Family Ties

  • Kyoya nodded slightly as he led the way into the living room with the popcorn, figuring he could set the movie up, then get the girls. Placing the bowls down onto the coffee table, he moved to put the movie in the player and glanced over to Tamaki. "You can just set the bottles down on the coffee table," he told his friend, figuring that it would be easier that way.
    Kimi offered a smile and shook her head slightly. "I can do it, don't worry," she assured with a grin as she moved to grab a platter, then got started on carefully setting the cookies on it. "I hope the movie's not too scary for you two." She couldn't help but be a bit worried about it. What if the two couldn't manage to sleep because of the movie?
    November 4th, 2014 at 05:25am
  • @ momentai.

    Tamaki followed Kyoya into the living room with the water bottles cradled shakily in his arms so the others wouldn't see his hands shaking out of the growing nervousness and fear. "Okay, sounds good Kyoya," he mumbled softly as they came into view of the room and he watched Kyoya set up the disk in the player. He placed the bottles down with a sigh followed by a chuckle, "Here goes nothing, right?"
    Hana smiled softly to Kimi as she watched her friend gently setting the cookies on the platter. She went to reach for one to help but it ended up still being too gooey and it melted in her fingers. "Oops," she laughed and tried to scoop it up to salvage it but it was no use. "Maybe I should just let yo do this part.."
    March 3rd, 2015 at 05:24am
  • "Right," Kyoya agreed with a subtle nod as he made sure that the player was ready. Standing, he glanced around at everything that they had prepared so far and offered a nod of approval. "It seems we're almost ready, then." Which he was more than a little grateful for. The sooner they got things ready, the better - because a huge part of him just wanted to go ahead and relax with Hana at his side. Tamaki had pretty much given his blessing; Kyoya just had to make sure to be diligent about how he went about the process of gaining Hana's affection.
    Kimi offered a small smile and nodded. "Sure, I can handle that," she decided quietly before moving to get started on getting the cookies onto the platter. She was careful about it, being sure to be meticulous - which probably had more to do with her family and the fact that she had been studying the careful acts in the medical field than anything else. Once she was done, she looked at Hana and grinned. "It looks like we're ready to join the guys."
    March 3rd, 2015 at 06:13am
  • @ momentai.

    Tamaki picked up the now empty DVD case for the movie, maybe he Gould read the synopsis on the back so he could prepare himself. When Kyoya's spoke Tamaki nodded silently in response as his eyes scanned the packaging to find the little paragraph. Basically what it said was that a regular suburban family were on vacation and while away, there was a local farmers market and one of the stalls was selling only a teddy bear that their child fell in love with. Ultimately that teddy bear ended up being cursed by the demonic soul of an unborn child that claimed the bodies of his victims through possession... Or something like that. Halfway through reading Tamaki's hands began to shake so badly he could hardly make out the words on the packaging and his eyes had grown wide with fear. What on Earth had he gotten himself into?
    Hana smiled back at Kimi and picked up the platter, "Let's go then." She lead the way back to where the boys were waiting. When they entered the living room to see Tamaki standing, looking absolutely terrified while holding the DVD's case Hana instantly rushed to him. She set down the cookies and was standing before her brother in a heartbeat, her hands gently taking hold of his own. She noticed their faint trembling, "We don't have to watch this if you don't want to," she whispered softly.
    Tamaki woke up when Hana touched him, her familiar warmth seemed to shake him from his terror induced trance. He shook his head and his eyes returned back to normal as he covered his embarrassing reaction with a chuckle, "I'm fine, I'm just scared for you, Hana!" He laughed and motioned playfully with his eyes down to the packaging. "Can you ladies handle demonic babies?"
    Hana's heart fell, demonic babies was something she wasn't exactly prepared for. But she got the hint from Tamaki, he was giving her a heads up so that she could prepare herself. "Of course we can! Let's get this movie started!" She flashed a wide smile at Kyoya and Kimi before she moved away from her brother and plopped on the sofa. She patted the spot on her right side and with a playfully dramatic voice she spoke, "C'mon Kimi, let's show them that we're not afraid of some demon kids!"

    (Woah.. That came from nowhere hahaha!)
    March 4th, 2015 at 04:04am
  • (That killed me, haha! Poor Tamaki!)

    Kyoya stared at the two siblings, quirking a brow as he watched Hana attempt to comfort her brother. Though he wasn't really paying attention to her words, he was a little happy to see this side of her, because he wasn't sure how often he'd get to see it after this. For all he knew, they might never come back to the Ootori house, considering he and Kimi seemed to have a large collection of horror films and he could tell neither of the Suoh siblings were quite fond of the thought of horror films.

    Regardless, he picked up the remote and moved over to the couch. "Actually, I was hoping that you and I could sit together, Hana," he told her, though, really, it had pretty much been Tamaki's idea. Why Tamaki seemed okay with the thought of Kyoya liking his sister, Kyoya still wasn't sure, but he wasn't questioning it.

    Kimi smiled slightly upon hearing her brother's words, recalling her conversation with Hana in the kitchen. Lifting her hands in mock-surrender, she said, "You'd probably have better luck with Kyoya next to you, anyways. I'd probably try to scare you." She was teasing, of course, and she hoped her friend realized that - she was only trying to make it easier for Kyoya and Hana to sit next to each other, after all.

    In the past, she might have attempted to frighten somebody, but after years of watching horror films with Kyoya, it had become pretty pointless and she had realized she had a lack of the ability to frighten people. (Or, at least, Kyoya. And, if she couldn't frighten Kyoya, it wasn't really fun.)
    March 4th, 2015 at 04:19am
  • @ momentai.

    Tamaki laughed at everyone and how easy it was for them to distract him from the fear coursing inside of him. "Fine, fine, fine," he mused as he plopped on the sofa on Hana's far right side. "Have Hana in the middle of you two, I'm sure she'll need all the support she can get since she's definitely going to get super scared." Tamaki joked but he hoped the others would agree to his seating suggestion. From left to right if the siblings sat in a way that would be ideal for him it would be Kyoya, Hana, Kimi and then himself, that way Kyoya wouldn't see him freaking out and if Kimi got scared she'd go to him for comfort and not her brother. However, since he hadn't specified who would go in which open spot he ran the risk of Kimi sitting the farthest from him and Kyoya being the one to sit directly beside him.
    Hana smile brightly, thankful for her and her brother's minds being so often on the same wavelength, even if one of them didn't know it at the time of connection. "I wont need the extract support, you dummy, but I'm fine with it if you two are." She turned her playful eyes on the Oortoi siblings, mostly Kyoya though if she were honest. She patted both open spaces on both sides of her, hoping Kimi remembered the promise she'd made moments ago. "Let's get this movie started, shall we?"
    March 4th, 2015 at 05:50am
  • Kyoya didn't have any opposition to the decision, so he nodded and moved to sit on the side of Hana that was closer to the arm rest. "Well, I'm perfectly fine with it," he declared, figuring that it was pretty obvious now that he was sitting down. But, mostly, he had done so as to avoid giving Kimi much of a choice - he wanted his sister to make more friends, in honesty, and Tamaki would be a good friend for her to have. A little troublesome, at times, but still a good friend overall.
    Kimi blinked slowly, but nodded and grinned. Considering that she had promised to pretend to be scared, for Tamaki's sake, it was probably best to sit next to Tamaki, anyways. "I'm in," she hummed out before plopping down between Tamaki and Hana and turning her attention to the movie. "Now, start the movie already, Kyoya, or I'll steal the remote from you." Kyoya apparently didn't have to be told twice, because, after just a moment, the movie began playing.
    March 4th, 2015 at 06:18am
  • @ momentai.

    The beginning of the movie was just as any other, setting the plot, getting to know the characters and all of that. Once it got to be about half an hour, when Tamaki and Hana were finally beginning to feel safe the movie turned sinister and dark. The teddy bear had begun to move and it's gleaming, soulless eyes seemed to follow the little boy and any of those who stepped within the realm of its gaze. It sent a chill down the Suoh siblings' spines. Tamaki was struggling to keep his composure, he was seriously beginning to get scared and he was seriously questioning why he made this decision. Hana on the other hand was failing at hiding her fear, her eyes were stuck wide open as she held herself. She wished she hadn't had Kimi sit between herself and her brother because she was in over her head in fear.
    March 24th, 2015 at 02:05am
  • It was easy for Kyoya to sense just how frightened Hana was of the movie, though, when he looked at her, it became a little more obvious. After a few moments, he placed a hand on her shoulder and offered a small smile. "It's okay," he told her quietly, not wanting to interrupt the movie for the other two. "If you're that frightened, you can move closer to me, I don't mind." In fact, he would quite enjoy a closer proximity - but he couldn't just outright tell her that. Kimi, though not afraid of the movie, did her best at pretending. The moment it started getting creepy, she quickly covered her eyes in her best attempt to pretend that she didn't want to watch the creepy parts. She even let a quiet yelp or two escape her when the right parts came up and pulled her legs to herself. She wasn't very good at pretending, she could admit, but Kyoya had often told her that Tamaki was obliviou - he probably wouldn't notice that she was only pretending.
    March 24th, 2015 at 02:32am
  • @ momentai.

    Tamaki noticed Kimi's discomfort with only a slight delay, caused by his own fear and whispered to her nervously, "I-if you want, you can hold my hand... I-if you're afraid I mean..." He subtly positioned his hand beside hers as reinforcement to his verbal offer. If Kimi was as afraid as he was then Tamaki figured the small touch would help them both. The thought of holding her hand made Tamaki's heart pound a little bit but he dismissed it as just a reaction of the adrenaline flowing through him from his fear of this terrifying movie.

    Hana on the other hand wasn't as subtle as her brother and immediately accepted Kyoya's offer and then some. She moved closer to him but just as she was about to settle in a scream sounded from the television, causing her to jump in fear and fall against him. Her arms moved as if they had a mind of their own as she clung to Kyoya's arm as the possessed child began speaking in a demonic tone. She was too afraid to notice her actions, as embarrassingly bold as they were, as her eyes stayed wide and glued to the television.
    March 24th, 2015 at 05:07am
  • Kyoya hadn't expected Hana to cling to him and maybe his cheeks had darkened in the slightest. He tried not to think about it too much and instead placed a calming hand on her head in hopes of soothing her fear. With her so close to him, though, he couldn't help but to be a little happy, knowing that she was relying on him to keep her safe through the movie. He probably would have wrapped his arm around her, if she wasn't clinging to it so tightly. Seeing that her attention was clued to the television, though, he turned his attention to it as well. "You're safe here, Hana," he told her quietly, though he wasn't even sure if she would be able to hear him over the movie.

    Kimi was mildly surprised with Tamaki's offer, but she made sure not to let it show; no, she had to focus on seeming afraid. So, when the baby started speaking, she whimpered and quickly took Tamaki's hand in hers. The moment her hand made contact with his, though, she felt her heart pick up speed and her cheeks warm up. Deciding to ignore it, at least for the time being, she kept a firm hold on his hand and offered a small, tentative smile with a quiet, "Thank you," though she stayed to her role of being afraid when the movie showed another frightening scene.
    March 24th, 2015 at 05:26am
  • @ momentai.

    The movie finally calmed again, though the suspense was nearly killing the Suoh siblings as they waited for the next eerily scary part to come up. Tamaki was hyper aware of Kimi's hand holding his own and it made the faintest of blushes creep into the boy's face. He silently prayed she wouldn't turn to look at him and see it because he didn't have a good excuse thought up. Hana, having finally come back to her senses realized she had her death grip on Kyoya's arm and released him. "I-I'm sorry," she whispered as a blush overtook her cheeks too. "That was uncalled for, and it won't happen again.. I-I promise." She felt so embarrassed and as she wrapped her arms around herself she felt the fear begin to creep back into her. Something about Kyoya made her feel so safe and secure, though she didn't know why.
    March 24th, 2015 at 11:06pm
  • Kyoya was more than a little surprised with Hana's apology and he stared at her for a long moment. "You don't have to apologize. I didn't mind it," he assured her quietly, though he couldn't help but to be a little disheartened when she promised that it wouldn't happen again. In honesty, he hoped that it would happen again - and often, for that matter, - but she seemed almost determined to assure that it wouldn't happen anymore. Kimi tried not to be focused on how warm her cheeks felt or how the contact between hers and Tamaki's hand seemed to set her alight. She tried to focus on the movie, but the more she tried, the harder she failed and the more she ended up wanting to be closer to Tamaki.
    March 26th, 2015 at 09:34am
  • @ momentai.

    The movie moved it focus back on the plot for awhile, drawing out the silent agony for all four of them. Hana, struggling with her feelings and her fear as she kept her hands on her lap. Tamaki, blushing deeply as he held tight to Kimi's hand and used every ounce of resistance within him in order to not pull her closer. When the movie suddenly turned twisted again as the cursed teddy bear began to move by the will of a flickering, sinister apparition Hana began to shake a little with dread and fear. She clutched the fabric of her pajama shorts, unable to cling to anything else. "K-Kyoya..." She whispered so lightly it was hard to hear over the movie. "I-I..." Her voice failed her but her eyes clearly begged for him to help her cope with the demonic movie. Down at the other end of the sofa, Tamaki was hardly feeling fear anymore now that Kimi had her hand. He was more focused on controlling his want to pull her into an embrace, than the movie that terrified his sister.
    April 4th, 2015 at 06:20am
  • It was fairly easy for Kyoya to notice that Hana was struggling with the movie. In honesty, his focus and attention was mainly on her, taking note of how distressed she seemed to be. He didn't want to pull her to him without her permission, though, not when he knew he wasn't exactly the best with communication and comfort. When she heard her whisper, though, and saw the fear in her eyes, he nodded slowly and shifted to wrap an arm around her, tugging her close in hopes of calming her fears. Kimi, on the other hand, was struggling to focus on anything other than Tamaki's hand tightly wrapped around hers. Part of her wanted to lean against him and just relax, but the other part knew that it would attract attention from Hana and Kyoya - plus, she doubted Tamaki would be okay with that. The conlicting thoughts were causing her a sort of turmoil that she didn't really want to acknowledge.
    April 11th, 2015 at 09:43pm
  • @ momentai.

    Tamaki noticed a shuffling sound from the other end of the sofa but didn't turn his head to look yet, he needed one moment longer to just focus on the warmth of Kimi's hand in his. Once he has his moment he turns his head, not very subtly, to find that the movement on the other end of the couch was Hana immediately accepting Kyoya's embrace and then some. He watched as his sister tucked her legs up under her and wrapped her easily arms around his waist, leaving her head to rest against Kyoya's chest. A small smile graced his lips at the sight, even though he felt a little guilty for picking a movie that so easily and effectively terrified his sister, he was happy that she was so naturally turning to Kyoya for support. Hana's actions did in fact feel natural. So natural that she even felt herself relax once she wrapped herself around him and didn't feel even an ounce of embarrassment. "Thank you," she whispered to him as she tilted her head so that her cheek and ear laid against his chest as she listened for his heartbeat.
    April 20th, 2015 at 03:15am
  • Hearing the girl thank him caused Kyoya more surprised than he thought was ultimately possible. Maybe it was because he hadn't expected her to thank him for the simple gesture - or maybe it was just because of how close she was to him now, her head resting on his chest and his arm wrapped around her in the most protective way that he could manage. Looking down at her, he eyed the girl for a long moment before he nodded slowly. "You're welcome," he assured her gently and he couldn't help but to rest his head against hers - he didn't even really notice it, as it almost seemed like a reflex. He wasn't complaining either way. Kimi only noticed the other two when she noticed Tamaki's attention go to the other two. Her attention followed and she blinked, taking in the sight. Though, honestly, she was a little happy to see what had transpired within the past few minutes - it was nice to see the development, really, and she smiled slightly.
    April 20th, 2015 at 04:12am
  • @ momentai.
    (I cant remember if it was a school night or not, can you?)

    Tamaki smiled at Kyoya and Hana, even though neither were looking in his direction. He leaned down and whispered in Kimi's ear so that the two cuddlers wouldn't overhear. "Don't tell Hana, but Kyoya likes her, so we'll probably end up together a lot." He softly chuckled out of nervousness, it was true though, "I hope you're okay with that." Hana hadn't even noticed the two sets of eyes on her and Kyoya, she was too swept up in her fear of the movie and the relief of Kyoya's touch. When he rested his head on hers she felt a change from him, it seemed like he finally seemed to truly relax, and seeing as the boy was the poster child for sternness it surprised her. Just as she relaxed too though, a pop up scene followed by a scream from the movie scared her. Hana flinched and tightened her grip on him a little bit, one hand holding tight to his shirt, she felt safe in his arms but the movie was relentless.
    April 20th, 2015 at 06:52am
  • (Actually, I can't remember, either. D: )

    Kimi blinked, surprised with Tamaki's words. Looking up at him, she soon offered a grin. "Well, then, their feelings are mutual," she murmured quietly, "Hana likes Kyoya, too." It was a good thing, she decided. It meant that they were on the same page, even if they weren't aware of it. If they just gave it time, she was sure they would realize it and get together. She, however, blinked when he mentioned being together a lot, the information bringing heat to her cheeks. "It's okay with me," she assured quietly. Meanwhile, at the other end of the couch, Kyoya was doing his best to keep Hana comfortable and relaxed. It surprised him to see how frightened she could get, so he spent most of his time running his fingers through her hair, rubbing her arms in a comforting manner, or just giving her gentle, assuring squeezes to let her know that he was still there. All the while, he was glad that he had this opportunity to comfort her and that he seemed to be doing alright with it. It wasn't something that he was used to doing, providing comfort, so it relieved him to see that she didn't seem as tense - up until the movie got frightening again. "It's okay," he murmured quietly, giving her another squeeze, "You're safe with me."
    May 29th, 2015 at 11:18am
  • @ momentai.

    Tamaki looked at Kimi in confusion when her cheeks got pink. "Are you okay?" He gently touched his fingers to her cheek, "You're red in the face." When he heard the scream from the movie he put two and two together and figured Kimi was afraid so he leaned back and opened his arms to her. With a genuinely timid and shy smile he motioned to her that it was okay, "I don't want you to be afraid, come here."

    Hana smiled softly to herself at Kyoya's words. He was being so kind to her, she wished it would last forever. If she had to be scared by movies like this in order to be this close to him, she would happily do it for hours upon hours. "Thank you Kyoya," she whispered. The movie began to slow down in horror content and she felt herself begin to slowly drift in and out of consciousness as she listened to the steady, although admittedly quick, sound of Kyoya's beating heart. Soon, she was completely asleep in his arms, never having felt more safe in her whole life.
    September 24th, 2015 at 04:25am