can't drown my demons.

  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Krissy Chambers/Paige Krasikeva

    Derek Hale

    Kalin Willows

    Scott McCall
    January 17th, 2014 at 03:48pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Kalin ran around her room looking for her other shoe to finish her outfit for her first day of her new school. It wasn't anything serious, but considering she was trying not to draw too many eyes to herself it fit the bill. This of course wasn't her first rodeo though so she knew how this was going to go. Even though she tried to stay off the radar as the new kid she'd probably be called out a couple of times, but she'd always felt like if she didn't draw too much attention to herself that it'd all just flow for the first few days and then she'd just be another girl in the sea of people at Beacon Hills. That was what she wanted anyways. Because well those first few days at a new school were always awkward, that was kind of just how things went. She was some new girl, she didn't have any friends, she didn't know anyone really and she wasn't sure how things worked. So unless someone took her under their wing for some totally bizarre reason Kalin was pretty sure her first few days would be like every other school she'd been to in the last five years, awkward.
    Derek sighed and pushed his fingers through his hair while he paced his loft. He seemed to be doing that a lot lately. Of course being he was anxious, and nervous, and about every other bad feeling the world it was all that made sense to him. He just couldn't get all the questions he wanted answered and out of his head. Like why the hell there was an alpha pack in town, what they wanted, where the hell they were keeping Boyd and Erica, what did they want with Boyd and Erica, what would he tell Scott when he came asking questions, because everyone knew he'd come asking questions. It was honestly just a mess. There was something awful happening, there would be an alpha pack in town though if things weren't awful. And on top of all of that he hadn't heard from Isaac in a while and he was starting to worry about where the hell he was. He just wasn't sure he could deal with the last member of his pack being take too. "I think you need a drink." He heard Peter say as he came down the stairs, and Derek glanced over to the man and sighed just letting his uncle pour him a drink. "Then we can plan. Though it doesn't seem like any of your plans are really working." Which caused Derek to glare. He was in no mood to put up with Peter and his, well his attitude towards things.
    January 17th, 2014 at 05:37pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Krissy was feeling rather nostalgic to say the least. She had never expected to set foot back in Beacon Hills. Sure, it had crossed her mind a couple of times, but that was it. She'd told herself all those years ago that she wouldn't do it. That she was doing the right thing by letting Derek think that she was dead. But sometimes fate has a weird, twisted way of bringing two people together, and right now was one of those times. Strange animal behavior? Two missing teenagers? And a bunch of freaky shit happening in the last year or so? You'd better bet your ass that the Winchesters would get wind of it. And she hadn't really thought anything of it until Sam mentioned the town. A small one in California. The name itself had almost made her sick to her stomach. "You're unusually quiet." Dean commented, glancing in the rearview mirror at her, and causing her to be taken from her own thoughts. "Just trying to figure out what might be going on here." She lied, giving a slight shrug of her shoulders.
    Something was going on in Beacon Hills. Granted, it seemed like there was almost always something freaky happening in this town now. Scott had never really given any of it much thought until Peter bit him. Now he was much more in tune to all things, well, supernatural. Erica and Boyd were still missing. Then there was the whole thing with that deer that ran straight at Lydia's car the other night. And he was sure that things didn't stop there. He didn't know what was going on, but it was definitely something. And he had a feeling that it was something big. Something more than an alpha seeking revenge for the murder of his family. Something more than a werewolf gone wrong. Despite his obvious concern, he didn't let it impact his schoolwork. Things were going to be different this year. He was going to do better this year. He wasn't going to slack off in school. He was going to get better grades. He was going to be a better Scott McCall, and that all started today with his first day back at school. He went about his usual morning routine before heading on over to Beacon Hills High on his motorcycle.
    January 17th, 2014 at 06:04pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Derek finished another drink before he put his cup down and decided to grab his jacket and head out. He wasn't really sure where the hell he was going to go, or what he was going to find, but he couldn't take sitting in his loft with his uncle attempting to get drunk while there was something going on and he needed to get to the bottom of it. So out he was going to go, he'd check ever where he could, and hopefully would get some answers some way or another. And of course figure out where the hell Isaac was, hell maybe he'd even get to the bottom of where Erica and Boyd were too. And even if he didn't, even if he came out of whatever he was going to do empty handed he'd feel a bit better because at least he was doing something. And wasn't it his job as the alpha to protect his pack. He didn't feel like he'd really done a very good job as of late considering all things right now. So despite his uncle calling after him telling him it was better to sit back and let things play out, he headed out. This was something he was going to handle. Something that he knew needed to be handled, and while he didn't know what was going on, or the fact that a new hunter was already in town and three more were on their way, he was heading out to try and get some answers.
    Kalin quickly snatched the keys from her dad's fingers and headed out the front door to her car. "Be careful out there Kalin." She heard her dad yell after her and she just sent him a thumbs up. She knew what he was talking about, well she knew the general gist of what he was talking about, and she would be. She'd be careful. Even if she didn't know the whole story about this place, she didn't really know what was going on around here. And she planned to figure everything out on her own since her dad wouldn't tell her anything, she was still going to be careful though, of course while still going behind his back to get involved though. Because she didn't like be uprooted only to be kept in the dark, she hated that actually. When he kept things from her, things like why they were really here. And she knew it wasn't for the schools like he claimed it was, because while she didn't doubt that the schools were fine here her last school had kind of been one of the best she'd ever been to. She pushed the thoughts of what her dad could be hiding from her though from her mind as she climbed into her car and headed to the high school for her first day, and tried to prepare herself for whatever this place held.
    January 17th, 2014 at 07:08pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Krissy couldn't tell if Dean had believed her lie or not, but she couldn't be bothered with trying to make herself more convincing. She hadn't gotten much sleep on the ride up here. And it wasn't because of how unbelievably uncomfortable sleeping in the back of the Impala was either. No, it was because she was going back to the one place she'd told herself that she would never go back to. The night Castiel had come to her in those woods, just after Derek's uncle had carried her out there, and she'd been revived, she'd told herself that she would never go back. She was going to leave and never turn back. As far as anyone in that town knew, Paige Krasikeva had been another victim amongst all those who had been killed in a string of Beacon Hills animal attacks, and she'd gone back to being Krissy Chambers. She went back to hunting, something that Dean hadn't been too pleased to find out, but she had a reason for doing it. And it wasn't because she was seeking revenge against the vamp that had killed her father like she'd done in the past. No. It was because it was a distraction. A distraction from the life she'd left behind in that small California town. A distraction from the boy she'd despised at first, but quickly had fallen head over heels for. And it was a way to close off that chapter of her life. And yet, after all those years, her she was. Heading straight on back there. She told herself that Derek had left town. That he wouldn't be there anymore. He had better things to do than to stick around in that small town, but she knew deep down that that wasn't the case. And she knew that it was only a matter of time before she ran into him. She was taken once more from her little reverie when Dean's phone started to ring, blasting some classic rock song. It was Kevin. She listened as Dean put it on speaker so she and Sam could listen in as well. "Apparently the prime suspect for the killings last year was a Derek Hale. His sister Laura's body was found in the woods by some joggers about a year ago. Here's the interesting part though. She wasn't found in one piece. She was ripped in half, and after closer inspection of the body, animal hair was found." Krissy felt sick to her stomach. She had only met Laura a handful of times when Derek had invited her over his house, but she'd still known her. "Sounds like we have our werewolf. Thanks, Kev." Dean said before hanging up.
    It didn't take Scott very long to get to the high school. He parked his motorcycle in one of the spots near the sidewalk, eyebrow raising when he spotted two much nicer motorcycles parked near his. He hadn't seen those last year. At least, he didn't remember seeing them last year, which meant that there were probably some new students. That wasn't exactly an uncommon occurrence in Beacon Hills though. They'd gotten new kids at school in the past, but it still caught Scott's attention. Climbing off of his motorcycle, and pulling off his helmet, he headed across the parking lot and into the school. He was sure that Stiles would be there already. He was always there before Scott. Although, this time, Scott wasn't too far behind his friend. He was making school his number one priority this year. He wasn't going to let anything werewolf related get in the way of him keeping his grades up. He had nearly been left back last year because of his grades, and he didn't want that to happen again this year. Because this year he was going to be a different person. This year he was starting anew. He was going to try his best to move on from Allison, and that was part of the reason why he'd gotten his new tattoo. Of course, it hadn't remained like he had hoped it would. He supposed that was one of the drawbacks of being a werewolf, but he was hoping to talk to Derek at some point in the future. He knew that the alpha had a lot on his plate right now, what with Erica and Boyd still missing, so he was going to wait until some of that died down. And then he'd ask him. He glanced down at his schedule to check and see what his first class was. English with Ms.Blake. He figured that he would meet up with Stiles there and headed for class.
    January 17th, 2014 at 07:44pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Derek hadn't really thought that people might still think he was the one who'd killed his sister. He hadn't really thought about how he probably shouldn't trust his uncle, and he'd tried not to think about Paige since he'd lost her all those years ago. There were a lot of things that Derek shouldn't think about that he did, and there were a lot of things he should think about that he doesn't. Like how ever since Paige's death he'd blamed himself. He felt like it was his fault, even though everyone told him not to and that it wasn't. He'd let her just become another death thanks to an animal attack. And every night he couldn't help but think about it. He couldn't help but miss her. And even though he'd been told time and time again that it wasn't his fault, that it wasn't his fault she hadn't been able to take to the bite, and then he blamed himself for ever even going along with that plan. For ever even thinking that having her turned was a good idea. Sure then he could've had her forever, but now he wasn't sure that was a good idea. He didn't want this for her. And he would've given anything to have her back. Because well he loved her, she was his first love. And maybe that was why he was this way, why he was always so alone and why he tried not to get to close to people. Because he didn't want to grow to care about them like he had Paige and of course his family only to lose them like he seemed to lose everyone. But he'd let himself get attached to Erica, Boyd, Isaac, and much to his dismay sometimes Scott. Sure he didn't admit it, and he wasn't about to come out and tell them all that he cared about them. That deep down he cared about them because they were like his family and he didn't want to lose them. But it was how he felt. And he knew that was why he was so stuck on figuring out what was going on. That was why he wanted to find them before anything could happen to them. Because they were his family, and he didn't wanna lose them like he'd lost everyone else. That was why he tried to keep Scott out of everything, because he didn't want to put him in any more danger and lose him too. And ha hated that his uncle had bitten Scott and brought him into this, he hated that his uncle had attacked Lydia and done something to her, because they were so young and didn't deserve it. So he was doing what he thought was best to protect them.
    It didn't take Kalin long to get to the school, and she parked in the first parking spot she could find then hopped out and grabbed her bag before she headed inside. She was honestly kind of nervous, she just didn't really like moving around all the time and then being introduced in front of the class as the new girl only to have to go through it all over again. She also didn't like having everyone's eyes on her like they were all judging her. It was just weird, she put up with it though because it was part of life and she just had to. As soon as she'd headed into the school she pulled out her schedule and decided that instead of going to the office to tell them she was there and needed someone to show her around that she'd find someone on her own and ask. Maybe that would be a little less awkward than being taken to her first class by like the principal or something. Plus it wasn't like she had to check in or anything. So that's what she decided on, instead of going to the office and telling them 'oh hey I'm the new girl and don't know my way around could someone show me' she was going to ask. First she had to look and see what she had first. English with Ms. Blake. Okay. Now just to find someone to show her where she was going. So while she made her way up the steps and into the school she looked around for someone she felt like actually walking up to and asking for directions. Surely someone in this school would be helpful.
    January 17th, 2014 at 08:55pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    So, just as Krissy had expected, Derek was still in town. Well, he had been about a year ago anyway, and he had been a suspect in the murder of his own sister? She didn't know how that had come up. It was honestly one of the most bizarre things she had ever heard. She couldn't picture Derek intentionally hurting anyone. Not without a good reason anyway. Every time she'd gone over to the Hale house, she'd been able to tell just how important family was to each and every single one of them. So, she couldn't help finding the whole accusation absolutely ridiculous. Of course, she didn't voice her opinion. She was sure that Dean and Sam would find it a little bit suspicious if she was defending Derek. She hadn't told him about her past here. The only person who knew about it was Castiel. And she planned on keeping it that way for as long as she possibly could. "Kevin just texted me an address. Apparently our werewolf was spotted at this abandoned house in the woods a lot last year." Sam said. At the mention of a house in the woods, Krissy's attention was easily grasped. The Hale house had been in the woods, but surely it wouldn't be abandoned? That didn't make any sense. It had to be a coincidence. "Looks like we've found our starting point. What's the address?" Dean asked, taking the phone from Sam to look at it. And so they headed over to the house. It was pretty far into the woods, and when they reached it, Krissy's eyes widened instantly. It was the Hale house. Well, what was left of it anyway. Most of the structure seemed to have burned down years ago. What had happened here? She was out of the Impala rather quickly. "Why would he be hanging around here?" She asked, though she felt like she knew the answer already. This had been Derek's home once upon a time. She didn't know what had happened to it, but clearly she wasn't the only nostalgic one.
    "You're going to ask Derek for help?" Stiles asked, looking at Scott in clear disbelief as they walked down the crowded hallway towards Ms.Blake's classroom. "Well, yeah. He has that triskele tattoo on his back, remember?" Scott responded, finding his reasoning for asking Derek to help him with the whole tattoo situation rather reasonable. He didn't know why it had healed over like it had. Derek had one, a visible one, so shouldn't Scott be able to have one too? "Don't you think he has a lot on his plate already, dude?" Stiles asked, motioning towards the two missing posters on the bulletin board. Scott paused, frowning when he saw Erica and Boyd's faces. It had been three months since they'd gone missing trying to flee Beacon Hills, and neither of them had been found. No one knew where they could have gone, at least, he didn't think that anyone had. Surely if Derek had figured something out he would have called him for his help, right? "Yeah, I'll probably ask him once all of this blows over." He looked away from the bulletin board and glanced down the hall, his gaze stopping on someone walking through the double doors. Someone new. Another new kid? He doubted she owned one of those motorcycles out in the parking lot. How many new kids were there this year?
    January 17th, 2014 at 09:25pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    There had to be an answer to everything going on somewhere. Right now though Derek hadn't gotten very far, he'd left his loft and decided to do a little digging of his own. He'd walked around a few of the places he'd already checked out with Isaac, but surprise, hadn't gotten anywhere. So he was on his way now to talk to the one person he was pretty sure had some answers. Deaton. He was just hoping that he'd actually be of some help. He just needed to know if Deaton had any ideas on what an alpha pack would be doing here. And well he also kind of wanted to figure out if Deaton might know where an alpha pack might keep a couple of teenage werewolves if they'd kidnapped them and why. Because it didn't make much sense to Derek. The only reason he could see anyone taking Boyd and Erica was to get info. But he didn't know what they'd want to know because as far as he knew he didn't know any of the alphas in this pack, and he also had no idea why they'd be in town. Maybe he'd made some enemies through out his life, but he hadn't thought it'd been this bad. If they were keeping Boyd and Erica alive though he wanted to know why. And he wanted to figure out where before they didn't need either of them anymore and they decided to kill them off.
    Kalin pushed her blonde hair behind her ear and pulled her bag tighter over her shoulder while her blue eyes scanned the hallway before they landed on two guys about halfway down the hall. They looked nice enough, not like some of the other people she saw. Like two guys who might be willing to help her, and so she headed towards them, but didn't stare and make things awkward. "Uh, do either of you know where I can find Ms. Blake's room?" She asked them smiling and hoping she wasn't like interrupting anything. She just really wanted to find her class and not end up late. It was her first day, and while she really could've asked a teacher or something else she supposed she didn't really want to. She didn't wanna draw a lot of attention to herself. And she knew that was all asking a teacher would do. And again, both of these boys looked nice enough to ask for help. Which she could use a lot right now. Really she wanted this time to be different than all the other times she'd started a new school. Hopefully this time would be different though. Hopefully.
    January 17th, 2014 at 11:20pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Krissy wasted no time in walking up the all too familiar steps of the porch. Being back here felt so strange. And it was even stranger seeing the house in this kind of a state. What had happened here? There had obviously been a fire, but what had caused it? She paused when she reached the front door, eyebrows furrowing when she noticed that it looked to be freshly painted. Someone had been here recently. And she had a feeling that she knew exactly who that someone was. She grabbed the handle and opened the door. It was unlocked. "Someone only painted one side of the door." She stated. She was about to step inside when she got a better look at the recently painted side. "It looks like they were trying to cover something up." There was the faint outline of something beneath the paint. It was really only noticeable if you got a really good look at the door. And she doubted that anyone really came all the way out here. Other than Derek that is. And she wondered where he was right now. It didn't look like anyone was living in the house itself, so he obviously was staying somewhere else. But had he been living here last year? What the hell had happened to the house? What had happened since she'd last been to Beacon Hills?
    Scott quickly averted his gaze back to the bulletin board as he didn't want to get caught staring. The last thing he needed was for the new girl to think that he was some sort of a creep. And he really didn't want her to think that of him. He couldn't help noticing how pretty she was. Beautiful even. And it kind of surprised him that he'd actually found himself thinking that, because he hadn't really thought that about another girl since Allison. Hell, up until now he'd been pretty sure that he was still kind of hung up on her. Clearly that wasn't the case though, and he was honestly pretty relieved to know that fact. And he was honestly surprised when he heard someone approach him and Stiles because when he looked over, it was the girl. "Uh, yeah. That's actually where we're headed." He said, offering a small smile. "I'm Scott, and this is Stiles." He added, figuring he might as well introduce himself.
    January 18th, 2014 at 04:51am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Derek sat with Deaton talking everything over. "So you really have no idea what the alphas are doing here, or what they want?" He asked wishing this hadn't been such a bust. "I'm sorry Derek, I would love to be of more help but I don't know anything. I do think it would best to keep low for a while though. There's a new hunter in town, and if he's here already then others could be onto something too which mean they could be here any time." Deaton told Derek before Derek thanked him and decided to head out. Of course he was only more confused then. Why where there more hunters here. Sure everything that'd happened last year was a big deal, there was a lot of shit that'd went down. But he'd been almost positive that they'd taken care of everything to avoid things like this from happening. Not to mention the Argents were already in town and they were enough for him. They were a whole hunting family, the only thing worse than one hunting family was more than one. Clearly things were a lot worse than he'd thought. Things were really bad. Which only meant that he needed to find Isaac, Boyd, and Erica as soon as possible and kind of rely the message to Scott. He honestly wasn't sure how this could get much worse.
    "I'm Kalin." Kalin told Scott smiling right back and playing with a piece of her hair. "Awesome. So I guess I'll just follow you guys then if you don't mind." She said feeling better now that she had someone to show her where she was going. Oh the joys of first days. And in her own personally opinion it was pretty awesome that it was a handsome male student who just so happened to be showing her around. And she did mean handsome. She'd seen attractive guys in the years that she'd thought boys were attractive and not covered in cooties, but this one, Scott, yea he was at the top of her list. She'd seen pretty boys who had faces you just wanted to hang all over your wall and stare at all day, she'd seen bad boys who she later knew she could beat the crap of out if she tried, and she'd seen guys similar to Stiles who were somewhat nerdy looking but had the innocent face that girls were totally into when they weren't being shallow and only going for the jerks. But there was something different about Scott. He had more of a handsome face, and he reminded her a lot of that guy you bring home to meet your parents. And she wasn't sure if he'd always looked like this, or maybe she was the only one who saw this but she did. And after a moment she realized that she might've been staring and quickly tried to regain herself not wanting to think about this guy she barely knew and his handsome face.
    January 18th, 2014 at 05:34am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "Did Kevin mention anything about a fire to either of you?" Krissy asked, looking over to Sam and Dean. She knew that that probably wasn't all that important right now, but she just needed to know. She needed to know what had happened once she'd left Beacon Hills. What had caused the fire? Was it accidental? "No, but I'll give him a call and see if he can find anything out." Sam told her before walking back over to the Impala to grab his phone. She nodded wordlessly before turning back to the door. "What would someone want to cover up?" She whispered to herself, running a hand over the recently painted side. The paint was dry, but it had obviously been done within the last couple of days. So, whoever had painted it, had been here recently. But they weren't staying here. She didn't see anything that showed any signs of anyone living in the house, but someone was definitely still going there. And she had a feeling that she knew exactly who that person was. So what was Derek trying to hide, and who was he trying to hide it from?
    Scott smiled. "It's nice to meet you, Kalin." He said before nodding. "Yeah, come on. We should probably get to class anyway. Wouldn't want to be late on the first day of school." He added before continuing on down the hallway. As he walked, he glanced over to her. "So, you're new here, right? Where'd you move from?" He wanted to get to know her. He didn't know why that was the case, but it was. There was something about her. Something he couldn't quite place. Something that made him want to figure her out. He had a feeling that there was a lot more to her than met the eye, and that kind of intrigued him. He had a feeling that she was more than just a pretty face. He didn't know why he got that feeling, but he did, and he was determined to figure her out. Or, at least start to attempt to anyway.
    January 18th, 2014 at 06:03pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Derek ran his hand over his head again sighing while he headed out. And he sat in his car for a moment trying to think everything he'd just learnt over. While no one seemed to know why the alphas were here other than the alphas, and no one seemed to know where they were keeping Erica and Boyd or why they were keeping them, he now knew that there was probably going to be close to five adult hunter and well he knew about Allison, and if there was another hunting family that most likely meant another Allison. So close to six trained hunters out for whatever. This wasn't good. Because he didn't already have enough to deal with, and if there were new hunters in town who didn't know the ropes like Allison and her dad seemed to, who maybe didn't follow the same code as Allison and her dad then things were bound to get bad. And though he'd promised himself that he wouldn't get Scott involved in things he knew he needed to tell him. Scott needed to know to be careful. So that was all Derek was going to tell him, nothing else. Just to be careful. So after thinking it over for close to ten minutes he pulled out his phone to text Scott. Just got word that there are some new hunters in town. I don't know how many for sure but I think at least five. So don't do anything stupid. And hopefully Scott would take the message and listen. While he might've thought he knew what was best or what he was doing Derek wasn't about to take any chances with that one.
    "You too." Kalin replied before nodding and following them towards the class. "Yea, me and my dad just moved to town last week." She said with a smile, "oh we moved here from North Dakota." She said not really wanting to get any more into why they'd moved here. All she even really knew was because there was a mess here he felt he needed to help clean up. Which in better terms meant there was a lot of supernatural shit here he thought needed to be taken care of. But that wasn't really something she could tell people. That'd be something, 'oh yea my dad's a supernatural hunter. He kills things that aren't even supposed to exist.' Right. She couldn't tell people that, and she couldn't tell people she knew that, because her dad tried to hide it. He tried to keep her out of the loop, because he thought it was best for her. But she knew. She knew a lot more than he thought she did. And she also knew he hadn't actually been looking for anything to hunt for a while, or they wouldn't have been in North Dakota for so long. Which to her only meant one thing, someone had called him because they wanted his help. And well honestly she wanted to bank on it being one of his old hunting friends. Yet something else she couldn't tell people.
    January 18th, 2014 at 06:40pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    None of this was making any sense to Krissy at all. Of course, it could have had something to do with the fact that she didn't fully understand what had been happening since she'd last been to Beacon Hills. The animal attacks were fairly obvious. There was a reason why she'd come to this town when she did all those years ago. She'd heard about the animal attacks. So, even though she'd promised Dean she would leave the life, she'd gone to check things out. She knew that there were werewolves in Beacon Hills. However, she hadn't expected there to be several packs there, and she hadn't expected to be bitten by one of the alphas. The most shocking thing was how she'd fallen for one of the young betas. That definitely hadn't been part of her plan. And when Castiel brought her back, she had left for a reason. She hadn't gone back to see Derek for a reason. But all hell seemed to have broken loose while she was gone. This was the exact opposite of what she had wanted.
    Scott's eyebrows rose when she said she'd moved from North Dakota. "Why Beacon Hills?" he asked curiously. "If you don't mind me asking of course." He added, not wanting her to think that she had to tell him. he didn't want to come off as overly nosy or anything like that. That was the last thing that he wanted to happen. He didn't want to give her the wrong first impression, because, no matter what, first impressions meant a lot. He didn't think that they necessarily meant everything like some people did, but they were still extremely important. Just as they reached the door to the classroom, his phone went off. Looking down, at the small screen, he saw it was a text from Derek. The first text that he'd received from the alpha in quite some time. I wasn't planning on doing anything stupid, but thanks for the heads up. He sent back before looking back to Kalin and offering her a small smile. She couldn't be a part of the hunter family, right? That would just be his luck though, wouldn't it?
    January 18th, 2014 at 08:30pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Derek glanced down to his phone when it went off and he saw Scott had replied. And it somewhat put him at ease, it was probably just putting him at ease to not be the only one who knew though. This was a huge deal. Now that he'd gotten one thing off his chest though he knew it was time to move on to something else. Which was finding Isaac, and possibly in the midst of that figuring out just how many hunters were in town, who they were, and maybe even what the hell they were looking for. Because if he couldn't figure out what the alphas wanted then he could figure out what the hunters were for, there was no way they were after the same things after all. Or at least he didn't think it was possible for them to be after the same thing. After all every hunter he'd ever met kind of hated werewolves. Allison and her family were kind of an exception, maybe. He wasn't really sure about them. He didn't trust them, of course he knew that Scott did. Derek however wasn't really sure about them. Finally he just shook that whole thing from his thoughts and thought over all the places he could look for Isaac. Maybe his old house, that had kind of been a place they'd all met and stuff back before he'd gotten his loft. And if Isaac was trying to hide out somewhere from the alphas that might've been where he'd went. And if he'd been trying to keep them off Derek's trail and not lead them to the loft it made sense. They were alphas though and if they wanted to find Derek they wouldn't need Isaac to lead them to him surely. It was worth a shot though.
    "Oh I don't mind," Kalin told him, "well my parents just split up and he wanted to get away from my mom. And well we have family here and he thought it'd be nice to getaway to a smaller town and be around family and stuff so here we are." She told him, even though that was kind of a lie. As far as she knew they didn't actually have blood relatives anywhere near this place. She did know however that he had to know someone around here. Which meant hunter friends, and she knew how he considered his hunter friends family. It was some weird thing that she didn't know much about. In a way though they were like family she supposed. He'd probably know the guy for awhile or he wouldn't have come. Her dad didn't up and leave for just anyone. And before she could even finish that thought she saw her. Allison Argent. And somehow it all clicked in her brain. "Allison." She said kind of shocked that the Argents were here. Of course that made sense to her. Of course her dad would come running to this town if they'd called. They only called if things were serious. So something big must've been going on here.
    January 18th, 2014 at 09:02pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Krissy was still trying to piece everything together herself when Sam walked back over from the Impala. "Kevin find anything?" Dean asked, glancing over to his brother. Krissy looked over as well, hoping that he had. Then there would be at least some sort of clarification for what had happened here since she'd left town. "There was a major fire here seven years ago." Sam said. "The cause was a complete mystery up until recently, though it was a suspected arson case. Most of the Hale family were in the house when the fire happened. Eight were killed, one seriously injured. The only other known survivors were Derek and his older sister Laura. They were both at school when the fire occurred. A couple of months back the case was officially closed when it was determined that Kate Argent, a victim of a string of animal attacks, was found guilty of arson and murder." Krissy felt sick to her stomach. Why would someone want to kill the Hale family? She'd met all of them. Some of them were human. And she didn't think any of the ones who were werewolves had actually ever harmed anyone. Not when she'd been there at least. It just didn't make any sense. "Who was seriously injured?" She asked, wanting to know who had survived. She knew how close Derek had been to his mother. She knew how close he had been to his entire family. "Peter Hale." Sam answered. "As far as anyone knows he's been comatose since the fire." Everything really had gone to hell since she'd left. Most of Derek's family had been killed in a fire. Derek's uncle was in a coma, at least that's what everyone seemed to think and his sister Laura had been brutally murdered last year. Derek had no one.
    "That's rough, I'm sorry." Scott said sympathetically. He knew what it was like to have divorced parents. He didn't get on well with his dad at all though, so he didn't mind that he wasn't around ever. Hell, he didn't even talk to him. He hadn't in a very long time, and he was okay with that because he had his mom, and that was the only family he really needed. He hadn't really been paying close enough attention to her to realize that she was lying to him. And he wasn't looking for her to be dishonest with him either, so he hadn't been paying really close attention to her heartbeat or anything like that. He hardly knew her. Why would he expect her to lie to him? He was taken from his own thoughts when she spoke again, his eyes widening slightly at what she said. "What?" He asked, obviously confused. He followed her wide-eyed gaze, realizing that she was looking straight at his ex-girlfriend. She seemed shocked to see her, but did that mean that they knew each other? He thought back to Derek's text and frowned at the thought. That wasn't good. If they knew each other, well, could the family friends she had be the Argents? And if they were, did that mean her family were hunters too? No, his luck couldn't be that bad, could it?
    January 19th, 2014 at 04:04am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Derek had decided to head to his old house thinking maybe his whole idea about Isaac hiding out there was right, but was shocked to see there was already someone there. Or well more than one person. Which couldn't be good. So he didn't get any closer than he already was, and he hoped that he wasn't too close. He didn't want them to see him, but he wanted to listen in on what they were talking about. Clearly they had to be hunters or something since he didn't know them and they were snooping around his place. So he listened in. And he didn't like what they were talking about. He hated thinking about his family, he hated hearing about them, and he hated that he hadn't been there when it happened. He hated that he couldn't have done something to help them. He hated it all. He hated that everyone had believed that he'd killed his own sister, and somehow until they'd proved Kate had killed them that they all thought he'd done it. He had loved his family more than anything in the world. They'd meant everything to him, and thinking about how they were all gone and all he had left of them now was his fucked up uncle who he was never going to fully trust again just set him over the edge sometimes. Maybe he should've left this place a long time ago, maybe he shouldn't have come back after he left was a better thought actually.
    Kalin had been drawn to the attention of Allison and kind of not even realized what Scott had said. "Kalin? What are you doing here? Last time we saw each other you were in North Dakota." She heard Allison say before they were hugging and smiling at one another. "Yea, well you know my dad totally crazy about smaller towns and I'm going to assume your dad is who he came to be closer to. You know they were always like brothers." She said still shocked that Allison of all people was who she'd ran into today. "Oh hey Scott. I see you met Kalin." Allison said with her smile causing Kalin to smile before she looked between the two and smiled at them both. It was kind of strange now, for all she knew Allison had followed in her dad's footsteps by now and was a hunter like he was, of course she knew about Allison's mom, and her dad had brought up going, really Kalin was shocked that they hadn't came. Either way they hadn't and now here she was bumping into someone she hadn't seen in a long time. Of course given their dad's had went separate ways a few years ago because they both had different cases they wanted to work on it made sense. But it would seem that the duo would be working together again. Still though it was just weird.
    January 19th, 2014 at 04:28am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "That explains the state the house is in." Krissy said, eyeing it for a moment. "But someone's been here recently. I don't think anyone's staying here, but someone painted over something on the door." She knew who that someone was, but didn't say anything of it. A part of her wanted to see him again. It had been nearly ten years since she last saw him. Ten years since she'd died in his arms. Ten years since Castiel brought her back. Ten years since she told herself she would never return to Beacon Hills. An ten years since she'd told herself that Derek would be better off thinking she really had died that night, and that she'd stayed dead. But now, hearing the hell he'd been through, she knew that she was clearly wrong. He'd lost everything in that fire. She'd left because she knew he still had his family, and now he didn't even have that anymore. "I'm going to go have a look around the perimeter. You two check inside." She said, turning to walk back down the steps. She paused when she saw the expression on Dean's face. "I'll be fine, Dean." She shot a pointed look his way before continuing down them.
    Scott stood there, shocked as he watched Kalin hug his ex-girlfriend like they were old friends. And that's exactly what it seemed to be. Normally, that wouldn't be that big of a deal, sure Allison was his ex who he wasn't totally over, but that was small in comparison to what he was actually worried about. Allison's family were hunters. Derek had sent him a text to let him know that more hunters were in town. Another family. Beacon Hills was a small town. There were far too many coincidences for there not to be any sort of a connection at all. "You two know each other?" He asked, glancing between the two of them. He already knew the answer, but he was still extremely confused. Why was it that every girl he showed interest in seemed to be the only people who were out to kill him? Well, their families were at least, and that was just as bad.
    January 19th, 2014 at 03:12pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Derek swallowed the lump that was starting to form in his throat while he listened to this, sure he didn't live here anymore, and he had to be wrong about Isaac being here but that didn't change anything. This was still his home though. He'd lived here his whole life basically, and he didn't know how to let it go. If he'd known that he could fix the house he probably would've and would still be there. But he'd moved, and he was trying to let it go, he was. It was hard though. It might've just been a house to some, but to him it was home, and not only had he lost the house and everything he owned when it burnt down but he'd lost his family and himself that day too. Because he hadn't been the same since and he knew that, there wasn't anything he could do though. He was a broken man who was kind of letting go because of what that would mean. Where that would leave him, it wasn't like had anyone left really. Everyone he'd loved had died in the fire, and everyone he'd grown to care about in the last year other than Scott was missing. He didn't know why it was like this, why the people he cared about always seemed to be taken from him. First Paige, then his family, now his pack.
    Kalin looked at Scott again and saw he was clearly shocked, maybe there was something else there, but shock she could see. "Uh yea. We're basically family." She told Scott before Allison but in again, "yea our dad's are old hunting buddies. It's nothing to worry about though Scott." And Kalin sensed that there was something here, she didn't know what but something. "I should be getting to class though, it's good to see you though Kalin." "Yea you too Allison." She said before tuning back to Scott. Because she knew she'd see Allison again, probably even later in the evening. She hadn't been expecting to run into her of all people though, and while she was glad she had she could tell that something about that entire encounter had taken Scott by surprise, and she wasn't sure it was a good kind of surprise. Maybe he knew about Allison's family, which in turn would mean he knew about hers now too, but she didn't know why that would be a problem. Well unless he was the reason her dad had decided to come here. But he was only one person and this was bigger than just one person. She knew that for sure. "Is everything okay?" She asked him wondering if he'd tell her. And if not then she'd ask the person she knew would tell her when she saw her next.
    January 19th, 2014 at 04:43pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Krissy really didn't understand how so many terrible things could happen to one person. Sure, she was no stranger to terrible experiences, her mom had been ripped to shreds right in front of her when she was kid and her dad had been killed by that vamp that that bastard Victor had hired, and yes both had been sorrowful and painful experiences, and yes, she too didn't really have anyone, other than Sam and Dean of course, but Derek had no one. He'd lost her, and then most of his family and then his older sister the year before. And she honestly felt like he was one of the only people in the world who didn't deserve any of that. Heading down the steps of the porch, she started around the side of the house. She didn't think she would find much of anything, but it was worth a shot, wasn't it? As she walked, she glanced around, feeling as though she was being watched. She didn't see anyone though, but she checked the holster where she knew her gun was just to be safe, before continuing on.
    So Scott had assumed correctly. Kalin's family was the other hunter family that Derek had been referring to. Of course it was her family. Why wouldn't it be? Why couldn't he show interest in a girl whose family weren't out to kill people like him? He was silent though he nodded wordlessly in response to Allison's words. He really just couldn't believe his rotten luck. He was taken from his reverie when Kalin spoke, and he nodded. "Yeah, everything's fine." he said quickly, mustering up a weak smile. "We should probably get to class. Wouldn't want you to be late on your first day at a new school." He added, wanting to change the subject as quickly as he possibly could.
    January 19th, 2014 at 05:16pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Derek watched at the girl walked away from the house, and when he got a really good look at her he couldn't help but be reminded of Paige. Which was totally insane because he knew Paige was dead. She'd died in his arms ten years ago. Plus a far as he knew Paige, though she knew about him, wasn't a hunter. Whatever. The point here was Derek saw Paige when he saw this girl and it kind of broke his heart. Ever since she'd died he'd blamed himself. Everyone told him it wasn't his fault, but he felt like it was. Her death was on his hands. Even if he'd only been a teenager when it happened he'd loved her, she was different from other girls. She hadn't been scared him even when she knew what he was. And he felt like almost as soon as he'd found her he'd lost her. Whoever this girl was, she was going to be a problem for him, because even though Paige had died ten years ago seeing someone who looked like what she'd look like now if she hadn't died hit close to home and he knew if it came to it he wouldn't be able to hurt her or let her get hurt. Because even though it wasn't Pagie, there was no way for that after all, she reminded him of her and he'd be damned before he relived losing her again because of some girl who looked like her.
    Kalin nodded her head figuring she should drop it, though she could see wheels turning in his head and clearly there was something bugging him. Something she was pretty sure she knew. He knew. That was the only thing that made sense to her anyways. "Yea." She said agreeing, she wouldn't wanna be late on her first day. That wouldn't make a very good impression, and well Kalin was all about first impressions. And while it was only class she knew that how the teacher viewed you could make or break your year. And well Kalin didn't want to be on the list of students who didn't seen to care about school. While there might've been times she though being at school was stupid since she couldn't even focus, with everything else on her mind, she still tried to care about her future. And sometimes school could be a good distraction from everything. Or that's what her dad told her.
    January 19th, 2014 at 05:43pm