'cause we're on fire.

  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Louis stuck his tongue out at her again, then took the syrup from her when she was done and covered his own plate of pancakes with it. He liked a lot of syrup. He liked to cover his pancakes and have extra usually to scoop up onto his bacon when there was bacon. Sometimes he even liked to mix it with butter and eat. He didn't know why he liked it so much because it was sweet and he used to get sick by eating too much after he covered his food with it. But it was good, and no matter how many times he got sick he'd still eat more next time it was called for. This was nice though, sitting at the kitchen table with his girlfriend enjoying breakfast.
    "Okay." Calliope said taking another sip of her tea dropping the subject because he clearly didn't want to tell her whatever was bugging him. And he was clearly changing the subject. "Yea, well they just came from a can." She told him shrugging her shoulders. She couldn't shake that something was off about Harry, and she didn't know what since he wouldn't tell her. Maybe if she just called him out she'd get somewhere. But well she didn't want to do that. He'd just gotten home, causing tension because he was being distant about something and forcing him to tell her something he clearly don't wanna talk about right now would be a bad move. Even if she wished he'd tell her, because not knowing bugged the crap out of her.
    January 20th, 2014 at 01:20am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Emelie let out a soft giggle when he stuck his tongue out at her, childishly returning the gesture. Clearly maturity wasn't an important standpoint with them. It was kind of funny really. They were both twenty-one, but acted like children sometimes. The lads always said that she was like a female version of the Doncaster lad. She hadn't noticed the similarities at first, but after a while, she did. They were both loud, silly, and immature at times. They both liked to make weird faces at each other. Sometimes, she'd go watch one of his interviews and make weird faces at him from behind of the camera. It made things rather difficult for him sometimes and she knew it, but she also got this amazing sense of satisfaction when she saw him smile. "I don't know how you eat them like that." She said, scrunching her nose up as she eyed his pancakes that were practically swimming in syrup.
    "Well, it was a bloody amazing can of cinnamon buns." Harry said with his mouth full of the remainder of his third one. He had absolutely no manners at all when he was with Calliope. At least, not when they were alone anyway. If his mum or sister was around, he was on his best behavior, but he knew that he could let his guard down when it was just the two of them. She'd probably call him out for his lack of manners, but he knew that she would only be teasing him. Because that was how their friendship had always been. Easy going, lighthearted and fun. "What are your plans for the rest of the day?" he asked curiously.
    January 20th, 2014 at 02:45am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "Like this," Louis said cutting a piece of his pancake with his fork and sticking it in his mouth. "I don't know how you eat yours like that." He told her not sure he'd even know what to do with a plate of pancakes not swimming in syrup. This was how he'd always eaten them, since he was a little lad old enough to put syrup on them himself. And while Emelie scrunched up her nose at his plate covered in the sticky substance he knew either way that she'd still be kissing him later, and it wasn't going to change much. She might whine about how he tasted like syrup all day but at least he'd know that his kisses tasted good. Though she might make him brush his teeth before she kissed him. Which had happened before, there were actually a few times she'd refused to put her lips anywhere near his face until his mouth was clean from whatever he'd eaten that she couldn't stand the taste of.
    "I'm sure the can appreciates the love." Calliope told him before she hopped off the counter and went to put her empty mug in the sink and shrugged her shoulders for the millionth time in the last hour. "I don't know. I didn't really have anything planned. Other than just cuddling on the couch with Mr. Whiskers." She told him, "I should probably do some more tutorials and upload them them to YouTube. I need to go shopping because I have like no food. Really I didn't have anything special planned. Just a normal day in the life of Calliope Winters." She said biting her lip, "why. D'you have anything planned for the day?" She asked wondering if Harry Styles had any plans or was planning on actually spending it here with her. She wouldn't mind, seeing as she never got to hang out with him anymore since he was always gone.
    January 20th, 2014 at 03:18am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Emelie rolled her eyes at how literally her boyfriend had taken her words. "I know how you eat a pancake, you twat." She said, nudging her foot against his underneath the table. "I don't know how you eat them when you practically have more syrup on your plate than pancakes!" She shook her head in evident disbelief. It just didn't seem all that appetizing to her. She liked syrup, but only so much of it. Too much of it made everything all too sweet and sticky. Like anything else, everything was good in moderation. Too much of something was never good. At least, that was how she had always seen things. And it was how she was sure she would continue to see things. "Your lips aren't coming anywhere near mine until you brush your teeth." She said seriously, scrunching her nose up once more.
    Harry grinned widely at her words. "It should. I don't give compliments out like that to just anyone." he joked. In actuality, he sometimes gave out far too many compliments. Some people said he was too nice, too polite. It was rather ironic seeing as he was nothing like the media portrayed him to be. He wasn't a womanizer. In fact, he was so bloody awkward around pretty girls! He was dorky, always having really cheesy and stupid jokes and one-liners hidden up his sleeve, and he sometimes found himself apologizing for the slightest things. Things that most people wouldn't apologize for doing. Things that he apologized profusely for. "I was hoping to spend some time with my best friend." He said honestly.
    January 21st, 2014 at 12:47am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Louis shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know I've just always eaten them like this." He told her knowing that he wouldn't be able to eat them any other way. "Yea I know the drill love." He told her knowing she'd tell him that, it was always like this. She didn't like to kiss him unless she knew he had fresh breath and wouldn't have to taste something she didn't wanna taste. Which kind of happened a lot, and really he kind of understood it too. Like when he had garlic breath, he wouldn't wanna kiss that either. Usually though if they went on dates and stuff he made sure to take breath mints with him, or gum. Just so he could pop one and make sure his breath wasn't that bad and she'd kiss him. Because Louis liked to kiss his girlfriend, like most guys did.
    "And I'm sure it did." Calliope told him giving his shoudlers a small nudge and rolling her eyes at him playfully. Sometimes Harry was a total mess, she didn't mind though. Because he was her best friend,and she didn't want him any other way. Harry meant a lot to her, and she'd learnt to accept him and all his awkwardness over the years. At first there were some things that were totally weird to her, and she'd kind of thought he was a really strange kid. But he'd grown on her, and well she'd always stick up for him, or be there for him when he needed her. Because she loved him, even if she didn't know how deep that love actually was she did. "Aw, I wanna spend time with you too. Which is why I made a list of everything I need last night. We're going to grocery shopping." She told him pinching his cheeks and smiling at him.
    January 21st, 2014 at 02:44am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "I was just making sure." Emelie said before popping another piece of pancake into her mouth. She just kind of refused to kiss him when he was all syrupy. He tasted way too sweet and he was usually sticky and it just grossed her out. So, she drew the line there, and she was glad that she'd drawn the line quite clearly too. Louis understood her reasoning and didn't think that she was being a complete and total bitch or anything like that. She knew that some people wouldn't see things the way that he did, and she was glad that they understood each other on a level that most people didn't.
    Harry was glad that Calliope accepted him for who he really was. She didn't mind that he was a bit weird and awkward at times. And she didn't mind that he told some really horrible jokes and said some really horrible one-liners. She just liked him for who he was and wasn't looking to make him change a single thing, and he really appreciated that. Probably more than she actually realized it. He made a face when she pinched his cheeks. "Was that necessary?" He asked.
    January 21st, 2014 at 05:47am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "Of course." Louis said before he took another bite of his syrup drenched pancakes. "I wouldn't really expect you to kiss me without brushing my teeth anyways.' He told her knowing that on top of his sticky sweet lips his breath was probably really far from minty fresh and he wouldn't want to kiss himself either. "So have they put any new movies up on netflix?" He asked her wondering since she was home and had more time to watch it than he did. And so if they'd put anything new that they'd be interested in watching up he knew she'd know. He wouldn't, seeing as he hardly really had the time to skype with her most nigths so watching a movie was out of the question. Even if he tried he probably would've crashed before he'd made it halfway through anyways.
    "Yes, it was actually." Calliope told Harry matter-of-factly, before she stuck her tongue out at him. "I've gotta change before we go anywhere though. Can't be caught walking around lookin like a bum." She said as she headed out of the kicthen, she was still in her pajamas and didn't even have on shoes, nor had she done anything with her hair, and she was kind of a health freak when it came to her mouth and brished her teeth after each meal every day. "I'll be ready though, soon." She told him knowing soon probably meant close to an hour or so, but it wasn't her fault it took so much for her to get ready and become presentable. Half the time Harry and everyone else made fun of her because she'd work for like half an hour on her hair before giving up and just throwing it up into a messy bun. She just liked to try and do soemthing so it looked nice down, even if she only ended up throwing it up.
    January 21st, 2014 at 07:03am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "A couple." Emelie said before eating another mouthful of her pancakes. "There are a few good movies they've recently added, and they added a couple of new TV shows too. I was a bit distraught though because they got rid of Teen Wolf for some reason." She pouted slightly. She didn't know why they'd taken it off Netflix. It really sucked, because even though she'd seen all of the episodes several times over, she sometimes just wanted to watch one of the episodes again, and now she couldn't. Not unless she wanted to buy them on iTunes or amazon or something and that was just annoying. "They added that CW show Arrow. I started watching it. It's pretty good. And the second season of American Horror Story is finally up."
    Harry rolled his eyes in response to her words. "I'm pretty sure that it wasn't, but whatever." He shrugged his shoulders. "But you're a cute bum!" He chuckled softly, a slight grin tugging at the corners of his lips. He said things like that all the time. Called her cute and pretty. Of course, she didn't really take what he said to heart completely, but he really did mean everything that he said. He thought she was beautiful and absolutely amazing. She probably thought he said the things that he did from a best friend standpoint, but that was the farthest thing from true. He felt so much more for her than platonic feelings.
    January 21st, 2014 at 05:25pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "What! No more Teen Wolf?" Louis said shocked, he didn't wast caught up on the show. It was hard for him to stay caught up on them, but he'd finally given in when Emelie had asked him to watch it with her and he'd figured eventually while he was home they'd watch whatever season they were on. "Well is it on Hulu?" He asked wondering where else it could be. Though there was always something else they could watch. "It was. I guess I could watch it," he told her wondering what else she'd watched. After all she was the one who watched all the TV shows and stayed caught up. Usually she got him to watch a couple while he was home even though they both knew that he wouldn't stay caught up since he never had the time. It was just nice to do normal things like watch TV with his girlfriend.
    "Well it was." Calliope told him knowing he hated when people did that. "Really ya think so! I have a cute bum too!" She called to Harry while she made her way to her room. She didn't mind if he followed or did something else so he didn't have to lay around her room while she attempted to get ready. It was just Harry after all. And there was plenty for him to occupy himself outside of her room while she got ready, but maybe he'd rather talk to her while she got ready. Even if he'd probably whine about how he didn't care what she wore. He after all thought she was a cute bum so she didn really expect him to understand why she couldn't decide on what to wear. Though for once Calliope actually was pretty sure what she was going to wear, because she'd just bought a new outfit a few days earlier and hadn't really had the chance to wear it yet.
    January 21st, 2014 at 06:35pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Emelie shook her head. "Nope. I've been streaming episodes from the new episode through links people have been posting on Twitter." She said. That was one thing that sucked about not being in the same country that a show was airing in. You either had to wait until the episode was put up online somewhere or find somewhere someone was streaming it while it was on in whatever country it was on. "I think that they have episodes from the first half of season three on Hulu, but I'm not sure about the first two seasons." She ate another mouthful of her pancakes. "You should. It's actually really good. I can see why it's gotten so many good ratings."
    Harry chuckled softly and shook his head, the slightest of smiles tugging at the corners of his lips. She could be absolutely ridiculous sometimes, but he really wouldn't ever want her to be any other way. He liked who she was. He liked the person that she was. He got on real well with her. And he loved her. If only he actually had the courage to tell her that though. He didn't though and he didn't know if he ever would. He was just so afraid of rejection and ruining the friendship that they had. Plus, he couldn't quite tell her how he felt when she was with that twat of a boyfriend. He wasn't that selfish.
    January 22nd, 2014 at 02:31am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "That works." Louis said knowing that the show aired at different times here in the UK and sometimes it was nearly impossible to catch shows from America on the Telly here. And it was like that for the Americans too. Usually shows they played here aired like a year or so later on some channel over there. "Oh I wasn't sure. You should check there though, and if they do we could watch it and get me caught up." He told her since he wasn't caught up on the show. He was pretty sure they'd stopped somewhere in season two. And after taking another bite of his pancakes he nodded his head, "I'll believe you." He said knowing she wouldn't like a show unless it was good. Or at least she hadn't watched showed that he hadn't like too yet.
    "You laughing at me Styles." Calliope said turning to face him. "Because we both know I do have a cute bum." She told him knowing he might roll his eyes at her or something. Maybe he'd agree, maybe not. But she still knew she had a cute bum and she knew Harry knew too. Even if he didn't wanna admit it. And really she didn't mind, truthfully she wouldn't care. She thought Harry was attractive, even for her best friend she thought he was attractive. And really she felt flattered usually when he told her he thought she was pretty and stuff. It was nice to hear it from someone else who wasn't her mum or boyfriend. And while maybe Harry only said it because he was her best friend. And maybe there was more behind it. Either way it made her feel good.
    January 22nd, 2014 at 05:40am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Emelie nodded. "I'll check after breakfast." She said before eating some more of her pancakes. They really were quite good. She liked when Louis cooked breakfast. He was never really home to do things like that, so she always really enjoyed it when he did. Just like she enjoyed having lazy days like the one they were planning on having today. It was going to be absolutely perfect. Some might find lounging about in your pajamas all day to be boring, but that definitely wasn't the case for Emelie and Louis. She knew that her boyfriend enjoyed days like this just as much as she did.
    "If you say so, babe." Harry said, a cheeky grin on his face, as he gave his shoulders a slight shrug. "Whatever you want to believe, Cal. Whatever you want to believe." He'd purposely dragged out the second 'whatever' to emphasize his point. He loved joking around with her like this. He'd missed having her around and just being home and hanging out with her. He didn't mind going out and running errands with her. Sure, Tesco wasn't exactly the ideal place for him to be when he had time off, but if he was with Calliope, he honestly could care less where they went. "Are you ready yet? Your groceries won't get bought on their own, you know."
    January 22nd, 2014 at 10:43pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Louis didn't think he could be happier about being home, and having a nice lazy day in his pajamas with his girl. He loved days like today, they were so much more peaceful and relaxing than what he put up with on tour. And on days like today he could just relax and forget all about everything else. Most of the time he could feel his stress just floating away too. Which was nice. He hated being stressed. And while some might've thought this was boring and wouldn't wanna take part in it, Louis couldn't help but feel the opposite. These were the best days in his own mind. The days he wouldn't trade for anything.
    Calliope gave her best fake glare to Harry before speaking again. "You're just jealous because my bum is nicer than yours. And I do believe that, because it's true. I bet you stare at it all the time all jealous because you wish your bum was as nice as mine." She told him before she opened her closet and pulled out her outfit. And while most people would've made him turn around or something she just shimmied out of her pjs and into her clothes. It wasn't like Harry hadn't pretty much seen the same thing before anyways when she wore a bikini the times she'd went swimming with him while he was on tour and she'd visited him. Plus she felt comfortable around Harry to do things she wouldn't do around others, like how she felt comfortable enough to talk to him about everything. "Just let me fix my hair and I'll be ready."
    January 22nd, 2014 at 11:39pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Emelie finished her pancakes a little while later. "Breakfast was delicious, Lou. Thank you." She said, smiling as she walked over to rinse off her plate and stick it in the dishwasher. She was looking forward to spending the rest of the day lounging about and being lazy. Just the two of them. Days like this didn't happen too often, so when they did, she cherished them a lot. She cherished the time that she had with Louis. She knew how important his career and the fans were, and she supported him whole-heartedly, but it was always tough not having him around for a majority of each year.
    Harry scoffed. "That's hardly the case, Cal. I think we both know that my bum is nicer than yours. It's not like Louis' or Kim Kardashian's but it's up there with the other amazing bums." He said with a straight face. It didn't last very long before he burst out laughing. He couldn't help it. He couldn't be serious when he was having a conversation like this with her. He groaned. "Hurry up, would you! I'm not getting any younger here." He whined, throwing himself onto her bed and burying her face into one of the pillows. Yeah, he was acting a bit childish, but he could honestly care less.
    January 23rd, 2014 at 12:33am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "It was pretty good wasn't it?" Louis said as he finished up his own plate of pancakes and then rinsed off the dish and put it in the dishwasher. "I'm gonna go brush my teeth now, but you should get everything set up and we can start watching a movie or something when I get back." He said running off towards the bathroom. One thing that Lou couldn't stand was how his teeth felt after he ate or when they hadn't been brushed in a while. Even though he knew Emelie wanted him to do it so he didn't taste like syrup, and he did want to kiss her, he brushed them after ever meal like a good boy, because they felt weird after he ate and it was a feeling he couldn't stand. Once he was done though he made his way back to the living room where he'd be spending the majority of his day during the annual lazy day with his girlfriend, and they did pretty much to this the first day he was home every time he came home. And it never got old, really he cherished these days because he knew they didn't happen often.
    Calliope walked into her bathroom to fix her hair, and when it was in a nice bun on top of her head and she'd brushed her teeth she walked back into the room and slapped Harry's ass. "Quit your whining and lets go." She laughed while throwing her purse across her body. "And you did get one thing right, you're bum is nothing compared to Kim or Louis'. However mine is clearly better end of discussion." She told him nodding her head before she started to dig through her purse for her list of groceries she'd made the night before. "So how long are you gonna be here?" She asked wondering how long she'd actually have to see Harry this time. Sometimes it was longer than others, all she really usually knew when Harry was here was she'd better take advantage as much as she could because it'd be a while before she really got to see him again. Sure she might see him for like a day or two in between his times off because he'd be doing something in town like a show or something, and there were a few times he'd have a week off or something, but she knew he usually used those to go home and see his mum and Gemma if he could. So she tried to spend as much as time with him as possible when he was here.
    January 23rd, 2014 at 01:25am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Emelie smiled and nodded her head slightly. "Alright." She said before heading into the living room to get everything set up. She opened Netflix and began to look through the movies and TV shows that were on there. She knew most of what was up there, so there really weren't any surprises, but she still wasn't sure of what she wanted to watch yet. Maybe a TV show, or maybe a movie...she didn't know yet. She was honestly just looking forward to relaxing and snuggling up on the couch with her boyfriend. Something they rarely got to do. And although she loved when he took her out on dates or she went to surprise him while he was on tour, it was moments like this that she really cherished, because it was always just the two of them and they really had nothing, and no one, to worry about.
    Harry let out a startled yelp when she smacked his arse and he sat up, shooting a playful glare her way. "I should file sexual harassment, you know." He was only joking obviously. She was his best mate after all, and he knew that everything that she did was all in good fun. "I beg to differ, but believe what you want to. I'll just have to get an opinion from an outside source." He grinned cheekily, figuring that he could easily send out a tweet later on that day and see what everyone said, though he probably wouldn't do that. "I'll just have to ask Nick what he thinks." He'd actually met Calliope through Nick Grimshaw, the radio 1 host. And the radio host constantly claimed that they were only best mates because of him. "A few months probably. We're here for the holidays and some time after that, though I was thinking of heading back to the states for a little while too."
    January 24th, 2014 at 03:30pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Louis rushed to the bathroom to brush his teeth, brushed through his mop of hair when he saw it, then ran back downstairs and practically jumped onto the couch next to Emelie. He planted his lips on her face close to her lips but not quite on them and smiled. "Minty fresh." He said knowing his breath smelt good now, and his lips weren't all sticky from the syrup. "So what're we watchin?" He asked wrapping his arm around her to pull her close so he could rest his head against her own. Even if they ended up watching some dreadful movie Louis would be okay with it, because all that really mattered to him today was that he was with Emelie the whole day with no distractions. He'd even left his phone up in their room so he wouldn't be on it. He just wanted if have a nice quiet day with her.
    "Well I don't consider your fans a good source, because they'd all obviously pick your bum over mine." She said knowing the fans would be biased and pick Harry just because they loved him and she was just some girl. Or well she was to them anyways. "I guess we could ask Nick, bed really think about it and make sure to compare them and everything to make sure he picked the right one." She said shrugging her shoulders before she linked her arm with Harry's and they made their way out to do her grocery shopping. "You should take me with you to the states. I've always wanted to go." She told him knowing fully well that would cause tension with Jake if she took a trip out of the country with Harry. She still wasn't even too sure what was going to come of her and Jake by the time he got back. So she really wasn't too worried about tensions that might not even matter because they might not even e together by then.
    January 24th, 2014 at 05:27pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Emelie scrunched up her face cutely when her boyfriend pressed a kiss to her face. Though, it wasn't long after that that she was smiling. She couldn't help smiling. "Well, I suppose that a kiss is in order then for making that delicious breakfast." She turned her head and leaned up, pressing a soft, sweet kiss to his lips. She wasn't all that worried about picking out a movie or TV show to watch at the present moment. Right now, all she really cared about was the fact that Louis was home from tour and they finally had time to be together. And alone at that.
    "Exactly." Harry said, grinning widely. "Really, there's no possible way for you to win this argument if we were to ask them. Which is why it wouldn't be very fair for me to ask them either. I'd rather this be a fair fight." he chuckled softly. "Although I'm not so sure that he'll pick yours either. He doesn't really swing that way..." he teased, winking playfully at her. It was quite obvious that the radio show host was gay, he didn't really hide it. In fact, he was quite open about it. He hummed softly, acknowledging that he'd heard her. "You sure that your boyfriend would like that?"
    January 25th, 2014 at 02:18am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "You're welcome for that by the way." Louis mumbled against her lips before kissing her again. He loved her, and he'd make her breakfast every morning if that was what se really wanted. And he didn't mind not watching a movie or TV show right now because he was with Emelie kissing. And that was one of his favorite activities with her. He enjoyed all of his time with her really, and it always meant a lot to him since he didn't see her often. Right now all that mattered to Louis was that he was actually getting alone time with his girlfriend, and much needed alone time at that.
    "Okay. So Nick would probably tell us his bum was better than ours. If were going to actually see who wins we need a totally unbiased opinion. Which will be nearly impossible since most females are in love with you and would pick you, and most males would pick mine. So I guess well just never know." Calliope said shrugging her shoulders, she knew Nick was gay, it was kind of obvious. He cracked her up though. And she was glad that he'd introduced her to Harry. "No. Actually I'm pretty sure he'd hate that. But I just don't know anymore Harry. I don't know if I want to be with him anymore." She told him shrugging her shoulders again. She cared about her boyfriend, really she did it didn't change that she wasn't sure they were meant to be anymore though.
    January 25th, 2014 at 06:31am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Emelie smiled against his lips as she kissed him. Any thoughts about what movie or TV show they were going to watch had been forgotten. Right now, all she wanted to do was spend some much needed time with her boyfriend. And yeah, maybe she did kind of want to spend some of today kissing him. But who could really blame her for wanting that? They weren't like every normal couple out there. They didn't get to see each other several times a week. Hell, he was only home a small percentage of each year, so any time that they did have together was extremely precious.
    "Yeah, he probably would. Just to be a complete arse about it." Harry said, letting out a soft chuckle. "Though, if he did have to choose, he'd probably choose mine." He added cheekily. "But you're right, we'll never actually know, so you can't go around saying your bum is better than mine since neither of us will ever really know." His eyebrows rose in obvious surprise at her later words. "Hold up for a second, Cal. A little bit ago you were taking about possibly moving in together and now you're talking about not wanting to be with him anymore. Which one is it?"
    January 26th, 2014 at 06:13pm