A Very Furry Love

  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    Aza slowly turned her head so she could bury her face into his fur. She always knew that all of this was not his fault but she never told anyone that. She was just so frustrated that her father picked him over her and some of the bitterness towards her father did get worn off and directed at Jason. 'I miss it too.' Aza told him, which was true. She wished that they could just be friends again. They had had so much fun and it was nice.
    Jordan smirked as he jumped off of her legs and over the pups. They all followed him, jumped on him and cuddled into Jordan. Once again he looked like a giant puffball. Though the good thing was that the little ones were beginning to get worn out. One already was heading over to Alixx, just laying down in her lap as she closed her eyes.
    December 8th, 2013 at 07:46pm
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    'Really?' Lucas found himself glad that she missed being his friend though, and he licked her muzzle affectionately. 'That certainly makes me feel better about saying anything in the first place.'
    Alixx recognized Lily as the little pup came and snuggled in her lap. She smiled and scratched behind the pup's ears and then sat back and watched as Jordan continued to play with to he tiring others.
    December 8th, 2013 at 08:01pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ miki-kat
    'Can we just be friends again?' Aza asked him softly as she cuddled closer to Lucas, hiding her face in his fur. She was cold now and was using his body heat to warm herself up. Plus she was also trying to be affection back by cuddling into him. She wanted the to be friends again. There was no point in her fighting with him anymore.
    Soon all of the pups were on the ground, exhausted from playing. Jordan smirked a bit before heading next to Alixx and sitting down besides her. 'That is how you do it.' He said as he looked at the backyard filled with sleeping pups. Though somehow they were going to have to get them to the dinner table. It was almost time to eat.
    December 8th, 2013 at 08:08pm
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Lucas tucked his head close to Aza's. He was starting to feel the bite of the cold as well, though probably not as bad at her. 'I think I would like that,' he told her. Then he nudged her gently. 'Come on, let's get back. It's getting cold, plus dinner will be ready soon,' he said, getting up and shaking a few flakes of snow from his fur.
    "Well, in my defense, I could hardly move with them all over me," Alixx replied softly, nudging him. She gently set Lily down in the grass with the other pups and then leaned into Jordan. He was extremely warm in his wolf form, and her nose felt freezing from the cold air. "I might fall asleep too," she joked.
    December 8th, 2013 at 08:26pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    Aza let out a small huff before getting up. She didn't really want to go home yet but she was cold and hungry. Then she shook her fur out, getting some of the snow off of her fur. 'Okay but I am only going back because I'm hungry.' She told him before they began to move back towards the house.
    'No sleeping on me because I don't think I could move away while you're sleeping on me without accidently hurting you.' Jordan told her as he looked at all of the little ones. One of the adults then came out, telling them that it was time to eat. She then pointedly looked at Jordan, telling him to get the pups to the table.
    December 8th, 2013 at 08:31pm
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Lucas chuckled as Aza got up. 'Sure thing,' he said, nudging her again. They had only walked a little ways before he had an idea. 'Race you back to the house?' he asked. It sounded good in theory. It would help warm them up, and get them to food faster. He didn't think she wanted to get back very quickly, but oh well. She may have been upset but she couldn't take it out on everyone.
    Alixx rolled her eyes at Jordan. "Trust me; I would be fine," she said, shaking her head. As they were told dinner was ready, she chuckled a bit at the look Jordan got. "I've got this one," she said, sitting up and then getting up. "FOOD'S READY!" she yelled to the pups.
    December 8th, 2013 at 08:40pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    Aza thought about it for a moment before giving him a wolfy grin. She then started to run as fast as she could, wanting to get a head start on Lucas before he even realized what was going on. Aza was pretty fast but so was Lucas. So it was going to be a pretty even race and either of them could win.
    All of the pups jumped onto their feet and ran into the house and towards the dining room. Even though they were exhausted, all of them were starving. So they probably were going to eat before falling back asleep. Jordan smiled up at her before nudging her side lightly. 'Lets go eat now'
    December 9th, 2013 at 04:03am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Lucas had barely registered her grin when she took off running. A few seconds later he was pounding after her, barely seeing her ahead. He put all of his speed into it too, closing a large bit of the gap fairly easily. He wasn't sure if he would get to the house before her though.
    Alixx chuckled as all the kids took off inside. "You, my friend, might want to go and get some clothes first," she told Jordan, poking his side. "We're already going to have enough naked kids running around," she added teasingly.
    December 9th, 2013 at 04:24am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    Aza ran into the house, a large smirk over her face when she realized that she won. She waited for Lucas to run into the door. Once he did, Aza smirked a bit before launching herself at him, play fighting with him. Aza was having so much fun with him now that they were okay.
    Jordan rolled his eyes before running up the stairs, wanting to go get his clothes on. He shifted into his human form and then grabbed an outfit. All he did was pull his pants and boxers on, deciding not to bother with a shirt. Jordan then headed downstairs.
    December 9th, 2013 at 03:14pm
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Lucas pounded in the house a few short moments after Aza, at which point she turned and launched at him. He took the tackle and rolled over, playfully snapping at her with a mock growl. Apparently someone took them a little seriously though, because suddenly there was a light furred wolf coming between them, who he recognized as Aza's mother.
    Alixx rolled her eyes as Jordan came downstairs without a shirt. There was a ton of little kids without even underwear on, and now him. "You wolves and your aversion to clothes," she teased, poking his chest. "Come on; let's grab a seat before it gets too crowded."
    December 9th, 2013 at 11:35pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    Aza's mother was able to launch Aza behind her before snapping at Lucas and kicking him to her front. She then stood in front of Aza, growled at Lucas before turning to her daughter and doing the same. 'Just what do the two of you think that you are doing?! She sent angrily to both of their minds. 'There will be no fighting between you two! You must learn how to get along!'
    Aza laid down on the ground, showing that she was not trying to fight. She then let out a small whimper for her mother to hear. 'We were not fighting mother. We were playing.' She sent to both Lucas and her mother.
    "Looks like someone got into trouble." Jordan said as he walked past Lucas and Aza. Perhaps it have been a bad idea to send Lucas after Aza. It seemed to have ended in a fight where Aza's mother had to get involved. Jordan then headed into the dinning room, taking his place at the table. All of the kids sat at the very end of the table and the older kids were expected to help them while the adults talked about important information. Aza and Lucas always sat closest to the adults because they especially had to keep track of what was going on.
    December 10th, 2013 at 12:53am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Lucas had done the same as Aza and flattened himself to the ground to show he didn't want to fight. 'We really aren't fighting,' he assured Aza's mother. 'Just playing.' He didn't really expect her to simply take his word for it, but neither of them sounded angry or upset and they had immediately backed down. He guessed she thought they were fighting because of the tension from the past few years.
    Alixx looked at the wolves sympathetically. The alpha's mate really wasn't someone to be trifled with, and everyone knew it. She was one of the fiercer of the wolves honestly. "Yeah; wonder wha happened.." She murmured, and then headed into the dining room with him. She went to help with getting everything on the table, the kids seeming somewhat energized again and very much hungry.
    December 10th, 2013 at 01:11am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    'Yeah and I will believe that once I see Alixx shift into a wolf!' That had quickly became one of her mother's favorite sayings when Alixx was adopted into the family. She loved Alixx and took care of her like the other young ones in the pack but it was a saying that everyone understood, even the young ones. Her mother then growled at them again. 'Now if I see you two fighting again you both will be in serious trouble! Upstairs both of you, shift and come back down for dinner.'
    Aza moved back up to her feet and ran upstairs to her room. Once there she shifted, changed and though instead of heading straight down, she sat on her bed. She really did not want to go down and talk to her father at the moment.
    "Next time you or me will have to go get Aza." Jordan said with a light groan. He really did not like trying to get her back to the house after a fight with her father. It was difficult to get her back especially since Aza was so strong willed. He sat down across from Alixx in his normal spot. All of the food was being set down onto the table now.
    December 10th, 2013 at 01:25am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Lucas huffed after he was out of earshot, heading up, shifting back, then dressing. He had on a pair of loose, worn jeans, and a plain, v-neck shirt. He was about to head downstairs when he noticed Aza hadn't gone down. He turned and made a line for her room lightly rapping on the door and then going on. "Aren't you hungry?" He leaned in the doorway.
    "Well, lucky for you, I think it's my turn next," Alixx said to Jordan. If it was hard on the others to get Aza to come back, it was even worse on her. It took her forever to find Aza to begin with, and then she had to talk the wolf into coming back somehow. Soon most everyone was sitting down. "So... Where's Aza and Lucas?" She ventured since no one else was.
    December 10th, 2013 at 02:00am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    "Not enough to head down." Aza told him simply before she laid back into the bed, closing her eyes. After their fights Aza was always pissed off for a while and it took her a bit of time to forgive him. Though this fight especially hurt her with what he had said. "You can head down. I think I am just going to stay up here for a while." Aza told him before she turned onto her side a bit.
    Jordan glanced around the table, waiting for someone to answer. It was her mother that spoke. "They are upstairs getting dressed to come down. They will be down in a moment. We should start eating without them though." She said before looking up at her husband. She knew what had happened and she was always displeased after their fights. She would rather have one of them cave in and for this whole thing to be over with. And everyone in the pack knew that she refused to pick a side in their battle. The alpha nodded in agreement. "We should eat now." He said before smiling at the other adults. "It would be a waste to let this delicious food get cold." He said before beginning to fill his plate.
    December 10th, 2013 at 02:39am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Lucas sighed, shaking his head. He went over and sat down beside her, splaying out on the bed. "Not a chance. I got sent after you this time so you're my problem." He managed a grin for her. "Besides, I just got my friend back. Why would I want to leave her?"
    No one wasted time at getting food, and Alixx dove in as well. She wasn't exactly a dainty eater -she ate practically as much as any wolf but did as much as they did as well. It was just survival, pure and simple, to grab what you could and eat. The kids were especially and about trying to eat every last little thing. And if Lucas and Aza didn't show up soon, or more specifically if they didn't and someone didn't save them food, then they would have to scrounge.
    December 10th, 2013 at 04:16am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    Aza opened her eyes and gave him a little smile. She had been expecting him to go, especially since they were probably going to miss out on dinner. Though she really was glad that he decided to stay here with her. It was nice to have someone around while she was feeling a bit down. And right now she did not want to head down, Aza was rather sure that she did not have the energy to try and act civil with her father right now. She then moved closer to Lucas and laid her head on his chest before closing her eyes again. This was normal behavior for the pack. They were all really close and the acted like a pack of wolves, close, cuddly and such. And sometimes, especially close to the full moon they would shift and sleep with each other, cuddling close and feeling safe and like a real pack of wolves. "Thanks." She whispered to him.
    Jordan have his plate completely over loaded before he even dug in. He knew that he needed to grab what he could before he started shoving food down his face. Out of all of the wolves he ate the most and everyone was amazed at how fast he was able to finish a plate. Before anyone knew it, Jordan was refilling his plate for seconds. It really was quite amazing that he was not 400 pounds.
    December 10th, 2013 at 04:28am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    "Mmmhmm," Lucas murmured as she thanked him, laying against his chest. He reached up and stroked her hair absently, the soft strands falling through his fingers easily. "You okay, Az?" He continued softly after a few minutes. He'd never really seen her jus act this way, not in a long time, and it was really odd. He wasn't quite sure what to do besides just lay there with her.
    As always, Jordan seemed to be the only one left eating while everyone else bowed out, full. Alixx was one of the first to stop, having much of the appetite but not quite there of the other wolves. "I think if the world ends that you might become a cannibal," she decided as she watched Jordan. "With a food shortage, you're going to revert to rating other people. I just know it." She grinned at him.
    December 10th, 2013 at 04:48am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    Aza never acted this way because she had never gotten to this point in her fights with her father. It has been several years and no matter what she has done she was unable to sway his opinion on his choice for a moment. It was sad for her but it seemed like Aza may have to give up on the dream of becoming the alpha. There was only so much she could do to convince him and she was really getting at the end of the list. Aza let out a large sigh before talking softly. "I just think that I may have to give up on this. I sure you're happy to hear that though."
    "That won't happen." Jordan said with a smile. "With a food shortage I'll just have to go into the wild and eat all of the animals there. Once they are gone then I might have to start picking off humans and I will make sure you are the first one." He said before sticking his tongue out at her. He then finished off his plate and pushed it to the side
    December 10th, 2013 at 05:01am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Lucas snorted a little at her words, tucking a few stray pieces of hair behind her ears. "Honestly? I mostly said yes because it was either me or Jordan and no offense to him but... I don't think he could handle it... And because I knew that whoever your dad asked would get your anger. I was hoping it wouldn't be so bad for me since I was your friend..."
    Alixx shook her head softly at him. "You make human jokes now, but just wait until I find a store that sells silver bullets. Then we'll see who's making the jokes, Wolf Boy," she grinned at him and stuck her tongue right back out at him. She was just as harmless to the pack as they were to her though, and she could get away with those sorts of jokes simply because they knew she'd never actually do something like that to them.
    December 10th, 2013 at 05:37am