Role-play Recruiting Thread #2

  • Don't Let Go

    Don't Let Go (100)

    United States
    Hey, guys!
    I would like to try the following;
    Country themed
    Teen pregnancy
    Arranged marriage
    Bad relationships
    Harry Potter

    Avenged sevenfold
    My chemical romance
    Fallout boy

    Paragraph posts, and please don't ditch me.

    If you have any ideas with these please PM me!
    December 22nd, 2014 at 12:41am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    So, last night I watched The Hobbit movies and I REALLY want to do a role-play. It doesn't have to be based around the movies or anything, I'd love it if you could play Kili for me. I'll play anyone for you, so please send me a message Mr. Green
    December 22nd, 2014 at 01:24am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    Soooooo i just got done watching Lord of The Rings, and I'm in love with Legolas. If anyone is interested in playing him for me please message me! All i ask is no one liners, NC-17 and please dont ditch me ^.^
    December 22nd, 2014 at 01:35am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Okay! So, I'm back on Mibba from a very long break. I'd love to get some RP's going. (if you have one that you'd like to continue also don't hesitate to message me)

    First, the rules.
    Paragraphs are a must. I tend to put a lot of details into my posts, so I kind of expect you to do the same. Also, please don't start out that way and then gradually make your posts shorter and shorter.
    Good grammar and spelling is a must.
    Don't constantly reply to other RP's and not ours, that's just rude and makes me think that you're not interested.
    Oh, and doubling is a must. It's only fair.

    Anyways, here are a few ideas. If you're interested in any of them, we can totally come up with a plot line together. Cute
    -Avenged Sevenfold (utterly obsessed)
    -Five Seconds of Summer
    -Forbidden Relationship
    -Arranged Marriage

    Yeah, that's about it. PM me if you're interested, please and thank you. Arms
    December 22nd, 2014 at 12:33pm
  • Miley Cyrus;

    Miley Cyrus; (100)

    United States
    I just came back from a very, very long break and I'd love to start some RPs for a duration of the time that I am here.

    - Please make paragraphs. I like a lot of details and you just can't get that out of two sentences.
    - You don't need to be some kind of grammatical wizard, but at least try to use correct spelling and grammar.
    - Any rating goes, we can discuss if it's an issue.
    - Doubling not necessary.
    - Preferably someone very active; I'd like to get out several replies a day, not just one.

    Some storylines:
    - Arranged marriage
    - Paranormal verse (ie witches, werewolves, etc.)
    - Ghost/Human relationship
    - Mafia
    - Disney themed (ie a princess and a poor man, a mermaid and her sailor, etc)
    - Egyptian/Roman times

    PM me if you're interested, thankies!

    Just wanted to add that some ideas can be merged to create a better plot. Basically if the plot genre is crime, romance, fantasy or historical then I'm your girl.
    December 22nd, 2014 at 05:08pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Alright, so my posts have been lacking the last two weeks or so, all of my friends are home from school for the holidays, but I'll be posting on everything within the next couple of days, not to worry! That's not why I'm posting here though. Twilight's kind of a guilty pleasure of mine, and I occasionally get the itch to start up a roleplay involving some of the characters from the series. Now is one of those times. I would love if someone could play Seth Clearwater or Paul Lahote for me, in return I will play one of the other characters for you. Please shoot me a pm if interested. Cute
    December 23rd, 2014 at 12:07am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    I'm dying to do some slash RPs. I'm up for all sorts of different plots, so we can discuss those. PM please!
    December 23rd, 2014 at 03:31am
  • Chibi Fairy Kiss

    Chibi Fairy Kiss (100)

    United States
    Um, hi. I was wondering if anyone would like to do an rp with me? I'm not looking for a specific plot. I mean i can name a few ideas off the top of my head (I think). I'm open to doing the following pairings:
    - Student/Teacher
    - Teacher/Teacher
    - Slash
    - Femme
    - Werewolf/Vampire
    - Werewolf/Human
    - Vampire/Human
    - Twincest

    The following fandoms i'll rp for are:
    - Fruits Basket
    - Supernatural(I'm a bit behind on this)
    - Harry Potter
    - LOTR
    - Avengers/Marvel
    - DC
    - Yu Yu Hakusho
    - Dragonball
    - inuyasha

    I don't mind spelling errors because im not the greatest speller either and one liners are fine once in awhile. Well, pm me if you're,interested.
    December 23rd, 2014 at 04:26am
  • Sophia Bush;

    Sophia Bush; (100)

    Lethal Lullaby;:
    Alright. I'm back.
    I realize I flaked on all my RPs a while back but I'm up for reviving those.
    Also, I'm up for some new RPs while we're at it.

    I'm up for all these:

    - Harry Potter
    - Sherlock
    - Doctor Who
    - Grey's Anatomy
    - Perception
    - The Vampire Diaries
    - The Tomorrow People
    - Supernatural
    - Glee
    - Psych
    - Chicago PD
    - Divergent Series
    - Twilight
    - Avenged Sevenfold
    - All Time Low
    - Fifty Shades of Grey
    - Star Trek
    - Any Nicholas Sparks movie/book
    - Hunger Games
    - One Tree Hill
    - Gilmore Girls
    - Veronica Mars

    I know theres a lot more topics to add but I just can't seem to remember them right now.
    I don't have plots for these but I'd love to work something out.
    I'm used to playing girls but I do play guys too, if asked nicely.
    I post paragraphs whenever possible and all I ask is for the same in return. No one likes one-liners.
    All RPs will be NC-17, of course. We can never be too safe about the content!

    Feel free to PM me!
    Lethal Lullaby;:
    I'd also love to do these:

    - Gossip Girl [Chair or Derena]
    - Pretty Little Liars
    - Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist
    - Ian Somerhalder/OC
    - Jensen Ackles/OC
    - Pitch Perfect
    - When In Rome. [I do have an AU idea that we could maybe work on]
    - The Vow
    I'm also looking to restart this RP.
    The FCs and names can be changed, of course. Feel free to PM me!
    December 23rd, 2014 at 04:49am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Hey, guys! :3 I'd love more roleplay buddies. :3 Het is required. We can double, if you so wish; otherwise, I'd much rather play the girl. NC-17 is preferred, but not required. :D

    There are some characters in the following lists that I don't feel very confident in playing. For Harry Potter, I can't play adults, at all. For Naruto, I suck with all adults besides Iruka. For Fruits Basket, I can't play Shigure, Hatori or Akito. For Ouran High School Host Club, I'm incapable of playing Nekozawa.


    ღ Boondock Saints (Murphy)
    ღ Eragon (Murtagh or Eragon)
    ღ Harry Potter (Draco)
    ღ Narnia (Peter Pevensie; I'd prefer to adjust the ages)
    ღ The Mortal Instruments (Jace) [side note: I've only watched the first movie and I've read the first three books so far. If there's anything important (that will apply to our roleplay) that I should know that happens after the first book, don't hesitate to tell me; I'm perfectly okay with spoilers after all.]

    Television Series

    ღ 21 Jump Street (Tom Hanson, H.T. Ioki, or Dennis Booker)
    ღ Vampire Diaries (Tyler or Damon)
    ღ Hemlock Grove (Peter, Roman)
    ღ The Secret Circle (Jake)
    ღ Teen Wolf (Stiles, Isaac, Aiden, Liam)


    ღ Digimon (Tai or Matt - ALSO, I'd prefer that we ALTER the ages for this. After all, there can't be much romance between kids. xD I just started watching this again on Netflix and I miss it.)
    ღ Pokemon (Ash or Hugh)
    ღ Durarara!! (Masaomi Kida)
    ღ Fruits Basket (Kyo or Hatsuharu)
    ღ Inuyasha (Sesshomaru, Inuyasha, Koga)
    ღ Ouran High School Host Club (Tamaki or Hikaru)
    ---Or we could just make up our own host club. :3

    ღ Naruto (Sasuke or Neji)
    ζ Akatsuki
    ζ Konoha High
    ζ Shippuden
    ζ Regular

    ღ Vampire Knight (Zero, Hanabusa, Senri, Takuma)


    ღ Disney (I want to play the girls in these; doubling is always optional~!)
    Belle/Dimitri (from Anastasia; not Disney, but I love Dimitri, so...)
    Belle/John Rolfe
    Belle/John Smith
    Aurora/John Smith


    * Disowned RoyaltyxPeasant
    * JockxEmo
    * BullyxVictim
    * Gangs (I used to have all kinds of ideas for this, but I can't remember any of them right now)
    * Supernatural Boarding School
    * Fantasy
    * Step-Siblings
    * College Life
    * Married Life
    * Arranged Marriage
    * Internet relationship
    * Zombie apocalypse
    * VampirexVampire Hunter/Human
    * WerewolfxWerewolf Hunter/Human
    * something to do with hitchhikers
    * Host Club
    * Regular Boarding School

    While I'm at it, how about I throw in some of my old ideas that got really good attention? These, of course, will be for AU's as well!

    * Character A and B were best friends when they were younger. Character B moved away, though, and Character A eventually forgot Character B somehow (can be decided via pm). Now, Character B is back, but isn't aware that Character A has forgotten them.

    * Character A is a major player. Character B is A's best friend, who's completely in love with A. Character A doesn't believe in love, though, and is unaware of B's love. Character B wants to prove to A that love exists.

    * Character A is a rich kid. Character B is poor. Character B accidentally causes Character A to have a car wreck and Character A demands that B pay them back. Being unable to, B ends up having to work for A and A eventually falls for B, but B doesn't return the feelings immediately due to A's jerk behavior.

    * Character A has to take over his/her parent's role as mob/gang boss. Character B has to earn A's trust to help get information to take it down (either for the police or for another mob/gang). A and B eventually fall for each other, though, and B becomes conflicted.

    * Character A is a player. Character B is the type of girl who has long-lasting relationships without fail. Character A makes a bet with his friends that he can make a girl fall in love with him in a certain amount of days. Character B makes a bet with her friends that she can make a guy run for the hills from her in that same amount of time. They somehow end up being each other's bets, but things go wrong and they fall for each other. (I really, really want to do this one for Naruto or Harry Potter. :3)

    Again, I want these to be AU for the fandoms, but I will deal with these just being originals, either way. I just prefer the AU at the moment - though I also will just do the regular fandoms, don't worry! Also, doubling is still allowed here!


    **** Vampire Diaries: We can have it where our girls were involved in arranged marriages with Damon and Stefan. (My girl with Damon and yours with Stefan.) The girls got turned into vampires a month or so before the fire, though, and they were supposed to be in the fire, but they had managed to get out of Mystic Falls the night before without Damon or Stefan knowing. Present day, the girls (who can be best friends) return to Mystic Falls. We can go from there - or we can start it back when they were engaged, before the girls were turned or even after. I just think it'd be kind of fun.

    **** I kind of want to do something like Stand By Me. Not the same characters and the ages would be more appropriate, but at least the same personalities. I'd love it if you could play a guy with Chris's personality, somebody who everybody thinks is a delinquent in the making, but is really kind and considerate of his friends. I'd play a girl with Gordy's personality. Since the only other characters are Teddy and Vern, you can decide on the personalities for your girl character and love interest, if you don't like either Teddy or Vern's personalities.

    **** I'd also love to do something like Boy Meets World. My girl's love interest would have Shawn's personality. Again, you can choose what your girl and her love interest's personalities are like.

    **** I'd also LOVE to do any sort of gender-bender (You know, where a girl pretends to be a guy). I'd love for this to be an AU.

    **** An AU for Naruto: I'm thinking it would be crime-related, my oc's crush being Sasuke. Definitely available for doubling, if you so wish. Sasuke would be a cop and my oc would have recently gotten involved in a gang. Before that, though, she and Sasuke were close friends. With her being involved in the gang and him being a cop, their friendship is stressed, but he's trying to make sure that she doesn't get caught. The gang doesn't do anything major; mostly petty crimes, no killing. You can decide how you want your side to be, if we decide to double.

    ***I figured I'd go ahead and share the usual idea that I have for Harry Potter. My OC would be a Gryffindor Muggleborn, the crush being Draco. I want to either have this start in Order of the Phoenix or Half-Blood Prince. If we start this in the Order of the Phoenix, then I want the two to keep their relationship a secret (for obvious reasons) and, if we eventually get to Half-Blood Prince or start in Half-Blood Prince, Draco would break up with my OC because he joined the Death Eaters (this would be to keep both of them safe, of course, but she doesn't know that; he'd give her a cruel reason, to make her not want to be around him.) Anyways, they'd eventually find that they just can't stay away from each other and they'd get back together somehow and we could develop more of a plot from there.

    *** GUYS, what about a Secret Circle roleplay? I know it's, like, 3 years old, but I just watched it on Netflix and love it. (Why'd they have to go and cancel the second season? D:) Anyways, I would love to roleplay it! My preferred crush would be Jake and we can even do it post-television seasons. The EP gave his ideas of how the second season was going to go, so if you want to give that a try, I'm all for it. OR we could just go with our own ideas or just the first season, for all I care. I just really want to roleplay this now. I was thinking our characters would either be from a different circle or they would replace some of the characters from Cassie's circle. Or they could even be the Blackwell children that were supposed to come to town in the second season (even though there were three guys and one girl, we can easily fix that). Seriously, there's a lot we could do with it.
    (Oh, look, I re-organized everything up there ^^ Dance )

    I always find some way to expand this, it seems.
    I kind of want to do the Originals, please? My preferred love interest would be Elijah, but I can deal with Klaus as well~ I haven't seen the new season, unfortunately (I'm terrible with keeping up with tv series until they're on Netflix, sorry.)

    Something wintery or Christmasy? :3 This can go for any of the fandoms that I requested above as well!
    December 23rd, 2014 at 07:17am
  • Miley Cyrus;

    Miley Cyrus; (100)

    United States
    Edited by a moderator.
    You cannot repeat your own post to bump it. Unless you are changing/adding any information or a substantial amount of time has passed (a week or more with no response), your first post is sufficient.
    December 24th, 2014 at 06:30am
  • The Punisher

    The Punisher (200)

    United States
    So I would love to do a few marvel and DC RP's. I love RPing as the following characters.
    Green Arrow
    The Flash
    Captain America
    I'm cool with any rating. I have a good idea for the Robin RP. Please message me if you want to do one.
    December 27th, 2014 at 07:38am
  • liv morgan.

    liv morgan. (100)

    United States
    Hello, my beautiful friends!!
    I am back from my self imposed hiatus. Maybe not as constantly on as I was before, but I'm still back. Anyway, I'm rambling now. What I meant to say is, I'm ready to dive headfirst back into roleplaying!

    -Grammar and Literacy are absolute musts. I understand an occasional mistake. We're all human, shit happens. But, if it keeps happening, (like every post happening) I'm going to have to part ways with you.
    -A post a day would be nice. More would be better, though! I'm not gonna come after you if you don't post all day though. I work what feels like a full time job sometime. So I get just wanting to come home and pass out. But if I see you're responding to other roleplays and not mine, I'm gonna drop you. That's just mean Sad
    -An addition to the rule above: If you're gonna be on vacation, or you just need to take some time away for personal problems, just TELL me! I'm not gonna flip out on you. We're all adults/almost adults here. But if you don't tell me, and I don't hear from you in a reasonable amount of time, I will drop you.

    Roleplay Ideas!
    -Avenged Sevenfold
    -All Time Low
    -Pierce the Veil
    -Supernatural (Finished the first episode of Season 4!)
    -Desperate Housewives (finished Season 1!)
    -Motley Crue
    -Guardians of the Galaxy

    I'm also open to any other ideas you suggest!

    December 28th, 2014 at 04:36am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    I'm a romantic but the plot has to take its turn, and the characters will do as they please. Join me in the journey to see how it turns out. Please I am really excited for something new.
    Ask Me More

    Summer love
    Summer relationship- totally different than sommer love
    Road trip/ traveling around the world
    Elementalist- not a set image
    Just friends

    NC-17 only

    Vampire I have an idea for this too.
    "Love the way you Lie"- song plot (you dont have to like the song)


    I would love to hear plots from songs/music.
    Tell me your idea.

    Don't bail, keep in comunication, try to post at least once a week, the rest we'll talk about.
    PM me Please! We'll talk. Wink
    December 28th, 2014 at 07:10am
  • Chocolate Synsation

    Chocolate Synsation (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    If anyone would like to do an Avenged Sevenfold, Supernatural, FoB or a Motionless in White RP, please message me! I'm looking for some new roleplays, and I like to double. We can discuss more in the PMs, hopefully someone will get back to me.
    December 28th, 2014 at 09:38pm
  • maxim adam bemis;

    maxim adam bemis; (100)

    United States
    lord voldemort;:
    Hello! I would love a few more role-playing buddies c:
    Here are a few topics that I'm currently interested in ~

    - Harry Potter
    - The Walking Dead
    - One Direction ( I've just started listening to them and I'm obsessed In Love )
    - Bring me to the Horizon
    - Sleeping With Sirens
    - An abusive relationship
    - Original femme-slash ( I've never really done one of these but I've been wanting to c: )
    - My Chemical Romance In Love
    - Original Slash
    - Teen pregnancy
    - Arranged marriage

    If you're interested any of these feel free to message me and we can cook up some plots together c:
    I also prefer doubling ~
    I would really like to try a role-play with Ed Sheeran ( I will happily double as whoever you would like ) I've just started listening to his music and he's so In Love

    I would also be interested in something based off of the Thor movies, because my new obsession is Loki In Love
    December 29th, 2014 at 08:25am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Alright my Roleplay Buddies...I'm looking for some people to roleplay with. I have quite a few ideas for different roleplays I would like to do.

    - The Hunger Games
    - Avengers
    - Tombstone
    - The Twilight Series
    - Pure Country
    - The Judge

    -- NCIS
    -- NCIS: New Orleans
    -- Criminal Minds
    -- Agents of SHIELD
    -- Once Upon A Time
    -- Grimm

    -- George Strait
    -- Tim McGraw
    -- Chris Young
    -- Adam Levine from Marron 5

    - Teacher/Student (Professor/College Student)
    - Boss/Assistant
    - Father/Daughter
    - Country Love

    If any of you guys have ideas, I'm opened to them as well.
    December 31st, 2014 at 12:44am
  • TheLionQueen

    TheLionQueen (100)

    United States
    So I just had this idea involving hitchhikers. It will require doubling, a paragraph response, and it is of a nc-17 rating. So if anyone is interested, message me, and I'll give you the plot. Cute
    December 31st, 2014 at 10:54pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    The semester's over , and I'm going to have a lot more free time on my hands once that happens. With that being said, I would love to start up a few new roleplays. At the moment, here's what I'm interested in and in parentheses I have the pairings I'm interested in:
    -Supernatural (Sam/OC, Dean/OC, Castiel/OC)
    -Teen Wolf (Derek/OC, Stiles/OC, Stiles/Derek, Scott/Isaac)
    -Once Upon A Time (Killian/OC, Jefferson/OC, Killian/Emma)
    -Marvel (Bucky/OC, Steve/OC, Steve/Bucky)
    -Criminal Minds (Reid/OC)
    -One Direction (Any of the boys/OC)
    -5SOS (Any of the boys/OC)

    All that I ask is that you post at least a paragraph response, and have decent grammar and spelling. Doubling is always an option. Please shoot me a PM if interested. Cute
    All that I ask is that you post at least a paragraph response, and have decent grammar and spelling. Doubling is always an option. Please shoot me a PM if interested. CuteIf I haven't messaged you back, or I haven't started up or replied to one of our roleplays, please PM me. I've hardly been on the last couple of weeks, but I'll be on much more frequently now, and I might have seen your message and forgotten to reply, or I've forgotten to start up a reply etc. Cute

    I forgot to add that I'd be down for a The Vampire Diaries or Harry Potter roleplay as well.
    December 31st, 2014 at 11:29pm
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Marvel Comics Roleplay, anyone?
    January 1st, 2015 at 09:12am