Pandora's School for the Magically Gifted (Dorm 221)

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    "ILLEGAL?!" Kalya hissed, using all of her self control to not to scream the word out as Ryker stormed off, wanting so very much to grab the cowardly vampire and force him to sit down- Gretta's fears echoing in her mind as she defeatedly slumped down in a seat back in the hospital room. She didn't even realize how cold it was. "I turn my back for one minute-"

    She knew that it wasn't comparable, but it seemed every time she neglected her duties to the young fae girl, something happened which put her in harms way. "Is she okay?" Kalyani asked the vampire woman, leaning against the arm rest and eying the heart machine wearily, acknowledging that she was calmer- though the demon man could have done this the right way if Ryker had just waited. "Honestly, he's such a child," she muttered, shaking her head, the anger giving way to worry and sadness.
    April 19th, 2015 at 07:29am
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    Gretta's teeth mashed together, cutting into her bottom lip as she tried to keep her cool. Leave it to Ryker to flee, sticking her with explaining things. The Spaniard was older than her and yet here she was cleaning up his mess. Part of her considered leaving him right here and now.

    "Miss, please calm down." she paused looking back into the hospital room, all she needed was Alice waking up again. "Her vitals are acceptable given the circumstances, it would be best if we let her rest for now." she paused putting the used needle into her apron pocket.

    "He did not give her very much, luckily. For now she is stable, but I need to speak with the front desk to take him off the visitor list, it would be unwise to let him see her for at least a week. She may ask for him but it is unwise to allow him back simply because of the side effects," Gretta stressed all the while not mentioning what the actual side effects are.

    Gretta wiped her hands on her apron before fixing her bun, her eyes staring into the hospital room before backing up, her hands going to the walkie-talkie in her pocket, using it to inform Jacob that his presence was no longer necessary and to send Fredrick home. She had no time to explain the situation to him, she was on the end of a long shift and needed to refuel in the nurses' quarters.

    "Do not worry, I need to go on break but when I come back I can explain the situation to her parents if you require it," She answered waiting for the Tiger's response.
    April 22nd, 2015 at 05:31pm
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    Today was full of actions that went against Kalya's beliefs.

    Like a child, she hadn't said anything to Alice's guardians as they reentered her room. Instead of taking the matter up herself, like any self respecting adult would do, she let the silence envelope them as Alice's steady breathing filled the room. It was a blissful silence, void of the previous agonizing cries the young girl had been burdened with. She closed her eyes once again, and without warning, dozed off. She awoke later to Alice's grandmother chewing Gretta out.



    Amin turned as the door opened, Ki glancing up at him briefly as he entered their room. Amin gave a half assed smirk in response as he slipped on his shirt, though in truth he felt slightly anxious. They had been joking throughout the day, their usual trio of Amin, Adel, and Ki much more lively given the recent....circumstance change. But now....

    Now they were alone. Literally. Everyone was heading to the hospital. Everyone. Bambi, Shion. Even Adel. The only reason he was staying- for the most part- was because of the limited space in the car.

    Amin wasn't too close to the girl...the others deserved to see her first. Their sitter would be gone only for the amount of time it took to drive the others to the hospital...

    Sucking it up, Amin tried for a light hearted chuckle. "Crazy...crazy day today, huh?"



    Shion fidgeted in his chair, Bambi sitting beside him, her anxiety just as palpable as his. He didn't like this, Ryker should have been here too- Bambi said he was being too much of a baby and wouldn't come. Shion wasn't so sure, but he didn't question her- she was already angry with him for this morning. He didn't want her to give him the silent treatment again.

    He rubbed the bruise on his knee, gritting his teeth as the tension eased from the muscles. Those boys had come dangerously close to actually hurting him today, but it was his fault. He had lost his temper. He should have known not to fight back...

    Kalya finally came out, and Adel nudged Bambi's arm, rousing her from her studies. She nodded upwards, giving her the queue to go ahead- that is, until Kalya raised a hand and motioned for them to sit back down. "She's just roused, and she's still....medicated," Kalya hesitated, and Shion kept his gaze pinned straight for her mouth, absorbing every word. "Only one person can come in at a time right now. Her father is in there, but her grandmother has gone to the...cafeteria, to allow others to visit. Who would like to go first?"
    May 5th, 2015 at 06:53am
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    The Goblin smirked rolling his shoulders as Amin danced around like he had all day. As if avoiding the conversation was something he could do. Ki didn't mind the sight though and didn't bother hiding watching the boy redress. Although if things went his way that activity would seriously be for not.

    "And here we are again. Alone." The boy grinned shaking his shaggy hair before collapsing back onto Amin's bed as if he owned the thing. Resting rather lazily on his elbows.

    "Crazy yes, but would you be shocked if I said I've lived crazier?" he snorted rolling his eyes to the ceiling before biting his bottom lip.

    "Last night was crazier." He murmured eyeing the boy hopefully.

    "Wouldn't you agree?"
    May 5th, 2015 at 07:11am
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    "Not at all," Amin deadpanned, tossing his bag onto his bed next to the goblin as he flopped down next to him as well. There was a brief touching of shoulders as Amin discretely moved Ki away from him, and it wasn't as if he lingered there, not at all. He side eyed Ki now, eyed his body which was draped on his bed as if it was- well, as if it was Ki's bed.

    "You have a habit of making yourself too comfortable with other peoples things, you know that?" The tone came off annoyed, but there was a teasing undertone that wasn't lost on the goblin- he'd have to have been oblivious as hell. "I'm sure I've had experiences much crazier than you could imagine," the phoenix teased, egging the boy to make a move.
    May 5th, 2015 at 07:21am
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    Bambi shook her head, putting down her book as she crossed her arms. "You didn't tell us this, I wanted to go with Adel," she verified wrinkling her nose as she looked at the Tiger. "I-I'd rather not go alone, can we just wait a little while?" She asked looking back at the Phoenix as if asking if this was an alright idea. She didn't want to go in alone. At the moment she wasn't exactly talking to Shion so that crossed him off the list as well. Part of her though also didn't want to see his face when he saw whatever was in that room and she didn't want him to see her when she saw Alice either.
    May 5th, 2015 at 07:23am
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    Ki smirked, half those experiences Amin couldn't even recount and even more of them had to do with the Goblin in question in the first place. Ki only rolled his eyes, his glamour slipping turning his white skin into the mossy green shade that he was happy did not seem to bother the other boy. His eyes turning their hypnotic golden shade he knew weakened the other boy's knees.

    "Oh really, I hadn't noticed," He mused inching even closer to the other his eyes flicking towards the door, "you locked it right?" he asked before running his fingers down Amin's chest.
    May 5th, 2015 at 07:51am
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    Kalya pursed her lips in sympathy, nodding as she understood. "I didn't mention it, you're right. I-" her brows furrowed as she looked between the three students, upset as she noticed the lack of interaction between the fox and the witch doctor...that was a bridge to cross at another time, though. "Shion can go first...I'll speak with her father, to see if he can leave the room momentarily and allow you two to go in at the same time..."

    Shion stood, looking back at Bambi as Kalya motioned him forward, slipping another "sorry" as he walked closer to the door, heart pounding as the scents grew more and more cumbersome. Kalya apologized to the girls once more, then pulled Shion aside right before he reached the door, putting an hand on his shoulder and squeezing reassuringly. Easily she spoke in Japanese, thanks to Rob specializing the spell for the boy. "She'll look shocking to you, Shion. But right now she's not in too much pain. If your senses become too overloaded, let me know- there's nothing wrong with needing a step back, okay?" She whispered, trying her best to give him a comforting smile as he looked at her with wide eyed horror. Her sleep deprivation made her usual care with these subjects practically nonexistent. All she could do was offer advice to make seeing her easier, and provide the support he needed and Alice needed.

    "I'll be right behind you, okay?..."


    Shion nodded, taking a deep breath and gulping it down before he knocked tentatively on the door and entered. He kept to breathing through his mouth, clutching the stuffed animal he had brought from Alice's room in his hands. She may not be able to hold it now, but he hoped that just its presence would be enough to cheer her up slightly...

    He glanced next to her bed, where a man near his fathers age, or slightly younger than him, sat. He managed a feeble greeting in english to the man...then after thinking, tried the one danish word Alice had taught him that meant hello. If Kalyani looked bad, this man looked worse. Circles surrounded his eyes and his face was so ashen that he could very well be one of the undead from Nari's favorite horror film with the ring character. He glanced passively at Shion and then Kalya approached him, and for the first time since he'd been here, he saw her composure shift entirely. She looked frightened- no, not frightened, but submissive and...guilty, Shion realized with shock. Much less dominant than normal. Though he couldn't understand her anymore, he knew she was talking about Bambi and Adel. She looked over to him every few moments then finally shooed him forward, letting him know it was okay to approach Alice.
    May 5th, 2015 at 08:13am
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    The bastard wasted no time when it came to trying to make the moves on him, Amin thought, staring into the golden depths that were Ki's eyes. Whenever he got caught looking into them he couldn't think, all thoughts escaped his mind and he found himself bumbling like an idiot.

    You're like a pathetic school girl, he chided himself. This is just Ki we're talking about....

    Before it had been a quick look, but now Ki allowed the glamor to stay completely off, and Amin realized he was leaning forward to meet Ki halfway. He ignored his question, taking the goblins hand from his chest and pulling him forward, lips crashing into Ki's as he smirked at the surprised reaction before ever-so-maybe not so gently rolling over and...tossing Ki off his bed.

    With an oomph Ki landed on the discarded bed sheets Amin had neglected to put on his bed that morning. "That's a nice look for you," he mused, toying with Ki's hair as he waited for a reaction.
    May 5th, 2015 at 08:35am
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    The world was slipping away, her eyelids heavy as she tried to pay attention to a corner of the room. It almost hurt to keep them open and she couldn't figure out why she was even trying. Dark, black, warm. Sleep she wanted to sleep. Words trickled down like raindrops. Kali sounded like raindrops and dew. Pretty and sad. So so so so so so so so sad. Had someone died? the room spun. The girl felt like she was on some fair ride. Colors faded and swirled around her mixing and morphing and sloshing together like some broken jigsaw puzzle. Her throat felt sore. She couldn't remember why. She could hardly feel her body. A liquid mush that was being absorbed into the bedding. She couldn't move. It was hard enough keeping her eyes open. Why was she keeping her eyes open.

    Her blue eyes blinked rapidly as the curtains were pulled back, her face grimacing as she tried to adjust to the colors. The smell of flowers wafting into her nose as she turned her head towards the shifting form. It was hard to focus. She had to remind herself that the flowers were on that side. No one smelled that way. She lost interest in the figure, her attention turning to the flowers. Tulips. She loved tulips. They were so pretty. How had they got there? How had she got there... She had lots of tulips in her garden in Denmark. She wanted to plant some here. She needed to ask Kali. They weren't in season. But they were so pretty.
    May 5th, 2015 at 08:41am
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    Surprise swelled in Ki's chest as Amin's lips made contact with his own, well that's new. The boy tasted of honey and unfinished promises. And just as quickly as it started the Persian's warmth was gone and his body sent tumbling off the bed. His butt hitting the wooden floor with an audible thump. Thank god no one was home or such a noise would send them running. God damn snoopy Shifters. The Goblin stared up at the boy with mock shock, trying to hide the excited grin off his face as he leaned back onto his elbows. Acting relaxed as if he also owned the floor. "Thank you the view is much nicer here," he smirked winking at the other boy before allowing himself to fall onto his back with an umph. "Who knew you were so dominating, well- get to it totally prone for springing now, might not get another chance for this bird-boy," he snorted with bravo.

    "Of course I will have to tell Adel how sex crazed you are, I doubt she knows what a deviant her brother is. What would people say? A respectable immortal sleeping with a sleazy Goblin? No one tell the Angels their poor virgin ears would bleed." Ki laughed as if actually enjoying himself. Pulling his arms behind his head, he was content upon his spot, if Amin wanted to continue things he'd have to finally reciprocate it couldn't all be free oral sex and pawing.

    Ki had needs too. Like Amin shirtless under him. Here he had been right in the process of just that and the boy had decided he wanted more playful foreplay first. What was it with Amin and the foreplay? It was like he was trying to frustrate him on purpose! Totally unfair. Completely utterly freaking unfair. But if Amin wanted to play this game Ki would change tactics. The boy was just as sex crazed as him. Sure he hadn't been waiting as long as Ki, but he was a renewed virgin or at least he was the night before... Boys at this age are all hormones he should know, he'd been stuck with it for freaking ever. Maybe it was time to give him some of the shit he'd been forced to workout on his own for years. If Amin wanted to play dirty Ki would roll with it. Hell he'd either have the kid itching to fix the problem in his pants himself or beg him for some relief. Amin had no idea what he'd just evoked because there wasn't anything Ki loved more than a game.
    May 7th, 2015 at 03:33am
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    Amin smirked, leaning down whilst cupping the nape of Ki's neck and bringing him forward to plant another kiss. He hadn't really had the opportunity to fool around like this. Before school was traveling, and before that had been home. Neither offered much in terms of partnership- or simply someone to fool around with on occasion.

    Amin felt himself hesitantly pulling away, knowing that what he was doing was foolish. For one, now was not the time to be doing things like this. He doubted Ki cared, but really- in the eyes of the great Ahura Mazda, could Amin do this type of nonsense without paying for it later?

    All of this wrestled at the back of his mind as he ignored his better senses, partaking in Ki's banter easily. "Bringing my sister into this?" He murmured, cocking an eye and bringing his legs around so he was sitting on the bed, looking down at Ki. He wrinkled his nose, "For someone so old, you suck when it comes to conversation, Hiro...." he trailed off, thinking of the respectable immortal part, the inner struggle he was having slowly brimming to the surface before he laughed it off.

    "Oh yes, those poor virgin angels. Reminds me- I need to get that Bart boys number. By the looks of it, he's more than interested- and less likely to take up my bed all the time," Amin pointed out, sliding down next to Ki. It seemed they were both daring the other to move. "He seems prone to a little corruption by their standards," there was a slight sneer of disdain as Amin said it, though he cushioned it with a tone of joking.

    "Your shirt, I never really liked it, you know," he murmured, hand running along Ki's arm and toying with the fabric, pulling Ki forward and towards him- his eyes shot up, slightly questioning if this was okay, but he still kept pulling, dragging the goblin so close he could practically sit on his lap if he wanted to. "Maybe we should...fix that?"
    May 7th, 2015 at 06:32am
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    Shion felt his heart shatter when he opened the curtain. Alice smelled of ointments, blood, and the burnt flesh he had smelled back at the clearing where she'd been attacked. She was hardly conscious. Her eyes were lolling all over the place, and he wondered if she even realized he was there.

    There was something off about her scent. It was muddled, and he could've sworn there were other people in the room with him, besides Kalya and Alice's father. He tried not to show how horrified he was, but it was impossible- the disgust at what Alice had had to endure was plastered on his face and couldn't be wiped off. His eyes were widened, lips compressed as he tried to hide his soft squeak of shock from being heard. Like in the clearing he felt himself needing to get out, out and away from the perceived danger.

    But this was Alice, and he needed her to know he was here, needed her to know she wasn't alone. Slowly, ever so slowly and painfully he stepped forward and forward, talking to her softly like a newborn kit. He placed her favorite stuffed animal on her bedside table, letting her know it was there but afraid to give it to her. He was honestly afraid to touch her. What wasn't covered in bandages was either scraped up or burnt- bright red or purple marks decorated most of what he could see.

    He glanced at her eyes, still lolling and trying to focus, and he asked a stupid question, one he knew was idiotic the moment it left his lips.

    "Alice, you- okay?"

    He flinched the minute he said it, remembering Ryker's anger at that same phrase. Okay wasn't a good word to use. It seemed like she couldn't understand, anyways....and, of course she wasn't. "I'm...I'm sorry, I- I. I'm sorry you got hurt," he tried to say, but it came out as pathetic murmuring and he had to stop himself from crying. Her hair was a mess- what was left of it, all disheveled brutalized. He didn't know what to do.

    He remembered those boys from earlier and their stupid comments. He remembered his anger and he wondered if she felt angry. He wanted to touch her hand, but couldn't- he was scared to touch her. So, so scared, and for a horrifying moment he wondered if he was scared of her.

    Or rather, scared for her. Seeing her like this made it all too real.
    May 7th, 2015 at 07:03am
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    "Yes, because soon to be fallens are so in right now; I heard Valerie telling the Witchboy the UnSeelie Brat is fucking his," Ki dished suddenly a broad smirk upon his face, "Sky sex, sounds promising, perhaps I should look this Bart up as well? Ha- As if! Wasting your time more like those prudes never give it away," the Goblin gloated shaking his dark hair before flashing the boy a dirty look, "wouldn't you much rather have someone more flexible with their time?"

    His lips pulled into a smirk as Amin pulled him tight, his black brow raising as his golden eyes shined brightly. This was interesting. Damn. Okay, he could roll with this. His fingers going to brush softly against Amin's clutched fist, before breaking the distance and craning his head back so he could get a good angle to kiss the boy. He was practically pushing himself off the floor, the position was less than comfortable and difficult when it came to unbuttoning his shirt. "Fuck," a button popped, "I loved this damn shirt," he whined before just ripping past the last buttons watching them fly across the room as he angrily shoved the cloth off his shoulders letting it fall to the floor under him. Pushing up he wasted no time changing the stance forcing Amin onto his back he straddled the boy's waist a victorious smile upon his lips as he used the surprise attack to work on removing the boy's upper layering.

    "Do I really need to move so you can take off the rest, because I'd rather like an up close view." he smirked down trailing his fingers away from the boy's wrists he'd shoved over his head to cup his face before nuzzling the Phoenix's ear.
    May 7th, 2015 at 07:06am
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    "Fuck the shirt, I'll buy you a new one," Amin grunted, smirking as he got his way and Ki took initiative. As the goblin pinned his arms above his head, he teased his new found lover playfully, a devilish glint in his eyes. "Just show me that you're flexible with more things than time, and then I'll be impressed."

    Ki's fingers burned a hot trail as they moved away from Amin's wrists, Ki's face nuzzling his ear sending shivers all over his body. Amin fidgeted, his hips lightly grinding against Ki. Some might say he was attempting to get him flipped off of him- whilst not really dedicating much effort into the task, either. "I would say you can enjoy the show," Amin whispered, finally lifting himself up, easily meeting Ki on eye level and making out with him whilst working his pants off. He threw off his shirt next, then, tentatively, his face burning with a deep blush he hoped wasn't noticeable, he separated himself from Ki and began undoing the knot on his undershirt. Sudden paranoia settled upon him, and anxiously he would glance at Ki, trying to focus on the necessary prayers- how the fuck was he supposed to pray at a time like this? Finally he stripped himself of the undershirt, delicately setting it aside and turning back to face Ki. "Er, sorry about that...thanks...I almost forgot," he murmured, sitting next to Ki once again, now only clad in his boxers.
    May 7th, 2015 at 07:28am
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    The girl who'd been focusing on the flowers suddenly twitched as if forgetting the person had entered the room until he spoke, the broken English instantly familiar. Her head pounded with confusion. Why was Shion here? Where exactly was here? She didn't feel right, she didn't look right, that was instantly apparent to her, her body flushing with embarrassment. Her glamour was gone and the damage done to her body severe. Her pointed ears throbbed as they made contact with the pillow as she tried to turn her face away from the boy. He shouldn't look at her. She looked like a monster, she was scary, he was so easily scared and she didn't want to scare him.

    She held back a sob as her fingers shakily grabbed onto her watch, pulling it to her cheek she bit back tears at the sting of the sudden presence, pushing it against her ear as she tried to fight this different kind of pain. The fear of rejection suddenly overwhelming her fear of death. Ryker had been scared of her. She knew that now. Kali- she made Kali cry. She was making everyone upset. Her dad should have been at home working on his projects not here. The ticking sound brought comfort to her pacing heart. She counted it, each tick each beat it calmed her, soothed her. As if her mother's fingers were running through her hair, or what her hair used to be, not this jutting thing that clutched at her jaw.

    He was her best friend, the first real friend she had ever had and she was terrified of losing him.

    Her lips felt dry and for a moment she struggled to reach the cup on her bedside table, the girl still silent as she fiddled with the thing trying to unsuccessfully grasp it in her casted hand only to send the cup tumbling to the ground sending water slushing over the floor.

    "I"m sorry! I'm sorry! It was an accident!" she pleaded to no one in particular before successfully throwing the sheets over her head. Disappearing from sight the child outright hid from the Japanese boy. The sheet which covered up her face did little to mask the sound of her crying. Her hand emerging from the sheets only to grab onto Dolores the bunny from her stand before both disappeared under the sheets again.

    The words, "I missed you today," barely rising from the mound of sheets followed by an even softer, "I was frightened."
    May 7th, 2015 at 08:37am
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    He was relieved to see Kalya had given her the watch back, and that it was doing something to help her. A surge of pride filled him, his actions last night feeling more justified than ever- it didn't matter if everyone else was upset with him, he had been right to go looking for it, and Alice was happy to have it back. That much was clear.

    He stayed silent as he knew she was counting the ticking of the clock, and he fidgeted, torn between getting closer and staying put. The last thing he wanted was to upset her.

    "Alice, I-"

    He didn't know what words to say, not in English, not to where she could understand. He hated feeling so useless, so scared. Alice slowly reached out to grab her cup, and Shion moved to grab it for her, to help in some way, but she beat him and the cup went clashing to the floor, water spraying slightly onto his shoes.

    "I"m sorry! I'm sorry! It was an accident!"

    Shion fumbled, stepping closer as Alice seemed to be trying to hide, shaking his head and making repeated noises of dissent. "No, no- don't hide..." he didn't do anything more, though. He couldn't touch her, not when she seemed to want space the most, and he knew her body language enough to know she was feeling uncomfortable in the situation.

    Of course she's uncomfortable.

    "Ah, the- the ca...cast? It is hard to grab with it, right?" Shion went closer to the bed, standing next to it without looming over her though. He had had a cast once, before, when he broke his arm while running through the forest. It had been a pain, but he couldn't imagine how much more irritating it was for her, with everything else on top of it.

    He moved out of the way when her hand shot out suddenly, aiming straight for her bunny. He shot a look to Kalya, who looked torn,giving him a sympathetic glance but doing nothing, her fingers gripping harshly into her forearms.

    She was about to say something when Alice's muffled whispers made it out of her hiding spot. Shion swallowed, nodding his head though he knew she couldn't see. "Missed you too. A lot. It is...scary. I was scared. Really scared. You- I know you are not okay, and you will...take time to get better." Shion tried to figure out how he should phrase the rest of what he wanted to say. He wasn't sure if he was doing a good job, but he wanted her to know she didn't have to be worried. "I'll come visit you. Every day. Not when you want to be alone. But I will come. If- if that is okay?" He asked. This was coming out wrong, all wrong.

    "H-here, water!" He grabbed the cup off the floor, and gently poured another cup and handed it out, waiting for her to take it. "You have fluffy animal at the house. Usagi. It is big. I made it a bed in my room for now."
    May 11th, 2015 at 12:44am
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    The large amount of movements made the girl's teeth grind together in pain as she tried to overcome the tenderness and aching which followed. The nurse had told her not to move. She had said explicitly not to move. This was the most she could remember moving, and her body hated her for it. The girl buried her face into the soft fur of the stuffed bunny.

    Everything was moving so fast. Her father had spoken earlier that day in such rapid Danish it was even hard for her to keep up. Her Kali was an absolute mess, even if she was trying to hide it Alice could feel her pain. Kali was never upset; annoyed with Ki, disappointed with Ryker sure, but Alice had never seen her cry or show anger- that wasn't Kali! Ryker had left her, the mean nurse had forced him away, she wanted him back, she needed him back. He made the pain stop- he could make the pain stop. Kali wouldn't talk about it though.

    The girl hid under the sheets a sob escaping her throat as she tried to curl up only to feel piercing pain across her waist. Her legs shot out straight as an arrow, her toes flexing in the way only a dancer could muster. Her fingers tentatively reaching over the pained area in confusion. Her eyes widening in horror as her fingers brushed over stitches.

    Her heart beat thumped in her ears as she choked on air.

    He-he-he-he had stood over her the knife flashing in the moonlight he'd-NO!NO!NO! Nothing Happened! Nothing Happened!

    The girl clutched her head in pain sobbing as she shook her head in horror. The girl choked on her terror forcing her eyes closed as she tried to push away the memories. "Nothing happened, nothing ha-happened." she pleaded to no one-to everyone-to herself in a soft whisper.

    Her body shivering in panic as Shion's voice broke through her terror causing her to freeze. Her cast? He was talking about her cast.... The girl grimaced as she looked down at the thing a tremble in her lips. Her breathing slowing as she tried to wipe the tears away on Dolores her bunny. She had one once when she was seven. That's what she got for jumping out of the tree in her backyard.

    Get better? Time... How much time... "I have a recital next week," she murmured to herself shaking her head again. "I get to dance on point, I worked hard," she whispered again blinking back denial as she tried to figure out everything.

    "I'd like that," she answered him clearly pulling back the sheets just enough to peak out at him with her eyes a frown forming on her lips, "I'm not pretty anymore, I look scary," she paused taking the water from him with her good hand, sipping it under the sheet before offering it back up to him, pulling the white sheet back over her head to hide her face. The girl getting lost with his translation gasped in surprise, "Sailor Moon's at our house?" she asked in shock.
    May 11th, 2015 at 07:48pm
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    Shion didn't say anything at first, knowing Alice was saying something about dance, the familiar words recital clicking in his head as he remembered how she had been gushing about a dance she could do later in the week- or month. Obviously that wouldn't happen now...

    "I'm not pretty anymore, I look scary," she paused, then added, "Sailor Moon's at our house?"

    Shion frowned, stepping closer and kneeling against the side rails of Alice's hospital bed, trying to peek in and see her face or eyes. Scary? That was an impossibility.

    "Shion," Kalya whispered, bringing a chair up to him so he could sit instead of stand. He only had a few more minutes, five or ten max, before it was Bambi's turn. "Sailor Moon? No, the bunny. That hop-hop animal the silly king sent you." He paused, eyebrows knitting together.

    "Alice, no. You are always nice and pretty. You have that gla-" he frowned, trying out the word. "Grammar thing on always. But without, you look cool! In Japan, they used to be scared of your type- but all over the world they are scared of magical people. Now- now," he felt his skin flush, trying to emphasize his point. "Now they make cool comics, and movies. People dress up like you! It's not scary." Shion laughed, peeking through the holes, waiting to see if she'd look out from her blanket.
    May 16th, 2015 at 07:52am
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    Ki's lips pursed into a wolfish grin as he kissed the boy back roughly, "For some reason I'm minding it less and less by the second, although you should know it was a damn expensive shirt..." The boy trailed off suggestively raising a brow at the other boy before flipping off of him unexpectedly all the while his fingers pulling teasingly against the other boy's elastic waist band, Watching with amusement as it slapped back against his waist loudly.

    Lying proudly on his back Ki worked on wiggling off his own pants.
    May 19th, 2015 at 10:44pm