Intensity Within

  • anima d'amore;;

    anima d'amore;; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.

    Takuma let a small round of playful laughter escape his lips and when he settled down he settled his sparkling eyes on Kaname. "I'll help you but only of you tell me what's going on. There's no way you'd ever invite all of the Night Class if Sakura didn't have something to do with it."

    Sakura furrowed her brows in confusion, "Okay, deal, but how are we going to prove him wrong?" Sakura didn't want to go as Kaname's date if he was just going to ignore her the whole night so he could entertain his socialite friends either.
    June 23rd, 2014 at 03:25pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (Sorry, I wasn't on yesterday. D:)

    A frown on his features, Kaname stared evenly at Takuma, eventually sighing as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'm trying to prove a point to Sakura," he said simply, trying to keep as much information as he could to himself. "I even invited her as my date, but she has yet to give me an answer. So I want to prove that I'm not as heartless as everybody seems to think."

    A grin spread across Rina's features to her friend's question. "We're going to make sure that you catch everybody's eye, of course," she mused quietly, "If he's not jealous now, he will be when he sees everybody's attention on you. We're going to show him how stupid he is for treating you poorly."
    June 25th, 2014 at 01:10am
  • anima d'amore;;

    anima d'amore;; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.
    (it's okay, things happen(: ..and I'm sorry my last post was no short.)

    Takuma couldn't even make himself laugh in disbelief when Kaname said he'd invited Sakura to be his personal date. "I cannot believe you did that," spoke Takuma breathlessly. "Did she.... Did you hit you or anything? What was her reaction?" Takuma was struggling to wrap his head around the whole situation. Never would he have ever expected something like this to happen, for Kaname to invite all of the Night Class to a formal ball and for his best friend to invite the one girl that probably disliked Kaname more than any other person in the entire world. "I'll help you, but you've got to tell me this whole story because frankly, it's unbelievable."

    Rina's impish grin was contagious and as Rina explained her plan, the grin spread itself onto Sakura's lips. "I like how you think, Rina, but what can I do for you besides tell you what dress works for you?" Sakura ran a hand through her hair, realizing that in her haste to talk to Rina and to calm down from her crazy Kaname-based dream, she'd forgotten her usual headband. "I mean, it hardly seems like an equal trade."
    June 25th, 2014 at 02:45am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (Oh, you don't have to apologize! :) )

    Kaname let out an aggravated sigh at all of Takuma's curiosity, rubbing a hand over his face and shaking his head. "No, she didn't hit me. She seemed surprise with the invitation, though," he muttered quietly, frowning deeply as he glanced away in hopes of trying to remember the entire story so that he could explain it to Takuma easier. All he could really remember, though, was the fact that she hadn't given him an answer, because that was what had bothered him the most. "Where do you want me to start with this story?"

    Rina blinked and tried to think of an answer but eventually shifted a few times back and forth on her feet. "Well, um," she murmured, trailing off as a slight blush tinted her features, eventually glancing down to her shoes. "I kind of want to find a dress that will impress Takuma. He asked me to be his date there, so..." She shook her head in attempts to rid herself of her blush. "Anyways, no, just help with finding a dress is fair enough with me."
    June 25th, 2014 at 02:51am
  • anima d'amore;;

    anima d'amore;; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.

    Takuma found himself laugh a little in disbelief, he leaned back and folded his hands on the back on his head so his elbows were in the air. "Wow, you my friend," he said with a chuckle, "Have just opened a can of worms I didn't even know existed if she says yes." Takuma thought then for a few moments, "Well, you could start with why the heck you followed her outside when she clearly went there to get away from you?"

    Sakura's eyes lit up and sparkled with friendly mischief when Rina mentioned Takuma. "How sweet, you two will be adorable together," she then added in a mumbled, sarcastic voice, "If not annoying because you'll most certainly be having a better time than me." She popped up from the bedside and huffed out air as if to start anew. "Okay, get yourself ready and bring your wallet because immediately following school today we are going shopping." Sakura turned and animately walked to the door but then stopped her thoughts becoming skewed, "Wait is the ball tonight or tomorrow? I need to know how long I should make Kaname sweat it out before I tell him I'll go with him."

    (Also, for whatever reason I can't post to our Naruto thread but this hotel wifi is super weird so that could be why.)
    June 25th, 2014 at 03:14am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Staring at him, Kaname tried to force the words out, but instead sighed out before he went on to speak. "Because it was daylight outside and I didn't want her to exhaust herself," he muttered before glancing away, "Plus the fact that you two get along so well bothered me. I don't know why, so please don't ask." He was pretty certain that it wouldn't stop Takuma from asking, but he honestly had no clue why it had bothered him so much. It wasn't something that he had felt before.

    Rina smiled and nodded to her friend's words. "Got it," she mused happily, though she blinked to the question. "Tomorrow, thankfully." A grin spread over her features and she nodded eagerly. "I have to admit, that will be fairly amusing, watching Kaname get anxious to hear an answer from you. I don't think we'd get a chance to see him like that again," she joked before moving to grab her wallet since she was already ready for classes.
    June 25th, 2014 at 03:22am
  • anima d'amore;;

    anima d'amore;; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.
    (sorry this response took so long, my brother is a complete asshole.)

    Takuma sat in stillness fro a few moments, pondering what Kaname said and trying to make sense of it. Suddenly it all clicked and Takuma raised his brows a little in surprise, "Kaname Kuran, are you jealous of my completely platonic relationship with Sakura Ayuri, the girl who you only a few hours ago looked down upon?" Takuma wiggled his eyebrows teasingly to get a rise out of Kaname as he waited eagerly for his best friend's response.

    Sakura smiled and nodded in response to Rina, "I'll tell him tomorrow morning, that should give him enough time to collect himself to match my dress and to still sweat it out, right?" Sakura looped her arm through Rina's after the girl grabbed her wallet and lead the way into the hallway. "I'm excited," as an after thought Sakura pointed her finger in the air and smiled wickedly."I'd like you to bring up the ball-- how excited you are, basically say anything about it--to make Kaname freak out a little inside, whenever I'm not around."
    June 25th, 2014 at 04:09am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (Oh, don't worry! What'd he do? D: Also, sorry this is a bit short. D:)

    Kaname couldn't help but to glare at Takuma, scowling slightly. "Let's get one thing straight: I only looked down on her because I know that her worth is hidden due to her behavior," he said simply, "It was not to insult her, but to push her to better herself. Secondly, I am most certainly not jealous." Or, at least, he wouldn't allow himself to believe that he was jealous, anyways.

    Rina laughed quietly in response as she walked with Sakura, nodding slightly. "I'm certain I can do that," she mused with a grin, a quiet giggle escaping her. She found the idea fairly amusing. "Though, you'll have to remember that I don't spend much time around Kaname, so I won't be of too much help in that aspect. I'll still try, though."
    June 25th, 2014 at 04:18am
  • anima d'amore;;

    anima d'amore;; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.
    (It's okay, and he's just being a complete asshole to my younger brother and I was trying to defend him so my Bully Brother turned on me and I just gave up and am feeling really defeated. We're supposed to be siblings, and siblings look out for each other but he's just so rude and he just doesn't care about other people's feelings at all.)

    "You know that her worth is hidden due to her behavior. Hm." Takuma squinted at Kaname and pursed his lips while he pondered. "And you pushed her to better herself.... And you're most certainly not jealous." Takuma chewed the inside of his lip and finally sighed before throwing his hands up, "Yeah you're either lying to me, yourself, or the both of us but okay. I'll pretend to believe you for now." Takuma unfolded his hands from behind his head and stood, "Regardless though, I need to properly ask Rina to the ball and you need to properly ask Sakura to the ball because I have a feeling you did what I did and only verbally asked them. We've got to hurry and bribe a Day Class girl to go pick up some nice pieces of jewelry and pick up bouquets of flowers for us while we've got morning classes and deliver them by midnight." Without another word Takuma took off and waved for Kaname to follow, wallet in hand.

    "Oh don't worry, I'll recruit Takuma too." Sakura turned her head to look at Rina, "Or better yet, you can recruit him and bond over my little game because I can totally see that you are interested in him whether you know it or not just by how you told me he asked you to be his date to the ball." Sakura smiled as they walked further down the hall at their own pace. Before Sakura could get out another word she saw the racing forms of Kaname and Takuma blur by and murmured, "Jeez, where's the fire?"
    June 25th, 2014 at 04:44am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (Ah, I'm sorry. D: Don't feel defeated because of it, though. Siblings fight like that, but in the end, they really do care, whether they'll admit it or not.)

    Kaname blinked in surprise to his friend's words, arching an eyebrow. "You asked Rina?" he asked, finding it surprising. The two barely talked before yesterday, after all. Regardless, he followed after Takuma and rolled his eyes slightly. "I highly doubt a Day Class girl will get things like that for us if they learn why we want those things. They're incredibly jealous females, don't you think? They wouldn't like learning that we're using them to get things for us so that we can ask other girls to a ball," he said bluntly.

    Rina felt her cheeks heat up again at Sakura's words but she didn't respond to it. Mostly because she wasn't even sure if Sakura was right or wrong. Either way, she froze when she spotted the boys rush past, surprise filling her. "Maybe they're racing for a prize or something," she decided lamely, unable to come up with any better explanation since she hadn't seen them move that fast before. Shrugging, she started walking again. "Oh well. Let's leave them to that and plan out how we're going to make you the belle of the ball."
    June 25th, 2014 at 04:54am
  • anima d'amore;;

    anima d'amore;; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.

    "Yeah, most Day Class girls are like that, but Yuki from the Disciplinary Group or whatever isn't like that at all." Takuma kept running, the two of them needed to find Yuki before the crowds gathered outside of the dorms. Within moments Takuma spotted her standing guard half falling asleep by the wall. "Yuki! Yuki, we have a favor to ask of you." Takuma then took a few minutes to explain the basics of what they needed and why while he handed her his entire wallet. "I'd really like to get Rina a bracelet, something not too flashy but stunning, like her." Takuma added the like her in more of a hushed tone but it was loud enough for the two others to hear.

    Yuki smiled kindly, "Okay, I can do that for you, two bouquets of beautiful flowers, a simple but stunning bracelet and..?" Yuki turned her big, innocent eyes on Kaname. "What about you, Kaname? Are you getting Sakura a piece of jewelry?"

    Sakura shook her head with a light laugh at Rina's half made attempt at explaining why the two boys were running like madmen. At Rina's following comments Sakura grinned, "Well my only thing is I don't like high collared dresses or tops, anything else I'm completely open to. For you I already have an idea in my head, we need something dark, maybe navy or a very dark royal purple with some lighter accents to compliment your dark hair and medium toned eyes..." Sakura then began to ramble a little about how important it was for Rina to be completely gorgeous as well, so Takuma would see just how lucky he was to be with a girl with ten's in both looks and personality.
    June 25th, 2014 at 05:12am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Kaname was fairly amused to hear Takuma's hushed tone, wondering if he said it to avoid Kaname hearing or if he was worried somebody else might hear. To Yuki's question, he thought over it before he eventually nodded. "I don't particularly know what exactly to get her," he said honestly, unsure of if Sakura even liked jewelry. Still, he went ahead and held out a significant amount of money before he shrugged. "Perhaps a necklace? One that would suit her, regardless of occasion," he decided with a nod, "It has to be absolutely perfect, though. Perfect and gorgeous."

    Rina smiled slightly as she listened to Sakura's words, nodding slowly. "Well, we'll have a lot of fun picking out dresses," she decided with a grin, figuring it would be rather interesting, too. She was still mostly focused on making sure that Sakura stood out the most, though, because she knew it would definitely attract Kaname's attention and likely keep his attention on Sakura, rather than him speaking with others like he normally would.
    June 25th, 2014 at 05:22am
  • anima d'amore;;

    anima d'amore;; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.

    Yuki smiled and nodded, "Two bouquets, one simple yet stunning bracelet and one perfect and gorgeous everyday necklace. I'll have them for you by midnight, meet me back here at the bell for your lunch break for them."

    Takume smiled widely and graciously, "Thank you so much for this Yuki, we owe you big time. If this all goes right, you'll seriously be one of the best people in the world." Takuma laughed in excitement and nervousness, he couldn't wait for midnight. He could see Day Class girls begin to creep out from the school, signalling that soon his own classes would begin. "And remember, no one can know about this, it has to stay a secret, Sakura seriously finds out everything and this has to be a surprise for both of them."

    Yuki giggled, "I've got it Takuma, don't worry. No one is going to find out."

    Sakura smiled and nodded, "I'm really excited for tonight, it feels like it's going to be great." Sakura giggled in excitement over the ball, though mostly the preparations part of it, the actual ball part she was dreading a little. Sakura had no idea what to expect, she had a sinking feeling that Kaname would just ignore her the whole night in order to keep up his image and she wasn't excited for that at all. "We'll be getting ready together right?"
    June 25th, 2014 at 05:43am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Kaname was fairly thankful to hear Yuki's agreement to keep it all a secret. "Thank you, Yuki," he decided to say, though his tone was a little quiet, uncertain, "For all of this." Knowing that he'd be able to properly ask Sakura to the ball honestly made him a little anxious. Or was it nervousness that he was feeling? In a way, he supposed the feelings were somewhat the same, but not entirely. Either way, he couldn't decipher which it was and he was a little worried that she might decline the idea. Really, with how he treated her, he wouldn't be surprised. "I suppose we should head to class now, Takuma."

    Smiling, Rina nodded in assurance as she hummed a bit, glancing to her friend before turning her attention ahead. "Of course. I mean, as long as you want to. I don't really have any other girl friends. Senri's really my only other friend and, as much as I adore him, I wouldn't get ready with him," she said with a quiet laugh. "Besides, if we get ready together, I'm certain I can gush to Kaname about how perfect you look before he sees you. He'll be so wound up with anticipation, it would be pretty amusing."
    June 25th, 2014 at 05:51am
  • anima d'amore;;

    anima d'amore;; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.

    Takuma nodded and said goodbye to Yuki before they both carried on their way to class. "Do you want to do it together," asked Takuma softly so no one would accidently overhear even though they were relatively alone. "Ask them properly, I mean, or do you want to do it separately?" Frankly, Takuma didn't care so long as he got a chance to ask Rina and have her say yes to him formally.

    Sakura's eyes lit up in excitement at the mention of Kaname being all wound up. "Not that I don't want to spend time with you anyway, but for that reason alone I would get ready wth you," she admitted with teasing and joyous laughter. "Takuma will be excited to see you too, whether or not he has to wait a few extra moments like Kaname will."
    June 25th, 2014 at 06:14am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Kaname blinked to his question, glancing at him for a moment before turning his attention ahead and shrugged slightly. "Well, which would be better?" he asked after a moment. "Personally, I think it would be best to ask them separately - that way, they wouldn't necessarily feel pressured to say yes with all the attention on them." Then again, if he asked Sakura to join him at the ball in public, she might understand that he really did want to go with her, regardless of what others thought. "I don't know. Which would you prefer?"

    Rina laughed quietly and nudged her friend gently. "Hey, we're focusing on you, not me," she reminded with a smile before turning her attention ahead as they got to the entrance of the Moon Dorm and she led the way out with her friend. "We have to make sure that every guy there wants you and every girl wants to be you - which really won't be too hard, if you ask me."
    June 25th, 2014 at 06:21am
  • anima d'amore;;

    anima d'amore;; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.
    (Alright, I'm turning in for the night. I think we're judging hanging around the pool at the hotel so I should have wifi, goodnight!(: )
    June 25th, 2014 at 06:24am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (Haha, alright! Good night!)
    June 25th, 2014 at 06:25am
  • anima d'amore;;

    anima d'amore;; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.

    Takuma nodded along with while Kaname spoke, but when he asked Takuma's opinion he shrugged. "We can do it apart, that way you might be able to convince Sakura to you know," Takuma then mumbled, "Fall for you." He chuckled and teasingly spoke, "Because let's be honest, you want her to treat you like everyone else here does. Falling at your feet, swooning when you look at then or looking away from embarrassment. She's the only challenge for you, my friend, just admit it."

    Sakura laughed, "Right, right, I forgot I was being selfish here." Sakura laughed again and shook her head in disbelief at Rina's following comment, "You flatter me, Rina. I'm not that loveable if you haven't noticed, so I hope you're up for a challenge."
    June 25th, 2014 at 06:42pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (Sorry! I haven't been on lately. Dx)

    Kaname rolled his eyes in the most subtle way that he could manage to - which wasn't very subtle at all, considering Takuma was really making Kaname anxious about asking Sakura properly. "I will admit that she is a challenge," he muttered blankly, turning his attention ahead. "But I highly doubt that it's much of your concern either way, Takuma."

    Rina smiled and rolled her eyes. "Don't sell yourself short, Sakura," she mused as she shrugged. "Everybody's lovable in their own ways. It just takes some time for them to figure it out themselves. Others can see it - obviously Takuma can, since you and he are so close. Kaname probably can, too; he just won't admit it."
    June 28th, 2014 at 06:07am