This Is Where It Starts.

  • Bangarang!

    Bangarang! (120)

    This is where it starts...


    Professor Charles Xavier/Rosa Dawson

    Erik Lehnsherr/Edith Blight

    So get ready!...

    Rosa Dawson/Erik Lehnsherr - sugarplum.
    Edith Blight/Charles Xavier-MissSpitfire
    May 25th, 2014 at 01:56am
  • Bangarang!

    Bangarang! (120)

    Edith snuck through the night silently, it was a full moon so there was enough light to make out the worn track leading to the rusty rundown building that was hosting a large group of rogue mutants. Edith had been searching for these people for weeks and finally she had been able to find them.

    These mutants were causing havoc, they were stealing innocent human beings and changing them into mutants, most have died from the torture that have injured and but some have ended their own lives due to insanity for receiving new abilities. Abilities that are hard to master if thrown into the real world with no help or guidance.

    Edith came to a large tin door, as quietly as she could she pulled it open cursing when the hinges groaned. Quietly she crept inside. A gasp left her lips at what she saw when she entered.


    "Are you sure?" Erik questioned looking at the blue eyed mutant.

    "I am positive, I saw her with Hanks' contraption, However where she is going I am unsure. Wherever it is, it's dark and the only light she has is moonlight."

    "So somewhere desolate," Raven spoke up.

    "Well that narrows it down," Erik stated tiredly. The three stood in silence, Raven shot a few dirty looks at Erik before she was interrupted by Hanks voice.

    "Perhaps she has gone to seek out those rogue mutants?" Hank suggested hoping not to get blasted by any of them for such and absurd suggestion.

    "Why would she go there?" Raven asked turning to look at the brown haired brainiac. Hank simply shrugged his shoulders. Charles on the other hand couldn't help but feel that Hank was right.

    "Hank can you find out where those mutants are?" Hank nodded his head before walking over to his machine and looking down at a piece of paper that was covered with different coordinates.

    "She's... She's..." Hank stuttered. Charles walked over to him and looked at the coordinates finding that she was only two hours from where they were at the moment.

    "She's two hours North of here," Charles spoke looking up at the two mutants in front of him. "We have to go."
    May 25th, 2014 at 02:20am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    "I still don't see why she's going after these mutants, does she honestly think she could make them stop" Erik chuckled lightly however he in fact had no idea what power this woman had inside of her, his comment did earn him a scoff from Raven who hit his shoulder as she pushed past him.

    "Charles, are you sure this is the smart thing to do?" He asked the man who had quickly become his best friend, he was wary of every mutant they had found so far. They had no information on this woman or her background, she could be dangerous for all they know.

    "We can do this without you Erik, but I'm going and I will bring her back here" Charles stated firmly as he wanted to help as many mutants as he possibly could, sighing Erik followed the small group as they walked out of the room and towards the garage. "We'll call if we need help" He looked at both Raven and Hank, knowing himself and Charles could do this alone as they had with Hank and the others.

    Climbing into the passenger seat of Charles' car, he placed the seat belt across his body before his friend drove off. "If this goes horribly wrong, I'm blaming you my friend" He put out there just in case this woman didn't want anything to do with them, he'd let Charles talk to her and let her know that she wasn't alone in the world but if she refused to join them than he was leaving.

    The rusty rundown building was slowly falling apart and without repairs would soon become useless for the group of rouge mutants, once entering through the old rusty door the room had been cleared of the junk that had been left there. In the center of the room was a cold metal chair with cuffs for the wrists and ankles while a helmet was set on a table nearby, numerous wires lead from the helmet over to a large machine that was filled with buttons. Empty glass tubes were connected to large needles, dirty plastic sheets had been hung from the ceiling to give the mutants some privacy.

    It was a horrible sight but a sight that was sadly gotten used to by the humans that had been kidnapped for no reason at all, it was cold and wet from leaks in the roof. It was dark but anyone who entered who feel just how many people have died inside the building.

    Rosa was laying on the cold floor in a back room of the building, she was dirty, cold and hungry. Her clothes ripped in places from the struggle she put up when she had been kidnapped, she had worked a night shift and was walking towards her car when two men grabbed her from behind. She had been sleeping until she heard the groan of the door, she wasn't sure if it was the wind outside as the whole building groaned or if someone was there.

    The rouge mutants never cared about being quiet when they returned from watching people, right now she was the only human there however she had been experimented on already. Another human would be brought in by tomorrow afternoon, she stood up and walked over to the metal bar door that was locked. Looking out into the darkness she saw nothing, "Hello?" She whispered so softly but there were still mutants sleeping in other rooms and she'd be punished if they woke up.
    May 25th, 2014 at 03:18am
  • Bangarang!

    Bangarang! (120)

    A shiver ran down the blondes spine when she spied the chair situated in the middle of the room. She could feel the horror that filled this room, the scared atmosphere. Edith was positive she heard faint screams coming from the chair from all the humans that had been forced onto it. Chained up and tortured. Quickly she moved through the darkness making sure as to not step on anything that may disturb the mutants that may be in the building.

    Her head snapped around when she heard a voice, it was soft and it was feminine. Silently she hurried to where the voice had come from when she saw a young woman. She had blonde hair that was caked with dirt her clothes were ripped cuts and bruises covered her exposed skin and Edith saw the terror in her eyes.

    Placing a long delicate finger over her lips she looked at the girl intently. Walking up to the cage she saw that there was a lock on it. Looking around the room she spied a sleeping man, a large beefy man with rippling muscles hanging from his waist were the keys she was after. Walking over to him she grabbed the keys with ease.

    Hurrying back to the young woman's cage she unlocked it quickly and pulled the door open, it groaned loudly and Edith quickly looked behind her to see that the oaf simply rolled over and continued to snore loudly.

    "Come on," she whispered to the scared woman reaching out one of her hands and the two began toward the door.

    "And where do you think your going?" a deep voice came from the left of them. Edith turned her head and saw a slender man appear to the left of them a cat like grin on his face exposing his fangs.


    Charles floored the car and spent it speeding in the direction they needed to go. He didn't have two hours to spare if this mutant got caught, God knows what would happen to her.

    The two men sat in silence as the car roared past scenery at speeds that would be sure to break the record. Charles wanted to get to this girl quickly and if that meant breaking the law he would do it.

    The closer her got to his destination the more he felt a presence.

    "Take the wheel," he said to Erik beside him. The male looked at him like he was an idiot. "Take the wheel!" quickly Erik leaned over clasping the wheel in his hands. Charles closed his eyes and concentrated.

    Where are you? he thought praying to get an answer.
    May 25th, 2014 at 03:48am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Erik knew this would happen and knew that he was going to drive from now on, holding the wheel in his hands tightly as he made sure they didn't crash. He condition steering the car in the direction that he thought they needed to be going in, but it was harder than usual as this was the first time they'd be going after a mutant who's trying to do the right thing or at least he hoped this woman would be trying to bring the rouge mutants down.

    "Anything yet?" He asked Charles though his question went unanswered as his friend concentrated on finding where this woman was, if he didn't get an answer from her than they'd have no directions to take. They wouldn't be able to find her and possibly wouldn't find her if the mutants harmed her first.

    He felt physically sick knowing what this rouge mutants were doing to humans, although it was exactly what was happening to mutants all the time. One would be found and tests were run on them, it was horrible but this wasn't the way to get back at the humans.


    Rosa was so close to escaping when the deep voice stopped them, turning she saw one of the men who had grabbed her. She didn't know his name or any of the other's names, though she did know he was dangerous. He was like a feline. he had speed and could jump from surface to surface. She had seen him let a crazed mutant go free before though he chased the poor man although the track, he returned with blood all down the front of his shirt.

    She held onto the woman's hand knowing she needed to forget about being scared, if she wanted to survive and escape than she'd need to be strong right now. "Away from here" She spoke softly but her tone held some firmness, hearing a tiny gasp sound from the girl beside her Rosa took a quick glance seeing confusion on her face.

    Though she had no time to think, she shoved the woman to the side and felt her body being pulled back away from the door. She cried out in pain when she landed on the hard cold concrete, the wind getting knocked out of her as the man crouched down like a cat hunting it's prey.

    She soon recovered although the big oaf had been woken up by her cry of pain, he lifted her up easily as his large hand covered her neck. He was strong, strong enough that bullets don't penetrate his body. Her hazel eyes found the woman and begged her to help, to save her from the monsters that have tortured her.
    May 25th, 2014 at 04:23am
  • Bangarang!

    Bangarang! (120)

    Edith was surprised at the womans' bravery. Edith didn't get a chance to say anything before the cat like man had ripped the blonde out of her grasp and thrown her across the room. Turing her head Edith watched as the blonde was grabbed by the large oaf quickly she ripped out a gun she had hidden in the waist of her jeans shooting the slender male perfectly between the eyes, he fell his eyes wide as blood spilled onto the grimy ground.

    Concentrating hard she stared at the large mutant, knowing that bullets would either ricochet off his body or he would simply penetrate his skin. "Let her go," she spoke, quickly he let the blonde go his dark eyes locked on hers. "Now sleep," she watched as his eyes closed and his body fell to the ground causing the ground to vibrate.

    "Come with me," Edith spoke to the blonde, the young woman looked astounded but she hurried toward her and the two left the building together.

    Where are you? the words echoed in her mind.

    Who are you? she shot back quickly not sure if he was good or bad, or just a figment of the imagination some one was conjuring up.


    "Not yet," Charles spoke but his eyes remained closed as he concentrated hard waiting for a response.

    Who are you? a female voice resounded in the brunette's head and he couldn't help but smile before mentally replying to her.

    My name is Charles Xavier, I am here to help you... please... tell me where you are

    "I have her," Charles spoke to Erik who was still steering the car.
    May 25th, 2014 at 04:48am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Rolling his eyes Erik listened to Charles say that he had this woman, "It's about time" He murmured knowing Charles would still be concentrating and wouldn't have time to comment back, he continued steering the car and noticed out from the corner of his eyes Charles' smile.

    He was a little startled when Charles told him to turn right, he did as he was told and heard the tyres squeal against the road but thankfully the car entered a driveway that was pretty well hidden especially in the night. His heart was racing from the turn and knew he wouldn't be driving anywhere with Charles again.

    Steering along the dirt driveway was a difficult one at the speed they were traveling, however the driveway was shorter than he expected. "Charles brake!" He said urgently breaking his friend's concentration as the car came to a skidding stop, beside them was another car which he hoped belong to the mutant woman. Climbing out he was glad to be on solid stable ground again, he followed Charles who had found a dirt track and started running along it as the full moon lit the area enough to see.

    Rosa may have been scared after seeing this woman kill the slender man and somehow made the oaf go to sleep again, but it was either she stayed there to be experimented on more or leave with this stranger and hope she was there to save her. She rushed to her side before they left the building, she wanted to cry because she thought she was honestly going to die inside that building.

    However she did see a frown on her face like she was mentally talking to herself or fighting with herself, she shivered lightly from a cool breeze that blew by them. She was concentrated on not tripping or falling, but other footsteps soon sounded in her ears and panic filled her body as she thought they had been caught away.

    Her heart hammered in her chest as she stayed close to the woman, though when two men appeared in front of them. She soon realised that she's never seen them before, they had never been inside the building and never stood around as she was experimented on. She stayed silent as one stepped forward and introduced himself as Charles Xavier, she looked past him only to see the surprise on the other man's face.

    "I thought there was just going to be one Charles" The man spoke softly but in the quiet night, his voice was heard by both of the women.
    May 25th, 2014 at 05:23am
  • Bangarang!

    Bangarang! (120)

    Edith came to an abrupt halt when two men appeared in front of her, cutting her path off, looking up her eyes darted between the two men. The only difference she could see between the two was one was slightly taller then the other with a broader build. She could feel the unease and fear radiating from the young woman behind her. Slowly she took a side step just to make sure she could jump into action if anything happened.

    The shorter man stepped forward setting her on edge, "I'm not going to hurt either of you... My name is Charles Xavier and I am here to help you."

    "Edith Blight, who's he?" she asked nodding her head in the direction of the other male that had just spoken. Edith was unable to introduce the woman behind her because in her haste she hadn't asked for her name.


    Charles stood before the mutant and the other woman, surprised that Edith had brought her with her, she must have been one of the humans the rogue mutants had captured.

    Turning his head he looked at Erik who stood beside him waiting for him to introduce himself, however Edith was an interesting character she was strong and she was just like him from what he could tell. However he was more interested in the woman that she stood in front of.
    May 27th, 2014 at 07:24am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    "Erik Lehnsherr" He introduced himself as his blue eyes focused on the beautiful blonde that had stepped in front of the other blonde, who he assumed to be someone that the rouge mutants had kidnapped. The second blonde looked horrible and terrified, to be honest Erik was surprised that Edith had managed to save this woman and escape from the building.

    "Look we really don't have any time to stand here and talk, I'm sure we'll piss of those mutants once they realise she's gone" He announced to the group not wanting to fight people like him right now, however he was interested now in what Edith could do.

    Turning his head to look at Charles, he gave his friend a little nudge with his arm. "Let's take them back to the car so we can leave, before we get into any trouble" He spoke calmly but saw the attention that his friend was giving the human, although it wasn't clear if she was still human or not.


    Rosa used to be able to trust everyone and saw the best in everyone, but now she had no idea who she could trust and who she couldn't. She felt like she could trust Edith considering she just risked her life to save her when she could have just left, now this men seemed nice enough and hadn't done anything to harm them yet.

    "I'm Rosa Dawson" She spoke quietly but loud enough for them to all hear her, she was scared to go anywhere in case these people were also there to hurt her. But it's either she goes with them and risks it or she goes off on her own and hopefully survive with the risk of the rouge mutants finding her again, but that also didn't mean she was going to be letting her guard down.

    Looking past Edith as this Erik guy spoke to his friend Charles, seeing the shorter man nod his head before they turned around. Watching as they walked apart to make it look non-threatening, Rosa waited until Edith began following the two men back down the track until they reached both cars. "Follow us" Erik looked over at Edith while Rosa just climbed into the woman's car, her body was tense for the whole drive.

    "Thank you for saving me" She spoke a little shakily as she wanted to forget about everything she has been through lightly, but that would take time and it'd be hard to work through but she needed to other wise it would drive her crazy and that would only cause her to try and end her own life.
    May 27th, 2014 at 11:30am
  • Bangarang!

    Bangarang! (120)

    Charles got into the car however this time Erik drove, after their little stunt I don't think Erik would be letting Charles drive anymore. The two men sat in silence for a few moments before Charles broke it, "Well the other woman can't be a mutant, I can't sense a presence or aura, perhaps they hadn't had time to change her yet." he turned his head to look at Erik who was staring at the road ahead of him intently. "However young Edith is an interesting one, she is much like me but there is more to her, she's stronger some how." the young professor was excited for their new addition to their group. Once they all got back to head quarters Charles would see what he could find out from each of them.


    Edith jumped into her car while Rosa climbed into the passenger seat. Starting the engine she gave it a few revvs before following the two men in front of her.

    "It's not trouble," Edith stated as she looked out the front of the car, "nobody deserves to go through what you did, not mutant and no human. It is animalistic what people do," the two women sat in silence before Edith broke it again. "Did they... uh..." she trailed off not sure how to finish the question so she simply turned to look at Rosa.

    She was relieved when the blonde clicked on.
    May 27th, 2014 at 02:04pm
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Erik's blue eyes stayed completely focused on the road in front of him, "You get too excited over all of this. People will start to think that you're stranger than normal" He grinned to himself although he was interested in Edith and her gift as well, he just didn't show it as much as Charles did. "It's still horrible what those mutants think they can do to people, innocent people don't deserve that" He murmured softly knowing not all humans deserved what was coming to them, only the people who hated and tried to harm mutants which there was a lot of in the world.

    "I'm sure you'll talk to Rosa and see what happened to her if anything did" He knew Charles would be speaking with both women and asking at least Edith to stay, he hoped that Rosa was still human as receiving powers in that way could throw her off with deadly consequences.


    Rosa bit down onto her bottom lip when she clicked onto what Edith was asking her, at first she didn't want to answer but knew it was best if she did. "Yeah... they did. I'm not sure... if I have anything or..." She trailed off not wanting to say the wrong thing, she had never met a mutant before now or if she had than she had no idea. Turning her head she stared out the window into the darkness, a few tears rolling down her cheeks as the drive was silent again.

    She wiped her eyes when he felt the car coming to a slow halt, her hazel eyes moving over the building that they had stopped at. She waited until the blonde climbed out of the car and was slow to follow her, her body tense as Charles invited them both inside. She wasn't sure so she continued to stand there, just because the place looked nice didn't mean she could trust these people.

    They could be pretending to not know each other, they could be acting nice to get her inside. They could still be after her and wanting to try more experiments on her, she had gone through enough pain and torture to last her a life time.
    May 27th, 2014 at 02:43pm
  • Bangarang!

    Bangarang! (120)

    Charles rolled his eyes before briefly turning his head to look at Erik who drove. Charles shuddered at the mention of what was happening to humans, "No, you're right, no one deserves to be tested on, whether they be mutant or human," the brown haired male stated. He could only imagine what young Rosa had gone through. She was an innocent human that had been taken from her normal life and experimented on. However Charles was glad that young Edith had found her when she did and she wasn't thrown out into the world to stumble blindly along with a new ability that she knew nothing about.

    "I hope she allows me," he admitted afraid that she may not allow him to search the crevices of her mind for information about what happened to her.

    The car that the two were in rolled to a stop and Charles stepped out of the vehicle as Edith rolled to a stop behind them.


    Edith turned to look at the blonde. Seeing the tears falling from her eyes she reached out and grabbed one of her hands in reassurance that everything would get better.

    "I will protect you, I won't let anything happen to you," Edith promised Rosa as she turned her head back to the road and turning into a drive way that lead to a large establishment. Pulling up she turned the engine off and got out. Walking toward Charles and Erik as they got out of their cars.

    "So what now?" she asked. However she didn't receive an answer because two others walked out, a woman with long blonde hair that cascaded down her back and a dorky looking male with blue eyes and a shy smile.

    "You're back," the woman spoke before turning her attention to Edith and Rosa.
    May 28th, 2014 at 09:40am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Erik hoped that Rosa hadn't been experimented on but by the look of her and how truly scared she was, it was more than likely that she had been. However he wasn't sure if whatever those mutants did to her worked or not, he'd leave that to Charles. "She needs to trust us, if she can trust anyone than it's you" He told his friend as they climbed out of the car, he had opened his mouth to answer Edith before Raven spoke before he could. "We are. Raven and Hank meet Edith and Rosa, they'll hopefully be staying with us for a while. But for right now Hank make us some tea, I'm sure Rosa would like a shower so get her some spare clothes Raven" He spoke knowing Hank would listen to him, but he and Raven weren't as friendly with each other.

    Seeing Hank nod his head he turned and walked back inside to get to making the cups of tea for everyone, the soon he got the blonde's inside the safer they'd be. Looking over he watched as Edith took Rosa's hand and gently started leading the scared woman inside, he held the door open for the women as Charles had to tell Raven again to go fetch some clothes for Rosa.

    Looking at his friend, "Show Rosa to a room" He spoke softly knowing he could talk with Edith or keep her company until Charles joined them, "Edith. This way" He spoke quietly and gave the women a few moments to part.


    Rosa held onto Edith's hand tightly as they walked inside the large establishment, she watched the other two people walk off in different directions. Looking at Edith who reassured her that she'd be safe, she slowly let go of her hand but she stayed silent as she turned to face Charles. Seeing his bright blue eyes were focused on her, she took a few seconds until her feet started moving her forward as she followed the young man.

    "How do I know that I can trust you? Your a mutant... just like the other ones" She said to him, her voice breaking when she spoke of the rouge mutants. She could see the anger and hatred in their eyes when she had been dragged into the cold building, she screamed so loudly but there was no one else there to hear her and help her.

    Turning the corner she saw numerous doors in the hallway, Raven stepping out of one with folded clothes in her hands. Charles took the clothes before he opened a door and she stepped inside with him. Her eyes scanning the simple bedroom in case anyone was hiding or anything that gave her the feeling to get away from these people, she saw and felt nothing of that.
    May 28th, 2014 at 10:33am
  • Bangarang!

    Bangarang! (120)

    "You're going to have to try," Charles spoke, there was no other real way for him to make her believe that he was not going to hurt her. Charles watched as Raven stepped out with a pile of folded clothes. Taking them from the blonde he thanked her before walking toward a door and opening it, stepping inside he turned and held out the items of clothing out to the new woman.

    "Here," he kept his tone warm and gentle not wanting to scare her anymore then she was. He watched as she hesitantly took the clothes out of his hands. "The bathroom is just in that door there, please come and find me when your are done and ready," he smiled before turning and leaving her to herself. He would ask her questions later after she had showered and cleaned up and was feeling better.


    Edith watched as Rosa was lead down another hallway before turning her attention back to the male who stood in front of her. When he began walking off she quickly followed him as the two made their way down a corridor.

    "So..." she began unsure of what to say, she knew she could trust these mutants, however she was at a loss at what to saw to the one leading her down the hallway. "What's your talent?" she asked partly because she wanted to started and the other part because she was genuinely interested and also because she wanted to get rid of the stifling silence.
    June 5th, 2014 at 03:51am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Erik walked right into the kitchen where Hank was bottling the water on the stove in a kettle so they could all have a cup of tea, glancing over his shoulder to the blonde he saw the interest in her beautiful eyes. "I can manipulate metal" He told her as he turned and sat down at the dining table, "Please" He offered her to sit with him, "I was just about to ask you the same question" He looked at her, admiring the way her curly blonde hair framed her beautiful face and went perfectly with her blue eyes. He had seen many beautiful women in his life, but none seemed to match or compare to Edith and her whole being seemed to somehow interest him greatly.

    He glanced at Hank who set down three mugs before joining them at the table, he didn't mind as Hank was just as interested as Charles was in knowing other mutants and their talents. Erik didn't really care about that part of all of this as he just wanted more mutants to join them.


    The was simple with a bed, dresser, beside tables with lamps and a desk with a chair. It was plain and simple but enough at the same time, walking into the bathroom she set the clothes down onto the counter. Rosa didn't look at herself in the mirror as she turned the shower on, undressing she waited until the water was warm before stepping under the warm spray. She washed her hair and body twice just to make sure that she was completely clean, watching the dirt mix with the soap and water as it ran down the drain.

    Getting out she dried off and pulled the clothes on, the dress was short with short sleeves though it was something she usually always wore. She pinned her damp hair up when she noticed her arms, the needle wounds were completely gone. She had several marks on her arms and legs from the large needles, but now her skin was exactly how it was before she had been kidnapped. She didn't know what to think as she slipped her feet into the pair of socks and left the room, walking briskly through the hallway as she needed to find either Edith or Charles. "Charles?" She spoke as she walked and felt like an idiot for talking to herself.
    June 5th, 2014 at 05:17am
  • Bangarang!

    Bangarang! (120)


    Charles had floated further down the hallway until he came to a large library where he had made himself comfortable one one of the long leather couches as he picked up the thick science book awaiting Rosa to emerge from her room.

    As much as he tried Charles was unable to focus on the information in front of him. Instead his mind was racing with theories about what could have possibly happened in that warehouse. The brown haired professor couldn't help but wonder, if she had been given a power, what hers could be. Would she be another that could control an element like Erik or would he be one for mind control like himself. Charles lost himself to his thoughts that he almost didn't hear the timid voice of Rosa call out to him.

    Getting to his feet he walked out of the room spying her, smiling warmly he spoke, "Over here," she spun to look at him and he saw the ease that spread across her face. "Come let's get you something to eat," he said as he walked toward her. Holding out his arm gentlemanly he waited for her to take it before moving forward.



    "Like your friend I can manipulate the mind, I can speak to them telepathically, as well as make them see what I want them to see..."

    "Like an illusion?" Hank spluttered squirming excitedly in his seat.

    "Yeah, exactly, an illusion," Edith smiled warmly at the dorky male. "May I give you an experience?" Hank nodded his head excitedly. Edith studied the male for a few moments deciding what she would show him.


    Smiling she stared at him intently, not blinking, she imagined the mutant walking into the room and taking a seat before Hank. She watched his reaction smiling when he said her name. Blinking the illusion faded and Hank was left staring at an empty seat.


    "And that's not even my best, I can cause people to see the unthinkable."

    "Like what?" Hank asked eagerly. Edith shrugged her shoulders.

    "I sent a man crazy by making him think his skin was falling off... that guy was a right prick of a man and deserved what he got. No sympathy for people who assault innocents." Edith stated a shiver running down her spine at the memory.
    June 14th, 2014 at 01:56pm
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Erik had been watching Edith's and Hank's face when the younger male was shown an illusion which he couldn't see, raising his brow when Hank seemed impressed though it didn't take much to impress him. The younger male was exactly like Charles, both were excited seeing mutants and their powers while Erik wasn't as excited as he was just there to do a job.

    "So could you even make someone think that their in pain or dying?" He asked the blonde knowing that question was a little strange, but that's how his mind worked. Though he also wasn't going to allow Edith to try her gift on him because he didn't like to be tricked or made to think something that was happening when it wasn't.

    "Just don't go around making us think that our skin is falling off... thanks. You do know that Charles will ask you to stay, he'll also want to talk with the other blonde to find out what happened to her" Erik said receiving a frown from Hank as he sipped his tea, he never sugar coated anything and didn't see the point in it. "Did you see anything in that warehouse?" He asked looking at the beautiful blonde, she seemed innocent and sweet but he could just imagine that she could kiss ass if it was needed of her.


    Rosa watched as Charles walked over to her, "I'm very hungry... I haven't eaten for two days" She spoke softly knowing that she would break down crying if she even thought about what she had been put through, she gently rested her small hand on his arm and let him guide her through the large building that she would surely get lost in without him.

    "I can't talk about what happened to me, just yet. But there's something wrong with me, they... did an experiment on me" Her voice got softer the more she spoke, she needed to take a few deep breaths just to make sure that she didn't start crying again but she thought it would be better if he at least knew something had happened to her.

    She didn't know what Charles even did there but she wouldn't be able to handle it if he started asking her questions, the short skirt of the dress moved slightly as she walked and her amazing legs were on show. However she did have bruises on her ankles from the cuffs which had now vanished completely, she knew deep down that she wasn't the same anymore. "Do you help people here? Mutants?" She asked looking at the attractive man who guided her towards the kitchen where the others were.
    June 14th, 2014 at 02:35pm
  • Bangarang!

    Bangarang! (120)


    Charles smiled at the blonde haired woman as the two of them began walking toward the kitchens. Charles stayed quiet listening as she spoke. He understood that it would be hard for her speak about what had happened to her. Charles hoped that he was able to get close enough to her so that he could possibly sift through her memories and find out the truth about what was happening to the innocent humans.

    "I understand completely," he assured her smiling gently. The two walked down the hallway for a little while more before the blonde spoke again. The brown haired male didn't want to press her for information but he desperately wanted to know what had happened to her and what power she now posses.

    "Yes," Charles nodded his head as the two of them walked down the corridor, "All of us are here to help others like us. Erik and I began searching a few weeks ago and so far we have discovered Hank, your friend Edith and yourself. But there are many more out there, more like us."



    Edith arched her brow at the man that was speaking to her, Erik was not one to sweeten things, he told the cold hard truth. The blonde wasn't sure how she felt about the male that sat in front of her. She stared at him for several moments, her light eyes staring into his.

    "Hmmm..." she hummed leaning back in her chair taking a sip of her warm tea.

    "What if I refuse to talk to Rosa? Perhaps I don't want to put her through the pain of reliving everything. I said I would protect her and if that means trying to let her forget her past then that is what I will do." she paused as she sipped her tea, she noticed how Hank sat awkwardly in his seat worried about where the conversation could head. "As for your question, yes I can make people feel extreme pain as well as dying."
    June 20th, 2014 at 04:11pm
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Keeping his own blue eyes focused on Edith as she spoke, "I didn't say that you had to talk to her now. Let her settle in and then talk to her, or if you don't want to than I know Charles will. He's more interested in learning what powers different mutants have, I just want them to be strong" He admitted as it wasn't a secret, Charles knew that already though he did have to admit that once a mutant had agreed to join them he did enjoy watching what powers they had.

    He turned his attention onto Charles and Rosa when they entered the kitchen, he chuckled softly when Hank was instantly standing up as he went to make two more mugs of tea. Noticing that Rosa was showered and dressed in Raven's clothes, she looked much better now that she was clean but it was obvious that she was still scared however he noticed Rosa's eyes glance over to Edith as if the woman was like a security blanket of sorts.

    Hank smiled widely as he pushed his glasses back up his nose, "Can I make you a sandwich Rosa?" He ordered as she did look like she could to with a good feed, watching Charles nod his head Hank rushed over to the fridge and pulled out everything that he possibly could before he started making a nice filled sandwich.


    Seeing that Edith was sitting at the table put Rosa at some ease, taking her hand away from Charles' arm as she sat down on a chair at the time. "Thank you" She spoke softly as she looked at Charles who had placed a hot steamy mug of tea down in front of her, she felt like she had entered the kitchen at the wrong time. Erik didn't seem to continue talking once he had seen her, it didn't take a genius to know that she had been a topic. If this hadn't happen to her than she'd be talking about her as well.

    Though she wasn't in any mood to mention anything to this group of strangers, as of right now she trusted Edith and a little bit of trust had been given to Charles but that was it. She didn't even know Edith but she had saved her and gotten her out, if she hadn't than Charles and Erik would have. That meant that she would have still been saved and taken from the warehouse, so she'd eventually trust the people here as long as they deserved it.
    June 21st, 2014 at 06:50am
  • Bangarang!

    Bangarang! (120)


    Charles walked into the dinning room that had been swallowed into silence as soon as he entered with the blonde. Automatically he knew they had been talking about her. He watched as she took a seat and Hank bustled around the kitchen area putting together two new mugs of tea and a sandwich for Rosa.

    Once the tea was poured he grabbed both of the mugs walking them over to the table placing one down in front of Rosa, smiling warmly when she thanked him. Walking around he took a seat next to Charles. The brown haired professor looked at the two new mutants. There was a stifling silence, the only time it was broken was when Hank placed a plate down in front of Rosa.

    "So..." it was Edith who broke the silence as she sat forward in her seat. The blue eyed male turned his head to look at her. "other then communicating with people through their minds what else can you do?"



    Edith couldn't handle the silence, it made her uneasy, silence always lead to awkwardness. So she broke it by asking Charles what the extend of his ability is.

    "Yes, Charles show her what you can do. Edith here can create illusions." Charles chuckled.

    "You and I may not be so different Edith," the Professor stated. "May I?" he asked Edith simply nodded her head excited to see what Charles could do."

    She looked at him as he stared at her intently, she couldn't help the gasp that left her lips when she felt the male rifling through her thoughts and memories. However her surprise quickly turned to horror when he dug up a particularly dark memory that she had tried to repress for years.

    Screams filled her ears, terrified screams, screams of pain. The smell of chemicals and must filled her sense of smell. Quickly she blocked the mutant from her mind as she felt a tear streak down her cheek.

    Charles was shaken from his experience she could see it, he shook his head coming back into the real world as he stared intently at her.
    June 25th, 2014 at 03:00am