Wild West

  • Jaguar's Heart

    Jaguar's Heart (100)

    United States
    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Blake blinked at Daisy a frown on his face until he saw the wanted poster in her hands. His face blanched, loosing all color in the seconds that it took for him to recognize his own caricature, "I... uh..."
    The Native men ran up, both babbling about how she had seen the poster before they could stop her. He couldn't believe that they were still searching for him, that the reward money was so high... He sighed, knowing that he couldn't hide this from her. Not if he wanted her to ever trust him again, "I killed the Mayer of a town about two weeks ride east from here," He said softly, "It happened about six years ago... so I'm surprised they're still after me."
    December 20th, 2014 at 06:21am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jaguar's Heart

    "And?" Daisy said, waiting for him to tell her more. Surely he didn't just walk up to someone and kill them. Though right now she was furious about this. It wasn't that she expected him to tell her about this. No that would have been a ridiculous expectation. It was the fact that she fell for a criminal. Now that wouldn't do.
    "Why did you kill him?" Daisy asked, her blood still boiling from this. She hoped it was from something honorable. But by the looks of the poster it probably was not.
    December 20th, 2014 at 06:30am
  • Jaguar's Heart

    Jaguar's Heart (100)

    United States
    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Blake opened his mouth, but snapped it shut quickly, shaking his head, "Not here, okay? If these posters are all over the place then we're in big trouble. We need to get out of here pronto." He reached out and took her hand, leading her to the barn. He paid the stable boy again, just to make him happy - was less likely to tell on Blake if he was happy - and grabbed their horses. Luckily they were still tacked - which wasn't actually good. They should have had some rest - and he helped Daisy up first them mounted. He made sure they left at a walk, then they galloped for a bit to add more distance, until Blake finally felt like he could breath again.
    December 20th, 2014 at 06:35am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jaguar's Heart
    Daisy continued to follow him- for what reason she didn't know. Well she did. She wanted to know his explanation for all of this. Her stomach was churning line crazy and Daisy felt like she may faint. During the whole ride though she couldn't being heraelf to look at Blane as so many explanations ran through her head. This was terrible.
    December 20th, 2014 at 07:01am
  • Jaguar's Heart

    Jaguar's Heart (100)

    United States
    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Blake had the native men setting up Daisy's tent as he took her hand and lead her further into the woods. He wanted this to be between them. He reached a small clearing and lead her to a fallen tree before beginning to pace, "I killed him," he started, "And it wasn't an accident. I planned his death, stalked him... hunted him. And when I saw my opportunity I killed him. And I felt relief." He sighed and turned to her, "I don't regret it either, Daisy. two months before I killed him he and his army had raided our camp. My mother and father tried to fight back, the natives giving it all they had, but it wasn't meant to be." He ran a hand roughly through his hair, "When they left the tribe was in shambles... and that's when we all realized that my parent's only true child, my little sister, was missing." He swallowed, "She was the princess... and she was loved. We were... close and something in me grew dark at her kidnapping." he returned to pacing, not knowing what else to do, "When I found her she wasn't the same. She'd withdrawn into herself so far that she didn't even recognize me... and she didn't fight a single person, friend or foe. She just did everything they said." He turned pain filled eyes to Daisy, "She was seventeen and beautiful. You can imagine what a lot of those orders were." He swallowed, "So, yes. I killed that Mayor. And they've been hunting me ever since."
    December 21st, 2014 at 07:55pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jaguar's Heart

    By the end of it Daisy had wrapped her arms around herself and took a few steps back from him. She felt completely uncomfortable about this. Killing another in self defense was understandable, after all there were plenty of dangerous situations in the west. Though the fact that he had planned this all out was worring to her. And thinking about what happened to his sister made her shudder. She dropped her head to the side. "I'm sorry." She said quietly. "That I yelled at you."
    December 22nd, 2014 at 12:08am
  • Jaguar's Heart

    Jaguar's Heart (100)

    United States
    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Blake lifted his hand to press a palm to her cheek, but dropped it instead, feeling the wall that she'd placed between them already, "Don't... don't worry about it," he said softly, "I know that this is a lot to take in. I'm going to go help the others set camp. Don't stay out here too long and don't leave the clearing unless you're coming back." He figured she would want some time alone... with out him.
    December 22nd, 2014 at 07:15am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jaguar's Heart
    Daisy stayed where she was when he left and it wasn't until a few minutes later that she sat down on a larger rock. She stayed like that, thinking about everything until the sun started to set. Then she headed back to camp, getting there just a few moments after the last bit of sun had slipped away. Daisy glanced around camp before heading into her tent.
    December 22nd, 2014 at 02:31pm
  • Jaguar's Heart

    Jaguar's Heart (100)

    United States
    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Blake watched Daisy enter her tent, sighing as she disappeared. He'd known that this would happen, had known that once she learned about his past she'd hate him... he sighed again and stared at the camp fire, his native companions silent as they tried to give him his peace. Blake could feel the hope and joy he'd had just last night die, the small relationship they'd started now smoking in smolders... why had he hoped for more than he deserved? Pain was all Blake should hope for in his life. Pain and loneliness.
    December 22nd, 2014 at 05:07pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jaguar's Heart
    [Poor Baby Blake]

    Daisy slept through most of the night. Though once morning came she woke up and started to pack herself up. Once she was done she came out and helped the others cook breakfast. Every once in a while she would look over at Blake before going back to the food.
    December 22nd, 2014 at 05:40pm
  • Jaguar's Heart

    Jaguar's Heart (100)

    United States
    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    ((Oh yes he feels horrible... and sad. That he hurt her is hurting him the most))

    Blake ate in silence, only looking at his food. Once they were done he helped everyone pack up, taking down Daisy's tent last. He allowed one of the Natives to help her mount Midnight, figuring she wouldn't want him to touch her. He kept up his silence on the ride back while the Natives chatted between them and talked to Daisy as well for a bit.
    December 22nd, 2014 at 05:59pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jaguar's Heart
    Daisy kept glancing over at Blake. Still she felt turned about what she had learned. But at the same time Daisy didn't want him so sad like he was now. She hoped that he would try and perk up a bit. Daisy sighed before looking forward and waiting to get back to the tribe.
    December 22nd, 2014 at 06:27pm
  • Jaguar's Heart

    Jaguar's Heart (100)

    United States
    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    They reached the tribe by the end of the morning, Blake dismounting and removing the tack from Colt. A native helped Daisy down and took her horse to the pasture. Blake turned and began walking to the woods, not wanting to have to answer a bunch of questions from anyone.
    Blake's mother was on her way to them, a smile on her face, when she noticed Blake stalk off. Her smile fell as she stopped beside Daisy, "Is everything okay? What happened?"
    December 22nd, 2014 at 06:33pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jaguar's Heart
    Daisy looked up at his mother and shifted a bit uncomfortably. The reason he was like this was her fault so she didn't know what his mother would do about that. "I found his wanted poster in town." She told her softly. She waited for her to react.
    December 22nd, 2014 at 07:09pm
  • Jaguar's Heart

    Jaguar's Heart (100)

    United States
    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Blake's mother was a bit confused at first, then her eyes widened and she took Daisy's hand and lead her away and into an empty teepee. She turned to Daisy, eyes wide and fully of pain, "What did he tell you?"
    December 22nd, 2014 at 07:13pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jaguar's Heart
    Daisy was surprised by her reaction. But she followed the lady to the empty teepee. When she asked what was said Daisy's eyes widen a bit. "He told me about killing the mayor and about your daughter." Daisy said softly.
    December 22nd, 2014 at 07:30pm
  • Jaguar's Heart

    Jaguar's Heart (100)

    United States
    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Blake's mother took a deep breath to push down the pain before nodded, "Did he tell you that they were engaged?" She asked softly, "While we raised Blake like a son... they were never siblings. Their love blossomed through the years and my girl was taken only two weeks before their marriage ceremony." Another deep breath, "When she was taken a part of him was taken too... and when she returned? She was never the same. He tried to be gentle, to give her her space, but a month later she took her own life, her memories too toxic."
    December 24th, 2014 at 02:46am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jaguar's Heart

    Daisy was very quiet when she heard the whole story. Now that changed things. If she was meant to be his wife then what he had done was in order to get her back. Also to get revenge for what he had done to her. In that case it made more sense to Daisy for him to kill the mayor. Shoot outs, revenge, death in general happened all of the time. Though it was always best to be on the good side of it all. "I'm sorry about what happened to your daughter." She whispered to her. Losing family really was a terrible thing.
    December 24th, 2014 at 03:03am
  • Jaguar's Heart

    Jaguar's Heart (100)

    United States
    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Blake's mother nodded, giving her a small smile, "Blake accepts that what he did was wrong... But for them to go after him like they are is ridiculous. He doesn't deserve to have them after him. It's why he stays away from here. He's afraid that they will return to us... Find us again..."
    December 26th, 2014 at 12:39am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jaguar's Heart
    Daisy dropped her head a little. She wished that he would have told her the whole situation from the beginning. Or even better Daisy wished that the mother would have told her it all. "You would think after all these years that he would be able to just stay home. You would think that they would have stopped looking for him."
    December 26th, 2014 at 04:28am