that awkward moment.

  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Arielle was still sort of considered the new girl at work. She'd only been living in London for a few months now, not even six at that, so she supposed that it was an accurate term really. She didn't mind her job. She didn't love it, but it wasn't terrible either, and it paid the bills, so what could she really complain about? She wasn't totally miserable, so that was a step above where some people were in terms of their jobs and career choices. She arrived early. She was one of those people who was paranoid about being late for anything really, so she always liked to arrive a good ten to fifteen minutes early. And that especially pertained to anything that was work related. She just didn't think that it looked professional to saunter in even five minutes late. And, seeing as she was still kind of the new girl, the last thing that she wanted was to give off a negative sort of impression.
    Zayn was taking the mutual silence between them as a good sign. It wasn't the awkward sort of silence that made the air in a room so thick that a knife wouldn't be able to cut through the tension. The atmosphere right now was anything but tense, so he wasn't really all that concerned. Of course, he wondered where this left him and Sage in terms of their friendship, but he wasn't sure if he should voice his question just yet. So, he stared down at the fiery redhead who was still beneath him for a few more seconds before he finally spoke. "That was...unexpected." He said, letting out a soft chuckle.
    February 13th, 2014 at 04:15am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Harry slipped on his jacket and made sure to grab him umbrella on his way out. You could never be too careful in London, and even if the weather didn't call for rain there would still probably be rain. More often than not it was going to rain, so he always carried his umbrella with him. Once he'd secured everything needed he walked out of his flat and locked it up behind him deciding to stop by the coffee shop for a coffee, since he was kind of tried as he'd gotten very little sleep the night before thanks to all this business about sleeping with a hooker. Though the thought that maybe she wasn't a hooker and everything he'd seen had just been a simple misunderstanding had never crossed his mind. And maybe if it had, maybe if he hadn't jumped to conclusions he wouldn't be about to walk into one of the most awkward confrontations of his life. But he was about to walk into that, because he did think things through really well sometimes as just jumped to conclusions.
    Sage nodded her head. "Very." She replied biting her lip as she wondered where this left them. Of course they were stil friends, or at least she hoped they'd still be friends because it would suck to suddenly lose a friendship over this. What she wondered was were they still just friends, were they friends who were goons hook up more so like friends with benifits or what. And she couldn't really help but ask, "so I don't want to make things awkward, but where exactly does this leave us?" And she needed to know. She felt like she needed to know what they were doing here because once things were defined things couldn't be gotten confused. Well maybe they could when one person saw things differntly than the other, but she felt that as long as herself and Zayn defined everything now and were honest with one another like they'd always been in the past everything would be fine.
    February 13th, 2014 at 04:44am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    The last thing Arielle was expecting to happen was going to happen. As much as she'd been trying not to think about Harry and the events of the night prior, she couldn't really help doing so. The sex had been good. Amazing even. However, he'd been a total douche bag and left in the middle of the night. There were pros and cons to everything, but the cons obviously outweighed the pros in this case. If she ever saw that curly-haired, green-eyed, charmer again, she was going to let him have it. Little did she know that she would be seeing him much sooner than she ever would have anticipated.
    Zayn could tell that there was something on her mind. And it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what it was. In all honesty, he was kind of wondering the same exact thing. He just hadn't wanted to voice it, but he was glad that she'd brought it up, because he was sure that it would have bothered him if they hadn't at least talked about it. Of course, that also meant the dreaded so moment. And for a moment, he was silent. He was gathering his thoughts, trying to figure out what it was he was going to say to her. "Where exactly do you want it to leave us?" He finally asked her.
    February 13th, 2014 at 05:16am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Harry walked into his work place, coffee in one hand while the other pushed open the door. He still had about five minutes before he officially had to clock in, which meant about fifteen minutes to gather his thoughts and make sure everything was ready for the presentaion. But he wasn't worried. Actually he was sure if himself, and sure that this was going to be the best one yet. Or at least he'd talked himself into believing that all morning so far as he didn't wanna blow this and confidence was a good thing. Harry didn't feel like anything could ruin this for him. Of course he didn't know that the girl he thought was a hooker wasn't and she was working on something with the company he worked for, but he'd find out soon enough and then he wouldn't be feeling so confident.
    Sage knew that Zayn along with Harry didn't really do serious relationship. She knew Zayn had tried a few times but they never worked out so he'd settled for hook up. She knew about their roster of girls they'd call when they needed a good shag after a long day and either didn't feel like going out or the night was a bust for him but not her. She even knew about the so moment and how dreaded it was to have. But she felt like this was one of those so moments that if it didn't happen things would get awkward. "I'm not sure." She replied softly, "I mean where do you want this to leave us?" She asked him wondering. She knew she didn't wanna be another late night booty call to him but other than that she didn't know.
    February 13th, 2014 at 05:47am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Arielle walked through the door's of the company's building that she was working with for the time being. The last thing she was expecting was to see the douche bag who slept with her and left in the middle of the night without so much as a note. This was London. It was a big enough city. It wasn't some small town or village. Why would she expect to run into him? Of course, she hoped that she did see him at some point in the future because she did want to give him a piece of her mind. That she knew for a fact, but she definitely wasn't expecting it to happen this soon. She headed down the hall to the conference room where the meeting was being held. She offered a polite smile to the people who were already seated inside before taking a seat in one of the vacant seats surrounding the oval-shaped table.
    Zayn hadn't been in a serious relationship since university. And even then he'd only been in two throughout all four years. After that, he'd sort of developed similar habits to Harry. He would go out, meet a random girl with Sage's help, and then they'd head back to his place and hook-up. He wouldn't necessarily say that he had a roster like his curly-haired best mate, but he did have a couple of girls numbers saved in his phone just in case. And he did sort of dread these awkward so moments, not as much as Harry did, but he came in a close second. "I'm really not sure to be completely honest." He said quietly. "Maybe we could just let things run their course and see where that takes us?" He didn't want to put a label on them just yet.
    February 13th, 2014 at 04:54pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ Fuck Dylan O'Brien. He is legit ruining my life more than Harry currently. The little shit. I am never going to be emotionally okay with this episode of Teen Wolf, and it's his fault Swoon ]

    Harry sipped on his coffee while he stopped by his desk to grab everything he had there that he needed from the presentation then he was headed off towards the conference room where the meeting was. "About time you made it Styles." He heard one of the others said and he just chuckled. "According to my watch I still had another two minutes until the meeting officially started anyways so I think I'm good." He sassed back taking his seat at the table and starting to set everything up before he look around the room and totally lost it. There she was. The girl from last night that he'd ran out on sitting in the room. And he felt even worse than he did last night suddenly. Why was she here? This wasn't really a place he'd expected to see her, clearly if he'd known that he could run into her here or that this was even a possibility then he wouldn't have came to work today. He still had plenty of sick days stacked up to use, and he would've been more than willing to let someone else have this if he'd known she'd be here and he could've avoided her. He didn't know why she was here though. And he hadn't thought that he'd have to worry about running to her here. "Uh Harry are you going to present or just stand there like an idiot?"
    Sage bit her lip while she waited for his answer. "I think letting things run their course and see where that takes us sounds like a good idea." She told him not sure either of them were really ready for a label just yet. She knew he didn't really do well with those, and well she didn't either she supposed. She'd been in more relationships than Zayn while they were at uni, but none of them had really worked out which was why she'd turned to hooking up when she felt like it so she didn't really know if she was any better at them than he was and it might not really be the right time for them to start a relationship. Maybe just hooking up for now and seeing where that led would be good for them. Really the only way to figure that out would be to try it out and see what happened.
    February 14th, 2014 at 06:50am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    [I think the worst part is that it's probably only going to get worse. I mean we're guaranteed to lose someone on the show who has been there since season 1, and everyone seems to think it's Lydia and I'm not okay with that. Not at all. And the only alternative would be Stiles, but I hope that they get the damn nogitsune to leave and that, if he really does have what his mom had, and it's not just something caused by the nogitsune's possession of him, that Scott bites him, because werewolf Stiles would be hella sexy. Or, ya know, they could make my Superwolf fantasies happen and Sam and Dean could show up and help with the whole possession thing. Yeah, that would be awesome too.]

    Arielle knew it was him without even a single glance over to him. Really, his voice was a dead giveaway. She'd never met anyone who dragged his words out as much as he did, nor had he met someone who spoke as slowly as he did. Not to mention the fact that she didn't think she could forget how sexy the deep rasp combined with his accent was. Yeah, she was admitting that she thought his voice was sexy, but he was still a total douche bag, so it wasn't like it mattered or anything, right? She wondered if she realized it was her, however, when she did look up and her cerulean eyes locked with his emerald ones for a moment, it was quite obvious that he did. He had that whole deer caught in the headlights sort of expression written across his entire face. Yep, he recognized her. She sent a sickeningly sweet smile his way but didn't say anything. Not yet at least.
    Zayn was rather relieved that they seemed to be on the same page with this. He just really didn't know what he wanted right now. He hadn't been in a serious relationship in years, not to mention the fact that this was Sage. He didn't want to completely fuck things up with her. Obviously things were rather different between them right now, but she was still his best mate, and he still valued their friendship. He didn't want to lost the relationship that they already had with each other because he jumped into things with her far too quickly. He knew that it was a bit ironic seeing as they'd just shagged, and maybe they were doing things a bit backwards, but that was besides the point. From here on out, he wanted to just let things run their course and then go from there. "Good." He smiled slightly before leaning down and pressing his lips to hers softly.
    February 14th, 2014 at 04:47pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ I know! And I'm not okay with it either. Like I've been struggling to come to terms with losing someone from season 1 since I found out we were losing someone from season 1. And when I'd thought it was Lydia, which sadly I still do kind of think it's going to be Lydia I was not okay. Half because I love Lydia, and half because I couldn't imagine what that would do to Stiles and it broke my heart to think of him losing her. Even if they aren't dating and well if one of them dies they won't date, we all know that he loves her. Not in the same way as in season 1, because I think his love for her has grown and matured and it isn't the same anymore. But I think he'd be the most broken by her death because of how he feels about her, how he wants to protect her, and how much he needs her in his life since she's become a part of it. But then I think what if they kill Stiles. Because I mean it's possible, I don't want it to happen, but it's still possible. And I'll lose it. I hope they don't kill either of them though, I think I'd be okay with anyone else dying, other than Scott. Well I wouldn't be okay when it happened, but I'd be okay eventually I hope. I just want Scott to find something to help him, and it better not be that nogitsune's possession of him doing this. Though it could be. They just need to get that thing out of him like now. ]

    Harry pushed his fingers through his curls, he rubbed the back of his neck, and he finally let out a sigh before he turned his attention back to the presentation he was doing. "Yea sorry. I uh I was just having a moment." He told them popping his fingers and picking up his board and placing it on the stand to show them what he'd come up with, and pretty much explain what he had on the board. Though he knew he was off his game today and not giving the best explanation. It was because she was here, she was making him nervous. She wasn't supposed to be here, he wasn't supposed to ever see her again, and he was eventually supposed to just come to terms that he'd left in the middle of the night. Of course considering he'd thought she was a hooker, he'd tried not to feel to bad and just told himself it was for the best. Because he didn't have hooker money, however seeing her now made him curious. Why was she here, was she a hooker on the side of some other job that required her to be here, what. Though if she were a hooker then why did she need another job. He was pretty sure most hookers made good money, not that he'd know for sure though since he wasn't one and had never met one before either he was pretty sure.
    Sage kissed him back softly feeling rather okay with everything. She'd never really had a problem with the dreaded so moments. Of course she hadn't been in a serious relationship in a while and even then she'd never really had a moment like this. Plus the guys she slept with knew it was a one night stand. And she knew that that was all it was to them too. Which was good. Knowing where you stand is a good thing, and even if maybe by chance one of the guys she'd been with had wanted something a bit more she didn't make it easy for them to reach her. But that was because she wasn't like the girls Harry knew. She wasn't someone who wanted to be put on someone's roster and only be called up once a week or so when they were suddenly in the mood. She'd sleep with them once if that was where the night led them and go from there. Though usually the two would part ways the next morning and all would be well. Things were a bit different with Zayn though, and they'd both needed to know officially where they stood with one another since they were still mates and would kind of be seeing a lot of one another like usual.
    February 14th, 2014 at 05:27pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    [Like why is Jeff Davis doing this to us? It's seriously just not okay. I was upset when they killed Boyd and Erica earlier this season, but I wasn't nearly as attached as I am to the people who have been there from the very beginning. I definitely think it's either going to be Lydia or Stiles, but I'm leaning more towards it being Lydia, because I think Jeff realizes how much of an uproar there will be if he kills off Stiles. I know so many people who only started watching the show because they saw gif sets of Stiles on tumblr and stuff.]

    Arielle was fairly quiet for the most part. She was sort of waiting for the right time to say something. She could tell that her presence was bothering him. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out, though she really didn't care if she caused him to be off his game. She was pissed. She felt used. She'd been looking for a hook-up, sure, but she would have liked for him to at least stay until the next morning. It just didn't make her feel good knowing that this clearly was just another fuck for him. Another one night stand most likely. "Why does he look like he's trying to get away though?" She finally asked, speaking for the first time since he'd entered the conference room. "This is London after all. There's so much that this place has to offer, plus if he cares enough about her, or at least has some morals, he'll talk to the girl before he just up and leaves. I mean, I think the worst thing a man can do is up and leave a girl in the middle of the night. Unless, of course, he really could care less. I mean, I suppose that that's possible too."
    Zayn had a feeling that he was going to like this. He was glad that they weren't putting a label on any of this, because he really didn't know what any of this meant at all. He was glad that she was okay with just letting things run their course, because he liked what had happened tonight, but he also didn't want to totally fuck up his friendship with Sage either. If they put a label on this, he had a feeling that it would only complicate things more. And the last thing that he wanted was for things to be more complicated than they needed to be. He pulled back a few moments later. "Do you, um still want to watch a movie?" He asked her curiously.
    February 14th, 2014 at 05:40pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ I wish I knew. Yea I was a bit upset finding out Erica was dead. I cried a bit when they killed Boyd. But I mean they haven't been there since season one so I haven't had as much time to really get attached to them, plus they both kind of annoyed me for most of season 2, but I mean Stiles and Lydia are probably my two favorite characters in general. And I don't want either of them to die. But their the only two who make sense. Which sucks. And I'm leaning more towards Lydia too. Which is still gonna suck. I swear this show is killing me. ]

    Harry was taken back when she spoke up, he didn't know why really. If anything he should've known that she'd say something. It'd been kind of obvious to him since the night before when he'd actually met her that she spoke her mind freely and didn't really care. Yet he was taken back right now and not even entirely sure how to answer her. Before he could think of an answer he heard one of the other people talking and before he knew it they were all looking at him wondering what he thought. "You're right. Maybe he's just scared. Maybe he got the wrong impression of her and freaked out and thought his only option was to leave hoping he wouldn't have to see her again and make things more awkward." He said though he knew it wasn't a very good answer, or maybe it was but wouldn't make many people happy. He didn't know, but this whole thing was getting really awkward for him right now. And clearly he was going to have to talk to her about last night. Or at least he wanted to. He wanted to make sure she knew that he was sorry he'd bailed, but he'd kind of thought she was a hooker and hadn't had the money to pay her. Which sounded really bad so he'd try and think of something better to tell her before he talked to her about anything.
    Sage had totally forgotten that Zayn had been there to watch a movie. He hadn't come home with her from the bar so they could hook up, that had just kind of happened. Of course now that it had happened they were just going to let it be and see where that took them, and she was okay with that. Surprisingly enough she didn't have a problem with anything, and she didn't really know why nothing was really bothering her, but she really did feel fine. No need for anymore awkward so moments. "Yea, I mean that was the plan from the start anyways." She said nodding her head some, they might as well watch a movie. And Zayn might as well stay. Truthfully she'd never slept with a guy and not woken up next to him the following morning. Of course considering she usually didn't invite guys to her place and didn't feel like leaving when they were done because that wasn't the type of girl she was it made sense to her to wake up next to them. And even if they didn't finish the movie, or even didn't watch the movie she wanted Zayn to stay.
    February 16th, 2014 at 09:31am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    [Teen Wolf just messes with my emotions way too much, and apparently during the marathon today, the cast confirmed a major character death in 3B....I'm not ready for this. I'm not ready for this at all.]

    Arielle could see that she'd taken him by surprise. He obviously wasn't expecting her to speak, though she could tell that he knew that this wasn't so much about his presentation. Really, it had just been the perfect time for her to show just how pissed off she really was with him. "Leaving is taking the easy way out. It's cowardly and spineless. Women like confrontation. They like when guys are honest with them." She said. She was fairly quiet for the remainder of the meeting. She'd put her two-sense in, although it had been for more than the purpose of the presentation, and she really just didn't have much of anything else to say. Once the meeting was over, she stood up, and headed out of the conference room with all intentions of not talking to the curly-haired douchebag.
    It was fairly obvious that things hadn't exactly gone as planned, but Zayn sure as hell wasn't complaining. Sure, this was the last thing that he would have expected to happen, but it wasn't weird or awkward like he'd always expected it to turn out. In fact, it was kind of the exact opposite. The sex had been great, and he felt like things with Sage were still good. They were both in agreement as to what to do with the whole situation, and the dreaded so moment hadn't been as bad as it normally was for him. In fact, it hadn't been bad at all. "Alright." He climbed off of her and got dressed, not bothering to check his phone which was still in the pocket of his jeans, before he grabbed the remote, and put Netflix back on. "Do you still want to watch The Avengers or are you in the mood for something else?" He asked her curiously.
    February 16th, 2014 at 09:22pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ mine too. I don't think I realized that the marathon came on this morning or I probably would've watched it. But yea they confirmed one of the main characters is going to die and they aren't going to be brought back to life. I watched these two videos and they showed Lydia, Allison, Scott, Stiles, Isaac, and Derek, I think that was everyone, in a flash and it said 'who's gonna die' or something like that. Point is any of them are possible. And there are people all over tumblr saying that Dylan confirmed that Stiles isn't going to be the one to die but I just don't know. ]

    Harry went through the rest of the presentation totally off his game. And he couldn't have been happier it was over when it ended. Though he was also super nervous because now he knew that he had to talk to her about last night so she'd understand that he'd made a mistake. Which this wasn't something he usually did. Of course neither was walking out on girls in the middle of the night after he shagged them, but he'd made an exception when he'd thought she was a hooker so now he had to make an exception because he'd been an idiot to think that in the first place. "Arielle!" He called after her running after her once he made it out of the conference room. "Uh could I talk to you for just a second. There's something I need to tell you." He hoped she'd go along and let him talk to her, because he wanted to apologize. He really wasn't the douche bag he'd made himself seem like this morning when he wasn't there.
    Sage eventually climbed off the couch to find her kickers and step back into them, then she pulled her sweater back on and pulled her hair up into a messy bun. "The Avengers is fine." She told him picking up their glasses, "I'll be back in a minute." She told him figuring she'd grab them some more drinks and pop some popcorn for the movie and they'd get back to their movie night like they'd planned to have in the first place. She noticed her reflection in the mirror she had set up in her dining room like area and gently moved her fingers up to touch the hickey that Zayn had left on her pale skin. And she couldn't help but roll her eyes. It was dark and probably going to be there a while, so she was thankful that it was cold outside and still perfect weather to need scarfs or it'd be pretty obvious she was trying to hide it. Because even though it'd been fun, and she'd do it again, Sage wasn't one of those people who liked the whole world to know her business. She'd rather just keep whatever went on between her and Zayn between them for now and they could tell who they wanted. Plus people would know something was up if they saw it because she didn't usually let guys give her hickeys, and if they insisted on it then she made sure they knew it wasn't to be visible, so like somewhere other than her neck. Yet Zayn had given her one in plain sight on her neck, and she knew there was another one not far from it on her collarbone, and who knew if there were more. She'd kind of gotten so lost in how amazing everything felt she hadn't really registered how many different places he'd kissed and left marks.
    February 16th, 2014 at 10:04pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    [I'm totally not ready. I'm too emotionally attached to these characters. Facepalm]

    Arielle was halfway down the hallway when she heard him call her name. So close. She'd been so close. Letting out an annoyed sigh, she turned, arms crossed, and an eyebrow raised. "What could you possibly need to tell me?" She asked. She wasn't going to act like nothing was wrong. She was still pretty pissed off, and the last thing that she wanted to do was talk to him right now. She knew that she should at least give him some time to explain himself, however, a part of her didn't want to be fair and do so. But she was going to be fair, and let him explain himself, if that was what he needed to so urgently talk to her about, however, she still didn't feel like he even deserved time to give an explanation. She was going to be the better person though, and give him the benefit of the doubt.
    Zayn nodded. "Alright." He said, settling back down onto the couch. He propped his feet up on the coffee table in front of it, and lounged back, getting everything set up just as he had done so before. Of course, there had been a bit of a...distraction earlier, but he was planning on actually sitting here and watching a movie with her like they normally would. And he was sure that he'd be spending the night too. It was kind of late, and he really didn't feel like trekking across London in the middle of the night to his and Harry's flat. Not to mention the fact that he had no idea if Harry'd brought that girl from the bar home with him or not, and he really didn't want to find out right now. Not until he was sure that his curly-haired friend was fully-clothed, or rather as clothed as he could be. So, he was going to stay at Sage's because he was sure that she wouldn't mind if he did anyway.
    February 16th, 2014 at 10:58pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ I'm becoming more emotionally unstable each week thanks to this damn show. ]

    "Uh," Harry started rubbing his neck and biting his lip awkwardly. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry about last night. It wasn't part of my plan to run out one you. I know you're probably not gonna believe me and I totally understand. But I promise I'm not like that. I just kind of panicked last night because I went to the bathroom and when I came back I noticed all these hooker signs and thought you were a hooker. And I mean I don't think I would've cared or noticed if my friend hadn't been going on yesterday about them anyways and how we needed to get our other friend a hooker. But I did and freaked out because I mean thought you were a hooker and kind of bolted." He told her feeling like a idiot as he said it, and afterwards too. He couldn't really believe that he'd told her that, or that he'd actually believed that she was a hooker because now that he thought about it he was pretty sure she would've dropped hits about that one all night. Or he hoped they did because he'd never slept with a hooker and it'd be one hell of a morning after if you didn't know you'd slept with a hooker and had to pay up the next morning.
    Sage fixed their drinks and then headed back into the living room with everything, handing over his cup then sitting down next to him and kicking up her own feet while she sat the bowl of popcorn in her mouth and her glass on the end table. She planned to actually watch the movie now, not get distracted by Zayn or anything that Zayn may have done. Really she wasn't planning on thinking too long about it either because she really really didn't want to over think anything or make things awkward and they'd already talked about where this left them so no needed to over think about it. She was just happy things weren't awkward with them, and that he was still here planning to stay the night because truthfully she wasn't entirely sure how she'd feel if he didn't stay. She might be a little hurt, of course she wouldn't let him know that, but he'd probably figure out that one out and then things would get weird. But he was still here and staying the night so as was well.
    February 18th, 2014 at 08:49pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    [same, girl, same. I was shouting at my TV last night...granted, my friend and I were a wee bit tipsy, but that's besides the point.]

    Arielle stared at him incredulously. "You thought I was a hooker?" She repeated slowly, not sure if she had heard him correctly or not, and she was sort of trying to process all of this in her head. "Why? What even is a hooker sign?" She couldn't really think of a single thing that might lead him to believe that she was a hooker. She had standards and class, and okay, maybe a hooker would hook-up with a random guy from a bar, in fact a hooker would do just that, but normal girls did that too, right? She wasn't stooping to the level of a hooker, was she? Maybe she'd been a bit desperate last night, but she just hadn't had sex in a while, and he was attractive, and right there, so how could she not seize the opportunity? She would have been beyond stupid if she'd done so.
    Zayn offered her a small smile in thanks when she handed him his drink. "Round two." He joked, chuckling softly as he pressed play so the movie would start. He had every single intention of actually watching the movie this time around. He wasn't going to let Sage cause him any sort of a distraction this time. Not that he thought she would purposely try to distract him, and not that he was complaining about what had happened earlier when they'd first tried to watch the movie, because that was really the last thing that he was even remotely thinking of doing. He was really glad that things didn't seem too awkward, actually they weren't awkward at all, with him and Sage. They still seemed to be on good terms, and there was no tension in the air whatsoever. What more could really ask for right now?
    February 19th, 2014 at 04:31am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ Yea I was shouting at my TV too. Well in the beginning I was. By the end I was hugging my knees in a ball on the footstool in my living room crying because Evil Stiles was trying to kill Scott. It was just too much for me. ]

    Harry rubbed his neck awkwardly again and slightly shrugged his shoulders. "Well yea. I mean you had hooker boots, there was a box of unused condoms on the floor next to your dresser. There was even that magazine with the hooker ad on it. Everything I saw pointed in the direction of you being a hooker. Plus I was half tipsy and hardly thinking right as it was. I mean clearly you're not a hooker and I see that now, but at the time I'd thought you were." He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Really nothing else made sense to him. Sure maybe other girls had hooker boots, and he was sure there were plenty of reasons why she had so many condoms, like maybe she wasn't having a lot of sex, but at like 1 am when he was still slightly tipsy from all the drinks he'd had, plus tired from the sleep he wanted, and still feeling a little high off life thanks to the amazing sex he'd had his mind didn't really function or think things through. The first thing that came into his mind with everything was she was a hooker, and the only way he knew how to handle that was to make sure he wasn't there when she woke up so he wouldn't have to pay with money he didn't have.
    Sage rolled her eyes and shook her head laughing softly at Zayn, but keeping her attention focused on the TV. She'd heard really good things about this movie, and maybe it was kind of sad that she still hadn't watched it, but she was now actually going to watch it and hope that it was as good as everyone said it was. She would've went and saw it when it was playing in the cinema if there hadn't been a million other things going on in her life at the time. Or she'd been in town and around anyone who'd actually want to see it with her. Instead she'd been out of town visiting her parents who'd begged her to come visit them for a while to see their new home, and when she'd came back to town everyone who would've watched it with her had already seen it and didn't wanna fork up the money to go see it again. It didn't really matter to her that much though. And on top of that things were still smooth with Zayn. The air wasn't tense, she didn't feel awkward sitting here next to him, and she honestly wasn't bothered by anything that'd happened between them. She wasn't even upset that she knew he'd left love bites or hickeys or whatever the hell he wanted to call them in sight for anyone to see unless she was covering them up well, which was really going to be hard since they were kind of dark and her skin was kind of pale.
    February 19th, 2014 at 04:50am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    [I just can't handle this show. Facepalm]

    Arielle was silent for a moment as she stared at him in disbelief. She could see that he was being completely serious. He wasn't pulling her leg or anything. He really had thought that she was a hooker. "A lot of girls have boots like that, and did you stop to think for a second that maybe I'm just not having a lot of sex right now?" She asked. She just couldn't believe that he'd thought that she was a hooker. She was still sort of pissed off too though. Now she knew his reasoning for leaving, however, she didn't think it was a good enough excuse. And she still didn't really know him at all. Maybe he was lying and she just couldn't tell. Maybe he really was a douchebag who slept with a girl and then left her in the middle of the night. She didn't know. How could she? He was still practically a complete stranger to her.
    Zayn grinned widely, catching her rolling her eyes at him out of the corner of his eye as he'd focused his attention on the TV screen. He'd already seen this movie, however, he knew that Sage hadn't, so he figured that he'd put it on. He liked it, and he had a feeling that she would, and neither of them would be bored, so it was really just a win-win situation no matter how you looked at it. He sipped his drink quietly as he watched the movie, reaching over every so often to grab some popcorn from the bowl in Sage's lap. This was what a normal night-in was like for them. They'd sit around, drink and watch movies or catch up on a TV show that they both liked. It was really relaxing and chill, and he loved it. And he was really glad that they hadn't seemed to lose that relaxing atmosphere simply because of what had happened between them earlier.
    February 19th, 2014 at 05:06am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ I'm pretty sure I hit reply on the other roleplays I replied too but I can't remember. I had a lot going on yesterday... oh and I know, it's making me an emotional wreck. ]

    "Yea clearly I didn't think about that last night or we wouldn't be having this conversation right now." Harry told her softly rubbing his neck awkwardly. If he hadn't been so out of it last night, and hadn't totally noticed all those things he thought were hooker signs then he wouldn't have ran out totally freaked out. "Look I made a mistake last night by acting on my stupid impulse to leave rather than stick around and confirm that you're not a hooker. And I realize that was a stupid idea on my part and I'm sorry that I totally came off as a douche. But if you'd let me I'd really like to make it up to you." He told her being honest. He wanted to make up last night to her, maybe take her out for a tea or something sometime. Honestly it didn't matter where they went, he just wanted to make it up to her and try and prove that he wasn't the type of guy who left in the middle of the night without even a note. Last night had just been a mistake and if he'd actually thought things through instead of just jumping to conclusions then they wouldn't even be having this conversation right now. So he needed to make it up to her.
    Sage sat in silence next to Zayn stuffing popcorn in her mouth every so often while he eyes were practically glued to the TV. Of course she'd heard that The Avengers was a good movie. And she hadn't for a second doubted that it was, after all it was a Marvel superhero movie and well she'd yet to actually see one of those that wasn't good. Sure she wouldn't say that Captain America lived up to her expectations since she'd kind of expected it to be more action packed than it was, but it was still a good movie. This one though, well it was a lot better than she'd thought it'd be. There was action, and of course the amazing thing that is Tony Stark/Ironman's sass. Plus who could deny the total package that is Thor. Over all the movie was really good and she was happy with it.

    [ we should skip some time with Zayn and Sage. ]
    February 22nd, 2014 at 03:03pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Arielle was silent for a moment as she thought over what he said. Or, rather, she pretended to contemplate what he said. As if she had to even think twice about it. She was still beyond pissed off, despite the explanation he had given, and she hardly knew him, so for all she knew, he could have totally been bullshitting her. Maybe he did things like this all the time. He slept with girls, left in the middle of the night, and game up with some sort of an insane excuse in the hopes that the girl would forgive him so that he could have sex with them again only for him to do the same exact thing that he had done earlier. "You know what...okay. But you're only getting one chance to make this up to me." She grabbed a post-it note and pretended to scrawl down her number before she folded it and handed it to him. Instead of her number, she'd written: Go fuck yourself. Without another word, she turned and walked away.
    [Anywhere in particular?]
    February 22nd, 2014 at 05:06pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Harry smiled feeling like the air wasn't as tense anymore, until he got her note and it wasn't her number and before he had a chance to respond she was walking away. That hadn't went like he'd expected it to at all. Of course he supposed that he should've seen this coming. It wasn't like she was most girls, plus she didn't know him and probably thought he was bullshitting her or something. Which he supposed he could see, the sad part was though that he wasn't and he really did feel bad about what he'd done and how he'd handled everything. Of course this was one mess his curls and dimples wouldn't be getting him out of. If he really wanted to make this up to her, prove that he was sorry and wasn't the guy he'd made himself out to be by walking out last night and then kind of accusing her of being a hooker, then he'd have to do something big. He just didn't know what quite yet.
    [ I'm thinking maybe we could skip just a few days maybe to like right after they hooked up again, or maybe right before or something. Just so we can have them have the whole conversation about where they stand again when he lies to her and tells her he's told his friends about them when he hasn't... tehe ]
    February 23rd, 2014 at 04:25am