Role-play Recruiting Thread #2

  • JurassicLover

    JurassicLover (100)

    United States
    I just saw Pacific Rim, and in want to do a Yancy/Raleigh RP, in which Yancy doesn't die. I would like to play Raleigh.
    February 23rd, 2014 at 01:41am
  • liv morgan.

    liv morgan. (100)

    United States
    I'd like to do some band rps! Grammar and spelling count, and I'd at least like a few sentences :)

    Pierce the Veil
    All Time Low
    Avenged Sevenfold

    Message me!
    February 23rd, 2014 at 05:46am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    1.) A woman has been imprisoned for so many years that she can't keep up with them anymore. She's so close to breaking that she's on the edge, and then the impossible happens -she's mysteriously rescued. I imagine this as a plot that includes this taking place in a kingdom, and she was taken as a prisoner of war during a shift in power.

    2.) Girl/faerie prince. For this, I was thinking either as a little girl, she meets the faerie when she's lost in the woods, and he searches her out years later, or maybe they stayed friends. Or possibly she saves the faerie somehow, but doesn't know what she's getting mixed up in when she does so, because she doesn't know about faeries. We can work out the plot together; whatever you'd prefer :3

    I don't really have many more ideas for the moment... I'm generally up for anything fantasy. And if you can't tell, I'm a sucker for the original "once upon a time, happily ever after" fairy tale thing -except I absolutely love adding twists tehe So, feel free to PM about your own ideas or the two I listed! Just please have decent grammar, post at least every few days (around every day preferred) and I will love anyone willing to do paragraph style roleplay In Love PM me!!
    February 23rd, 2014 at 06:22am
  • Stars Eternal

    Stars Eternal (100)

    United States
    Hello. I've been out on a hiatus because of a broken computer and then a lack of inspiration for role-playing. But I'm trying to get back into it, having found a lot of time for it recently. So if any of my old RP partners see this and want to continue a roleplay we had going, please message me and let me know. c:

    Here is some info about my RP style:
    -I'd prefer hetero but I'm open to trying femme or slash (though I'm not very experienced in either of those).
    -Doubling would be great. I might post a few ideas that aren't set up for doubling yet but usually they can be.
    -I prefer longer posts, especially if we're doubling but I completely understand writers block. Just no one-liners please. I lose interest really, really fast with one liners. Or with anything less than 4 sentences really.

    Some fandoms I may or may not have plots for but would like to do:

    -Sherlock (BBC) (I'm not caught up Season 3, I know, shame on me.)
    -Supernatural (Also not caught up with Season 9. Forgot to watch a couple episodes and now I'm way behind.)
    -Various animes (FMA, Ouran, Fruits Basket, Ghost Hunt, and more.)
    -Disney (OMG FROZEN and anything really.)
    -Marvel (Avengers <3)
    -The Walking Dead (Omg I'm actually caught up with this one.)
    -Books or book series. Suggest something, there's a super high chance I've read it. (And if not, I have a kindle and I can be ready in just a few days depending on how many books there are xD)

    Some original ideas that I may or may not have plots for:

    a. Two guardians, a princess, and a dark warlock. The dark warlock, jealous of the kingdom's power, kidnaps the princess on the night of a royal ball. Unable to get to her in time, her two guardians set out to rescue her. Except what happens when the princess and the warlock fall in love, and on the journey to rescue her, so do the two guardians? (One person will play the warlock and the female guardian and the other will play the princess and the male guardian. I'm not picky about who plays what c: )

    b. Two American friends (or sisters) have been saving up for years to take a trip to a foreign country for the summer. When they arrive, they meet two guys (brothers or friends) who are more than happy to play tour guide and give the girls the best summer of their lives. Along the way they find love, but what happens when it's time to return home? (That will probably not take place until way later in the role-play. You can also choose the country if you'd like. I'm thinking something European but wherever you'd like.)

    c. Something to do with a wedding. Weddings are lovely and in honor of my friend getting engaged, I want to do something fun and sweet with marriage.

    d. A woman is the victim of a serial kidnapper and killer. She is able to escape and the killer is still on the loose. She is put into the Witness Protection Program and assigned an agent as a 24 hour guard. (Available for doubling. We'll figure something out.)

    e. Zombie Apocalypse (in case you don't watch The Walking Dead but still enjoy a good zombie apocalypse RP)

    f. A girl is kidnapped and help for ransom along with several other kids of wealthy parents in her town. While in captivity, she meets a boy and they work together to try and escape. (I do have a couple ideas that this could be changed for doubling, so feel free to say if you'd like to double with this one.)

    g. Two sisters are sent to help their grandmother run her ranch out in the country for the summer after their grandfather dies. They're very much city girls and aren't used to the country. When they arrive, they meet their grandmother's two ranch hands, two boys that have lived in the area all their lives. Romance ensues as the girls learn a thing or do about country lovin'.

    h. Anything else you can think of? I'm pretty open to most plots so if you have a plot that you're thinking about and don't want to wait for someone to ask you about it, feel free to ask me. The worst I can say is "No thanks, I'm not interested." Or if you have any ideas similar to my plots with a few things tweaked around, go ahead and ask about that too c:

    Okay, I think that's everything. I'll probably add more if I can think of anything else later. Hope to hear you soon! <3
    February 23rd, 2014 at 07:53am
  • chasethecountylines;

    chasethecountylines; (100)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    Oliver Sykes.
    Oliver Sykes.
    Oliver Sykes.
    Oliver Sykes.
    Oliver Sykes.
    Oliver Sykes.
    Oliver Sykes.
    Oli Sykes.

    Megafest was last night and I OBVIOUSLY saw Oli - he was AMAZINGG! The whole band was!! Nevertheless - I kinda sorta maybe might have spent the last 24 hours reading Oli stories && I really wanna do an RP

    *I'm the girl
    *We can double

    February 23rd, 2014 at 07:59am
  • Parisian Londoner

    Parisian Londoner (100)

    United States
    A best friends that live next door and fall in love kind of roleplay. Either they've lived like that for a long time, or the boy/girl moved away and just moved back. NC-17 and three to four sentences or so per post?
    February 23rd, 2014 at 06:49pm
  • hale.

    hale. (300)

    Ah yes, I am still on the hunt for people to do an Avenged Sevenfold role-play with me. I am rather brilliant of thinking of ideas, but I also rather enjoy collaborating with people to come up with something brilliant. I am not fussy with who I am playing and if our choices clash I am more than willing to change. I am also all for doubling.

    The only thing I will not do is slash, but I am all sweet with everything else. All I ask is for decent replies, but it is okay for shorter replies when it is needed. No godmobbing or anything like that and I rather enjoy chatting as we RP because I do get brilliant ideas out of nowhere.
    February 25th, 2014 at 12:08am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    I also have some pictures. :)

    Picture 1 For this one i was thinking that she is a nice girl who is pretty much perfect. Her family has high expectations for her. Things take a turn in her family when she meets the guy that moves in next door. She likes him because he is dangerous and spontaneous. He likes how innocent she is and likes the idea of corrupting her. Her family gets mad about their relationship when they realize their daughter is changing then start to pull the two apart.

    Picture 2 For this one i was thinking that she starts a secret relationship with her dad's business partner. He keeps the secret from her father two and keeps trying to convince her to run away with him because the company is moving him to England to branch out the company. That is all i have so far for this one. :)

    Picture 3 For this one i was thinking that he is a soldier. Her boyfriend is his best friend. While deployed his friend dies or so they think and when he gets back he starts a relationship with her. Her boyfriend returns after a long time and they have to deal with their decisions.

    Picture 4 For this one i was thinking that she gets drunk at a party one night and goes home with some guy she meets. She wakes up the next day and freaks out because she doesn't remember the night before. It turns out they got married and they have to come up with a way to fix it or learn to be together. However, her parents disapprove of her getting a divorce.

    Picture 5 For this one i was thinking that the girl falls for her husbands best man. They go to Hawaii for the wedding and their relationship starts to blossom.

    Picture 6 Okay so i know most people do a male dominance thing but i think i want to do something different. I'm thinking the girl is going to purchase this guy at an auction and make him her slave. We can come up with more details. :)

    Picture 7 I don't really have a plot for this one. Maybe just a cute couple that is involved with a bad group of people.

    Picture 8 This one is Slash. I was thinking that maybe it could be a guy who finds out that his brothers best friend has a thing for him and nobody knows that his brothers friend is gay.

    Pm me people! :)
    February 25th, 2014 at 04:57am
  • creeps

    creeps (100)

    United States
    Would like to do a femme student/teacher roleplay, or just a student/teacher roleplay. PM me if you are interested.
    February 25th, 2014 at 09:32pm
  • Angelina Shadows

    Angelina Shadows (100)

    United States
    Hey guys! So I've come back from a super long hiatus and I kinda want to get back into the world of role playing. Here are some things that I'm interested in doing:

    -Avenged Sevenfold (I really want to do some of these because I love this band. I would love if you played Matt or Brian for me)
    -Bullet For My Valentine (I would really like to do a few of these as well because this is another band that I have grown to love quite a lot. You have to play Matt for me though)
    -Escape the Fate

    TV Shows
    -The Vampire Diaries (Klaroline, Bonnie and Jeremy, Elena and Elijah, Stelena, Delena, whatever pairings really)
    -The Originals
    -Pretty Little Liars (Aria and Emily, Emily and Hanna, Emily and Ali, Aria and Ezra, Hanna and Caleb, others we can discuss)

    -Vampires, werewolves, anything supernatural
    -Police Officer/Criminal
    -Age Difference
    -Forbidden Relationships

    Rules/Info About my RP Style
    -I am up for het, slash, or femme (I have experience with all of these. Although I'm more in the mood to do band rps over original except with femme I'm up to doing an original femmeslash)
    -I'm up for doubling or single (I prefer playing the girl most of the time but if you want to play a female we can do two different rps where I can play the male for you and you play the male for me but doubling seems easier and more fair and that's how I do most of my rps anyways)
    -I like long posts, a paragraph at least or more because I tend to write long replies and I have done one liner rps and I tend to lose interest very quickly so none of those plus I need something to go on so keep them as long as you can please. If you get writer's block I understand but try your best to keep your posts as long as possible.
    -Must be comfortable with NC-17. I'm a very sexual, perverted girl who loves her smut. I would really like someone who is good at writing smut. I tend to write very explicit detailed smut and I can either write really kinky, rough, bdsm, and stuff like that but I can also do romantic fluffy type of smut too.
    -Try to at least have good spelling and grammar, it doesn't have to be perfect because I know I tend to make a lot of mistakes but I need to at least understand what I'm reading.
    -I would really like if you post at least once a week but if you get super busy I understand. I am quite busy myself being a mom and stuff so I may only be able to post once a week so you'll have to be patient with me. If you lose interest in the rp please message me and let me know. I really hate when people ditch me, especially if I'm really liking the rp it makes me sad.

    I think that's all so if you're interested go ahead and send me a pm and we can talk ideas. Hope to hear from some people :)
    February 26th, 2014 at 10:40am
  • peter quill.

    peter quill. (4975)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I really want to do a Harry Potter inspired RP set in present day London where an adult wizard/witch from a pureblood family with little knowledge of the real world falls for a muggle, and eventually gets with them. They spend a while trying to hide their magic from their partner, but their partner isn’t an idiot and soon catches onto something being wrong, but isn’t sure what it is.

    Would prefer it to be het or femme. Also happy to double.
    February 26th, 2014 at 08:29pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    Disney story takes. I have a few that I can think of that would just be plain good fun.

    Robin Hood
    Just friends -Kind of self explanatory

    Ask me more: Cancer patient that just found love
    Abused runaway wife starting over
    NC-17 Only

    1.)Bad Boy I have an idea for this one.
    2.)Vampire I have an idea for this too.


    She fell in love with her kidnapper- ask me more

    More idea's to come.
    PM me! We'll talk. Cool
    February 27th, 2014 at 12:08am
  • SynfulDwarf

    SynfulDwarf (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I am new, and I thought it would be perfect if I started out with a roleplay or two! I have some things I like, which are listed below!

    -Avenged Sevenfold ( I like either Jimmy or Johnny)
    -Bullet For My Valentine (I love Jason James)
    -The Hobbit (I love either Bilbo or Kili)
    -Star Trek: Into Darkness ( Scotty!)
    -Supernatural (Either Sam, or Crowley)

    I'm very comfortable with NC-17, hence the name. I'm pretty much happy with any plots, so hit me up a message!
    February 27th, 2014 at 04:32pm
  • wordkitten

    wordkitten (100)

    United States
    I've been rereading the Harry Potter series, so now I'm super to start a roleplay involving it. I don't have any set ideas yet, but I could brainstorm something pretty quickly, or if you had any ideas I'd be more than happy to hear them. I'd absolutely love it if you could play George Weasley for me, and I'd be more than willing to play anyone in return. Message me if interested!
    March 1st, 2014 at 12:37am
  • pidge.

    pidge. (100)

    United States
    1.) Boys Over Flowers- For this one, I was hoping to do a Yi Jung/OC. I'd be playing the OC, in this situation. Shinhwa High School has a new student. A foreign student. She comes in around the time where Jan Di is being bullied by the entire school. She sees this happening, but she's too afraid to say anything. She has heard rumors about what the F4 does. After watching the constant torment, she sticks up for her, which leads her to be noticed by Yi Jung and the rest of the boys. From this point, Yi Jung starts to develop a crush on her, and asks Jun Pyo not to give her a Red Card. He agrees not to after a long argument. Yi Jung tries to get close to her with his constant flirting and numerous invitations for dates, but she refuses. Eventually, they will end up getting together.

    2.) DC Comic- I have this idea that I really want to do for a DC comics superhero roleplay.This superhero, Zatanna's niece, was adopted long ago by her aunt after her father had a horrible death dealing with dark magic. As a child, she was great friends with the one known as Jason Todd, aka Robin number two. They would fight crime together, even though both Zatanna and Batman didn't approve. Once the Joker had killed him, she was heartbroken. She had felt for him deeply. She would never know how he felt about her. After being recruited by Red Hood, a new anti-hero, she joined his team along with two others. Shes doesn't know it is him, but he knows it is her. He constantly flirts with her, although she hates it. In the end, she will find out that it is Jason.

    3.) Teen Pregnancy- I have this idea where two girls end up pregnant by the same guy. I was planning to double on this one, where one of the girls would end up with him and the other would end up with someone else. Maybe the guy is kind of a player, but that will change.

    4.) Harry Potter- I want to do a second generation roleplay with the pairing of Albus and an OC. Albus Potter, Scorpius Malfoy, Lorcan Scamander, and the Zabani heir practically rule the school, due to their parents being so famous and influential. They boss other student around, treat them like they're nothing. If they don't abide by their rules, then they are targeted. When they are targeted, the whole school turns against them. This happens to Adelyn after she stands up to them. Albus, their leader, slowly falls for this girl, knowing that she isn't like the others. She is different. She stands up for herself, against the boys. She has courage, unlike the other girls. After all that she has seen from Albus, she doesn't feel the same, until she realizes that he really loves her. She develops feelings as well, only his parents have already begun looking for potential spouses for him.

    I'd also be willing to do a first generation rolplay, but I have no plot yet.

    5.) Kidnapping Roleplay- This one might be kind of confusing. So, there's a ring of kidnappings around this school. All of the kids have money, and they're all being held for ransom. They've been kidnapped by a small group of people, one of which has a teenage son that goes to school with most of the kids. This will involve doubling, by the way. One girl is kidnapped, and her best friend is distraught. She spends time making posters, and shirts, and doing whatever she can to help find her best friend. She meets a boy, and starts getting close to him as he helps her through this ordeal. What she doesn't know is that it's the same boy whose involved in the kidnapping of her best friend. Now, the girl who was kidnapped isn't the first, and is taken out into this cabin in the woods where all the other kids are kept. She meets a boy, there, and they rely on each other to stay sane while waiting for their parents to pay up. His only problem is that his parents don't have the kind of money the ransomers are asking for. So, they device a plan to escape. Where it goes from there, I don't know.

    6.) The Outsiders- This plot has to do with Sodapop and an OC. I have had this idea planned for quite a while. Diane Winston, Dally's sister, is abused by her father. Dally no longer lives with them, but he is still extremely protective of her. After a rough day at home, Diane finally decides to stay with the Curtis boys for a while. Dally's idea. It's hard for her to trust people. She is close to Soda, but not extremely close, due to her father's abusiveness. Eventually, she trusts Soda enough to tell him about her father, but it wasn't a good idea. He slips up, accidentally telling Sandy, his girlfriend, about it. Her father is a local police man. She tells him, which her make a huge deal out of it, causing a court date. Diane knows she'll end up in a girl's home, because Dally isn't even close to fit to raise her. She thinks she can never trust Soda again.

    7.) Teen Titans- I was really hoping to do a RobStar and BBRae, in the case where I play Starfire and Beast Boy. Starfire is rushed back to Tamaran to be betrothed. She had made a deal with Galfore, which was if she wasn't married by a certain date on Earth, then she was to be betrothed. With Robin's "no dating a team member" issues, she knows this will never happen. He is the only one she wants to be with, but she hopes. She is betrothed to Prince Karras, who only wants control of Tamaran. The team travels to Tamaran after finding a note from Star. Robin has to save the one he loves from marrying Karras. Along the way, BB and Raven develop a small relationship.

    I am totally willing to double on all of these. I prefer to keep it in the PG-13 range, though. I you are interested in any of these ideas, PM me. c:

    Other Roleplays I'd Be Interested In:
    -Vampire Diaries
    -Vampire Kisses
    -Soul Screamers
    -SWEEP Series
    -Hunger Games
    March 1st, 2014 at 01:02am
  • fangirl.

    fangirl. (100)

    United States
    I'm not new on Mibba, but I'm pretty new to the roleplay thread. c:
    So I'm willing if anyone wants to shoot me a PM.

    -Supernatural (Sam or Crowley)
    -All Time Low (Alex)
    -original student/teacher
    -original forbidden love
    -Kelly Clarkson Swoon
    -Carrie Underwood In Love

    Thanks (:
    March 1st, 2014 at 01:59am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Guys I wanna start up some more One Direction roleplays.

    I only do hetero pairings, I always double, I like paragraph response, good grammar and spelling, and I'd like at least one post a day but totally understand if some days you're kind of swarmed and can't reply. Just let me know what's going on if you can.

    Also I'm having major Harry Potter feels and would like to start up at least one HP roleplay. I would really prefer it be set in the Marauders period and that you play Sirius for me. But I'm not against a Golden Trio era based roleplay either.

    So yea if either One Direction or Harry Potter sticks out to you then feel free to shoot me a PM and we'll talk :)
    March 1st, 2014 at 06:30am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    The Summer Set. That's literally all I have to say right now. I just got back from seeing them on their Legendary Unplugged tour, and I met them, so my feels are at an all time high right now. To be more specific, my John Gomez feels are at an all time high. He is literally such a sweetheart. If someone could play him for me, I would love you forever. Doubling is definitely an option, and I don't necessarily have to play someone from TSS. It could be someone from a different band. Cute

    This little prompt right here: Do you know what it's like to meet someone you can't stop thinking about from the very first time you see her fucking smile? And then you think--'I have to have her. I've got to. If I don't, I'll go insane. I swear.' And then you finally get her. And you're the happiest that you've fucking been in a really long time. And it isn't long after that when that person becomes the one thing that you never stop thinking about. Every moment of your life, from then on, you spend with her as a backdrop to all of your thoughts. And, I know this is going to sound so fucking cheesy but, you start getting this tightness in your chest when you look at her, and you honestly just feel like you're going to die or explode, or both when she fucking smiles at you. And you're left wondering, 'what the hell is happening to me?' She fucks with you. And suddenly you're so excited for the future, because you know, no matter what happens, she'll always be there with you. But things never go as we plan, right? Because, fuck, you can literally be the happiest son of a bitch on this fucking planet, but you can never know if she is too.
    March 1st, 2014 at 07:15am
  • anchors aweigh.

    anchors aweigh. (100)

    United States
    I just started the eighth season of Supernatural and would love to do a rp of it. I haven't a plot in mind, but seeing as I've seen most of it now, it shouldn't be too hard to think up a plot. A fair warning: I have two jobs and I won't be on all the time, and if I ever good like a week without posting, please send me a message telling me to. Odds are I checked it out when I didn't have time to reply and forgot about it. I prefer doubling.

    I am also really interested in doing something with Dylan O'Brien or One Direction.

    PM me. Cute
    March 1st, 2014 at 08:54pm
  • peter quill.

    peter quill. (4975)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I kind of want to do a rp about a dysfunctional and immature married couple in their 20s who are suddenly staring an unwanted pregnancy in the face. I'm not against doubling if we can figure out a way of doing it.

    i also wouldn't mind doing something based around drugs. I've been reading a lot of stuff involving junkie characters lately.

    PM me if you're interested.
    March 1st, 2014 at 09:07pm