Hail to the King

  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    Watch your tongue or have it cut from your head
    Save your life by keeping whispers unsaid
    Children roam the streets, now orphans of war
    Bodies hanging in the streets to adore

    Royal flames will carve a path in chaos,
    Bringing daylight to the night
    Death is riding into town with armor,
    They've come to take all your rights

    Hail to the king, hail to the one
    Kneel to the crown, stand in the sun
    Hail to the king

    King Matthew
    Mistress Amaranth
    Prince James

    Closed RP Between RavenArtist93 and Tobias Eaton.
    March 21st, 2014 at 02:50pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States

    Wandering through the halls of the King's Castle, the sound of breaking glass echoed through the hallway, making me groan at the thought of what was actually happening. From what I know and have experienced, it was probably my brother, King Matthew, throwing a temper tantrum. Being "not human" and always having a fiery temper, Matthew seemed to always have the worst issues in controlling the "beast" that rests beneath his skin. And from the sound of it, I'm guessing one of the maids must have pissed him off.

    "How many times do I have to tell you!" I heard Matthew yell as I got closer to his room, "You stupid whore! I wanted black sheets instead of the damn white ones!"

    "Y-Your majesty, w-we are still trying to clean t-the ones from before t-that were stained in r-red wine," the young maid stammered in fear, knowing that when she meant "red wine" that it was knowledgable by me that our great "King" has been taking his meals to the bedroom.

    "Well work fucking faster!" he roared out, soon seeing the maid run away.

    Shaking my head with a loud sigh, I turn around the corner to face King Matt standing in his room with glass on the floor, his form huffing and puffing lightly from the outburst, "You really need to be that harsh? They are trying. Maybe you shouldn't bring your meals to the bedroom. Suspicion will go on. You need to get ready, we have to address the new travelers in welcoming them to their new home, which is this kingdom. They will be here any minute," I assured him before going over to move the broken glass out of the way with the heel of my shoes.

    "Well, this is it," I sighed in relief, both Akris (my protector and best friend) and I facing the entrance to the large kingdom of white stone walls, "Been a little bit of a long trip. The King is suppose to address us once we get inside and make our way to the castle," I stated, nudging my horse forward with the back of my foot.

    "I heard he is a total hot head," I heard Akris say, making me smirk slightly.

    "Bad temper, yes," I nodded, "But yet, what king doesn't? Let's just hope to not piss him off."

    Having the horse ride us towards the gates, the I revealed the guards the invitation that the King sent us as a ticket to being welcomed in the kingdom. The guards nodded and rose the gates, letting me respond with a smile and a nod before Akris and I strolled on our horses into the kingdom.

    The people stared at us, knowing we were the new folks that they probably heard about. The kingdom was absolutely gorgeous and was gigantic, more like the size of a large kingdom capital of the realm. The castle, that was in the far back of the kingdom, would be a bit of stroll but hopefully we can get there right on time.
    March 23rd, 2014 at 08:21pm
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I cracked my neck, still visibly irritated. "I am the king and I will do as I please James and if that includes bringing my meals to my room then so be it. Now get out" I spat anger still laced within my words. I walked over to my closet and began to pick out clothes. I pulled my shirt off of my body, walking over to the balcony in my room I looked outside, seeing two women on horses approaching the castle. I groaned quietly and slipped on a clean shirt.

    I looked at her and smiled. " I'll race you" I said to her giggling. I urged my horse forwards, listening to the sound of it's hooves against the ground. I loved the feeling of my red hair flying behind me. I slowed my horse down and waited for Amaranth to catch up and when she did I looked at her. " Hopefully he isn't one of those people" I said putting emphasis on "Those " I sighed gently thinking about what could be in store for us.
    March 23rd, 2014 at 10:47pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ Tobias Eaton


    Chuckling lightly when I got caught up beside her, I pursued my lips when she mentioned about him, "I wouldn't worry about it too much. After all, we are just here to settle down and start a better life. No need for the king to get in all of our business. Just let him rule and do his duties and let us do ours," I assured with a nod, soon coming into the front of the castle where guards looked at us in wonder.

    Showing them the invitation, they nodded and let us through, my eyes wandering upwards where the castle towered high above us in its magnificent structure, "Such a beautiful place. I can hardly wait to see what it looks like on the inside," I grinned before getting off the horse to land on the stoned pavement. Adjusting my black corset dress that flared to my feet, I walked up beside Akris and followed the soldiers that escorted us into the castle itself, the throne room far ahead.

    Waiting for him outside of the room, I watched as Matthew came out in his royal attire and began to stroll pass me. Rolling my eyes inwardly, I catch up to beside him, "Well, going on to our visitors, I have the paperwork needed about their background," I cleared my throat as I opened the scrolls and began reading some of the important facts towards the two women, "First off they come from a town in the forest on the far edge of the border, both ranging in the ages of their early 20s. Second, they acquire skills of archery, swordsmanship, and speed. They seem to have quite a distant family history but are a very good addition to our kingdom," I breathed before rolling the scroll back up.

    "Sounds promising," he said rather a bit unamused, "Let's just hope they are what they turn out to be, or so help me I will do the worse of the unthinkable."

    I sighed in frustration, the throne room coming into view, "Just please, show some enthusiasm for once? You need to learn to control yourself. Just get through this and be on your way with doing your favorable chores."
    March 23rd, 2014 at 11:03pm
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I walked beside Amaranth my dress (unlike hers) was made of black dragon skin and scales, and when in the proper light it was a shimmery green. "Well if he in any way goes to hurt you I will take action even if it means he dies" i said to her. I smoothed my hand over the scale that started at the top of the corset and stopped midway down the skirt

    I ignored James and made my way into the throne room. I walked over to my large black throne and sat down, staring at the doors expectantly. I needed this to be over with. I have more important things to do.
    March 23rd, 2014 at 11:34pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ Tobias Eaton


    Entering the doors of the throne room with a slight confidence level, my eyes scanned around the area, noticing how damn huge it was. Smiling at the sight of the King, my bright eyes became fixed on his form, noticing how (compared to other kings) incredibly...well...handsome he looked. The long amber hair and even from here I can see the muscles in his arms bulk against the sleeves. But knowing his aroma, he was very short-tempered and not a guy to be messed with.

    Once we approached the throne, standing a good 10 feet from it, I could tell that the king himself was glancing up and down my form, seeming somewhat...impressed I guess? His form straightened up in his throne before his lips forced a welcoming smile, "Welcome. Never seen people like you around the area before."

    "Travelers we are," I cleared my throat with a soft smile, "We are just here to hopefully be welcomed to settle in for a new home."

    My god..I haven't seen a girl like that in my life...same to the other one beside her I thought, my eyes glancing at the girl with fire-colored hair.

    The way that outfit hugged her curves...and how her hair is a burning red that dazzles me to no end. Even from standing behind the King's chair, I could smell her skin, something for the first time that made my mouth water. I always despised being an "evil being" in human flesh. But now seeing this girl, I begin to question my motives.

    The King is stiffening from the sight of the raven-haired one, knowing that immediately he targeted someone of interest. But knowing his attitude, he will do every little thing, even despicable outcomes, to get a hand on that girl...and to bring to his bed where she would never be able to leave...again. But something about the two is very strange...
    March 23rd, 2014 at 11:48pm
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    As soon as we walked into the throne room, my throat closed up. These men were dangerous. I was not safe here. They were my mortal enimies. If theyfound out what i truly was, they'd kill me not only for my powerful blood, but the skin and scales my true form possessed.

    I smiled, an almost sadistic looking smile. "You will fit in well with my kingdom" I said to her and my collection. "Two beautiful women such as yourself should not be living amongst the common people" i said to them. I want that Raven haired girl an i will have her. "You are welcome to live in the castle with me and my brother if you like" i informed them. "We'll be fine" yhe red head said quickly. A little too quickly. I got off my throne and walked over to her. "Do you wish to rid me of my company m'lady?" I said to her, leaning in close to her face. "No, I just despise living in castles" she said, holding a challenging glare at me.
    March 24th, 2014 at 12:57am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ Tobias Eaton


    Looking over at Akris with a worried look when she actually talked back to the King himself, I gave her an alerting look, hoping that what she was doing was actually smart. I have heard about this king, and I'm sure she has too.

    The King laughed at her statement, "Really? Well...we apparently have no common houses available for your status. So it's either stay in the castle or it is simple, we throw you out," he shrugged, making my jaw drop slightly at such a harsh gesture.

    "We will take our business elsewhere then," she huffed, grabbing my hand.

    But right when we turned around, I felt a strong hand grasp my shoulder harshly and tug me away from Akris' grasp.

    "You can leave, but she's staying with me," the King blurted, "And now I notice that I can't trust you beyond the walls, I'll just have you sealed off in one of the rooms downstairs," he chuckled, snapping his fingers so the guards could grab her, making me go wide-eyed and feel helpless.

    Since I was a witch, it would be very dangerous and life-risking to even try a move to save anybody... It would kill both me and Akris.

    "Fuck you! You can't do this!" the red-head blurted out in fury as the guards grabbed her arms.

    Matthew laughed, his grip tight on the dark-haired one, "I own this kingdom. I am the most powerful being in this fucking landmark and your voice is meaningless. You will definitely learn your manners. And you probably should have thought twice before talking back to me. You obviously have no learning in respecting royalty," he sneered.

    I only sighed and shook my head, feeling actually bad for the women.

    Matthew would actually do this sick trick if the women were of his taste. But we never had travelers where the women were alone. So this obviously was an easy catch for them and the kingdom is not bothered by it, since Matthew is brutal with his power and is extremely powerful and wealthy.

    "D-Don't take her to the cellars," I cleared my throat, gaining Matthew's attention, "I'll just put her in the guest room connecting to mine. It wouldn't look good for you to treat your guests harshly, your majesty."
    March 24th, 2014 at 01:18am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I struggled in the guards grip, trying to get free. "You can't do this!!" I shouted out, trying so hard not to fully transform, but now you could see the black scales beside one of my eyes, that the pupils were now like a dragon's eye. "Let me go!" I roared at him.

    I chuckled darkly "i can and i will" i said to her. Then i saw the black scales on her face by her eye. "What do we have here?" I said grabbing her by her chin forcing her head to the side so i could see them better. "A dragon" i whispered quietly i looked at James. Just the blood from a dragon could quench our thirst for several years. And to have a living dragon in a human form was perfect. "I'll take care of you later dragon" i spat. "Take her to the guest room. If she trues to run kill her, but don't spill her blood everywhere." I said
    March 24th, 2014 at 01:48am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ Tobias Eaton


    "Akris, please control," I muttered out to her as she was being taken away by force, leaving me helpless against the King's grip. I watched the Prince, named James, follow behind them with a look of sheer guilt across his face.

    I'm guessing he is the nicer one compared to this monster...

    Preventing the tears to form in my eyes from the true terror that was now to become on Akris, my only family, I felt the King tug my arm, escorting me away from the throne room in his own grip as he dismissed the area and ordered the castle to be locked down for the day.

    Nearly almost tripping on my feet from the force of his tugging, I could see the many paintings of creatures and royal families all over the walls down the hallway he is dragging me down. Soon coming across a large room, he shoves me inside and orders the guards next to his doors to prevent anyone from coming inside. Locking the doors behind him, he turns to face me, "Let me have a good look at you first."

    Of course out of all the people, my brother had to be the worst in his power to threaten and possibly destroy the lives of these two innocent women...

    Yes, the Dragon-Mistress here is surely a great prize...

    But I would never want to really hurt her...

    I just hope i can tame the beast within me around her scent..

    Watching the guards shove her in the guest room, I excuse them from the area so I can talk with her, trying to see if I can gain her trust and let her have mine. It won't be easy...but its the best I can do.

    "I'm truly sorry about the King," I breathed, the door closed behind us in the rather luxurious bedroom she will stay in, "I know this is damn ridiculous...But I won't hurt you. My brother is just...hard to tame."
    March 24th, 2014 at 02:00am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    "I know exactly what you are and if you even think about touching me I will snap your hand in two" I said to him, still extremely defensive as the scales on my dress began to weave their way up my chest. " And I suggest if you and your brother still want to be alive by the end of the week you let me and my friend go. It is my job to protect her and I will not have her hurt by the monster you call your brother. Amaranth and I are connected and whatever happens to her, happens to me. "

    "Spin" I said to her, watching her like a dog protects its bone. When she didn't I growled " Spin!" I roared, glaring at her now. I watched her turn her body, loving the way the dress hugged it, the way her hair flowed out behind her. This woman was truly beautiful, and soon she'd become one of my beautiful maids who would do nothing but live to please me and praise the ground I walk on. Just hopefully she wouldn't turn out like the one I had to deal with today.
    March 24th, 2014 at 04:00am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ Tobias Eaton


    This guy was scary, that's all that was going through my mind.

    Spinning around slowly until coming to a halt where I faced him again, I could see his eyes narrowing at my body, as if he can see through the fabric of my dress. Rubbing my arms awkwardly, I watched him lock the bedroom door behind him and get closer to me after he placed his crown on the table.

    "Are you able to get pregnant at this time?" he questioned, his eyes on me like a hawk.

    I blinked at such an off question, "N-No...w-why would you ask that?"

    "Get on the bed," he growled, pointing to the silky bed sheets.

    "N-No, please sir, I can-"

    "I said get on the fucking bed!" he yelled at me, making me flinch, "This is the best way to know that you will fucking praise me whenever I give you an order. So fucking do it!"

    "I-I wish I can do that, trust me," I stuttered, "But I have no control over this. Either way, if you even tried to 'kill' my brother like how you said it, it would be nearly...impossible."

    She laughed at me, rather bitterly, "And how is that even possible?"

    "Because he is a lot stronger than you think, my lady," I stated before clearing my throat, "If you wish to get out of here, alive even, just...do what I say. Don't argue, just do it. Because as of now, there is no way he would give up your friend...He is ruthless and rather stubborn at times. I will try my best to work with him to try to get you two out but it won't be easy. Even for being my brother, he has the right to have my head. I know you think we are maliciously evil by what you assume we are...but you have to trust me on this...please. For the sake of protecting your friend."
    March 24th, 2014 at 12:01pm
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I glared at him "I'll be dead in two days and you can't save me" i said to him. " After he is done doing whatever he intends to do to amaranth he is going to come in here and bleed me dry" i said but before he does that he's going to make me turn into my true form and he is going to kill me" i said to him.

    I growled in anger,my gaze shifting from her to the bed. I stalked forward, shoving her onto the bed. I pulled my pants and shirt off, before walking over to her. I crawled on top of her pinning her arms above her head.
    March 24th, 2014 at 01:00pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ Tobias Eaton


    No...no no...this can't be happening...

    Thrashing my legs underneath him, I tried my hardest to fight against this fucking monster, "Stop! Let me go! I don't want any of this!"

    "Well I do so shut up," he growled in anger, his hands squeezing my arms that were pinned by his strength to the sheets, "This is what life is going to be like for you. You are to obey my every will and worship me in every shape and form. I have many maids here but for you...you are going to be my main one, unlike the one this morning that fucked everything up for the last time," he snarled before jerking my arms to keep my attention on him, "As being my one and only maid, you are going to clean my room, fix the sheets, help me bathe, and even please my every desires. And so help me God, if you even attempt any move against me, I will kill you myself," he seethed right at my face, his breath hitting my skin, "Is that anyway unclear?"

    "N-No," I stuttered, "It's clear..."

    "Good," he grinned rather unpleasantly before he slammed his lips to mine, causing me to moan out in protest.

    I sighed, "Actually...he is going to do something besides killing you."

    She raised her eyebrow at me, "Like what?"

    I rubbed my arms awkwardly, "Well...yes, he will use your blood for many purposes. But as in killing you, he has something better in mind... He wants to...use you...like an animal."

    "Excuse me?" she blinked.

    I sighed even louder, "You will be forced to play executions and the Royal Battle Games in your true form. The Games are facing knights in getting them in shape. The King has been looking for the right being...and apparently, now he has his sights on you."
    March 24th, 2014 at 01:14pm
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I looked at him, my eyes wide with surprise. "No" i said "I don't kill humans..." i said to him. "I protect them... I... I won't do it. I refuse to. I'll die before i kill a human" i said to him, holding my arms to my chest as i sank down to yhe ground.

    I growled against her lips, my eyes closed as i ground my hips against hers. I pulled at the dress, ripping it to shreds as i felt her chest hit against mine because of how hard she was breathing.
    March 24th, 2014 at 05:23pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ Tobias Eaton


    I tried with all my might to fight against my powers that were wanting to break free and get rid of this monster that was about to take my own innocence by force. I couldn't let him...but yet, I couldn't do anything about it... He could sentence me to death...or force me to use my powers for his own ruling... I couldn't bring anymore pain to anyone here.

    Feeling his hands tangle in my dark hair, he forced my head back, my neck fully exposed to him. I whimpered in disgust when I felt his tongue and teeth move over the skin of my jugular, my hands gripping his forearms as I tried to get him off. His body weight was crushing against mine, forcing me to not go anywhere.

    Frowning as she sunk to the ground in true fear, I walked towards her and grasped her arms, not hard but gently, trying to prevent her from fainting at all.

    "Akris...look at me," I urged her, "I wish I could set you free but I can't. I just can't. He would know before I even get you over the walls of this castle. I'll do everything in my power to keep you safe...but when the King is around, you can't guarantee it..."

    I actually felt bad for this woman. I read about humans being dragons in a "shape-shifting" perspective and how dark evil kings would use their power by force and against their own will for the enjoyment of others and for the blood. The blood wouldn't just satisfy our thirsts; it could cause cures to any sort of plague when transfused with anybody's. Her blood is an absolute treasure.
    March 24th, 2014 at 05:41pm
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I felt tears in my eyes but i quickly wiped them away. Every part of the dragon was rare and had a special power. I whimpered quietly and looked at James. "I told her we shouldn't have come here i knew it wasn't safe." Then i gasped out in pain when i felt like i was being bit. I placed my hand to my throat and felt holes in it that were leaking blood.

    I swiftly bit into her neck, trying to keep her pain to a minimal. I grasped her shoulders so hard that it would leave bruises. I groaned at the wonderful taste of her blood.
    March 24th, 2014 at 08:33pm
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    @ RavenArtist93
    Did i forget this?
    March 25th, 2014 at 12:10am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ Tobias Eaton

    (Sorry I was at work xD you got it tho :) )


    The pain was the worst I ever felt. I couldn't help but let out a scream, my nails digging so hard into his forearms that it drew blood.

    He sucked on my wound like a ravenous animal...making me realise the horror of what he truly is. I thrashed against him, begging him to stop. His grip on my shoulders were only causing more pain.

    "Please stop!" I whimpered out, feeling on of his hands grasp my bare breast harshly.

    "W-Whats wrong, my lady?" I stuttered, soon seeing the two holes in her neck, completely bewildered by it.

    "Did you fucking bite me?" She hissed

    "N-No I never did my lady" I assured in a plea, "I would never do such a thing..."

    How could this shit happen so suddenly? Why must horror be inflicted on this pour innocent being?
    March 25th, 2014 at 03:14am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    "He bit her" i said to him, feeling helpless because i couldn't help my best friend. I sniffled quietly and watched the door open to see a man in a black smith's outfit walk towards me with two guards. I whimpered as the guard's seized me and forced my head back so my neck was exposed. "I'm sorry madam" the blacksmith said gently. He walked over to me and poured whatever red hot liquid was in the bowl onto my neck. I screamed in agony as it began to wind itself around my neck. I looked at him feeling the burning liquid seal the two holes in my neck before cooling down and hardening. I was dropped to the ground where i laid for only god knows how long crying.

    Eventually i pulled away from her neck and glared down at her dress. I pulled at the corset making it rip in two, i pulled the dress from her body, looking at her beautiful body.
    March 25th, 2014 at 12:58pm