Confundo Lovers

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    Amelia “Mia” Amerson & Fred Weasley
    Confundo Lovers
    Elysia Zerina & Draco Malfoy
    May 28th, 2014 at 02:56am
  • (Sorry if this completely sucks; I had no clue where to start Amelia’s part. ^-^;)

    Sitting still wasn’t something that Draco was particularly fond of, but the tension that filled the Malfoy Manor made him almost incapable of doing anything else. He was usually either sitting in the large living room with his mother, father, and aunt, or he was pacing around in his room, the former being the case at the moment. His Aunt Bellatrix was on another spree again, laughing gleefully as she danced around the room. Had she been anybody else, he would have made a snide remark about how much she acted like an imbecilic child, but he was almost certain that she wouldn’t hesitate to kill him if he dared speak out against her.

    Amelia’s last year at Hogwarts hadn’t ended how she had hoped, to be honest. She was a year ahead of Harry and the others, but hadn’t really bothered to talk much to any of them aside from when she was pulling off some silly prank to prove a point. Her main targets had been the Weasley twins, solely because they were the pranksters of the school, but they got out before she had and she wasn’t even sure where they had gone off to. Well, not until recently, when she heard about their prank shop.
    May 28th, 2014 at 03:47am
  • @ Color Me Morbid
    Elysia stumbled, her feet ached, her cloak tattered and torn. Pushing on she knew showing a sign of weakness wasn't except able. A soft chuckle ran out from beside her, "ready to give up, Zerina?" His voice sneered, as he stared down his nose at her. "In your dreams Greyback." She snapped, before gripping the bottom of her cloak and ripping a loosened piece from it, making it seem she'd tripped over her cloak. Tossing it aside she straightened up as they came to a stop at the front gates. The lack of pleasantries long ago were ignored, she hadn't ever expected any of them to have any actual manners. The guard on the other side sneered at them before the gate swung open. His eyes beady and cold as they trailed over the visitors, straying a little to long on Elysia. His knees quickly buckled and gave out, his body convulsing on the ground. "Filth." She spat lowering her wand, before she proudly sauntered up the path to the Manor, the new head quarters for the Dark Lord, Malfoy Manor.
    Fred yawned as he slowly made his way down the steps. It had been a long night, being a member of the Order had it's perks but it also had its downs. He'd been up all night patrolling, the last time he'd heard from his brother was Fluer and Bill's wedding, and he hated not knowing if his family was alright. He knew Ron had Harry and Hermione, but that didn't mean the git was safe and sound. But none the less instead of looking for his runaway brother he took to protecting other member's families. But during the day he had a charade he had to put on, one that was getting harder to do with the lack of sleep.
    May 28th, 2014 at 04:32am
  • Draco couldn’t help but wonder what the commotion was, his eyes turning lazily towards the door as he waited for it to open. Bellatrix, of course, had gone right up to the door, almost skipping, before she glanced out to see who was there, only to sling the door wide open. “Come in, come in!” the woman greeted all too cheerfully. Rolling his eyes, thankful his aunt’s back was turned, Draco turned his attention to whoever the visitors were, though it was fairly easy to recognize them. His mother and father immediately straightened, welcoming the new guests with straight expressions. Pushing himself to his feet from his spot on the couch, he moved to approach the doors, leaning against the wall as he eyed everybody with a slight curiosity. “Were we actually expecting guests today?” he asked.
    It didn’t take Amelia long to spot the shop – how could anybody miss it? She hadn’t really ever wandered around long enough to search for it, though. And, honestly, she had no reason to. But things weren’t really perfect in the world anymore and she needed a good distraction, something to keep her mind concentrated on happy things rather than the horrible things that seemed to happen every day now. Entering the shop, she looked around, seeing that a few people were already inside, but she walked past them, eyes searching for familiar red hair. “Gingers, where are you?” she called out, finding it almost impossible to spot anybody familiar – and besides she hadn’t been able to use their nickname in what felt like ages.
    May 28th, 2014 at 04:47am
  • @ Color Me Morbid
    Elysia lip curled as her words came out in a snarl. "The Dark Lord requested our presence." Her annoyance seeping out. Her eyes landed on Bellatrix, though she hated the woman with every fiber of her being. She was the closest thing she could call a friend amongst the Death Eaters, she knew where she stood. And she'd kill her in a heart beat if it meant protecting the Dark Lord. Something she admired, yet at the same time found it to be disturbing. "Is he in?" She questioned Lestrange, knowing she'd have been up his ass unless he sent her away. Her knowledge of their relationship had her rolling her eyes. "Take her to the dungeon." She snapped at Greyback. Knowing that the Dark Lord was wanting the Professor of Muggles Studies alive.
    Fred's ears perked up, hearing an old nick name for him and his brother. It had been too long since he'd heard it. "Mia?" He questioned, standing up from his desk, and looking over the railing down into the pit of the shop. "Mia?" He asked again, not believing what he was seeing. "Holly hell." He said before moving quickly down the steps. His longs legs had him in front of her in no time. Pulling her into his arms, it had been to long since he'd seen the fellow prankster. "Wow, so good to see you, mate." He said pulling back and smiling brightly down at her.
    May 28th, 2014 at 05:09am
  • Draco’s eyes showed obvious resentment at hearing how Elysia spoke to him. Comrade or not, it was rather frustrating to be spoken so poorly to in his own home. But, really, it wasn’t anything new. It had become the norm around there lately. “Watch your tone,” he snapped with just as much annoyance as her words held, his eyes narrowed before he sneered and looked away. “You’re guests in the Malfoy Manor. Don’t forget that.” Bellatrix hummed as she linked her arm through Elysia’s, letting a smile curl its way to her features. “Don’t mind him, he’s in a mood,” the woman mused with a rather ridiculous laugh, “The Dark Lord will be in soon, I’m sure.”
    Amelia was fairly surprised when she felt herself pulled against him but she couldn’t help but to laugh. “It’s been too long,” she mentioned before glancing around the place a bit. “I can’t believe you two actually managed to pull this off.” She knew they had big dreams when it came to the shop and it seemed that, from the looks of it, they were well accomplished, aside from the fact that the problems in their world was likely having an effect on their customers. “Didn’t miss me too much, did you? You guys did kind of abandon me for a full year at Hogwarts, after all.” And that last year had been one hectic hell of a year, one that she didn’t want to revisit.
    May 28th, 2014 at 05:21am
  • @ Color Me Morbid
    Elysia shook off Bellatrix's, before walking around the room. She ignored the stares from every one, though once she was finished with her troll, her eyes landed on Draco. "The last I checked it was a great honor to have your home as head quarts." She said softly, though her voice stil held power. "And since it being so, it make it my home to." She growled out, "and I will speak to anyone any way I see fit you lowsome pest." She snarled out, knowing full any well the hell she would unleash. It seemed no one expected that, every one was quite. "I think I'll freshen up, call me when he arrives." She snapped to no one before disappearing off further into the house.
    Fred looked over his old rival, he couldn't believe how much she'd changed. Well they all changed but she turned into a beauty. "Well I do have to say we did miss you, youalway kept us on our toes." He smiled, "come up." He motioned to a set of stairs, before leading her up them. His exshaution completely forgotten. "How have you been?" He question once they were alone.
    May 28th, 2014 at 06:15am
  • “That insolent little –” Draco’s words got cut off by a sharp stare from his mother, causing him to clench his jaw. What right did Elysia have to speak to him in such a manner? She was no better than him, definitely lower in his opinion. “She has no right to speak like that towards me. This isn’t her home, even if she is a guest.” Though, he had to admit that her spitfire personality offered a bit of amusement; most people didn’t speak out against him, especially if they had any sense in them. It was an almost attractive trait. It would have been fully attractive except there was no way that Draco would admit something like that to himself, anyways. Shaking his head, he made his way out of the room, planning to disappear to his room to get away from all of them.
    Amelia shifted around a bit, back and forth on the heels of her tennis shoes as she looked around. Mostly, she was trying to think of a way to answer his question but, honestly, she wasn’t sure how to answer it. So, instead, she attempted to backtrack to their previous conversation. “Of course I kept you guys on your toes. You wouldn’t be anywhere without me shoving you along with all the pranks,” she told him, offering a slight shrug before turning her eyes to him. It was obvious he wasn’t getting much rest; she knew the signs well because most people had been the same way lately, even her, though she was better at hiding it. Eventually deciding to answer his question, she offered what she could manage of a smile. “Oh, I’ve been so-so, I guess. Things have really gone downhill for everybody, huh?”
    May 28th, 2014 at 06:28am
  • @ Color Me Morbid
    Elysia quickly found a private bathroom, before she disrobed. Stepping quickly into the shower to wash off the filth of her journey. It had been a long time since she had felt the cleansing sensation of the shower. And she knew she needed to take advantage of it quickly before she was sent back out again. A soft sigh left her lips as she relaxed into the hot water. Her eyes watched as the dark murky water slowly started to run clear. Before she reached for any cleaning products. Taking her time in washing any and all places clean. Here she could finally be herself, and not the Death Eater that was filled with hatred. Though she understood why they were the way they were. They'd been hungry for power and found someone to feed there desires, but once they were instructed to kill their innocents and happiness fled their bodies. She so far had protected herself from that fate. Granted she'd killed and seen death though she'd never been forced into anything, this she chose to do willingly.
    Fred chuckled dryly, "isn't that the truth." He stated bitterly. Before gesturing her to a chair, "please, sit." He said to her, before clearing his throat. "So Amelia, how have you been?" He stressed knowing he was asking a lot from her, she was after all a stranger in an old friends body. He wanted to know if she'd been eating and bathing, he knew the affect running had on people. And right now he couldn't let her go though that alone.
    May 28th, 2014 at 11:59pm
  • Disappearing into his room, Draco let himself collapse on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. He knew he wouldn’t be able to relax or even sleep – he didn’t sleep much anymore because of the knowledge that there were plenty of people around that would kill him the first chance they got. Not to mention, he had horrible night terrors when he did manage to sleep even a little. It was honestly a little bit torturous, but he ignored it.
    Amelia turned her attention to the chair for a moment, half expecting it to disappear the moment she sat down and for her to fall on her ass on the floor, much like the past. She knew that was unlikely, though, because there wasn’t much joking going on right now. With a subtle nod, she moved to sit down, though she blinked to his question, eyeing him for a moment. “Ah, I’ve been alright enough,” she muttered, not really wanting to go into details.
    June 1st, 2014 at 02:29am
  • @ Color Me Morbid
    A sigh left her lips as she stepped from the shower, she could have stayed there forever. It was the only place she truly felt like home. A place she could feel warmth and actually remember love. Though it was soon replaced with hopelessness and despair, she quickly used a spell to fix her robe. And while she was showering a house elf had brought her a clean pair of clothing. Once she was fully dressed she placed her wand in her robe before swiftly exiting the bathroom. Only no unsure of what to do with her time.
    Fred sighed before rubbing his face. "Are you okay, money and food wise?" He finally asked, not being able to hold it in. She kept dodging his question with the same answer. But he needed to know if she wasn't eating or sleeping. Granted the times were bad but everybody needed to get some good sleep. He how ever was glad that tonight was his night off.
    June 1st, 2014 at 04:42am
  • After a while, Draco found it impossible to even remain relaxed. It didn’t surprise him, though. How could it when he was used to this? Without thinking much on it, he stood up from his bed and made his way out of his room, glancing around the hall. Nobody seemed to be out and about upstairs, though he could vaguely hear the others talking downstairs. Ignoring that, he decided to try to find something to do and progressed down the hall.
    Amelia shifted slightly in the chair, blinking several times as she eyed him. “I’m fine,” she told him, letting out a sigh. “Really. Does it look like I’ve lost weight or something?” Sure, she might have lost a few pounds, but she did eat well enough. The weight she lost was mostly due to stress and worry rather than not eating. “Don’t worry so much, alright? I’m fine, I promise.” At least she was as fine as somebody could be at this point.
    June 1st, 2014 at 05:02am
  • @ Color Me Morbid
    Elysia heard foot steps coming her way, though she made no effort to move. She wanted to be alone and anyone who stumble upon her would find it strange that she was sitting on a window ledge looking out into the vast nothingness. But she needed air and space. Time to breath and relax, though she knew it would only be for a short while.
    Fred nodded, his face fell. "No you look perfect, I mean it's just so hard to tell what people are going through." He told her. "I needed to know, because everybody covers there sorrows and troubles so well now." He explained. "You are important to me and George so if you need anything a place to stay, we'd be more that happy to lean you a bed."
    June 1st, 2014 at 05:11am
  • It didn’t take long for Draco to come across Elysia and he paused where he stood. A part of him debated on whether he should just turn and walk away, pretend he hadn’t spotted her. The other part almost wanted to confront her about her behavior earlier. And the tiniest part of him wanted to have a civil conversation with her because it was something he hadn’t done in so long with anybody. “Is there something interesting out there?” he eventually asked upon noticing that she was staring out the window.
    Amelia froze in her shifting, lifting her eyes to look at him, though she soon shook her head. “You know I couldn’t ask that of you, Ginger,” she muttered, using the nickname in hopes of keeping the conversation light. She wasn’t one to enjoy receiving help from others at this point because there was nothing she could do in return. The money she had, she used for food, so she couldn’t offer money in return. “I’m fine, really,” she repeated in hopes of convincing him.
    June 1st, 2014 at 05:16am
  • @ Color Me Morbid
    Her head turned as she looked at him for a brief moment. "Not is interesting anymore." She said honestly, her voice monotone. She shifted looking back out the window, her eyes taking in the once beautiful garden. Now dead and full of despair. You could tell that the house elf's that once worked on it ached to do so again. This place was gloomy and lonesome that even the magical creatures avoided it.
    Fred nodded, "just know that, I mean it." He told her. "You need anything and I will be willing to help, I promise." He said. "These are hard times on everybody. With the war and going into hiding everybody needs a little help even if its just a job." He informed her.
    June 1st, 2014 at 05:28am
  • Draco wasn’t sure what exactly she meant with her words, but he did agree that it wasn’t interesting. Everything was bleak and destroyed in his home, there were often things broken all around due to his aunt’s tantrums or even the Dark Lord’s for that matter. Not to mention so many people were tortured and killed – it really was no wonder that he couldn’t sleep without night terrors. “I suppose you’re right,” he eventually agreed, his tone low as he moved closer to look out to the garden. “It doesn’t matter, though. I don’t think it’s going to change.”
    Amelia nodded slowly as she listened to him, but she couldn’t help but to sigh as she glanced away. “Look, don’t worry about me, alright?” she told him bluntly, “I’m doing fine. I’ve got enough money to stay low for a while and I’ve been making sure not to draw attention to myself. I haven’t even pranked anybody in a while, even though that’s torture in itself.” She loved pranking people almost as much as Fred and George did. It was something that kept her attention focused on the good, fun things in life.
    June 1st, 2014 at 05:36am
  • @ Color Me Morbid
    She didn't move from her spot perched on the seal off the window. But when she felt his cloak brush her she closed her eyes, he was way to close for comfort. In school her and Draco were always like this. He was the Slytherin Prince and an asshole to anybody that he seen fit. She being a lowly Gryffendor that was easily ignored made her happy, but that didn't mean she didn't go unnoticed by the Prince. He'd made his life long goal to make every Gryffendor's life hell. Now she didn't care what part of school they were from, all that mattered was taking down the Dark Lord. If they didn't secede then he was right nothing would change. But she had faith in the Order and Harry. Though that wasn't something she'd ever voice. "It doesn't have to be this way." She told him. "Even the finest of purebloods deserve nice things and that includes beauty such as a garden." She told him. "After all purebloods are suppose to be superior so why live in a place that doesn't speak it?" She questioned no one.
    Fred shook his head. "How could you say that?" He nearly shouted at her. "I worry about everybody." He told her, "my family, my friends. I don't know who is dead or not." He barely got out. "You're life is important to me, and I can't loose another friend." He sighed out. "So if that means turning my home into a shelter I will, don't you understand?" He asked trying to get her to see his side, he needed her to be okay, because inside he really wasn't. He was slowly breaking.
    June 1st, 2014 at 05:47am
  • Draco frowned as he listened to her. He wasn’t sure what she meant when she spoke of things not having to be that way, but, again, she had a point. “Yeah, I guess,” he eventually said, shifting to lean against the wall whilst still staring out at the garden. “You have no idea how great that garden once was.” It had been magnificent in its better days and he had spent much of his time there when he wasn’t with his friends or his parents. It had been his place of solace and endless solitude and he had loved it.
    Amelia stared with surprise at him, having been caught off guard by the fact that he had raised his voice, which had honestly made her jump. After a moment, she moved to stand up. “I’m not going to lose my life, Fred,” she told him quietly before she let out a sigh. “Perhaps I shouldn’t have come here, I’m sorry.” It seemed she had only caused him to become upset, probably because she was a reminder of the fact that some of their friends were dead – and her family was gone, too, but she didn’t mention it.
    June 1st, 2014 at 05:57am
  • @ Color Me Morbid
    Rolling her eyes she looked over at him, "I've seen it." She told him, remembering his parents had once invited her family to a luncheon in the garden. It was a time that the all thought the Dark Lord was gone. She was young but old enough to know that the Malfoy's thought themselves superior to her family. "It was after second year." She thought about it, but she was right they were going to head into their third year. It was the year her hatred for him actually hit an all high.
    Fred stood quickly grabbing her hand. "No don't go, George would love to see you." He told her, "I'm sorry I ju, you don't seem to care that I care about you and it hurt." He told her honestly, it had never been one of Fred's strong points. He was a straight forward person, but he still didn't know how to voice his feelings properly.
    June 1st, 2014 at 06:07am
  • Draco thought over her words, but he wasn’t sure if she was right. He hadn’t really ever bothered to care for his parents’ luncheons or events. Most of the time, he actually hid away in his room until his father came looking for him to drag him back out. Even then, he hadn’t paid attention to who else was around. “Second year?” he muttered before remembering the time and nodding. “Ah, my parents were especially bitter then.” Probably because his father had a run-in with Potter at the end of the year.
    Amelia turned to look at him, a frown on her features. “You think I don’t care how you feel, Fred?” she asked quietly before shaking her head. “I just don’t want you to worry about me, that’s all. We all have enough to worry about as it is. You have such a big family. You should be concerned about them, not me. They’re more than enough for you to worry about. Alright?”
    June 1st, 2014 at 06:22am