Role-play Recruiting Thread #2

  • JurassicLover

    JurassicLover (100)

    United States
    I would like to do some more RPs. I would like them to be slash, and I do not want to double, unless we can find a way to make it work. NC-17 for me.

    Ever since watching Star Trek, I have fallen in love with Benedict Cumberbatch (who played Khan) and Zachary Quinto (who played Spock) -though I loved Quinto in the TV show Heroes. If someone would play either of them for me, I would be grateful. Thanks.

    I'm also up for any original slash ideas.

    PM me if interested.
    March 5th, 2014 at 06:49pm
  • Stars Eternal

    Stars Eternal (100)

    United States
    So I just went on a anniversary vacation with my boyfriend and it inspired a few ideas (the ones in purple coloring are new!)
    I know I owe responses to just about all of my RPs right now, rest assured that I'm slowly but surely getting to them. I only got back last night and I'm getting back into my routine. c:

    Here is some info about my RP style:
    -I'd prefer hetero but I'm open to trying femme or slash (though I'm not very experienced in either of those).
    -Doubling would be great. I might post a few ideas that aren't set up for doubling yet but usually they can be.
    -I prefer longer posts, especially if we're doubling but I completely understand writers block. Just no one-liners please. I lose interest really, really fast with one liners. Or with anything less than 6 sentences really.

    Some fandoms I may or may not have plots for but would like to do:

    -Sherlock (BBC) (I'm not caught up Season 3, I know, shame on me.)
    -Supernatural (Also not caught up with Season 9. Forgot to watch a couple episodes and now I'm way behind.)
    -Various animes (FMA, Ouran, Fruits Basket, Ghost Hunt, and more.)
    -Disney (OMG FROZEN and anything really.)
    -Marvel (Avengers <3)
    -The Walking Dead (Omg I'm actually caught up with this one.)
    -Books or book series. Suggest something, there's a super high chance I've read it. (And if not, I have a kindle and I can be ready in just a few days depending on how many books there are xD)
    -YouTubers? (Markiplier, Tobuscus, Chester See, most of The Creatures, maybe PewDiePie. I'd be comfortable playing those and one of those is who'd I'd like you to play for me. Anyone else and I can give a shot at them but if I haven't seen any or much of their stuff, I can't guarantee anything even close to them.)

    Some original ideas that I may or may not have plots for:

    a. Two guardians, a princess, and a dark warlock. The dark warlock, jealous of the kingdom's power, kidnaps the princess on the night of a royal ball. Unable to get to her in time, her two guardians set out to rescue her. Except what happens when the princess and the warlock fall in love, and on the journey to rescue her, so do the two guardians? (One person will play the warlock and the female guardian and the other will play the princess and the male guardian. I'm not picky about who plays what c: )

    b. Two American friends (or sisters) have been saving up for years to take a trip to a foreign country for the summer. When they arrive, they meet two guys (brothers or friends) who are more than happy to play tour guide and give the girls the best summer of their lives. Along the way they find love, but what happens when it's time to return home? (That will probably not take place until way later in the role-play. You can also choose the country if you'd like. I'm thinking something European but wherever you'd like.)

    c. Something to do with a wedding. Weddings are lovely and in honor of my friend getting engaged, I want to do something fun and sweet with marriage.

    d. A woman is the victim of a serial kidnapper and killer. She is able to escape and the killer is still on the loose. She is put into the Witness Protection Program and assigned an agent as a 24 hour guard. (Available for doubling. We'll figure something out.)

    e. Zombie Apocalypse (in case you don't watch The Walking Dead but still enjoy a good zombie apocalypse RP)

    f. A girl is kidnapped and help for ransom along with several other kids of wealthy parents in her town. While in captivity, she meets a boy and they work together to try and escape. (I do have a couple ideas that this could be changed for doubling, so feel free to say if you'd like to double with this one.)

    g. Two sisters are sent to help their grandmother run her ranch out in the country for the summer after their grandfather dies. They're very much city girls and aren't used to the country. When they arrive, they meet their grandmother's two ranch hands, two boys that have lived in the area all their lives. Romance ensues as the girls learn a thing or do about country lovin'.

    h. Anything else you can think of? I'm pretty open to most plots so if you have a plot that you're thinking about and don't want to wait for someone to ask you about it, feel free to ask me. The worst I can say is "No thanks, I'm not interested." Or if you have any ideas similar to my plots with a few things tweaked around, go ahead and ask about that too c:

    i. This one is kind of similar to the country style RP above (Plot G) but still a little different! A girl works at a horse ranch near the beach and the ranch gives guided horseback rides on the beach. A big tourist attraction. A man comes with family (a wedding, his parent's anniversary, a celebration of sorts, anything where he had to make plans for his family to have a good time and by family I mean like his parents and siblings, not wife and kids lol) and the plans include taking this horseback ride. The girl is the guide for the party he's with and they sort of flirt a bit on the tour but the next day he comes back and asks for another tour with her. They fall in love and, having lived in the area all her life, offers to help him make more plans for his family to visit all the fun tourist attractions before they go back home. This isn't exactly a fully developed plot so we can figure it out as we go. It's also easily available for doubling!

    j. Mermaids. No plot in mind for this, I just got back from the ocean and I want to do something with mermaids. Totally up for doubling once we figure out a plot lol.
    March 5th, 2014 at 08:12pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Edited by a moderator.
    You cannot repeat your own post to bump it. Unless you are changing/adding any information or a substantial amount of time has passed (a week or more with no response), your first post is sufficient.
    March 5th, 2014 at 10:14pm
  • andy mrotek.

    andy mrotek. (100)

    United States
    i would enjoy doing a roleplay, doubling is always accepted. i am up for any and everything.

    message me if interested. Cute
    March 6th, 2014 at 12:59am
  • anima d'amore;;

    anima d'amore;; (100)

    United States
    anima d'amore;;:
    Hello everyone! I'm highly involved in the Roleplay section of mibba and can never have enough threads going!

    My only requirements are that you update at least once a day if not more, have proper grammar and paragraphs would be nice!

    Okay, so lately I'm just realt loving anime so I'd love to do role plays for:
    Naruto / Naruto Shippudden
    Tokyo Mew Mew
    Sailor Moon
    Or another anime I can catch up on through online episodes

    Please PM me if you're interested and we can talk plot! (:
    Hello! So I'd like to make an addition to the previous options listed.

    And basically anything having to do with romance and intense feelings of passion or something of that nature.
    March 6th, 2014 at 02:20am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Sometimes in life we all need to start up new roleplays. Right now is one of those times for me. Below I'm going to have a list of everything I'm willing to roleplay with the characters I'd like you to play for me. I'm open to doubling and NC-17 but I don't do slash so all pairings will be hetero, and I like paragraph replies with at least decent spelling and grammar. So if you see anything that interests you feel free to shoot me a pm :)


    - One Direction { Harry, Zayn, Liam }
    - The Wanted { Jay, Tom, Siva }
    - Adam Levine


    - Once Upon a Time { Hook possibly Neal }
    - Teen Wolf { Stiles or Scott }
    - The Vampire Diaries { Damn, Stefan, or Klaus } - I'm not caught up on this season so anything before then.
    - The Originals { Klaroline } - I sort of have an idea for this.


    - Harry Potter
    - Marauders era { Sirius or James, though I really prefer Sirius tehe }
    - Golden Trio era { Harry, Draco, Fred or George, Neville }


    - Dylan O'Brien
    - Harry Potter cast
    - Tyler Posey


    March 6th, 2014 at 04:03am
  • Shadow_Hunter

    Shadow_Hunter (100)

    United States
    So here's a plot that I would like to expand on.
    • A girl and her family are driving across the country to visit some family. She gets tired as night falls. When she awakes in the morning, she finds the car stopped in the middle of a field. The doors were open, and there was blood throughout the car. None of her family members were in sight.
    • Join one of the four kingdoms. In the centuries war has ripped the world apart. Now the kingdoms have reached a shaky peace and hesitant alliances. The treaty is written in matrimony. But amongst arranged weddings, forbidden love, and political intrigue is peace only a lofty goal?

      The Fires are burning with justice.
      The Wind brings change
      Ice melts into a river of time
      And the Shadows linger behind.

      Magic, love, anger, betrayal, and passion. Choose your side and play the game of crowns and tears.

      Here are some characters I'd like to use in an RP.




      Message me if interested in the plot above, and for the character bios. :)

      Edit: Also, I'd like to do an RP involving doppelgangers .
    March 6th, 2014 at 08:20pm
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    Divergent! Divergent Divergent! I just finished the book and I fell in love with Four. I'd like to do a roleplay based off the book and I'd like someone to roleplay him for me. I will make the thread and start it out. I just really want someone to roleplay Four.
    March 6th, 2014 at 11:42pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Although my life can be a bit hectic at times, I am looking to start up a few more roleplays. Below you will find the topics that I am interested in along with who I would like you to play for me. Doubling is always an option, and I am open to slash or hetero, although my pairing will always be hetero.
    -You Me At Six (Josh)
    -One Direction (Harry or Niall)
    -5 Seconds of Summer (Luke or Ashton)
    -The Summer Set (John)
    -All Time Low (Alex or Jack)

    TV Shows
    -Reign (Bash)
    -Teen Wolf (Derek or Stiles)
    -Supernatural (Sam or Castiel)
    -The Vampire Diaries (Damon or Klaus)
    -New Girl (Schmidt)
    -Once Upon A Time (Hook)

    -The Mortal Instruments (Jace)
    -Harry Potter (Draco or Harry)

    -Dylan O'Brien
    -Tyler Hoechlin
    -Zac Efron

    Original Ideas
    -Older guy/younger girl
    -Teen Pregnancy
    -Mermaid or merman/human
    I added a couple of more things. Cute
    March 7th, 2014 at 01:12am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    1.) A woman has been imprisoned for so many years that she can't keep up with them anymore. She's so close to breaking that she's on the edge, and then the impossible happens -she's mysteriously rescued. I imagine this as a plot that includes this taking place in a kingdom, and she was taken as a prisoner of war during a shift in power.

    2.) Girl/faerie prince. For this, I was thinking either as a little girl, she meets the faerie when she's lost in the woods, and he searches her out years later, or maybe they stayed friends. Or possibly she saves the faerie somehow, but doesn't know what she's getting mixed up in when she does so, because she doesn't know about faeries. We can work out the plot together; whatever you'd prefer :3

    I don't really have many more ideas for the moment... I'm generally up for anything fantasy. And if you can't tell, I'm a sucker for the original "once upon a time, happily ever after" fairy tale thing -except I absolutely love adding twists tehe So, feel free to PM about your own ideas or the two I listed! Just please have decent grammar, post at least every few days (around every day preferred) and I will love anyone willing to do paragraph style roleplay In Love PM me!!
    EDIT:: I want a vampire roleplay!!!
    I don't have a plot in mind, and I won't do anything super-romancy. I want to make up some vampires that are badass. Lust I can do. Death. Gore. Thou shalt not sparkle though! I want more of a horror type vampire than teen love crap.

    Spur of the moment... PM me! Hail
    March 7th, 2014 at 04:29am
  • young forever.

    young forever. (100)

    United States
    I haven't been on Mibba in a while so I'm looking for some new roleplays. I don't have any concrete ideas or anything I'm just looking to get back into roleplaying Cute Doubling is fine. PM me if you're interested!

    [If we previously had a roleplay going on I would love to continue, just PM me. I'm going to be more active and I'll be able to write more now Cute ]
    March 7th, 2014 at 06:14am
  • fogbound.

    fogbound. (100)

    United States
    I just got all of this inspiration so all of these are original plot ideas that I totally want to do so let me know if any of you are interested In Love

    Writing What Could Be : Okay so A is a journalist for a fashion magazine that gets a spread every issue to write her renowned article series: "Just Once in Life" but A is living a lie. She writes about all these crazy fun things that she says that she has done and she gives advice to other women to do the same but A has done none of these things. She hasn't gone skydiving, or traveled the world, or fallen in love. A is scared of the world and lives vicariously through her column. Then comes along B. B, is an up and coming actor who has his face plastered all over New York City. A is assigned to write about B's rags to riches story for a piece titled: "Just Once in MY Life: The B story." The magazine editors think that it will be a great piece that is different from her normal writing since he is slowly becoming America's heart throb. B hates all the publicity and the lack of privacy he gets, but does love all the attention at times. As A follows around B for a couple weeks to get a good story, they start to realize how opposite they truly are, but can B allow A to truly live or will one decision confirm A's fear on the world?

    Love is a Slow Burn : A group of friends, just graduated from high school decide to go on a two-week long camping trip. Finally getting permission from their parents (with agreement to call them almost all the time), they set off. But this group of friends have a long history of past loves, past fights, and two weeks away from the world may just be the thing to resurface all of these old issues. -- Main story line would be about A and B who are now ex's because B cheated on A or vice versa. Camping for two weeks and being forced to talk to each other again could get interesting. Are there still feelings or is it really over? (**There would definitely be doubling up for this or there could be three people involved in this plot so we can all double up, etc. A lot of fun character development!)

    It Won't Be, but it Could Be : A is your typical player bachelor, etc. He never thought that he would be living with a girl in his apartment, let alone it being a platonic (strictly friend) relationship. But in order to pay the rent A had to have someone else help it out. B is only in the city on her parent's request. As she fights to find job offers and keep up with payments she is forced to share a space with whom she thinks is the biggest asshole on the planet. (This could turn into a love story, maybe they are just strictly friends, they could try out the whole love thing and things go wrong? Doubling could happen as well for this.)

    Burning Bridges : A forbidden love story where Rich falls in love with the Poor and it is just frowned upon by her town, etc. Think Perfect Chemistry and even a little bit of Step Up?

    **Doll house : I have a very extensive and interesting plot about a reality TV show cast. Think The Hills or Laguna Beach. But who they are on screen are not who they are in real life and the characters have to deal with their persona's and all the good/bad press they get for who the world thinks they are. (**I really love this plot and want to do it so bad. I have A LOT of ideas for it and it would either require doubling or again like the first there could be multiple people involved. But yeah please don't steal this idea, that would be great. But I really want to do this!)
    March 7th, 2014 at 04:18pm
  • peter quill.

    peter quill. (4975)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Two people with terminally ill partners meet at a support group, strike up a friendship, and then find themselves having an affair.

    Doubling is a requirement. If you PM me it might take me a while to respond because my internet is being really iffy this week.
    March 8th, 2014 at 01:43am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    So I've been watching a lot of movies/tv showslately, reading a lot of books, and doing some writing lately. Well with all of this, I've started coming up with some ideas for possible rps. When you PM me, I will tell you my idea for the roleplays.

    - Endless Love (an rp based off of it)
    - The Avengers (Thor, Iron Man, Captain America)
    - Pure Country (based off the movie)
    - Star Trek

    - Criminal Minds
    - Almost Human
    - Rake
    - NCIS
    - Justified
    - Suits
    - The Kennedys (a miniseries)

    - Boss/Secretary Affair
    - Doctor/Nurse
    - Stepfather/Stepdaughter
    - Professor/Student
    - Young Lovers

    **Doubling is in option in any roleplay.

    If you're interested in any of these, please PM me. I can't wait to start one of these! Cute
    March 8th, 2014 at 06:10am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Color Me Morbid:
    I'm in desperate need of new roleplays. I've been getting plenty of time to roleplay but only have a few roleplay partners and need more.


    * I prefer paragraph and I will try to match the length and effort that you put in.

    * NC-17 is greatly preferred, but I'm willing to drop that.

    * I prefer to play the girl, but I don't mind doubling. (I, however, will not play just a guy. It just feels too awkward for me.)

    * NO INCEST. (Except step-siblings.)

    * Hetero couples ONLY.

    ---- Plot:
    The girl is from a poor family and goes to a really low-class school, one that's known for trouble. She's rather timid and doesn't trust easily. On her way walking to school one day, she accidentally causes a wreck. The guy involved in the wreck is a rich guy, a well-known player even, who goes to a prestigious school nearby. He demands that she pay for the damages, but she explains that she can't. Therefore, he tells her that she has to be his maid until she's paid off her debt. At first, she refuses, but he threatens to tell her parents and she doesn't want to be a burden to them. He tells her that he'll call her whenever it's time for her to come, no matter the time of day. During her time as his maid, he insults her and belittles her, but somehow ends up falling for her. At first, he thinks he's just gone crazy, but soon realizes that it must be true - due to the fact that he hasn't brought any girls home since falling for this girl in particular. He sets out to win her heart, though finds it difficult, since she's set on disliking him due to his behavior.

    Basic Ideas (We'll need to come up with plots for these):
    *** Zombie apocalypse
    * VampirexVampire Hunter/Human
    * WerewolfxWerewolf Hunter/Human
    * JockxEmo
    * BullyxVictim
    * KidnapperxKidnapped
    * Fallen/Guardian AngelxHuman

    Extra (Anime/Movies): And, for this, I will be including the crush in parenthesis. Also, I'm up for just having all original characters for these as well. I am willing to play almost any character for you. (For Harry Potter, I can't play Snape. For Naruto, I suck with all adults besides Iruka. For Fruits Basket, I can't play Shigure, Hatori or Akito. For Ouran High School Host Club, I'm incapable of playing Nekozawa.)

    *** Inuyasha (Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, or Koga)

    *** Fruits Basket (Kyo or Hatsuharu)
    ---[This could even be boarding school, if you want. I think it'd seem interesting.]

    * Ouran High School Host Club (Tamaki or Hikaru)
    ---(Or we could just make a different host club and go with it. :3)

    * Naruto (Sasuke or Neji)
    ζ Akatsuki
    ζ Konoha High
    ζ Shippuden
    ζ Regular
    ---[These could all be Modern day, if you want.]

    *** Harry Potter (Draco)

    * The Breakfast Club

    * The Mortal Instruments (So, I've watched the first movie a thousand times - yeah, a little exaggerated, but oh well - and I just bought the first book. I prefer Jace, but we can do something more original with this! Also, if you think there's anything important that I should know that gets explained in the books after the first one, please don't hesitate to tell me so that I can roleplay with you as well as possible. I don't mind spoilers.)

    * Anything involving gangs. (I'm sorry, I love gangs and mobs and mafias. I watch too much television. xD We can come up with a good plot!)

    * Anything involving vampires. Seriously, shoot me an idea of yours if you have one and chances are that I'll fall in line immediately.

    ALSO, if you can think of any movies or anime or anything really that you'd like to roleplay, send me a pm and I'll see if I can watch it or have seen it and we can probably roleplay it!
    I really, really, really want to do an rp based on either The Jerk Theory (minus the school setting - it'd still be in school, just not a Catholic school, unless you really want to do that) or She's All That. If you haven't seen the movies, that's okay because the links take you to a synopsis of The Jerk Theory and plots of She's All That. BUT, if you want to watch them, they're on Netflix! (Even if you don't want to roleplay with me, if you're into romantic comedies, you should go watch them.) I'd also prefer that we only use one couple in these and I want to play the girl but if we really have to, we can double. :)

    Also, if you have any specific ideas from movies that you'd like to suggest, shoot me a message! I can see if I've seen it/can watch it or I'll just read the plot and we'll see what we can do. :)
    March 8th, 2014 at 09:55am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    I also have some pictures. :)

    Picture 1 For this one i was thinking that she is a nice girl who is pretty much perfect. Her family has high expectations for her. Things take a turn in her family when she meets the guy that moves in next door. She likes him because he is dangerous and spontaneous. He likes how innocent she is and likes the idea of corrupting her. Her family gets mad about their relationship when they realize their daughter is changing then start to pull the two apart.

    Picture 2 For this one i was thinking that she starts a secret relationship with her dad's business partner. He keeps the secret from her father two and keeps trying to convince her to run away with him because the company is moving him to England to branch out the company. That is all i have so far for this one. :)

    Picture 3 For this one i was thinking that he is a soldier. Her boyfriend is his best friend. While deployed his friend dies or so they think and when he gets back he starts a relationship with her. Her boyfriend returns after a long time and they have to deal with their decisions.

    Picture 4 For this one i was thinking that she gets drunk at a party one night and goes home with some guy she meets. She wakes up the next day and freaks out because she doesn't remember the night before. It turns out they got married and they have to come up with a way to fix it or learn to be together. However, her parents disapprove of her getting a divorce.

    Picture 5 For this one i was thinking that the girl falls for her husbands best man. They go to Hawaii for the wedding and their relationship starts to blossom.

    Picture 6 Okay so i know most people do a male dominance thing but i think i want to do something different. I'm thinking the girl is going to purchase this guy at an auction and make him her slave. We can come up with more details. :)

    Picture 7 I don't really have a plot for this one. Maybe just a cute couple that is involved with a bad group of people.

    Picture 8 This one is Slash. I was thinking that maybe it could be a guy who finds out that his brothers best friend has a thing for him and nobody knows that his brothers friend is gay.

    Pm me people! :)

    Anyone want to do a Pokemon rp! :) We can use OCs I prefer to do it off the Indigo legend Pokemon :)

    Bryce is not a good person. He is involved with a gang, sells drugs, assassinations, and the occasional sex trafficking ring. Bryce is used to getting what he wants when he wants it. If he wants something he takes it and if he wants someone to disappear they disappear. A few years ago he sawHarper and decided that he wanted her. So he took her from her life and molded her into the perfect gang girlfriend. Harper is innocent and goes along with whatever Bryce once. When finally someone from Harper's past sees her and tries to have the cops take her back. Bryce finds himself fighting to keep her from slipping from his grasp. That's all i have so far and we can work on it from there :)
    March 8th, 2014 at 06:40pm
  • dreamland.

    dreamland. (100)

    United States
    I've recently fallen in love with the TV show Shameless (US) and as a result of that, I'm really into the Ian/Mickey story line. I would love to do an original roleplay sort of based on their storyline. if you don't know their storyline, I would be happy to fill you in if you're interested!

    I'm also up for any sort of original slash or het roleplays. If you have any ideas, or would like to brainstorm, just PM me! I'd love to work with you!
    March 9th, 2014 at 03:40am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    Looking for somebody to rp with, I want to do a new twilight rp. I'd like to do it after the books take place and, the coven of Cullens have moved away. I have a plot in mind for Emmett, and I only do doubles.
    Message me if your intersted.
    March 9th, 2014 at 05:23am
  • anchors aweigh.

    anchors aweigh. (100)

    United States
    I'm really digging a superhero roleplay at the moment. Doubling is cool. I'm not on too often because of two jobs and I sleep when I can.

    Pm me.
    March 10th, 2014 at 07:45pm
  • perfectly femme

    perfectly femme (100)

    United States
    Okay so I havent been on Mibba for a while, but my computers been busted and my lifes been pretty busy, but I really miss it here so I'm going to try to get on more!

    I've got a few rp ideas/requests
    - Any kinda femme, tbh. I'm always down for some femme
    - one based off this video?
    - road trip. either a group of four friends goes, or half the set is on a road trip and ends up picking up the other half of the set near the start of their travels
    - friends goin camping
    - superheros
    - an apocalypse rp. either post apocalypse, or like the day after tomorrow so all the shit goes down during, then it would move onto post-apocalypse after a while. i was thinking not zombies, but rather like natural disasters and shit
    - exchange students, probably w/countries like france and america. we'd each play an american, and we'd each play someone from france (or whatever country)
    - honestly if you have other ideas, just shoot me a line

    doubling is always open, i'm not very good at slash OMG NO!, and i'm all cool with nc-17 stuff. contrary to what this post would show off, i do capitalize properly and have good grammar and blah blah blah. anyways, drop me a line!
    March 10th, 2014 at 09:21pm