Disney Town

  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    Adam looked up when someone asked for his name. It was a blonde guy, he was pretty sure it was the guy walking around with Pocahontas. "Yeah, I'm Adam. What do you want?" he asked. He wasn't one for beating around the bush and frankly, he just wanted to get back to his book. What did this guy want? he thought to himself as he pushed himself up. He towered at a very tall 6 foot 6, most guys were intimated by his height and so he used it to make things happen faster. "You are the new kid...John," he stated, not asking ecause he already knew he was right. "You have made quite the impression on people," he said simply as he grabbed his backpack off the ground and threw it over his shoulder.
    Kiara shivered as she felt his body come closer to hers and she moaned softly at the feeling of his breath against her ear. "You love it," she whispered back to him as she leaned up and kissed his neck before nipping it gently. Pulling away again, she looked up at him for a moment. Her eyes were filled with lust and she hoped that he would be willing. Biting her lip, she ran her fingers down to were his boxers still clung to his skin and she teasingly dipped a finger below and ran her finger, feeling more of his skin. Running her hand back up, she smiled as she brushed over his happy trail (In Love) and watched him. She wanted to know that his body was reacting to her and not just someone touching him.
    Shang sighed softly as he walked to class. Normally he was calm and cool with guys but with her....she had thrown him off, he wasn't exactly sure how to view her.
    (Time Skip)
    Shang walked into the gym and stretched as he waited for Mulan to come. It was first period all ready and he sighed again. What was going on with that girl? he thought as he rolled his shoulders, sighing contently when they popped. He moved to the middle of the mat and began working on a couple new combinations.
    Pocahontas pushed herself up and walked down at hall. She spotted Belle where she would expect, by her locker. "Belle!" she said as she walked up. "Listen, I need to talk to you. Soon and in private," she said as she glanced around. She knew that she had power here but she hated using it sometimes. Pocahontas watched the other girl for a moment. "It is about the Royals," she said gently as she bit her lip. "Please, trust me," she said as she watched her. Pocahontas had never really given Belle a reason to trust her but she hoped that Belle would, even if it was just this once.
    May 1st, 2014 at 08:08pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Belle blinked several times upon noticing that Pocahontas was speaking to her. Closing her locker after gathering her things, she eyed her carefully, unsure of what to say or do. They never really talked, after all - not just because they weren't exactly friends, but because Belle preferred her books to socializing. After a few moments, though, she furrowed her brows. "The Royals?" she repeated, wondering if this was about some gossip about herself and Adam - because she was certain there was gossip about it by now. With a sigh, though, she nodded. "Alright."

    Kovu shuddered slightly at her teasing. It wasn't really fair how she could elicit such a reaction from him when he was almost certain that she was just teasing him more. He kept trying to remind himself not to get turned on because he didn't want to just be disappointed in finding that she was teasing him. He wanted her, more than he cared to admit, and the fact that she was constantly teasing him confused him just as much. He was never certain when she was actually serious and when she wasn't.

    Mulan chewed on her lip as she let out a sigh and made her way to the gym. She was a little hesitant about entering, though, because of everything from the day before - from the feeling of Shang's hands leaving tingles where he tried to teach her to the slight disappointment when he had only barely acknowledged her in the hallway. Walking into the gym, though, she headed to the girl's locker room and changed before she made her way into the small gym where Shang already was.

    John was a little relieved that he had managed to find the right person - and that he didn't really have to introduce himself, though he hoped that he hadn't made too bad of an impression on people. He was fairly certain his impression was bad, after all. Still, he shrugged. "Yeah, that's me," he assured and he glanced around, trying to figure out how to approach the subject that he came here to talk about. "I actually came here to talk about the feud between the different sides of town. Pocahontas and I think it needs to end."
    May 2nd, 2014 at 05:14am
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    Adam looked at him for a moment with a raised eyebrow. "That is quite bold of you new kid," he said as he held his backpack on his shoulder. "I think the feud is stupid and ridiculous but why should I help you? It is suicide in this town to challenge the social norm and I'm already not a popular guy here," he said as he ran his fingers through his hair and continued to watch him. "If you have a good reason then I will help you," he said with a shrug. "It would be nice to hang out with Belle without the glares," he said almost to himself.
    Kiara looked up at him for a moment. "Kovu," she moaned out softly. "I want you," she whispered as she blushed lightly and looked away. She wanted him to want her as well. She knew that he wanted her body but she hoped that he would want her as well. "Please?" she moaned out as she leaned up and pressed her lips against the hollow of his neck and rolled her hips against his. "Kovu," she whispered against his skin as she nipped him before sucking a hickey to his neck and looking at it with a slightly smug smirk on her face.
    Shang watched as Mulan walked into the gym and he motioned for her to join him on the mat. "Let's get started," he said with a soft smile on his face. He ran his fingers through his hair. "Stretch first and the we will get started. You picked up everything really well yesterday so we will try some more advanced combinations today," he said as he moved to the center of the mat and finished working before he watched her.
    Pocahontas motioned for her to follow her. They went to an empty classroom and Pocahontas smiled gently. "Okay, so I want to end this stupid feud between the Royals and the Poors and I...I was wondering if you would back me up. I know that you think it is stupid and I know that you have a relationship with Adam and I was hoping, well, that you would think it over and potentially help."
    May 4th, 2014 at 01:39am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (Sorry! My other brother's girlfriend is pregnant and her parents kicked her out, so she just moved in with us, into my room, so I'm adjusting to the fact that I'm now sharing a room.)

    Belle felt her cheeks heat up slightly at the mention of her having a relationship with Adam and she quickly shook her head. "W-We're not together or anything," she said quickly, casting her eyes down to the floor. It wasn't that she didn't want to be with Adam, but she didn't want people to assume that they were together when they weren't. Then again, Pocahontas could have just meant friendship and Belle could be jumping to conclusions. "How are you going to be able to end it?"

    Kovu chuckled lowly to her words, arching an eyebrow as he stared down at her. "On a beach?" he murmured quietly, his voice slightly husky. The sound of her moaning her words was only egging him on and it made him smirk. "Such a perverted pastor's daughter you are." He supposed that goody-two-shoes he was so accustomed to knowing was changing and that he probably played a part in that. It made him feel rather proud and he leaned down to kiss her neck teasingly.

    Mulan nodded slowly to his words, wondering just how advanced the combinations would be. She was a little worried that they might be too advanced or that he was expecting too much out of her. Taking a deep breath, she tried to push away her concerns and moved to the mat as she got started on stretching. "Do you think it's a smart idea to jump right into advanced combinations already?" she asked hesitantly as she stretched, glancing over at him.

    "Why should you care what others would think?" John asked bluntly, rolling his eyes, though he blinked at the mention of some Belle girl. He had only barely heard it, but he had heard it nonetheless. "Besides, you just gave yourself a good reason, right? To hang out with Belle, whoever she is. Isn't that a good enough reason? Either way, my reason for it is that people shouldn't hate each other because of some stupid feud that they don't even understand. Name one person who can actually remember why the feud started in the first place."
    May 5th, 2014 at 08:03am
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    (Don't worry about it! I understand)
    Adam looked at John for a moment. He was either very bold for taking on the whole town or very stupid for thinking that he could actually change it. Adam shrugged slightly. "I don't care what others think," he said before sighing softly. "Belle is a great girl but it would make her life harder if I was to take on this and that is not something that I am willing to do." Before he watched John. "I know why the feud started," he stated simply.
    Kiara shivered at his actions before rolling her eyes at his words. "You love every second," she whispered back to him before she arched her back and moaned when she felt his lips on her neck. It felt nice to have him so close to her. "Kovu," she moaned out softly as she reached up and ran her fingers through his hair gently as she shivered again. The sand and his hard body were creating different feelings on her skin which caused her to moan.
    Shang looked over at her for a moment. "I didn't say advanced movies. I said more advanced lol you are moving a step up. You think I would actually make you do some of the advanced moves? You would hurt yourself doing them," he said as he rolled his eyes and went to the middle of the mat. The nerve of that girl, questioning his ability to teach. He had taught many people karate and no one had ever questioned him like that before. He didn't like it.
    Pocahontas looked at Belle and smiled softly at her reaction. "You don't have to be embarrassed but you do have feelings for Adam do you not?" She asked before shaking her head gently to get back on topic. "I want to show that we are not all the different that Royals and Poors aren't different. I know that you are amazingly smart and I was hoping that you would help me," she said softly.
    May 6th, 2014 at 06:50am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States

    Belle chewed on her lip as she listened to Pocahontas and glanced away, uncertain of how to really answer. Of course she had feelings for Adam, but she hadn't even admitted that to him, why would she admit it to her? So, instead, she opted for avoiding the question altogether. "Well... How would I really be able to help?" she murmured, turning her gaze back to Pocahontas, "I mean... I can try to help, but I can't guarantee that I'll be of any use."

    "Is that what you think?" Kovu asked with amusement, though it was obvious that he had taken deliberty of being the tease now. She had teased him for quite a while, every day for the past few years, whether she meant to or not. So, he could tease her for now, even if he wouldn't be able to do so for very long. He was a guy, after all, and his member had already begun to harden, despite himself.

    Mulan couldn't help but to glare at him when he said that she would hurt herself doing them. "Oh, like you're so perfect," she said simply, scoffing lowly before she returned her attention to her stretches. "How about you just face the truth already? I've already come to accept that the only real reason you're training me is because you want to have some sort of stupid edge. You're using me. And I'm using you to learn. And I doubt I would hurt myself so easily. You, on the other hand, I wouldn't mind hurting."

    "I don't see how you getting involved would cause a problem for her," John said simply, finding it hard to understand. If it was him getting involved, it would be his problem, right? Not hers. That was his way of understanding it, anyways. Perhaps he could be wrong - it wouldn't be a first time for that, he would admit to himself but not aloud. He blinked, though, at the news, and looked towards Adam with curiosity. "You know what started the feud? Then, would you care to explain?"
    May 6th, 2014 at 07:10am
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    Adam looked at John for a moment before nodding. "Well, it was a while back, there was this woman who came from the Poors. She was said t be able to see the future. She predicted that this girl Rapunzel was going to be kidnapped and then, the little girl was, right out of her parent's room. The sorceress was found and thrown in jail because the Royals thought that she had taken Rapunzel. Well, there was no proof and the old woman was released. Of course, the Poors were made because the Royals had kept the woman in jail for a long time. Rapunzel was never found. It was like she just vanished into thin air." he said with a light frown on his face.
    Kiara looked up at him and nodded. "I know you do," she said with a knowing smirk on her face. She leaned up and kissed him before trailing her fingers down to his boxers and running her palm over his hardening bulge. "And this says that I'm right," she said as she gave it a light squeeze before letting her hand drop again and she looked at him, waiting for his reaction.
    Shang watched her with a raised eyebrow. "No, I am not perfect. That is why I train each and every day for over ten years to get to where I am no. I'm sorry if I have offended your pride by stating that you aren't ready to do the same things because you have been doing karate for two days. I was merely saying that we would follow the natural progression of karate. Don't get your panties into a twist."
    Pocahontas looked at Belle for a moment before shaking her head. "You will be more of a help than you realize," she said. "The more people to start off with will make the whole thing stronger but also..." she said. "You are really smart Belle and even if you don't realize it, people watch you and look up to you. You being with Adam, whatever you two are, but also helping me will help the whole thing," she said.
    May 7th, 2014 at 12:01am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Belle glanced away as she listened to Pocahontas. Honestly, it was hard to believe that anybody would look up to her. All she did was read books, why would anybody care? After a moment, she let out a sigh and nodded slightly. "I'll do whatever I can to help," she said quietly, figuring it was the best that she could offer. She still wasn't sure of if she'd be of any use, though, regardless of what Pocahontas had said to try to assure her.

    Kovu shuddered at her teasing before rolling his eyes as he stared down at her. "You just assume what you want, princess," he told her teasingly, "But, I think, this time, I'll be the tease who just leaves you craving more. It's only fair, since you do so to me all the time." He smirked teasingly, arching an eyebrow as he stared down at her. He was certain he could hold himself back to where he merely teased her, if only this time.

    Mulan turned to glare at him, shifting to stand up straight, though she soon had her hands on her hips, her hip cocked to one side as she eyed him. "Did you seriously just say that? One, I was merely pointing out that I wouldn't hurt myself. I have no intention of learning advanced techniques so early, but for you to assume that I would hurt myself is honestly reflecting how much you underestimate me," she pointed out, "And, two, my panties are not in a twist. For you to say such a thing at all is rather perverted and I'm not moving from this spot until you apologize."

    John frowned at the explanation and shook his head. "Well, despite that story being difficult to deal with, it's still not enough for everybody to hate each other after so many years have passed," he told him bluntly, "So, either you're in or you're out. Either way, I'm sure I can gather more people and Pocahontas is doing the same. Who knows, she may even manage to get that Belle girl to join, if she's a Poor."
    May 11th, 2014 at 11:37am
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    Adam looked at him for a moment and shrugged. Before he sighed softly and tried to relax. "Alright," he said softly. "I'm in. I don't know what I am going to be able to do but I will back you up," he said honestly before he sighed softly. "Don't call Belle a Poor...." He said almost tiredly before he took his bag and put it over one shoulder and looked at him. "I'll see you round John," he said as he headed out.
    Kiara looked at him and smiled softly before gasping when a soft wave rolled up to her shoulders. Watching him, she leaned up and kissed him as she smiled lightly. "Please Kovu?" She asked softly as she moved and kissed his neck. Grinning, she flipped them over and she straddled his hips and leaned down and kissed him again. She reached her hands on his chest with a smile on her face.
    Shang looked at her and rolled his eyes. "You asked me to help you remember? You have no hope of making the team without m so don't act all big and mighty until you have proven that you can keep up and you haven't so far," he said with a shrug as he moved over to the mat and began practicing. "You can choose. Either start practicing now or leave," he said simply as he continued to work.
    Pocahontas looked at Belle for a moment and smiled gently. "Thanks," she said. "So anyone else you know who night want to join?" She asked curiously as she smiled before laughing softly. "Don't worry about it. I can figure it out and thanks again Belle," she said as she turned and headed out of the classroom to see if she could find Kiara or maybe even Shang, she thought to herself.
    May 11th, 2014 at 09:46pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (I'm so sorry this took so long. I thought I replied to it by my phone, but I must have accidentally hit 'preview' instead of 'submit.' :( )

    (Wouldn't Pocahontas have to look for Kovu and Mulan? Since Pocahontas is a Poor and Shang and Kiara are Royals?)

    Belle blinked and shook her head to Pocahontas' question. She didn't keep up with many people at the school, so she wasn't sure who would be okay with helping and who wouldn't. She figured it didn't matter too much anyways, though, since Pocahontas could probably find people. If she really needed to help, though, Belle wouldn't mind finding others to ask. Watching Pocahontas leave, she let out a sigh.

    (I hope this doesn't come off as mean or anything, but I don't really like doing sex scenes at the beginning of a roleplay, since it's usually easier to build up the relationship first. Is that okay?)

    Kovu couldn't help but to chuckle when the water washed over them. It had gotten more so on Kiara than it had him and, before he was really aware of what had happened, they had rolled over and another wave hit them. "It's so fun to tease you, though. I mean, you've been teasing me for years; a little payback would be necessary, don't you think?" he mused.

    Mulan glared up at him with obvious annoyance. "Let's get one thing straight, Shang. I only asked you for help because you were in here when I came looking for help. I would have asked anybody else if they had been in here instead," she told him before turning around, "Instead, I got stuck with you. So if I have the option to leave, I'm taking it." She didn't bother sticking around and made her way out, heading back to the locker room so that she could change.

    "I wasn't meaning it offensively," John assured Adam, "Poors, Royals, I don't care which side we all lie on. I just wasn't sure how else to make a point valid." With a shrug, he watched Adam leave before he made his way inside, debating on whether he should look for Pocahontas to inform her of the progress or if he should go searching for the others that she suggested in case he could get them to join.
    May 22nd, 2014 at 06:22pm
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States

    Adam sighed softly as he turned slightly and looked at John. He walked over and watched him for a moment. Sighing softly, he ran his fingers through his hair and pulled his hair up into a ponytail. "Look, people don't really like me so I might not be the best person to have on your side at the moment," he said honestly.
    Kiara looked at him and laughed as she kissed his cheek before she rolled out from under him. She laughed as she went back into the water. Diving into the water, she swam for a moment before she came up and flipped her hair out behind her. Smiling softly, she looked over her shoulder at him and winked at him teasingly.
    Shang watched her for a moment and sighed softly as he continued to work. He didn't want to deal with anyone right now as he moved over to the mat and began working again. Maybe she wasn't into it enough, he thought before sighing again. He didn't really care what she thought, he sighed softly...did he?
    (You are right! Sorry!)
    Pocahontas went to look for Kovu but had no look what so ever and then she went to the gym. Walking in, she sighed when she saw tough guy Shang working out alone. She could barely helped herself as she thought loser before she headed back out to try and find Mulan. Maybe that would work, she thought.
    June 1st, 2014 at 08:00am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (No worries!)

    Belle chewed on her lip as she looked around. She was a little curious over where Adam was, but she decided against thinking about it, figuring that he was probably busy at the moment. Or maybe he was getting into more trouble. With a sigh, she turned her attention ahead as she made her way to her next class.

    And to think that Kovu was planning on being the tease this time. She was obviously enjoying teasing him, though, so he didn’t complain and instead smirked. “How cruel,” he called out, “Do you think I won’t come in there after you?” He arched an eyebrow before he made his way into the water, treading carefully before he began swimming after her. He loved this, to be honest, being able to hang out and relax with her.

    After changing, Mulan left, though it didn’t take her long to spot Pocahontas as she blinked with confusion at spotting her coming out of the gym. “Pocahontas?” she called out with curiosity before making her way over. “Are you looking for something? I could help.” Though, more so, she was curious over why she had been in the gym. A part of her was wondering if it was to see Shang and, whether she would admit it or not, the thought bothered her.

    John offered a shrug in response to Adam’s words, glancing over at him for a moment before he sighed. “Regardless of whether people like you or not, they need an example. The more people we have, the better chance we have of making them see how ridiculous this feud is,” he explained. He would have offered more encouraging words but he honestly knew nothing about this guy or anybody, for that matter.
    June 1st, 2014 at 08:11am
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    Adam looked at John for a moment and he sighed softly as he ran his hand over his face. "Look, I don't know what to tell you but I will try to help as much as I can," he said honestly. "You seem okay," he said as he turned and walked away. Seeing Belle there, he smiled and walked over. "Hey Beauty," he said teasingly as he winked at her teasingly. He continued to walk next to her as he looked around.
    Kiara watched him for a moment and she laughed as she moved further into the water. She winked at him teasingly as she swam through the water. Looking up at him, she winked at him teasingly before she turned and waited for him to catch up. "You are something else," she said with a smile on her face and laughed softly. She watched him and winked teasingly. She continued to tread water.
    Shang sighed softly as he moved over the mat before he finished. He sighed softly as he grabbed his stuff before he went to the locker. Sighing deeply, he ran his fingers through his hair as he turned on the water and allowed the water to roll over his muscles. He ran his hands over his shoulders and attempted to work out the kinks that he had acquired during this practice.
    Pocahontas watched Mulan come over to her and she sighed softly. "Well, I was looking for the karate team actually," she said. "I'm so sick of this stupid war going on throughout this school and I am...I am trying to get rid of it," she said honestly. "Want to help?" she asked curiously as she ran his fingers through her hair and sighed deeply. "Just don't tell your parents," she said with a wince on her face.
    June 1st, 2014 at 09:23am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Belle blinked several times at hearing Adam's voice and she lifted her gaze to him. Though, at registering his words and noticing the wink, even if it was merely to tease her, her cheeks flamed. Regardless, she offered a smile and nodded. "Hello," she murmured lightly before tilting her head to the side slightly. "Did you get in trouble? I heard a commotion in your classroom earlier."

    Kovu grinned as he got closer to her, eventually reaching out and wrapping his arms around her as he pulled her close. Soon offering a shrug in response, he laughed. "Yeah, I suppose I am," he joked lightly before resting his forehead against hers with a smirk, his eyes locked on hers as he eyed her carefully. "Though you're something else as well, so I think it's a good thing, don't you?"

    Mulan listened to Pocahontas quietly, tilting her head as she thought over it. "Well, I guess I can try to help. I can't do much, though. I don't talk to many of the Royals, after all," she said honestly. The only one she had actually spoken to was Shang - and that hadn't gone well at all lately. "But, I won't tell my parents, so don't worry. But the only person in the gym is Shang, so you won't find the entire karate team. And I seriously doubt he'll help."

    John couldn't help but to chuckle lightly at hearing Adam call him 'okay.' He supposed it was somewhat of a friendly compliment and he nodded before he began making his way inside. Seeing Adam with who he assumed was Belle, he offered a slight wave before he wandered off to try to find Shang or Kiara - whoever he could run into first, though he wasn't sure who they were either way.
    June 5th, 2014 at 07:39am
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    Adam looked at her for a moment before he ran her fingers through his hair sheepishly. "Well, I um....well, yes..." He said softly as he sighed gently. "I'm sorry," he said before he looked down at his lap. "I shouldn't have done that but yeah, I did lose my temper," he said softly, feeling ashamed as if she was going to scold him.
    Kiara watched him as he wrapped his arms around her and she rested her hands on his arms lightly. "You think I'm a good thing?" She asked softly as she but her lip gently. "Kovu?" She asked gently as she but her lip. "Do you think I am...well....pretty?" She asked as she bit her lip gently and her hair fell in her face. "Sorry," she whispered.
    Shang continued to work as his feet travelled along the mat. Soon, he was finished and he walked out of the gym. Seeing Mulan and Pocahontas, he raised an eyebrow before walking to Mulan's side. "Is there a problem?" He asked before turning to Mulan. "Come to practice tomorrow. Bit the morning, to karate after school. You are ready," he said as he walked away.
    Pocahintas smiled at Mulan before nodding toward Shang's retreating figure. "Seems like you got yourself a fan," she said with a slight smirk on her face. "Good for you," she said honestly before looked at Mulan. "Thanks for this Mulan and good luck at the karate team. Everyone is coming to the matched to cheer you on," she said as she waved and headed out to try and find John.
    July 13th, 2014 at 04:40am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Belle blinked as she turned her attention up to Adam. With a small smile, she nudged him gently. "Don't worry, Adam," she told him gently. "I mean, you should learn to control your temper at some point, but you just have to give it time." She shrugged slightly before looking him over carefully, soon reaching out to touch his arm gently. "It's okay, really," she murmured lightly, hoping to ease his worries or even cheer him up.

    Kovu was surprised to hear Kiara's question and he turned his attention down to her, furrowing his brows. "Of course you're a good thing," he told her quietly, lightly tightening his hold on her as if to emphasize his words. Resting his head above hers, he held her close and let himself relax - which was definitely saying something since he wasn't generally one to relax easily. "And, well... No, you're not pretty. You're far better than pretty, Kiara; I just wish I could find a proper word to describe it."

    Mulan blinked several times as she watched Shang walk off, her brows creasing in confusion, though she got distracted by Pocahontas. "Wh-What? No, you don't have to come to the matches - I kind of want this to stay as lowkey as possible, since my dad would go crazy," she muttered quietly before watching her leave. Chewing on her lip, she quickly went in the direction that Shang had been heading in. What was he talking about? Hadn't they just argued and he was now telling her that she was ready or whatever? "Shang!"

    John had spent a good ten minutes talking to a few people, though they had all said that they hadn't seen Kiara since lunch. With a sigh, he ran a hand through his hair and looked around. That meant that he had to go find Shang, but he focused on searching for Pocahontas first to update her on what he had accomplished so far. At least he had gotten Adam to agree to help, which he hadn't expected, really. He supposed there were quite a few people that were completely tired of the feud between the two groups - and he couldn't blame them; it was ridiculous.
    July 14th, 2014 at 01:15am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    @ Olaf
    August 14th, 2014 at 10:28am
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    Adam looked over at her, suprised that she didn't seem afraid of him or scold him. "You think?" he asked almost hopefully as he ran his fingers through his hair. "I guess that might work," he said to himself before glancing over at her. "Hey did anyone come up to you today and ask about helping to get rid of the division between the poors and the rich?" he asked curiously, wondering if John or someone else had approached her about it.
    Kiara looked at him and blushed slightly at his response. Leaning over, she kissed his cheek gently and smiled. She rested her head against the space between his shoulder and head. Letting out a sift sigh, she allowed herself to relax against him. This was nice, she thought. Resting a hand on his chest, she could feel his heartbeat against her fingertips. "What happens when we get back?" she asked gently, although she immediately regretted the question once it had slipped past her lips.
    Shang heard Mulan call his name and he sighed softly. Turning to look over his shoulder at her, he watched her approach. "What do you want Mulan?" he asked as he crossed his arms in front of his chest and leaned against the wall. He glanced at his watch to make sure he wasn't going to be late to class. Looking at the girl in front of him, he had to admit that he admired her courage for trying to get onto the karate team to begin with.
    Pocahontas was walking down the hall when she caught sight of John walking toward her. Waving her hand slightly, she walked into an empty classroom and waited for him to come join her. Leaning against the wall, she pulled her raven hair out of the ponytail she normally kept it in and allowed it to cascade down her shoulders and back. Running her fingers through it, she sighed softly and began to braid it as a means of entertaining herself.
    August 31st, 2014 at 10:15pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Belle blinked slowly, lifting her gaze to him with surprise. "Actually, yes," she murmured with a subtle nod. "Pocahontas asked for my help with it. She apparently thinks that people look to me because I'm smart, but I find it hard to believe. I told her I'd help her, though." She lifted her shoulders in a slight shrug before she chewed on her lip and dropped her gaze to the floor. "Why? Did you get asked as well?" How else would he know about it, though? She figured it was probably a question that answered itself in the long run.

    Kovu furrowed his brows to her question before he let a sigh escape his lips. Resting his head against hers, he tried to relax himself, though her question had clearly put him on edge. "I don't know," he eventually told her before tightening his hold on her, only in the slightest. "We'll figure it out, though. Let's not worry about it for now." Smiling, he tilted his head to look down at her, arching an eyebrow. "For now, let's just focus on the fact that we're actually enjoying ourselves. I think that's what matters."

    Admittedly, Mulan wasn't sure what to say. What did she want? Turning her attention down to her hands, she played with her fingers for a moment before eventually asking, "Are you bi-polar? I mean, one minute, we're arguing and the next, you tell me that I'm ready for this? Not to mention, you seemed a bit... Worried when you came over to Pocahontas and me." Dropping her hands to her sides, she looked up at him. "Does any of that make any sense?" It probably didn't, but she wasn't sure if she cared or not.

    John stuffed his hands into his pockets as he entered the room, looking towards her with curiosity. Hadn't her hair been pulled back in a ponytail just moments ago? Regardless, he thought she looked better with her hair down, though she looked attractive either way. "So," he muttered, trying to figure out what to say as he cleared his throat and glanced away. "I got Adam to join. I don't know where Kiara is, though, and I haven't run into Shang yet. I'm hoping you're having good luck as well?" Not that his luck was exactly good, but still. It was better than nothing.
    September 1st, 2014 at 05:11am
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    Adam looked over at her and nodded. "Yeah, some new kid came up to me and asked if I would be willing to help out," he said honestly. He glanced over at her for a moment, thinking about what he would do if he didn't have her in his life. She was his life line. Something that was good and happy and pure that he wanted to protect from ever being hurt. "I said that I would help out as much as I could but I'm not exactly people's favorite guy," he said.
    Kiara looked up at him and smiled gently. "Okay," she said as she leaned up and brushed a kiss against his lips before she leaned her head against his chest. "Kovu?" she asked gently as she pulled away and watched him for a moment. "The reason that you first started teasing me...that was because of me being the preacher's daughter right?" she asked gently as she looked at him, searching for an answer that she wasn't sure she wanted.
    Shang watched her for a moment. "No, I am not bipolar. Part of karate is gaining self confidence. When you first came to try and practice, you would never have stood up for yourself and yet here you are, yelling at me. I think you are ready to start practicing with the actual team," he said honestly as he sighed. "Now do you have any other questions or can I go to class now?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.
    Pocahontas looked at John for a moment before shrugging slightly. "I got Belle to join which will be good seeing as the two of them are kind of a pairing. Um...as for Kiara and Kovu, they snuck off campus today so they are probably fucking." Pocahontas said with a smirk. "The preacher's daughter," she said with a chuckle before watching him. "Shang has calculus next so if you want to hit that up it's up to you," she said.
    September 1st, 2014 at 07:32pm