that awkward moment.

  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "You believe stuff like that?" Arielle asked, raising an eyebrow. She was kind of surprised by his cheesy comment. For some reason, he just didn't seem like the type of guy who believed in fate and stuff like that. She really didn't know him at all though, so who was she to judge? "Don't worry. I don't think she's your girlfriend. I don't think you're lying to me and I'm not going to go all crazy bitch on you." She laughed softly, sending a slight grin his way before she took another sip of her drink. She liked talking to him. She felt as though she could just be herself and without having to worry about making herself look like an idiot.
    Zayn made a bit of a face at her words. "Great movie my arse." He mumbled. "It was torture. I would rather have my eyes scratched out than sit and watch a bloody chick flick again." Okay, maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration, but sometimes he did that. Sometimes he exaggerated a bit too much in order to get his point across. He was sure that he wasn't the only person out there who did that. "I second that." He chuckled, seeing her throw her arms up in the air as she started to get into the music. He grinned as she moved closer to him, not really minding at all.
    February 5th, 2014 at 05:24pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "Not really." Harry said laughing a little, "I mean maybe stuff like that's real but I'm not really one who believes in it." He told her knowing it wasn't for him. Honestly they met here by chance, and the fact that she was attractive and he was attracted to her and didn't wanna pass up the chance to talk to her and maybe take her home. There wasn't anything else to it. Of course Harry also didn't really believe that it was possible for him to be in a serious relationship before he was 26 and all that other stuff either so of course he wouldn't believe in fate. Though the whole no relationships before he was 26 was more just how he wanted things to be so he didn't feel like he was growing up or giving up chances for a good shag too early. He was a really weird guy when he thought about it, but oh well. "That's good. I didn't really peg you for the type who'd go all crazy on me but I still thought you should know."
    "It was a great movie." Sage said again, "and I think you're being a little dramatic." She told him patting his cheek before smiling and starting to dance on him to the music. This was how to have fun at a club/bar when there was no blokes for her to go home with. She drug Zayn around with her and made him be her date pretty much. Which was nice because they got along so well that they could do shit like this. She really liked what the had with Zayn. They were best mates who were comfortable enough with one another to do like everything together pretty much. She was comfortable enough with Zayn to talk to him about a lot of things she wouldn't talk to most people about, and just be her sassy self around. There were a lot of people who were put off by her sass, or people who took it the wrong way but he wasn't one of them. It was nice to have him around.
    February 5th, 2014 at 06:25pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "I'm not really sure how I feel about it." Arielle told him honestly. There was a part of her that was a hopeless romantic who wanted to believe in fate and love at first sight and all of that, but there was also a part of her who was a realist and who thought logically about everything. So, needless to say, she really didn't know how she felt about stuff like that. Maybe it did. Maybe it didn't. She hadn't experienced it firsthand, so what did she know? And it was because she hadn't experienced it firsthand, not yet at least, that she simply said that she wasn't sure. She couldn't say that she did believe in all of it, but she couldn't say that she didn't either. "Well, I'm glad that I didn't give off some sort of crazy vibe or anything." She laughed quietly.
    Zayn scoffed. "I'm being overdramatic? Yeah, okay." He mumbled sarcastically. "It was absolute torture and you know it." He knew that he was probably being overdramatic, but he really didn't care. He wasn't watching another damn chick flick tonight. He all out refused. He didn't say anything after that though and simply got lost in the music and Sage. He knew that some would say that this wasn't something that people did who were simply best mates, but he didn't care. His feelings for Sage were nothing but platonic, and he'd argue that until he was breathless and his face had turned blue. He and Sage were mates. That was all they were, and that was all they would ever be.
    February 5th, 2014 at 06:50pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "I've never really believed in that stuff." Harry told her, he didn't really know why. Maybe because his parents had claimed they'd fallen in love at first sight and now they were divorced and his mum had remarried and his dad. He'd heard stories about how they just knew they were meant to be when they'd met and now they weren't even together. Hell they couldn't even get along anymore. And he was pretty sure that was why he didn't believe in it, because from what he'd seen it was just a bunch of bull. There was a part of him that wanted to believe that it was true and maybe his parents just hadn't known how to fix problems when they came to them, but he wasn't sure about that either. He just didn't know about all the love at first sight and fate stuff. He wasn't against love or anything, but he wasn't really for all the cheesy stuff that some people believed. "Yea that's kind of a good thing."
    "Yea you are." Sage told him rolling her eyes. "It wasn't that bad, I thought it was a sweet movie. And you're going on about scratching your eyes out. Clearly that's a little over the top with the dramatics." She told him, she wouldn't make him watch a chick flick again tonight or he'd probably never watch movies with her again. And well she didn't want him to hate watching movies with her, even if they were best mates there were certain things that she knew she couldn't get away with. Plus she wouldn't want to torture him with her romantic movies all the time. Really she was cool with something else anyways. They could do stuff like this, make a compromise around what they were going to do and all and be happy. People might tell them that there had to be more going on with them, that there was no way they were this close and could do things like spend the night with one another, talk about anything and everything, dance like this, or do half the things they could do together without being more, but well she didn't have feelings for Zayn that went beyond friends. And that's how things were staying.
    February 5th, 2014 at 11:03pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "Stuff like that isn't really all that realistic. I mean, I guess it all could be possible, but I also think it depends on the people." Arielle said before taking a sip of her drink. Her grandparents had only been dating for a couple of months before her grandfather had proposed and now, fifty years later, they were still going strong, so what did she really know? She felt as though love just didn't always last for some people. They thought it would, but really they were just stuck in the honeymoon phase, but that wasn't how it was with everyone. She would never know if she personally believed in any of it until it actually happened to her. "So, what brings you here tonight? Other than to seek out some "fit birds"." She put on a bit of a fake accent at the end there, a slight grin tugging at the corners of her lips.
    Zayn shook his head. "It was a horrible movie. You have the worst taste in movies ever, Sage Matthews." A cheeky grin tugged at the corners of his lips as he looked down to his fiery-haired best mate. Okay, so maybe he did know he was being overdramatic, but that was besides the point. He was only teasing her right now. The movie really hadn't been nearly as bad as he was making it sound, and he'd somewhat enjoyed it, though he would never openly admit to that fact. Especially not around Liam and Harry. The two would never let him hear the end of it.
    February 6th, 2014 at 12:12am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "Yea I guess you have a point there." Harry said knowing that even though his parents hadn't worked out he knew other couples who were still together and had maybe had similar experiences. "I mean I think it's mostly because my parents both claimed they'd fallen in love when they laid eyes on one another and now they can't stand one another and aren't really with one another. So I just thought it was silly to think you love someone as soon as you see them. Personally I feel like it's more you're in love with the idea of the person rather than the actual person. Or maybe it is possible and I just can't believe it's real because it's never happened to me before." He said said shrugging his shoulders, he didn't really know, either way though he didn't believe in it right now and might not ever. "Well other than being here looking for a fit bird, I was hoping to find someone to hook up with my friend. He just got out of a real serious relationship and is just really down in the dumps and I thought maybe hooking up would help him. So far though it hasn't really been much good." He said knowing he should've found someone for Liam but he hadn't even seen anyone really Liam would be interested in anyways. And he'd kind of thought that maybe being here Liam would get out and mingle and find someone on his own. Really he was still hoping that was what would happen.
    "It really wasn't that bad. And that statement is a lie. My taste in movies is just fine." Sage told him getting a little closer to Zayn when a few other people moved onto the dance floor. And well she didn't really wanna grind with just anyone, and especially not half the people here so she'd just stick to getting as close to Zayn as she could. Though it was getting kind of crowded which meant soon dancing wouldn't be much fun anymore either. "So I don't know about you but I think this place was kind of a total bust." She said knowing fully well she wouldn't be returning. Whatever the hype about this place had been clearly was wrong and she didn't really wanna waste more of her life here. Tonight was enough for her. "Do you think Liam's still at the table? I'm sure Harry's still with that girl and I kind of feel bad leaving Liam there all alone." She said feeling bad, even though he'd told them to come have fun she still hated that they'd drug him along and he wasn't even having fun. Really if anything she kind of thought they should've let him be home alone to eat ice cream and stuff if that was what he wanted.
    February 6th, 2014 at 12:36am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "You've never been in love before?" Arielle asked curiously. For some reason that kind of surprised her. Everyone had a first love, most of the time they had a second, sometimes a third and so on and so fourth. Sure, sometimes what you thought was love, really wasn't love at all. As he'd said, it was the idea of being in love, but she'd been in love before. And she'd had her heartbroken before too. And it all honestly had kind of sucked, but wasn't that all a part of life? There was the good and the bad, but the bad sometimes made the good worth waiting for. That's how she saw things anyway. She let out a low whistle, shaking her head. "That's rough. I've had my fair share of brokenhearted friends to deal with in the past. It sucks. You don't want to see them that way, but sometimes you don't know how to help them either."
    Zayn let out a low hum, acknowledging that he had heard what she said, though he didn't make comment on it. He watched as she stepped closer to him as a few more people moved onto the dance floor. He didn't mind the closeness, and he was sure that some people would start saying shit how he and Sage were obviously more than best mates because of it, and he'd probably just call bullshit on the whole thing. "You definitely aren't alone in thinking that." He assured her. "He might be, or he might have decided to head out already. Speaking of, do you want to maybe get out of here? Go watch a movie like you said earlier."
    February 6th, 2014 at 01:00am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Harry shook his head, "no. I've never been in love before." He told her wondering if that was weird. All of his friends had been in relationships before and he'd heard all about how they'd all been in love before or were in love now. But he wasn't sure he'd ever felt that way before. Really though he hadn't ever even had a real serious relationship before. He'd dated, or well he'd tried out dating before he'd started at uni and nothing had ever really worked out with him. He didn't know why. Actually he did. Most of the girls he'd tried to date were clingy, annoy, they didn't along well with his mum and his sister. "I mean I liked this girl once. My first year of uni, she was super fit, and a year or so older than me and we went out a few times, but then after we shagged she kind of stopped talking to me and ever since I haven't really dated. So I haven't really found anyone to let myself fall in love with so I can't really say I've ever been in love." He said hoping that one day he could find the person he was meant to be with and really know he was meant to be with her. But he also wasn't really looking for that right now so he wasn't really worried about it either.
    Sage danced with Zayn for the rest of the song before she pulled away and nodded her head. She hadn't really thought she was alone, she knew they were all worried about Liam. "We should see if he's still here first, make sure he's okay and all then I say we get out of here and go watch that movie." She said not wanting to leave until she knew Liam was okay. Even if he wasn't here. Really if he wasn't here then she knew what it meant. It meant he'd taken the chance to leave as soon as her and Zayn turned their back on him and left him alone. And if he was still here then maybe they'd see if he wanted to tag along or something. Because she was a good friend and couldn't bring herself to leave him here without worrying, plus all the girls were desperate and if any of them did end up hitting on Liam she kind of felt like they'd just make him feel worse.
    February 6th, 2014 at 02:26am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "I don't think it's weird if that's what you're thinking." Arielle told him honestly. She knew a couple of people who had never really been in love. "I think that you just haven't found the right person yet." She offered him a small smile as she took another sip of her drink. "And you're probably better off without that girl anyway." She was kind of surprised when he told her that. Not only because she couldn't understand why someone would screw him over like that, he seemed like a genuinely nice guy, but because he was actually telling her stuff like that. Really he'd only introduced himself to her about half an hour to forty-five minutes before, and she felt like their conversation was on a much deeper topic than one would have expected it to be. Not that she was complaining or anything.
    Zayn nodded. "You're right. Lets go check up on him, and then we'll head out, alright?" He told her, raising his voice slightly so that she would be able to hear what he said over the music. He really hoped that Liam had at least chatted up some bird and that he wasn't sitting there sulking if he had stuck around. He hated seeing one of his best mates acting so miserable. And he was still a firm believed that he just need a hooker, not one of those cheap ones either, and then he'd be good to go. Give him a boost of confidence or something, but he figured that that ship had probably sailed already, so he wasn't going to bring it up anymore.
    February 6th, 2014 at 03:04am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "That's good." Harry told her glad she didn't think it was weird that he hadn't been in love before. Though he didn't see the problem with it. So he'd never been in love, that didn't really say much if you were to ask him. And he couldn't help that he'd never fell in love with anyone before. "Yea I'm sure the right person's out there somewhere I just haven't found her yet." He said knowing if it was going to happen then it'd happen for him eventually. For now though he wasn't worried about it. "Yea I'm really glad she isn't really a part of my life anymore because I'm sure she would've made things complicating." Harry told her not sure why he was telling her all this deeper stuff when he hardly knew her, and didn't really talk about that stuff with anyone, but he was and so far it was still going well so that was good.
    Sage nodded her head and followed Zayn out of the crowd of people to head back to their table and see if Liam was still there. Though she hoped he wasn't. She hoped that he'd either left with someone, of course she also hoped it was with someone decent, or seen his chance and left on his own to go home and do what he thought was best for him right now. Whatever he was doing if he left she didn't care, she just wanted him to be gone and trying to find his sanity. But she knew this wasn't the place he was going to find it. She'd been through her fair share of heartbreak and while Liam wasn't a girl he still needed somewhere and something better than here to help him move on. And maybe it would take awhile maybe it wouldn't. She just knew she supported him in whatever he did as long as it wasn't going to get him or someone else hurt.
    February 6th, 2014 at 03:52am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Arielle didn't really know how their conversation had turned into something so deep and meaningful. It was strange. Here they were, pretty much complete strangers, and yet they were having a conversation about things that she had a feeling he didn't really even talk to his friends about. "Relationships usually do complicate things." She pointed out before sipping her drink. "It's finding the right person who makes all the bullshit and complications worthwhile." That was how she saw it anyway. Love and relationships were never simple. They were complex, and time-consuming, but when you were with someone that you really cared about, that you really loved, none of that really mattered.
    Zayn led her away from the dance floor and back towards the tables where they had last left Liam. His eyebrows rose in surprise when he spotted his best mate sitting there, actually conversing with a girl. A fit one at that. "Well, it doesn't look like he'll be needing our company." He said, chuckling quietly. "Hopefully he'll have the balls to ask her for her number." He doubted that Liam was looking to take her home or anything like that, he still seemed pretty down in the dumps about everything, but he hoped that he was smart enough to seize the opportunity when it presented itself. That girl was well fit, and if he didn't at least get her number, well, Zayn was definitely going to give him shit for it.
    February 6th, 2014 at 11:17pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Harry didn't know this girl very well, and he didn't know why he was opening up to her or how it was possible for him to open up to her, but he was and it was kind of nice. "Makes sense." He said knowing fully well that relationships took two people willing to commit to one another and there were things they'd have to give up and all to make things work. He knew that when you found the person meant for you it would just change everything, and he hadn't had anything like that. Maybe that was why he was so against relationships right now. "It's all about finding the right person. And I plan to have fun while I wait for the right person to walk into my life." He told her not sure how things would work out for him, but he planned to take it one day at a time and just let things flow.
    Sage smiled to herself when she spotted Liam talking to another girl. And one who didn't look totally desperate and like she'd make everything for Liam worse. "So maybe bringing him here wasn't the worst idea after all." She said glad that he at least looked like he was having a bit of fun. "Yea he better. Since we both know he isn't taking her home and he looks happy talking to her." She added reall hoping things worked out for Liam. "I think that's our cue to leave though." Because it didn't look like Liam needed help, and hell would freeze over before Harry left a bar alone so since both were currently occupied with girls and had seemed to have forgotten about her and Zayn it seemed like the best time to head out and let them be.
    February 6th, 2014 at 11:56pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    [Internet's back up and running!]

    "I'll drink to that." Arielle said, a small grin tugging at the corners of her lips. She could see where he was coming from. There was no point in sitting around being miserable because you didn't have someone to love. In fact, that was probably the worst possible thing that a person could do. The way she saw it, if you didn't go out and live your life to the fullest, you would miss out on so many great experiences. Hell, you could be missing out on that right person. And she didn't want to do that. She didn't want to end up becoming that miserable old woman who stayed hauled up in her apartment with twenty cats, watching soap operas and eating bonbons. No, that wasn't who she wanted to be at all. She was only twenty-three. She wanted to go out and live her life. She wanted to fuck things up and then make them better somehow in the end.
    "Don't tell Harry that." Zayn said, chuckling softly. If Harry knew that he'd been right in bringing Liam here with them, he was sure that none of them would hear the end of it. He would go on about how he'd been right and just act like a complete wanker about it for ages because he felt it gave him "bragging rights" or some bullshit like that. "If he doesn't, I'm going to give him so much shit for it." He shook his head at the thought of Liam not even getting the girl's number. Then he might really begin to think that his friend was a lost cause. "I think so too. I'm sure that we won't be missed at all."
    February 7th, 2014 at 02:27am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ YAY! So I can't remember if I hit reply on the other 1D roleplay. I think I did but who knows. ]

    Harry smiled and picked up his drink to toast with hers before he took a swig of it. "I'm cool with drinking to that too." He laughed, "I mean I'm barely twenty three I've got my whole life ahead of me to find love. I don't plan to sulk around because I'm single." He said glad he was single really because then he didn't have to feel bad about his list of booty call numbers, or the fact that he was with this new girl putting the moves on her. Being single meant he wasn't tied down. And it was nice. The single life was fun to him. And he loved it. "So on a lighter note, I have to ask, where are you from? Since well you clearly have an accent." He asked, and while she might've thought he had the accent she was in a new country where everyone sounded a lot like him so she was the one with the accent not himself.
    "I'm not stupid." Sage said laughing. "Harry would have a field day if he heard me say something like that. And then I'd have to kill him because of his annoying 'bragging rights' he'd think he earned." She said knowing full well what would happen thanks to the last time she'd had to admit that Harry was right. And she'd sworn never again. "Yea it's doubtful that we're gonna be missed." She told him, also hoping that Liam got the girls number and maybe made progress in moving on. It was best that he not stay hung up on his ex forever. "So do you have any movies in mind?" She asked him while she linked her arm with his again and started to pull him along towards the door to head out.
    February 7th, 2014 at 02:56am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    [You did. Cute]

    Arielle picked up her drink to toast with his before taking a long sip. "Exactly. I don't understand why people sit at home and sulk because they aren't in a relationship. Life's too short to let things like that hold you back." She said. Granted, there were certain things that she still probably wouldn't do, but either way, she planned on living her life to the fullest. And maybe tonight that meant hooking up with Harry. Who could really blame her for wanting to do that? He was charming and attractive, and he seemed like a decent enough guy. "Born and raised in San Diego, California. And I could say the same about you. To me, all of you people here have accents." She let out a soft laugh, before taking another sip of her drink.
    Zayn chuckled softly. "He still brings up the last time every so often." He shook his head slightly at the thought. Whenever there was an argument, whether it was a serious one or not and they were just poking fun, Harry's last resort was to bring up the last time he'd supposedly been right, and that apparently was defense enough to make him the winner of the argument. He smiled when she linked her arm with his once more and allowed her to pull him along towards the door. "I have a few in mind, yeah." He nodded. "We're going to yours though, right? I don't want to chance being back at mine and Harry's in case he brings that girl back with him." He made a face at the thought. There had been several occasions where Zayn hadn't known that Harry had a girl at the flat and he'd walked in on them. There were just some things a person, regardless of whether they were your best mate or not, shouldn't witness.
    February 7th, 2014 at 03:05pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "Couldn't agree more." Harry told her with a nod of his head. He didn't know why some people were so stuck on always being in a relationship or always worried about something and couldn't just take a step back to enjoy life and all the little things it had to offer, but he was positive that he wouldn't ever be one of those people. What made him happy was doing what he enjoyed and taking life one day at a time. Which usually meant finding a fit bird and taking her home or calling one of his late night shags if he didn't feel like getting out. But it made him happy. "Well babe you're the one with the accent to all of us." He told laughing again, "are you liking it here though? It's a lot colder and rainier here than California I'm sure."
    "Figures as much." Sage mumbled, "he's never going to let that just die is he? It was like three years ago." She said shaking her head, she really didn't see the point in Harry not just letting it rest. Just because he'd been right all of two times, though she admit to one, did not mean he was right all the time. "Yea. Wouldn't want to be at your place if Harry does decide to take her back to your place." She told him not wanting to be anywhere near Zayn's flat for that reason. She knew Zayn had walked in on Harry mid-shag more than once and while she'd only ever seen the girls leaving as he arrived for some plans she'd made with the lads she was okay with that. She'd rather not be there while he decided to take some girl to bed.
    February 7th, 2014 at 04:35pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Arielle felt something stir within her when he called her babe. She couldn't quite describe it, but she'd definitely noticed it. She shook the feeling away as soon as it came though, not wanting to think about it too much and space out, and more than likely weird him out. She didn't want him to think she was a space-case or anything. "Touché." She said simply before letting out a soft laugh. "I think the fact that it's so different in comparison to what I'm used to that makes me like it. Don't get me wrong, I love warm weather and bright sunshine, but I grew up with that. The farthest I went before here was Los Angeles when I was studying at UCLA. This is a big change of scenery for me, and it's take some getting used to, but I definitely think I like it." She smiled.
    Zayn chuckled softly. "What do you expect? This is Harry we're talking about. He never lets anything go." He pointed out as he walked out of the club with her. He made a face at the thought of going back to his flat and having Harry and that bird come crashing in in a flash without so much as a warning. It wasn't that he wasn't used to it. He was. And he'd seen his best mate's cock far too many times to be considered normal, Harry had the need to walk around the flat sans clothes quite frequently, but that didn't mean that he wanted to be around when he brought a girl home. "That's good to know because I really don't feel the need to be scarred for life tonight."
    February 7th, 2014 at 05:14pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "Yea well I've only been to California once and it was a lot differnt than here. With the sun always shining and the warm air. Of course I was like 17 I think when I went with my mum, step dad, and sister. Lord I burnt so much. And while I liked it there I can't but love it here." Harry told her knowing maybe she was differnt since she'd grown up there but he would always consider here his home. And he didn't know what was so special about here but there was something. "I'm glad you like it here though. It's nice here, rains a lot so you learn to appreciate the sunny days a bit more, but it's nice." He added glad for the moment that she'd picked London to come to since he clearly wouldn't have met her had she picked somewhere else. But he let that thought leave as soon as it crossed his mind. She was nice, and might make it onto his list of girls he called for a shag or something when he needed one, but that was it. He couldn't start getting all mushy around her, and especially not this soon.
    "True. He's probably going to carry it to his grave." Sage said knowing that Harry didn't forget things. He didn't forget anything actually. Sometimes it was kind of scary. "Yea well I wouldn't want you to be scarred for life thanks to him. Well no more than you already have been." She said knowing full well of some of the things Harry did. He told her some things, and then there was the one slightly awkward time she'd nearly collided with Harry's naked body while he went to get dressed after his shower while she was there waiting for Zayn to get home. It'd been one of the most awkward situations she'd ever been put in that revolved around Harry and she was more than okay forgetting it.
    February 7th, 2014 at 05:38pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "We always love what we're used to. We appreciate the things that we don't have, but that's there is to it. Appreciation. Nothing will really ever compare to what we already have." Arielle said before taking another sip of her drink. "So I've noticed." She let out a soft laugh. "I'm one of those weird people who actually likes rain though. Back home, during the summers, if there was a thunderstorm, I'd be that whackjob outside in front yard dancing around like the biggest idiot ever." She laughed again at the thought. She was one of those people who didn't really care too much about what people thought about her. She didn't let anyone bring her down or stop her from achieving her goals. If she did, well, she wouldn't be here in London right now.
    "I wouldn't put it past him." Zayn chuckled softly, shaking his head. It was kind of strange how much Harry actually remembered. It was clear that his mate paid attention to the details, and not just the important ones either. He paid attention to every single little detail. It could be something unimportant and minor, and Harry would somehow remember it. "I'm glad that you're so worried about my well-being." He sent a small grin her way as they walked along the sidewalk. "And I wouldn't want you to be scarred for life either. I think we've both had plenty of awkward experiences with Harry to last us a lifetime."
    February 7th, 2014 at 06:02pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Harry knew she had another point. Most people were afraid of change, so afraid they couldn't bare the thought of loving something different. They couldn't take chances and didn't think that change could be good. And Harry was one of those people. He just wouldn't admit it. Sure he changed up girls every night, but that didn't count. The one thing that really scared Harry was falling in love. Having to give his whole heart to someone who could easily break it in to. That's why he did what he did, why he slept around with no purpose of settling down. Why he didn't do relationships. He was afraid of someone else holding his heart. He was scared that some girl would just rip it out and toss it aside like it didn't matter. All those were all thoughts he didn't voice, those were the things he kept to himself. "So would you like another round of drinks or would you like to go attempt to dance in that sea of people?"
    "It's nice that we both care of much about the others well being." Sage replied knowing they had both had enough awkward moments to last a lifetime with Harry so adding more wasn't a good idea. "I'm gonna go get us a cab" she told him stepping towards the curb to flag down a cab until they stopped for we and she was motioning for Zayn to follow her. She slipped into the back seat and started to give the man her address while she waited for Zayn to get in and the close the door. She was ready to be home now so she could change out of her outfit and just relax on her couch with a bowl of snacks and drinks with her best friend.
    February 7th, 2014 at 06:41pm