A Very Furry Love

  • @ miki-kat
    Aza helped out in the kitchen for a few minutes. All they really had to do was set the table. She then headed out to the living room. "It's time to eat." Aza told him before heading to the table and sitting down. The food smelled amazing and once everyone was sitting they began to dig in. Mark had just made something simple but it tasted amazing.
    Jordan jumped up to his feet and basically ran to the table when Aza announced that it was time to eat. When others started to dig in he waited for everyone to get their share before grabbing his own. This wasn't the house where he had to fight for food. Plus since he ate like a hog he didn't want to eat too much so others didn't get what they wanted.
    March 13th, 2014 at 04:03am
  • @ DrWhoLocked
    Considering Lucas was used to living with werewolves, he had to remind himself not to be surprised when there wasn't a mad rush for the food. Most everyone simply got up and walked in and found a place to sit then dug in. Mark had made pizza, pretty much ensuring everyone wanted some, and it was really a smart choice considering this was a cabin full of teenagers.
    Alixx was surprised that Jordan waited for everyone to get some food before he ate, but she guessed she knew why anyway. He would eat everything if everyone didn't get what they wanted first. She took two pieces of pepperoni for herself, and retreated from the crowded table, hopping up on a nearby counter to eat. As it was, a couple of people were sharing chairs anyway, so she didn't want to add to the problem. And though she didn't live in the main house, Alixx did notice how much calmer dinner seemed to be when it wasn't all wolves.
    March 13th, 2014 at 04:11am
  • @ miki-kat
    Aza ate her pizza, talking to the others that she had not seen in a while. In general it was a pretty nice dinner. She then turned to Lucas who happened to be sitting next to her. "What are you going to try tomorrow? Skiing or snowboarding?" Aza asked him, rather curious as to what he was interested in. Aza even smiled a little at him, feeling a bit better about things.
    Jordan was the last to finish eating since he was also the one who finished off the food when everyone was done. He then leaned back, looked around and smirked. A thought came to his head and he had to admit that it was a little evil. Though it was something that he would have to wait to tell the guys later. What he wanted to do was scare the girls tonight.
    March 13th, 2014 at 04:26am
  • @ DrWhoLocked
    Lucas found he enjoyed dinner. There was a nice conversation going with bantering along in it, and there could actually be a conversation since everyone wasn't fighting to get their share of food. "I think snowboarding," he answered Aza with a light smile. "How about you?" He wasn't sure how he'd ended up sitting next to Aza, except that it must've been by chance since he hadn't planned it and it didn't seem she had planned it.
    Once Alixx finished, she threw the paper plate away she'd been eating off of. She'd joined in the conversation from where she sat on the counter nearby, and was surprised that a couple of times she didn't start choking on pizza. After getting back though, she decided she might as well sit at the table with everyone else, and ended up sharing a seat with Jordan. She sat half in the chair, as did he, and Seth and Mark were doing about the same thing in a nearby chair.
    March 13th, 2014 at 04:47am
  • @ miki-kat
    "I am not sure what I am going to do yet. We will be here for a couple of days so I am thinking that I might do both." Few of them there knew how to ski or snowboard so tomorrow was going to be an interesting day of falling and crashes. Though they did get an instructor so hopefully they would be able to learn how to rather quickly. She turned a bit when Jordan mentioned doing something. Aza let out a small hum, thinking of what they could do. They could always play a game, truth or dare, spin the bottle, clue, poker or they could just mess around.
    Pushing away his evil plans, Jordan joined back in the conversation. When Alixx moved to his chair, he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into him slightly. It was just easier for him to sit like that and he assumed that it was better for her too this way. He leaned back into his seat a bit and began to talk. "So what do you guys want to do now? We should play a game or watch a movie or something." He told him. For a moment there was silence as everyone tried to think of what they wanted to do. They had a lot of options but there were also a lot of people with opinions.
    March 13th, 2014 at 05:02am
  • @ DrWhoLocked
    Lucas nodded to Aza. "Don't know how good you'll get at either if you're switching around though," he pointed with a small smile. He shook his head at Jordan. "No movie. We have some loud mouths," He glanced at Mark and Seth teasingly, "Who'll just talk the entire time." He couldn't help the grin he had as he said it though, and knew the two wouldn't take him seriously. He was serious though about the fact that everyone would probably talk through the the movie. "A game sounds good though. What sort of game do you think?"
    Alixx glanced at Jordan briefly, but it was easier to balance in the chair with two people how they were sitting, so she just left how they were sitting alone. By now, everyone in their group of friends knew better than to think she and Jordan were anything more than friends -it was the same with Lucas and Aza after all. "We should play spin-the-bottle!" Rachel chimed up with a grin. "There's only one more guy than girl, so it shouldn't get too awkward. I think you should have to kiss whoever it lands on, whether you're the same gender as them or opposite gender though," she added.
    Alixx shook her head. "Wouldn't that get awkward though?" she argued. "I mean -we're all friends here. Why would we want to play spin the bottle with each other?" she wrinkled her nose a bit.
    March 13th, 2014 at 05:30am
  • @ miki-kat

    Aza was the next one to pipe up about spin the bottle. "I agree that is a bad idea." She said before glancing over at everyone for a moment. It would be rather awkward to kiss one of her friends. Plus kissing Lucas right now was not a good idea until they knew what they were doing. "How about we play murderer instead?" She suggested, looking at all of them. It was kind of like a large version of clue. One person was the killer. All of the lights were turned off and then people walked around. The killer would 'kill' someone by motioning them to pretend to be dead. The dead person then had to lay where they were killed for the rest of the game. After that the detective had to try and figure out who the murderer is. This continued until everyone died or the detective caught them.
    Jordan's interest peaked at the idea of murderer. The wolves somewhat had an advantage because they could hear better and their vision was better. Though most importantly it would give Jordan the chance to tell the guys his idea for tonight. "I think we should play that." He said before looking down at Alixx to see how she felt about the game. "Do you want to play this or not?" He turned his head to the side slightly, hoping that she would play along.
    March 13th, 2014 at 06:23pm
  • @ DrWhoLocked
    Lucas liked Aza's suggestion as well. Poor Rachel was getting her idea shot down, but he couldn't help but think it was a bad idea... especially with how he and Aza had been lately. There was a chance they would land on each other, and he didn't think it would be good if they had to kiss each other, not with how things had been the past week -even if it really couldn't be any worse than that night on the full moon. So yeah, he was glad something else was suggested and it sounded good. "Since you suggested it though, I think you should be the detective," he told her.
    "I'm fine with it," Alixx said to Jordan with a small smile. Everyone else was agreeing as well and Lucas was already trying to get Aza to be the detective. She'd never really played the game before, but it sounded fun. Besides, she didn't think Aza, Lucas, or Jordan would cheat with their wolf abilities -though you never could tell. They could see, hear, and smell better and all that.
    March 13th, 2014 at 06:51pm
  • @ miki-kat
    Once everyone said that they wanted to play, Aza nodded. "Okay I will be the detective then." She then wrote small slips into a hat before having it get passed around and everyone taking one slip out. It either said killer or bystander. Though there could only be one killer. Once everyone had done this, Aza stood up on her feet, heading to the light switch. "Is everyone ready?"
    Jordan looked down at his slip before shoving it into his pocket. At the moment he was just a normal bystander but this was going to be a lot of fun anways, he could feel it. He then turned to Alixx. "We are gong to have to separate. While the killer can kill two peopleareonce if they are together I wouldn't prefer it." ajordan said as he slowly got off of the chair.
    March 14th, 2014 at 12:05pm
  • @ DrWhoLocked
    (I am so sorry... I hate my life right now Facepalm we're moving in two months, traveling every weekend, plus school... it's bad)

    Lucas ended up being a bystander as well, which made him curious as to who was going to be the killer. He guessed they'd find out soon though, since that was part of the game, and soon everyone was shuffling around, trying to separate a bit, while Aza went to stand at the light switch.
    Alixx looked at her slip, and found out that she was actually the killer -she hadn't really expected this to be the case so she was faintly surprised. She got out of the chair with Jordan as she put the slip of paper away and stretched a little. "Yeah, that would kind of suck, wouldn't it?" Everyone appeared to be ready though, and soon the room plummeted into darkness.
    March 25th, 2014 at 09:57pm
  • @ miki-kat
    (It's alright! ^.^)

    Once everyone said that they were ready, Aza turned off the lights and then went off by herself. She was hoping that the killer would not kill her off first since she was the detective. Leaning against the wall of a room, Aza glanced out of the window, waiting for the killer to make their move and then she could try and figure it all out.
    Once everyone had headed off their own ways, Jordan followed Lucas. He waited until the lights were off and that they were on the other side of the house before tapping Lucas on the back. "Hey I need to talk to you." He whispered before pulling him off to the side and into a closet. "What do you think about pulling a prank on the girls tonight?" Jordan said with a huge grin.
    April 3rd, 2014 at 02:56am
  • @ DrWhoLocked
    (Cool :3)

    Lucas was surprised as Jordan dragged him into a closet to talk. If at all possible, the closet was even darker than the rest of the house. "What kind of prank?" he asked. Jordan wasn't usually one to come up with pranks to play, and Lucas was kind of curious.
    Alixx, since she was supposed to be the killer, started walking around when the lights went off, trying to decide who she would "kill" first. In the end, she just went with Rachel. She seemed to be one of the fartherest away from Alixx for one thing, and for another... Alixx didn't feel like thinking hard about this just yet. The game was only just starting.
    April 3rd, 2014 at 06:09pm
  • @ DrWhoLocked
    (Hey ^_^")
    April 16th, 2014 at 02:50am
  • @ miki-kat

    "I just want to scare the girls. Maybe we can just make them thing there is a monster or something." Jordan smirked. "We have time to think of a plan. I just want to know if you are in or not." He told him before rubbing the back of his neck. He really needed him to just answer and try not to over think it all.

    [i kinda want to skip the game. Is that okay?]
    April 21st, 2014 at 07:37am
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    (It's fine with me. It would probably get ehh trying to roleplay all that. what do you want to skip to though?)

    Lucas thought for a minute about it, and then nodded -whether or not Jordan could actually see it. "Sure, I'll go for it." He grinned. "And hopefully we won't get our asses kicked at the end." No one was really worried about Rachel or even Alixx really, but Aza was a wolf, and the Alpha's daughter at that.
    April 21st, 2014 at 03:01pm
  • @ miki-kat
    (I was thinking later that night. Where the girls are heading off to bed. That way the prank can be done and then once everyone actually sleeps then Aza and Lucas can meet up.)

    Aza, and the rest of the girls were sitting in Aza's room, getting themselves ready for bed. The boys had already headed off and now the girls were just doing a last few things before heading off to sleep themselves. Aza at the moment was sitting in front of Rachel who was braiding her hair at the moment. She smiled at Alixx. "I am ready to sleep for a bit now."

    Jordan and the rest of the boys were sitting in Jordan's room. They were talking about the game plan for the girls. Vincent knew where the power outlets for the house were. So he was going to turn all of the power in the house off. Once he did that, he was going to come upstairs and stand outside of their main door while Jordan and Lucas were going to go through the window of their room. Then they were going to throw snowballs at them. All they really wanted to do was mess with the girls. Once the plan was settled Vincent ran downstairs and Jordan headed outside.
    April 22nd, 2014 at 06:07am
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    (Sounds good to me ^_^)

    "Only for a bit?" Alixx asked with a light smile. "I think I might sleep in for a while." She stretched her arms over her head, and that's when the power went out. She blinked against the sudden darkness and then frowned as she looked back to Aza. "That doesn't seem good..." She would've gotten up, but she didn't know which way was which with how dark it was.

    Lucas headed outside with Jordan and they prepared some snowballs while Vincent went to shut down the power and stand in front of the girls' room door. This was definitely going to be hilarious, provided Aza didn't kill them afterwards. "How long do you think we should give him before we start throwing snowballs?" He asked Jordan. This was all Jordan's plan after all.
    April 28th, 2014 at 05:06pm
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    May 27th, 2014 at 06:34pm
  • @ miki-kat
    Aza smiled lightly at Alixx. Though her smile stopped when the lights suddenly went out. She was able to shift her eyes immediately to see in the dark. The first thing she noticed was Alixx walking around. "Sit down Alixx you can't see." She said before pulling away from Rachel and getting onto her feet. "I'll go see if the boys know what is going on in here." Aza opened the door and was about to head out of the room when something slammed into her face. She let out a scream.

    Jordan was about to answer when he heard Aza scream. "Now!" He said before bursting through the window and beginning to chuck snowballs at the girls. It was easy to aim thanks to his wolfeyes, being able to see in the darkness. Though while he was able to chuck a few snowballs it was clear that he did not think all of this through. Well at least not Aza's part in this.

    The moment Aza was hit with some cold hard thing she went into defensive mode, not even looking at who had done if. Aza grabbed Vincent's collar, shoved him into the wall hard before throwing him into the ground. Then hearing Rachel's screams, Aza was quick to shift into her wolf form. The darkness hid it from the humans but the others could see. Aza growled and bared her teeth before going straight to the other boys.
    June 6th, 2014 at 06:58am
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Lucas followed after Jordan's lead, throwing snowballs at the girls. He was surprised as Aza suddenly shifted though. "Abandon ship!" Neither he, nor Jordan, had shifted, and from the looks of Aza, she wasn't exactly happy with their little prank. Lucas grabbed Jordan by the shirt, dragging him back as she came straight at them. From the sound of the thump he'd heard earlier, she'd already knocked Vincent out -or at least slammed him against something.

    Alixx had ended up sitting down, since Aza was right and she couldn't see. Then Aza screamed, and shortly thereafter was something cold smacking her. She and Rachel had barely screamed when Alixx heard a growl and then Lucas scream something, which let her know who exactly did this and who she had to get revenge on if Aza didn't handle it first.
    June 6th, 2014 at 07:18am