that awkward moment.

  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    [I don't either. XD So, I told myself I would only have 1/2 a drink last night, and I ended up having three...and it was three big red solo cups filled to the near brim...after I replied to two roleplays last night, I was laying in bed and I could have sworn the room was spinning. lmfao Apparently I can still write when I'm drunk though, because I warned the girl beforehand, and she said everything I wrote made perfect sense, so score for me, I guess?]

    Maybe Arielle had judged him too harshly. Of course, she knew that she'd had every right to do so, however, she was honestly sort of glad that she'd given him a second chance. Although their date had only really just started, and the night was still young so to speak, she had a feeling that things were going to go smoothly. Normally, she could tell rather quickly if a date was going to be disastrous or not, and she wasn't getting that feeling today. And, to be completely honest, she was extremely thankful for that fact. Her eyes widened slightly in surprise when she saw the house. It was beautiful, and to be completely honest, it was the sort of place that she'd always kind of wished she could live in. Of course, she knew it was totally out of her price range, but a girl could always dream, right? "It's beautiful." She breathed as she took everything in for a few brief moments. A smile lit up her features as he explained his plan to her. "Do you always try to impress girls like this?" Her tone was light, and teasing.
    Zayn nodded. "Yeah, maybe." He said. He supposed that it could happen. Maybe this girl would be good for Harry. Maybe she really could get him to change his ways as Sage had said. Of course, it was sort of just wishful thinking, and there really wasn't any guarantee, but it was still a possibility, wasn't it? Knowing Harry though, he'd somehow end up fucking everything up in the end. He hated to say it, seeing as the bloke was one of his best mates, but it was the honest truth. He'd seen Harry fuck things up on numerous occasions, but most of the time he really didn't even care. He really was a douche when it came to relationships. "Enough about that though. I'm not finished with you." He grinned, peppering soft kisses all over her face.
    March 9th, 2014 at 03:56pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ lol. That's funny. I was going to have a cup of wine with my dinner tonight but my mom didn't think we'd need a corkscrew and didn't get one even after I told her we would so I didn't to get to drink any since I'm not running back to the store tonight so I'll have to go tomorrow and get one so I can open the wine. And that's funny. So I wrote a freaking Sirius one shot because I can not stop writing like it's awful Facepalm and I'm finally getting around to replying yay! ]

    Harry chuckled and smiled himself at her response. "I thought you'd like it." He told her as he'd gotten a pretty good read of her and what she liked and all so he'd thought it would be something for her. Luckily he'd been right. "No not really," he told her shaking his head. Honestly it wasn't often that Harry took girls out at all really so this wasn't a normal thing for him. "I'm not usually sic an out of the box thinker or over the top date kind of guy. But I knew I really had to impress you for you to give me another chance and knew I'd have to do something big and memorable." He told her since this was his second chance with her and if he blew this one it wasn't likely he'd get another if he blew this one.
    Sage hated to talk bad about Harry since he was their friend and all, but he really was kind of a dick when it came to things pertaining to relationships. She couldn't really help but let her mind wander to Zayn and away from Harry and his awful relationship skills though when he started to pepper her face with kisses. "Oh you're not?" She said softly biting her lip and smiling, "what'd you have in mind for me then?" She asked teasingly as she softly ran her fingers over his arm.
    March 12th, 2014 at 04:03am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    [Haha, that stinks. And see, I can never stick to a story and one shots take me forever to write for some reason...I've just stuck to roleplaying when inspiration strikes.]

    Arielle smiled. "You thought right." She said. She was kind of surprised that he was taking her here of all places. No guy had ever really taken her out on a date like this. It was always to a nice restaurant or the whole cliche dinner and a movie deal, and in all honesty, it kind of lowered her overall expectations a lot. Needless to say, she hadn't expected this at all. The smile on her face widened in response to his later words. It honestly meant a lot that he'd sort of gone all out and done something like this just to impress her. She was glad that he didn't do things like this for other girls. She knew that he could easily be lying to her, but something told her that he wasn't. Something told her that he'd been nothing but honest with her from the get go. "Well, I'm already pretty impressed, so you were successful."
    Zayn shook his head. "Nope. Definitely not." He mumbled against her soft skin as he continued to press kisses all along her face and neck. There was something about Sage that sort of just drove him crazy. He didn't know how he hadn't realized it before now. She'd always just been one of his best mate. He never really thought that their relationship would be anything but platonic. However, he supposed that something the unexpected really did happen, and this was definitely one of those sort of situations. "Use your imagination, love." He murmured, a slight smile on his face.
    March 12th, 2014 at 08:22pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ it does suck because I really wanted that wine. haha. See I usually do both. I mean I haven't really written any fanfictions in almost 2 years though because I roleplayed everything out. But I mean right now you're one of the only people I'm roleplaying with and it wasn't enough so I had to turn to writing and then everything just starts to flow out of me like a river or something lmfao Sometimes they take me forever too because I don't know how to start them or, where I should end them, or I end up hating them but other times they're not that hard and I end up really proud of them tehe ]

    Harry knew this was a totally out of the box idea. Guys didn't usually think of out of the box things like this for dates. Well maybe some guys did, but he felt like most guys were cliche and did the usual dinner and a movie thing. Which was fine, Harry was sure there were tons of girls who were totally okay with that. And were this a normal first, or second if you wanted to call it a second date, date then Harry would've probably been cliche. If this were a normal date and he wasn't trying to really wow her or make her see him in a new light then he would've taken her to dinner and a movie. Really he probably wouldn't have taken her to dinner since he knew how to cook, but he would've done the cliche thing and had dinner with her then a movie. But Harry was trying to impress her, like really impress her. Like he needed her to see him in a brand new light and so cliche wasn't going to work. He knew that. Which was why they were here. "Well I'm glad I was successful." He told her smiling and leading her up to the door.
    Sage let her eyes close while Zayn covered her in kisses, she wasn't sure if he knew how insane he drove her. She didn't know if he knew what he did to her when he peppered her in kisses. He probably had no idea that compared to all the other guys she'd been in through her life he was the only one that she was willing to be with again. He was the only one she was willing to attach herself to. Maybe because they knew one another, maybe because they were best mates and she didn't want this to be a one time thing and then get awkward afterwards. But whatever the reason she wanted to be with him, and he drove her insane. "Sadly my imagination doesn't do the real thing any justice." She replied softly letting out breathy noises of content just enjoying the feeling of his lips against her skin.
    March 12th, 2014 at 09:13pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    [i haven't had wine since my friend and i got tipsy while we were watching teen wolf a couple of weeks ago. lmfao I think I might need some for the remaining episodes...i feel like a lot of my roleplay buddies aren't really active on here you're on, but then a lot of the others reply once every like five or six days and i'm kind of bored, lol.]

    It was kind of ironic really. Arielle had been so hellbent on giving him a second chance, and yet, she already found herself enjoying this date quite a lot and it had only just started. The night was still young and anything could happen, however, something told her that, if anything were to happen, it would be something good. She liked how outside of the box he'd thought, and it was clear that he'd thought about this quite a bit too. She liked when she could see that. With a smile on her face, she allowed him to lead her up to the door. "So, who exactly are we pretending to be?" She asked him curiously, wondering what he'd told the real-estate agent exactly.
    Zayn smiled against her skin as he continued to shower her with kisses. He'd never really been this affectionate towards any of the girls he'd been with in the past. Truth be told, he hadn't really been with any of those girls more than once or twice. Sage was different though. She'd been his best mate before, well, before whatever this was considered had started, and he supposed that was what made this all a bit different. He was afraid of losing her. He was afraid of fucking their relationship up completely, but he tried not to think about stuff like that too much. "I guess I'll have to show you the real thing then, won't I?" He murmured softly.
    March 13th, 2014 at 02:43am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ i haven't had it in a while, my mom bought some like a few months ago but that was it. And idk the kind she got this time was nasty. it was kind of bitter and strong. And I didn't like it that much myself. But I know I'm gonna need something for these last two episodes of Teen Wolf. Like I swear to you this show will be the death of me. Yea I feel that way too. Like I have you, and there are a few others I have too but I understand how you feel about the whole only posting like once every 6 days or whatever. ]

    Harry honestly didn't think he could've been happier that his date plan was working. And he still wasn't even sure why he was so hellbent on getting her to give him a second chance. He was honestly never like this with girls. He usually didn't care if they didn't look at him again. He didn't usually go after a girl more than once, and if she wasn't on his roster of girls then he'd never hook up with her again. But there was something about this one girl that he liked, and he wanted to see her again. He just didn't know why. "I'm Harry Johnson and you're my beautiful fiance Arielle Mason. We've been together 3 years and we're looking for a nice place together, a place we could see ourselves starting a family. We heard this place was up for sell through some friends who live close by and thought we'd check it out. And if anything about how much it costs happens to come up well we both come from families with money and price is not a problem. Though I don't plan to stay long enough to get roped into buying this place. It'd put me in debt for the rest of my life."
    Sage felt really content laying there under Zayn while he kissed her all over. And she didn't mind either. She actually enjoyed it a lot, deep down she liked to cuddle and feel his warmth next to her. She liked the softness of his lips and the way his scruff brushed against her. Sage liked the way Zayn made her feel. At first she'd been nervous, Zayn was her best mate and if something went wrong and things got fucked up then they'd lose one another and that would hurt more than anything, but so far things were good. And she was cool with that because that was what she wanted, she wanted things to be okay with her and Zayn. With or without all the extra strings attached. "I guess you will lover boy." She replied with a small smirk.
    March 13th, 2014 at 05:51am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    [I'm really picky when it comes to wine. I only like white. Like I won't drink red ever. And I'm just really picky with the alcohol I'll drink too. Like I hate beer. It tastes like piss, haha. I don't think I'm ever going to be ready for the last two episodes of Teen Wolf. Facepalm Sameeee! I don't know where everyone went, haha. It's okay though because, with the roleplays we've started back up, I think we have like 5 going...they'll keep me busy!]

    "Happily engaged couple looking for a place to start a family. Got it." Arielle said, a wide grin on her face. She had a feeling that this was going to be a date that she wouldn't likely forget. It wasn't just because this date stood out completely from the others that she'd been on in the past. She had a feeling that it would just be a memorable experience in general. She was sure that it would be fun, and she was really glad that she'd given Harry a second chance. She opened her mouth to say something more, however, a woman dressed rather professionally approached the two of them. "You must be Mr.Johnson and Ms.Mason." She said with a smile.
    Zayn had never imagined anything like this coming from his friendship with Sage. She'd always just been his best mate. He'd never really seen her as anything else. In fact, if his thoughts ever did drift off, he found himself pushing said thoughts away rather quickly and dismissing them as weird and awkward. And just that nothing like that would ever happen with him and Sage. "Love boy? Really?" He chuckled softly, his words muffled by her skin as he started down her jaw and to her neck.
    March 13th, 2014 at 06:33pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ my mom doesn't usually drink wine so I haven't really drank it that much and haven't really figured out which ones are good and which ones aren't, but the kind we got this time was not good. And yes! I hate beer too it's disgusting, and I've tried like 4 different kinds and they were all disgusting. Now wine coolers, or flavored beer I can do. But just beer, yea that's not happening. I don't think any of us are ready for these last 2 episodes. And yea we've got like 5 or so going so I think we'll be good lmfao ]

    Harry nodded his head quickly before the door was answered and an older professionally dressed woman answered the door, "yes that would be us." He told her nodding his head some and taking her hand to shake. This wasn't really something he did often so he wasn't entirely sure what he should do, but oh well. The only reason he wanted to come here was to get a view of what it looked like inside for a chance, and he wanted to find that key to the park that you couldn't get into otherwise. It would be so amazing to go to that park and just run around, or just have the place all to yourself because you had the key. And while maybe they could get into trouble for having the key but really Harry was pretty sure he had a fool proof plan on getting it and not getting into any kind of trouble so it wasn't like they'd be breaking any laws or anything. "Well let's not keep the house waiting. Please follow me inside and we can begin."
    Sage had never really expected anything to come from her and Zayn's friendship. Or at least nothing like this. Honestly usually when Zayn would cross her thoughts or she'd think something sexual about him she just told herself she was bit too drunk, or she was in dire need of getting laid. And she'd never thought that they'd end up in bed together once let alone more than once. Yet here they were and she was pretty sure the most awkward about it was that it wasn't awkward. "What am I not allowed to call you lover boy?" She asked moaning softly and pushing her fingers through his hair. "Because I thought the name was kind of fitting, and cute."
    March 14th, 2014 at 01:57am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    [Beer's terrible. i don't know why or how people drink it. All my shows are giving me sooo many feels and emotions right now. it's just like not okay. Facepalm]

    Arielle smiled politely at the woman before following her inside. She could honestly say that she'd never done anything like this before in her life. And she'd never been on a date like this before either. Stealing a glance over to Harry, she sent a small grin his way before her eyes wandered around, taking in the house's appearance. It really was beautiful, and if she could afford a place like this, she definitely wouldn't mind living there. But she didn't even think that she would be able to afford to stay in a hotel half as nice as this house. Turning her attention back to the woman, she listened as she began to tell them about the house, though she was only half listening, as she was curious to find out what this key to the park Harry was talking about was all about.
    Zayn smirked against her skin, hearing the moan that escaped her lips. "I never said that. Though, you did just say it was cute, and I'd rather not be called something that associates me with that word. I'm a man. Men don't like being called anything cute or adorable or any variation of that word." He explained, chuckling softly. He continued to press soft kisses to her neck, however, he soon also began to work on leaving yet another colorful mark there as well. He was sure that she would complain when she did actually see the number he'd done on her neck, but he could care less at this point.
    March 14th, 2014 at 03:33am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ it really is. I don't know how or why people drink it either. Lord I feel that. I just watched Scandal and I about died when it went off. Like biggest fucking cliffhanger, I don't wanna wait a week to find out what happened! #thefeels #notokay ]

    Harry had never done anything quite like this before either. But there was a first time for everything he supposed. Anyways, he followed the lady through the house for a bit, halfway listened to what she was saying until his ears perked up at the mention of the master bedroom being up some stairs. And he knew that was where the key was. Or at least where it was supposed to be. Meaning that was where they needed to be. So he lightly nudged Arielle and made a motion for them to slip up the steps. He had a plan for that one, hopefully she'd be able to go along with it. They'd just have to wait until the lady wasn't paying attention and was really into talking about something. Then they'd sneak up into the bedroom and find the key. But they'd have to be quick about it too or they'd get caught. And once they had it they'd go from there. The options were sneak out, or go back to the tour and hope they didn't get caught.
    Sage couldn't hold her laugh in, "My poor lover boy doesn't like being called cute. And here I thought it was endearing." She said softly before her eyes were closing again and she was moaning softly while he sucked on her skin. "You should be happy it's fucking November and scarves are an essential part of my wardrobe, or I might've already killed you." She told him knowing that she wouldn't be having all these hickeys showing when it was warmer. If he was going to get into a habit of leaving them he needed to leave them somewhere they wouldn't be seen. It always felt so nice when he kissed her neck and her collarbone though. And she hate how conflicted he was making her about fucking hickeys.
    March 14th, 2014 at 07:37am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    [I don't either. Ugh, these shows will be the death of me...and if not them, Harry will. Facepalm So, I spent over $200 at the mall today...]

    Arielle was only partially listening to what the lady said about the house as they did a walk through. When Harry nudged her, she followed his gaze and saw how he was motioning for them to slip up the steps. She glanced over to the woman, who hadn't taken notice to the small exchange between them at all, and made sure that she wouldn't get caught redhanded so to speak before she took a step back and, as quietly as possible, slipped up the stairs to the master bedroom. She waited there for Harry, not really sure what his plan was. However, she wasn't all that worried either. She wasn't one of those people who cared, or worried, about the consequences of her actions 24/7. She felt as though people like that didn't live life to the fullest. Life was too short to get caught up in minor things like that.
    "Makes me sound like a pansy." Zayn mumbled against her skin, a smirk forming at her later words. "You wouldn't. You'd miss me too much if you did." He knew that it was rather convenient that it was the middle of November, and she wore scarves most of the time to help with the chilly, London air. He knew that it really wasn't much of a big deal though. She could probably try to cover the marks up with makeup or something if she needed to. And, even if they weren't covered, she could make up some sort of an burning herself with her curling iron or straightener. He didn't know. Girls always seemed to come up with good excuses though, and he was sure that Sage was no different.
    March 14th, 2014 at 09:17pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ I know, these shows are going to kill me. And holy shit they're premiering The Maze Runner's first official trailer during Teen Wolf Monday! I. Will. Die. I think Harry will the death of us all Facepalm I'm proud of myself, I only spent like 3. I had to buy a new loofah because my brother kind of took mine over and I don't like sharing my loofah with people... Oh and did I hit reply to CWOF? I can't remember Shifty ]

    Harry waited until the perfect moment, which was when the woman was talking while she walked towards the kitchen, but her back was entirely too him. He took it upon himself then to slowly sneak back and head up the stairs to the master bedroom to meet Arielle. "So we've got to be quick about this so we don't get caught." He told her trying to hold in his laughter. Really he didn't care if they got caught, it wasn't like they were trespassing or anything and if they did all they'd have to do was come up with some believable story about how they were looking for the bathroom or something. He wasn't worried about getting caught. He would like to find the key though first so at least they'd have that and be able to see how amazing the park it led to really was.
    "Well maybe I think you're a pansy." Sage joked with him, she didn't of course. Zayn wasn't a pansy that she was sure of, but she couldn't help but joke with him. "And I'm sure I could find another best mate." She replied still in her joking manner before she finally just pushed him onto his back so she could straddle him. "Kidding." She said softly leaning forward some to press her lips to his jaw this time. "I would miss you too much." She admitted before she took some control of this situation and kissed along his jaw, she even pulled his earlobe between her teeth before kissing along his neck until she got to his Adams apple and sucked on the skin there, it was her turn to leave a mark on him.
    March 15th, 2014 at 03:20am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    [I saw Dylan's tweet!! I spent waaaayyyy too much money. Facepalm I never got a notification...but I'll reply on it in a few.]

    Arielle had been waiting up in the master bedroom for a few moments when she heard Harry walk in behind her. Turning, she grinned, noticing how he was attempting to hold back his laughter. "Speak for yourself. I've been waiting for you for like five minutes now." The grin on her face widened as she held up the key which she'd found in one of the dresser drawers. She wasn't really all that worried about getting caught. The lady had seemed so into telling them about the house, so she figured that they had quite a bit of time before she realized neither of them were there anymore. "So, what's the plan? How're we getting out of here without Mrs.Home And Gardens realizing we disappeared."
    Zayn pulled back, gaping at her and feigning offense. "Nope. That's it. We're not friends anymore." He mumbled shoving her off of him lightly. He turned so that he was facing away from her and pretended like he was actually angry with her. He obviously wasn't though. He'd known that she was joking. He knew that she would never actually replace him with another best mate. He wasn't trying to seem like a douche or anything, but he was a pretty awesome lad, so he doubted she would be able to ever find someone to replace him.
    March 15th, 2014 at 09:26pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ Lol. OMG I'm so annoyed with people right now. Like I went to a mall like 30 minutes away mainly because I wanted to buy a new swimsuit top from VS and of course already being in a hurry I would get stuck in the line with the lady who decided to return a bag full of stuff with no tags and hold everything up. And all the other lines were backed up too so it wouldn't have made a difference getting in another line so I left before I could get it since I was in a hurry and I'm gonna have to go back some other day. I swear it was so freaking annoying. And I might not have hit reply. I think I didn't but I don't remember Facepalm ]

    "Well look at you just ahead of the game." Harry joked with her before he looked around, he wasn't really sure if they'd be able to sneak back to the lady or come up with some reason they vanished, and really he didn't have much more of an interest in seeing the rest of the house. What he'd already seen was beautiful enough and he knew he couldn't afford it so they might as well leave. He walked over to the window before turning back to her. "We could always leave through the window." He told her with a small smirk on his lips. It wasn't that high up really and there looked like there was a fire escape they could climb down. He was up for it, but only as long as she was. "What'da say?"
    Sage decided to play around with him some. It was kind of fun. So she put on her best pout ans scooted closer to him. She slipped her arms around his middle and rested her chin on his shoulder looking down at him. "I'm sorry if I upset you. I was only joking." She said softly, "please forgive me." She cooed in his ear before deciding to have even more fun with this and gently kiss right behind his ear and down the back of his neck softly while one of her hands slowly made it's way under the waistband of his boxers. She trailed her fingers along it slowly. "You know you want me Zayn. Which means you can't stay mad at me forever." She cooed still kissing his neck and playing with his waistline totally being a tease. She knew he wasn't really mad at her, just like he knew she didn't really think he was a pansy or that she'd ever replace him. But it didn't mean she couldn't find a way to have fun with it.
    March 16th, 2014 at 03:22am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    [Dude, that's SO annoying. I hate when places are crowded and there's that one person holding the whole fucking line up. It sucks.]

    "You want to leave through the window?" Arielle repeated slowly, eyebrows raised. She sighed, crossing the room to have a look for herself. It really wasn't that high up at all, and there was a fire escape that they could climb down from too. "Alright, fine. Only because I really don't want to get caught, and we don't have any other options." This date was definitely nothing like any of the past dates she had been on. And she was honestly having a great time, And maybe, just maybe, Harry wasn't as much of a douche as she had originally thought he was. "You can go first though. Just in case I slip and start falling to my death or something. People don't call heels deathtraps for nothing." She grinned. She knew that she wasn't going to slip, and that it wasn't that high up or anything, and even if she did slip, she would probably be fine, but it was just a precaution. Plus, she really wouldn't mind falling if he caught her. What could she say? There was a bit of a hopeless romantic within her.
    Zayn knew that she was pouting. He could just picture the expression on her face as he felt the mattress shift slightly. It cause a faint smile to appear on his face, and before he knew it, her arms were wrapped around his torso, and her chin resting on his shoulder. And he had a feeling that she was up to something. And it wasn't long after she started asking him to forgive her, that he felt her lips by his ear and soon slowly making their way down her neck. And he had to try his hardest not to let out the low grown that was threatening to escape his lips as he felt her hands move down towards the waistband of his boxers. She had hardly done anything and she was already driving him mental. "Dunno what you're talking about." He breathed.
    March 16th, 2014 at 02:41pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ I know, it was really annoying. I mean if you're going to return stuff to a store in the mall then please don't choose to do it on a freaking Saturday night when everyone knows the mall will be busiest. And especially not later when it's like an hour or so away from the mall closing and everyone's starting to get in a rush to get through the checkout before it closes. Like it just pissed me off so much. ]

    "Well I mean if you have a better idea then please feel free to share it any time." Harry said while he started to open the window up, then started to climb out. "I'll be sure to catch you if you fall." He told her knowing that he wouldn't let her fall to her death or anything. Of course it wasn't really that far down and he doubted that she'd fall to her death if she fell. Point was he wasn't going to let her fall. And she did have on heels, which he'd figured they called death traps for a reason. Honestly he didn't see how the hell girls, and some guys, walked around in them. They were weird and like strapped onto their feet all weird and yea he just didn't understand them. It didn't take him that long to climb out the window and then find himself shimmying down the fire escape and waiting for her.
    Sage kept her little game up, she moved her lips over his neck and to his shoulder, and her fingers gently trailed a bit farther down until she could feel him. "Come on Zayn, don't be like this." She whispered slowly moving her fingers over him. She didn't know how he'd held out this long, but she was going to get somewhere with him. She was determined to. She knew that he wanted her, he had to want her. Plus he'd teased her so it was kind of her turn to do the same thing to him. He'd give in, she just had to keep going and couldn't stop until she got what she wanted.
    March 16th, 2014 at 06:52pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    [I would have been pissed off too, especially because you drove all the way there.]

    "I'm holding you to that." Arielle said, waiting for him to climb out the window and start down the fire escape before she followed suit. Once outside, she closed the window carefully, before climbing down the fire escape. Once she had done so, she grabbed Harry's hand and quickly started walking away from the house. The last thing she wanted was for the real estate lady to catch them as they were trying to escape. "Where's this park that you were talking about earlier?" She asked him once they were a good enough distance away from the house and the lady who she wondered if she had realized that they weren't there anymore yet.
    Zayn was trying his hardest to act as though her actions weren't phasing him. However, that was beginning to prove to be a bit of a task. He knew that Sage knew exactly what she was doing to him. He lasted for a little while longer before finally letting out a low groan. "You're absolutely impossible." He mumbled. He couldn't keep his act up any longer. She was driving him completely up the wall.
    March 17th, 2014 at 01:39am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ exactly. ]

    Harry chuckled and before he knew it they were both out the window and far enough away from the house that they could talk and do things without worrying about getting caught. "That was kind of exciting. Can't say I've ever done something like that before on a date." He told her, and he hadn't. He'd never actually done anything like that on a date. He had sneaked out of girls windows before, he'd sneaked in their windows too. But he hadn't been on a date with said girls when he'd sneaked out. Really he'd been sneaking out in the middle of the night after they'd shagged and she was worried her parents would come in and it was his only way out. Or when said girl had called him in the middle of the night for a quick shag and he just sneaked out the next morning. So really climbing out of the window wasn't anything new to Harry. Sneaking out on a date though that was new. "It's this way." He told her offering his arm again with a smile, he was kind of excited to go to this park and see if it really was a big deal like everyone made it out to be. Well as big a deal as they could make out of it, since most people hadn't really been inside.
    Sage smirked against Zayn's skin when she heard him groan. "Good boy." She whispered to him trailing her fingers over him again. "I know, but you would've told me to stop if you didn't like it." She cooed into his ear. Sage wasn't stupid, she totally knew what she was doing to Zayn. She knew she was slowly driving him mad just to get some kind of reaction out of him which pretty much meant she was teasing him. Hell she even knew that he was more than likely going to retort in some way before the day was over to get back at her, but oh well. She was having fun right now with Zayn, and that was what she cared about at the moment.
    March 17th, 2014 at 02:32am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    [So, I'm not sure if I hit reply on the other two or was way too early yesterday morning before I left for work...Facepalm]

    Arielle grinned. "It was kind of exciting, and I can't say that I have either." She agreed. This date was a lot more exciting than most of the ones she had been on in the past. She would give him that. And he really didn't seem like a douche either. Of course, this could all just be an act, but something told her that it wasn't. Something told her that he was being complete honest and genuine and real with her. And she liked the person she was getting to know. The Harry that she was getting to know was creative and sweet and funny. And he wasn't really a douche at all. "Well, what are we waiting for? I didn't just grab this thing for nothing."
    Zayn let out another groan, a string of curse words escaping his lips as well. She was killing him right now. And, if she continued, well, regardless of whether or not she continued, he was going to figure out a way to get back at her later on. And he would make sure that he did so when she least expected it too, because that was when things got fun. And he sort of liked acting spontaneously sometimes. "You're evil." He groaned. "An evil woman. That's what you are."
    March 17th, 2014 at 03:18am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ you did. I'll go reply in a few ]

    Once she'd taken Harry's arm he began to lead her down the road to where the park was located. Honestly he was still slightly shocked that she'd agreed to come on this date with him in the first place. But he did think that it was pretty awesome how amazing the date was turning out, and of course how well he was charming her. Really Harry knew he was good at charming people and getting what he wanted so he'd kind of figured that it would only be a matter of time until she agreed to come with him. He just hadn't thought it'd be this soon. He wasn't complaining though. He actually kind of like her. She was pretty and fun to be around, clearly she was up for doing things that could get them in trouble were they caught, and she just wasn't anything like other girls he'd met. And of course he'd told his friends his plan to get her to give him a second choice but he probably wouldn't tell them how much he actually liked her. He didn't even know what was going on or what would come of this anyways. He was just kind of letting things play out how they played out.
    Sage enjoyed torturing Zayn. She liked having this hold on him. Though she'd admit it kind of turned her on just hearing him groan and so she wanted him. But she could hide the fact that she was turned on a lot easier than he could. "Why thank you." She cooed before deciding to just take the next step and wrapped her fingers around his shaft and slowly started to pump in her hand. She could easily think of a few other things that she could do to him if she really wanted to be evil but she didn't plan on doing that. Really she was still kind of shocked Zayn was just letting her go about her thing. Really things like this were fun, they were always the best because you had no idea what was going to happen. She didn't know how long Zayn could hold out or how long she could keep going before she was telling him how much she wanted him. Just like she didn't know if he was going to flip over and take his time to torment her or what. And the fact that neither of them knew what the other was really thinking was just kind of thrilling.
    March 17th, 2014 at 03:51am