Role-play Recruiting Thread #2

  • Van Helsing

    Van Helsing (100)

    United States
    This might be a long shot but is anyone up for a Van Helsing (TV show) roleplay? I just started season two but I know I'll be done soon and would love it if someone is interested!
    September 25th, 2018 at 05:51am
  • ciel.

    ciel. (100)

    I have been super inactive lately, my sincere apologies. Life has been shit but eh, what can you do. If I'm doing an RP with you I will probably answer after the weekend!

    I have a sick craving to play Nagini after the new trailer for Crimes of Grindelwald came out. I was thinking maybe Nagini x Credence? It sparked so many ideas. If you've seen the trailer and if you're interested, shoot me a message! We can brain storm. We can also do a Nagini x Tom Riddle, with some tweaking and such.
    September 27th, 2018 at 04:52pm
  • Darken_Rose

    Darken_Rose (100)

    United States
    Hey there! I'm excited to get back to writing. I was a member here a while back, but I can't get into my account. So if anyone had a RP with The_Wasp I'm up for continuing them! Cute I'm fine with playing either male or female but doubling is preferred! ( If we choose to not double, I'll play your love interest in one RP, and you'll play mine in another. I l think that's fair )
    I don't have any detailed plots but I'm sure we can come up with something. All I ask is that we communicate. I understand life gets hectic, in return, I ask you to do the same.

    Things in parentheses is who I'd like you to play.
    Teen Wolf (Derek, Aiden)
    DC (Arthur Curry)
    Marvel (T'Challa, M'Baku, Mack, Thor)
    I also have an idea for a Disney personified/ horsemen crossover thing.

    I'm also up for original RPs mainly based in drama/mythology/fantasy feel free to send me any ideas though!
    Note: I'm also fine with doing multiple RPs with the same person.
    September 28th, 2018 at 02:53am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    Hi friends, I'm looking to do some new RPs! I prefer romance/drama, and am happy to double up if you prefer.

    Here are some vague ideas I have:
    - historic (I watch a lot of period romances and have a lot of feelings/ideas)
    - mythology related
    - Disney/Fairytale (Rapunzel, Beauty and the Beast, etc)
    - College/Highschool (student/student, student/teacher, etc)
    - Marvel/Avengers

    If you're interested in RPing, just send me a message!
    September 28th, 2018 at 10:07pm
  • mariquinn;

    mariquinn; (100)

    United States
    Really interested in doing a Supernatural rp [tv show] that will involve an angel. Hit me up if you are interested. Doubling is ok of course Cute.
    September 30th, 2018 at 07:03am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    Hello! I am looking for an RP partner.
    I am asking for proper grammar and spelling, but mistakes are understandable. Paragraph form is preferable.
    As for characters, I would prefer to play the female role if we only make one RP!

    If you are interested in any of the ones below, please send me a message!

    1. Muse A is an heir/heiress but has no idea. Many years ago, their kingdom was attacked. They survived but were led away from the kingdom during the attack. They ended up in an orphanage in a village far from their kingdom, with no memories of their past or how they got there. Muse A's family member survived the attack and believes that Muse A survived too. They are offering a heft reward of Muse A's safe return.

    Years later, Muse B, a con artist, meets Muse A. muse B is amazed at how uncanny their resemblance is to the lost heir/heiress and decides to pass Muse A off, in order to claim the reward. muse C, Muse A's family member has seen many impostors over the years and is not even willing to see Muse A. However, as Muse A's vague memories are enough to convince some of Muse C's staff, they begin to wonder if they are really the lost heir/heiress

    2. Muse A makes a bet with his friends tat he can take Muse B's virginity but then, somehow sweet lil muse B worms her way into his cold heart. He then becomes set on losing the bet because he does not want to hurt her. However, at a party that Muse A takes her to, his friend accidentally let her in on their bet.

    3. Muse A is on the run. Running from a life they ever wanted. Behind them is pain, abuse and no say in any life choices. So muse A runs. Life on the run is not the fairy take that they imagined it might be. Life is even worse and they can't take it anymore. Muse A decides to end it by jumping into the ocean. They end up in a rip and are pulled out to sea.

    A boat comes across Muse A. Muse B is a sailor on the boat and rescues Muse A from the deep water. Muse B nurses Muse A back to health and as Muse A recovers, Muse B discovers their story while falling in love with Muse A.

    Muse B decides to avenge Muse A and bring justice to those who wronged them. They decide to let everyone think that Muse A has died, that way Muse A can start a new life with Muse B.

    4. The Police chief's worrisome daughter is always coming to check on him at the station. She ends up falling for the headstrong detective who always gives the chief hell.

    5. Modern Romeo/Juliet. Their parents are heads of rival companies (or they could be huge celebrities) who have been in a known feud for years and they meet and try to sneak around in secret but there's paparazzi and tabloids that get in the way.

    6. Muse A is coming of age in their magical family. On their 18th birthday, they learn what element they have been gifted with. Muse A has been under the impression that they will have inherited the same element that their parents and grandparents have been blessed with. However, they come to discover that they have been bestowed with the opposite element. According to rules set forth, Muse A must learn to master their gift from a warlock/witch who possesses the same elemental power as they do. Muse B, who has the same element as Muse A, becomes Muse A's reluctant mentor. Muse B is brilliant and powerful but lacks in the department of manners and compassion, especially when Muse A shows difficulty harnessing their new abilities. Muse B is condescending and impatient often without provocation. One day, Muse A meets their wit's end with Muse B's treatment and they demand to know why Muse B is so hostile toward them. Muse B reveals that they come form rival families and they are only teaching Muse A due to terms of a 1,000 year old truce that is ending soon.

    I also have a LOT of other original plot ideas so hit me up if you want to rp!
    October 4th, 2018 at 04:54am
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    I need an American Horror Story rp, please! I have an idea in mind, you will need to be currently watching/caught up on apocalypse to understand it! And I will be wanting you to play Michael Langdon for me, we can double and I can play whoever you need to me!

    P.S for anyone I roleplay with, I'll be replying soon!
    October 4th, 2018 at 05:38am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    I am looking for someone to that would be up for a halloween type rp. I do have an idea in mind if you'd be up for it, please let me know. It'd be horror, and based off a few movies.
    October 4th, 2018 at 05:08pm
  • pidge.

    pidge. (100)

    United States
    I haven't actually done a roleplay in a fairly long time, but I am currently looking for some!

    Kidnapping Plot
    This one might be kind of confusing. So, there's a ring of kidnappings around this school. All of the kids have money, and they're all being held for ransom. They've been kidnapped by a small group of people, one of which has a teenage son that goes to school with most of the kids. This will involve doubling, by the way. One girl is kidnapped, and her best friend is distraught. She spends time making posters, and shirts, and doing whatever she can to help find her best friend. She meets a boy, and starts getting close to him as he helps her through this ordeal. What she doesn't know is that it's the same boy who is involved in the kidnapping of her best friend. Now, the girl who was kidnapped isn't the first, and is taken out into this cabin in the woods where all the other kids are kept. She meets a boy, there, and they rely on each other to stay sane while waiting for their parents to pay up. His only problem is that his parents don't have the kind of money the kidnappers are asking for. So, they device a plan to escape. Where it goes from there, I don't know.

    Teen Pregnancy Plot 1
    This one will be kind of simple and to the point. I haven't thought much about it, but I have thought out the major details. Basically, there is two girls who end up pregnant by the same guy. One is just a one night stand, the other his actual girlfriend. Eventually, he'll start falling for the other girl, and his girlfriend will fall for another guy. We will have to double with this plot, considering there are two girls.

    Teen Pregnancy Plot 2
    A not so popular girl ends up pregnant by one of the most popular guys at school. Typical sounding, I know. It happened at a party one night. He was way drunk, and she was vulnerable. I would like to play the girl in this plot, only because I feel much more comfortable playing a girl. I would be totally willing to double and to have another girl in there somewhere.

    DC Comic
    I have this idea that I really want to do for a DC comics superhero roleplay. This superhero, Zatanna's niece, was adopted long ago by her aunt after her father had a horrible death dealing with dark magic. As a child, she was great friends with the one known as Jason Todd, aka Robin number two. They would fight crime together, even though both Zatanna and Batman didn't approve. Once the Joker had killed him, she was heartbroken. She had felt for him deeply. She would never know how he felt about her. After being recruited by Red Hood, a new anti-hero, she joined his team along with two others. She doesn't know it is him, but he knows it is her. He constantly flirts with her, although she hates it. In the end, she will find out that it is Jason.

    Harry Potter
    I want to do a second generation roleplay with the pairing of Albus and an OC. Albus Potter, Scorpius Malfoy, Lorcan Scamander, and the Zabani heir practically rule the school, due to their parents being so famous and influential. They boss other student around, treat them like they're nothing. If they don't abide by their rules, then they are targeted. When they are targeted, the whole school turns against them. This happens to Adelyn after she stands up to them. Albus, their leader, slowly falls for this girl, knowing that she isn't like the others. She is different. She stands up for herself, against the boys. She has courage, unlike the other girls. After all that she has seen from Albus, she doesn't feel the same, until she realizes that he really loves her. She develops feelings as well, only his parents have already begun looking for potential spouses for him.

    Teen Titans
    I was really hoping to do a RobStar and BBRae, in the case where I play Starfire and Beast Boy. Starfire is rushed back to Tamaran to be betrothed. She had made a deal with Galfore, which was if she wasn't married by a certain date on Earth, then she was to be betrothed. With Robin's "no dating a team member" issues, she knows this will never happen. He is the only one she wants to be with, but she hopes. She is betrothed to Prince Karras, who only wants control of Tamaran. The team travels to Tamaran after finding a note from Star. Robin has to save the one he loves from marrying Karras. Along the way, BB and Raven develop a small relationship.

    Pregnancy Plot/Fated to Love You
    This one is based off of a Korean drama, or K-Drama. The K-Drama's name is Fated to Love You. The K-Drama was based from a Taiwanese Drama, which has the same title. Anyways, a guy who id the CEO of a major company ends up a father after pretty much a one night stand, which only happened due to both the girl and guy being intoxicated. The girl is pretty much a nobody. I'll just put this briefly, they do end up falling for each other, but they guy is engaged to a woman who is gone for business. The main girl and him marry only because they feel it is right for the baby. Soon enough, he breaks off the engagement, realizing his feelings for the main girl. The guy ends up losing his memory from stress due to a genetic disease that his father also had. He forgets about the girl and the baby for a few days and still believes he is engaged to the other woman. Anyways, they end up losing the baby after an accident. She goes away for a while and comes back a year later. They will eventually get together after a long while. But he hides the fact that he has the genetic disease and that's pretty much the only reason he doesn't want to be with her. Even though he is still in love with her, he doesn't want to die on her. She figures this out by a video that he had filmed while she was gone, and they do end up together like previously stated. It'd be so much more easier to roleplay this with someone that has seen either of the two dramas, but if you'd like to roleplay it, we can work through the details. I would also like to play the main girl in this, only because I am more comfortable with it. We can double as well.

    Teen Titans
    DC Universe
    The Vampire Diaries

    The Outsiders
    Pearl Harbor
    Disney-based (Mulan, Beauty and the Beast, Little Mermaid, Cinderella etc.)
    Harry Potter
    The Hunger Games

    Ouran Highschool Host Club
    Fruits Basket
    The Wallflower
    Death Note
    Vampire Knight
    Tokyo Ghoul

    Morganville Vampires
    Perfect Chemistry Series
    Cirque Du Freak
    The Vampire Diaries
    Maximum Ride

    High School
    Real Life
    Boarding School
    Abusive Relationship
    Host Club
    Arranged Marriage
    Kidnapping (Other than the plot above.)

    I do ask to at least play one girl. I'm more comfortable with playing a girl, honestly. I don't mind doubling, either. I prefer not to do any slash. I expect at least a paragraph per character, as well. I may write more than one paragraph, it just depends on the plot and the character. Proper spelling and grammar is a must. I understand a few mistakes, but not a paragraph full of them.

    Alright, if you are interested in roleplaying any of the above, please contact me via private message! Thanks!
    October 6th, 2018 at 02:25am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    I am looking to do an rp with someone about a posession. I have a plot in mind and i am willing to double. Pm me for details.

    Also some other pairings.

    vampires or vampire/human
    Anything supernatural really.

    Single parent
    October 7th, 2018 at 03:49pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    I’m looking to start up a few new roleplays if anyone is interested. tehe


    - paragraph or more responses
    - hetero only
    - good grammar and spelling
    - patiences. I work full time and have other things that go on outside of work. Just like I know plenty of others do as well. Now I do my best to reply at least once a day and would like the same courtesy. However, that doesn’t always happen. Sometimes I just don’t have the time to reply. I will let you know if that happens though and would appreciate you doing the same in return.
    - doubling is preferred


    - Teen Wolf
    - Riverdale
    - Harry Potter
    - Boy Meets World
    - The 100
    - 5 Seconds of Summer

    If you’re interested at all just send me a PM Arms
    October 9th, 2018 at 12:50am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    Hi, I’m always looking for more roleplays! I’m pretty open to ideas and I try to post a decent amount.

    Avenged Sevenfold (Brian)
    Riverdale (Sweetpea)
    Hollywood Undead (J-Dog)
    The Walking Dead (Daryl)
    Supernatural (Sam or Dean)
    Harry Potter (Draco)
    The Vampire Diaries (Damon)
    American Horror Story

    -Teen Pregnancy/unplanned pregnancy
    -Gang Related
    -Single Parent
    -Arranged Marriage

    I’m always up for doubling and we can discuss ideas!
    October 9th, 2018 at 03:20am
  • Retrograde

    Retrograde (100)

    United States
    Hey everyone! I literally just joined mibba like thirty seconds ago and am looking for people to RP with. I normally think of characters and RPs based off of shows/movies I watch and books I read. However, I'm also really excited about trying ideas that other people come up with. Most of my own RPs don't really have a lot of guidelines, I tend to just see where things take us. My RPs also tend to lean towards romance/drama just because I am a dramatic person. Let me know at the start what you're comfortable with regarding relationships/sex/drugs. I'm personally open to almost everything and feel comfortable playing either a male or female. Although, since I am a female, it's easier for me to be a female.

    Currently I'm watching Riverdale and would love to do a RP based off of it in which there's the "north" and "south" side of town. Basically a modern version of The Outsiders. The north is all preppy and rich, while the south is run by gangs and drugs. A mysterious disappearance (and murder) of the richest family's son creates a lot of turbulence between the two sides. I have a lot of different ideas of how to carry this out, but don't want to clog this feed with a lengthy message.

    My main interests include:
    - college/high school
    - gangs
    - supernatural
    - anything medieval
    - skyrim
    - the 100
    - literally anything??

    If anyone is interested just send me a PM Mr. Green
    October 9th, 2018 at 03:32am
  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Looking for anybody who would want to join in on a Sense8 RP! For anyone that's not watched the show, effectively the general gist is that there's 8 people who were all born on the same day (so have the same birthday and age) and they find out they're interconnected and can go 'visit' one another in other countries, and help each other out when they are in peril. That's a super-bad explanation so read the Wikipedia plot summary if this doesn't make sense.

    There will (obviously) need to be 8 main characters, and I was hoping to get 3 other people together and double characters up so we're doing 2 each, or if we get more than 4 in total we can work it out! The only rules I have are as follows:
    - Don't disappear! My last RP kind of crashed and burned so I want this one to work lmao.
    - Paragraph replies please, and good spelling / grammar!

    So if you'd be interested please PM me to let me know! Cute
    October 9th, 2018 at 12:15pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    I'm looking to start a new role play or two. If something isn't listed that you want to play, reach out and we can discuss it.

    Doubling - NC-17 - Good grammar and spelling - Love lengthy posts

    Harry Potter - Avenged Sevenfold - Twilight - Monsta X - Original

    We can bounce around some ideas. If you're interested, please message me. I do have a couple of idea I'd love to do.
    October 13th, 2018 at 06:21am
  • Jay.B

    Jay.B (100)

    United States
    Hey all!
    Looking to start up new RPs. Here are some ideas that I have in mind

    Beauty and the Beast/Beastly with a twist
    Popular vs Outcast/ Rich vs Poor romance
    Student/Teacher (college based)
    Single parent/new love interest/reconnecting with the ex/baby daddy
    Couple on the verge of breaking up

    I am also open to suggestions so we can come up with a solid plot for any of these ideas or we can come up with a whole new plot/idea. I'm flexible.

    I prefer to do RPs with original characters but here are the fandoms I do.
    BTS (Suga or RM)
    Monsta X (Wonho or Jooheon)
    Got7 (JB, Jackson)
    A7X (Zacky)
    Pierce the Veil (Tony or Mike)
    Riverdale (FP or Sweetpea)

    Some requirements:
    Be okay with NC-17, well written replies. The lengthier your replies are, the better. Be able to respond at least once a day. (Of course I'm not gonna get mad if you can't. We're all humans and sometimes things come up) Please don't abandon our RP, if you're not feeling it, just let me know and we can stop it, change the plot and restart, or scrap the idea as a whole and come with something new or not. Just let me know and I will understand.

    Please be okay with doubling or doing one 1 girl/1 guy.

    Send me a message if you're interested.
    October 15th, 2018 at 01:00am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Hello everyone! I’ve been wanting to start a couple of new RPs.

    What I’m looking for in a RP partner: Paragraph RP, meaning at least 3+ sentences, if not more. Proper grammar and spelling, doesn’t have to be absolutely perfect. We all make mistakes. Be okay with NC-17 because I love my smut. Last but not least, be okay with doubling. Also, patience. I’m a full time student along with having a job and sometimes I can’t always reply as often as I’d like, but I do promise to post at least once a day, more if I’m not busy.

    I’m up for almost anything. If you don’t see anything you like based on my list of ideas/interests but still would like to start a RP with me, please don’t hesitate to shoot me a message. Cute:

    Every idea/plot mentioned can easily be tweaked to where it’s suitable for doubling. We can also combine ideas.

    Im not the best when it comes to thinking up plots so I apologize that there aren’t many of them here. We can always think up some together.

    Things I’m interested in, but not limited to:

    Anything Disney based. (ex. Beauty and The Beast, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, etc.)


    Werewolf/vampire/anything fantasy (especially since it’s almost Halloween, totally up for any of this)

    Something where the guy is tumblr famous, specifically in the porn department, and the girl is one of his biggest fans. She meets him one day at work and end up starting what she thinks is a platonic friends with benefits sort of thing, but end up falling for one another.

    Something based off of “Sierra Burgess Is A Loser”. We can set it where they’re in college instead of high school. (If you could play Noah Centenio for me, id love that)

    Something base off of “To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before” (id like you to play Noah Centenio for me). We can also tweak this to be based in college instead of high school.

    Kissing booth.

    The Shannara Chronicles

    Avenged Sevenfold (you play Matt for me. Literally always up for this)

    Message me if interested. Cute:
    October 18th, 2018 at 03:37pm
  • Aoibhe

    Aoibhe (100)

    Hey hey,

    So I'm really wanting to do something based on Heather's at the moment. Either the movie or the musical is fine with me! Doesn't have to be a direct copy, I just want to do something similar to JD and Veronica's relationship.

    Open to doubling.
    October 19th, 2018 at 07:24pm
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    hey guys i have three ideas for an american horror story rp, sooooo :-) please message me if you'd be interested! i'd like you to play michael langdon for me, and i can play anyone for you! also, please just be able to reply with at least a paragraph- minimum of five sentences. <3
    October 20th, 2018 at 04:14am
  • mariquinn;

    mariquinn; (100)

    United States
    Really craving a Guns & Roses young rp.
    October 20th, 2018 at 07:29pm