Illusions of the sunlight

  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Zayn shook his head, "No. Of course I can drive you home, that's completely fine." He did understand and he wasn't about to tell her no, make her find her own way back home when she had to submit work for her class. He stood up with her and waited until he could follow her out of the cafe, at least she mentioned that she still wanted to hang out with him which he was happy about. He guided her back to his car and again opened the passenger side door for her, after shutting the door he rushed around to his side and climbed in.

    Turning the engine on before he pulled out and drove Jane back to her home, he was honestly looking forward to spending time with Jane at her place. He didn't need to go out and was more comfortable simply hanging out indoors, he wasn't sure if this was just easier for Jane or if this is what she preferred as well. It wasn't long before he was parking his car and and was following Jane again, this will be the first time being inside her home and he was on his best behavior.
    "I know and you'll never lose me, but you know how I can worry and over think things." Evie promised him and she couldn't wipe the smile from her face, not that she wanted to because she was amazed at how happy being with Liam like this, could make her. She leaned against his body and felt this warmth surround her, "And I'd do anything for you." She assured him happily, "I never want to move." She knew that she'd eventually have to move from his arms, but for right now she wasn't going anywhere.

    However, she did make a noise of slight annoyance when she heard the key being pushed into the front door. Jane was home already and although she loved her twin sister, she was enjoying her time with Liam. But if Jane was home this early, maybe something happened or Zayn messed it up and Jane could need Evie.
    April 15th, 2015 at 11:45am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    "Thank you again for doing this," Jane said, smiling back at Zayn as she opened the front door. She was thankful that he'd been so understanding about the whole situation. She was also nervous/excited to show him her home. She loved the beautiful house her parents owned, but she was also a private person when it came to her own personal bedroom.

    When Jane opened the door, the last thing she expected to see was Liam and Evie cuddling on the sofa, looking like they'd basically been melted together. She knew Liam had been in love with Evie for a long time, but she had no idea that either of them had actually done anything about it, but it appeared that it did. Jane's cheeks turned hot red, embarrassed by what her and Zayn could be interrupting. "Sorry," she said quickly to them, "I just needed to turn in an assignment." She now felt even worse about the whole thing, knowing that if her and Zayn hung out here it would be awkward for everyone, with Liam and Evie being so cuddly and her and Zayn being so... not.
    Liam was content with just holding Evie in his arms for the rest of time, kissing her softly and whispering into her ear. She was so small and sweet; he just wanted to keep her with him forever. He'd waited so long for this moment that he wasn't going to let go of her now. Unless someone just happened to interrupt them. Then he would have to.

    Liam couldn't possibly think of a worse time for Jane to walk through that door. Usually he would only be mildly annoyed, but now it was the worst inconvenience in the world. All he wanted was to be able to sit with Evie and hold for a little bit longer. He let out an exasperated sigh into Evie's hair, knowing that Evie would probably leave him for at least a few minutes to tend to Jane. He hoped that Jane would have mercy on him and not take Evie from him long.
    April 16th, 2015 at 03:41am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    "It's no problem at all, this house is amazing." Zayn was too busy to be looking around the really nice house, no wonder Jane preferred to stay at home. He would to if he lived in a house like this, although with that thought he hoped her parents weren't home. He really didn't want to meet them right now without being prepared, he wanted to make a great impression on them when the time was right to actually meet them. He let her go to wherever her computer was, which is when he walked further into the house and his eyes landed on Liam and Evie.

    He hadn't been expecting to see them cuddling, especially after hearing how Liam thought Evie would never return the feelings he held for her. He couldn't help but grin as he sat down on a comfortable armchair, he watched as Evie quickly followed her twin sister and Zayn turned his attention onto his friend. "It's about time that happened," He looked at his friend and he was so happy that Liam finally had his imprint, he really did deserve it.
    Evie smiled when she noticed how red Jane's cheeks were after seeing how close she was to Liam, although she didn't mind them coming home although she did hear Liam's exasperated sigh. "I'll be right back," She told him as she pressed a quick kiss to his lips before she climbed out of his arms, once she was standing all she wanted to do was wrap herself back in his arms. Instead she followed her sister into her room and she sat on her bed, while Jane sat at her desk.

    "I did it, Jane. I told Liam how I felt and he kissed me, I can't believe it." Evie was on cloud nine and she never wanted to get off, a dreamy smile appeared across her face as she couldn't stop thinking about Liam. Thinking about having his lips against her's and his arms around her body, she did know that Jane wasn't as interested in talking about things like this but Evie had to tell someone.
    April 17th, 2015 at 01:32am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    Jane sat at her computer desk, listening to her sister speak while she turned in her assignment before turning back to her sister. Evie had the happiest smile on her face. Jane always knew that her and Liam were meant to be together. "Took you long enough," Jane said with a laugh, leaning back in her chair as she admired the dreamy smile on her sister's face. She wasn't sure she would ever get that same feeling, but she hoped that she would.
    "Oh, shut it," Liam said with a smirk as he leaned back against the sofa, still unable to process the fact that Evie had actually kissed him. It was, hands down, the best moment of his life. He was already ready for Evie to be back downstairs. "What about you? It looks like you're still taking things slow." Liam couldn't blame him, though. He knew what it was like to not want to mess things up so badly that you didn't do anything at all.
    April 17th, 2015 at 01:45am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    Jane sat at her computer desk, listening to her sister speak while she turned in her assignment before turning back to her sister. Evie had the happiest smile on her face. Jane always knew that her and Liam were meant to be together. "Took you long enough," Jane said with a laugh, leaning back in her chair as she admired the dreamy smile on her sister's face. She wasn't sure she would ever get that same feeling, but she hoped that she would.
    "Oh, shut it," Liam said with a smirk as he leaned back against the sofa, still unable to process the fact that Evie had actually kissed him. It was, hands down, the best moment of his life. He was already ready for Evie to be back downstairs. "What about you? It looks like you're still taking things slow." Liam couldn't blame him, though. He knew what it was like to not want to mess things up so badly that you didn't do anything at all.
    April 17th, 2015 at 01:46am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Zayn chuckled softly to himself, "I am taking things slow. I don't want to rush anything and have Jane want nothing to do with me, even though it's a struggle to go one day without seeing her or hearing her voice. I really don't know how you did it for so long, not telling Evie." He looked at his friend, he really hoped that he wouldn't have to go as long with just being friends with Jane. Although he would if he knew that's what Jane wanted or if that's what she was comfortable with, he wouldn't do anything to mess this up because she meant more to him than anything else already.
    Evie smiled at her sister, "I know, okay. But I was scared, I didn't want him to reject me." She told her before a dreamy sigh escaped through her lips, "What about you and Zayn? I hope you two are still going to continue this date," She didn't care what Jane said, Evie thought it was a date and she would continue to say it. She did just want her sister to be happy, as happy as she was right now and Zayn could be the cause of Jane's happiness. "You two are more than welcome to hang out here, but if he doesn't ask you out on another date then I'm having a word with him." She told her sister.
    April 18th, 2015 at 01:10am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    "Oh, please. Anyone can tell that boy is madly in love with you." Jane always that it was obvious to anyone; you didn't even have to know Liam to tell that he was mad for Evie. It was clear from the way he looked at her that he was infatuated. "I already told you, it's not a date," Jane said, glaring at her sister while she crossed her arms over her chest, "and if you say anything to him, you're dead," Jane said with a laugh, knowing that Evie probably wasn't lying. Her sister wasn't anything if not a little overprotective at times. She was a lot like Liam in that way.
    "I probably had it easier than you," Liam said with a shrug. "It sucked. A lot. But at least I could still hang out with her regularly without seeming weird. Although it was impossible not to just jump her at times." Liam remembered how much his hormones mixed with his wolf senses sometimes made it difficult to control himself around Evie. Liam knew that Zayn had a lot of bullshit to look forward to in the future. "Water helps, by the way. It's hard to want to jump her when you're dying to take a piss." Liam enjoyed most things about being a werewolf, but having a hard time controlling himself around Evie was not one of them. He hoped that being able to kiss her whenever he wanted would make things easier, but he wasn't convinced.
    April 18th, 2015 at 01:34am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Hearing what his mate went through, Zayn wasn't looking forward to dealing with his imprint being around him. He didn't want to go through what Liam was telling him, he already had to control himself from flat out kissing Jane every time that he saw her. "Great, so I'll be constantly needing to take a piss then. I already have to hold myself back, Jane has no idea." He would do anything for Jane, so if he had to control himself than he would. It would take some time but he'd deal with the hormones that were raging through his body, Jane was the most important person in his life now and he wouldn't let himself ruin things with her. "No one tells you about this part of finding your imprint," He murmured as no one had told him about this, all he was told was how amazing it was to know who your imprint was.
    Evie simply rolled her eyes at her sister, "I want you to be happy. No guy has gotten you out of the house in a very long time, he seems perfect for you and you won't kill me." She looked at Jane and smiled, "You have to somewhat like Zayn. Otherwise you would have rejected him when he asked you to hang out with him today," She stated as she could be rather stubborn, mainly when it came to her family and close friends. She could have talked non-stop about Liam but Evie wanted to focus on Jane for a little bit, she knew better than to try and set anything up between Jane and Zayn. She had tried it before but it always backfired in her face, although she there were times when she had to focus herself not to do anything with her twin's love life.
    April 18th, 2015 at 04:11am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    "Well, I had consider saying no, but I wanted to give you and Liam some time to be alone," Jane lied, knowing full well the thought had never crossed her mind, but she hadn't even admitted to herself that she had feelings for Zayn, so she sure as hell wasn't going to admit to Evie. "I figure I'll have to have someone to hang out with now that you and Liam are going to be glued to one another's hips."

    Jane was more than happy that her sister finally had the guy of her dreams, but she definitely wasn't going to stop teasing Evie about it. It was just too easy not to, and she was sure that she wasn't wrong about it anyway. From the looks of what she and Zayn had walked into earlier, it appeared Liam and Evie were already getting pretty close.
    "Trust me, I feel your pain. And it's only going to get worse," Liam said, making sure to keep his voice low enough that Evie wouldn't hear him if she started coming back downstairs. "When there's a full moon coming around, I can't be within a mile of Evie or a start to lose it."

    Liam had quickly learned that the power of the moon added even more conflicts to the whole situation, and it was best to avoid Evie as much as he could in the days leading up to and after a full moon. Liam was happy that his friend had found his mate, but Zayn really had no idea what he was getting himself into.
    April 18th, 2015 at 04:44am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Zayn leaned his head back and let out a small groan of annoyance, yes he'd do anything for Jane but he really wasn't looking forward to going through all of this. He wouldn't even be able to tell Jane because he didn't want to scare her away, "That's just great. But I guess it's all worth it in the end, right?" He looked over at his friend and suddenly wondered what was taking the twins so long, they were most likely having a girly chat so he wouldn't interrupt them.

    He wasn't looking forward to the full moon, he already felt the pull and the need to just be around Jane. If it was going to be worse during the full moon, he'd really have to take notice of the moon and plan out excuses in case she did want to see him.
    Evie did feel a little bad that Jane felt like she needed to leave because Liam was coming over, "You don't have to leave because of us. But you also haven't told me that going out with Zayn was horrible, so I'm assuming that you at least enjoyed yourself a little bit." She looked at her sister and gave her a smile, "We won't be glued at the hip." She said but she really didn't know, there were plenty of times when she was glued to Liam and they were still just friends so she could only imagine what they'd be like now.

    "We should head back down, maybe we could watch some movies or something." She suggested before Jane could start teasing her like she has done before, she also just wanted to see Liam again and be back in his protective arms.
    April 18th, 2015 at 05:42am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    "Of course, I'm sure Liam is already waiting for you down there anyway," Jane said with a smirk before standing up from her chair and heading downstairs. She was hoping that Zayn would be okay with them all watching a movie together without it being too awkward, since apparently Liam and Evie were now somewhat of a couple. She just hoped that he wouldn't feel uncomfortable, especially if Liam and Evie were planning on being close. She had spent a very long time being a third wheel to Liam and Evie, but never with a guy and never with a guy like Zayn.

    As she hopped down the stairs, she spotted the boys sitting on the sofa, apparently chatting about something serious from the look on Liam's face. He did notice how Liam lit up whenever he saw Evie, as if Jane and Zayn weren't there at all. Jane sat down on the sofa across from Zayn, "I'm sorry. I hope I didn't take too long."
    "More than worth it," Liam said to Zayn as he watched Evie come to the stairs. He always noticed how beautiful she was, but she seemed even more beautiful now than she was before. He sincerely hoped that Zayn and Jane would be leaving so he could spend some time alone with Evie, which was probably something he should have suggested to Zayn so he could find a way to get Zayn out of there. It didn't seem like that was going to happen though, so Liam would just have to settle for cuddling on the sofa. It paled in comparison to kissing her, but he thought maybe he could sneak in a kiss or two when no one was looking.
    April 18th, 2015 at 05:53am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Zayn shook his head, "You didn't take that long. It's fine," He assured her as he watched her take a seat, it seemed like they were going to be staying. Which he didn't mind at all but he knew that Liam would have preferred to stay time alone with Evie. When Evie mentioned that they watch a movie, he was all for it. The twins seemed to have similar interests as him when it came to movies, so he let them pick one out for them all to watch. He made himself comfortable on the couch that he was sitting on, and crossed his ankles as he stretched his legs out in front of him. He usually always did this when he didn't have plans or if he didn't feel like doing art, he did have a rather large collection of movies at his place so this was right at home for him.
    Evie blushes as she left Jane's bedroom, she followed her sister downstairs and was right back on the sofa with Liam. She grabbed the remote control before making her way back into his arms, "We could watch an Avengers movie or Batman or Spider Man." She suggested knowing that Liam loved Batman, although they had watched all the Batman movies a fair few times. She personally loved the Avengers, mainly Captain America and Thor but she did settle on Spider Man as she hadn't actually watched the newer version of it yet.

    She turned the television on and flicked through until she found Spider Man and pressed the play button, she settled down on the couch and leaned into Liam's body. She did want to be alone with him, but it was too late for that now and it was nice having Jane and Zayn there. She didn't want to be too cuddly with Liam in case it made the other two uncomfortable, but she couldn't keep her hands off of Liam. She did cuddle into him but as the movie begun to play, no one should pay any attention to them.
    April 18th, 2015 at 11:13am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    As Jane expected, Liam and Evie were getting comfy on the other sofa, as close to one another as possible, while Jane and Zayn sat with a bit of space between them. She shifted a little in her seat, hoping Zayn either didn't notice Liam and Evie or didn't mind it. She still wasn't sure if she was supposed to sit closer to Zayn, talk to him or just simply watch the movie.
    Liam was enjoying sitting on the sofa with Evie in his arms as he watched Andrew Garfield be a badass. As he always could, he could smell the vanilla scent of Evie's shampoo as he rested his chin on the top of her head. He ran his fingers gently through her hair before tucking the spare pieces behind her ear. Liam smiled as he placed his lips against the shell of her ear and whispered, "you look beautiful."
    April 18th, 2015 at 04:47pm
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Zayn didn't really care what Liam and Evie did, he'd be doing the same thing if he was with Jane. He wouldn't be able to keep his hands off her, so he knew why Liam had cuddled up with his mate. He just hoped that it didn't bother Jane, "If those two bother you, we can do something else." He suggested in a quiet voice, he didn't want to be that person who talks through a movie when others are trying to watch it.
    Evie smiled as she heard Liam's whisper, she really could get used to this. "Thank you," She whispered back to him, even though she didn't think she was that beautiful. She hadn't really put that much effort into how she looked that day, but the compliment still caused her cheeks to turn pink with a blush. She moved his fingertips over his forearm as she gently drew different patterns on his warm skin, "This is really nice." She whispered to him as she could relax now and not worry about studying.
    April 19th, 2015 at 01:04am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    "No, it's fine if it's okay with you," Jane said as she took a quick look in Evie's direction before turning back to Zayn. She imagined it must be nice to be Evie in that moment, now that the Stars had all aligned for her. Jane hated to admit it, but she knew she was jealous that Evie had found someone and she was still stuck just doing her art.
    "It is, isn't it?" Liam said with a smile, admiring the way Evie's warm body felt against his. He knew he was naturally warmer than most humans, but Evie still felt so nice in his arms. He could have stayed like that forever, if only they were alone. A part of Liam did wonder if it was better that there were people with them, as it made it easier for him to control himself.
    April 19th, 2015 at 05:07am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Zayn shook his head quickly, "It's fine with me. I just didn't want you to be uncomfortable," He told her softly as he looked at her, she was so beautiful and he couldn't help but admire her. She was the most beautiful girl that he had ever seen, he bet that she didn't even know how gorgeous she was. But before he started to stare at her, he turned his head back to face the television screen so he could focus on the movie. He'd be fine with whatever he was doing, as long as Jane was there with him.
    Evie smiled as she tried her hardest to watch the movie, but she was way more interested in Liam. She shifted slightly on the sofa and pressed the tip of her nose to Liam's cheek, she smiled at how his facial hair tickled her skin. "I want to do this everyday, all day long." She smiled as she pressed her lips to his cheek for a sneaky little kiss, she really didn't want Jane or Zayn to be uncomfortable but she really couldn't keep herself away from Liam.
    April 19th, 2015 at 06:43am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    Jane smiled at Zayn, thinking as long as Evie and Liam kept their clothes on, they'd be okay. She'd be happy to just sit and watch the movie as she didn't have as much pressure on herself to try to impress Zayn when there were other things going on to hold his attention. She didn't have to try as hard to seem interesting or not say something stupid to embarrass herself.
    Liam smiled at the feeling of Evie's lips on his cheek, continuing to run his fingers through her soft hair. He certainly agreed with her; he could stay like that forever. Liam wasn't paying any attention to the movie. He couldn't careless what sort of issues Peter Parker was dealing with. He could only focus on Evie. He just wanted to do whatever he could to make her happy and protect her. Though he knew Evie well, he'd still have to figure out what she wanted in a relationship.
    April 19th, 2015 at 07:51pm
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Zayn didn't fully know how Jane felt, she could just say that she was fine staying there with their friends when she really wasn't. But he was glad to have a break from trying to impress her, he wasn't sure if he had even impressed her or not but he hoped that he had. She was his mate and he wanted her to actually want to be with him, he was scared of getting rejected by her which is why he was taking things so slowly. She also made him nervous which didn't help anything, so he watched the movie that was playing although his mind was filled with Jane.
    Evie couldn't help but relax against Liam's body as he ran his fingers through her dark hair, she wasn't interested in the movie any longer. She rested her head against his shoulder as she curled up by his side, she brought her knees closer to her body. She reached over to take his free hand, she gently moved his hand to rest on her knee so she could aimlessly play with his fingers while she attempted to watch the movie.
    April 20th, 2015 at 05:36am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    Jane was still trying not to be distracted by Zayn and actually pay attention to the movie when the power suddenly went off, completely shutting down the movie and lights. It wasn't completely dark, but the shut off startled Jane nonetheless, especially since she didn't know what had caused it, though chances were it was just a rolling blackout due to some shortage. She looked over at her sister, before looking towards Zayn.
    Liam just wanted to kiss Evie again and again, but he knew she'd have nothing of it with Zayn and Jane so close to them. He thought about sneaking just one more kiss as he ran his fingers lazily along her soft skin. As Liam was focusing his attention of Evie, the lights turned off with a pop, but Liam's senses still allowed him to see perfectly. His first reaction was to protect Evie, and he immediately pulled her closer to him.
    April 30th, 2015 at 06:24am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Zayn hadn't expected the power to go out, but he wasn't shocked by it as his wolf eyes instantly adjusted to the difference in light. He sensed that Jane had been a little startled by the power failure, so he took a huge chance and placed his warm hand over Jane's to somewhat comfort her. "Well, so much for watching that movie. Lucky you submitted your assignment already," Zayn commented as he gave Jane's hand a gentle squeeze, he wanted to protect her but he couldn't really wrap her up in his arms. At least not yet anyways, that would just make everything awkward which he never wanted.
    Evie glanced around when the power suddenly went out, she smiled feeling Liam pull her closer to him. "This sucks, maybe someone should go check the power box." She suggested and didn't offer, she wouldn't have a clue what she was looking at or what switches needed to be turned on. She looked over at her sister and only barely caught Zayn holding Jane's hand, a wide smile formed on Evie's face as she looked at Liam. "Now what will we do?" She asked as they could find something to do at home, or go out and hope other places still have power.
    April 30th, 2015 at 07:53am