Pandora's School for the Magically Gifted (Dorm 221)

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    Amin grinned suggestively as he watched Ki work his pants off, rubbing the spot where the elastic had bit into his skin tenderly as he ogled the fine curve of Ki's butt. Oh, he was so going to get payback for that move. Amin came closer, looming over the goblin boy as he grabbed him by the waist and pulled him back into a hug, laying kisses along the back of his neck and while groping along his body. "I said I'd buy you another shirt, stop worrying about it," he murmured, pushing Ki towards the bed as he basically toppled him over, removing the last of his pants before laying on top of him. His hand traveled teasingly along Ki's stomach and stopped at the belt of his underwear, slowly reaching further along until he found what he was looking for and began to work him over, leaving hickeys all along his chest.
    May 19th, 2015 at 11:30pm
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    If it had been any other time Alice would have been erupting in giggles, "Hop-Hop?" this time though she was barely willing to pull down the white sheets from over her face. Her blue eyes peering out from behind the sheets at the Fox boy. "Hop... Hop.... A-A- Bunny? The Pretty Pr- King Oliver bought me a bunny? Th-That was sooooo sweet, he brought me flowers too. Tulips are my favorite," the girl whispered to no one in particular. A blush spread across the fevered girl's cheeks before she crumpled back into her blankets her fingers wrapping around her watch, pushing it back against her cheek. "I love you more though," she spoke to her watch.

    The girl stayed silent as the boy tried to assure her that she was not scary, that in fact the things she was afraid of herself were actually cool. She had a hard time believing him. Although the girl was usually easy to persuade this time she seemed to be sticking to her thoughts on the subject. Even so worrying about upsetting him she begrudgingly pulled down the sheets from her face. Refusing to look at him she squinted her eyes as if by not seeing him he couldn't see her.
    May 20th, 2015 at 02:45am
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    Shion patiently waited for Alice to peek out from her blankets, treating it as a game of hide and seek as it seemed every now and again Alice felt the need to hide back behind her covers. When she went under he would look solemnly at the mound that was her body, and when she peeked out he would suddenly animate a little more, trying to be as upbeat as he could.

    He didn't say anything about what she had said under the blankets, though his face had grown a tad warmer. He wasn't sure he understood it correctly, and he wasn't sure he knew who she was talking about. Kalya had tensed up when Alice had spoken, he had heard her fumbling with something behind him and almost dropping it. For some reason Alice's father had gotten up and left. Kalya gave him the five minute gesture.

    "Do you want anything while here? I can bring games, or shows you like," he offered, frowning, knowing he wouldn't be able to see her for a while and hating it. "Any way I can help?"
    May 20th, 2015 at 03:35am
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    Alice held a small bit of joy as she played the makeshift game of hide and seek with her playmate. Her face breaking out in cold sweat as she tired herself out. Her fingers wrapping around the edges of the covers as she held them close to her chest forgetting for a moment about the hair matted to her face or the painful looking injuries which dotted against her flesh. Her fever mixed in with the vampire blood made her feel giddy, the pain slipping in and out- twisting in her veins as she felt her temperature rise and fall in her body like the air in her lungs. The machines beeping away steadily in the background as she calmed herself from the small game. She hadn't even noticed her father leave the room or Kal's uncertainty at her words, for a moment she felt okay. A ghost of a smile floated onto her lips as she staggered for breath, fading as reality started to sink back in and she concentrated back on her breathing. The smile was there none the less, even if it was only for a second, showing that perhaps there could still be more to come in the future.

    "I-I, Sorry," the girl coughed pausing her words as she took a few deep breaths concern etching between her brows before she was able to slow her chest down and take deep breaths again, "I-I want my books. On the shelf," she described basically exhaustion hitting her as her head fell back onto her pillow her fingers grabbing onto the metal railing of her bed as she spoke to him. "We can keep reading them together... Right Kali? K-a-l-i...." The girl looked dishearten for a moment as she stared back at the woman. After school Alice had taken it to herself to help Shion learn English in the way she had known best, reading stories. Fables of old, and classics like Peter Pan and Alice in Wonderland. This had mix results, more time spent explaining the ideas than actually reading the words but Alice seemed content to spend possible years teaching the boy everything about her favorite stories and he didn't complain... Or know how to exactly complain in English so most likely he was cool with it too. Not that Alice would have taken no for an answer in the first place.
    May 20th, 2015 at 06:40am
  • Kalya was hovering. She tried to hide it, in the way she flipped through her magazine, the way she fidgeted and paced inside and outside the hospital room. She nearly had a panic attack when Alice seemed to get out of breath, though the sudden and unexpected look of happiness that shadowed the abused girls face made her worry wane ten fold. Initially hesitant Shion' s presence would distress her too much, she felt shameful for even considering the possibility.

    She was grateful they seemed to have unnoticed her anxiety, as she nodded, placing a caring hand on Shion's back and motioning for him to stand. "Of course. I don't see why not. Whenever he visits you're more than welcome to." Shion nodded, happy at the idea. "Next time! Maybe I can read to you, too. One of my stories."

    "It's about time to say bye now, kids, I'm sorry," Kalya murmured, and Shion gave one last worried look at the burned up Alice before him. He gripped the bars in the side of her bed and smiled, sad and serious but still with his childlike expression. "I will be back! With lots of books. Feel better, get better. I miss you, I-" he frowned, looking down, worried he'd upset her with his next words. "I'm sorry. This is..." He lifted his hand, and reached for hers then stopped, shaking his head. "This hurts. Bad thought," and he sighed and shrugged, glancing at Kalya who smiled sadly down at him and gave a reassuring smile to Alice. "Bambi' s going to pop up next. Do you want a moment, or should I send her right in? Adel is with her."
    June 9th, 2015 at 07:43am
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    Unlike with Shion there was no pink barrier in the way to allow the girls a chance to prepare themselves. Someone had forgotten to pull it back into place after the little fox left, his face far paler than when he had gone in. His silence had let Bambi know that things were as worse as she had suspected. Her fingers practically crushed Adel's as they both slowly dragged themselves into the room. The room cheerfully painted made her think of the time Bo had broken her leg playing soccer and ended up in the children's ER. Too many bright colors trying to mask the smell of chemical death.

    This was not to be confused, Bambi generally liked the hospital, it spoke truth and science.... Just she didn't care for it too much when she knew the person who was in the bed, was all.

    The African girl couldn't help but stare at the exhausted Fae resting with his back towards them. That was Kristoff Riber- the famous Kristoff Riber. She knew he was Alice's father, she always talked about him but seeing was believing. She had applied to be his intern the summer before but hadn't made it, now he was actually here.

    Yes. He was here.

    Bambi shook off her starstruck idolization and turned her head back to Alice. Was that Alice?

    She couldn't breathe. Was that Alice?

    Her senses screamed no, the more she took in the battered mess. Bambi's hand held onto Adel's like a lifeline, using her to partly support herself.

    That-That can't be Alice.

    It just couldn't.

    Who would do such a thing?! Why... Bambi had to hold in her lunch as it threatened to escape her stomach.

    "Al-Alice?" She asked as if to clarify the child in the bed was actually the girl she knew, even if those familiar eyes were staring up at her. Who would do this? Why?

    "B-B-Bambi!" The child cried out reaching for the older girl who instantly obliged letting go of Adel's hand as she made her way forward. Ignoring Kali's words as she approached the bed the girl pushed down the bar with the skill that only a student with nursing classes could master, Bambi wasted no time occupying the section of the bed the younger girl did not take up. This was obviously what Alice wanted. Bambi laying next to her. Alice was a cuddle monster. Some kids were, Bambi was used to it with Bo. The two girls were dancers kinesthetics were their thing. Bambi was careful as she laid her head down, making sure she wasn't actually touching Alice as she snuggled into her spot. The girl laying inches from her seemed to sigh in relief. Even so much as to move into place next to Bambi, her face pressing lightly against Bambi's neck. It was freezing on the bed, they had the air turned to blast, but scary enough Alice was keeping her warm enough. The girl was blazing like a heater. Her warm breath steady against her skin as she felt the girl start to fall asleep against her.

    Bambi looked back at Adel with an apologetic gaze, "Sorry," she mumbled apologizing for taking up Adel's time as well as the child cuddled up to her.

    "I missed you," Alice mumbled against Bambi's skin as she fell asleep.
    June 10th, 2015 at 02:28am
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    A moan erupted from Ki's lips as his back arched against Amin's bed. The back of his head hitting the pillow hard as his eyes rolled to the back of his head the moment Amin's fingers brushed his sensitive skin. Ki's fingers clinching tightly onto the sheets as he thrust his hips toward the Persian boy. "Nightstand- Lube, Condoms," he grunted. Safety first after all. 'Not that it really mattered at this point.' The Goblin couldn't help but to think pessimistically. With his luck this would be the last sex he'd be getting and not because Amin was prissy as fuck. Any moment the college police would come storming through his door like they had the fire brat's and arrest him, all thanks to Rocket. At least it would be after satisfying sex and not at the hospital risking Kal gouging his eyes out with her tiger mom claws when she found out. He'd take his chances with the Council they were incompetent. That was obvious by the recent prisoner releases, Val and that nuts Dreamweaver girl who vegetablized that Caster boy? The newspapers said he'd be drinking his steaks out of a straw for the rest of his life and she's running around New York again. Phsssh, maybe it was a little early to be giving up on the sex after all. It's not like he'd actually said to hurt her after all.
    June 18th, 2015 at 04:55pm
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    "Royal Flush;hand it over kid-"
    Sofie laughed scooping the treasure trove of last years Halloween candy off the coffee table. Literally taking candy from a child as she jovially showed the much younger vampire a flash of her fangs, while scooping his hoarded chocolate into her purse. Sofie had been the last thing any of the Vampires had been expecting when they'd gone bursting through the apartment front door mid fight. Gretta's key still shoved in Ryker's face. She was on a twenty minute break and didn't have time for this fucking shit.

    "YOU" Gretta couldn't help but spit out her anger now turning on the Israeli girl sprawled out on her couch.

    "Yes... You- I am rather insulted that I didn't get an invitation formally from you myself Fredrick, luckily Vincent had the common courtesy of inviting me," Sofie stated her voice even as if not insulted even so her fingers brushed through Philip's hair in a way that obviously put Fredrick at ill ease. Vincent on the other hand didn't even bother looking up from his phone as everyone turned their attention to him. Gretta wanted to rip out his good for nothing throat. Vincent had a way of making things unpleasant, it was his calling in life and bringing Sofie around when she was absolutely not wanted was his best way of doing it. Gretta was well aware that Fredrick wanted the ancient Vampire no where near Philip, let alone when he wasn't home. Who knew what she had told him in the time they'd been gone? Gretta knew first hand that Philip was easily impressionable.

    "I would never miss out on an opportunity to visit my family! Well except Vik... But he's not exactly blood now is he?" Sofie laughed her fingers rolling down Philip's hair to pat his shoulder. The younger boy giving her a look like she was crazy. Philip was not a touchy child, but Sofie was eccentric. "Speaking of blood, Alistair wrote to me last week, he really misses you Gretta, honestly he says the castle just isn't the same without you." Sofie offered up pleasantly with the satisfaction of someone with diplomatic immunity.

    "VIK," Gretta growled motioning to the boy to cover Philip's ears. "You can tell that lying lying-skeezy, douchebag to shove his cane right up his ass, ask Vincent to help, I hear he likes that sort of thing." Gretta pointed before turning on Fredrick.

    "I helped you bring the brat home, I have work to do, she better not be here when I get home," The girl demanded pointing her key at the could-be-king. If Gretta lacked anything it would be fear, that's how she'd survived as long as she had after all.

    Turning to leave she shouldered past a still flabbergasted Ryker. Normally she would be more supportive, Sofie was his Alistair after all, but after his stunt at the hospital she couldn't deal. Was it hypocritical that she told him he couldn't run and that was just what she was doing right now? This had to be different though, Ryker ran because he was a coward, she was running because she had things to do... Plus, Fredrick would kill her if she got into a physical fight with the bitch.

    "Ooooh Burn, nice one Gretta, not like we all didn't know he was a giant fag since the Great Revolution!" Sofie yelled slapping Vik upside the head hard as if it was his fault for Gretta's words.

    "I have a girlfriend," Vincent stated slowly his eyes rounding on everyone as he put out his cigarette in one of Gretta's houseplants.

    "Yeah and so did I once, Ryker can tell you all about it," Sofie laughed.

    "Really?" Vik asked giving Ryker a look as if he'd left that out.

    "Shut up Vik," The Spaniard finally spoke his hands shoved deep in his pockets, "I don't think Giselle would agree with you on that, if she was still alive," Ryker mumbled loosing his nerve at the end. God where was his motorcycle?

    "Sorry," Vik stated sincerely not even wanting to know what had happened to the girl. If Sofie was involved, it wasn't pleasant. It was times like this he was thankful his sire had bit the dust in the inquisition 1208. For some reason he felt like they might have gotten along. Living with Mabina hadn't been the most pleasant experience, certainly since Mabina hadn't really liked him in the first place. Given he had been trying to kill her when he'd raided her village, but in his defense he had stopped when he'd seen the child. Big mistake If he'd been smart he would have hacked them both down saved himself the trouble but that was another story for a time when he was far more drunk.

    For a moment Vik wondered if Philip would like Ula, but quickly shook that thought away. She was far too bossy. Philip liked being the boss. Why was he thinking about her now? She was in Iceland, where she needed to stay. Mabina had been an isolationist the last thing she would have supported was this school, and for all her faults his sire had loved her daughter. So Iceland it was. Ula was used to the cold anyways. At least Ula was nowhere near Sofie.
    "Sofie," Fredrick's words sounded hesitant, not so much a greeting as a plea for peace as he slowly made his way over to the couch, his hand raised out cautiously as he made his way over to Philip.

    "Honestly! We were just playing poker," Philip grumbled exhausted with being touched and pushed around by the older Vampires. He was over 500 years old and they still treated him like a child! "You never let me play poker!" Philip proclaimed shaking his dark black hair in disgust as he folded his arms over his ironed sweater.

    "That's because poker enforces risky behavior and promotes gambling which we do not allow in this household," Fredrick reminded him like a broken record. The parenting book had recommended having responses to these sort of things. It provided structure. Philip needed structure.

    "You used to play with Marie all the time, if I remember she once held a grand tournament that we all attended," Sofie snorted bringing up her favorite dead French socialite.

    "And you saw how that worked out for her in the end," Fredrick deadpanned breaking the distance he placed a hand on Philip's shoulder, blocking Sofie from the child's view as he motioned for him to get up.

    "It's time to say goodbye to great grandmother Sofie," Fredrick instructed tensely.

    "BUT Fredrick-" Philip pouted.

    "Aunt. I'm physically younger than his mother," she reminded everyone while brushing off her shoulder. "Hotter body too," she reminded Ryker in case he had somehow forgotten.

    "Yeah, right you crypt keeper," Vik spat, pointing out in the place of the Spaniard who had been shocked to silence-again.

    "Watch it Viking," she threatened, pushing up from her spot on the couch before rolling her eyes Vincent's way.

    "I can tell when we aren't wanted, but don't worry Philip dear, I'll see you sooner than you think," she smiled softly to the child before sending a threatening smirk over his head to Fredrick. That was obviously not meant to be pleasant at all.

    "They never said me," Vincent declared with a shrug of his shoulders.

    "We didn't say you could stay either," Ryker finally threw in as he stepped farther into the apartment if anything just to avoid having to be near Sofie as she exited the front door.

    Awkward silence filled the apartment the moment the girl and ginger left. Fredrick was still obviously mad at Ryker, but the unity against Sofie had softened the pissyness and brought about hope for some sort of conversation.

    "Mario Kart?" Vik asked only receiving a grunted reply from the two older men and a flash of action from Philip. In truth it only took those two words to side track that kid's mind.

    "Remember, if Sofie-" Fredrick's words were cut short as the younger boy who was messing with his controllers answered quickly back.

    "Ever comes to school to call you, don't follow her, don't get in her car, don't help her find her lost puppy or drink anything she gives me," he laughed before chucking Fredrick's wii remote at him.
    June 24th, 2015 at 04:16am
  • June 24th, 2015 at 05:01am
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    The cool air bit at her skin in waves, as if her limbs had fallen asleep and the blood in her body was desperately trying to reawaken them. Goosebumps prickled shyly along the Phoenix's arms, as she maintained a steady breathing rhythm and tried to ignore the disgusting smell of putrid flesh and chemical remedies in the room.

    This wasn't the worst Adel had ever experienced, after all.

    She had been gripping Bambi's hand tightly as they entered the room, and Adel was sure to keep her face a mask of calm passivity, trying her best to provide the anchor Bambi needed right now. It seemed that she was fine, though- sure, she had blanched at the first sight of Alice, and this was far from ideal for the Witch Doctor...but as usual her roommate had been quick to act, providing the care that Alice didn't exactly need to survive, but was crucial nonetheless.

    If only Kalya thought so too. Her voice was a strangled thing, crackling and hoarse as she sputtered when Bambi had dropped the side rails. There was no doubt that she was stressed and had been crying. Luckily her panick attack was short lived as she realized that Alice wasn't screaming in pain or disintegrating (though Adel honestly wondered how it was she was holding up so well, what with Ki's description of the crime scene and her horrid appearance at the moment.)

    In any case, Adel shook her head at Bambi's apology- Adel was merely there to pay her respects and offer support. When it came down to it, the only ones that mattered outside of the adults to Alice were Shion and Bambi, and even the vampire drama-king. Silently in her head Adel offered prayers for the girl, as she located a water jug and cups. Silently she offered one to the two elders in the room, though she kept her distance from Alice and her father- afraid that anything related to fire would cause them discomfort. She opted to stay next to Kalya's side, standing straight and waiting for either something to do or some sign from Bambi that she needed help.


    You need to pull yourself together, goddamnit. The room was fuzzy and out of sorts, as Kalya stared off to the side, unaware of her surroundings as she struggled to still the erratic beating of her heart. Exaggerations were not a habit of the tigers, but she made an exception this time as she swore this had to be the millionth time today she was on the verge of an anxiety attack.

    Bambi would never hurt the girl- she was smart and brilliant, and much too intelligent to do something so reckless as up and jostle the injured Fae in her bed. So why had Kalya reacted that way?

    Well, she had thought Ryker was trustworthy and bright, too, and look how that worked out-that was unfair.

    Bambi wasn't Ryker, and Ryker, as reckless as that act had been, had honestly thought he was doing some good...she hoped. She had to believe that right now.

    Kalyani glanced at two of her favorite students guiltily, glad that Alice was drifting off into sleep and couldn't see the mess she was right now. The exhaustion of the day was finally catching up and Kalya wasn't sure how much longer she could stay in control- not that she could afford to lost control of the situation in any case.
    July 4th, 2015 at 06:37am
  • Rayna

    "Oh, Jamii. You really aren't so bad after all," Rayna purred, finger tracing the jawline of the underdeveloped brat as she gazed sweetly into his eyes.

    You're worse. He didn't need to to know that, though. After all, it was just her and him in the room right now, and if this was going to work she needed him as putty in her hands. Thus, she was stuck in his room, the door ajar, and her surroundings full of horrendous decor. Partly courtesy of her betrothed, but mostly his pathetic mewling roomates.

    "Honestly, Jamii, it was horrible! You know I had to put on that brave face the other day, with your brother and Peter watching." She spat Peters name, nose scrunching distastefully. She knew the boy favored Peter, but if she played her cards right, she could get him to see what an insufferable useless man he was, and Jamii would notice how he bullied her. After all, his future wife wouldn't hate someone for no reason. "I couldn't let them see me hurt, Jamii- they would never take me seriously. I was....I was even worried that you wouldn't take me seriously. Foolish, I know..." Rayna lowered her gaze, lashes brushing gently against her cheek as she mumbled her most closely guarded feelings out to Jamii. "I...I can still feel that horrible monsters hand on my cheek, though the bruise has gone and left me. I keep saying it was worth it, knowing what we're after is so close in our grasps and that we have to make dealings with scum sometimes. But....Eşti atâta de bun si foarte blând, Jamii. You would never lay your hand upon me, right?"

    It was then that Rayna grabbed his hand and brought it to her cheek, gazing up with her round eyes to meet Jamii's innocent, surprised and confused eyes.

    Checkmate, she thought smugly, her expression never wavering.
    July 4th, 2015 at 07:43am
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    Dr. Isobel & Priya Marcoth
    Isobel sighed in discontent as she ran her fingers through Priya's tangled hair. It had absolutely not looked like this when she'd hopped on the bus earlier in the morning, her perfect pinktails bouncing behind her. Now it was a curly mess of black locks and a questionable amount of dirt and debris. That's what she got though for letting the preschooler play with Shion on the front lawn after that rainstorm the night before. It wasn't necessarily that Shion played rough with Priya... but that Priya played rough with Shion. She almost felt sorry for the Fox boy who was no doubt submerged in a bubble bath at the moment. Priya was the sort to go sliding through mud puddles, rolling around on grass, and diving into leaf piles. Priya was pretty much fearless, much to the disdain of her teachers.

    "Mommy! Mommy!" Priya's little sausage fingers wiggled demanding towards the travel bag slung over the woman's left arm.

    Isobel could only grunt in reply as she adjusted for the weight change and better balanced the little girl on her right hip. "What do we say Honey Bee?" Isobel reminded the child all the while expertly digging into the bag with her one free hand. Her skills only achievable by those who'd surpassed the terrible twos and were now mothering past the demanding pre school age.

    "P-l-e-a-s-eeeeee," Priya whimpered batting her big doe brown eyes at her mother in a way which always won.

    "Okay, don't spill," Isobel commanded passing the apple juice box to her thirsty child. Priya was content to guzzle down the sweet box as Isobel finally rounded the last corner to the hospital room.

    "Now remember, silent as a mouse," Isobel reminded her child for the billionth time as she opened the door, trying her best to walk into the chilly room. Her hands quickly zipping up Priya's coat before sitting her down on the oversized plastic chair next to the door. Her arm sliding the bag down to the floor next to it before zipping it back open again. Handing the child her Leapster to keep her preoccupied before grabbing the small glass bottle out of the side compartment and moving past the curtain. She didn't have to remind the child to stay still as she was already completely engrossed in the technology.

    Isobel tried to hide her shock as she looked at the girl she knew quite well. Anger swelling in her heart as she remembered how happy the child had been bouncing on her couch just a day before gushing about the friendship bracelet she had made for the cranky vampire.

    This wasn't right

    Alice's father stood against the wall, his head nodding solemnly towards Isobel as she entered the room. The black circles under his eyes showed the lack of sleep he was running on. The extremely charming, (and in her opinion good looking) man was a shadow of himself. His mother sat knitting by Alissa's bedside, her body never turning to acknowledge the woman.

    Kali on the otherhand was passed out, slumped in a chair over Alice's bed her head resting awkwardly on the blanket. The two fae looked bad but Kali was at another level, Bambi was right to warn her. Shifters were physically easier to tire. She used much more energy than the fae, and they looked like they were about to drop as well. This was not healthy. She needed sleep, real sleep, and food, and a shower at that.

    Isobel slowly rounded on the sleeping Tiger keeping herself in perfect view in case she were to suddenly awake, before patting the woman softly on the shoulder, it still didn't stop her friend from wrenching awake as if she'd been violently shaken.
    July 19th, 2015 at 07:25pm
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    Amin's hands roamed across bare shoulders and chest, his lips tracing a path down Ki's soft, green naval, sucking the tender flesh as he thrashed beneath him. He had successfully gotten him completely undressed, a fact that kept a shit eating grin planted firmly upon Amin's lips as he continued working the goblin boy over while still in his own clothes.

    His gaze flickered up to see Ki moaning as he slipped his penis into his mouth, returning some of the favor Ki had bestowed upon him the night prior. Fuck lube and condoms, he'd finish him this way first. If he was up to it they could have a round two later. He was going to enjoy this view- that is, until he realized the asshole wasn't even into it the way he was supposed to be.
    July 21st, 2015 at 05:35am
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    The dream blended together in a cluster of images and sounds that Kalya couldn't decipher. One minute she was in what looked like a school hallway and the next she was free falling down a dark abyss. Fire leapt out and licked her skin from unseen corners of the room she was in as she crashed onto the ground. With a deafening roar glass shattered beneath her, above her, piercing skin and her soul in one. She was too stunned to move, her body frozen in fear, a sensation foreign to the woman.

    A growl escaped from deep within her chest as she struggled against her invisible bindings. Distressed, she clawed at the air and was met with nothing. Her body shifted, muscles rippling beneath her skin as she sought the shelter of her other self, the ability to change seeming her only escape right now. The only thing keeping her in check the constant drumming at the back of her head with the reminder this was not real.

    Alice. Alice. Alice. You must wake up, you're responsible. Take your responsibility.

    Don't lose yourself in a silly dream.

    Frantically she looked around, only to find herself frozen for another reason altogether.

    Kali stood before her in her magnificent beauty, her many arms poised artfully before her, stern maternal face criticizing the Tiger before her. Kalya tried to focus but her heart was thrumming wildly in her chest, fear and awe playing around inside her. Kali's face suddenly became buried in shadow, and Kalya found herself able to move, only to scramble backwards as another, more fearsome tiger came out behind the beautiful goddess.

    The large cat stare bored into Kalyani's eyes, knowing eyes roaming distastefully over the human skin she wore. She gave her own growl, and turned, her large body rubbing against Kali's like that of a housecats demeanor. Kalya inched forward, wanting to be one with the cat, but suddenly she was met with the knowledge that would be impossible.

    She glanced up, hesitantly, to see Kali's face. Widened eyes and a muffled scream took control of the shifter as the face upon the goddess was now one of death and desolation. Blood streaked her breasts and the skulls necklaced on her neck jangled as she stepped forward.

    Kalya shuddered, dropping her arms to her side and stared up at the approaching giant woman. She closed her eyes, bracing herself, and then....

    She turned much too quickly for someone who had just been asleep. It took her a full minute after the sudden attack to realize who it was she was holding onto with a vice like grip, and another minute to release the woman abruptly. She blinked repeatedly, skin flushed with embarrassment as she tried to get her eyes to adjust to the lighting. Hospital lights were much too harsh for shifter eyes.

    She silently begged her gods that Alice's guardians hadn't noticed. They were much too engulfed in their grief anyways...

    "I-Isobel. I'm sorry, it seems o dozed off."
    July 23rd, 2015 at 07:49am
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    "What?" Ki smirked as Amin's eyes met his. He could tell what Amin was thinking without his perfectly round mouth speaking the words. "You're glorious, okay?" Ki snorted rolling his golden eyes as his fingers dug into Amin's short black hair, resisting the urge to shove his face back down onto his cock again to remind him that he was supposed to be busy with something else. "Okay- Fine, oooooh baby, suck it harder...." He deadpanned throwing his hands behind his head as if he was just hanging out and not getting blown by the fiery boy on top of him.

    If there was a hell, they both probably would be going there, considering the circumstances. For some reason Ki thought Amin could handle the heat, so he let the trivial thoughts of his conscience go and instead bucked his hips up hard towards Amin's stunned face.

    "Just call me your Green Giant, babe."
    July 24th, 2015 at 11:29pm
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    Dr. Isobel Marcoth
    "You're exhausted," Isobel reasoned softly, flexing her slightly toned arms. If it was anyone else, the Tiger's grasp would have left a bruise. Her skin was tough, a hearty fixture that was designed to keep her safe even around the rough edges of unmoved dirt and rock in her native underground city. Gnomes were a tough breed, something that Priya liked to test the limits of daily.

    "Even Ma Durga must let Damon rest at some point, yes?" The younger woman whispered to her, placing a hand on the frazzled Tiger's shoulder. Her words soft on the air as to not bother the very Catholic Fae standing in the room with them. She knew her comforting words to the fellow Indian woman would not work well with the grieving family; even if Alissa greatly enjoyed hearing the many stories of her religion over milk and store bought cookies.

    Turning back towards Alissa's family, Isobel pulled out a small carving from the small purse she had slung over her shoulder. The little polished tiger's eyes gleamed up at her. "My daughter Priya keeps this by her bedside, but she thought Alissa might need it more right now," Isobel offered handing the little tiger over to the distraught man. She watched as he palmed it carefully looking it over before smiling at Isobel.

    "Thank you," he paused, moving forward to place the little statue on the girl's bedside table next to a large arrangement of tulips.

    "It will keep away nightmares and protect her as she sleeps," Isobel explained in a hushed voice as not to awake the sleeping child.

    "That is very kind of you," Kristoff whispered before suddenly hugging the shocked woman. "She is right though, you should go rest, you've been here the longest," he continued agreeing with Isobel as he took a step back, addressing the older Indian woman in the room.

    Even with that permission Isobel knew Kali was likely to disagree. If given her way, Isobel could tell the Tiger would stay until Alissa went home! A little nudging was going to be necessary.

    "I had to leave Bambi in charge of the house, the school is calling me in to preform a few sessions due to the added stress of the situation, I have my first meeting in twenty minutes, it's just enough time to drop you back off at the house," Isobel prodded she could always reschedule with Bartholomew but he tended to get a bit anxious when times were shifted about.

    "Alissa will be fine, you need to go home; eat, sleep, shower, pray and not necessarily in that order..." Isobel instructed the absolutely exhausted woman.

    "I know you're worried that she'll call for you, and she will, but you're not alone here, Kristoff and Johanna will take care of her." Isobel nodded towards the other two before putting the bottle she'd gotten out of Priya's bag into Kali's hands.
    July 26th, 2015 at 11:43pm
  • Amin
    Amin's lips were poised around Ki's shaft, his eyes rolling in annoyance at Ki's banter. He was tempted to pull away and shove his own cock into the Goblins throat- hopefully that would shut him up for a minute, AND get his attention. He nimbly groped at Ki's nether regions, his tongue encircling the goblins head tentatively, trying to figure out a good rythm to set when-

    He couldn't help the hideous gagging that started as he scrambled away from the bed, covering his mouth to try and quiet himself down so no one could hear. "Fucking shithead," Amin cussed, glaring at the raunchily sprawled idiot on the covers. he didn't even register the ridiculous words the goblin had crooned. "Oh, you're going to pay for that," he muttered, a devilish grin popping onto his face as he crossed back across the room and gripped the nape of Ki's neck, pulling him close to his face and roughly biting his lips as he kissed him. He pulled back, satisfied at the poorly hidden surprise on the Asian's face.

    "You said something about condoms and lube, right? I think it's time to go get those, with the way you're bulging," he murmured, nipping Ki's shoulder and leaving a love bite as he non-too-gently threw him on his side, tracing the soft curve of the guys butt.

    He was sure he had his attention now.

    Kalyani looked desperately back and forth between Isobel and Kristoff, trying to come up with an excuse- any excuse, to stay...and she couldn't. She tried not to look at Alice, or the new tiger statue for fear tears would spring to her eyes. The dream was a subtle echoe in the back of her skull as she tried to gather herself, pulling her shoulders back and nodding her consent that they were right. She wouldn't be able to face the Riber's again if she broke down in front of them another time. She needed to get out of the room, for a moment at least. She could convince Isobel a few more hours wouldn't hurt- It was with a sickening feeling in her stomach that she realized how selfish she was being. Isobel had her own duties to see to. Besides, Kalya couldn't even take naps anymore without shifting slightly in her sleep. What good would she be to anyone if she was strutting about with claws and fur everywhere? She awkwardly gave a firm squeeze on Alice's fathers arm, informed him she would return in a while, and excused herself.

    With a guilty look towards the arm she had grabbed, she thanked Isobel and followed her slowly to the door. She couldn't resist passing a look or two at the sleeping fae child- she just hoped that the black man from earlier would be around to calm her. With another guilty pang, she realized this was also selfish to think- of course, Alice's family could manage on their own. They were her parents and grandparents after all.

    Priya had given her device back to her mother as they all ambled quietly out of the room and down the hospital. Isobel struggled to keep a conversation going, but Kalya couldn't bring herself to speak. She would open her mouth for a moment or two then proceed to close it. Finally, she turned to Isobel and tears were beginning to streak down her cheeks. "Thank you, thank you. I know how much that statue must mean to Priya. You- you've been a very good friend. Brahman will bless you, I know it."

    She wiped at her eyes, taking a few shallow breaths, and coughing. Perhaps it was because of the obvious climate of the air, but when she leaned down to greet small Priya, and even offered her a hug, the girl didn't wiggle around in her usual manner. Kalya picked the child up, silent as she cradled her in her arms a moment before she managed a weak laugh as she apologized to the young girl for the tears, and allowed her to give a play by play of the chaos she had put poor Shion through, waiting for Isobel's version of events of what everyone was like at the house.
    August 6th, 2015 at 03:55am
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    Bambi looked between the Fox and the Phoenix as she gripped the phone tightly in her clutches.

    "What do you mean you're not coming home?" She demanded all the while trying to control her breathing.

    "I'm not coming home, do you want a definition? I'm at Fredrick's so cool it," Ryker's accent pooled out of the phone as he swore in Spanish.

    "You should be here, with us, not at Fredrick's," she reasoned obviously hurt by his sudden abandonment. He needed to be home, not running around doing God knows what.

    "Excuse me for being with my real family," he pushed exhausted with her constant prodding.

    "That's not fair," she paused looking back at the two and wishing they weren't there to hear this argument. Shion was upset enough. He didn't need this drama.

    "What? So you're not going to request Bo come stay with you for a while? Hmmh?" Ryker accused as if she was being spoiled.

    Ryker's ranting over the phone wasn't helping anyone. "No, I didn't say that," Bambi paused watching Shion's eyes carefully as she took a step back. If the phone wasn't connected to a cord she'd be outside. Not that, that apparently was safe to do... "But Bolinda doesn't have anyone else here, and she and...." Bambi couldn't say Alice's name, it hurt too much. The girls were near the same age, height, weight, liked the same activities, and were friends.... Bo needed protection.

    "Whatever, is Isobel prodding this? I can take care of myself, o-k-a-y mom. What about Ki and Rayna, are they following these stupid rules you're making?"

    "Isobel left, about an hour ago, Kali is going to be home soon and she's going to freak out if you aren't home... Don't worry about Rayna and Ki, worry about yourself. I haven't seen you since you ditched class, Kali is stressed as it is,"

    "So the truth comes out! You are pissed I ditched class, have you snitched already? Hmmh?"

    "I'm not going to tell her about that... Okay-Fine! I won't tell her today, Hey! Being honest is not a bad thing! Maybe we wouldn't be in this fight now if you would be a little more honest and tell me why you're avoiding us." Bambi paused her eyes narrowing as she detected lie after lie spilling from his mouth.

    "Fredrick needed me, so I went, Gretta was scared, she's a girl too..." He rolled his eyes as if Gretta was scared of anything.

    "That is utter nonsense, tell me what it is or I'm coming to get you." Bambi threatened, reaching for her coat.

    "You don't drive," he blanked for a moment before realizing what she was threatening. "No. Don't. That's not safe," he paused glaring across the room at his keys before cursing again this time in English. "You're really fucking stubborn you know that right?"

    "Don't come," he stated again very clearly, "I can't come home, I did something that I shouldn't have," he paused looking around nervously as if the walls could hear him. With his luck Vic was listening on the other side of the bedroom door. It wasn't below him.

    "Oh Ryker," Bambi paused motioning for Adel to take Shion from the room. Whatever he had done she doubted he wanted everyone to know.

    "Did you get into another fight?" she whispered looking at the doorway afraid that the fox was still listening.

    "No I fed Alissa my blood," he stated his words creating silence on the other end. "Bambi?" he asked unsure if the girl was still on the other end. "Bambi?" he asked again his voice guarded.

    "You're really screwed up," Bambi paused her eyes glassy. Vampire blood was not something to take lightly. Hadn't he learned his lesson with Sofie? Why would he do that? Was he trying to hurt her? Why would he do that? Oh God, Alice...

    "You need help, you really need help. I-I," she couldn't think of what else to say to him.

    "I know! God Dammit! I didn't want it to go that way, I just wanted to help her, she was hysterical. She-She wasn't Alice, I just wanted to help her, okay?" he yelled into the phone with sudden anger he didn't know he had.

    "Does Kal know what you did, do her doctors?" Bambi worried forgetting that Adel and Shion could probably hear everything that was going on. His voice was now carrying down the hallway as he became more emotional.

    "Yes, that's why I can't come home," he explained with slight fear.

    "Kal will understand, right? It's Kal, you need to come home and apologize, you were just trying to help, she'll understand, we're a family right? That's what she tells us... Kali will forgive you, you just need to come home, please," Bambi asked carefully.

    "She can't, she won't, they never do..." he paused his words now coming out as whispers.

    "I forgive you," Bambi whispered back trying to push down his walls again before wiping sweat from her brow. This was just another exhausting thing on an exhausting day.

    "Thanks, but she won't," he tried again.

    "Kali, she will I know she will, she has to... She's Kal- she's supposed to do that sort of thing," Bambi urged, before pulling a dirty card, "No one's going to be able to sleep until everyone is safe, and if you aren't home how are we supposed to know you are safe? How are you supposed to know we're safe? Hmmh? Please come back," Bambi pleaded again.

    "Fine, fine... But if she mauls me it's your fault," He expressed finally agreeing to what Bambi wanted.
    September 27th, 2015 at 10:34pm
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    "You're hot and all, but I'm not a bottom type of guy. As you clearly noticed last night, sweet cheeks, but by all means get the lube you're going to need it." He smirked his golden eyes sparkling with excitement.

    He wasn't exactly surprised Amin had resorted to a few playful nips. In fact he rather liked this more playful side he got to see from him. The Persian boy never had that much fun. Not anymore, anyways.

    Was that technically Ki's fault.... maybe but maybe not, maybe Amin was just going through regular teen angst... Ki would like to think that. Just a simple faze he could help coach him past. Like the terrible twos or that Russian guy with the dog, same thing, basically.

    "I'm the shithead you chose to fuck, nerd," he addressed with almost the sound of endearment in his tone. "Honestly you- fuck Bambi's coming down the hallway, like fucking now." Ki cursed his eyes widening as his glamour slapped on almost impossibly fast as he grabbed his clothes throwing them under his comforter.

    "Jesus Christ get in the bathroom before Captain Asexual fucking puts two and two together!" Ki growled throwing his pillow at the other boy before slamming his "special drawer" shut jumping under the covers as he tried to conceal his massive boner. Act casual... Amin was just brushing his teeth NO. Taking a shower, yes taking a shower...

    Ki was.. In his own fucking room and he could be topless if he wanted. Yes, that will work.

    If Amin would just get in the fucking bathroom already!
    September 29th, 2015 at 05:40am
  • Image
    The whole thing about Vampires and houses was total bullshit but at that moment it felt pretty fucking real. That was not his house, it was Kali's. It was just a temporary place for him to rest his coffin without damn tax officers breathing down his throat.

    Fredrick was still working on Natasha about that. But the bitch was a stickler. Sorry, the High Queen was.... Financially manipulative responsable. He was no longer under Sofie who like Alastair had financial immunity for siring the damned bloodlett litter. Gretta and him were stuck making up 500 or so years of taxes. Fucking leaches. (And no the pun of his thoughts were not lost upon him.)

    The only reason Fredrick cared was because his taxes when he would finally grow a pair and leave her would be fucking unbelievable, plus there was the fact that she owned him. Sure she bought him hundreds of years before.. Like that would matter to Natasha. Fredrick was her bitch, he may be King if there was a horrible accident with some chopsticks and Albrecht ate some bad blood and Sofie or Alastair didn't kill him for it and the Council didn't annex the Court and the Court didn't go soft like with those dumbass Fae with their child rulers. Sure then he'd be King. For now though Gretta and him were stuck on neutral ground and Fredrick was playing nice with his own personal devil. At least Gretta was paying off her debt while he was stuck as a school child.

    So what, he'd lasted this long without schooling. He could read... What was important anyways.

    Ryker put another cigarette out on the front porch railing as he paced out front. The light from the day slipping behind the ChainGang's dorm across the street taking away the harsh sun that had pinked even his covered skin slightly. The sun thing was true. His almost empty sunscreen spray in his left jacket pocket was proof of that. Ryker pushed another cigarette out of his crinkled pack taking special care as he lit the end. The red ember dangerous as it smoldered against the pale paper.

    He'd been pacing the front porch for 45 minutes at least. This was his sixth cancer stick. Such a bad habit for those mortals. If only. Being dead meant he could have all the cheese burgers, beer, and pollutants he wanted. It was an awesome deal. Who needed a soul? Jesus, it was 2015 after all. Most mortals sold theirs before they were 20 anyways. He did live with Rayna, and if there was anyone damned it had to be her... Or maybe Hiroki he was suspicious like those asians in the old Vietnam war movies. Communism was much worse than damnnation.

    Ryker could hear her move behind the door, Adel? Amin wasn't so fluid in his movements. She was waiting for him to come in. Did Bambi tell her what he did? He didn't know much about the Arabian girl. He didn't care to. His record with exotic girls proved she would be trouble. So he hid the burnt railing under the empty ashtray Kalyani bought last week and promptly jumped off the side railing making his way towards the backyard. The fire brats didn't seem to like the pool so there was a pool chair calling his name.
    October 11th, 2015 at 03:01am