baby you're the right kind of wrong.

  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Ebony nodded her head and walked back to her room with Zayn carrying her food. Everything he'd done for her tonight alone kind of made her regret everything she'd done to him more than she already did. He'd made her pancakes at 2 am, was walking her to her room, he'd left Lindsey to run to the hospital and pick her up, he'd stood up for her to Harry, but she wasn't quite sure she deserved any of that from him.
    Liam went into the bathroom and changed out of his costume and into real clothes just kind of tossing the skirt thing he'd been wearing all night off to the side. He went ahead and brushed his teeth while he was in the bathroom too before headed back into his room where he'd left Maisie. "So, well this is my room." He said as he walked back into the room. "And I'm sure you were like expecting a mess or something but as you can see it's not a mess." He said laughing a little, even though she was the first girl he'd had in his room this year she wasn't the first girl to ever be in here, and they always went on about how they hadn't expected it to be so tidy.
    June 22nd, 2014 at 06:04pm
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    "Here we are," Zayn said, holding the door open for Ebony as they stepped into her room. He was thankful she didn't have a roommate, because he didn't really want to deal with any questions that would be asked about the whole thing. He walked quickly over to her bed, set her orange juice down on her end table and untucked the covers so she could climb into bed more easily. He held onto the pancakes, ready to pass them to her once she was under her blanket.
    Liam looked absolutely gorgeous in his sweat pants, which was quite an amazing feat, and she still hadn't gotten over how perfect his body was. "It's very nice," Maisie said, smiling at him as she put her hands on her hips. "Are you sure you don't have a girlfriend forcing you to keep it so neat? It's not too late to tell me." She was pretty sure she'd have heard from one of the girls by now if the guy she was cozying up to had a girlfriend, if not to be helpful they'd tell her to cause drama or something.
    June 22nd, 2014 at 06:15pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Ebony climbed into her bed under the covers and got comfortable before Zayn handed her the plate of pancakes. She had the urge to tell him she loved him but didn't let it slip out. "Thank you." She told him again figuring now he'd leave her and she didn't know go slip into the bed next to Lindsey or something maybe go back to the alpha house and sleep in his own bed. She didn't really know, "oh and uh goodnight I guess." She added softly.
    "Trust me I'm not hiding a girlfriend anywhere." Liam said laughing a little, he was pretty sure she would've known by now if he had a girlfriend though even if he hadn't been the one to tell her. "And actually my ex girlfriend used to whine about how messy her room always was while mine never is so there's no one forcing me to keep it this clean I just grew up always having a clean room and like to keep it presentable in case I have someone over like with you being here now. I don't know if I would've let you come over if my room were a mess." He told her pretty sure he had the cleanest room in the whole house but oh well, and not sure if that was weird or not because it was just normal to him.
    June 22nd, 2014 at 06:38pm
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    "You're welcome," Zayn said with a smile as he took a step back from her, not wanting to hover over and freak her out or something. He knew some people got weirded out by having people watch them eat, but he couldn't remember if Ebony did, so he figured better safe than sorry. "Right, goodnight," he finished with a nod of his head. "I'm staying with Lindsey so I'll probably see you in the morning."
    "Well I would have given you a few minutes to clean it up," Maisie said with a smile, not really sure what to do now that they were in his room. Maisie of course had known that Liam had girlfriends before, but she never thought about whether or not she actually knew them until then. The odds were pretty good that she at least knew the girl, and it wouldn't have been a surprise if she was a Kappa herself considering how close the Kappas and Alphas were.
    June 22nd, 2014 at 06:44pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "Yea I'll see you in the morning then." Ebony told him keeping her eyes on her pancakes. She'd known he was going to leave, and had already figured it would probably be to go to Lindsey. Which was something she was struggling with. While Ebony did want Zayn to be happy even if it wasn't with her and it was with Lindsey every time he said her name Ebony was a little jealous. And she hated it. Of course it was only like the second day or so of even seeing them together/hearing about them so maybe it'd be easier to live around after she was more used to the idea.
    "Well that's so nice of you." Liam told her laughing a little, luckily she didn't have to worry about giving him a few minutes to clean anything up since his room was always pretty neat but he supposed it was nice to know she would've given him the time if he needed it. "So if you're as tired as I am then we can head to bed now if you want." He told her knowing that as soon as he was laying down and comfortable he'd probably be out like a light.
    June 22nd, 2014 at 06:56pm
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    Zayn flashed Ebony one more quick smile before stepping out of her room and shutting the door behind him, heading over to Lindsey's room instead. She was still asleep when he walked in, and he hoped that he wouldn't wake her. She looked so peaceful with her head just above the covers, and Zayn slid carefully behind her, instantly wrapped his arms around her and nuzzling his head into her neck. It was strange to be holding a girl and actually cuddling with her without having sex beforehand, but he figured it was something he'd get used to again. Luckily, he didn't wake her, though she did stir a bit, and he was quickly ready to head off to sleep himself.
    "That sounds great to me," Maisie said with a nod of her head, moving slowly to Liam's bed. She still wasn't sure whether they would cuddle or just sleep on opposite sides of the bed. She decided to just be safe and sit as close to the edge as she could while she waited for Liam to lay down. She was quite tired herself, and didn't imagine she'd be awake much longer anyway. She would have been asleep hours ago if it hadn't been for the party.
    June 22nd, 2014 at 07:03pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Ebony finished off her pancakes and then downed the cup of Sunny D before turning off her light and laying down in her bed all alone. Even though she'd spent plenty of nights alone in her bed snuggled up under the covers to keep her warm since there was no one beside her it felt ten times lonelier tonight than it usually did. She missed just having someone to hold her while she slept, and someone she could nuzzle up to when she woke up. Maybe it was just time for her to let go and move on. Find someone new to fall in love with and stop trying to convince herself that maybe Zayn still had feelings for her. And the thoughts of moving on were what consumed her as she fell asleep.
    "Good because I don't think I could stay up any longer." Liam told her climbing into the bed. He wasn't sure if she'd wanted to cuddle or if sleeping next to each other without the cuddling would be enough for her, but she was here and Liam did enjoy cuddling when he was really tired like this or just when he went to sleep in general so he'd probably scoot closer and wrap his arms around her once she was laying down.
    June 22nd, 2014 at 07:20pm
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    Zayn leaned over to give Lindsey a quick kiss before he fell asleep, placing his lips gently right above her ear. "Goodnight," he whispered to her, though she was still asleep. He wondered if she heard him, because she scooted her body closer to him then, nuzzling herself against him. A smile fell to Zayn's lips as he wrapped his arms more tightly around her, loving the way it felt to be sleeping next to someone again after going so long sleeping alone or with one night stands.
    "Me neither," Maisie said, smiling at Liam as she got underneath his blanket the same as him. She tucked the blanket just above her arms and pushed her head onto his very comfy pillow. Liam's bed was like sleeping on clouds, and she wondered how anyone could ever get up in the morning with a bed as comfy as this. She kept her eyes on Liam while still doing her best not to stare at him, wondering what their next move would be as they settled into bed. Her eyes were already impossibly hard to keep open, and they were growing heavier by the second.
    June 22nd, 2014 at 07:28pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    The following morning when Ebony finally woke up she climbed out of bed and went to shower and freshen herself up because she looked like a mess. And once she felt clean and didn't look so awful she got dressed and took the dishes next to her bed down to the kitchen to stick in the dish washer and grabbed her phone she'd left on the counter all night and sent a quick message to Chase. Even if he'd told her he wasn't romantically interested in her she felt like hanging out with him, and maybe if she spent enough time around him and any of his friends she'd be able to move on, feel comfortable around other guys and actually want to pursue a relationship with someone again. But whatever happened she couldn't stay around the kappa house all day today, and she didn't really want to be around Zayn and Lindsey together either.
    Once Maisie was laying under the covers Liam found himself scooting closer to her and wrapped an arm around her to pull her closer to him feeling his eyes become heavier by the second. He really hadn't realized just how tired he was until now finding it hard to stay awake at all. But they were both in bed and it was late so he didn't think it mattered that he was fast asleep soon after he'd wrapped an arm around her for the night.
    June 22nd, 2014 at 07:48pm
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    Zayn woke up when the sunlight shown through Lindsey's curtains, and he'd almost forgotten he'd stayed the night with her until he felt the warmth of her body cuddled up next to him. She was just waking herself, with her eyes still looking a bit sleepy, and she smiled at him as she turned around to face him.

    "Good morning," she said with a smile as he wrapped his arms around her again, pulling her closer to him.

    "Good morning." He gave her a soft kiss on her lips, not really caring if either of them had morning breath. She always looked so sweet when it was just him and her, and he wondered why she didn't act like this around everyone else. Before she could say anything else, Zayn rubbed his thumb against her cheek and smiled at her. "Don't move. I'm going to go make you breakfast. I'll bring it up in a minute." He thought it was the least he could do after he'd made Ebony breakfast at 2am and they weren't even dating. He quickly stepped out of Lindsey's room and down the stairs, wearing only his pants from the night before.
    Maisie couldn't stop the smile that fell to her face just as she was beginning to sleep when Liam wrapped his arms around her. His touch was so gentle and sweet, and she thought sleeping next to him had to be one of the greatest things in the world. With his arms wrapped around her, Maisie was asleep in just seconds, sure that she was going to have a peaceful night's sleep.
    June 22nd, 2014 at 08:00pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    After Ebony had put her dishes in the dishwasher she went to grab a granola bar from the cabinet and head out for whatever the hell she was going to do today. Whatever it ended up being though she was not going to think or speak about Zayn, Lindsey, or Zayn and Lindsey together. If they wanted to be together then they could be, and while they did whatever the hell they did she was going to be with someone else not thinking of all the shit going on right now. Oh and she'd probably have Chase or someone drop her off at the hospital later to see her nana and get her car but that could wait.
    Liam smiled to himself while he fell asleep. And when he woke up the next morning he felt pretty refreshed. Truthfully he wasn't sure when he'd slept that well. Maybe it was because he'd had Maisie here with him or maybe it was because he hadn't stayed up quite that late in a long time and was refreshed after sleeping. He didn't know, he did know though that he'd slept really well and really liked waking up next to someone.
    June 22nd, 2014 at 08:24pm
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    Zayn walked into the kitchen just as Ebony was reaching into the cabinet, but she didn't seem to notice him or care that he was there. He wasn't sure how the rest of her night had gone, but he was hoping that she was feeling at least a little bit better. He didn't think he should ask, though. If she wanted to talk, she would, so he just sifted through the kitchen for all the ingredients to make Lindsey a nice breakfast.
    When Maisie woke up, Liam's arm was still around her and she snuggled closer to him involuntarily. She hadn't woken up next to many people in her lifetime considering most high school kids weren't allowed to sleep at their significant other's house, so this was new to her but also very nice. She thought it was something she could easily get used to. She felt Liam stirring next to her and was a little disappointed he was already awake since it meant she wouldn't get to cuddle with him anymore.
    June 22nd, 2014 at 08:31pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Ebony grabbed her granola bar and a bottle of water out of the fridge and waved a quick goodbye to Zayn once she saw him in the kitchen before she headed out and over to the alpha house to meet up with Chase and whoever else they hung out with all day. And she kept telling herself that it'd be a fun day because that's what she wanted, she wanted the day to be as fun as they could possibly make it.

    "So what're the plans?" She asked as soon as she walked into the living room and plopped onto the couch in between Chase and Jake who had apparently started playing their playstation as soon as they got up.

    "Not really sure, you wanna play some video games with us? Or were you looking to go out and explore the world?" Chase asked pausing the game before both guys looked at her with a raised brow.

    "As long as you guys let me play and don't make me sit here and watch you all day I'm fine with some video games."
    Liam stretched some before putting his arms right back where they were and nuzzling his face in her neck, "can we just not move all day?" He asked in a still sleepy voice since he had just woken up. And even though he wasn't really tired enough to sleep for another five hours or anything he didn't want to move. He just wanted to lay right where he was all day have a lazy day. Those were always nice. And then the only time they'd have to leave the bed was to go feed themselves, which they'd have to do since he knew he couldn't make it an entire day without any food.
    June 22nd, 2014 at 08:54pm
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    Zayn quickly fixed up Lindsey's breakfast, scrambled eggs, pancakes and some fresh fruit, and went upstairs and back to her room. She was still lying under the blanket with a smile on her face, waiting patiently for him to bring her food.

    "It looks delicious," she said as Zayn passed her the plate. She sat up in the bed and laid the plate on her lap, smiling up at him.

    He leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. "Anything for you." It still felt weird to him to be getting serious with someone knew, having to learn everything about them and start from scratch, but it was something he was going to have to get used to.
    "You have no idea how good that sounds," Maisie said, wanting nothing more than to just lay in bed all day. If she was feeling this lazy without a hangover, she didn't know how most people survived the day with one, especially on days they had class. And laying in bed with Liam was even better, with his body keeping her warms and his skin touching the little bit of skin she still had showing.
    June 22nd, 2014 at 09:07pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Ebony took one of the controllers from Chase once they'd finished the round they'd been on ready to spend the day playing video games at the alpha house.

    "So Ebs do you wanna play Black Ops or well we have a ton of other shit we could play." Jake asked her motioning towards the large case of games the boys had and sometimes it was a wonder they ever had time to play them between the parties and classes everyone attended.

    "I don't care you can pick." She told him really not caring as long as they played something and kept her distracted.

    "Well how some some fifa then." He said getting up to change the games.
    "I'm just glad we agree that it sounds nice." Liam said being really cuddly and softly kissing her neck without even really thinking about it. Because laying here with Maisie was nice, it was comfortable and kind of relaxing, and on top of that he did really like her. Even if they were still getting to know one another and nothing was official with them or anything yet it was still really nice just laying here with her feeling this relaxed.
    June 22nd, 2014 at 09:44pm
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    "How was last night?" Lindsey asked Zayn between bites, smiling at him as she took a drink of her OJ. He wasn't sure if she was genuinely curious or if she was trying to snoop, but he figured he needed to trust her.

    "It wasn't bad," Zayn said, shrugging his shoulders. "She was better than I expected, so I just brought her home, fixed her something to eat and then came back to bed with you."

    "Well, that's good," Lindsey said with a nod of her head, finishing off the last of her pancakes. She sat up in her bed and folded the blanket off of her. "Now what should we do for the rest of the day?"

    Zayn leaned over and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. "We could arrange a Kappa/Alpha outing or something. Maybe just invite select people so there's not too many of us."

    Lindsey nodded her head and smiled. "That's a great idea. I knew there was a reason I liked you so much."
    Maisie smiled as Liam kissed her neck, thinking how sweet of a gesture it was even if they hand't gotten serious yet. She honestly didn't know how another girl hadn't snatched him up yet; he was way too sweet and charming to be single. "So what are your plans for the rest of the day?" She asked, fiddling with the blanket to make them more comfortable.
    June 22nd, 2014 at 11:58pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "Dude she's kicking your ass at this." Chase laughed watching Ebony and Jake play fifa. Jake just flipped him off but kept on playing.

    "Clearly I underestimated you Ebony." Jake said not sure he was going to win this match, but he supposed being beat by girl wasn't that bad. At least it wasn't someone terrible at them or anything.

    Ebony laughed actually enjoying this. "Clearly you did if you didn't think I could win. The majority of my family is male and Zack and Kyler used to make me play video games with them if I wanted to hang out with them. So I did." She said shrugging her shoulders some. It wasn't like she played them every day or anything like some people but usually when she had nothing else to do she'd play whatever video game Kyler and Zack were playing just to have people to play something with.
    "I don't really have anything planned until later." Liam told her knowing he'd promised her a date that he did intend to give her. But until then he didn't really have anything planned, and he'd just have to make a couple of phone calls at some point during the day to set up reservations and check a couple of things. But other than that nothing. And he was hoping that she'd like the date he had planned. It wasn't going to be anything fancy and over the top, really more casual but he still hoped she liked it.
    June 23rd, 2014 at 12:21am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    After a bit of conversation, Lindsey and Zayn decided to take a trip to the lake just outside of town. They figured they could pack some beers and sandwiches, grab a couple of their housemates and have a good day at the beach. Zayn went back to the Alpha house to grab his swim trunks and some coolers, while Lindsey stayed at the Kappa house to gather up her closest friends and get ready. The house was a bit more quiet than Zayn expected, but he went straight up to his room and grabbed his things.
    Maisie cuddled up closer to Liam, resting her head on his on his shoulder while she placed her hand on his chest. She didn't know what they were going to do until later; she didn't know if it was normal to just lay in bed all day or if she should go back to the Kappa house and do the walk of shame. She'd never really been in a situation like this before so she didn't really know what to do next.
    June 24th, 2014 at 02:10am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    After a round of fifa and then attempting to play a round of zombies, Jake and Ebony were starting to head out and find something to do for the day. She hadn't really expected to leave the alpha house, and least of all with Jake of all people but he'd asked her if she wanted to find something to do with him and she'd agreed. And truthfully she was happy she'd said yes because she knew she needed this. To get back out into the world of guys and find someone for herself.

    "You know we could always go to the beach. It's not that far from here and it's always fun. And I know the guy who runs that little food shack down there so I could hook us up with some free food." Jake said resting his arm around her shoulders and smiling at her.

    "I guess we could. I'll just have to grab my swimsuit and stuff but that actually sounds really nice." Ebony replied before they stopped and Jake told he'd meet her over at the kappa house then in a few so he could get his own things and then they could head out.
    Liam wasn't sure when the last time he'd felt this nice was. Usually he couldn't stand to lay in bed doing nothing all day, and he couldn't even remember a time when he actually wanted to lay in bed with a girl all day and do nothing. He was just so used to girls being kind of clingy and wanting to go out and do things all day. It was like most of the time they didn't want to just cuddle with him all day they wanted to walk around and show off that they were with him or something and it was kind of annoying. He even remembered this one time he and Zayn had planned to hang out but the girl he'd had over didn't seem to get that he wanted her to leave. That had been a nightmare. But Maisie wasn't like that, or at least he didn't think she was like that, and he just felt really comfortable and happy around her right now.
    June 24th, 2014 at 02:29am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    Zayn figured since Lindsey was bringing all her single, girl friends then he should probably invite some single guys. There were many in the Alpha house, but only a few that he thought might be interested in spending time with the Kappa girls during the day, so he decided he'd pop into Liam's room across from him and ask since he was single and could probably tolerate them. After changing into his swim trunk, he walked across the hall and knocked on Liam's door.
    "Would it be weird if I told you how comfortable you are?" Maisie said with a laugh, tapping her fingers on Liam's chest as she tilted up her chin to look at him. She'd never actually cuddled in bed with a guy before, so she didn't know if this was a thing that always happened, but she felt like she fit perfectly against Liam. She was interrupted from her thoughts when she heard a knock on Liam's door, and she nearly went into a panic because she wasn't sure whether or not Liam wanted anyone to know that she was there.
    June 24th, 2014 at 02:43am