A Very Furry Love

  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    Aza had gotten her teacher to let her out five minutes early to go get the kids. Once she got there, the bell rang at their school. She got all of them to put put their coats on and then follow her out to the car. When they were there, Aza had them all get into the car and put their seatbelts on. Aza got in herself jut as Jordan was walking up.
    Jordan headed up and jumped into the back in the middle seat. He turned to one of the little kids, smiling at them before lightly poking them on the nose. Once everyone was in the car, Aza began to drive back to the house.
    December 8th, 2013 at 06:09am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Lucas made sure they had everyone before he climbed in the car himself. He and Aza would both surely die if they came back without someone -he was sure of it. And because of the nature of werewolves... well, they tended to be very careful to make sure everyone was accounted for.
    Alixx was there before Jordan, ending up in a window seat. There were little wolves everywhere it seemed, still in their human forms but wolves nonetheless, but she was used to it. She had been planning on getting Jordan back after school, but had inevitably decided against it. It was much better to get him in the mornings anyway.
    December 8th, 2013 at 06:15am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ miki-kat
    Once everyone was in the car, Aza began to drive back home. It was a short drive for them to get there. Once there they pulled up to the house and all of the small kids jumped up. Aza followed them inside and then got them to the backyard to play. Once that was done she headed into the kitchen to see what some of the adults were making for dinner.
    Jordan had to wait until Alixx was out for him to get out of the car. Once that happened, he stretched himself out and then turned to Alixx. "Do you want do something?" He asked her as he turned his head to the side a bit, giving her a smile as he did so. He had no homework so he was hoping that Alixx would spend time with him.
    December 8th, 2013 at 06:22am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Lucas had a bit of homework and headed to do that once they were back, planning on possibly goofing off or something afterwards. He would probably end up playing with the kids or heading out into the forest again, considering he didn't know when Aza was going to choose to confront her father. He was pretty certain he'd be able to tell when it had happened though, because she always seemed in a fouler mood.
    "Hmm, something sounds good. What do you have in mind?" Alixx asked Jordan. Behind him, she could see Asher trying to open the screen door to her house, trying to get out, and shook her head a little. He was going to be big enough to get out of the house on his own soon enough, and that meant possible bombardment not only to wake her up but first thing when she got home from school. She glanced at Jordan with a smile. "Could you give me a minute? Your competition beckons," she said, motioning to Asher behind him, still trying to get at the door handle.
    December 8th, 2013 at 06:33am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    After seeing what was for dinner, Azana then headed up to her room and dropped everything off. She then went to her father's office, thinking that it would be best to just talk to him now. Aza moved over to the seat across from his and waited until he finished a paper. She then started the alpha conversation again....
    "I don't know. I just want to do something." He told her before looking down at Asher. Jordan smiled a bit before nodding. "Alright I need to put my things away anyways." Jordan said before heading up the stairs to his room. First he set all of his things down before stretching his body out. What should they do today?
    December 8th, 2013 at 06:38am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Lucas finished his homework fairly quickly, heading outside. The kids immediately flocked to him, nearly all of them in wolf form. Some were bigger than others, nearly as big as him in his wolf form, and he shifted as well to meet the onslaught of bodies. He pranced around them, letting them chase him and wrestled with them.
    Alixx nodded to him. "Come back with an idea of something to do!" she called out as he walked to the house he lived in. Depending on house size, several families might live in the same place. Hers was small, so it was only one family, her 'foster' family. It was easier to explain a single family on legal forms than several families having adopted her. Technically, she "belonged" to the entire pack. They considered her one of theirs, and it was pretty much enough to guarantee her being the safest person in the school. "Hey, Asher," she grinned as she opened the screen door and picked him up, settling him on her hip. "Miss me?" In response, he butted his nose under her chin, a wolf-like gesture even though he was in his human form, and she carried him upstairs to her room while she put her school stuff down. "You know I won't be staying, right?" she asked with a shake of her head as he pranced about her legs, obviously wanting to play. She would take him along with her and Jordan but... he just wasn't old enough. "Sorry Little Man."
    December 8th, 2013 at 06:49am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    Aza came out of the office a while later, clearly pissed off with what she had been told. As she walked down the stairs, she shifted into her wolf form. Then she headed out of the house, deciding that she did not want to be there anymore. Nothing was going the way that she wanted it to!
    Jordan saw Aza run out of the house. Actually most of the pack watched her shift in the middle of the house and then leave in wolf form. They were all sure that she was in a bad mood too considering where she had walked out of. Jordan shook his head before heading out to play with the little kids. Once he saw Lucas he spoke. "Aza ran out again."
    December 8th, 2013 at 06:55am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Lucas was practically under a mountain of fur, even being a furball himself, but looked up at the sound of Jordan's voice and the mention of Aza's name, his ears pricked. 'Yeah, I figured she would talk to her dad sometime today...' he told the other wolf. 'I'm pretty sure she won't want to see me right now though. Maybe someone else can go calm her down?' He wasn't quite sure who Aza was really close to anymore, honestly. He tried, but he didn't push, and so they barely spoke.
    Alixx ended up playing a little with Asher before taking him to his parents. Of course, Laurel stopped her to talk, just small talk really, ask how school was going and all, and then she was free. She practically sighed in relief as she headed outside. She didn't see anyone, but heard small yips from the younger wolves in the alpha's backyard. She shrugged and headed that way, not really knowing where to find Jordan. There was a fence blocking her way, but she fairly easily hopped over it, ending up getting bowled over a moment later by at least five little balls of energy. "Oof! You guys are getting heavy!"
    December 8th, 2013 at 07:03am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    Jordan rubbed the back of his neck. "Well maybe you should go talk to her." He said after a moment. "I mean Alixx and I have both tried and it doesn't help. So have the other adults so maybe you should this time? It's worth a try." Jordan said before shrugging a bit. If worst came to worst all that would happen is that Aza is pissed off even more. Then both him and Alixx will have to go get her but that is not a big deal. As he spoke a bunch of the little ones began to run around his feet, wanting more attention.
    December 8th, 2013 at 07:13am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Lucas knew he was about the only one of them who hadn't gone after Aza during one of these things, but that was because of her obvious bitterness towards him that sometimes became hostile even. Jordan had a point though... it honestly couldn't hurt to try. He ended up letting out something that seemed to be a sigh, his head bobbing once to let Jordan know he understood. 'I'll let you know if I need backup,' he told him. He stood then, lifting his nose to the air to catch Aza's scent. Once he found it, he started to track her, ending up heading into the forest at a run.
    Alixx, who hadn't been there the entire conversation, frowned as she heard Jordan and then Lucas ended up leaving soon after. She stood up, the pups about her feet now. "You guys talking about Aza?" she asked. "You sure it's a good idea for him to go after her?"
    December 8th, 2013 at 07:18am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    Aza was in the middle of the forest, sitting under a pine tree in the snow. She had her paw over her face and her eyes closed as she just thought about it all. This time had been particuarly bad for her. It's gotten to the point where her father was completely fed up with her. All she wanted to do was just let the snow bury her.
    Joran turned to Alixx before giving her a small shrug. "I don't know but this has happened enough that it is worth a shot don't you think? And probably the worst thing that could happen is that Alixx comes back with a large stratch on his nose or something." He then shifted into wolf form so he could play with the pups.
    December 8th, 2013 at 07:31am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Lucas ended up finding Aza sitting under the tree, snow already mixed in her fur, and he hesitated a moment, knowing she didn't know he was there yet, before he pushed forward, ending up settling beside her. He had no idea what to say though, what to do really, and as he settled down, he laid his head in his paws. 'You know, you worry everyone when you do this... we're all afraid if someone doesn't come out here that you won't come back. Even if your dad won't let you be alpha, you're still important to the pack. Everyone still looks up to you.'
    "I guess you have a point..." Alixx murmured and sighed. Soon the pups had abandoned her in favor of playing with Jordan -another, bigger wolf actually- and she ended up sitting and watching, wrapping her arms around her legs and laying her head in her knees. It was always pretty interesting to watch them, and with Jordan as a target, she knew she didn't have to worry about them coming over and snapping their teeth at her. She could handle it but she still got scratches sometimes. The kids didn't know control as well, or how rough they could or couldn't be.
    December 8th, 2013 at 07:38am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    Aza buried her face into the snow as he began to talk. It was slightly true that she would not come back if someone did not get her. The thing was that she would go back to them but probably not as early as it is when others came out for her. 'I don't want to go back right now.' She wanted to make that very clear first off that she had no plan on going straight back to the house after a five minute conversation. Also she couldn't believe that they sent Lucas out to get her. This wasn't Lucas' fault but it was still strange that they sent him out.
    Jordan was able to take all of the abuse from the kids, he had tougher skin and was just better build to pay with wolf puppies. Though he did then jumped out of the ball of fur and ran up to Alixx. He put his paws on her feet before reaching up and gently nuzzling her face. He did this because it caused all of the pups to run over to her and begin being sweet. They licked her and rubbed their puffy fur into her face and cuddled into her.
    December 8th, 2013 at 07:50am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Well, she hadn't snapped at him or otherwise tried to harm him, and Lucas considered that pretty damn lucky. He'd fully expected the need of backup, but maybe he didn't need it... 'I didn't think for a moment you would.. We should be back before dinner though, or they might think you decided to kill me.' it was a joke, and possibly a bad one, but they did need to be back by dinner.
    Alixx was surprised as Jordan just came over and started nuzzling her, but then the pups were following suit and she was encased in them. "Hey!" she laughed as she was knocked over again, this time not because they wanted to play though. Most of it was the kids, but she knew Jordan was there somewhere as well through the mess of fur.
    December 8th, 2013 at 08:06am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    "Killing you won't solve my problem. Though if you want I can considered it' Aza snapped at him slightly. To her it was not a funny joke at the moment. She was pissedoff but not to the point of killing a pack member or anything. Though it seemed likely that she would actually go back in time for dinner. Aza was not going to leave until she was ready to head back. Aza then buried her nose into the snow more. .]What is so special about you anyways? Why you but not me?"
    Jordan had the kids cuddley attack her before slowly pulling out himself, making sure to be careful with Alixx and the pups. Once he was out, he sat down across the yard. The pups all followed Jordan and began to surround him.
    December 8th, 2013 at 03:15pm
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Lucas chose not to reply to Aza's snapping. He hadn't exactly thought before saying that and therefore it was entirely his faut if she decided to attack him. Laying in the snow beside her, he let his eyes close. He could hear the rustling of trees and leaves around them, birdsong occasionally, among other things. He could smell it all too, the crisp pureness of the snow around them, the sharp aroma of the pine needles and sickly sweet scent of the sap making a slow trail down the tree. 'I honestly down know what caused your father to pick me,' he told her, realizing she'd spoken to him. 'But at least no one else is getting your foul mood.' he paused. 'Why don't you try talking to your dad, asking him the real reason he won't let you be alpha? I'm sure he has a good reason, Az.'
    Alixx smiled as she sat up again, watching as the pups immediately raced back to Jordan. "Looks like you've got yourself an army, Jay," she called as they began clambering around him again. She stood up with a grin. "Maybe I should test how good it is..."
    December 8th, 2013 at 06:04pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    'I know why. I have asked him before and I know why.' Aza growled a bit. Her father told her exactly why she could not be alpha and it pissed her off. 'And you want to know what he told me today? He said that I should be spending my energy on finding my mate so he wouldn't have to deal with this ridiculous idea of me becoming an alpha anymore.' She turned her head to the side a bit more, not wanting to look at Lucas. With the other pack members her father was fair and he was understanding. Though he is harsh with her.
    'I bet my army of puppies can beat you any day Alixx! Jordan announced to her and the pups with a large wolfy grin on his face. The pups barked in agreement and they all started to jump onto Alixx, playfully attacking her. Jordan stood back and watched as Alixx got basically puppy boots when they attacked her feet.
    December 8th, 2013 at 06:25pm
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Lucas' eyes came open as he heard what Aza said. He looked over at her, raising his head, at the same time that she looked away, and a low growl escaped his throat. When he realized this, he stopped, a bit startled. What had that been for? He was upset, true, but not enough for him to growl... His wolf disagreed though apparently. 'You would make a great alpha, Az. He's stupid if he doesn't see it.' he hoped their alpha didn't have a sixth sense that told him when someone called him stupid... 'If I thought he would make you alpha if I stepped back, I would. He would just ask someone else though.'
    It was hard to move without stepping on pups and Alixx found herself growling a little. How was she supposed to do anything when she couldn't hardly move without accidentally stepping on someone? She was successfully knocked to the ground therefore, and they didn't relent. Most of them playfully snapped at her, not biting, and Lily -she suspected- sat on her chest and licked her cheek. "Ow!" Someone had accidentally bitten her leg, and all the puppies shrank back at the sound she'd made. She sighed at the flattened eared looks. "It's okay guys; just be more careful, yeah?"
    December 8th, 2013 at 06:43pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    'I don't want you to step back because there is no point in it.' Aza told him softly. She let out a large sigh and then closing her eyes. 'He won't make me alpha even if everyone in the pack refused to do it. Lucas simply he just won't....And I know I've been snapping at you since he named you but I am aware that this is not your fault. Aza closed her eyes, unsure of what to say at this point anyways.
    Jordan watched from the back until she got bitten. Jordan then stood up and began to make his way over. He wasn't too protective over her with the pups because he knew they could do like no damage. Though because of it, he then did jump over Alixx and then sat on her legs. No biting the human!' He said with a grin before leaning over and licking her face.
    December 8th, 2013 at 07:12pm
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    This was news to his ears. Lucas had assumed she thought it was at least partially his fault. Now though, he let a wolfish sigh and then gave her a small nuzzling. 'I really am sorry, Az. You know...' he paused, wondering if he should say it. 'I kinda miss how close we used to be, and I think everyone else misses you too.'
    "Hey, what are you doing?!" Alixx had her legs being sat on now and a large wolf licking her face. She pushed at him with a smile, trying to push him back. They both knew the kids didn't bite her on purpose and he was probably trying to just joke around, but really... What was he doing? They were all going to attack her soon by licking and cuddling her again. "Come on, Jay, knock it off!" He was so flipping heavy!
    December 8th, 2013 at 07:39pm