can't drown my demons.

  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Krissy talked with Sam and Dean for while. They discussed any possible theories as to what was going on, Sam had done some research while she'd been at the animal clinic, and apparently Kevin had called with some more info too, but they still didn't have a lot to go by. And, still, none of them could figure out what the damn symbol on the door to the Hale House was. And it kind of bothered Krissy because it sort of reminded her of the one in the distillery. She was half-tempted to go out there to refresh her memory on exactly what that one had looked like. If she remembered correctly, it had been a spiral, and she was pretty sure that it had something to do with revenge or vendetta. But she'd do that if she had to.
    Scott responded almost immediately, his hands falling to her waist, as he kissed her back. He was glad that he hadn't been the only one thinking about kissing the other. And, if she hadn't initiated it, there was a part of him that wasn't all that sure that he would have had the courage to do so himself. Because he still fully hadn't regained his confidence back after everything with Allison and he was still hesitant to act on anything since Allison. But right now he wasn't thinking about Allison. Right now he didn't care about that. All he cared about was kissing Kalin.
    February 6th, 2014 at 03:13am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Derek and Isaac talked about the plan for a little bit longer and decided on a place to have everything go down. They couldn't really go to her motel because they didn't know where she was staying and they wouldn't have a way to get the others away from the motel. So Derek's idea was to lure her away to the one place he knew he could bring her and get answers and wouldn't feel like he had to worry about being found. And while he took care of getting her alone and getting what he wanted out of her he'd leave Scott and Isaac on the duty of watching over the hunters and making sure they didn't follow him and kept their distance. Really the plan was pretty much they watched the hunters and like distracted them doing something and he got the Krissy girl alone in the distillery to talk.
    Kalin wrapped her arm around his neck a little bit more glad that he wanted this too. She hadn't really been sure. Their faces had been close, and everything seemed liked he wanted to kiss her but she still felt like things might've been weird like he didn't know what he wanted totally so she kind of went for it and took what she wanted, which was to kiss him, and well it was working out well. She wanted things to work for them. Of course they had a few things that would be weird to deal with that most people didn't. Like convicing her dad that it wasn't as bad as he thought it was, and even though he was a werewolf he wasn't going to hurt her.
    February 6th, 2014 at 04:15am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    They weren't any closer to figuring things out when the next day rolled around. Krissy had a feeling that they were missing something. The question was, what? There had to be something going on in this town. She knew that there was. Of course, the reason she knew was something that she couldn't exactly tell Sam and Dean. And she was still refusing to do that. She would only do that if and only if it was essential. She would only do it if it was clear that what was happening now was somehow connected to what had happened the last time she had been in Beacon Hills. Dean had headed on down to the police station to see if he could get a hold of some old police reports that could possibly link what was happening right now to what had happened in the past, and Sam was going around town, asking people questions about the two missing high schoolers. Krissy had hung back at the motel in hopes of getting herself some time to head down to the distillery. She hadn't left yet though. She'd only just gotten off the phone with Kevin a few moments before actually.
    This was probably the last thing that Scott expected to happen tonight. He sure as hell wasn't complaining though. This was the first girl he had kissed since everything had gone down with Allison. This was the first time that his mind wasn't preoccupied with thoughts of Allison. Right now, the only thing that mattered was Kalin and the fact that he was kissing her. He smiled slightly against her lips as he drew her petite frame closer to his. He was kind of really glad that Stiles had convinced him to come to this party now.
    February 6th, 2014 at 11:27pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    The following day Derek was up bright and early ready to put this plan into action. And soon enough he'd sent Isaac out to do his part while Derek wrote out a note and had taken it to the only motel in town and dropped it off telling the guy at the front to give it to a girl named Krissy. He'd even explained what she looked like so it would go to the right person. Then he'd headed to the distillery himself to wait for her to arrive where he planned to talk go her and get info. Hell at this point Derek was willing to give her information too if it meant she'd answer his questions truthfully. It was kind of clear that everything was driving him to his breaking point and until he had answers he wasn't going to sleep properly at night.
    Kalin kissed him back, and wouldn't have stopped kissing him either if she hadn't heard someone jiggling the door knob and walking in. "Scott! Finally. I've been looking everywhere for you man." She heard Stiles voice as she quickly pulled away. "Oh uh hi Kalin," Stiles said rubbing the back of his neck when he saw her. "Hi." She replied softly biting her lip again. "Uh we need to leave Scott. Something's kind of come up. You should really check your phone." Stiles said and Kalin could just tell he would rather not be leaving but it must've been important though and she felt like it was probably supernatural related, but she didn't ask Stiles about that.
    February 7th, 2014 at 12:16am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    [my internet just went out so my posts might take longer since I'm on my phone...]

    Krissy was caught off guard when one of the workers at the motel came to the room to drop off a note addressed to her. She tensed up when she read it. So Derek knew she was here. Well, he knew that Krissy was here. She only hoped that he didn't suspect that she was Paige, but that was the thing about having something in writing. You never really knew what the person was thinking or what their ulterior motive was until you spoke to them face to face. What really sent chills down her spine was the fact that he wanted her to meet him at the distillery. That had been their place. They always used to sneak out and go there at night before everything happened. And it caused this almost sickening feeling to form in the pit of her stomach. However, she quickly composed herself and headed out. She was glad that Sam and Dean weren't around. If they knew that she was going to meet up with a werewolf alone, well they wouldn't allow it. Hopefully they wouldn't be finding out anytime soon.

    It didn't take her long to reach the old distillery. It was just on the outskirts of town, close enough for her to walk, but far enough for it to be a bit of a hike. It wasn't like Dean would have let her drive his "baby" anyway. You would think after hunting with him for a few years now, he would have at least warmed up to the idea, but he hadn't. She approached the distillery slowly, trying to will images of past memories of there to leave her mind.
    Scott froze, having heard someone approaching the door before Kalin heard the jiggling of the doorknob. He turned, frowning when he saw that it was Stiles. Talk about bad timing much? "Stiles." He said, shooting his friend a look just in case he hadn't already realized that he had interrupted something. Although, based on his friend's reaction, he had quite clearly already realized that he'd done so. Not that it mattered now anyway. What had been happening was over now. He glanced down to his phone, only then realizing numerous missed calls and text messages. He nodded . "Alright, I'll be out in a second." He said. He turned to look back to Kalin, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "I um guess I'll see you at school?" His words had come out more like a question than a statement and he mentally cursed himself for that. Things had been running smoothly until now. Actually, it had been better than smoothly. He didn't quite know how to explain it.
    February 7th, 2014 at 01:44am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ that sucks. Mines been kind of slow lately so I've had to reset it a lot. Lord sometimes I really hate the Internet. ]

    Derek ran his hand over his hair as he paced back and forth. He really hoped that he wasn't making a huge mistake asking this Krissy girl to meet him here. He wasn't sure if he wanted to be right or wrong about his assumption that she was Paige or not either. A part of him wanted it to really be her and for some unknown force to have saved her that night because he'd loved her and thought she was to young to die, plus he felt like that would clear his conscience thinking it was his fault she died. But part of him didn't want it to be here because he'd already done everything to come to terms with her death. He'd already said his goodbyes to her and went through the heartbreak of losing her once, and he didn't think he'd survive that again. And if it was here that meant there was the chance to lose her again. Even if he hadn't seen her in a long time, there was always going to be a part of him that loved her. But maybe he was getting away ahead of himself. He just knew that Paige or not he had a lot of questions for her that he needed answered.
    Kalin pursed her lips together for a moment. "Is this something supernatural realted?" She asked him wondering if she was right, "because maybe I could help. I mean if you want me help." She blurted out feeling the need to help. She didn't want things to be weird with them again. She wanted to fit in with his friends or would it be his pack? She didn't know, but she did want to help. After all she was here with her dad for a reason and if he wouldn't let her help him she'd find another way to help. And she knew she could help, she knew enough to feel helpful. She was kind of tired of being on the sideline all the time so she wasn't in danger like her dad always claimed.
    February 7th, 2014 at 02:38am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States

    Krissy really didn't know what to expect. This was the first time that she would be coming face to face with Derek in years. A part of her wanted to just blurt out the truth to him, but the other part, the logical one, was stopping her from doing that. He was better off thinking that she was, well Paige rather, was dead. It was for the best. And it wasn't like she hadn't died. She had. Castiel just so happened to bring her back, so technically she had died. She'd just been brought back. It had happened years ago. He'd had time to cope. She didn't want to open the wound up again. She attempted to shake the memories of her past from her head as she approached the distillery. She was sure that he had heard her approaching, though she was still somewhat hesitant as she neared the entrance.
    Scott didn't know why he was so surprised that she wanted to help. It made sense. Her dad was a hunter after all, and he could only assume that she knew some things that might be of use to them. He glanced over to Stiles for a moment who gave a simple shrug of his shoulders before looking back to Kalin. "If you're sure that you want to help we could probably use as much of it as we can get." He told her honestly. Who was he to turn her away when she willingly wanted to help them out? It wasn't every day that someone offered to help out with supernatural related things. Especially when they knew as much as he was sure that she did.
    February 7th, 2014 at 03:13am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Derek stopped his pacing when he heard who he could only assume was Krissy approaching. It was finally the moment of truth. And well he was kind of nervous and he was Derek Hale. He wasn't supposed to be nervous yet he was. Of course he was not only about to finally come face to face with this girl but he was finally going to get answers and maybe finally feel out of the dark. Or at least he hoped that was how this would work. He could tell she was nervous, because well he could hear her heartbeat, and she might've been trying to hide it but he could still tell, he didn't blame her though, he was nervous too so he got that.
    "I'm sure." Kalin told him glad he was up for her helping him. "I guess we should get going then." She finally said referring to whatever was outside that was important. She'd have a bit of catching up to do, but nothing she couldn't handle she was sure. And she was sure someone would clue her in on everything or at least ask them too. She kind of needed all the information to be caught up and be helpful afterall. But for now she as just going to help with whatever was going on right now. Which she'd had no idea involved Allison and Lydia. She also hadn't really thought about how things might be weird around Allison. Though she didn't see Allison as a threat or anything that wouldn't stop things from possibly being weird.
    February 7th, 2014 at 03:47am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Krissy was sure that he could hear her heart pounding in her chest. She was trying her hardest to conceal her nerves, but it wasn't exactly working like she had hoped it. "Strange meeting place." She finally spoke once she was inside the distillery. She wasn't going to act like she'd been there before. That would just give her away completely. His back was facing her when she walked in. His shoulders were broad and well-muscled, though he seemed pretty well-muscled all over. He had definitely bulked up a bit more since she had last saw him. And he was taller too. Granted, she hadn't really expected anything less seeing as the last time she'd seen him he was a fifteen year old boy. He was a kid, and he'd obviously done some growing up since the last time she was in Beacon Hills. But she'd done some growing up herself. She wasn't really the same person that she'd been all those years ago.
    Scott didn't really know why he was so surprised that she wanted to help. Maybe it was because, if he wasn't sort of forced to be involved in stuff like this, he wouldn't be. So much had changed over the course of the last year. He'd had to do some major growing up, and he wasn't the same person anymore. He wasn't the only one who had changed. Anyone involved in this sort of thing, even Stiles, had changed. Because shit like this really does change a person. This wasn't something that normal teenagers dealt with on a daily basis. This was something that took maturity, and a lot of thought. "Yeah, you're right." He nodded before turning to start out of the room and follow Stiles out to his Jeep.
    February 7th, 2014 at 03:47pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Derek kept his back to her for a moment when he heard her walk in, but turned to face her when he heard her speak. "Maybe." He said shrugging his shoulders. "Or maybe it isn't strange at all." He added not sure where he was going with that. It wasn't like if she was really Paige she'd just open up about it as soon as she'd walked in. Honestly the last thing he'd expected was for her to be Paige and that she was going to run into his open arms like nothing had happened. "Either way you came so it's time the two of us talked and this seemed like the best place." He told her ready to talk and get everything out in the open. It was now or never after all, and Derek wasn't about to lose the chance to talk to her because he had a few suspicions and felt heartbroken looking at her, feeling like even if she wasn't who part of him wanted her to be he looked too much like her.
    Kalin walked with the boys out of the room and the house for that matter towards the jeep. She'd decided she'd just text Sara and tell her she started feeling bad or something so she left early. All Kalin really cared about right now anyways was helping Scott and being part of his pack. She wanted to fit in, be a part of everything and not feel useless. Kalin was going to help, even if dad found out and fought with her about it. She felt useless otherwise. Having all this information and knowing she could handle herself but being held back because people were scared of her getting hurt didn't sit well with her. "So what exactly is going on that's so important we had to leave the party?" She asked for anyone to answer really since she still didn't know. She just knew she was along to help how she could.
    February 7th, 2014 at 04:52pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Derek had changed a lot. Not just physically either. It was all in his eyes. The same pair of green eyes that Krissy had fallen in love with back when they were both still kids. They were harsher, colder even. But what more did she expect? He'd been through hell since she'd left. At least, she imagined that he had been. He'd lost most of his family all at once, and she knew that he'd been close to them. The Hale family, from what she remembered, had all been very close to each other. But that wasn't why she was here. She really didn't know why he'd asked her here actually. "So talk then." She said simply, crossing her arms over her chest.
    Scott was glad that Kalin wanted to help them. Really, no one knew what was actually going on around here just yet, and he felt as though they could definitely use all the help that they could get. "Allison and Lydia think that they know where the Alphas might be keeping Erica and Boyd." He explained. He didn't know how much she knew of what was going on. He didn't know much either though. All he knew was that there was another pack in town, a pack that was made up entirely of alphas, and they were the reason why Erica and Boyd were missing.
    February 7th, 2014 at 05:29pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Derek licked his lips and swallowed before opening his mouth to talk. "I asked you here because I need your help. I need to know why you an your friends are here. And I mean all three of them. And in return I'll help you. The way this works is you're going to tell me why you guys are here since I know you're not friends of the Argents, and I'll tell you what you've all been trying to figure out. What the symbol on the door means." He told her coolly. He wasn't sure if they were here because of what was going on or something else. And once he knew what the reasoning was he felt like he'd be able to get a good feel for if they'd be useful to him. So far though they were just a trio of hunters digging around in places that he'd had dug up enough.
    Kalin nodded her head, she'd heard her dad talking about an alpha pack and how they, as him himself and Chris, had needed to find out why the alphas were there and what they wanted. But there was something bigger than just alphas here. "And I suppose when we find the alphas we'll be able to free Erica and Boyd, okay got it." She said feeling pretty up to speed on everything. Though there were of course a few other small things she'd still need to be caught up on, like how Lydia fit into all of this. But that could wait for another time.
    February 7th, 2014 at 05:52pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "And what exactly do you need my help with?" Krissy asked, raising an eyebrow. He'd stated all of these demands, but he hadn't gotten to the point. Why would he, a werewolf, want her, a hunter, to help him? It didn't make much sense to her at all. "You're right about one thing. My friends and I aren't friends with the Argents. We had no idea that there were other hunters in town until we got here. And I'm really not sure who you're referring to. It's just me and those two guys. We're just trying to figure out what's going on around here. We saw something about what's been going on around here lately and figured it was our sort of thing." She had no idea that he'd seen her talking to Cas the day earlier. Why would she assume something like that? She had no reason to believe that anyone in this town had seen her with the angel.
    Scott nodded. "Pretty much." He said. There was still so much that they needed to figure out before they could find Erica and Boyd though. Allison only had a hunch. She had no idea what the symbol on hers and Lydia's arms meant. She was only assuming that it had something to do with the alpha pack. Really, they were sort of just playing a guessing game right now. "Derek needs our, well your, help too. Apparently he's going to confront one of the other hunters who's in town." Stiles said, joining in on the conversation. When Isaac couldn't get a hold of Scott, he'd called Stiles' phone instead.
    February 7th, 2014 at 06:14pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "The weird guy in the trenchcoat. The one who can just vanish into thin air. The guy who knows some secret you're keeping from the others. Who is he?" Derek asked deciding that this was the route he was taking. He'd demand to know who the guy was maybe get somewhere with that guy. Clearly they didn't know much about the alpha pack, if they knew anything about it at all, and so questioning her about that would be stupid because he wouldn't get anywhere. "And if you guys are friends with the Argents then how did you hear about everything here? What brought you here? There's too much shit going on around here for it to be normal to have this many hunters in town." He said really annoyed and knowing he probably wasn't making any sense but he was kind of boggled with questions.
    Kalin nodded her head again remembering everything she'd heard her dad talking about though the door. "Derek's the one who's related to some guy named Peter right? And Peter is the creepy guy who was an alpha but Derek killed him and somehow he was brought back to life right? Oh yea Peter also killed Kaite who had tried to kill you, Derek, and she was behind the hale house fire." She said ticking off everything on her fingers before she realized they were looking at her weird. Of course Stiles wasn't good at hiding his shock right now. "What? My dad's a hunter and Chris had to get him up to speed on everything." She said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
    February 7th, 2014 at 06:57pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Krissy didn't even bother trying to hide her surprise when he mentioned Cas. "How did you---have you been following me?" She stared at him incredulously. Really that was the only logical explanation that she could come up with for how he'd seen and overheard her conversation with Castiel. She wasn't going to give him any answers. Not until she got some of her own. She wasn't going to sit there and let him demand all of these different things, but not answer a single one of her questions. That just wasn't going to work for her at all. "It's called the internet. Maybe you've heard of it." Her later words were dripping with sarcasm. She wasn't going to give him anymore answers until he gave her some as well. This was all about giving and taking in her eyes.
    Scott turned around in his seat to look at her, eyes wide. He was pretty sure that there was a similar expression on Stiles' face as well. He hadn't known how much Kalin knew, but it was pretty clear that she was up to speed on just about everything that she needed to know. "Does your dad know that you know all of this stuff?" Stiles suddenly asked, sort of voicing exactly what Scott had been thinking himself. He had a feeling that she wasn't supposed to know most of what she did. He didn't know why. It was just a feeling that he had.
    February 7th, 2014 at 07:29pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "No. I haven't been following you." Derek told her, though he had thought about it at first. "You've just kind of been popping up everywhere I was. Like my house when I went to grab a few thing, or the vet while I was in the back talking to Deaton. Which was where I saw your friend vanish into thin air. Outside the vet when I was leaving." He told her knowing it seemed like he'd been following her. But he hadn't. It was all just them happening to be at the same place at the same time. "I've heard of the Internet." He sassed back suddenly being reminded of Paige again. And it was all just a bit overwhelming. There were too many similarities. "It's you isn't it?" He asked softer though he regretted the words as soon as they left his lips because either way he knew he wouldn't like the answer.
    Kalin scrunched up her face and shook her head. "No..." She said biting her lip. "I happened to hear everything he was talking about with Allison's dad, and might've snuck into his office and looked through his stuff when he went out the next morning for groceries. He wasn't going to tell me anything though. He'd rather keep me in the dark and think I was safe than let me be useful and help." She told them knowing that maybe it was dangerous her being just a human after all, but she still knew she could help and wanted to do what as could to help.
    February 8th, 2014 at 02:21am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Krissy mentally cursed herself for not being more observant. She shouldn't have had the conversation with Cas out in the open like that where just about anyone could overhear it. And if Derek had heard the entire thing, which she assumed he had, he knew more about her now than she had wanted him to. Now things were just more difficult and complicated than she would have ever hoped them to be. "It sure sounds like you were following me." She said, her arms still crossed, as she looked at him pointedly. She wasn't about to explain herself to him. She was about to open her mouth to make another sarcastic comment when he spoke, and she froze. Her body had tensed up, and she was sure that it was noticeable too. And she was speechless. She didn't know what to say or do. She knew that if she lied to him, he'd know, but how could she possibly tell him the truth? "What gave me away?" She finally asked quietly.
    "What were they talking about exactly?" Scott asked her, wondering if maybe Allison's dad and her dad knew more about this. And seeing as she'd overheard what they were talking about, maybe she knew a bit more than he and Stiles did and this extra information could bring them one step closer to finding Erica and Boyd and maybe figure out how the hell to deal with this pack of alphas. Because, to be completely honest, this all seemed to be a lot bigger than what they'd dealt with in the past, and that was saying something because it wasn't like things had been uneventful over the course of the last year. He had a feeling that things were only going to get worse.
    February 8th, 2014 at 02:54am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Derek ran his hand over his head again with a sigh when she actually answered. And he wasn't sure if this was what he'd wanted or not. He was still torn between everything. While he'd already said his goodbyes and still felt guilty everyday since it'd happened knowing that she hadn't died or well had come back he supposed, kind of put him at ease. But there was the thought of it happening again that broke his heart. Losing her once was bad enough. Losing her a second time was unthinkable. "Well your looks made wonder, but your personality's the same. And I don't think I could ever forget that." He replied softly knowing that this conversation had just took a turn he doubted either of them really wanted to have, but it was one he needed. And he knew she was probably as stubborn as always, but he really needed this so hopefully he could get her to talk to him.
    Kalin licked her lips, "mostly just getting my dad caught up on everything that'd happened over the last few years. They talked about everything with Derek. They talked about how Peter bit Lydia or whatever and she had a weird reaction to the bite but wasn't turned into a werewolf. There was mention of how Mrs. Argent had died because she was bitten and the code and everything. Uh, oh yea they went on about the kanima and how it was some kid named Jackson but now he was a werewolf living in London. And when they got to what was going on now Chris said he was still trying to figure some things out. He mentioned something about a bank but he wasn't sure why the bank was important. And he thinks the alphas are looking for someone. He wasn't sure who. Maybe Derek since he's an alpha my dad thinks they might be looking for the true alpha. But well neither of them know who the true alpha is or if they're even in Beacon Hills. I mean true alphas are really rare so if they are looking for one then they might not even find them here." She said pretty sure that was everything. "Oh yea and I'm pretty sure the name Deucalion was mentioned. If that means anything to anyone."
    February 8th, 2014 at 03:23am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Krissy really didn't know what to say. The last thing she wanted was for Derek to find out. She would have rather told Sam and Dean the truth before him. Maybe it was because she hadn't come back to town until now in hopes that he'd be better off. Or maybe she'd just wanted to forget about everything that had happened altogether, or at least try to. She didn't know though, and it didn't matter anymore now. Because he knew. Derek knew that Krissy Chambers and Paige Krasikeva were one in the same. "I was never completely honest with you." She finally said quietly before she kind of just explained everything. How her real name was Krissy Chambers. How her mom had been ripped to shreds right in front of her when she was a kid and her dad had immersed himself in hunting. The whole Vitala case where she'd met Sam and Dean. How she and her dad had tried to leave the life. How her dad had been killed by a vamp who had been working for that psychopath Victor. And how she'd come to Beacon Hills not long after that. How after he'd killed her and ended her suffering, and his uncle carried her out into the woods, Castiel had showed up and healed her. "That's who you saw me talking to yesterday. No one knows what happened except for him, and well, now you. He's a friend of Sam and Dean's. He doesn't think I should be keeping this from him. That's what that conversation was about yesterday."
    Scott listened as she talked. Most of what she said he knew about, but there were some things that he didn't. Some things that sort of really stood out to him. "What did they say about a bank?" He asked, wondering what a bank of all things had to do with any of this. It was a pretty strange thing to talk about, but obviously it meant something and it was related to all of this in some weird way. "And what's a true alpha?" He'd never heard of that term used before, but if it was what, or rather who, the alphas were looking for, he figured that it was something he should know about. Because the more he knew, the closer that everyone could come to figuring all of this out. "Deucalion's the leader of the alpha pack. Derek told us that the other day." Stiles joined in on the conversation. Scott nodded wordlessly.
    February 8th, 2014 at 04:05am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Derek sucked in his breath at least twice while he listened to everything she told him, and by the end he couldn't really tell what he was feeling. So he just considered himself to be numb. He of course hadn't known any of the things she'd told him. Of course he'd also thought she was a different person and he'd kind of fallen hopelessly in love with that girl. Or rather a part of the girl standing here in front of him now. There was part of him that was hurt she'd kept this all from him, but then he remembered he'd kind of known her when she was like 16 and probably still trying to figure out how to deal with everything herself without bringing someone else into the mix. "I'm sorry about your parents." He told her softly knowing it wouldn't change anything, he knew very well that it wouldn't change anything. Because there wasn't anything that could bring them back, though she might not even want that for the same reason he didn't want her to be her. "Sometimes there are things better off not known." He said wishing he could erase a lot of things from his own memory and so maybe it was better off if Sam and Dean didn't know. He didn't really know.
    Kalin tucked her hair behind her ear and thought back to what they'd said about the bank. "Uh they just talked about how it'd been abandoned for a while after it was robbed a few years ago it went out of business. And Chris had a hunch that was what the Alphas were using as their, uh lair I guess is what you'd call it. Because it was big, no one's been using it and really who's going to think to check a bank that no one's used for years for anything. It's just sitting there collecting dust." She said shrugging her shoulders before making a face at them before she smiled. "A true alpha is when a werewolf, beta or omega rises on strength of character and sheer force of will rather than taking the power by killing an alpha like most. It's really rare, like I mean so rare that there hasn't been a true alpha in over a hundred years. I do my homework. And my dad thinks that if an alpha pack were looking for anything that would be it. And for all I know if anyone's a true alpha they may not even know it. They'd have to rise to the occasion and prove themselves in some way. There's no telling to know who it even is. Or if they're even here."
    February 8th, 2014 at 04:39am