he got caught at the five and dime saving the day.

  • "Should we be going to then?" Iris asked, her hands rubbing gently on the back of Barry's neck. "We came out to hang with your friends, so I guess if they're leaving we could just head home." Iris always loved to just cuddle on the sofa and be in her pajamas, so Barry imagined that was what she wanted to do.
    "Yeah, I, uh, don't have a dad," Grace said, nibbling at her bottom lip. "Well, I mean, everybody has a dad, I just don't know who mine is." She paused, clasping her hands nervously in front of her. She'd asked her mother millions of times in her lifetime who her dad was, but she always claimed she didn't know his name.
    July 5th, 2014 at 04:52am
  • Charlie walked over to Barry and his girlfriend and sighed looking between them. "Ella is not feeling well so were going to head out, and I mean she's sick we're not some kind of couple or one night stand. She's my friend and I'm looking after her" if it was up to him Charlie wouldn't justify himself to them but he didn't want them to think Ella was some kind of slut. "See you later I guess" he walked out afterwards.
    Peter stopped and looked at her, "oh I'm sorry Grace.. I um" he felt awkward and guilty for bringing it up. He stepped in front of her and smiled softly at her, "I really didn't mean to offend you if you are.. I just want to get to know you" he said softly. "My parents disappeared after I had turned 6 or 7 and they died I'm pretty sure of it" he bit his lip as he watched her.
    July 5th, 2014 at 05:14am
  • "Well, that was quick," Barry said, watching as Ella and her friend left the building, not really sure why they'd left in such a hurry but they were already gone and he figured he'd see her again some other day anyway. He turned back to Iris with a smile and pressed a light kiss against her lips. "I guess we should be going now, unless you want one more dance?"
    "Oh no, I'm not offended," Grace said, shaking her head softly. It wasn't something that really upset her anymore, just a part of her life now. It didn't really come up much except on holidays, during big events, and when they needed extra money to pay bills that could have come from living in a two parent household. She turned to Peter with her eyes soft. "Oh, I'm so sorry, Peter. That's awful."
    July 6th, 2014 at 07:50pm
  • Ella was sitting in the car when Charlie got into the driver's seat, "I think this was just excuse for them to get out. They didn't spend so much time with you, I'm sorry" he patted her back. She looked over and shrugged, "it's fine believe me I don't intend to see him again, I took him off my phone that way I won't accidentally text him" she sighed softly. "It's not like he cares and why should he? I mean I sat through his coma with .. Let's just go"
    Peter looked at her "I know i still feel bad though," as they walked he sighed softly. "I feel like death follows me around I mean, my parents, my uncle Ben and my girlfriend, I just can't be happy"Peter walked up to Grace's house. "We're here.. Please don't look at me like that I'll be okay I promised he smiled softly at Grace.
    July 6th, 2014 at 08:15pm
  • "I'll take another dance, but not until we get home," Iris said with a wink before she was pulling Barry out the door and back onto the streets. Luckily they didn't have a long walk back to their apartment, and Barry was happy to just walk hand in hand with Iris back to their place. Barry always wondered why him and Iris never went out until they actually went out and he remembered that he never really had fun. He thought it might have been better with Ella and her friend there, but they seemed more keen on grinding on each other and kissing, which was fine for a date so he didn't blame them.
    Grace nodded her head and matched his soft smile. "If you're sure." She pulled out her key and undid the lock, looking back at Peter before she opened the door. "Just, uh, just try not to be blinded by my mother's breasts," she said, "and she does this thing where she bends over to pick stuff up so just try to ignore that too."
    July 6th, 2014 at 08:27pm
  • Are you still interested in this??
    April 11th, 2015 at 09:54pm
  • [yes I am! I'm so sorry I thought I replied and I must have forgotten.]

    Ella almost felt like a slut for being so out there and Barry and Iris probably thought the worst of her. She sighed softly and just asked to be dropped at home, " Once she was at home she curled up in a ball in bed feeling so low and disgusting. It hasn't really sunk in until Charlie had dropped her off, it wasn't fair at all.
    Peter raised an eyebrow as he listened to her speak and nodded, "I only have eyes for you" he grinned. He wanted to say he only has eyes for her's but that would be rude so he kept it to himself. Peter waited and watched her walk in, he followed after her.
    April 12th, 2015 at 05:08pm
  • [that's okay!]
    Barry and Iris spent the rest of the night together before they laid down and fell into a peaceful sleep. He was happy to be sleeping soundly again, since he hadn't been able to sleep as well since the accident. He wasn't sure why, but it had strange effects on his body.
    Grace chuckled as she walked through the door, noticing that her mother must have been in her own bedroom as she was nowhere to be found. Grace silently thanked the powers that be for that little break. "Well," Grace said, turning back to Peter as she guided him into her living room, "what would you like to do now?"
    April 14th, 2015 at 01:19am
  • [that's okay!]
    Barry and Iris spent the rest of the night together before they laid down and fell into a peaceful sleep. He was happy to be sleeping soundly again, since he hadn't been able to sleep as well since the accident. He wasn't sure why, but it had strange effects on his body.
    Grace chuckled as she walked through the door, noticing that her mother must have been in her own bedroom as she was nowhere to be found. Grace silently thanked the powers that be for that little break. "Well," Grace said, turning back to Peter as she guided him into her living room, "what would you like to do now?"
    April 14th, 2015 at 01:20am
  • [I can't believe I forgot about this. Im sorry >_< this was one of my faves too.]

    The next few days Ella spent ger days packing up, she was not going to stay arounf Central City for long. She had heard from a magazine in New York nothin big but it was a start. Maybe she wouldn't think about Barry so much. She wanted to say goodbye when the time came though.
    Peter tucked some of Grace's hair behind her ear, "I'd like to know more about you and your hobbies... and what you like in a guy..." he leaned forward and kissed the corner of her lips.
    April 14th, 2015 at 04:09am
  • [It's really okay!]
    Barry hadn't seen or heard from Ella in a while, since the night they'd all gone out together. He'd been busy with work, finding a new place with Iris and trying to figure out what the heck was going on with his body and he wasn't really sure what Ella had been up to.
    Grace laughed, smiling as Peter gave her a light kiss. He was so handsome with the stubble on his face that made him look a little bit older than he actually was. "I don't really do much besides work. What about you, Peter? What are your hobbies?
    April 14th, 2015 at 04:50am
  • [okay :)]

    Ella walked out of her job and headed towards the coffee shop, she hasn't walked that was the same coffee shop that Iris worked at. So when Ella walked in she walked over to her and greeted Ella. Ella said hi and walked to the counter. "You know, you give so many mixed signals ... Why do you do that?" Ella ordered a latte to go, "I rather not talk about that with someone I hardly know. No offense. I should go.." She grabbed her bag and quickly walked out bumping into the last person she would expect to see. "Barry.."
    Peter chuckled "come on, you must do something fun.. Dancing? Clubbing right?" He grinned. "I work by taking pictures of Spider Man, that's so exciting right? I help my aunt with stuff around the house.. Normal teenager stiff "
    April 14th, 2015 at 05:39am
  • Barry nearly fell straight to the floor when he ran into her, though she wasn't big enough to knock him over. "Oh, Ella, sorry," he said as he steadied himself. "Funny running into you here." He had come to the coffee shop to visit Iris himself.
    Grace laughed and shook her head, tucking her hair behind her ear. "Dancing? No, not at all." She looked at him and smiled. "If hardly say that's normal teenager stuff, Peter."
    April 14th, 2015 at 06:40am
  • Ella looked at him and nodded, "it's all right, it was my fault. I'm actually glad I ran into you, I wanted to say goodbye.. I've got a job offer on New York and I wanted to say bye before I left.. I mean it's going to be a few weeks since I have to find a home and everything .. I just.. Yeah."
    Peter chuckled, "we should go camping one night, I like doing that sorta thing. I guess I'm not normal then am I?" He asked chuckling. "So.. What should we do now? " he touched her face. "I like your face. It's so beautiful."
    April 14th, 2015 at 06:56am
  • "I didn't realize you were looking," Barry said as he looked down at Ella. New York certainly sounded like an exciting opportunity for her. "Well, I wish you the best of luck," he said honestly.
    "Well, thank you," Grace said, blushing as she looked at Peter. "We can do whatever you like."
    April 14th, 2015 at 05:47pm
  • Ella nodded, she was a little sad but she knew this was an opportunity that wouldn't knock on her door again. "Thanks, I hope to see you again some day, I know that we didn't know each other too well, and I haven't been exactly a saint. I'm a good person and I care about people.. I know you probably won't miss me but I'll miss you."
    Peter cupped her face and softly pecked her lips, "I would like to kiss you some more actually you have very soft lips.." He grinned. Peter didn't want to put any pressure on her or anything he was just making a suggestion. "We don't have to.. We can just watch movies if you'd like."
    April 15th, 2015 at 03:42am
  • Cute
    April 19th, 2015 at 05:47am