Wild West

  • @ Jaguar's Heart

    "Thank you." Daisy said with a warm smile. "Will you be staying with us for the season?" She asked him curiously, wanting to know whether or not he had been hired. Miss Taylor rather hoped that he had. There was something about Blake that she rather liked and she hoped he would stay at least until the end of summer. Though sometimes they hands there moved on too quick and Blake could be one of them.
    May 3rd, 2014 at 03:51am
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Blake grinned, setting his spoon down and sitting back in his seat, "I guess that all depends on what your pop's mustang decides. I've been tasked with tamin' him." He shook his head, "So I may last the summer... and I may find myself walkin' out of here with hoof prints on the seat of my pants." He shrugged, "I like to live life on the edge."
    May 3rd, 2014 at 04:11am
  • @ Jaguar's Heart

    Daisy looked at him curiously with soft big eyes. She understood that most hands lived by whatever came their way, just going as the wind blew. Though at least most of them seemed to have an idea of how long they would stay somewhere and where they might go next. Still the whole idea of just moving as things went was strange to her. It was not something that she did herself. "That must be interesting." She told him.
    May 3rd, 2014 at 04:44am
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Blake shrugged, "Sure. I meet lots of different people and eat lots of stale biscuits and jerky." He grinned at her, "So, yeah, this food is delicious." He took another bite, chewing and swallowing before continuing, "Have you ever been on a trail?" He asked softly, "Or stayed a few nights away from the farm?"
    May 3rd, 2014 at 05:34am
  • @ Jaguar's Heart

    Daisy smiled a little before shaking her head. "I'm afraid not. I have always been at the farm or somewhere close by." It was one of the reasons why she found the hand's lives so interesting. She did not completely understand it but when her parents weren't around she was always asking them questions about their lives and what it was like on the trail. "Do you ever stay anywhere for long?"
    May 3rd, 2014 at 05:48am
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Blake thought about it before shaking his head, "Not really. Just long enough to get whatever job I'm currently working on done." He said softly, stirring his spoon idly through what was left in his food, "I don't normally do well in one spot. I can get a little antsy..." He grinned at her, "I gotta say, though, that having this nice place to come home to with this great food would be quite tempting."
    May 3rd, 2014 at 06:21am
  • @ Jaguar's Heart
    Daisy smiled at Blake and was about to continue until her father stood up. Everyone was done eating at this point and the sun had set a while ago. "We should move from the table at least so the animals don't come running here, hoping to eat." He said before moving from the table and heading out to the porch. Some of the hands began to move towards a smaller house in the distance where the hands slept. The others followed Richard to the porch to drink and talk some more. Daisy and her mother began to clear off the table once the hands had left.
    May 3rd, 2014 at 06:33am
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Blake helped put everything away before joining Richard and the other guys on the porch. He nodded to Richard, "Well, I hate to bail, but I'm going to go and get some rest before I have to deal with that mustang tomorrow." He nodded to the others before walking toward where his room was.
    May 3rd, 2014 at 06:54am
  • @ Jaguar's Heart

    A while after Blake had headed off, everyone had left the porch and was getting into their own beds. The moment the sun rose, everyone was beginning to get up, getting ready for the day. Once Mrs. Taylor and Daisy were awake and ready to go, they made breakfast for the men. However they did not join them, only leaving the food out on the outside table for the hands to eat. Richard and the girls always just had a family breakfast. While they did consider the hands like family this was when they discussed more personal matters. After breakfast Richard and the hands headed off to work.
    May 3rd, 2014 at 07:02am
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Blake woke early that morning. He ate breakfast with the hands, nodded to Richard, then made his way to the mustang's stall. He spent an hour just leaning against the stall and talking softly. Eventually he coaxed the horse into a halter and lead and walked the mustang to a round pin. He let the horse off the lead and watched it nervously check out the area while he pulled out an apple he'd taken from breakfast and began to munch it, noticing the mustang's interest in the fruit.
    May 3rd, 2014 at 07:09am
  • @ Jaguar's Heart

    After breakfast Elizabeth did a few of her chores before heading out to look around the farm. She was allowed to go around and see what the hands did. Though of course she wasn't allowed to bother them when they were busy. Nor go to close if they were doing something that seemed dangerous. However she saw Blake just standing besides the mustang and she decided to head over to him.

    "Good morning." Elizabeth said when she was besides him. She went to Blake but did not get any closer to the mustang. To be honest she rather liked the horse but her father had told her to keep her distance from the wild thing.
    May 3rd, 2014 at 07:14am
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Blake turned to her, grinning as he swallowed his bite, "Mornin'," at her presence the mustang flung his head and took a few steps back, but Blake was quite pleased that the apple still held the horse's attention, "Would you like a bite?" Blake asked her, holding out the apple. He was a little surprised that Daisy had come out to him at all. Most daughters steered clear of the hands, their fathers worrying about men - men like him - defiling them.
    May 3rd, 2014 at 06:35pm
  • @ Jaguar's Heart

    Elizabeth glanced at the apple before looking over at the mustang. A light smile came to her lips as she shook her head. "No thank you, though I believe that you might get along better if you give some to the horse." She told him as she moved her hands behind her back, folding them together. "The mustang is not as bad as everyone thinks."
    May 3rd, 2014 at 06:49pm
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Blake grinned before taking another bite, "That so?" He drawled, gaze sliding over to the mustang, "He just misunderstood?" He teased through his grin, "I've found that most are. We humans go into it thinking in human terms, not horse terms, but tell me." He leaned in close, half a grin on his lips, "What is it you know?"
    May 3rd, 2014 at 08:15pm
  • @ Jaguar's Heart

    Daisy smirked a bit before taking the apple right out of Blake's hand. She took a few steps towards the horse and then stopped. Surprisingly the mustang didn't step back but he did look at Elizabeth with uncertainty. Miss Taylor turned to the mustang, holding the apple out to him. At first the mustang stayed where he was. Though eventually headed over to Miss Taylor and began to eat the apple from her hand. Daisy lightly began to pet the horse's neck, smiling widely as she glanced over at Blake. "His name is Midnight and he is not very fond of men."
    May 3rd, 2014 at 08:27pm
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Blake grinned, "That was my apple..." He teased, staying where he was. The horse was a bit calmer with Daisy, though he was still tense, "So, Midnight. You name 'im?" he asked, "And, just so you know, I was going to share my apple with him... once he decided to come over and ask nicely."
    May 3rd, 2014 at 08:36pm
  • @ Jaguar's Heart

    "Well midnight is what I call him but he has not been officially named or anything." Daisy told him as she continued to stay besides the mustang. "And I am not too sure that he would have come over and asked you for the apple. like I said Midnight does not like the men too much. The other hands have already tried that trick a few times and he was not so willing to come over and eat." Daisy knew that the mustang was not completely fond of her either but Midnight was still better with her than the hands. Though then again she never tried to ride him like they did.
    May 3rd, 2014 at 08:43pm
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Blake grinned, "He'd figure out fairly quick that, unless he just wanted to eat a dirty core, he'd need to come closer." Then Blake narrowed his eyes in thought, "Have any of the men have standing next to them while they tried working with the horse?"
    May 3rd, 2014 at 08:56pm
  • @ Jaguar's Heart

    "Have any of the men tried standing besides the horse while working with him?" Daisy asked, trying to make sure that she understood what his question was. She then shook her head as she looked up at Midnight. "No. Most of them feed him and then try to ride him right away." She told him honestly before taking a few steps away from the horse, letting him head off.
    May 3rd, 2014 at 09:04pm
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Blake grinned, "No. I meant, have the others ever had you here with them, helping with the mustang?" He restated, nodded toward her, "Because if you're willing, I'd like your help." he kept an eyes on the horse, but as he talked he slowly made his way toward them. The horse, nervous, shifted away, but Blake didn't mind. It was more the horse watching him with Daisy that he needed than actually being close at this time.
    May 3rd, 2014 at 09:57pm