Coastline Craze.

  • [ Lord it's been such a long day I almost forgot that I still needed to reply to this Facepalm ]

    "Oh don't worry about that. I know plenty of places that are amazing. How do you feel about Indian food? I mean I don't want to take you somewhere you don't like." Daniel told her with a smile. He'd lived here in California long enough know the best places to eat for basically everything. Of course he had to thank Dylan and Posey for a couple places. Honestly those two had introduced him to a couple amazing places when he'd first joined the cast. Really Daniel knew the entire cast was pretty amazing and totally welcomed new comers like it was nothing, but Dylan and Posey, especially Dylan really went out all out when it came to welcoming people.

    "And then we can just prank everyone later." He joked with her, though he did plan on pulling at least once prank before the week was over. And he didn't doubt that at least once prank would be played on him too. It's just how things worked around here. Everyone got pranked eventually. Even Jeff. Though Jeff didn't usually retaliate, he did on occasion and it was always really funny when he did and he'd get like five people to help him and well just being a part of this cast was an amazing experience.
    "Well thank you, I appreciate that you'd stick up for my work." Astrid replied smiling, mostly to herself. It was her first day here and she hadn't really expected it to be so amazing already. This was her dream, being here with her own station to do make up professionally. And she really didn't know why people seemed to think that everyone in Hollywood was a jerk. She honestly couldn't even count how many people had told her that she'd regret going to work as a makeup artist because she'd be stuck working with jerks who didn't appreciate her. But it was turning out totally opposite, much like she'd hoped.

    Astrid was happy to be here, and she knew she'd made the right choice. Even if there were some things she wishes she could change with the blink of an eye, like having an apartment rather than still living out of a hotel, she was still happy. And honestly all that mattered right now was that she was happy with the path she'd chosen.
    June 1st, 2014 at 05:03am
  • "Indian sounds great, but I must admit I've never really had it. We don't have many ethnic restaurants back home. Well, unless you count Taco Bell, and I definitely don't." Sydney looked up at Daniel when she realized she'd been rambling a bit, and had to fight back the red in her face, lest Daniel see that she'd embarrassed herself. She paused for a second before she cleared her throat. "I would love to try it, though."

    Sydney probably would have said yes to anything that Daniel suggested, simply for the fact that she'd be eating it with him. She dreaded eating alone, and she'd been doing it ever since she moved to California.
    "Not a problem," Dylan said, smiling down at her. "I'll see you soon, Astrid!" He called behind him as he began the short walk over to set 3. Jeff was already there waiting for him (bad sign), but he didn't say anything about Dylan's lateness or his make-up (good sign).

    Dylan stepped up onto the set, a plan already in his head, and clapped his hands together. "Let's get this show on the road."

    [Do we want to skip ahead a bit to move past this boring stuff?]
    June 1st, 2014 at 03:17pm
  • "Yea I don't know that Taco Bell really counts as an ethnic restaurant. And well if you like spicy food then this is for you. And unless you know what you're doing, which half the time when it comes to cooking I don't, it'll taste better from an authentic restaurant than your own kitchen." Daniel told her laughing a little, he had tried to make his own Indian food once and it was okay but he preferred it from where he was taking her still. "When I first started on the show I'd never had it either. But then one day after we were all done filming Dylan and Posey asked if I wanted to join them for some Indian food and ever since I eat it at twice a month." He said hoping she'd like it.
    [ Yea, no one likes this boring stuff XD ]

    Astrid stayed in front of her chair for the rest of the day really working on the people who came in. There were a few times when she'd sat around and just munched on some of the snacks she'd brought because there was no one in there, but overall it'd been kind of busy. And when the day was finally almost over she and the other artist started to clean up their stations so they weren't total messes. "So Dylan seemed to really like you. Sometimes I don't think he knows how to shut up when he's in here." Heather joked with her while they were cleaning. "Yea he did talk a lot. But I mean I am new and he seems really sweet. Like one of those people who wants to be friends with everyone."

    "Yep, that's Dylan for ya."
    June 1st, 2014 at 03:50pm
  • Dylan couldn't believe how long his day of filming had been, and he was definitely ready to get away from the set for a while. As much as he loved his job, he was usually ready to get away from Teen Wolf for a few hours by the end of the day.

    He was just walking to his car when Tyler ran over to him, an excited smile on his face while he caught his breath. "We're gonna have a cast party at my place tonight. You in?"

    Dylan thought that relaxing sounded pretty good at that moment, but hanging out with his friends sounded even better. "Yeah, let's do it."

    Tyler's smile widened and he nodded his head. "Be at my house in half an hour."

    Tyler's house was only 20 minutes away, but Dylan hopped in his car anyway and began heading over to Tyler's place, deciding he'd drive throu In-n-Out Burger on the way to grab a bite to eat.
    Sydney thought that her meal with Daniel was absolutely lovely, and she was somewhat sad they'd be parting ways when they got back to the set so Daniel could drop Sydney off at her car. She was just beginning to pull the handle, ready to thank Daniel for a wonderful time, when Tyler Posey banged his hands against the driver's side window, startling them both.

    When Daniel rolled the windows down, Tyler quickly spoke in a breathy voice. "Improptu cast party at my place in half an hour. You in?" He asked looking from Daniel over to Sydney. "Both of you."

    Sydney was still shocked by the fact she thought she almost got mugged, and it took her a moment to realize he was inviting her to a party. Daniel was still looking at Tyler, so she couldn't tell from his face whether or not he was going. Even if he wasn't, though she desperately hoped he was, she thought it would be a good idea to get friendly with the other cast members too.

    "Um, yeah, that sounds great," she said softly as she nodded her head at Tyler, before waiting for Daniel's answer.
    June 1st, 2014 at 05:09pm
  • Astrid and the other artists had all finished cleaning up their stations and everything when Tyler Posey stuck his head in and invited them all to a party at his house. Which Heather and a few other artists turned down because they'd already made plans. Astrid however hadn't made any plans and actually thought it'd be fun so she agreed right before he'd ran off she assumed to invite everyone else.

    She grabbed her purse and headed to her car and decided to grab a bite to eat on the way to Tyler's house, which she'd gotten directions to from someone else. She'd been in California for a bit now but she hadn't really been anywhere other than work and where she was staying. Of course really even now she didn't really know that many people just the few she'd met today so she hadn't really had anyone to hang out with, so it felt nice to be invited to a party with the cast.
    "Of course I'll be there. Wouldn't miss it." Daniel told Tyler with a nod before they were fist bumping and Tyler was running off again probably to head to his own car and head home.

    "I guess we're going to a party." Daniel said biting his lip, "if you want you can follow me or I mean you're more than welcome to ride with me too and then I can either take you home afterwards or bring you back here to get your car. It's whatever." He said realizing he might've sounded crazy, but he doubted that she knew where Tyler lived, even if it wasn't that far from here like 20 minutes tops it wasn't like Sydney had been to his house before. Or at least not that he knew of and he didn't want her to get lost.
    June 1st, 2014 at 08:16pm
  • When Dylan arrived at the party ten minutes late (the line at In-n-Out had taken much longer than expected), it seemed like almost everyone was already there. He saw Holland, Krystal, Posey and Hoechlin's cars outside, along with a few he didn't recognize, and he assumed a few of them may have carpooled as well.

    After downing his burger quite quickly, Dylan turned off his car and walked up to Posey's house, not bothering to knock. He let himself in and found most of his cast mates sitting in the living room. It seemed the only one who wasn't there quite yet was Daniel, and he was either later than Dylan or just not going.

    The other cars he didn't recognize, it seemed, belonged to the crew members, as he recognized a few of them from behind the scenes. He wondered if Astrid would be there, but he didn't see her there. That didn't mean she wasn't in the kitchen or somewhere else, though.
    "I'd love to ride with you, actually," Sydney admitted, smiling at Daniel with a nod. "I absolutely hate Hollywood traffic, so that would be amazing."

    Daniel pulled out of the parking lot with a smile, and Sydney found herself getting nervous for the party. Daniel was the only cast member that Sydney had really talked to, and she desperately hoped that everyone would like her. If the cast didn't like her, she'd probably get fired when she was just getting started.

    Though she would rather spend the night clinging to Daniel, she knew that was something she probably couldn't do - she absolutely didn't want to seem clingy, especially when they had only just met.
    June 1st, 2014 at 10:03pm
  • Astrid had made it to Tylers in no time, and was now in the kitchen talking to Holland about fashion and make up and all enjoying herself. She really didn't think she could've been happier that the cast was so nice and likable. It was nice to know that what everyone had told her in trying to talk her out of coming here had been wrong.

    "Please you're so much more fashionable than me." Astrid told Holland shaking her head and refusing to believe that Holland would think the other way around. "I'm more hair and make up than clothing. And half the time I don't do much with my own it's just everyone else's that I even bother with."

    "Well I think your hair looks nice. Oh hey Dylan." Holland called causing Astrid to turn around and wave as they saw him walk in.
    "I totally understand." Daniel told her nodding his head, Hollywood traffic was the worst. Of course they all put up with it because they lived here and there wasn't really anything else they could do, didn't mean anyone liked it though.

    It didn't take long to get to Tyler's house. 20 minutes tops. And when they arrived he noticed they were probably some of the last people to arrive. Holland, Crystal, Hocechlin, Dylan, and even some cars he didn't recognize already there. Which wasn't a big deal it wasn't like it mattered who got there first and who got there last. Daniel was always arriving late or close to last though he was noticing.

    Either way it was sure to be fun, and once he'd parked he did the gentlemanly thing and walked around to open Sydney's door before leading her into the house.
    June 1st, 2014 at 11:49pm
  • Even though he had seen all the set workers at the party, for some reason, Dylan didn't expect to see Astrid there. He had just assumed that she would have been long gone by the time Tyler had invited everyone, but he guessed she had stayed late or something.

    He walked over to Holland and Astrid immediately, to which Holland stood up and smiled at him. He wrapped his arms around her and gave her a long hug, just as they always did when it had been a while since they had seen each other, and it had at least been a day.

    After hugging Holland, he looked back over to Astrid and smiled at her. "I didn't expect to see you here."
    Sydney couldn't help but to blush when Daniel opened the door for her, so she tried to cover her face with her hair so he wouldn't notice as she stepped out of the car and he shut the door behind her. She could feel that her heart was beginning to beat more and more quickly with every step that they took closer to the house.

    It wasn't going to be an outrageous college kid party, she knew that, but in her opinion, a small house party with the people who held her future in their hands was even more nerve wrecking.

    When they got to the door, Daniel gave a quick knock, which Sydney was thankful for, because she was sure that if she was alone she would have stood on the front porch for 10 to 15 minutes before actually knocking.
    June 2nd, 2014 at 06:11pm
  • "And why's that?" Astrid asked Dylan biting her lip. "I enjoy a good party now and again too ya know." She joked with him figuring he'd just thought she would've been long gone or something by the time Tyler asked everyone since technically her day had ended before they were done filming and she could've been long gone by the time he'd came around and asked.

    Really she would've been long gone if she hadn't stayed behind to help clean up and want to clean up her own station so it didn't look like a hot mess when she got there in the morning. Plus even though she hadn't been much of a partier in school she didn't want to pass up the chance to be here at pretty much a small house party with her new co-workers. She could meet some of the rest of the cast now and not feel like a stranger to them when she did their makeup.
    Daniel smiled at Tyler when he answered the door and let them in. "Daniel you made it! I was starting to think you weren't coming." Tyler said with a bright smile on his face while he let his friend in. "And you brought Sydney, right? With you too." Tyler added hoping he got her name right. It'd be kind of embarrassing to not even remember her name when she was in his house.

    Daniel nodded his head telling Tyler that Sydney was her name. "Of course I'm here. I told you I was coming so I'm here. But you should know that I never get somewhere early." He joked knowing that was true, Daniel was usually the last one to arrive when the cast went somewhere together. Of course he was early to things that counted like work and dates and other important things like that, but parties and the like weren't things he was early too.
    June 3rd, 2014 at 02:03am
  • "Well, I have figured the other girls would put you on cleaning duty, and half thought you might just be exhausted after your first day. Mostly, I just didn't think Tyler would invite you." He paused, scrunching up his face as he shook his head. "Not that he wouldn't have a reason to or anything."

    He was rambling again, which was a terribly bad habit of his that he really needed to get over.
    "It's nice to see you again, Tyler," Sydney said as she smiled at him. He smiled back and quickly moved to her side, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and pulling her into the kitchen.

    He stopped when they got to the bar, where he dropped his arm. "Would you like anything to drink?"
    June 4th, 2014 at 05:26am
  • Astrid shook her head. "And here I thought we were going to get along." She joked. "Well I was on cleaning duty, along with everyone else, because we all have our own stations to work with and every artist likes things a certain way. But since it was my first day and my station wasn't that bad I swept and took out the trash and other things like cleaned all the brushes. Then Tyler popped his head in when we were leaving and invited us all to attend his party. But I was the only one without plans already and didn't really want to spend the night alone in my hotel so I got directions and here I am." She said trying her hardest not to laugh at how much he rambled. Which was kind of an adorable quality on him.
    Daniel walked in and let Tyler pull Sydney away to the kitchen, but he did follow deciding to get a drink for himself before he went to talk to anyone. Plus he was sure there were people in there too. People did tend to like to stand around in Tyler's kitchen when he had parties, probably just because it's where he kept the drinks and his chips and dip he had at like every damn party. But they were good so Daniel didn't mind them, and honestly he wasn't sure it'd be a Tyler Posey party without the chips and dip.
    June 4th, 2014 at 05:42am
  • "Remember, if anyone tries to boss you around, tell them to come see me," Dylan joked, smiling down at Astrid. He really didn't have that much authority over them, but he liked to pretend that he did. "Have you tried Tyler's world famous dip yet?" He asked her, seeing that she and Holland didn't seem to have any. "You haven't lived until you've tried it."
    Sydney knew that she should be trying to get friendly with the other cast members, but she really wished that Tyler hadn't pulled her away from Daniel. He was the one that she wanted to hang out with most, even though they'd spent most of the day together anyway. She knew she couldn't be clingy though, so she turned back to Tyler. "Something non-alcoholic?"
    June 4th, 2014 at 06:32am
  • Astrid laughed a little but shook her head. "I'll be sure to find you if anyone tries to boss me around then." She joked back really liking how comfortable she felt around Dylan after only just meeting him. She was sure she'd never really felt this warmed up to a person after only a day before in her life, her dad even used to joke about how people were scared of her because she took so long to warm up to people. Clearly she just hadn't been meeting the right people. "Are you sure it's that good?" She asked with a raised brow, "because I mean I've had some pretty awesome dip in my days."
    Tyler smiled and then went to fix her a drink that didn't have alcohol in it, which wasn't really hard since even though he did like a drink every now and again he wasn't really big on having raging house parties where everyone got drunk and forgot who they were. Plus this had kind of been a last minute thing so he hadn't even had time to pick any alcohol up. "So I heard your first day went really well." He said handing her the drink, "which is awesome. I was like super nervous the first time I shot anything for the show actually. And it took me a few takes to stop freaking myself out."
    June 6th, 2014 at 03:00am
  • "Oh, it's world famous, remember? Tyler will kill me if I don't get you some," Dylan said, nodding his head as he reached down for her wrist. He quickly pulled her towards the kitchen and away from Holland, dropping her hand when they'd reached the table. He grabbed a small plate of chips and added on a dab of the dip before passing it to Astrid. "You're going to love it. If you don't, you're definitely not human." He smiled at Astrid while he waited for her to take a bite; he truthfully didn't know how anyone in their right mind could resist Tyler's dip.
    "It was great, thank you," Sydney said, smiling at Tyler once before she gave a quick look around the room in an attempt to spot Daniel. She didn't mean to look clingy or desperate, but she felt like she couldn't get enough time with Daniel. He was just so sweet and genuine, two things that Sydney really admired. She knew she could't attach herself to him, though, so she focused her attention back on Tyler, even though she was wished Daniel would pop up again. "I was actually so nervous that we had to do a second take, but Daniel was great and really helped me out. I wouldn't have been able to do it without him.
    June 6th, 2014 at 04:04am
  • Astrid laughed but let Dylan pull her into the kitchen to get some Tyler's world famous dip. She took the plate from Dylan and dabbed the chip in the dip and took a bite and had to admit that Dylan might've been right. It was some pretty damn good dip. "Well I can assure you that I'm human." She said before taking another bite of the dip. It was one of those things you'd want at like every party or gathering you ever had. "It definitely gives my mom's dip a run for her money." She told him, since her mom made her own dip too and that had always been her favorite growing up and not just because her mom made it, it was just really good and everyone always loved it.
    "You're welcome." Tyler told her with his bright smile before he noticed Dylan walk in with a girl, he hadn't officially met her yet though. He was assuming it was the make up artist Dylan had mentioned earlier but since Tyler always went to Chelsea he hadn't met the new girl. "Well I have more people to greet, but I hope you enjoy yourself." Tyler told her before he walked over and slapped Dylan on the shoulder and smiled at the girl he was with. "Dylan you finally made it! Oh, I'm Tyler." He added quickly sticking his hand out to Astrid.

    Daniel had gotten caught up in the living room talking to the other Tyler about one of their up coming scenes together, but when he was done chatting about that he made his way to the kitchen where he saw Sydney and smiled. "I see Tyler's ran off again. I don't know he knows how to slow down sometimes." Daniel said laughing a little. Posey was honestly so energetic and all over the place sometimes. "He's a great guy though."
    June 6th, 2014 at 04:44am
  • "I'm glad you like it," Dylan said, smiling as he tucked his hands in his pockets. "If I'm being honest, it's one of the top five reasons I come to Posey's parties. Really, the only thing better than his dip is his ability to keep us all entertained. Just wait until he's had a couple of drinks," he said, laughing a bit at the thought. "Speaking of, would you like anything to drink? I think Hoechlin brought some spiked punch if you're interested."
    Sydney was thankful that Tyler was nice to her as well, though he did seem to be a little scatterbrained. She was just happy that it seemed like all the cast members she had met so far were nice.

    When Daniel came back up to her, Sydney couldn't help but smile, happy to see him again. Tyler was nice, but he was no Daniel. "He seems like he's great," Sydney agreed, nodding her head. "I think I have a few scenes with him next week."
    June 6th, 2014 at 07:09am
  • [ OMG I never saw your reply to this Facepalm oh and I think I forgot to hit reply on the 1D roleplay but I just replied ]

    "And here I thought you were only here because he was your best friend." Astrid joked, she could see why the dip would be in the top five reasons to attend a party hosted by Tyler Posey. And she was sure that once he'd had a couple drinks he'd be a hoot to have as a party host. She wouldn't really know for sure though since this was her first party at his house ever, so she'd have to see what he was like for herself. "Uh yea a drink would be great actually. Especially spiked punch because I who doesn't love spiked punch." She said biting her lip, "what exactly is the punch spiked with?" She asked laughing a little not sure if spiked punch was something that was always at parties or not.
    "Oh he is. He's a total scatterbrain though when he throws last minute parties like this. When he's had a few drinks though he's really good at keeping everyone entertained. And I'm sure you'll have a lot of scenes with him soon enough. That's just what happens when you're one of the main characters. You have scenes with like everyone." Daniel said knowing there were a few people he didn't have scenes with but like once or so but he wasn't really a main character either. He played a big enough role to be a series regular, but he wasn't sure he'd consider himself a main character. Those he considered more the characters in the show's title sequence. But it didn't bother him that much either way. He was happy with the role he played and that was all that mattered.
    June 9th, 2014 at 02:47am
  • [I got it! I subscribed to both of them so I usually see it on My Mibba page if you forget XD ]

    "The punch isn't as great as the dip, but I think you'll like it," he said as he guided her to the kitchen. "If I'm not mistaken, it's got vodka, vodka and more vodka," he said laughing. He then poured her a small cup and passed it in her direction. "Now, if you don't feel comfortable drinking a bunch, don't be afraid to tell me no." He didn't know Astrid well enough to know whether or not she liked to drink, but he didn't want to be the one to put her in a situation that made her feel uncomfortable. She was too sweet and he didn't want her to think she was getting taken advantage of.
    "I hope we don't get in too much trouble. Jeff made it seem like the two of you were a bit of a mess," Sydney said, laughing a bit. She wondered if their shenanigans were just on the set or if they extended to parties as well. "Do you think we'll have more scenes together?" Sydney asked, hoping that they would. She really liked working with Daniel and just hanging out with him in general. He made her feel comfortable for the first time since she'd arrived in California. She usually warmed up to people easily, but not in the way that she did with Daniel.
    June 9th, 2014 at 03:20am
  • [ I should probably do that too XD ]

    Astrid went with Dylan to the kitchen and took the cup from him when he handed it to her. She'd drank a few times before, but it'd never been something she'd been big into. Of course before she'd came to California she'd been really hesitant on doing anything that wasn't focused on getting her to where she was now. Even though she was still young she just knew how hard it was for some people to find jobs fresh out of college, and especially well paying jobs that they loved doing but maybe now that she was here she could relax a little and have a little more fun in her life. "I'll tell you if I get uncomfortable. Just promise to stop me if you think I've drank too much." She told him comfortable with the idea of drinking around Dylan. Partly because she felt comfortable around him in general. Some of the others that she hadn't really talked to though she wouldn't feel as comfortable drinking with or around.
    "It's not just me and Tyler. Dylan usually joins us in our shenanigans. But I promise if you ever don't want to take part in something we have planned you don't have to. We wouldn't make you." Daniel said laughing some, it was true though that the three of them were kind of a mess. They were all over the place always getting into some kind of trouble, of course nothing major though. None of them had been arrested or anything insane like that. It was usually just funny pranks they pulled on one another or some of the other cast members or even Jeff if they had something good planned for him. "Oh I'm sure we will. Isaac's still a pretty popular character. And I have a lot more scenes this season so I'm sure we'll have more scene's together." He said smiling at her.
    June 9th, 2014 at 03:55am
  • "So, if you take your pants off and start dancing on the table is that too much or...?" Dylan asked, smiling at her as he joked. Posey had done that a couple of times, which was a clear sign that he needed to be put to bed with a glass of water and a puke bowl. Those were the nights that led to rough days on set. Dylan poured a drink for himself, vowing not to drink that much in case Astrid ended up needing his help.
    "As long as your shenanigans don't involve drunken truth or dare, I'm sure they can't be bad. I don't know if you've ever played it or not, but it usually ends up getting a little crazy," Sydney said, smiling at Daniel as she took a drink from her cup. The last time she went to a party with DTOD, half the people ended up making out and naked while the other half were just too drunk to move.
    June 9th, 2014 at 04:56am