A Very Furry Love

  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    Aza nuzzled his chest a little before letting out a small sigh. "I know that I have been a bit bitter towards you the last few years and I am sorry about that. Though I truly couldn't help it." She whispered to him. "I had always thought that my place in the tribe was becoming the next alpha and when he gave that spot away to you I kind of felt like you were taking away my job in the pack. I knew it was not your fault but it was-still- is upsetting."
    Jordan chuckled before getting out of his seat. "Yeah and even if you did you would not be able to shoot me." He smirked before walking around the table. Jordan grabbed onto her and threw Alixx over his shoulder once again before running through the house. All of the pups began to cheer before jumping up and chasing the both of them.
    December 10th, 2013 at 05:44am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Lucas sighed and pressed his nose into her hair. "I know," he murmured. "And I'm sorry. I wish there was some way I could fix things and you be alpha," he admitted to her, which was true. He would be happy just being another member of the pack, possibly helping her out when she needed it... It didn't sound bad to him. But he'd agreed and he'd since then started going through training. Lucas was currently being groomed into the role.
    Alixx snatched into the first wall she could grab, which already had marks on it, and fought against Jordan's iron grip. There was no telling what he was planning... she wriggled and twisted until she got free, giving a triumphant smile as she hopped up after falling. "Hah," she stuck her tongue out at him.
    December 10th, 2013 at 05:51am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    Aza let out a little sigh before she opened up her eyes and moved so she could look into his. "It's not your fault and it is okay. There is nothing that you can do anyways. I know you will be a fine alpha, that is sure. I just need to accept that it can't be me. Though thank you Lucas for putting up with me the last several years." She then lightly nuzzled her face into his neck, finding comfort in him. Something about being with him right now just felt right.
    Jordan chuckled a bit as the children all surrounded Alixx and began to run around her feet. Sometimes they grabbed at her and wrapped themselves around her legs. "I am not quite sure that was a victory for you." He said with a smirk. All of the pups really knew how to mess with Alixx and it was quite entertaining to watch.
    December 10th, 2013 at 05:59am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Lucas wrapped his arms around Aza, holding her close. Her scent filled his nose, like sharp pine and cinnamon. It was one he knew well and one he was biased towards honestly... No one quite smelled like Aza, or as good. He guessed he just liked he mixture though, and didn't think much about it. "It's fine; you don't need to thank me. When it comes down to it, I'll always be around if you need me," he told her. His face was still pressed in her hair and he gave no signs of moving or contemplating moving.
    Alixx huffed, and then shook her head with a smirk. "Nope, it's definitely a victory. Before, I was probably going to get dumped in the snow or a pond or something. Now I just have to deal with the puppy army again." Looking down at the pups, she gave a great -non threatening, honestly- roar. She made wide motions with her arms, trying to scare them as she growled. Then she chuckled as they scattered and converged on Jordan.
    December 11th, 2013 at 03:19am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ miki-kat
    Once Lucas wrapped his arms around her, she did the same to him. Loosely her arms went around his neck as she shifted slightly to do so. Once comfortable she moved her face back into his neck, closing her eyes again too. Aza took a deep breath of Lucas before letting out a small breath of air. For a while they just laid there like that, completely relaxing until Aza whispered something to him. "When is the next full moon?"
    Jordan looked down at all of the pups at his feet. He stared at them for a moment, trying to figure out what to do. Though a yell out for the pups saved him. All of them ran towards the parents that were calling them to bed. First he watched them run off before looking up at Alixx with a smug smirk on his face. "Well that worked out perfectly."
    December 11th, 2013 at 03:36am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Lucas was entirely content to just stay like that, until he heard her question. "Sunday," he murmured in return. "That's why I lied and said we had family coming over this weekend..." Less than a week to the full moon. It was a thrilling -and anxious- time for the wolves. "Why?"
    Alixx practically groaned when the kids got called away, and she narrowed her eyes a little at Jordan as his smirk. "Oh no. No," she said, slowly backing away. When he looked like he was about to launch forward towards her, she turned and ran for the backyard. She could easily climb a tree, whereas for some reason the wolves had quite a bit of trouble with it. So she would feel much safer up in a tree's branches.
    December 11th, 2013 at 03:42am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ miki-kat
    "I was just curious." Aza said as she reached down for her blanket and pulled it over both of them. "I just wanted to know when we all would start getting antsy." A light smile came over her lips as she said that. She was so excited for the full moon. When they got close to it all of their emotions, and senses were heightened and usually it was quite a bit of fun. Aza just did not enjoy the jumpiness that came with it but it was not too bad. Aza brushed her fingers against the back of his neck before lightly pulling on his hair. "Your hair has gotten long."
    Jordan ran after her the moment she made her move. He had an idea of what she was up to, well actually all he knew that she was trying to get away. Though he really did not want that to happen. Jordan managed to wrap his arms around her loosely and then was trying to pull her into his body so he could tighten his grip. His hope was to throw her into the bath for the pups that he knew was being ran upstairs.
    December 11th, 2013 at 03:50am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Lucas chuckled a little. "Yeah, won't be long now. Luckily, we'll be out if school when it happens and won't have to pretend in front of all the humans," he said. His posture was completely relaxed as he lay there with her, and as she tugged a little on his hair, he gave her an amused look. "Did you like it better short or something?" He teased lightly. He knew he probably needed a hair cut soon though. It was staring to annoy him honestly.
    Alixx tried to duck and dance away from Jordan as he nearly had her but it didn't quite work out and she huffed as he trapped her against his chest fairly soon. She'd made it outside, but hadn't met her target. "You know, you could occasionally give me a chance to retaliate in between terrorizing me," she chided lightly, turning her head up to peer at him.
    December 11th, 2013 at 05:24am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    "No it's fine the way it is but you might want to cut the hair over your face. But shorter is good too." Aza told him with a light smile before reaching up and pushing his hair back a bit. "I mean, after all, once you finally do meet you mate, don't you want her to be able to see your face?" She gave him a soft little smile before nuzzling her cheek into his jaw. Aza then relaxed back once again. It was something that the adults talked about sometimes, usually to embaress them.
    "You retaliate in the morning when I can't even function." He pointed out to her before throwing Alixx over his shoulder once again. Most of the month Jordan did not bother Alixx like this so much. Though now they were getting closer to the full moon and he was getting jumpy. Jordan was just full of energy and he did not know what to do besides bother her. So he ran up the stairs, went into the bathroom and dropped her in the tub with a huge smile.
    December 11th, 2013 at 05:35am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    "Honestly? I've just been too lazy to go get a hair cut. I was already planning on getting it cut, at least somewhat. I think I might keep it this length for winter though," he smiled at Aza. "And my mate, when I find her, should love me by scent before she ever gets to see my face," he teased. He was lightly playing with strands of her bright hair, twisting a lock of it around his finger. "I think you should grow your hair out personally. It would look really pretty long."
    Alixx didn't quite go completely under water but was still from shock for a moment as the kids, who were in the bath now, clambered at her. She turned a glare up to Jordan, probably resembling a half-drowned cat. "Oh, you are so getting it now," she said, and launched out of the tub.
    December 11th, 2013 at 05:42am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    "I grow it longer if you promise to come help me brush all of it." Aza said with a light laugh. Her red hair was a little past her shoulders at this point. And she wouldn't mind growing it out but she knew how much more work it was probably going to be. "Anyways I do not think that your mate is going to be complaining about your smell." She had to admit that Lucas did smell rather amazing. "You are at least good there." She lightly teased him back. Aza had missed this so much. It had been so long since they were able to just lay and talk like this and it was great to have her friend back. It was actually quite amazing how easily they were able to fell back into it.
    Jordan's eyes went wide and he quickly made his way out of the bathroom. He did not want to know what Alixx had in store for him and he had no plan of finding out. So he ran through the house, trying to stay away from her grasps. Jordan wanted to shift so he would be even quicker but he needed to get ahead of her enough so that Alixx did not catch him during it.
    December 11th, 2013 at 06:09am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Lucas grinned at her. "Sure, I'll help keep your hair all pretty and tangle free," he said and nuzzled her cheek briefly. "Also, I'm glad you don't think my smell will be repulsive to my mate," he chuckled. "It's awful we really can't tell what we smell like and have to have someone else let us know." He was so glad they were friends again, after barley being on speaking terms for so long, and was really enjoying being her friend again and having her return it. Luckily, since the pack was naturally close and cuddily, if anyone came in and saw them, they wouldn't bat an eyelash.
    Alixx was glad Jordan was slower when he wasn't a wolf, while she'd spent years practicing speed. He was still faster than her though and she pused hard to catch him. At some point, her hand brushed the back of his shirt, but then he got away. She huffed and pushed herself almost to the point of falling, this time catching his shirt barely between her fingers. She did trip then though, and sent them both sprawling, Alixx still dripping wet.
    December 11th, 2013 at 11:15pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    Aza let out a little laugh before humming a bit. She began to mess with the ends of his hair again, enjoying how it felt between her fingers. Plus it was calming to be able to just play around like this. "Well at least you know that you're fine. I mean as long as you shower." She teased him lightly. "Is my scent okay?" Aza asked him.
    Jordan fell flat onto his face once Alixx pulled him down with her. He let out a small groan, moving his hands underneath him to get himself up. Once he was sitting on his butt, Jordan moved his head in his hands. Jordan didn't have any injuries from the fall but now his head hurt like hell. He then looked up at Alixx. "You okay?"
    December 11th, 2013 at 11:20pm
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Lucas didn't mind Aza playing with his hair so long as she didn't start trying to pull it out, and so let her do what she wanted -it would be different if she gave him a reason to not want her messing with it. "Yeah, you're good too," he chuckled. "You smell like pine and cinnamon. It doesn't sound good... But it makes a good mix," he told her honestly.
    Alixx had sat up as well, hands hurting a little from breaking her fall -and her knees honestly. She'd had worse though. "Yeah, how about you?" She peered over at Jordan. If he said yes, she might just decide to resume her attack.
    December 11th, 2013 at 11:34pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ miki-kat
    "That does sound a bit odd." Aza said as she wrinkled up her nose but she calmed down once he said it was good. Lucas was not able to lie to her so she knew it was the truth. She then cuddled up to him a bit more, pulling the blanket around them tighter as she closed her eyes. "I don't know about you but I am tired." Aza mumbled, feeling like she was going to fall asleep.
    "You hurt my head." Jordan said as he rubbed his forehead roughly. He was hoping that it would get rid of the pounding. Anyways he knew it would not be around for long. Wolves were pretty quick at healing and this wasn't even an injury. "I think we should head off to bed before we break something."
    December 12th, 2013 at 01:35am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Lucas had to agree with Aza. It was starting to get sort of late, meaning he should probably get up and trudge to his room, but any will he had to do so evaporated when she further cuddled into him. He squeezed his arms around her once, and let them fall loosely around her after. "Night, Az," he murmured to her, practically feeling her tiredness.
    Alixx knew Jordan would be fine and good as new by the end of the night so she simply spared a shrug at his complaint. "Damn," she grinned. "I just love to break things." Her hands had raw spots on them, a hole ripped in the knee of her jeans on one leg. Both places stung with carpet burn, but just lightly. Then she sighed. "Well, I'll see you in the morning then. My alarm clock attacks me first thing at dawn every morning." She smiled ruefully at him. She enjoyed spending her time aroun he main pack more so than some of the outliers, like Laurel was. The main part of the pack lived in the house they were in now, which seemed more of a mansion. Sure, some people had to share rooms, but it was cozy here.
    December 12th, 2013 at 03:19am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    "Goodnight." Aza whispered to him as she let her muscles completely untense. Soon she had fallen asleep, feeling completely safe and relaxed with Lucas staying in her room with her. Actually she had been rather glad that he did. It was normal for them to find themselves in someone's else bed with them. Now that was their wolf side, the part of them that did not like sleeping alone.
    Jordan smiled at her a bit as he got onto his feet. "Alright I'll see you in the morning. But don't feel the need to come over and wake me up." He said before reaching over and lightly messing up her hair. Then he turned and headed up the stairs, deciding that it would be best if he just want to his room and went to sleep.
    December 12th, 2013 at 03:30am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Lucas fell asleep fairly quickly as well, completely forgetting that everyone thought he and Aza had gotten into a fight at all. No one would believe either of them though. If they had gotten into a fight, Aza would've lied and he would've covered. So, neither of them was trusted per say. He doubted they would be bothered after falling asleep together though, and he relaxed completely, soon fast asleep with his arms still around her.
    Alixx shook her head a little as she watched Jordan walk off through pale strands of hair. She'd decided a while back that she wanted to be a little different and had dyed her hair the pale pinkish grey it currently looked. It was also fairly long, and mostly straight. It tended to behave though so she didn't bother cutting it. She got up from the floor, heading out, and walked alone in the night to laurel's house. Asher greeted her almost immediately and she spent some time with him before calling it a night. He seemed tired as well, and his parents were nowhere to be found, do she let him sleep with her. She knew how the wolves were with sleeping with each other rather than alone.
    December 12th, 2013 at 03:38am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    As Lucas and Aza slept, her mother opened up the door, wanting to see how her daughter was doing. After all she did not come down for dinner and she knew her daughter was upset about the fight. Though when she opened the door to see Lucas and Aza together she was more than a little surprised. Though she thought it best not to disturb them so she closed the door and headed off to bed herself.
    Jordan shifted once he got into his room. He stretched himself out and then jumped onto his friends' bed. First he slammed his paw done on his back, letting his friend know that he was there. Jordan then moved to the corner of the bed, curled up and fell fast asleep. The guys normally did not get all cuddly with each other but they did prefer it when they were in the same room and close.
    December 12th, 2013 at 03:59am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Lucas ended up waking fairly early the next morning, starting to stretch, but stopped when he realized that Aza was there, still asleep. He nuzzled her neck briefly and then softly told her to wake up. He figured it was probably earlier than she usually did, but he didn't want to just disappear. "Aza, I'm going out. I'll see you in a bit, okay?" He asked softly when she blinked sleepy eyes up at him.
    Alixx was woken up as usual and went through her morning routine. Eating breakfast, she glanced across the street to where the main house was. Some would be awake by now, getting ready for the day, and those like Jordan would be clinging to sleep.
    December 12th, 2013 at 04:10am