Intensity Within

  • anima d'amore;;

    anima d'amore;; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.

    Sakura blinked with her lips parted in complete and utter shock at Kaname's little round of word vomit. "Wh... What?" Sakura felt tears well up in her eyes again, this time they were tears of frustration though as she glared at him. "Stop it! You... You can't feel that way! I..." Sakura's eyes turned intense with sadness and frustration and anger, her body grew tense as she sat before him trying to wrap her head and her broken heart around it all. "I'm no good for you, don't you see that? A friendship between us, a classmate to classmate relationship... None of that can happen between us and I know that now...!" She just wanted to make him see it, to make Kaname see just how much being around her had already hurt his image. An image she knew he cared deeply about, and rightfully so. "I'm dirt in our society, I'm dirt and there's nothing I can do about it and I accept it, but you... You're a Pureblood Vampire. You mean something, you're important, irreplaceable. You need to forget about me, go back to ignoring me, to insulting me, like before. We can't... You can't afford to be seen around someone like me..."
    November 4th, 2014 at 06:19am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Kaname frowned deeply to her words as he looked at her and sighed, shaking his head. "Sakura, regardless of whatever happens between us, everybody has already decided on their opinion of me, haven't they?" he said simply. "If you're dirt, then so am I. Even if others think poorly of that decision, it doesn't matter. I'm still a Pureblood. I'm still higher than they are. They have no right to judge me - and, in turn, they have no right to judge you, either. If they do so, it's because they're simply jealous that they couldn't manage to catch a Pureblood's attention, whereas you have. You shouldn't take heed to their words."
    November 4th, 2014 at 06:24am
  • anima d'amore;;

    anima d'amore;; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.

    Sakura felt so stupidly frustrated with both herself and the beautiful man before her, "Kaname it's not that simple..." It was never that simple when it came to thing like breaking the status quo. "What about your political ties? Your family line? You say it doesn't matter, but it does. Everything about you matters to our entire society." Sakura was the type of person that when she finally fell for someone, though against her own will as so obviously seen with her feelings so Kaname, she fell slowly and then suddenly, there was no stop. Sakura didn't think short term, she always thought about her life in the long term perspective, that was why she worked so hard in school, why she only made friends and stayed fiercely loyal to those she deemed worthy. Sakura worked so that she could have an easier life with her future kids than she had, she wanted her future children to be happy. With Kaname there would no doubt be any future children, to mix Pureblood and dirt was absolutely unheard of. Bottom line, there was no future with Kaname. "You'll never be dirt, Kaname," Sakura's voice had dropped to a tender whisper in this moment as she gently ran her index fingertip down in a line, feather-lightly along the beautiful boy's bottom lip to his chin before dropping it and her gaze. "You're too golden for that."
    December 24th, 2014 at 07:07am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    A deep frown seemed to be etched on Kaname's lips as he listened to her. "Politics or not, there's no reason for us to ignore our feelings simply because others disagree with it," he said bluntly, eyes stern and serious as he spoke. "They will accept whatever choices I make, because they are too afraid to outright question me." It was the truth; the others may speak together in silence, away from his ears or attention, but they would never dare to say anything that he would dislike to him. "You shouldn't let others influence this, Sakura, you know that." His voice had softened, his hand reaching up to brush strands of hair out of her face and tuck them behind her ear. "You must be able to see that, because you certainly aren't dirt, either."
    December 24th, 2014 at 07:13am
  • anima d'amore;;

    anima d'amore;; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.

    Sakura wanted to believe him, but it wasn't a matter of just ignoring what people said. Even though she seemed tough, Sakira was actually really sensitive and it seriously hurt her to have people saying negative things about her and about Kaname as often as they had been the past few days. When he brushed her hair behind her ear, Sakjra couldn't help but relax a little at his touch and look up at him through her long lashes with her big blue eyes. "You don't understand what you're getting yourself into." Sakura was terrified, so much so that she felt her hands shaking and her heart as in her stomach. She hadn't ever felt this strongly about someone, especially since it was both a repulsion and an attraction to the same complicated person.
    December 24th, 2014 at 07:24am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    "I'm not worried about it," Kaname assured with a confident look, placing his hand atop her head gently. "Regardless of what I'm getting into, at least I'm not alone, hm?" At least neither of them would have to deal with the backlash by themselves - not as long as Kaname had a say about it, that is. He'd do his best to keep others from saying rotten insults about Sakura, but he knew that several girls would be jealous of the two. Whatever insults that girls like that threw at them would be expected - and he would quickly defend her. "Don't worry too much, understand? We're in this together now, that's how it is going to remain, I assure you."
    December 24th, 2014 at 07:31am
  • anima d'amore;;

    anima d'amore;; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.

    "Of course you're not worried about it, I've hardly- if ever- seen you worry about anything." Sakura sighed in both defeat and relief, it was kind of nice to be the one being reassured for a change. There wasn't any way that she wouldn't get some serious hate from the stick-up-the-drop-off vampire socialites of both genders, but knowing that Kaname genuinely wanted her around made the idea seem more than worth it. "There's no talking you out of this, is there?" She looked into his eyes with a hidden sparkle of hope, maybe everything would turn out okay. Or, maybe she'd at least be able to pull herself together enough to last through the rest of her schooling. After that, she could disappear back into her dirt lifestyle if things turned ugly between her and Kaname.
    December 24th, 2014 at 07:54am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    "Can anybody ever talk me out of anything?" Kaname asked with an arched eyebrow, though he knew there was no point in waiting for her to answer his question; they both knew the answer, after all. After a moment or so, he shifted to stand up straight before offering his hand out to her. "Come with me. I had planned to do something later, but I feel that I must prove just how serious I am about my attraction to you." Hopefully, Yuki hadn't gotten rid of what he asked to buy, since he had told her it was no longer needed. But, then, Yuki was too kind to just toss it away; knowing her, she would have likely delivered the items to Sakura herself. "I have a bit of a surprise for you."
    December 24th, 2014 at 08:02am
  • anima d'amore;;

    anima d'amore;; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.

    Sakura watched Kaname with a suspicious eye has he held out his hand to her and spoke of a surprise, "A surprise...?" She stood and eyed the outstretched hand before her own and spoke with a disbelieving tone. "I'm not sure anything you do from this point on is surprising to me." After a moment she succumbed to her desperate and hopefully hidden wonder, to know what it would be like to hold Kaname's hand, and slipped her fingers between his, easily lacing their hands together. The movement felt so natural and fluid it surprised her so much that for a moment all she could do was stare in disbelief that it has happened at all. Sakura cleared her throat though, equally desprate to pull it back together and get her usual Sass Master attitude back, before she motioned to her dorm room door with faked playful annoyance, "But if you think it'll surprise me, go right ahead and give it a go."
    December 24th, 2014 at 08:37am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    "Careful there. I might just start believing that you're genuinely annoyed with me," Kaname hummed out as he led the way out of the room, his hand gently yet firmly holding onto hers. It surprised him just how nice it felt to have her hand within his grasp, how right it felt. He didn't mention it, though. No, instead, he concentrated on the conversation at hand. "I'm slowly figuring out when you're seriously annoyed with me, though." Slowly, but he was getting there. Leading the way down the hallway, he occasionally glanced at her, just to register her reactions or expressions in general. Upon exiting the Moon Dorm with her, he looked around for Yuki.
    December 24th, 2014 at 08:45am
  • anima d'amore;;

    anima d'amore;; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.

    Sakura scoffed, "Oh really? How are you so sure that I'm only seriously annoyed with you some of the time? Maybe I'm always seriously annoyed with you, hmm? Did you ever think of that, Smarty Pants?" She let herself relax and her signature impish grin same crawling back, though this time it seemed a lot softer as she turned it on Kaname. She let him pull her down the hallway and could tell that they were either supposed to be meeting someone or something was there for him by the way Kaname split his attention between looking at her and studying their surroundings. "Okay, what's going on--" Just as she verbalized her question her eyes caught sight of a small, beautiful, champagne colored glittery box sitting on the windowsill of the main entrance to the Moon Dorm. The box was highlighted by the slowly creeping sunlight and on top of the shimmering box sat a plain white note that had her name written on it. "Oh my... Is that what you're looking for...?"
    Outside of the Moon Dorm, Yuki paced back and forth against the main entrance wall. Anxiety was swallowing her, there was no way she was going to let Kaname dismiss the gift she was sent out to buy on his behalf, she could tell that it was really important to him when he'd asked her, so she was going to see it through. Her only worry was that she hadn't left the box in an open enough space or that she'd left it in too open of a space and someone else would snatch it before Sakura could even get back downstairs after she'd run. The only distraction she had was the fact that she held the second gift she'd been assigned to purchase between her hands. "I don't know if I'm supposed to deliver this one," she mumbled to herself. "Oh Takuma... Where are you?"
    March 3rd, 2015 at 05:55am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Kaname, admittedly, couldn't help but to be surprised that Sakura had caught sight of the box before he had. But, he was far more relieved than surprised, so he nodded slowly. "I believe so," he decided before he made his way over to it with her. He could only hope that Yuki had gotten what he had asked for, because it was definitely necessary. "I asked Yuki to pick something out especially for you, in hopes of properly asking you to the ball." They were close enough now, and he picked the box up carefully, being more than a little gentle with it as he opened it, peering inside. To say that he was impressed was an understatement - Yuki had gone above and beyond and he was more than grateful. With the gentlest of smiles, he held the box out to Sakura, though it was fully open now. "I would have preferred to have gone about this during dinner, but it seems this is the best opportunity to go about this. So, Sakura Ayuri, would you be willing to be my date to the ball?"
    Rina was more than a little relieved when the classes ended. Her fingers hurt from writing so many notes for Sakura, when she wasn't typically used to it and she rubbed at her hands after she packed up. Looking over to Takuma, she offered a slight smile. "Well, we survived a night of writing notes. Though I really hope we don't have to do that again," she said quietly, though she couldn't help but wonder if Sakura was still going to go with them to help them find clothes - or, more so, to help Rina find a dress and for them to find Sakura a dress, if she still planned on going to the ball. Shifting her backpack on her shoulder, she looked towards the door of the classroom, admittedly more than ready to get out of there.
    March 3rd, 2015 at 06:35am
  • anima d'amore;;

    anima d'amore;; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.
    (just a heads up, I changed Sakura's photo in the original post, i got tired of her other one and i think this one suits her personality a lot more haha its still the same brown hair and blue eyes)

    Takuma laughed and rubbed his own aching hands, "Me too. I don't know how she does this multiple times, everyday." He put the notes away to be delivered later and slipped on his backpack with ease and outstretched his sore hand to the beautiful girl beside him. "Come on, let's go see if they're okay." The thought of Yuki and her deliveries was still in the back of his mind, and even though he desperately wanted to give Rina the present Yuki had gotten, his friends feelings were more important and he just couldn't seek out Yuki right then. He was sure she'd understand if he didn't find her right away, Yuki was kind and usually didn't get angry at him. "I'm sure they are, but just in case they're not I'll focus on Kaname and you on Sakura?"
    Emotions raced through Sakura at speeds that no odometer could track. Was he really serious about all of this? Had he actually spent money on her? Before she could manage to even think of words to say Kaname turned the box and Sakura peered inside. She lifted her hand in disbelief to cover her mouth, and also to hide the growing smile that she couldn't stop. Inside that beautiful champagne colored box of glitter laid an even more stunning necklace, a sakura flower necklace. Gold in color and outline of the petals, pink in its full color with a single flawless white pearl resting in its center. She wanted to come up with something witty, something that would annoy him, but she couldn't. Even if he hadn't been the one to pick out this necklace, he still had spent money on her and the gesture was there. Sakura wasn't used to getting presents, even on days like her birthday. Where she came from, her family couldn't afford it... and even if Kaname had an abundance of money easily at his disposal... He could have spent it on something else. Sakura looked up at Kaname with eyes that made it clear just how special he made her feel by doing this for her. fearing she'd say something that she'd regret, or worse, she stuttered and looked like a babbling idiot, Sakura did something else instead. She silently pushed the outstretched hand that held the box and necklace aside and stepped closer to him. Slowly, she wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his chest, an action that felt so natural it was like breathing.
    March 4th, 2015 at 05:41am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (I'm so sorry this reply sucks so bad. x.x)

    Kaname was more than a little surprised to feel Sakura's arms wrap around himself. He took it as a good sign, though, and was quick to return the hug, his arms tight but gentle around her small frame as he rested his chin atop her head. Part of him wanted to question if the hug meant a yes, but he didn't want to ruin the moment. He much preferred just standing there, holding her close to himself - though he was sure to be careful with the box while he held her.
    Rina nodded to Takuma's suggestion, offering a smile. "Yeah, I'll go look for Sakura, then, and make sure that she's okay," she decided quietly, looking up at him for a moment before she turned her attention back to the door. "I'll see you in a little bit, okay?" She made her way towards the door, looking over her shoulder with a grin and a quick, teasing, "Try not to miss me too much!"
    March 4th, 2015 at 06:03am
  • anima d'amore;;

    anima d'amore;; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.

    Takuma laughed, a smile bubbling easily on his lips, "I'll try, but I can't make any promises." He watched her go before he finally sighed and let the worry he was feeling fully consume him. There were so many factors in the cause of Sakura's sadness and the fact that so many of them were unknown to him gave him a type of anxiety he was completely unfamiliar with. He heard one of the girls make a comment about Sakura running out in order to get attention and how she was sure Kaname was yelling at her for it. "Excuse me," he said politely with a sugary, sweet smile on his lips as he turned to the girl. "Could you kindly," the smile disappeared into a scowl he'd picked up from Sakura on her moody days. "Shut your trap about things you have no idea about?" With that he turned and left to go find Kaname, and if he had time, Yuki.
    When Kaname responded to her embrace by returning it with his free hand and resting his chin on her head, Sakura felt like the luckiest girl in the world... And as far as she knew, she really was the luckiest girl in the world. She pulled away and with a purely happy smile turned around as students were beginning to file in from class. She pulled her hair up with one hand and exposed the back and base of her neck, "Put it on me?"
    March 23rd, 2015 at 06:14am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Kaname wasn't too taken aback by the request and nodded. Setting the case back down, he gingerly pulled out the necklace and returned his attention to the girl. He was careful when he placed the necklace around her neck, being careful of any loose strands of hair as he clasped it on, his fingers barely gracing the skin as he did so. Just the small contact between them made him almost as happy as when they had hugged, he realized, but he decided to think further into that later. Instead, when he made sure the clasp was secure, he placed his hands on her shoulders and leaned forward to whisper in her ear, "I hope you'll wear it as often as possible."
    The moment Rina was out of the school, she headed straight to the Moon Dorm, figuring that she might be able to find Sakura there. There weren't very many places that somebody could run off to on the school grounds, so she figured it was either the Moon Dorm or away from the school entirely. She sincerely hoped it wasn't the latter, as going off school grounds would make it all the more difficult to find her friend. With a sigh, she set out with determination, figuring that the sooner she found Sakura and made sure the girl was okay (and gave her the notes from their classes,) the better.
    March 23rd, 2015 at 06:28am
  • anima d'amore;;

    anima d'amore;; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.

    Takuma kept his cool after that externally, internally he was on a rampage. What right did those girl have to just make things up and treat his close friends like that? It lit a fire under him and he felt determined to squash any and all rumors about Sakura, Kaname and even Rina should one about her come up. He headed toward the Moon Dorm, figuring he was bound to find at least one of the pair who had run off or Yuki. Whichever came first.
    At Kaname's feather-like touch as he helped her with the necklace Sakura felt her skin tingle, but at his breath trailing down the length of her neck and the whisper in her ear she had to fight to suppress a delightful shiver. She stayed turned away from but angled her face towards his as he lingered by her ear. "I suppose the least I can do after all of this trouble is agree to go to the ball with you," she teased. In reality the happiness that she felt within herself was enough to overwhelm and drown her but she was able to contain herself enough to keep her composure. "I can't believe you did all of this though, it really is too much."
    March 24th, 2015 at 03:13am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Kaname would be lying if he said he wasn't pleased to hear her agreement to go to the ball with him - but he didn't necessarily want her to think that she had to repay him in any way, especially if she thought it was by going to the ball with him. "I don't want you to go to the ball with me because it's the least you can do. I want you to go to the ball with me because you want to," he told her, offering a small smile, hoping that his words made sense. Sakura tended to fluster him lately and he wasn't always sure that his words came out properly, but he hoped that she understood what he meant regardless. "Why wouldn't I go through all of this? I had to prove just how serious I was about wanting you to go to the ball with me, that it wasn't meant as some cruel joke, and I wanted to prove it in the best way that I could."
    As Rina got closer to the dorm, it didn't take her too long to spot the Moon Dorm and she quickly made her way inside, only to stop short when she spotted Kaname and Sakura standing at the window by the entrance. Realizing that the two were having a somewhat private moment, she grinned sheepishly, rubbed the back of her neck and sputtered a quick, "Sorry, Takuma and I were worried, so we went looking for the both of you. Don't mind me! Oh, but, before I forget -" She quickly dug through her book bag before pulling out the notes she had written down and set them nearby. "Those are the notes I took in class for you, Sakura. Takuma took some, too. Ah, I'll be going now!" She bowed quickly, polite and apologetic, before she quickly made her way back out of the Moon Dorm and let out a sigh.
    March 24th, 2015 at 03:27am
  • anima d'amore;;

    anima d'amore;; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.

    Takuma walked on, trying his best to retain his anger. A familiar feminine voice shouted from behind him as he marched on closer to the Moon Dorm. He turned and saw Yuki waving at him, he must have passed by her without noticing in his anger, "Hey, Yuki!"

    The girl rushed up to him and extended a small and simple silver box with a white ribbon design printed on the top. "I took a little bit of creative liberty with it, but I'm positive she'll love it. I have to run though, I've spent so much time looking for you I'm missing my post as part of the Disciplinary Committee," she smiled and handed over the box. "Tell me how it goes!"

    Takuma watched her go with a smile on his lips and opened the box, a beautiful pair of earrings sparkled in the rising sunlight. They were perfect.
    Sakura blinked in surprise as she watched Rina disappear as quickly as she'd come but a soft smile crept onto her lips as she held the notes. They were written in harsh letters and used full words, clearly notes taken by someone who never took notes but tried to get every speck of information they could. She would have to thank Rina and Takuma later. "Well, it's nice to know they worry about us... As odd as the two of them may be about it," she laughed lightly. Sakura turned her focus back on the beautiful boy before her, "You've proven yourself, Kaname. Don't worry, I honestly believe you."
    March 24th, 2015 at 05:26am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Kaname nodded his agreement with Sakura, because the two were very odd about their concern. At least they weren't overly crazy about it, which he supposed was a good thing. Plus, they seemed to be looking out for their friends, a commendable trait that was definitely worth appraisal. But, he didn't say any of this, because he was more so concentrating on her later words. Staring at her while she spoke, he let out a breath of relief and nodded. "I'm glad to hear that," he told her quietly, though his tone was purely genuine. "I wanted to make sure everything was perfect. I just wish that you wouldn't have had to deal with the rude remarks of those in our class." He frowned, then, and lifted a hand to rest on her cheek for a moment. "But, no matter what they say, they're wrong. I care about you, Sakura, and nothing will change that."
    Rina let a grin spread its way on her face once she got over the fact that she had pretty much interrupted a moment between Sakura and Kaname. They were okay, she told herself. They were okay and they were close and they were happy - and she was happy for them. With a firm nod to herself, she glanced at the Moon Dorm entrance for a moment before she made her way down the steps again, figuring that she'd make sure nobody went inside for a bit, so that Sakura and Kaname could relax while they could. She knew there would be a few people who wouldn't like whatever was going on between Sakura and Kaname and she certainly didn't want people like that to ruin whatever moments the two were having inside.
    March 24th, 2015 at 05:49am