'cause we're on fire.

  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Emelie smiled against his lips and kissed him back sweetly. She didn't really care what other people thought about Louis. So many people thought he was an arse or a wanker, but she didn't think that at all. She didn't know how anyone could think that about him, but she wasn't going to let what others thought about her boyfriend impact what she thought about him. Because none of their opinions really mattered at all, and she was glad that Louis didn't let what those unimportant people thought get to him.
    Nick frowned. "More than what you said to him yesterday, that's for bloody sure!" He said. Whatever she had said, and how she had reacted, had really gotten to Harry. It had obviously hurt him real bad. "If you care about him like I know you do, you'll call him, Cal." He said soon after, letting out a soft sigh. "If you don't talk to him, he's just going to expect the worst. He thinks he ruined your friendship. He thinks that he's lost you. You need to tell him that he hasn't. You need to tell him the truth." He could see how she felt about Harry. It was quite obvious how they both felt about each other really. They were both just too blind to see it. "Well what are you doing still talking to me then? Call him!"
    February 11th, 2014 at 08:32pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Louis smiled glad that he had her. He didn't really know what he'd do without her. He'd be a mess that he was sure of. And he didn't know what would've happened if one of them hadn't felt the same when they'd to tell one another how they felt. Even though at first he'd been scared to try anything regardless of how they felt because he hadn't wanted to lose her if something went wrong. He knew telling her and finally seeing that they both felt the same and it would stupid to try and avoid that. And here they were three years later still a strong happy couple, as well as best friends. And he couldn't picture it any different for them. He didn't want to either.
    "Thank you." Calliope told Nick before she hung up and in a rush still halfway trying to gather her thoughts rushed off to Harry's flat. It wasn't far from where she was, and she felt a face to face would be better than a phone call. She needed to tell him how she felt in person. So she rushed his flat in under ten minutes and groaned how even drunk he could remember to lock his door when she couldn't even do that sober. She had a key though that she always had with her, even when he wasn't home, and she barged inside. Seeing him with a bottle of Stella and knowing it was her fault broke her heart. But she was here to fix that, and she walked over to him in a rush and wrapped her arms around his middle and buried her face into his chest. "I'm so sorry Harry." She sobbed.
    February 11th, 2014 at 08:48pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Emelie pulled back a few moments later, a soft smile tugging at the corners of her lips. She was really glad that Louis was home. She'd missed him a lot while he was away on tour, she always missed him when he was away on tour, but she'd really missed him this time. She felt like she missed him more and more every time he was gone. But she wasn't going to worry too much about missing him and tour and everything like that right now, because he was home, and really for her, that was all that mattered at the moment.
    Harry had wasted no time at all since getting off the phone with Nick. Which, to be completely honest, he wasn't sure how long ago that had been. He'd sort of just stayed on the couch, drinking Stella, and only getting up when he needed to get himself another bottle. He wasn't completely sloshed, but he was definitely at least past the point of being tipsy. And he felt alright. Well, he felt numb, which was much better than how he'd felt before. It took him a moment to process what had happened and his eyes widened slightly when he saw Calliope barge in and rush over to him. Maybe he'd drank more than he thought. "Cal? I--what are you doin' here?" He mumbled, frowning when he realized some of his beer had spilt.
    February 12th, 2014 at 03:53am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Louis sighed in content glad to just be home with her. It was always weird for him to be home at first because he was so used to touring that being home felt odd. And then when he left for tour he was so used to being home that being gone felt weird. But he didn't complain. "We should throw a party or something. I don't know, we should do something fun like invite some friends over and play a bunch of rounds of Mario kart and shit." He told her knowing it was always fun to hang out with all the people he cared most about. And it was also kind of impossible for the lads to go the whole time home without seeing each other at least a few times.
    Calliope tightened her grip around him breathing deeply for a moment before she registered what he'd said and she pulled back to look at him. He was drunk, she could smell it all over him. And she knew this was all because of her. "I'm sorry." She told him. "God Harry I'm so sorry." She told him again gently moving her hand to push some of his curls back and cup his cheek in her hand. Her eyes burnt from how much she'd cried over the last day but he didn't care. All she needed was Harry. And without even thinking of what might happen or if it was a good idea, and not caring that he was drunk or would taste of Stella she pressed her lips against his pinks ones hoping it spoke louder than anything she could have said.
    February 12th, 2014 at 04:17am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Emelie smiled at her boyfriend's words. "That sounds fun." She said. "Though, I do believe that we'll have to postpone that until later on this week, because I'm not too sure I'm up for sharing you with anyone else at the moment." She sent a cheeky grin his way before leaning up and pressing her lips to his sweetly. She didn't think she was being selfish if she wanted to spend the entire day with her boyfriend, was she? This was their first day together without any interruptions at all and she was going to take full advantage of that.
    Harry was still trying to figure out what was going on. It had only slightly registered in his brain that Calliope actually was there in his flat let along the fact that she was crying or that she was apologizing to him. And it really didn't fully process in his mind until her lips were on his. For a few moments, he acted on impulse, and kissed her back. However, in his drunken stupor, he soon realized what was going on and pulled back. "Cal I---what?" He managed to get out as he looked down to her, green eyes clouded over.
    February 13th, 2014 at 04:02am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "Of course love." Louis told her understanding why she'd want to spend the day with him alone. They never really got time alone and they deserved at least one day to themselves. "I totally understand and agree with that." He told her not sure he wanted to really have people over todY anyways. Since they would require leaving the flat to go out and gather everything they'd need to host a party. Not to mention the other lads were probably stil busy getting settled themselves and he doubted they'd want to leave their own homes. The first day home was just kind of a sacred thing that no one dared mess with because it being home and with loved ones had become a rare thing since becoming famous.
    Calliope pursed her lips together and looked up into Harry's sad green eyes with her own blue ones and she let out a breath sigh. "I messed up yesterday," she started pushing her fingers through her hair. "I pushed you out like I do with everyone when I get scared or frustred, and when you told me you loved me I wasn't sure how to react then. I thought that I loved Jake, and I was willing to work on whatever needed to be fixed and you having feelings for me would make things difficult. But when you walk away and I thought I'd lost you I lost it. And then waking up next to Jake and doing things with him feels so wrong. But here with you I don't feel scared or lost or like I'm making a mistake. And I realized why that is. It's because I love you too. I love you so much I don't know how to live without you." She told him afraid she'd start crying again.
    February 13th, 2014 at 04:22am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Emelie smiled. "Good." She murmured softly before leaning in and pressing her lips to his once more. Today was just about her and Louis. No one else. No actual plans. No interruptions. They could do whatever the hell they felt like doing. Play video games. Rent movies. Order takeout. Maybe snog a bit. And she was really just looking forward to all of that because, unlike most couples, they didn't get to do things like that all that frequently at all. So she was definitely going to take full advantage of the opportunity.
    Harry was silent the entire time that she was talking. He was kind of wondering if he was actually hearing her properly or not. Maybe he'd blacked out and this was some sick dream he was having that he'd wake up from and feel just as hurt afterwards. He didn't know, and even after she finished talking, he was quiet. He was trying to process everything that Calliope had just said to him. The last few words really stuck out to him. She loved him too. She loved him too. "You mean that?" He asked quietly, suddenly a lot more sober than he'd been before.
    February 13th, 2014 at 05:38am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Louis smiled gently raising his hand to tuck some hair behind her ear and cup her cheek in his hand before pressing his lips against hers. Today was all about being spontaneous, and doing so with his girlfriend. It wasn't about anyone or anything else. And he was taking advantage of that. He wanted to spend the day doing whatever. They could play video games, snog, or even decide to shag. He was all open to anything. Even if it was something kind of crazy. As long as it was with her he didn't mind. "You make me so happy." He mumbled to her against her lips over joyed to be home, "I say we go to the bed room and enjoy ourselves." He said pulling away to wink at her with a playful yet sly smirk tugged at his lips.
    Calliope could tell Harry was still kind of sloshed. But any reaction from him right now was better than no reaction. When she finally heard his words all she could do at first was nodd her head. "Yea." She said reaching out to grab his hand. "I mean it Harry. I love you too." She laced her fingers through his and waited for him to react. She knew it had to be weird, and he probably wondered why it'd taken her even this long to realize this and come to him, but she'd explain it all if he needed her too. And she'd explain it again when he wasn't sloshed if he needed her too. She just couldn't lose him. And once this was done, once she was sure Harry believed every word she said and everything was alright between them she'd leave Jake. Because once she knew things were okay with Harry maybe Jake would cross her mind again, in which she'd remember to leave him.
    February 13th, 2014 at 06:12am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Emelie smiled against his lips. His words caused a frenzy of butterflies to form in her stomach. "You make me so happy too." She mumbled against his lips. She'd always felt like she was at her happiest when she was with Louis. Even when they were just friends. He was just always there for her, and he always somehow managed to cheer her up no matter how foul of a mood she was in. She giggled softly at his later words, shaking her head when he winked at her. "What are we still doing here talking then?" She asked softly, raising an eyebrow, as a playful smirk of her own tugged at the corners of her lips.
    Harry thoughts were all jumbled up. He was confused. He didn't know how things could go from being complete shit to this. And maybe it was the alcohol that made it all harder for him to process, but he was just in such disbelief. "What about that bloke? Are you still with him?" He asked. It was strange how oddly coherent he was right now. Normally when he was drunk he was overly affectionate and he sort of just acted on impulse. But he was asking her all of these questions. Maybe it was his way of protecting himself. Maybe he was afraid of getting hurt because of her again.
    February 13th, 2014 at 05:35pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "I don't know." Louis said kissing her one more quick time before he got up and picked her up off the couch to carry her to their room. Once they'd reached the room, which didn't even take him five minutes he put her on the bed and was quick to crawl over her and look down at her with a smirk on his lips and desire in his eyes. He leaned in and pressed his lips against hers firmly, his hands were quick to move up her shirt again and slowly roam over her body before cupping her breasts in his hands and giving them a small squeeze. He was going to go all out with this, they hadn't been together in so long that he felt it was time they really be together. It was time for them to shag, but it was going to be so much more than just some quick shag to get it out of his system. Because she was more to him than just a quicky, and she deserved to be pleased which was what he planned to do with her.
    Calliope nodded her head. "I came straight here after I realized how stupid I'd been. But I'll call him right now and end things." She said pulling out her phone and dialing Jake's number and putting her phone to her hear waiting for him to pick up. "Hey babe, is everything okay? I thought you'd be back at your flat by now." "I'm fine Jake. But I can't do this anymore. I know you just got home last night and maybe this is a bad time for you, but I can't do it anymore. I think we'll both be better off seeing other people." She told him knowing it might've been better to tell him face to face, but this was better than a text message, and she needed Harry to hear her break things off with him so he knew she'd done it. So he could see she was telling the truth. "Cal, what the hell. Why? Why are you doing this? Just come home and we'll talk about this. Or is this about him." "Because I don't love you, it's harsh I know. And if you hate me for this I'll understand but I don't feel the same anymore, and it doesn't matter. All that matters is I don't feel warm in your arms, I don't feel tingles when we kiss, I don't butterflies get when your name pops up on my screen or someone mentions your name. And I don't feel like the world is gonna end when you're not around. Jake I'm not the girl for you and you're not the boy for me."
    February 13th, 2014 at 06:17pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "I don't know either." Emelie let out a soft laugh when he picked her up and carried her down the hall to their room. She kissed him back eagerly, a moan sounding from her lips when his hands slipped underneath her shirt and he gave her breasts a light squeeze. It had been way too long since they'd actually done something like this, and she was sure that Louis thought the same exact thing. Her lips moved feverishly against his, fingers reaching up to tangle into his hair as she kissed him. Her heart was racing with the anticipation of what was going to happen.
    Harry's head felt like it was spinning. Maybe it was because everything had happened so quickly, or maybe it was because of all of the alcohol he had consumed within the last two days. He wasn't sure what it was, but regardless of the reason, he knew that he was slightly overwhelmed. Before he could even say anything, she was taking out her phone and calling up that bloke. He watched her closely through bleary eyes, listening but not fully paying attention to her side of the conversation. He just didn't know what to make of any of this. One minute, it felt as though his entire world was crashing down around him, and now, well, now he didn't know what it felt like. He was still just so confused.
    February 13th, 2014 at 11:43pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Louis knew that he'd never felt the need to be with her this much before. Of course he'd been gone a bit longer than usual this time so in a way it made sense. Either way though he planned to give her the time of her life. He slowly moved his lips from her own to move along her jaw line, to her neck, and he exposed some of her shoulder to plant his lips there as well. He was gentle, nipping at her skin a bit until he reached her soft spot and sucked some to leave a mark, though he preferred to call it a love bite. Some called them hickeys, but he didn't really like that word much and called them love bites. And luckily they shouldn't be seeing anyone for a few days maybe, and if they did she could just wear a scarf to hide it from the world if she wanted.
    Calliope heard Jake sigh into the phone, and she knew she was frustrating him but this was it. "Please just come home. We can work on this, I mean what can he give you that I can't? He's always gone away with his band which clearly would come before you. I always put you first you're the most important thing to me you can't just leave me like this." Jake pleaded with her which caused Calliope to sigh this time and run her hand over her face. "Jake I just can't. Even if his fans take up a large part of his life, and the band were to sometimes come first I need him. Really I'm sorry. I'm sure you'll find the right girl but I promise it isn't me. Just leave my spare key on the counter if you're at my flat now and know that I'm sorry." She told him before she hung up, she couldn't keep having the same back and forth conversation with him. It wouldn't change her mind, she didn't want to be with him anymore, and even if Harry decided that she was too much for him to deal with right now she'd be okay. It might sting, and really suck, but she'd be okay.
    February 14th, 2014 at 03:37am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Emelie wasn't even bothered by the fact that he was surely going to leave an extremely noticeable mark on her neck. It wasn't the first time he'd done so, but it wasn't like they had any plans to go anywhere. Last time she'd nearly killed him though since they were supposed to go back to Doncaster to visit his mum and little sisters, and she'd done her best to cover it with makeup, but it hadn't worked all that well. And it had also been the middle of May, so it wasn't like she could really wear a scarf or anything without anyone questioning it either. She didn't have to worry about any of that right now though. Soft moans sounded from her lips and her eyes slipped shut momentarily.
    Harry didn't say anything once she was off the phone. He was still extremely confused and he still didn't know what to say or do. Normally he would have just acted on impulse because of the alcohol, but he was a bit more aware of things seeing as this was Calliope. His best mate. The girl he'd been crazy about for quite some time now. Finally after a few moments of tense and awkward silence, he sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I think I need some time to think this all over, Cal." He said quietly. "It's just--I'm sloshed right now, and I don't think this is something we should talk about right now. You can stay if you want to though. Actually, please do." He knew he was rambling now, and he sometimes did that when he was drunk. He'd left Calliope a drunk voicemail a few weeks ago when he'd been on tour and he was pretty sure he'd talked about just about everything underneath the sun in under five minutes.
    February 14th, 2014 at 04:59pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Louis let his lips to work against her skin, and his hands went to work on her skin before he finally had to pull back so he could remove her shirt all together. Once it'd be discarded to who knew where in their room he moved over her to get how he wanted before leaning down and holding her hips in place while he kissed right above her knickers and then up her stomach. He trailed his lips across her entire stomach almost making his way up to her breast, where he kissed each of them and might've even taken her nipples between his lips and flicked his tongue against them. He was just mostly kissing her where ever he could get to, and left another mark in between her breasts while his hands slowly roamed over her and gently rubbed through her knickers for a moment, or well until he thought of a better way to get her off and slipped a hand into her knickers to rub her flesh. And with every thing he did, and every moan he heard escape her lips he felt himself growing in anticipation. He wanted to take his time though. And so he would.
    Calliope nodded her head, she totally understood. When Harry was sloshed, like most people, he couldn't really think right. Though she knew he was usually overly affectionate and could talk about everything and anything, and this time was only different because he was trying to understand what she was telling him and he still probably couldn't really register anything. And she didn't hold that against him. This was her fault anyways. She'd been the one who pushed him away and refused to let him talk to her or accept anything he was saying. She'd basically broken his heart in a mix of thoughts unable to just stop and feel for a moment. And she'd drove him to drinking most likely to numb the pain she'd caused him. So she could give him time. Plus it would be best for them to talk about everything when he wasn't sloshed. When he could register what she was saying, and wasn't numb. "Of course I'll stay." She told him softly having no idea what the following day would bring, or what the night alone would bring, but she was willing to face it all to try and fix this mess she'd made.
    February 14th, 2014 at 05:53pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Emelie moaned out once more. Her heart was racing and breathing slowly becoming more uneven. "Jesus, Lou." She breathed, squirming a bit when he slipped his hand into her knickers and began to rub her. He was already driving her completely up the wall. It had definitely been too long since they had been able to do anything like this at all. Sure, she usually dealt with it, but this time it had been longer than the times in the past. Normally she made time to at least go visit him while he was on tour, but with work and university, she hadn't been able to.
    "Thank you." Harry said almost inaudibly. He was glad that she had understood what he meant amidst his rambling and he was glad that she was willing to stay. Wordlessly, he moved closer to her and buried his face into the crook of her neck, his arms snaking around her tiny waist and pulling her closer to him. Now that he knew that she was okay with him thinking things over, he wasn't nearly as worried and confused as he had been. And he was back to somewhat being the overly affectionate drunk that he normally was.
    February 14th, 2014 at 07:56pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Louis smirked while he kissed over her skin before his face was right in front of hers. "Do you like that?" He asked in a lightly teasing manner gently rubbing her between his fingers. He knew she did, he could tell from how her body was reacting to his touch, how she moaned, and because he just knew her. "I love you." He breathed against her lips slowly slipping his finger inside her and pressing his lips to hers again. They hadn't been together in such a long time, that Louis just felt this need to tease, and drag everything out for as long as he could. Sure he was pretty turned on himself, and of course he wanted to just shag her right now, but that wasn't his plan. His plan involved lots of smaller things first, like driving her mad with his touches and kisses and stuff before everything else. He just wanted to take in every single part of her and be with her in any manner that he could right now.
    Calliope wrapped her own arms around Harry and gently played with the curls on his neck while she stood there. It wasn't a big deal for her to stay, nor was it like she hadn't stayed the night with him before. Of course this time was different than the last time. Last time she'd stayed the night with Harry was before she'd started officially dating Jake. They'd went out a few times but weren't a couple yet. Harry had asked her to go out with him that night for drinks and she'd agreed. Only he'd gotten totally sloshed and could hardly walk so she'd brought him home and stayed with him all night to make sure he was okay. She'd made sure he drank plenty of water, and set some medicine and everything next his bed for when he woke up the next morning. She'd even ended up cuddling with him that night when he'd practically begged her to lay with him. This time was different though, he hadn't just gotten drunk because a bartender didn't listen to her and kept serving him drinks because he kept paying. But either way here she was, and she'd stay with him all night this time too.
    February 14th, 2014 at 08:26pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "God, yes." Emelie breathed before a soft moan sounded from her lips. Her lips moved slowly against his, another moan sounding from her lips when she felt him slip a finger inside of her. "Lou..." God, he was driving her mad! She knew that he was going to drag this out. She could just tell. Not that she was complaining because he was making her feel fucking amazing right now. And he wasn't necessarily teasing her, because she knew that a proper shag would follow soon after. Really she felt like she just needed this right now. They hadn't been able to do anything like this in so long, and she didn't think that she wanted to go without it for that long ever again.
    Harry let out a soft sigh of content, and for a moment, he didn't say anything. He just stayed there, holding Calliope close to him, and inhaled her sweet scent. "You smell good." He mumbled, his face still nuzzled into the crook of her neck, causing his words to be slightly muffled and him to whisper his words against her neck. This was all oddly comforting to him. He'd felt so broken the last day or so. He'd never felt so much pain before in his life. He'd tried numbing it with alcohol, but that could only last so long before he sobered up. Right now he didn't want to think about anything. He just wanted to stay where he was. He just wanted to enjoy having her there with him.
    February 16th, 2014 at 02:40am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Louis smiled against her lips. He couldn't help but drive her mad, he needed to drag this out. He slowly moved his finger some to play with her a bit knowing what he needed to do next. But he was trying to take his time with her. He didn't want to rush things, they'd shag proper once he was finished with all his little things before hand and there was no need for him to rush and feel like he'd hadn't properly pleased her before the shag. Plus well they hadn't touched or kissed in so long that Louis was afraid it would all be over too quickly and he so he wanted to take this as slow as he could, he wanted to make her moan his name in pleasure so many times it'd be burned into his memory forever, if it wasn't already. He wanted to feel her reaction to every little thing he did. Louis wanted to be fully lost in Emelie and pleasing her before, during, and after the shag.
    Calliope let herself melt into Harry's arms. She let him stay wrapped around her and kept her own arms around him playing with his curls softly while a few tears trickled down her cheeks. She still felt really bad that she'd pushed him away like she had and caused all of this. Really she'd probably feel bad about that for a while, but feeling bad and like she didn't deserve someone as amazing as he was wasn't a discussion they were having. At least not while he was still pretty sloshed and confused. "It's that stuff you sent me for my birthday." She replied softly, "because yes I still have some." She added trying to enjoy the comfort of just being around him. "Why don't we go lay down? Or you can go and I'll fix us some tea or something and then come join you when it's ready." She said softly knowing for one it would be a lot easier to bask in one another's warmth and just enjoy still being a part of the others life laying around rather than standing around in a kitchen.
    February 16th, 2014 at 05:02am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    [Do you mind if we skip the smut for Louis and Emelie? My friend's coming over soon, and I don't want to like accidentally leave mibba open on my laptop and have her see it...none of my friends know I roleplay so...Facepalm]
    The last thing Harry wanted to do right now was move. He'd just been so gutted and broken up about all of this in the last twenty-four hours, and the amount of relief he was feeling right now, simply because Calliope was there, was almost unreal. "I have good taste." His words were still muffled by her skin as he made no motion to move away from her. He didn't say anything straight away when she spoke, however, after a few moments of silence, he nodded. "Tea sounds nice." He slowly pulled away and unwrapped his arms from around her tine frame. He stood and headed down the hall to his room where he threw himself onto his bed and stared blankly up at the ceiling which thankfully wasn't spinning or anything. At least that meant that he wasn't extremely sloshed or anything.
    February 17th, 2014 at 06:23pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ girl I feel that. Lol. I hate having Mibba pulled up when people are behind me and stuff because like I mean most of the people I know don't know I roleplay and would probably freak out if they read me posting some smut lmfao So yea we can skip with them Cute Any where certain you want to skip to with them though? ]
    Calliope didn't mind standing there a bit longer with Harry wrapped around her, she could tell he didn't really want to move and would rather them just bask in one another a bit longer. But she knew it would be more comfortable and easier to cuddle close and shit in a bed. Calliope just wanted to lay around with Harry and enjoy that things were good for now. She wasn't sure how long they'd stay this way. Maybe they wouldn't change when he was sober, maybe they'd stay this way. But she was worried that maybe they wouldn't after all they were going to have to have a pretty intense conversation when he wasn't sloshed and while she didn't see any reason for it to really go badly, there was always a way something could go bad. And she was pretty sure the day before was a perfect example of how things could go from perfect to the worse in a matter of moments. "I'll bring you some in a minute then." She said softly going to pull out everything and fix their tea. It only took a few minutes before she was walking down the hall of his flat towards his room and setting the cups on the dresser, then she slipped out of her boots and jeans and went to crawl into the bed next to him.
    February 18th, 2014 at 12:41am