can't drown my demons.

  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Krissy nodded. "I'm sure that they will." She said. She was sure that once Sam and Dean spoke with Derek, and asked him a couple of questions, they would be willing to help. She hoped that they wouldn't be too hesitant and they wouldn't ask too many questions though. The fact of the matter was that two teenagers were missing. There was a pack of alphas in town looking for something, what that something was, was unknown and she had a feeling that that was only the beginning. "Give me your phone." She said suddenly. If she was going to help him, she figured that he would need to be able to get in contact with her whenever.
    Kalin seemed to voice the one question that had entered Scott's mind. Deaton seemed to know a lot about the true alpha, and it also seemed like he knew who he or she was. The one thing he hadn't told them was who the true alpha was. "I do." Deaton answered. "However, I think it would be best for that person to figure it out for themselves." Scott should have expected Deaton to say something like that. "But if the alphas are after this person, shouldn't they know that?" Stiles asked, voicing another question that had entered Scott's mind.
    February 12th, 2014 at 11:56pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Derek didn't hesitate to hand over his phone, figuring she was going to just put her info in and then call herself from his phone to get his number and stuff so they could keep in touch. After all it'd be kind of hard to keep each other updated if they couldn't contact one another. "Well that's good news. I should probably be leaving though, I have a few things that need to be taken care of. I'll uh call you if anything comes up or changes though." He told her knowing that she wanted to be kept in the loop and he felt like she could be helpful so he'd keep her in the loop.
    "Yes, but I know this person well enough to know that they'll figure it all out when the time is right." Deaton told the kids, which made Kalin groan on the inside. She hated the riddles and having to figure this out on their own thing since for all they knew the Alphas could already know who the true alpha was. But clearly they wouldn't be getting a name. "So you couldn't even give us a hint to who it is?" She asked biting her lip, there had to be some way of knowing. She felt like this person needed to be warned or at least pushed in the direction before it was to late.
    February 13th, 2014 at 03:07am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Krissy added her name and number to his contacts before sending herself a quick text message so that she'd have his number. Once she had done so, she handed his phone back over to him. She nodded. "Alright. Don't hesitate to call. I meant it." She said. She wanted to help in anyway that she could. And even if Sam and Dean didn't want to help, that probably wouldn't happen though, she was going to help. Because this was Derek. Of course she wanted to do anything that she could to help him get those two betas back. Plus, this alpha pack seemed like they could be a threat to the town. The last thing she wanted to see was people getting hurt.
    Scott really wasn't all that surprised by his boss' answers. Deaton never really came out and said exactly what he meant. And he never gave away too much information. "I think it will be better if they find out on their own. Now isn't the time." Deaton told them. Scott nodded. He could tell that they weren't going to be getting anywhere else with his boss now. "Thanks for your help." He figured it was the least he could say. Deaton had given them some more information. Of course, they still didn't have very much to go by, but he was sure they'd figure more out as time went on.
    February 13th, 2014 at 05:12pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Derek nodded his head. "I will." He told her knowing that he'd keep his word and call or whatever if he needed her or anything new came up. For now though he really probably should be meeting up with Scott and whoever he was with to see if he'd found anything out. "I have to go meet up with Scott now though, we were supposed to meet up because he thinks a couple of his friends might have a lead. Of course it's probably Allison and Lydia and I quite trust either of them at the current moment but either way I should hear them out because Scott trusts them and he can be difficult to turn down at times." He said sighing, and it was true. Scott was kind of persistent about some things and it could get kind of annoying, especially when Derek was sure he was right but Scott didn't want to hear it. They butted heads a lot, which was why they weren't in the same pack. Scott didn't want to be part of his pack, and truthfully Derek wasn't sure Scott being part of his pack was a good idea. So they just stuck to doing things together but in separate packs though Scott wasn't a alpha as far as Derek knew. Whatever.
    Kalin didn't personally think that this had been a very good visit. Sure Deaton had told them some things, but he'd basically told them everything she already knew and had shared. The only thing he hadn't told them that Kalin didn't really know was who the true alpha was. Of course she supposed this kind of confirmed that there was a true alpha in town and it was what the alpha pack was after. Or at still made sense that that was what they were after. Now their only problem would be figuring out who the true alpha actually was. "So do either of you two know how we're going to figure out who the true alpha is?" She asked them wondering if they had any ideas, or if they were both okay with just not knowing and letting the person figure it out on their own, because she didn't know if she was okay with that or not. Mostly because what if they didn't figure out in time and the alphas got what they wanted and ruined the chances. And then it could be another hundred years or so before another one came along. She just wanted whoever the true alpha was to figure it out before it was too late.
    February 13th, 2014 at 05:27pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ so if you're up for it we should bring this back too... like I need some Teen Wolf roleplays or something going. tehe ]
    March 13th, 2014 at 07:14am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    [Sure. Cute I'm not really sure what to post, so can we do a skip? Lol]
    March 13th, 2014 at 06:44pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ yea we can skip, now where do we skip too? I mean we could skip a few days ahead to like when they're finding Heather's body or whatever and Stiles is putting two and two together about the sacrifices. ]
    March 14th, 2014 at 02:17am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    [I feel like we should definitely get into the whole sacrifice thing...I'm just trying to think of how I want Krissy and Derek to go about now he knows but how are they both sort of dealing with it and everything else that is going on, ya know?]
    March 14th, 2014 at 04:15am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ we should, and yea it might be good to figure that part out...Think I also think that Scott should end up having to meet Kalin's dad sometime, which will be weird since he'll already know Scott's a werewolf and Scott knows he's a hunter. Like awkward dinner right there. lmfao ]
    March 14th, 2014 at 07:02am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    [Yeah, we should have probably thought about a lot of this beforehand. XD And omg that so needs to happen. Like it would be the most awkward dinner of awkward dinners lmfao Also, I will reply to the other two when I get back from doing my student observing. Cute]
    March 14th, 2014 at 01:15pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ I was thinking the same thing XD Right! Like it would legit be the most awkward dinner ever. I bet it could win an award for how awkward it is lmfao And sounds good. ]
    March 14th, 2014 at 05:18pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    [It would definitely win loads of awards. lmfao]
    March 15th, 2014 at 02:23am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ I know lmfao I'm going to go reply to our roleplays in a few. I was kind of writing on both my 1D stories and had to run my sister to the mall and yea. I was thinking, maybe we could skip to the whole thing at the bank. Like Derek could've told Krissy that they'd found out where they alphas were keeping Boyd and Erica and then we have all that play out and like Kalin's at Derek's loft with them trying to help them come up with the plan. And she doesn't feel safe with Scott and Derek going in like this but Scott convinces her it'll be fine, then of course it isn't and Allison shows up and all that stuff happens and Boyd and Cora end up escaping and shit and so Scott calls Kalin and Stiles because and Derek has to call Krissy to keep her in the loop and so everyone kind of teams up to try and catch them so they don't hurt anyone. Which could lead to Kalin's dad figuring out that she's been hanging out with Scott and that's how he gets roped into having the award winning awkward dinner. And yea I don't have anything after that. tehe ]
    March 15th, 2014 at 02:38am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    [I like that a lot. tehe I'm kind of thinking that when Derek calls to tell Krissy about it, and his plan, she asks if he needs help, and he tells her he'll call her if he does? But like, since Krissy knows where they'll be now, she sort of takes it upon herself to show up anyway? And she makes up some bullshit excuse to Sam and Dean about where she has to go, and when she leaves, they follow her without her actually knowing? And, like Derek, she recognizes Cora, and they pick up on this and it sort of leads to the whole explanation and truth about everything, and Sam and Dean find out that she's been to Beacon Hills before and how she knows Derek and yadayadayada? I'm gonna start us off now, haha.]

    Krissy slung her bag over her shoulder and started towards the motel door. "Where are you going?" She heard Dean ask from behind her. Pausing, she turned to look at him and Sam who were both staring at her with questioning expressions on their face. "To the store." She said simply. "Why don't you wait a few minutes and one of us will go with you? What do you need anyway?" He asked. It was a good thing that she was good at thinking quickly on her feet. "No...I think I'm good..." She started. More questioning and suspicious looks. "I need some things...feminine things..." Dean's face reddened and Sam averted his gaze, clearing his throat awkwardly. "Oh, well, don't take too long. And pick up some pie while you're out too?" One would think that two full-grown men wouldn't get embarrassed over talk of tampons and pads, but that wasn't the case at all. It was kind of amusing really, and just made things all the more easier for her. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever." She waved her hand dismissively before heading out. "A lot easier than I expected." She mumbled to herself as she headed off in the complete opposite direction of the store. She was headed to the abandoned bank in town. Derek had called her earlier to let her know that he'd figured out where the alphas were keeping Boyd and Erica. She'd offered to help, however, he'd claimed he didn't need it. Krissy begged to differ, and was going anyway. Of course, she still hadn't told Sam or Dean anything yet, she couldn't really do that without them finding out the truth, so she had to sneak around and lie, something she didn't like doing so much with them. But she had to do what she had to do.
    "We'll be fine." Scott repeated. He was beginning to sound like a broken record. Or, well, it felt like that anyway. He and Derek were about to leave the loft and head on over to the abandoned bank. Kalin didn't really like that they were going off without much of a thought out plan at all. They needed to do this now though. The full moon was tonight, and if they didn't get Boyd and Erica out before the moon rose, well, he really didn't know what was going to happen, and he really didn't care to find out. "Stay here with Stiles and Peter. If something comes up, I'll call you." He promised her. They'd been hanging out a lot more recently, though he didn't know if he would necessarily call it hanging out. Really she'd just been helping them figure things out with the alphas and stuff like that. He would love to hang out just the two of them, but he didn't exactly have much of a social life right now. He was still trying to keep his grades up and run cross-country, while dealing with all of this bullshit. It was a lot more than a normal teenager should have to deal with, but he wasn't exactly normal, so he really couldn't complain.
    March 16th, 2014 at 01:44am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Derek was waiting at the door of his loft for Scott to come along. He didn't really care that their plan was total shit and that maybe this new Kalin girl Scott was hanging around, and of course Stiles, might've been right. Maybe they should think this through a bit more before just heading in without thinking. But they didn't have time to think. This was it. They needed to go with or without a plan. It was the full moon tonight and he knew that if that didn't get there tonight to save Boyd and he was really hoping Erica too, then there probably wouldn't be another chance. This really was it. There were a lot of things that bothered even him about this, but he didn't think there was much of a choice, and he would really like it if they could head out. He also didn't want anyone who didn't need to be there to be there, so he'd even called Krissy and told her he'd call her if he needed her but not to just show up. The last thing he wanted was for blood to be split tonight or for either of them to lose someone. This was about saving his pack, not losing them.
    Kalin sighed and pushed her fingers through her hair. Scott telling they'd be fine really didn't make her feel any better about this. She got that this was probably going to be their only chance to get in and save Boyd and Erica but it still made her really uneasy. Maybe because it seemed too easy, she wasn't sure but it made her feel really uneasy. "Okay. Just be careful please." She said trying not to sound worried or anything, but she was worried. They weren't just talking about anything right now, they were talking about Scott going off and trying to save people from a bunch of insane alpha werewolves. That was kind of intense and a really scary thought. She knew she was failing at not sounding worried though, so she quickly pecked his lips and then let out another sigh. "You should go before Mr. Grumpy pants kills me for holding you up." She said wishing he'd let her come with him because she was sure she could be of some kind of help but she was also done fighting to tag along because she knew she wouldn't win. And she didn't really want to stress him out anymore than he already was either. So this round she was sitting out, or more like sitting on the sidelines waiting to be called in.

    [ I really like that added detail tehe ]
    March 16th, 2014 at 03:05am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Krissy had no idea that Sam and Dean suspected anything. She figured that she'd been convincing enough, and they'd acted weirded out when she spoke of picking up some feminine hygiene products from the store, and it all seemed rather normal. She didn't realize that they'd been suspecting something for the last couple of days. And she didn't realize that they would follow her to the bank. When she reached it, she went into her bag, expecting to have to break the chains on the doors or something, but was rather surprised to see that they had already been broken. Either someone had already beat her to it, or the town didn't care enough to replace the chains. It made things easier for her though, so she wasn't complaining. Once inside, she pulled out her gun, wanting to have it at the ready just in case she needed it.
    Scott smiled slightly, unable to help doing so, when she pressed her lips to his. It was only for a split second or two, but it didn't matter to him. It still meant something. He really didn't know what was going on with him and Kalin. He hadn't really had much time think, let alone talk to her, about it. He hoped that things would calm down a little bit once they got Boyd, and hopefully Erica, out of there. Little did he know that this was only the beginning. He let out a quiet laugh and nodded. "I'll call you if anything comes up." He repeated before he turned and followed Derek out of the loft.
    March 16th, 2014 at 03:00pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Derek finally led Scott out of the loft and to the bank, where the plan was they were going to break in and end up in the vault and then they were going to break Boyd and Erica out. And he really wanted this plan to work. Of course he had no idea that this was what the alphas wanted, or that both Allison, and Krissy were going to be there. Which he also didn't know Krissy was being followed or that this entire thing was going to go really bad. He just knew that he and Scott had a plan to get them out and that's what they were going with right now. He was also hoping that it would work. Though if he knew how badly things would about to be then he wouldn't even be here, he would've thought of a better plan. Again though they really didn't have time for that. They were on a time limit and would have to take things as they came their way.
    Kalin didn't really know what was going on with them, they hadn't really talked about it. Of course they hadn't really had the chance to talk about it either. Since the party things had kind of blown up and hadn't slowed down. There was all the stuff about talking to Deaton about true alphas, and getting Isaac's memory back. Then there was all this stuff about Heather going missing, and there was just a lot of stuff going on. Plus she'd been keeping that she'd been hanging out with Scott from her dad since she didn't want him to freak out and with everything honestly they just hadn't had the chance to be alone and talk about anything. She didn't know where they stood or what was going on truthfully, but she was hopeful that it would change soon. "Do you think he'll be okay?" She asked turning to Peter and Stiles.
    March 16th, 2014 at 07:36pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Krissy was a little ways into the bank now when someone came at her. She was quick to defend herself, though the other person was stronger than her. It took her a few moments, but she soon realized that the other person was a woman...and seemingly not a werewolf. "What the hell, lady?" She hissed as she was pinned up against one of the bank walls. "I'm going to tell you exactly what I told the other girl. You have about twenty seconds to get inside that closet and stay there. When you hear the fighting start, and believe me you will, get your ass out of here." The woman said harshly. Krissy, mainly because she was curious to see who else this woman had spoken to, listened and hid in the closet. She looked around once inside, noticing another girl was there. She didn't recognize her, but it didn't take rocket science to figure out who she was. "You're Allison, aren't you?" She asked quietly. The other girl nodded. "Krissy Chambers--"She was about to say something more when she heard footsteps and went silent, noticing the bottle of ammonia that had tipped over inside, she silently instructed Allison to cover it with her jacket.
    Scott paused once they had reached the bank. He couldn't help thinking that something wasn't right. That maybe he hadn't thought this all through enough. He glanced up to the sky, seeing the moon was quickly rising, but still didn't make any motion to follow Derek inside. He was sure that the alpha would say something about them having to act quick, and what was he waiting for and all that, but he couldn't help thinking back to what Finstock had been talking about in Economics the other day: risk and reward. They hadn't thought much about either of those in terms of this situation. There was obviously a lot at risk, though the reward would be getting Boyd, the mystery girl, and hopefully Erica, out of there.
    March 17th, 2014 at 01:32am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Derek was ready to get into the bank and save Boyd and Erica and whoever the third person in there was. They all knew time was running out, and that it wasn't something they should be wasting. "Scott what is it?" He asked not really wanting to stop and take the time to figure out what was going on in his head, but well Scott was there with him and he did want to make sure Scott was okay. They were kind of trying to do this together and before he just went off and left Scott out here or whatever he knew he needed to figure out what he was going on about. Even though he knew they didn't really have the time. "Because we don't have time to be rethinking everything now. We need to get in there now and save them before it's too late. I know what I'm risking right now. My life for theirs, now if you don't wanna follow me then that's fine, but I'm going in there to save them with or without you." He said already making up his mind, and it wasn't going to be changed.
    Kalin was sitting at the table rolling her eyes at Stiles and Peter who were bickering while she picked at her nails. She really couldn't help but sit there and be worried, she felt like she should be at the bank with them helping or doing something. Something other than sitting here doing nothing while they were there possibly in danger. It just really didn't sit right with her. Then she perked up some when they both came over to the table looking up what the walls in the bank were made up of. "Guys this isn't good." Stiles said. "I knew something didn't feel right about this." She said freaking out while she pulled out her phone to call Scott.

    @ bilinski.
    March 17th, 2014 at 02:18am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Once the footsteps had become more distance, Krissy turned to Allison. "Do you have a flashlight or something?" She asked quietly. If she was going to stay in here for the time being, she wanted to at least have a look around and see if she could find anything. "Yeah, I have one on my phone, hold on." She waited for the other to put it on before shining it around the room, her eyes widening and a soft gasp escaping her lips when she noticed a body in the corner...a dead body. And it didn't take much to put two and two together. "That's--" She started. "Erica." Allison finished. She frowned. She knew that Derek was going to beat himself up over this.
    "It's just something that's been on my mind..." Scott started. "Risk and reward. We're not measuring things with enough risk. We don't know enough. They've had them for months now. We don't know what they've been doing since then." This was all stuff that he'd been thinking about all night. He knew why Derek was rushing into this without knowing much of anything. He knew that lives were at stake, but he couldn't help thinking that there was something missing. And he also couldn't helping but worry that that one detail could be the most important detail of them all. Sighing softly, Scott followed Derek up. He wasn't going to let him do this alone. Once they were inside, Scott's phone went off. "Kalin, now really isn't the best time..."
    March 17th, 2014 at 03:12am