A Part of Us

  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States

    Acacia Brimington played by: XxLithiumWingsxX

    Tyler Youngs played by: Color Me Morbid


    Lily Sanders played by: Color Me Morbid

    Jackson Michaels played by: XxLithiumWingsxX

    May 20th, 2014 at 03:31am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ Color Me Morbid

    The night after the bonfire, Acacia woke up to the bright sunlight streaming through her window of her bedroom. She woke up to the typical hangover from the same drinks that she drank all the time but.. she felt a little off today. Actually, she had been feeling off the past few months but it only became progressively more noticeable for her as time passed. Acacia sighed as she pulled herself off of the bed with a shake of the head, thinking that she was just imaging things. When she turned to pull the blanket back over her bed, it automatically moved as soon as she hovered her hand over the sheets. Acacia stood for a moment, believing that she must have been thinking that it had moved on its own, and dismissed it. She moved towards the bathroom and turned on the sink as she splashed water onto her face. Closing her eyes, she waited to hear the splash of water hit the sink after feeling the coolness against her face but never did. Acacia opened her eyes to see that the water had actually formed droplets around her frozen in time. "What the hell is this?!" She exclaimed as the water resumed and hit the sink.


    Jackson hadn't been so thrilled when he had been told that they would be moving to a different town. Then again, he hadn't been so thrilled either when he had heard that his parents were divorcing but that wasn't exactly up to him either. He would learn to get over it but, for now, he was still a bit grumpy over it. Today would be his first day at Chance Harbor High School. It would be an exaggeration to say that he was the least bit excited about it. After his mother's speech about his he would love his new school, Jackson would almost certain that he would hate it. He adjusted the strap of his bag as he moved towards the entrance and knew that he had to find the office. Maybe, there would be someone who would direct him in the right direction considering his lost expression.
    May 20th, 2014 at 10:38pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    If the morning could get any weirder, Tyler would think he was still in a dream. When he first woke up, it was to the sound of the alarm clock going off, though once he glared at it, it had ended up unplugging somehow. He had ignored it, figuring that he had hallucinated due to his late night drinking. That aside, once he had gotten dressed and moved to comb out his hair, the moment he looked at the comb, it shot out towards him - and he barely managed to catch it. On top of that, the lid to his toothpaste shot off and the toothpaste went all over his bathroom mirror. Definitely a weird morning, but he continued to brush it off as hallucinations up until he went to clean the mirror, only for the water from the sink to splash over the mirror. "Holy shit," he muttered to himself, wondering if he was on some weird prank show. Glancing around, a frown crossed his lips and he rubbed at his face, a little unsure of what was going on. Trying to calm down whatever freaky confusion was building up in him, he tried to proceed to getting ready, deciding that ignoring all the strange happenings was best.


    Lily had spent her morning the same as usual, getting ready for school and heading there fairly early. She had no particular reason to be at school so early, but it didn't really matter all that much to her. Mostly, she just wanted to get out of the house and away from her overbearing father. It was only when she got to school that she decided to have a little bit of fun with her magic. Okay, it really wasn't fun at all, since she had only unlocked and locked her locker about twenty times, but she didn't care. She tried to use her magic on low key levels so as to not attract attention to herself - and perhaps that was why she came to school so early, to decrease the chances of her getting caught. Either way, once she eventually got her books out of her locker and relocked it, she glanced around, figuring it would be best to wander whilst the hallway started filling up. It didn't take her long to catch sight of a new face - everybody knew everybody in Chance Harbor, after all, and this guy was definitely somebody that she didn't recognize. Deciding to do a good deed for the day, since he looked kind of lost, she smiled and made her way over. "Hi, I'm Lily," she told him, offering her hand out for a shake, "You're new, aren't you?"
    May 21st, 2014 at 05:44pm
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ Color Me Morbid

    The scream had warranted her a concerned voice as her mother called out to make sure that she was okay. Acacia took in a deep breath before replying back that she was functioning before slowly making her way back to the sink. "That.. That was just my mind playing tricks on me.." She mumbled to herself as if it would make it the truth. Leaving the bathroom, she walked towards the closet unsure of what she wanted to wear to school today. She opened the closet but the clothes seemed to just fly out, picking for her. Acacia blinked as a blouse and skirt were now waiting for her on top of her bed. What in the fuck is actually going on right now? She questioned to herself starting to wonder if a ghost lived in her house. Taking the clothes, she moved into the bathroom, uncomfortable with the idea of an unknown presence in her room, and changed as quickly as possible. When she went downstairs to greet her parents, she had asked if anything strange had happened to them lately but they seemed to act just as surprised by the question. "Nevermind then." She waved if off before eating a quick breakfast and leaving for school.


    He glanced around the hallways but couldn't help but feel like something was off in the school. It seemed to almost be.. too perfect, too normal, like it was trying to be normal. Jackson waved off the thought as a girl came to approach him and he felt a bit grateful that someone had decided to take pity on him. "Yeah, is it that obvious?" He asked as he paused for a moment before quickly reaching out to shake her head almost as if he had forgotten that it was there. Jackson looked around the hallways and returning his gaze back to her,"Jackson. New kid. Could you tell me where the office is?" As he looked at her, he scanned her features before deciding that she was pretty cute. Perhaps she would be the only positive thing that would happen to him today. "I've never been good with directions." Jackson admitted to her despite the school not being that big.
    May 22nd, 2014 at 12:29am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Brushing off the morning's events, Tyler had eventually managed to get ready for school, lifting his backpack to where he was one-strapping. Making his way downstairs, he didn't bother to look around for either of his parents - they were usually gone early in the morning, which he was used to. With a sigh, he ran a hand through his hair as he made his way outside, climbing into his truck and starting it before he made his way to school. Along the way, he was met with several yellow lights that would go straight to red, then immediately to green once he looked at them. He passed it off as technical difficulties - or just luck - and proceeded on his way. It didn't take him too long to arrive at school and once he was parked and out of the truck, it locked by itself, making a beeping noise to signal that it was securely locked, which caused him to stare at it. Refusing to think further on his weird morning, he went straight inside, searching around for whoever he could manage to find to talk to, since he got along with most people at the school anyways.


    "Well, I wouldn't necessarily say that it was obvious. It's just that everybody pretty much knows each other around here, so it's easy to catch sight of a new face," Lily explained with a shrug as she let her hand drop back to her side, the smile still on her face. "If you're not good with directions, it'd probably be best to just show you where it is." It seemed plausible, to her. Then again, she always found it was easier to actually do things hands-on, rather than learn about them through reading or hearing somebody explain it. Turning on the heel of her shoe, she gestured for him to follow her before she began leading the way through the school. The school wasn't too complicated to figure out and as long as one followed the numbers on the lockers, it was pretty easy to get around. "We don't really get many new kids, either, to be honest, so you kind of stick out like a sore thumb."
    May 22nd, 2014 at 12:49am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ Color Me Morbid

    Throwing her backpack into the passenger seat of the car, Acacia moved into the driver's seat to start up the car and back out of her drive way. She was still a little shaken by the morning, unable to believe what had just happened. Acacia glanced around in every direction as if waiting to see another freak accident occur right before her eyes. Stopping at the light, she watched it switch from red to yellow to green and then back to its initial color, red. She looked behind her in the mirror to see that the driver hadn't noticed what had just happened. Maybe she needed to go and see a doctor sort everything out or maybe it was one of her depression pills back firing. Acacia made sure to take caution as she pulled into the parking lot of the school and hopped out with the backpack in hand. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw that Tyler had arrived at the same time as her and gave a small wave. They weren't really that close but more acquainted than strangers.


    "Oh, I see. It's one of those schools then...not that it's a bad thing, I guess." He quickly asserted not wanting to make enemies with people on the first day. Jackson sighed thinking that he really needed to learn how to filter his thoughts more often. "That would be great, too. Thanks." Following after her, he didn't waste any time looking around the school and trying to memorize where certain landmarks were such as the Cafeteria or the Gymnasium. "I sort of figured with it being a small town and all." Jackson gave a shrug as other people started to notice his presence. They started to quietly talk among each other, making comments about his outward appearance.
    May 22nd, 2014 at 01:06am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Tyler had immediately taken notice of the wave he received from Acacia and felt rather relieved that he could distract himself by talking to a cute girl. Shifting his backpack again on his shoulder, he approached her with a grin. For a moment, though, he wondered if talking to her would add to his morning oddities. Then again, it wasn't like he didn't talk to her every now and then, anyways, so he shrugged that thought aside. "Hey," he greeted once he was close enough. "Please tell me that I'm not the only one having a weird morning." He didn't bother to elaborate on how weird the morning had been, of course; no need to make himself look crazy and possibly end up being put in an asylum because somebody assumed that he might suddenly be schizophrenic or something of the sort.


    Lily nodded slightly in response to his words. "It's not like people really have reasons to move here. Most of us actually want to get away," she explained. She was amongst that group, though she wouldn't openly admit it. She wanted to explore the world, see what was hidden past the borders of Chance Harbor, but, at the same time, she was a little worried about what would happen to her magic if she left. Was being in Chance Harbor what fueled her powers or was it just genetic? She wasn't sure and she didn't have the guts to ask her father, in case he freaked out on her. "That aside, as long as you follow the locker numbers, it's pretty easy to get around here. They're all in order and they pretty much lead you everywhere, anyways." With a shrug, it wasn't long before she spotted the office and she pointed at it. "There it is."
    May 22nd, 2014 at 01:19am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ Color Me Morbid

    She went to go off to class but didn't expect Tyler to approach her for a conversation and stopped dead in her tracks. That was something that she hadn't expected to happen. Acacia offered him a smile once he greeted her,"Hi." She looked over at him with shock on her face not expecting him to feel the same way. "No, definitely not. I'm convinced that something is haunting my house, I swear." She felt some tension lift off of her shoulders hearing that she hadn't been the only one. Although, maybe his weird events were completely different from her weird events. In that case, she could always write off her freak accidents as some sort of joke.


    Jackson could see that everyone was itching to get out of Chance Harbor, especially considering that he already wanted to leave after a day. As he moved through the hallways, it wasn't long before they arrived at the office and he finally started to take note of the lockers. It seemed like decreasing numbers would mean that he was moving towards the office. "Alright, I will keep that in mind next time I get lost which will probably be soon anyway." Jackson offered her a smile since she seemed to be one of the few that would actually be offering to take the time to help. "Thanks, again. Maybe I will see you soon." He told her before moving off into the office.
    May 22nd, 2014 at 01:35am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    "Haunted, huh?" Tyler asked with just a hint of amusement. Admittedly, the thought hadn't passed his mind - especially since it hadn't been just his house affected by all these weird things. It had been the stop lights and his truck as well. Passing the thought off, he shrugged. "Maybe we just drank too much at the bonfire." Honestly, though, he hadn't drunk all that much at all, not even enough to end up with a hangover that morning. He wasn't even sure if she had drunken anything the night before, either, so he figured he was just trying to grasp for an excuse - and likely failing miserably in that as well. "Or we're still stuck in our dreams, but I'd rather not think too deeply into that." At least he wasn't the only one having weird things happening to him that morning. For all he knew, the entire school could be going through such a thing. Maybe some power plant exploded or the magnetic fields around the globe went all whacked up or something. Any excuse was better than not having an explanation at all.


    Lily nodded in response. "Have fun," she mused, offering a wave before she turned and looked around a bit. Silently, she wondered what she should do to pass the rest of her time before school actually began. Eventually settling for wandering around, since that was what she did best, she proceeded to make her way down the hallway, debating on whether to engage in any random conversations. At the same time, she wondered if the new kid, Jackson, would do well on his first day. Not to mention there was definitely something different about the guy, which she had come to notice when it came to a few other students around the school. She wasn't sure what exactly was different but she decided she'd look into it and try to figure it out. Because if there was one thing Lily was good at, it was definitely being curious.
    May 22nd, 2014 at 01:46am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ Color Me Morbid

    Acacia couldn't help but feel the embarrassment creep up onto her cheeks hearing how ridiculous it was coming from his mouth. "But.. t-that would never happen so. Just a joke." She played it off with a laugh just wanting to pretend like she had never said it in the first place. Thinking back to the bonfire, she did remember having a few drinks so who knows what could have been put into those red cups. She gave a small nod since it would make sense. "Maybe.. I had a few drinks last night and have a slight hangover but nothing too severe." She told him considering that he had just admitting to drinking as well. Acacia didn't want to dive into the world of dreams and possible inceptions. "Let's stay away from that realm as much as possible." Looking around, she wondered if anyone else had been experiencing this weird feeling and odd events that were happening. Although, no one seemed to be showing the horror on their faces. Acacia was sure that at least one of the girls would have been freaking out by now.


    As he walked into the office, the secretary seemed to be disorganized considering the pile of papers on her desk and the look of shock when she saw him. "Hi, I'm Jackson Michaels. I'm supposed to get my schedule and a map of the school from here." He tried to remind her as she shuffled around her desk looking for it. Jackson couldn't help but sigh since the secretary wouldn't be finding his papers anytime soon. "Is there any way you could reprint it or something?" He asked her with an impatient tone as she paused remembering the existence of the printer. Giving her a small smile, Jackson watched as she turned and rushed off to the printer and came back with his schedule and a map. "Thank you." He turned with the schedule in hand to see that he had Physics the first period.
    May 22nd, 2014 at 02:16am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    "Ah, dreams are off-limits and forbidden. Got it," Tyler said as he glanced around a bit, taking notice of how everybody else seemed perfectly normal. Surely it wasn't only them that were experiencing this weird stuff, right? "I had a few drinks, too, but not enough for a hangover. Then again, I'm not a lightweight." There was a hint of teasing in his tone as if he was implying that she was, which could be a possibility. Not only was she a girl, but he definitely weighed more than she did, so he could probably handle more alcohol than she could. His eyes had continued roaming the faces, taking in the expressions, the normalcy of everybody. It didn't make sense to him how everybody could seem so calm - then again, he and Acacia seemed to be the only ones that had experienced a weird morning so far. And he definitely wasn't going to ask around about how many other people had weird mornings. "Anyways, should we head to class?"


    Lily's fingers tapped at her bag strap as she walked, her eyes scanning the area. She spotted Tyler and Acacia through the glass doors of the school, two other people that seemed just as different to her as Jackson did compared to everybody else. Had she been one to normally talk to them, she probably would have approached them, but she wasn't really one to socialize too much. Sure, she mingled a bit here and there, but it was usually because she liked having a reason to smile and talking to people without having direct bonds with them made it easier to just be happy rather than worrying about what they might think of her. Moving on her way, she made her way to class, trying to figure out what exactly was so different about the trio of people, why they seemed to stand out more to her than everybody else did. She didn't dwell on it for long since she couldn't concentrate on something too confusing for a long period of time
    May 22nd, 2014 at 02:37am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ Color Me Morbid

    Acacia continued to look around as people greeted each other and slowly migrated towards the school. It seemed to be like a normal day for everyone else but them, not that they showed it anyways. She wasn't exactly sure how to feel about the weird incidents that had been following her. "I know, I know, I'm a lightweight." It was pretty obvious that many pegged her for a lightweight just from the looks of her and she was. It was definitely something that she couldn't deny. Acacia could only take two hard drinks before feeling like she wanted to pass out somewhere. The whole entire school had been at the bonfire and, other than the sight of a teenager with a hangover, it looked to be a typical day at Chance Harbor. "That would probably be a good idea. Who knows, maybe this weird morning will blow over." She tried to be optimistic just like her therapist had suggested, small steps made all the difference. Acacia moved towards the doors of the school and figured that they might as well walk together considering they had the same class.


    Moving outside of the office, he glanced down at the map before knowing that it would be completely useless. Jackson had more luck just looking at the number of the lockers than trying to figure out the enigma that is the school map. He looked down at his schedule and checked the room number before moving off. Silently, he hoped that he would run into Lily once more. It would be nice to see a friendly face once more. He followed the locker numbers before finding the door to the Physics room and entered to see that he had been one of the first to enter the class. Of course, no one wanted to come to this class first thing in the morning. Science never really was his thing.
    May 22nd, 2014 at 02:56am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    "Yeah, maybe it will," Tyler agreed as he walked inside with her, his eyes scanning the path as they walked. Once they managed to reach the doors, he opened the door and gestured for her to go inside first. Politeness wasn't his strong suit when it came to adults and teachers, but he could be polite to girls easily - it was practically ingrained in his DNA. "Maybe if we just pretend none of it happened, we can move on with our day and end up forgetting it at some point." It seemed plausible to him - ignoring things didn't necessarily make them go away, but it did make them easier to cope with. That was his opinion about the matter, anyways, though he mostly kept it to himself. Deciding to change the conversation so that it would be easier to ignore the entire thing, he glanced at her. "Aside from being a lightweight, did you have fun at the bonfire?"


    Lily was fairly quick with approaching her classroom, despite that she would rather continue to wander around, possibly get herself lost and figure out if anybody would notice. For her, though, it was impossible to get lost in the school since she was so used to how the locker numbers guided the way. Entering the Physics classroom, she blinked at seeing Jackson there, a little surprised that he ended up having the first class with her. Not that she really minded, since it meant that she might have a chance to learn more about the guy, figure out why he seemed different to her, compared to everybody else. "Oh, you got stuck with Physics for your first class, too? Bummer," she mused as she made her way over to him, "Starting off the school day with a difficult class isn't exactly fun."
    May 22nd, 2014 at 02:56pm
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ Color Me Morbid

    She reached for the door not expecting him to hold it for her and paused for a moment before entering,"Oh, thanks." Acacia wasn't exactly used to the boys of Chance Harbor being polite considering a guy had slammed the door in her face yesterday. As they continued to walk on, she adjusted the strap of her backpack before glancing up at him. "That's what I've been trying to do but... the odd stuff just keeps happening. It's like it doesn't want you to forget it but, like I said, I am hoping that it's just a phase or something." Acacia sighed thinking that it sounded pretty creepy, this feeling that she had in the pit of her stomach. The more she spoke about it, the more she felt a bit queasy. She appreciated it when he changed the subject off to something that wasn't related. "Yeah, it was fun. The bonfire was actually more than the one that they held last year but I never said that." She admitted with a small laugh.


    Jackson mostly kept to himself after he informed the teacher of his new student status before sliding into one of the seats in the back corner. There was no point in making friends considering how late in the year he transferred in. Plus, no one really seemed to be interesting enough to indulge in. He pulled out one of the notebooks with a pen and lightly tapped it against the binding. His eyes wandered around the room until he heard the door open and a familiar face walk in - Lily. Jackson really hadn't been expecting to have a class with her but was pleasantly surprised. "Yeah, I can tell that this is the class that everyone fought over to be in." He gestured to the lack of surrounding students as she walked closer to him. Jackson gave a shrug since it wasn't really something that he could help anyway. "Maybe that's why I was put in the class."
    May 23rd, 2014 at 12:27am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Tyler didn't bother returning to the previous topic since it was obviously a little troublesome to talk about for both of them. Probably because it was a difficult thing to explain and he wasn't even sure if they had experienced the same oddities - or even just similar, for that matter. "I didn't really pay much attention to the bonfire itself," he admitted with a lazy grin before he shrugged. "Mostly I just concentrated on socializing." He wasn't exactly a socialite, but he did like making friends. It wasn't hard to do at Chance Harbor - the difficult part was deciding who would be a good friend and who would be best left as an acquaintance. "Plus it was pretty fun watching a few people chase each other around, throwing their cups at each other." There hadn't been much else to do aside from watch the bonfire itself, honestly.


    "Obviously," Lily drawled with amusement as she slid into her seat, which, thankfully, wasn't too far from where Jackson was seated, so it was still relatively easy to talk to him. Shifting in her seat to where she was facing him, she set her backpack down onto the floor beside her feet. "Especially since the teacher isn't exactly the most interesting. If you're like the other guys in the class, you'll probably be asleep within the first five to ten minutes." It was the truth and she had no qualms over saying it, even if the teacher heard. A few of the other students began piling into the class, but, honestly, there weren't many students in the class anyways. Most people skipped it or just had it at a later time of the day. Lily, on the other hand, had made sure all of her terrible classes were at the beginning of the day so that she could enjoy the end of the school days more.
    May 23rd, 2014 at 12:40am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ Color Me Morbid

    "Well, it's either you socialize or you drink so I went with a happy medium." There really wasn't much to do unless you were cuddling by the fire with a significant other, which she didn't have. Acacia hadn't taken a liking to anyone at Chance Harbor but would have admitted that there were some guys that caught her eye. "Everything is all fun and games until someone gets some beer on a designer handbag." She remembered what happened last year after a guy accidentally spilled some of his drink onto the girl's Gucci bag. Needless to say, the guy was never seen in Chance Harbor again. As they neared the classroom, she sighed since she really didn't want to spend first period in a Science classroom let alone Physics. Acacia entered into the classroom to see an unfamiliar face talking to Lily in the corner of the room. "Seems like there's a new kid in the school." Acacia commented as she glanced over at Tyler.


    He gave a smile since she didn't see to have any trouble admitting the truth when it came to this class. It was nice to hear the cold, hard truth coming from a person. That was a quality that wasn't easy to find now-a-days. "Lily, it's impossible to make a subject like Physics the least bit entertaining to a person so I really don't think we can blame the teacher." He said with a slight laugh as the teacher glanced over at them. Glancing at the time, he guessed that it would really only take him about that long to fall asleep. "About.. give or take a few minutes." He watched as two more students walked into the room and looked over at him. Everyone knew that he was the new student so he might as well put a neon sign above his head.
    May 23rd, 2014 at 01:07am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ Color Me Morbid

    "Well, it's either you socialize or you drink so I went with a happy medium." There really wasn't much to do unless you were cuddling by the fire with a significant other, which she didn't have. Acacia hadn't taken a liking to anyone at Chance Harbor but would have admitted that there were some guys that caught her eye. "Everything is all fun and games until someone gets some beer on a designer handbag." She remembered what happened last year after a guy accidentally spilled some of his drink onto the girl's Gucci bag. Needless to say, the guy was never seen in Chance Harbor again. As they neared the classroom, she sighed since she really didn't want to spend first period in a Science classroom let alone Physics. Acacia entered into the classroom to see an unfamiliar face talking to Lily in the corner of the room. "Seems like there's a new kid in the school." Acacia commented as she glanced over at Tyler.


    He gave a smile since she didn't see to have any trouble admitting the truth when it came to this class. It was nice to hear the cold, hard truth coming from a person. That was a quality that wasn't easy to find now-a-days. "Lily, it's impossible to make a subject like Physics the least bit entertaining to a person so I really don't think we can blame the teacher." He said with a slight laugh as the teacher glanced over at them. Glancing at the time, he guessed that it would really only take him about that long to fall asleep. "About.. give or take a few minutes." He watched as two more students walked into the room and looked over at him. Everyone knew that he was the new student so he might as well put a neon sign above his head.
    May 23rd, 2014 at 01:07am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Tyler couldn't help but to be amused at the mention of accidentally spilling beer on a designer bag. Even he remembered that bit of drama, which had been rather entertaining to watch. Once they got to the class, though, his gaze followed Acacia's as he nodded in response. "Seems like it," he agreed before proceeding that way - mostly because his seat was in that vicinity anyways. "Perhaps we should introduce ourselves. Wouldn't want the guy to only know Lily, after all." As nice as Lily could sometimes be, the girl was easily distracted and Tyler was almost certain that she wouldn't hold up in a conversation with the new kid for long. "Unless you're shy or something." He arched an eyebrow in curiosity as he glanced back at Acacia, honestly a little curious over if she was or not.


    "I wouldn't necessarily say that it's impossible. You just have to use the right personality and behavior," Lily mused with a grin. After all, Bill Nye the Science Guy made science interesting, right? Or whoever the guy was. It wasn't impossible to make certain subjects interesting - the teachers just seemed to stop caring after a certain grade level. In elementary, she knew all of her classes had been fun - and they had stayed fun up until she entered high school, whether she would admit it or not. It wasn't long before she caught sight of Acacia and Tyler, though, and she offered a slight wave. "Oh, look. You might get to meet more people aside from me, what a lucky guy you are." Her tone was completely joking as she let herself relax in her seat.
    May 23rd, 2014 at 01:21am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ Color Me Morbid

    "Lily isn't so bad." Acacia countered thinking that she seemed to be a nice girl. Although, it would be a lie to say that they were friends since they barely interacted at all. It seemed like Lily was on the more shy side when it came to interacting with other students. She moved towards her seat which just happened to be in the same row as the new kid before giving a slight shrug not minding whether or not they did. "I can hold my own." She replied as they moved closer to the new kid and Lily before offering them a smile. Acacia placed her stuff back onto her seat on the way. "Sorry to interrupt your conversation. Just thought I might introduce myself to the new student. My name is Acacia."


    Jackson would have said otherwise considering that he had hated Science for most of his life anyway,"I guess that's a personal thing then. I don't really like Science so it really isn't a surprise that Physics isn't my subject." All his past memories of Science had ended up with him zoning out or falling asleep, in which case his teacher didn't care anyway. He glanced over at the new students that entered into the classroom before looking back at Lily. "Gee, lucky me. More people." Jackson remained silent as the two students approached him and introduced themselves. He could have really cared less what their names were since he just wanted to graduate already. "Nice to meet you guys. My name's Jackson."
    May 23rd, 2014 at 02:03am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    "I didn't say she wasn't nice," Tyler said with a laugh before he shrugged. He didn't bother elaborating on the topic before nodding towards the new kid. "Tyler. Nice to meet you, too." He took his seat, setting his backpack down on top of the desk before he leaned back in his seat and relaxed, crossing his arms over his chest as he glanced around the room a bit. It was kind of obvious that the new kid didn't really want to talk to them, so he didn't bother carrying on a conversation with him and instead looked towards Acacia. "Oh, you did hold your own. Congrats." He was teasing her, in a way, hoping to continue distracting the both of them from their weird mornings - plus it would be nice to get a smile or even a hint of amusement from her, he would admit.


    Lily was rather thankful that the other two had introduced themselves. Jackson didn't see like he cared at all, but even she would admit that it could be boring to get through school without having people to talk to at least. It made things easier, in her opinion, though it was obvious that she and Jackson didn't share the same opinions on some things - like science. Though Lily wasn't fond of science, she had actually liked it a lot when she was younger and when it was fun. She didn't interrupt the introductions and instead stayed silent, figuring that it was best at that point.
    May 23rd, 2014 at 02:13am