Role-play Recruiting Thread #2

  • Anyone want to throw it back and do a Drarry RP? Or a South Park RP?
    March 19th, 2018 at 02:26am

    follow the link to see my request. thank you for your time. ☁
    March 19th, 2018 at 06:23am
  • Hey I'm looking for some new RP's again. I usually prefer to play guys. I have a few ideas:


    Zombie apocalypse:
    Random strangers
    Best friends.
    Popular girl/weird kid

    March 20th, 2018 at 06:54am
  • I'm looking to get back into writing, and I think roleplaying would be a good way to ease back into it! So, I've got a couple of basic ideas in mind, but along with that if we've ever roleplayed before and you'd like to continue one just let me know! I'm okay with NC-17 or not, I prefer to double, and I normally match length or write around a paragraph or two per character. I'm also pretty flexible and open to brainstorming!

    -unexpected pregnancy
    -coworker romance
    -age difference
    -anything based on K-Dramas
    -fairy tale revisions/modernization
    -modern day classics (Jane Eyre, North and South, Wuthering Heights, anything by Jane Austen, just ask theres several more I'm familiar with!)
    -restaurant romance (this I have an idea for but I'm also open to suggestions/seeing where it goes)
    -neighbors falling in love
    -ghost/human romance
    -something similar to True Blood

    I'm also open to just about any ideas, so feel free to just ask if you think you have something similar to these in mind!
    March 22nd, 2018 at 02:05am
  • So I've been away from Mibba for about a month or so but I'm looking to add one new rp to my list. I'm really craving vampires so if you're interested in the pairings below please message me and let's working something up!

    Gerard Way x OC
    Matt Shadows x OC
    Zacky Vengeance x OC
    Corey Taylor x OC

    We can double as well! :)
    *All OC's will be female and that's who I'd like to play. But of course if we double I will play your man of choice. <3
    March 22nd, 2018 at 05:28am
  • Since a lot of my role play partners have disappeared or either stop role playing. I am looking to start a few role plays. I have a few ideas to pitch if anyone is up for any?

    My Chemical Romance
    Avenged Sevenfold

    Chicago Fire
    Chicago PD
    Ghost Adventures
    Once Upon A Time
    Walking Dead

    Fast & Furious
    March 26th, 2018 at 12:29am
  • Hey guys! I'm still looking for some new roleplay partners. These are some of the ideas I would like to do. If you're interested please message me. The only thing I ask is you be a consistent partner, and give me detail.


    - Orlando Burton is a big tough guy living in Brooklyn. He is in one of the cities well-known gang. By some chance of fate one night he meets Bridget Hartman. The two hit it off immediately. What he doesn't know is she is the child of the two wealthiest, politically most powerful people in the state. Her parents don't seem to care too much about her, not even noticing when she had been sneaking out to go on dates with him. The one who cares is her older brother Bennett Hartman. He is crazy, and due to that he does anything and everything he can to keep Orlando away from his baby sister. Fighting him, having him arrested for false accusations, going after those Orlando loves. I would like to play Orlando, you would play Bridget and Bennett.

    - Muse A and Muse B are two halves of an A-list celebrity couple. Together, they have millions of adoring fans and millions of dollars to spend on whatever they could possibly desire. Despite the occasional tabloid article, Muse A and Muse B seem to be living a Hollywood love story, complete with cozy rendezvous in VIP sections of the hottest nightclubs, romantic dinners at the chef’s table in the trendiest restaurants, and affectionate touches on the red carpet at public appearances. Being as famous as they are, Muse A and Muse B are mobbed by paparazzi everywhere they go. Outside of their glamorous, gated home, the star couple can’t get a moment of privacy. But that’s perfectly alright with them because the truth is that Muse A and Muse B are together strictly for publicity. Behind closed doors, Muse A and Muse B absolutely despise one another and they secretly do everything they can to sabotage the other’s career. Prefer Muse A but it is not really a big deal.

    - Muse A is young and naïve, always looking for trouble. They finally find it with Muse B, an older, cooler type that they encounter somewhere they have no business being with their fake ID. Muse B is attracted to Muse A on a physical level, but once Muse A’s age reveals itself, Muse B lays down the harsh truth: they’re not interested in anything beyond a one night stand and they’re definitely not what Muse A needs (and vice versa). Reluctant to let the opportunity to be with Muse B slip away, Muse A convinces Muse B to take them home. Lust clouds Muse B’s judgment and they let Muse A spend the night. In the heat of the moment, when the chemistry is so obviously there, Muse B says all the things Muse A wants to hear. Once it’s all over, however, Muse B’s attitude toward Muse A hasn’t changed–but Muse A doesn’t believe it’s a hopeless cause. Much to Muse B’s dismay, Muse A starts coming around to their place, hanging with their friends, finding little ways to push into their life in the hopes of showing Muse B how good they’d be together despite their difference in age. Muse B insists that their relationship will never be; yet Muse B can’t help sending mixed signals when they continue to fall into bed with Muse A. Prefer Muse B, can double.

    - Muse A is getting into the same gang lifestyle that his older brother just got out of. His mother, fearful for her son's life, turns to the only person that she knows that she can ask. Her older son, Alex, who lives in a nicer neighbourhood. Muse A reluctantly is forced to move in with his brother and goes to a 'better' school where the principal is a former Marine. He's all business and his family is as well. Muse B, the principal's daughter, is tasked with showing Muse A around the school. At first Muse A is annoyed because Muse B is just this nerdy girl who had a stutter and is just too nice. The school year wears on and eventually, they grow closer and closer. Muse A is Muse B's date to prom and later that night, she loses her virginity to him. Muse B wakes up the next morning to Muse A having disappeared. His brother has no idea where he is, no one can get a hold of him and as the months drag on, Muse B realizes something horrible: she's pregnant. Muse B has the support of both families and raises the child, until a year later when Muse A resurfaces - he disappeared because he was getting in way over his head and couldn't risk Muse B's safety or his mother/brother's so he ran away. Prefer Muse A, can double

    - Muse A, a tenacious crime boss, is frustrated by yet another news headline about a big crime bust in the city which has ties to their own illicit operations. It seems that the mayor’s been making good on his promise to eradicate crime as of late (probably because he’s looking to run for Senator in the upcoming elections) and that ultimately spells trouble for Muse A. It’s only a matter of time before someone from the Mayor’s camp comes sniffing around Muse A’s nightclub, which operates as a front for their money laundering, but Muse A wants the Mayor dealt with before that happens. As fate would have it, Muse A isn’t the only one who wants the Mayor gone.
    Muse B, the Mayor’s child, sees right through the tele-prompted speeches, contrived family photo ops, and the empty promises of a crime-free city. Muse B has seen and heard their father conducting his own illegal practices and knows firsthand that the Mayor is not a good man. Muse B has lost all respect for their corrupt father and only feels disdain and fear toward him. It’s by coincidence that Muse B enters Muse A’s nightclub after a volatile confrontation with their father, but it isn’t a coincidence when Muse A recognizes Muse B and invites them to the VIP area to talk. In this secluded area of the club, Muse B spills all of their concerns to Muse A and Muse A offers protection in exchange for information. Muse B agrees to spy on their father for Muse A with the understanding that, at the opportune moment, Muse A will get rid of the Mayor. Prefer Muse A, can double

    - Two relationships that sort of mimic the relationship between Jade and Beck from victorious (I know I know kids show). One relationship the girl is the fiery, stubborn, 'bitchy/controlling' one, with the laid back guy who can calm her down and deal with her shit. The other the opposite. The guy is a hardass and matches personalities with the aforementioned girl. I was thinking the two guys had been friends, and the girls had been friends before their relationships. And now they hang together as a friend group. Occasionally the two hard ones fight because their personalities are so similar, and they believe their friend can do better. If you want to add anything else please message me.

    I'm up for any other original plot ideas
    March 26th, 2018 at 02:03am
  • Hey Everyone!

    I'm Éabha (Ava), Irish girl who's new here! I used to RP on a site called figment, but after discovering that it's been shut down I've been looking for somewhere new and stumbled upon mibba.

    I love group Roleplays as well as one on one, and I'm open to most genres and idea a but do mostly favour romance! I prefer to play a girl but also enjoy Doubling!

    I tend to lean more toward medium length replies that come quickly (what can I say, I'm impatient!) but I also really enjoy long length, detailed replies.

    Please feel free to get in touch if you would like to start something with me!
    March 27th, 2018 at 08:23pm
  • For anyone looking for some new roleplay partners; > Check the General Requests > Check the Gallery

    Be aware that the majority of people you’ll find on these sites roleplay strictly through email addresses they've created for roleplay. Hence the reason I have my own email on display in my signature.

    I hope to see some of you soon. Contact me if you have any questions. ☁
    March 28th, 2018 at 02:11am
  • I'm looking to start an avenged sevenfold rp with a kind of slice of life style plot with abuse/cheating elements (and maybe something with demons??) if you're interested message me!
    March 28th, 2018 at 09:37pm
  • I'm looking to start an avenged sevenfold rp with a kind of slice of life style plot with abuse/cheating elements (and maybe something with demons??) if you're interested message me!
    March 28th, 2018 at 09:37pm
  • I'm looking for a band roleplay here is a short list of what I know but there are many many more so if you have a band that you like but don't see pm me and tell me what one your looking for
    Asking Alexandria
    Escape the fate
    Tokio Hotel
    Bullet For My Valentine
    The 69 Eyes
    Pierce The Veil
    Sleeping with sirens
    Falling In revers
    March 29th, 2018 at 12:52am
  • Hey, guys! I haven’t been as active as I usually am lately, but I’m looking for some new roleplays to start up. I have a few fandoms in mind, but also a bunch original ideas that I’m wanting to do, too.

    I only roleplay het and I’m perfectly fine with NC-17. Any length is fine with me as well. I prefer to play the girl, but doubling is completely allowed.

    The 100 (Bellamy)
    Supernatural (Dean)
    The Vampire Diaries (Stefan, Klaus, Tyler, Damon)
    The Originals (Klaus - but, if we do two The Originals roleplays, I’ll go with Kol for a second one)
    Shadowhunters (Jace - not caught up)
    The Secret Circle (Jake)
    Teen Wolf (Scott, Isaac, Liam, Theo)

    - Something like The Secret Circle, where a group of six witches comes together and have to bind their magic to control it, because, alone, their magic is too strong. There are those who secretly have dark magic in their blood as well. My female character will be one of them, unaware of it. Her love interest will be a witch who’s also a hunter (and they happen to be soulmates) and they become conflicted - the guy, having to decide between his duty as a hunter or protecting the girl he’s fallen for, and the girl, having to decide whether her affections for him outweigh the betrayal she feels with knowing that he’s put her and her friends in danger.

    - If any of you guys know anything about Beautiful Creatures, I want to do something a little similar to that. I didn’t read the books, unfortunately (I had the first one, but it came up missing). Overall, my idea is that my girl has been born into a family that’s always chosen/been chosen by darkness, instead of light. Instead of the age being 16, though, I’m thinking it will be bumped to 18-21. She falls for a guy whose family has always chosen/been chosen by light, and, as they get closer, he teachers her what it’s like to be good, influencing her and helping her see that she can be chosen by light.

    - My girl’s father runs a mafia - her mother was recently killed by a rival and this puts her father on edge. He assigns her a bodyguard, who happens to be the son of her father’s right-hand man. The more time they spend together, the closer they grow to each other. Despite knowing that it wouldn’t really be praised or accepted by her father, they end up together, even with the dangers they’re facing.

    - My girl and the guy have been in a relationship for a while already, except a recent issue has come up: after getting in an accident of some form, my girl has ended up with amnesia. She can't remember the guy or her relationship with him; she can't remember her friends, her family, anything. The guy's trying his best to help her, but it's hard when the girl he adores can't remember anything about him or their close connection to each other.

    - My girl is a con-artist, who specializes in seducing rich men and making them fall in love with her and stealing their money. She’s done this plenty of times, to the point that she’s rich herself; she knows the etiquette and behaviors and the little details that make it believable that she’s part of the high class and upper society. Her love interest is either a newlywed or a man whose marriage is falling apart. He easily takes a liking to her and she decides that he’s her next “job.” Surprisingly, though, the more time she spends with him, the more she begins to actually fall for him.

    - After defying their parents in some way, my girl a princess of a wealthy but conflict-ridden area, gets disowned and sent to the dangerous streets of the nearest village. There, she runs into a gang who, despite her appearance as a rich and uppity girl, take her under their wing when she explains her family no longer wants her (though she doesn't tell them that she is the princess). The leader of the gang trains her in the ways of the streets and, as they grow closer and a bond forms between them full of affection and attraction, a rival gang learns of my girl's identity. They take her for ransom against the king and queen and it is soon revealed to the gang she's been involved with that she is the recently disowned princess. The gang has to decide whether to save her or leave her to her fate - and she's left to wonder how she'll regain their trust.

    - It took years for my girl to get out of the sex game, having been involved in it since she was a teenager. She only managed to get out by turning in the man who's been selling her and getting placed in the Witness Protection Program. She meets/has met a guy who she has a quick adoration for and, as their life begins to grow happier (i.e., they start talking marriage or have gotten married and start talking children) somebody from her past returns and sends her in a downward spiral that the guy is trying to save her from.

    - My girl is from the modern world and has a love of ancient artifacts. While at a shop, she stumbles upon a sword and, upon touching it, she's transported to a different universe ruled with magic. Upon meeting a native man there, she comes to learn that dark magic is becoming more prominent in the realm. Not only that, but this world believes in soulmates and this man suddenly declares that she is his.

    - After talking to a matchmaker and filling out forms full of personal questions, people are paired up with who the matchmaker feels is right for them. This is how the pairing(s) meet and they each decide to give the results - each other, that is - a chance.

    - A prince is engaged to marry a princess, though it's an arranged marriage. He, however, falls in love with my girl he meets in the market on the way to the princess's kingdom. Well, it's not love at first, just curiosity and interest. When he arrives at the castle, he comes to find that the princess he's engaged to has a sister, who is running late to the greetings, which leaves the King and Queen quite annoyed. When the other princess does arrive, though, the prince is surprised to see that it's the very girl he met in the market. Immediately, his fiancee begins to show him around, eager to earn his favor, though he's distracted by the other girl, who acted as though she didn't recognize him when it was her turn to greet him. Once he gets a moment away from his fiancee, he seeks out the other princess and the two spark a friendship. Each opportunity he gets, he visits her and they begin to grow closer, eventually falling for each other. But, due to the fact that the prince is her sister's fiance, she has a bit of trouble accepting her feelings, especially since her sister seems enamored by the prince. When her sister finds out about the pair's secret meetings, she begins to plot to force them apart, but this only drives the prince to pursue the girl even more.

    - My girl is a uni student who somehow stumbles upon a time portal/hole that throws her centuries into the future. There, she meets a member of the rebellion in this future, who is against the dictator who has taken over the world. It is eventually revealed that the dictator is the one who has been creating time portals, as several others have come through but died, and it's revealed that the girl is the dictator's ancestor. The guy, who has gotten close to the girl, then has to decide whether she should be killed to prevent this future or if they can find some way to avoid the dictator ever being born. 

    - A vampire who has the ability to see the future falls for a human who constantly gets lost. As they grow closer, he has a premonition of her death and starts compelling her to drink his blood so that, when she does die, she won't be gone forever, because he can't imagine his life without her.

    - Courtesy of The Gates. A human family moves to a gated community, where the father takes over as chief of police. As the father learns more about the creatures within the community, he begins to ban his daughters - our girls - from seeing the guys that they've grown close to. (For this, my oc is a little rebellious. Her love interest will be a werewolf, because it will cause tension with the pack and the pack will cause problems for the couple. I also want there to be the whole soulmates thing going on for my side. Your side can be however you want!)

    - This one is courtesy of the book series The Darkest Powers: Teenagers with mental illnesses are sent off to a group home, where they're watched and taught by nurses and doctors who work there. But, these mental illnesses are all fake and the doctors and nurses know it, but the teenagers don't. Instead of having mental illnesses, they're actually supernatural creatures - and the nurses and doctors work for a group that experimented on these teenagers when they were babies to try to lower the chances of them taking on their parents' supernatural genes. Or, that's the story, anyways. Either way, the process worked for some, but, for others, it only increased the strength of the teenagers' powers and, as time wore on, their powers became more and more noticeable. As stated, the teenagers are unaware of this and truly think themselves as mentally ill. Anyways, for those whose powers got stronger, they got sent to the group home. The group home gives the teens medicine that's meant to make these powers dormant, tries to help the teens acclimate, the works. If the medicine works, the teens are released back into the world as if they are normal. If the medicine doesn't work, though, the teens get "transferred" to another place - which ends up being a lab, where these teens are then terminated. For this, I want my side to be a Necromancer x Werewolf pairing (much like the actual series) and I will be playing the female Necromancer. Your side can be whatever you wish, so long as it follows my rules, meaning het only.

    - When Guy 1 and the girl became a couple, they made a rule: if one cheats, the other is allowed to cheat. Guy 1, however, has a hard time keeping it in his pants. Constantly being cheated on, the girl is upset quite a bit and finds comfort in sleeping with Guy 1's older brother, Guy 2, as revenge. The more Guy 1 cheats, though, the more the girl sleeps with Guy 2 and the closer they become.

    - Guy 1 is spontaneous and artistic, always eager for the next opportunity to enjoy himself. He started a relationship with my girl, who loves the spontaneity because she’s the furthest thing from spontaneous and the freedom that comes with Guy 1 is exhilarating. He challenges her, encouraging her to try new things while also avoiding pressuring her. Suddenly, Guy 1 disappears, leaving Girl broken, lost, and confused. 2 years pass and Girl is finally moving on with Guy 2, who’s organized and kind, much like Girl. But, now, Girl is certain she’s seeing Guy 1 everywhere.
    March 30th, 2018 at 01:27am
  • I'm looking for someone to do a Supernatural roleplay with me! Doubling is preferred, and all I ask is that you have good grammar and spelling. Also! Please communicate with me if you get stuck / don't like an idea / don't want to continue.

    I'd like you to play Sam Winchester for me. We can bounce around some ideas. If you're interested, please message me or comment on my profile c:
    March 30th, 2018 at 01:38am
  • X
    March 30th, 2018 at 09:33pm
  • Would still love to set up some More RPs!!

    I have a few broad ideas, but I'm open to suggestion!

    College based RP- (would probably wanna double this one)
    Age gap relationship
    Abusive relationship

    City of Bones Serious
    Maze Runner
    Hunger Games
    How to Get away with Murder
    Designated Survivor
    Game of Thrones
    March 30th, 2018 at 11:50pm
  • So I’m looking for a specific roleplay. Below I’ve got the general overview of the roleplay I would like to do, if you are interested please message me and I can give you a better overview!

    Two relationships that sort of mimic the relationship between Jade and Beck from victorious (I know I know kids show). One relationship the girl is the fiery, stubborn, 'bitchy/controlling' one, with the laid back guy who can calm her down and deal with her shit. The other the opposite. The guy is a hardass and matches personalities with the aforementioned girl. I was thinking the two guys had been friends, and the girls had been friends before their relationships. And now they hang together as a friend group. Occasionally the two hard ones fight because their personalities are so similar, and they believe their friend can do better.
    March 31st, 2018 at 12:20am
  • I have a need to do more role-plays. I have some loose ideas that can be played with and fixed more so. I’m more than happy to double. The ones in parenthesis are who I want you to play for me.

    -Sons of Anarchy (Chibs, Happy, Juice)
    -Motionless in White (Chris)
    -Animal Kingdom (Pope)
    -Avenged Sevenfold (Matt, Brain)

    So if you want to do one with me, just let me send me a message.
    March 31st, 2018 at 02:01pm
  • Hello!

    X is on her way home from work one really late evening, she's sitting on the train all alone and even though she's almost home, she decides to destress then and there. At least she tries to, but when Z, a complete stranger comes up to her and stops her by pulling her jacket over her exposed chest, she freezes and looks up at this gorgeous young looking boy. He hands her a card with an address and a number and tells her to come by one of the upcoming days and that she shouldn't be doing that kind of thing where she could get caught. Days go by and X can't get the boy out of her head, so after work one day she decides to check this place out.

    This will be NC-17 and will touch some subjects that might not be for all. Message me if you want to hear more? I want you to play Z, but we can totally double, and can do slash too!
    April 2nd, 2018 at 11:32am
  • finally got my computer back; so looking for more roleplays so I can be more active and have fun here! Those listed below with an * show that I have a small plot; but the more I use means the more developed said plot is Con

    supernatural **
    avenged sevenfold *
    marvel / avengers ***
    suicide squad

    ideas (both for fandoms & originals);;
    demons / vampires
    creature / human
    fairy tail modernization

    i tend to double; but if you'd rather not that's fine - I'm easy. I'm on Easter break at the moment, but when I go back to university my replies will be scattered but should be daily.

    send me a message!!
    April 2nd, 2018 at 06:54pm