as he put both his hands in his pockets. " Well in that case I'm sorry Damon I didn't mean to come off as a bitch I was just kidding." Elina said as she messed up his hair. " Why do you always have to do that I take a lot of time to do my hair." Damon said as he tried to fix it back to how it was. " Because I love you and your a good person and because its so spikey...... spike." Elina said as she walked to get her keys. " Who the fuck is spike?" Damon asked as he walked over to maci and wrapped his arms around her waist and whispered in her ear " I love you too, your the best thing that has ever happened to me." Elina looked at Damon and said " you are and that's so cute." As Damon showed Elina to go to her car. And Elina smiled and nod and walked out to her car. " Have fun you two don't set the world on fire you damn pyro's!!" Elina said as she walked out the door.
    December 5th, 2013 at 07:26pm
  • purdygirl132

    purdygirl132 (100)

    United States
    @ Rebelgirl013
    Maci smiled and blushed at what Damon had said and done. She then rolled her eyes when she heard Elina, "Bye El, but I make no promises. See you tomorrow" the blue haired girl laughed as she waved to best friend. Maci then pulled Damon back into the house and closed the door behind them. She put both of her hands on his cheeks as she looked up into his beautiful light brown eyes, "And you're the best thing that's ever happened to me" she smiled as she kissed him. They began to make out again, when they then got interrupted again by Nate. "Hey do you guys always have to do that?" he asked as he went into the kitchen. "Do you always have to be annoying?" The blue haired girl retorted back as she kissed Damon on the cheek then went and sat on the kitchen counter and pealed a banana.


    Jet heard people talking outside his window. He sat his guitar down on his bed as he got up, 'Is she leaving already?' he thought to himself as he walked out to his balcony. He leaned against the balcony railing with his arms crossed as he watched her talk to Damon and Maci. He smirked amused at their conversation. When he saw her get into her car and start it, he waved to her as she pulled out of the drive way and then walked back into his room. 'I'm definitely looking forward to seeing her again' he smirked.
    December 21st, 2013 at 01:51am
  • Rebelgirl013

    Rebelgirl013 (100)

    United States
    @ purdygirl132
    Damon looked at Nate and said " Or you can go find Your own love and stop cock blocking mine." he said as he walked over to maci and wrapped his arms around her waist and kiss her check. " We should go finish packing." Damon said as he looked at maci.


    Elina looked up at something that caught her eye. She looked at the tall stranger and solute him, as she pulled out of the drive way blasting her music. "This outa be a very interesting next few months." She said to her self.
    January 1st, 2014 at 07:35pm
  • purdygirl132

    purdygirl132 (100)

    United States
    @ Rebelgirl013
    "Exactly!" Maci said agreeing with her boyfriend, and smiled when he kissed her cheek. She looked up at him and nodded her head, "Yeah lets go pack, before Dan gets here and blows a gasket" she said as she hopped off the counter and grabbed his hand to lead him upstairs.


    Jet lite a cigarette and looked around for his luggage. Once he found it he laid his bag on his bed and started packing it. After awhile of searching his room for everything that he needed and deciding which guitars to bring he was finally done. 'Finally. Now Dan can't nag me like last time' he thought as he looked over his bags to make sure he wasn't forgetting anything. Once he was confident that he had everything he walked his bags down stairs and placed them near the door, then went and sat on the couch to watch tv.
    January 2nd, 2014 at 01:28am
  • Rebelgirl013

    Rebelgirl013 (100)

    United States
    @ purdygirl132
    Once Elina pulled up to her home all she had to do was grab her bags and put them in the car. She made a check list and went over it twice, "looks like I have everything." She thought to herself. Elina then pulled out her phone and looked for the make monster and text:

    "Hey maci do you want to make it a sleep over tonight so I wont have to get up early and drive their?"


    Damon and maci went up stairs and were packing. Damon looked back at his girlfriend who was trying to stuff her cloths in a suitcase. He smirked and walked over to her and helped her pack it all in. Then he put both his hands on her waist and held her their. "Cant we just have the guys pack the rest of our stuff as their punishment for waking you up like that?" he asked her as he kissed her cheek and rest his chin on her shoulder.
    January 9th, 2014 at 06:53pm
  • purdygirl132

    purdygirl132 (100)

    United States
    @ Rebelgirl013
    Maci smirked at what Damon had said but then thought about. She wasn't to thrilled about the idea of the guys seeing her underwear. She then side glanced at her boyfriend, "As nice as that would be, I really don't want them to see my underwear" Maci told him as she laughed. She kissed his cheek and then went back to trying to stuff everything in her suitcase. As she was trying to close it she heard her phone go off. "Oh it's Elina" she spoke out loud. The blue haired girl then texted her friend back:

    "Yup! ^.^ Then we can watch movies, and then maybe you can get on better terms with Jet?"

    After Maci texted her friend back she turned to look at Damon, "Elina's spending the night, just so you know. So play nice, ok" the blue haired girl told him crossing her arms and looking at him sternly.


    Jet was down stairs in the living room smoking his cigarette as he was watching a random tv show. As he was about to change the channel he heard a knock at door. 'Who the fuck could that be' he thought as he waited to see if anyone would get the door. He sat there for a moment, but of course no one did. "I'll get it! Don't worry, you guys don't have to fight!" he yelled to everyone annoyed. "Hey thanks man!" Nate called to him as he laughed. "Fuck off!" Jet called back as he rolled his eyes and flipped him off. "When and where sweet heart!" He mocked down to Jet. And in return Jet through a shoe at him. "Ok I'm going" He laughed as he dodged the shoe. The black haired boy just rolled his eyes as he turned his attention back to the excessive knocking. "I'm coming! I'm coming! God!" He yelled as he opened the door.
    January 11th, 2014 at 12:00am
  • Rebelgirl013

    Rebelgirl013 (100)

    United States
    @ purdygirl132
    Damon just smirked and put his chin on her shoulder, and said" Then why don't you pack that now and have them pack everything else." Then Damon realized what his girlfriend said, " I must prepare myself for war against the she devil!" As he took off and ran down stairs to the basement to get ready for a night of surprises.


    Elina made her way to her best friends house and stopped by the store to replace the last monster she took with a few cases of monster and jack. This is going to be a good night and an even better tour, She thought to her self. Elina shortly arrived at Macies house and was knocking on the door repeatedly. "What the hell is taking them so damn long to open the door?!!?!" Elina thought to herself. Just to get greeted by Jet again. "Don't just stand their with your hands down your pants help me with the bags big papa."
    January 14th, 2014 at 06:24am