Illusions of the sunlight

  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    Are you still interested in this??
    April 11th, 2015 at 09:53pm
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Actually yes, I would like to continue. I'm terribly sorry for not replying for nine months, I'm a horrible role player. Should I continue where you left off, or shall we skip ahead? I'm not fussed.
    April 12th, 2015 at 03:24am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    It's totally okay! I'm fine with whatever so you can take your pick Cute
    April 12th, 2015 at 03:39am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    (I might skip ahead, I hope you don't mind. Cute)

    Zayn had somehow gotten Jane to agree to hang out with him, he would love to consider it a date but she probably wouldn't. He didn't actually ask Jane on a date, just to hang out so really it was his fault. He had planned on asking her on a date but at the last second, he chickened out and became all nervous. Jane made him nervous but he knew he'd have to overcome that if anything was going to happen between them, which he was never going to push or bring up too early as he didn't want to scare her away from him. So he had decided on taking her out for lunch, he had thought about taking her to an art museum but he thought that could be a little boring. He had made sure that he looked nice before he drove his car over to pick Jane up, once they were safety in his car he begun to drive towards the cafe that he really liked and hoped that it wouldn't be too busy. "How have you been?" He asked as he glanced over to her quickly, she was beautiful like the first time he laid eyes on her.
    Evie was sitting on her bed doing work on a few assignments that she had for college, Jane wouldn't let her help get her ready for the date. Even if Jane said that it wasn't a date, Evie just smiled at her sister and she wouldn't be letting this go. She had invited Liam over as she had nothing else planned for the day, so she wanted to spend some time with him as she hoped they could figure something fun for them to do. But she was still waiting for him to get there, which shouldn't take him all that long. She had been busy with college lately so she hadn't seen Liam as much as they usually do, she was always studying and after college she was pretty tired and didn't want to do anything. A wide smile broke out onto her face when she heard the doorbell ring, she jumped off her bed and rushed over to the front door which she swung open. "I've missed you," She instantly wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a big hug, they usually never went a day or two without seeing each other.
    April 12th, 2015 at 05:52am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    It wasn't a date. It wasn't a date. It wasn't a date. Jane had to keep reminding herself as she got ready to hang out with Zayn, in between trying to pick out something to wear and telling Evie to quit bugging her because it wasn't a date. Once she'd finally decided on her favorite summer dress, she waited outside for him to show up to get away from Evie's constant bugging. She smiled as he pulled up in his car and she hopped into the passenger's seat. "I've been good, aside from Evie being in a panic all morning about hanging out with Liam tonight. What about you?"
    Liam felt like it had been forever since he had last seen Evie, though he usually felt that no matter how long it had been since he had last seen her. He'd spent way too long getting ready for his not-date with Evie. He wanted to make sure he looked his best since he knew she was meeting plenty of guys at college, so he opted for his favorite pair of jeans and a black t-shirt that he knew made his muscles look good.

    When Evie opened the door and he got to see her smile again, it felt like a volcano erupting inside him, causing him to smile even wider than she was smiling at him. Her wrapping her arms around him was just the cherry on top and he smiled into her hair while he replied honestly, "I missed you, too."
    April 14th, 2015 at 12:55am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Zayn couldn't help but smile, he had called Liam that morning to check on him and he sounded like a mess. Apparently Jane's sister was busy with college and Liam couldn't help but worry, he told his mate to just tell the girl but he knew it was much harder than that. Zayn was horrible at giving advice to people, "I've been really good actually. Umm... I brought one of my journals with me, if you wanted to have a look through it. You don't have to," He told her as he wasn't really comfortable with letting people see his art, but Jane was his imprint and he was comfortable around her. He was just nervous, he got nervous just thinking about her.

    He drove until he found a parking spot, turning off his car he climbed out and rushed over to open the passenger side door for her. "If you don't like this cafe, we can go somewhere else." He told her just in case, after locking his car he let Jane walk into the cafe before him.
    Evie had seen the shirt that Liam was wearing, it was secretly one of her favourites because the material clung to his muscles and that drove her crazy. She stood there in his arms as she held onto him a little longer, letting their hug linger before she slowly pulled back from him. She let him inside and shut the door behind him, she was wearing a pair of black denim shorts with a simple navy t-shirt. She didn't want to dress up too much as this wasn't a date, it was just two friends spending time together. "How have you been?" She asked her best friend as she took his larger hand into her own, she pulled him over to the couch where she sat down with him.

    She did have guys trying to get close to her or flirting with her or just talking to her out of no where, she was never interested in any of them because none of them were Liam. She couldn't help but compare every guy to Liam, it was something that she never wanted anyone to know about.
    April 14th, 2015 at 03:37am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    Jane was still trying not to admit to herself that she was nervous to be hanging out with Zayn, so she tried to keep her composure as he came around and opened the door for her. She couldn't imagine showing her artwork to anyone, so she knew he had to be confident if he was willing to show it to her. "Really? I would love to see it," she said, smiling as she stepped out of the car and stood next to him. "And I'm sure this place is perfect."

    The cafe looked wonderful, actually, like a place that Jane would go in spare time to drink coffee and pretend to be fancy. She could actually see herself coming there in the future, and it certainly reaffirmed the fact that it wasn't a date - something she would be shoving in Evie's face later.
    Liam sat next to Evie on the sofa, leaning back and propping his feet on her coffee table as comfortably as he could. He made sure not to sit too close to her but just close enough. "I've been good. How's college been?"

    He always made sure to keep up with how school was going for her, as he knew it could get busy even though he wasn't able to go himself - his pack life had prevented that. He also asked about it to see if she had met any guys yet, though he wouldn't ask it directly. He still didn't have any idea what he'd do if she actually came out and said she'd met someone serious.
    April 14th, 2015 at 04:39am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Zayn felt so relived when Jane mentioned that she did actually want to see his artwork, he wouldn't show her everything that he's done right away. Not until he knew that she liked his art, which he really hoped that she would. "Great, what would you like?" He asked her and although this wasn't a date, no matter how much he wanted to take her out on a date, he was going to buy her a drink and a snack if she wanted. He was brought up to be a gentleman, even if he was a werewolf and was surrounded by his pack more often than not.

    He stepped forward to join the short line of customers so Jane had some time to look at the menu and decide on what she wanted. He always got the same, an iced chocolate with whipped cream on top as he wasn't a fan of coffee. It made him wired and being a wolf often gave him enough energy, he didn't need anymore.
    Evie placed one leg under her as she sat on the couch sideways, so he could face Liam better. "It's busy and with exams approaching, I'm getting really stressed." She told him honestly as she was always nervous when exams came around, she looked into the brown eyes that she had always loved. "I'm sorry that I haven't be able to spend time with you, a few guys have tried to ask me out. Why they try when it's obvious how busy I am, I'll never understand." She rolled her eyes because she always made it clear that she wasn't interested, in the nicest way possible.

    "If I can't hang out with you, why would I want to go on a date with guys I don't even know. I'd only make time for you and Jane," She smiled at him sweetly, she did want to take their friendship to the next level. But she was scared that he wouldn't return her feelings, so she's kept quiet about how she feels about him.
    April 14th, 2015 at 05:45am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    Jane shrugged, not sure what was good and not wanting to look like a Fatty McFatterson. "I'll have whatever you're having," she said with a smile. She stood in line next to Zayn, trying hard not to stare at him. Evie was right when she talked about him - Zayn was an absolutely gorgeous human being, exactly the kind of guy that would be with a girl like Evie, though she was so obviously Liam's girl. Jane would never, ever admit to Evie that she found Zayn attractive though, as she'd never hear the end of it.
    Liam had to admit that he was jealous just at the thought of guys hitting on Evie, though he knew it happened often with how beautiful she was. He always had to try to hide his feelings of jealousy, which he had somehow mastered after spending so long hiding it from her.

    "Well, you could always tell them you have a boyfriend," Liam joked, though he was 99% serious. "God knows they'd believe it, though it still may not stop them."
    April 14th, 2015 at 06:12am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    Jane shrugged, not sure what was good and not wanting to look like a Fatty McFatterson. "I'll have whatever you're having," she said with a smile. She stood in line next to Zayn, trying hard not to stare at him. Evie was right when she talked about him - Zayn was an absolutely gorgeous human being, exactly the kind of guy that would be with a girl like Evie, though she was so obviously Liam's girl. Jane would never, ever admit to Evie that she found Zayn attractive though, as she'd never hear the end of it.
    Liam had to admit that he was jealous just at the thought of guys hitting on Evie, though he knew it happened often with how beautiful she was. He always had to try to hide his feelings of jealousy, which he had somehow mastered after spending so long hiding it from her.

    "Well, you could always tell them you have a boyfriend," Liam joked, though he was 99% serious. "God knows they'd believe it, though it still may not stop them."
    April 14th, 2015 at 06:14am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Zayn nodded his head lightly at Jane, "Of course." He smiled at her and had to force himself to stop before he started to stare and admire her beauty. He knew that her sister probably got all the attention, he really didn't know why Jane was still single because she was drop dead gorgeous and she was beautiful inside and out. He stepped up to the counter and ordered two iced chocolates with a fruit and custard tart, that they could share. Pulling his wallet out from his jean pocket, he paid and pushed his wallet back into his black jeans which went well with the dark grey t-shirt he was wearing.

    He looked around the cafe before seeing a table towards the back, which would give them some privacy. He sat down and looked at Jane, "What have you been up to lately?" He asked as they waited for their drinks and the tart.
    Evie shook her head lightly, "I don't want to lie about having a boyfriend. I want to have a boyfriend... I've had my eye on this amazing guy for so long now, but I don't know if he'll return my feelings." She admitted to him as she was feeling a little more confident and brave, she wasn't sure why or where it came from but she was. Her eyes never moved away from Liam's, hoping he'd take her hint but she wasn't sure if he would or not. She was tired of just being his friend, she wanted so much more.

    All she wanted to do was climb onto his lap and kiss his lips, show him how much she truly loved him. She hoped that it wouldn't take too long for them to get to that next stage.
    April 14th, 2015 at 06:43am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    Jane followed Zayn as they headed to the table and sat down across from him. She was really enjoying spending time with him, even though it was something so simple. "Not much, really," she said. "Just going to classes and working on a few pieces. What about you? Anything new?" Jane was still trying to ignore the fact that she may possibly be starting to develop a few feelings for Zayn. Maybe. But Evie certainly couldn't know.
    Liam's body was on fire - and not in a good way. He'd let Evie slip through his fingers and now she had her eyes on some "amazing" guy. Who was this guy and how could liam not have known about him for so long? He could feel his eyes gloss over as his body wanted to change into its wolf form, almost more than he could control. He had to look away from her for a moment and catch his breath to keep his composure.

    "Oh really?" Liam said as he looked back at her. "I'm sure whoever he is, he has feelings for you. He'd be crazy not too," he said honestly, trying to hide how he was feeling.
    April 14th, 2015 at 07:47am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Zayn smiled as he really could listen to Jane's voice for hours on end, it was like music to his ears and he'd never get sick of it. He looked across the table at her, "I haven't really been doing much either. Also working on some pieces and just working," He only had a casual job at a art supply store, it was only casual for now because he was still busy with the pack. "I must sound so boring," He really was a home body, he'd be more than happy to stay home and do art or watch movies. He knew not everyone was like that, but he did enough with the pack that on his days off he would rather stay at home. "How is school going?" He asked as he was pretty interested in it, he for one couldn't imagine himself attending college or even studying again. But he really liked that Jane was, she would go so far in life.
    Evie was a little disappointed that Liam didn't seem to caught onto her hints, which honestly frustrated her a little. "I'm not sure, I mean he's a friend. A good friend, actually." She looked at him as she felt her heart beat increase greatly, her stomach became tied in knots and her body was telling her to stop. But she needed him to know, if he cared about her then she was sure they could continue to be friends if he did reject her. "He's my best friend and is sitting next to me, I've tried giving him hints but he's not taking them." She blurted out causing a pink blush to warm her face, now she couldn't take any of it back. "I understand if you don't have those feelings for me, but I needed to tell you, Liam." She told him and was waiting for his reaction, she was getting ready to run into her bedroom and hide under her covers from embarrassment.
    April 14th, 2015 at 09:08am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    "If you're boring than I can't imagine what I am," Jane joked, knowing that Zayn was far more interesting than her. There was something about him that just gave him a mysterious allure. He was certainly different from anyone else she had met, but if she had to liken him to anyone it would be Liam. "College is extremely boring, though. Luckily I'm taking a few art classes that make it bearable." Her parents had always supported Jane and her art, though they didn't really approve of her taking college classes for it. They wanted her to do something more practical like Evie.

    "Do you have any plans for the future?" Jane asked, not sure if she was overstepping her boundaries but genuinely curious as to what Zayn had going on.
    Liam had a lump in his throat, his hands shaking as he looked at the beautiful girl in front of him. He had been fantasizing about moments like this since the moment he met Evie, but he'd never had a fantasy in which she was telling him how she felt instead of him telling her. Liam had loved Evie as long as he had known her, but he never thought it would be possible that she would feel the same way.

    "Evie-" he tried to speak but couldn't, his throat too tight and his mind too foggy. He opened his mouth but words wouldn't come out. Finally, he gave up on speaking and leaned towards Evie, his body trembling as he reached his hands out to her he placed one hand on her cheek while he pulled the other through her hair. He looked into her eyes, hoping more than anything that he wasn't about to fuck everything up, before he shut his eyes slowly and pressed his lips against hers.
    April 14th, 2015 at 05:38pm
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Zayn quickly shook his head, "You couldn't be boring even if you tried." He told her and let a small smile cross his face as he looked at her, even if she told him that she was boring, he wasn't going to believe it. "I'm sure college isn't always boring, don't you have some fun with your friends?" He asked her and he was glad that she was taking some art classes, his family had always supported him in his passion for art. But then again he was completely different to Jane, he could do what he wanted because being a werewolf and being apart of a pack was different and he didn't need to do the typical things that humans did. Like getting a good job for the rest of your life.

    His dark eyes never left Jane, not even when their drinks and the tart was placed on their table. "I don't really have anything planned, although I would love to travel. See different countries and cities, draw and paint everything that I can." He told her which was really the only thing that he really did want to do with his life for now, "What will you do after college?" He asked as he took the straw between his lips and took a drink of his delicious iced chocolate.
    For a second Evie thought that Liam was going to reject her, he hadn't said anything and panic filled her body. That was until he leaned closer to her and his warm lips pressed against her's, her eyes fell shut as all she wanted to do was kiss him and focus on the feelings she was receiving from just his kiss. Her lips seemed to fit perfectly against his and she felt like she could melt into a puddle, she reached out her hands for him. One rested on his forearm while the other balled into a fist as she held onto the front of his shirt, she wasn't going to let anything or anyone take Liam away from her.

    But sadly, Evie had to pull back from their first kiss as she needed to fill her lungs with air again. Her eyes locked onto Liam and a wide smile was plastered on her face, "I've wanted that for so long." She whispered to him as her heart was still racing, butterflies filled her stomach and were going crazy.
    April 15th, 2015 at 01:32am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    Jane didn't want to be honest and admit that outside of Evie she had few friends. She had a few people that she talk to her during her classes but no one that she found interesting enough to hang out with outside of school. "They're alright," she said, shrugging her shoulders. "I spend most of my time with my sister though." Maybe next time Evie and Liam invited her to a party she might consider going if she knew Zayn would be there.

    "That sounds a lot like me," she said with a smile, "I just want to explore." Jay knew it was cheesy but she really did just want to explore the world and she loved that it seemed as though Zayn had the same plans as she did.
    Liam had dreamed about kissing Evie since the moment he laid eyes on her, but he never imagined that her lips would be as soft and sweet as they felt against his. He knew in that moment that being with her was like magic.

    When she pulled away from him he had to resist the temptation to pull her right back into his arms. Instead he just smiled at her as he spoke. "Trust me, you have no idea," he said honestly knowing that with Evie being his imprint he felt things for her that she couldn't possibly understand.
    April 15th, 2015 at 02:07am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Zayn was glad that Jane did have friends, he really only spent time with other wolves that were in the same pack as him. He never bothered to go out and meet new people, people who probably wouldn't understand or even believe him if he told them what he was. He wasn't going to hurt himself by putting himself out like that, but then Jane walked into his life and he would honestly do anything for her. He'd tell her in time but that time wouldn't be soon, he wasn't going to do anything to scare her away from him.

    "I like Evie and I spend a lot of time with my sisters as well, even if they can get on my nerves." He smiled fondly as he had always been a family man, he loved his family more than anything. "If you could travel right now, were would you go?" He asked her completely interested in her, maybe one day they could travel together although he wouldn't mention that to her now.
    Evie's smile only widened which she thought was impossible, she didn't even need to say anything so she shifted on the couch and moved herself even closer to Liam. Their bodies were touching as she pressed her lips back against his, her hand moved from his shirt to the side of his neck. Her thumb gently rubbing his delicate warm skin as she kissed him, she still couldn't believe this was actually happening. She was kissing Liam and he wasn't rejecting her, he did feel the same way and she couldn't have been any happier.

    She never wanted to stop kissing him, but now she could kiss him whenever she wanted and she'd be taking full advantage of that. "I better not be dreaming," She smiled as she broke their kiss again, they did have plenty of time to kiss and just be in each other's arms, but she didn't want to stop.
    April 15th, 2015 at 02:31am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    "Well, you've only seen Evie when she's with Liam. She's great when she's with him, but she's even better when it's just the two of us," Jane said, not really sure how to explain the twin bond that she and Evie shared. She could just imagine how cute Zayn would be with his sisters, taking care of them and being protective. Not cute. She had to quit using words like 'cute' to describe Zayn if she was going to keep herself from developing feelings for Zayn.

    "I'd say Australia. There's something about the untamed wild that just seems so thrilling," she said with a smile. "What about you? Anywhere in the world."
    Liam smiled against Evie's lips, happy that she wanted to be kissing him as much as he wanted to be kissing her. The entire moment still felt so surreal to him. He'd spent so much time dreaming of actually kissing Evie that he'd forgotten to think about what he'd do after.

    "Don't worry," he said, smiling at her as he placed his forehead against hers. "You're not." He knew that even a dream couldn't feel as good as he felt in that moment, with Evie so close to him that he could nearly pull her on top of him. All he wanted was to keep kissing her and feel every part of her body, but he also knew that Evie was the only girl for him and he wasn't going to mess things up by trying to move too quickly, no matter how badly he wanted to.
    April 15th, 2015 at 02:46am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    "Then maybe I'll spend some time with you two and kick Liam out," Zayn grinned knowing that would be harder than anyone would think, if Liam had the chance to be around Evie than he knew his mate would take it. "It must be really nice having someone so close to you," He couldn't imagine what it was exactly like to have a twin, he was close with his sisters but they were both older and younger than him.

    He nodded his head in agreement, "Australia looks so nice. But I've always wanted to travel all around Europe and maybe even somewhere like China," He told her even though there were so many places he really wanted to visit.
    Evie smiled as she let her eyes close as her forehead rested against Liam's, she just wanted to concentrate on how he was making her feel. "We should have done this so long ago, but I was scared to tell you. In case you rejected me, I didn't want to lose you." She admitted to him as she had been so stupid, she could have been happy all this time if she just had the nerve to tell him how she felt about him.

    She never wanted to leave his arms, she finally felt completely loved and protected. She had tingles flowing through her body from his touch, "I never want this to stop." She smiled as her eyes slowly opened and gazed into the brown eyes that she had always loved.
    April 15th, 2015 at 05:22am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    "China would be cool too," Jane said with a nod. "Though I don't think either of us know enough Chinese to navigate our way around." That was a scary thought, but also exciting. It was while Jane was thinking that she remembered she had an online homework assignment for one of her literature classes that was completed but not uploaded yet, and was due in less than hour.

    "Oh shit," she said as she noticed the time, before covering her mouth and blushing. "Shit, sorry, I didn't mean to cuss." She squinted her eyes, "Sorry, I did it again." Jane knew it wasn't very ladylike to cuss, but it had slipped out. "I just remembered an assignment I forgot to turn in. It'll only take a few minutes if you don't mind running me back to my house, then we could maybe hang out there?" Jane knew that Liam was there with Evie, and even though Liam probably wouldn't appreciate them interrupting, she knew Zayn would probably enjoy seeing his friend. It's not like they'd be interrupting anything important anyway.
    "Evie, you could never lose me," Liam said, knowing that she didn't understand how honestly he meant that. He would do absolutely anything for his imprint. Anything. And now that he knew Evie had feelings for him too, all he had to do was try his best not to completely mess things up. "I would do anything for you, Ev." He ran his hands through her hair and placed a soft kiss on the top of her forehead. Just holding her in his arms was one of the best feelings in the world - knowing that he could keep her safe and make sure nothing could hurt her.
    April 15th, 2015 at 05:42am