Intensity Within

  • anima d'amore;;

    anima d'amore;; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.
    (It's okay! I'll be back from vacation soon too so my responses will be better and I'll finally be able to respond to our Naruto one)

    Takuma chuckled and shook his head, "Subtlety isn't your strong suit, but okay." The two of them were slowly approaching the growing crowd of Day Class students as they walked. As a result of their incredible race to find Yuki not that long ago, it seemed they were the first ones out and still early enough that the Day Class crowd really hadn't gathered yet.

    Sakura grinned at the mention of Takuma, "Taluma and I get along so well because he's my needed opposite and I'm his needed opposite. I can't hold my tongue and he does too often, and the fact that he got stuck sitting next to me in class one day really helped us out." Sakura shook her head and chuckled softly to herself as they walked. "As for Kaname, he's just one big stick in the mud who refuses to budge. He's pompous and annoying and thinks he's better than everyone else on the planet, when he's not." Sakura lifted one brow and pointed a finger as she spoke. "There are things that other will always be better than him at, for example I'll always be better at calling other people's BS, and you'll always be a better listener than him, and Takuma will always be more trustworthy than him. But there are also things that Kaname will always be better at than us, like he's always going to be the one that can stick his own head the farthest up his own backside, and he'll always be the one with the most political power, and he'll always be the most attractive." At the last statement Sakura stopped walking mid-step, her eyes were so wide the whites could be seen on all sides of her iris, her mouth was harshly covered by a hand that had immediately slapped itself over her full lips. In a muffled, hushed, irritated, afraid and embarrassed voice she squeaked out from behind the hand, "Oh my god. No."

    (Wow, I just kind of couldn't stop myself on that one.. Don't know where that came from hahahaha)
    June 28th, 2014 at 06:21am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (Oh, cool! Have you enjoyed your vacation so far? :D)

    Kaname rolled his eyes slightly in response to Takuma's words and let out a sigh. "You're really getting amusement out of this, aren't you?" he asked fairly bluntly, though he wasn't surprised. It was slightly expected, considering it wasn't normal for Kaname to act the way he was. It definitely wasn't normal for him to be so worried about people's opinions of him, but he found that it was impossible to not worry about when it came to Sakura - he still couldn't fully understand it, but he ignored the thought. "Perhaps I should find amusement in something of your personal life?"

    Rina blinked several times and froze so that she could stare blankly at Sakura. A broad grin soon formed on her features. "You like him," she mused quietly. "No wonder you two argue so much. Opposites attract - or, at least, that's what I've heard the Day Class girls mention once or twice. Odd, really. But! If you like him, then we'll definitely have to make you perfect for the ball!" she announced happily, humming to herself and nodding in approval to her decision. "We're going to make sure his attention stays focused on you for sure now."

    (Haha, no worries! It was awesome!)
    June 28th, 2014 at 06:31am
  • anima d'amore;;

    anima d'amore;; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.
    (Yeah it's nice, thanks for asking! We're staying at a hotel near the beach.)

    Takuma laughed, "Kaname, I'm an open book, you f all people should know that." He shrugged and threw his arms out to over annunciate his point, "But go ahead, find something. The difference between you and I is that I accept my feelings as they are. I don't make excuses for them or push them away."

    "No. No, no!" Sakura sprang back to life and her face was all of a sudden an unnaturally pink shade for a vampire. "No I do not! I most certainly, absolutely, positively, one thousand percent do not!" Sakura's eyes were pleading and trying to be deceiving but her blushing cheeks and panicked reaction told a different story. "I-I mean, how could I really? He's so annoying and thinks he knows everything and expects everyone to just fall down at his feet. There' nothing attractive about him. Nope." The more Saljra spoke, te pinker her cheeks got and the more flustered she became. "He's not my type at all. Not even a teeny-weeny-titsy-witsy little bit."
    June 28th, 2014 at 06:42am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (Ah, I'm jealous! I haven't been to a beach in years! I went to the beach at Corpus Christi every year for, like, 6 summers and then my dad stopped taking us.)

    "Is that so?" Kaname asked with an arched eyebrow as he glanced over at Takuma. "Then, tell me, what's got you so interested in Rina all of a sudden that you want a bracelet that's stunning like her?" he asked, his tone reflecting Takuma's earlier tone when he had requested the jewelry from Yuki. "That is most definitely an amusing turn of events, I'd say."

    Rina stared at Sakura with amusement, a slight smile lifting her features. She was pretty good at reading people - and Sakura's blush didn't help her case at all. "I find that hard to believe considering that you just said he was the most attractive of us all," she teased her friend lightly, nudging her gently. "Come on, you can tell me, really. Who would I tell? Senri isn't one for girl talk, after all, and I don't talk to Kaname unless I absolutely have to." She shrugged slightly and turned her attention ahead. "Really, it's okay to talk to me about it. You even just said that I was good at listening."
    June 28th, 2014 at 06:51am
  • anima d'amore;;

    anima d'amore;; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.
    (Aw that's a shame, the beach is a great place haha)

    Takuma shrugged bash fully and nervously rubbed the back of his neck with one hand. "Hah, yeah," Takuma sighed and smiled a little as the beautiful face of Rina appeared in his minds eye. "She's beautiful, I can easily admit that. Rina's unlike any other girl around here or anywhere I've been." Takuma shrugged and dropped husbands to rest in his pockets. "So it's only natural that she wear something nearly as as stunning as she is."

    Sakura felt her insides pull against each other, just like they had when she'd first woken up from her dream where Dream Kaname had kissed her dream self. "I..." Sakura narrowed her eyes and glared at the pathway before them as they walked slowly to the classrooms. She shook her head and the glare faded to a look of almost defeat, "I don't like him." Sakura closed her eyes and forced herself to smile a little. "I couldn't like him. We're from different worlds, and he hardly sees me as more than someone who won't take his poor treatment of those born less fortunate than him." Sakura's eyes were sad but the small smile remained, "Nothing more, maybe even something less. Even though I act like it doesn't matter, I was still born into the family and social placement I'm in, and that's far lower than any of you."
    June 29th, 2014 at 05:40am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (I know! I miss it. :( Also, sorry this is short. D:)

    Kaname eyed his friend quietly before shaking his head slightly and turning his attention ahead. "I have to admit, I didn't expect for you to start getting a crush on her," he muttered bluntly. "Considering how close you are to Sakura, I expected you to have a crush on her. Though I'm a little relieved that's not the case." Shrugging, he stepped into the school and made his way to their classroom, falling silent.

    Rina frowned slightly to her friend's words and shook her head. "Don't think like that," she told her friend quietly, glancing over at her. "Just because you're not an Aristocrat doesn't mean that you're lower. You're still one of us, regardless of class."
    July 1st, 2014 at 10:14am
  • anima d'amore;;

    anima d'amore;; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.
    (I can't for whatever reason reply to you on the Naruto thread, it keeps refreshing when I click post and deleting everything I type and not posting it.)

    "No, Salura and I have always been incredibly close, but completely platonic. I think that's because I first met her while she'd already been tangled in a relationship and I had to watch her wrestle herself out of it." Takuma's face was serious but then he quickly recovered and grinned impishly at Kaname." Oh, are you now?" Takuma laughed for good measure before he gently elbowed Kaname, "Just admit it, my friend, Sakura has caught you in her trap of blunt and honest charm." Takuma laughed again at his own joke, before he continued. "Before you know it, she'll have you doing anything for her just out of the hope she'll compliment you for once."

    Sakura smiled gently at Rina and tenderly touched her fingertips to the back of Rina's pale hand. "It's sweet and incredibly generous of you to say that, but you and I both know Kaname will never truly accept me into your group. I know and have accepted that he doesn't see me as much more than lower class. It's okay, Rina, it doesn't hurt anymore to accept that from people like him."
    July 8th, 2014 at 02:55am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (Oh, that's weird. :o )

    Kaname blinked as he listened to him before rolling his eyes eventually. "I have no idea what you're talking about," he muttered lowly before turning his attention ahead and shrugging. "I don't see myself as one to try to get compliments." Mostly because people usually gave them to him regardless. It really was a hassle knowing that Sakura wasn't like that, that he probably wouldn't receive a compliment from her at all.

    Rina frowned slightly and she let out a sigh, soon shaking her head. "You can't let Kaname's opinions affect you. He thinks everybody's lower than him, after all," she pointed out casually before shrugging slowly. "Not all of us are like him, though. I mean, there's me and Senri - and obviously Takuma, since you two have been friends for so long. There are plenty more like us."
    July 12th, 2014 at 02:02pm
  • anima d'amore;;

    anima d'amore;; (100)

    United States
    @ anima d'amore;;
    (Since I can't respond on our thread--and as a result I've kind of lost mojo for Chiko-- do you want to make a new one?)

    "That's because you always just automatically get them from people," chuckled Takuma. He ran a hand through his hair with a smile as they neared the entrance to the school. "I'm telling you, Sakura is going to have you wrapped around her finger," for special effect Takuma held up his pinkie finger with a jokester's grin and stopped walking, forcing Kaname to look back adn see Takuma wiggling his pinkie finger at his best friend. "I may not know much, but I know she's the key to unlocking you, Kaname."

    Sakura let a small yet slightly sad smile appear on her lips as they kept walking. "I know you're not all like him, don't worry." Sakura lifted her eyes up at that moment to see Takuma waving his finger around and instantly her face contorted to that of complete and utter confusion. "Ta...Takuma?" Sakura's eyes then looked further past her idiotic friend to see Kaname. "Kaname," she whispered and felt her heart ache a little inside as she looked at him.
    July 14th, 2014 at 12:08am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (Ah, sorry, what? I think part of your message got chopped off.)

    Kaname rolled his eyes slightly to Takuma's words and lightly pushed his pinky away. "You're senile, Takuma," he drawled, shaking his head slightly before he approached the entrance. He easily paused, though, when he heard Sakura - even though she was still a good distance away and had barely even spoken, he had been able to hear her easily. Turning towards the direction that her voice came from, he blinked at seeing her.

    Rina chewed on her lip before blinking when she heard Sakura mention the boys. Lifting her gaze, she caught sight of the two and she quickly diverted her gaze. "Ah, I'm surprised they're here already," she murmured lightly.
    July 14th, 2014 at 12:15am
  • anima d'amore;;

    anima d'amore;; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.
    (Haha sorry, I meant to say tht because it's been so long, and since mibba is annoying with not letting me respond, do you want to make a new Naruto thread or just keep the two we've got? Because, I was thinking-- what if you played Shino, Lee or Choji for me? I feel like they hardly-if ever- get fan written things about them because they're not first choice like Sasuke or Naruto.)

    "I am not senile," laughed Takuma. When he heard his name and also say Kaname look past him Takuma turned to see his dear friend and the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen. "Sakura! Rina! We were just talking about you two!" Takuma waved them over.

    Sakura scoffed before she nudged Rina and started to jog over to the boys. While she traveled she laughed, "Oh, really?"

    Takuma laughed and began to jog to Sakura too, the two of them had on identical goofy grins. "Yes, really!" When they met halfway between where Sakura had been and Kaname still was they burst into smiles.

    "All bad things I assume?" Sakura joked.

    "All true things," he countered both playfully and honestly.
    July 14th, 2014 at 12:49am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (Oh, we can definitely start a new thread! And, sure, I can play one of them. :) )

    Kaname watched the two, unable to help but to feel the pang of jealousy in his chest all over again. Even though Takuma had assured him that they were just friends, seeing them get along so well while he was still trying to get Sakura to approve of him in any way just... Well, it hurt. Sighing, he went ahead and made his way towards the two as well.

    Rina eyed the two with faint amusement as she made her way over. She recalled her conversation with Sakura and would have used this as an opportunity to make Kaname antsy about the ball, but wasn't sure about saying anything in front of Takuma.

    Both Kaname and Rina kind of stood a bit away from the two, both feeling and looking kind of awkward - and Rina couldn't help but to glance over her shoulder in hopes that Senri would show up and get that awkwardness to go away.
    July 14th, 2014 at 12:57am
  • anima d'amore;;

    anima d'amore;; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.
    (You pick which one, I'll look for my character photo, are you using the same character or a new one?)

    Sakura laughed and shook her head in playful disbelief, "What are you doing up so early?" When she noticed Kaname coming closer she tried to fix her hair a little before she secretly sent a look Rina's way to try and signal they put the "Make Kaname Sweat Before Sakura Gives Him An Answer" plan into action.

    Takuma nervously laughed and let his eyes wander over to Rina. "Ah, we had some things to talk about, that's all."

    Sakura took notice of Takuma's change in behavior and in the bashful way he glanced in Rina's direction. "Oh, well I hope you got a chance to talk then." Sakura smiled knowingly and Takuma caught on instantly that Sakura knew something was up.

    He sidestepped and faced an awkward stanced Rina, "Um, Rina can I talk to you for a moment?" Sakura raised her brows at her friend but stepped back to show her approval only to step too far and bump into Kaname.

    She turned with wide, suddenly nervous eyes as she tried to also balance herself. "Oh! I-I'm sorry!"
    July 14th, 2014 at 04:04am
  • anima d'amore;;

    anima d'amore;; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.
    (Ah, wait! I want to do one based off of this image and I'll make my OC a Jonin Head family Hyuga.. if thats okay i mean..(: )
    July 14th, 2014 at 04:53am
  • anima d'amore;;

    anima d'amore;; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.
    (Oh, and maybe if you want-- my Hyuga OC could be your OC's sensei? If you want, that is.. haha I'm just really excited. How fun would it be to have Iruka as one of our characters? He's one of the manga/show's characters who doesnt get too much of a fanbase either)
    July 14th, 2014 at 05:24am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (Yeah, I think I'll use the same OC - mostly because I like Aki as a character overall. :3 And, that's fine! It'd be cool to have your OC as Aki's sensei - should we come up with other characters for the team, then? We'll just cut out the whole 'being in the Akatsuki' part for Aki, then. :D)

    Kaname blinked several times at noticing that Sakura had bumped into him. Normally, he would probably tell her to be more cautious of what she was doing, but decided against it in hopes of looking better in her eyes. Instead, he offered a subtle, "It's fine," before rubbing the back of his neck.

    Eyeing her carefully, he tried to think of something to keep her attention on him, rather than Takuma, and he eventually sighed. "Did you sleep well?" Possibly not the best attempt at conversation, but it was better than nothing.

    Rina had easily taken notice of the look Sakura had given her, but blinked when she heard Takuma requesting to talk to her. She sent an apologetic glance towards Sakura, but saw that she was already talking to Kaname, before looking to Takuma and nodding slightly. "Ah, sure," she murmured, managing a small smile before she moved closer to him.
    July 14th, 2014 at 09:08pm
  • anima d'amore;;

    anima d'amore;; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.
    (One teammate is already taken care of! Haha, I was bored and excited for the new thread last night--I figured I could make one and you could make one. I figured they and Aki could be in the same graduating class as Naruto and the others, but again if you don't like it we can change it. Or, if we think its complicated to have them, they could have died during the Chunin exams attack.
    Teammate one: Ryo Nobuyuki, Chunin, from the Nobuyuki Clan They specialize in Poisonous Genjutsu, they put their enemy under a low energy level Genjutsu then attack with poison dipped weapons to minimize self risk.)

    Takuma smiled brightly and let out a sigh of relief, in fear that she would have denied him. He lead her a few feet away from where Kaname and Sakura stood. "So, um... I have a question to ask you." Takuma shook his head, "W-what I mean is, will you um.. Will you have lunch with me later tonight?" Nervousness completely overwhelmed Takuma and he could hardly speak without making a fool of himself before Rina. His cheeks took on a slight pink tint to them as he waited for her answer.

    Sakura raised her brows at Kaname when he simply said that it was fine she'd tripped onto him, and her lips parted in surprise again when he randomly asked how she'd slept. Sakura regained her balance completely and turned to face him. "I slept like a baby," she said with a cocky smile, hoping to put the Plan into place on her own. "How about you?"

    (sorry my actual response is so short..)
    July 14th, 2014 at 10:10pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (Oh, great! Sorry, it took me forever to find a picture that I even thought would look okay. xD Katsu Ueno Chunin. The Ueno clan specialize in the medic field, but Katsu went against the norm. Though still a medic, he mostly specializes in actually fighting. He uses mostly taijutsu and weapons, but has a Fire affinity that he's skilled with using. Usually, Katsu is fairly quiet and reserved except around his teammates - who he's very protective over. Overall, though, he's kind-hearted, even though he can be a bit blunt with pointing out faults. I hope he's okay. :3 )

    Kaname nodded slowly and glanced down at her. "That's good," he decided, trying to decipher the smile on her features. It made very little sense to him as to why her smile was so cocky - perhaps because she had expected him to toss and turn in his sleep, which he actually had. "I slept well enough." He glanced away for a moment, trying to decide how to approach her directly - or even just indirectly - about Takuma's plan to ask the girls to the ball properly. "I have to meet up with Yuki later because she ran an errand for me. Would it be okay to meet up after that?"

    Rina blinked several times as she looked up at Takuma, trying to process what he had just said. When she did, her cheeks tinted unnaturally and she quickly diverted her gaze to the ground. "A-Ah, um, sure," she muttered with a quick, not-so-subtle nod. "I think that'd be fun."

    (No worries; my reply isn't very good. xD)
    July 14th, 2014 at 11:01pm
  • anima d'amore;;

    anima d'amore;; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.
    (Haha alrighty! here's the thread, would you make the first post?)

    Takuma's eyes lit up instantly and a big smile graced his lips. "Wait, really?" He laughed for a moment in disbelief while he ran a hand throug his hair to buy himself time to calm down and act cool. "O-okay, that's great." He cleared his threat and tried to regain some calm. "I'll um, I'll find you after class is let out, because I'm guessing you'll be sitting with Sakura during the lessons, right?"

    Sakura's smile fell to a half frown when he said he slept well enough, she'd hoped he had been restless because she hadn't given him an answer. Sakura must had overestimated how much he cared... Her smile fell further but then she looked at Kaname wide-eyed and in confusion when he asked to meet up later. "Sure, I'll let Rina know once she's done talking with Takuma..?" Sakura furrowed her brows in confusion and pointed over her shoulder with her thumb at Takuma and Rina. "I'm sure she wouldn't mind hanging out with you and Takuma again for a little while."
    July 14th, 2014 at 11:11pm
  • anima d'amore;;

    anima d'amore;; (100)

    United States
    July 14th, 2014 at 11:11pm