Make a Move

  • Laxus laughed and said, "Thanks." He sat down, but decided to wait for her. He blinked feeling her throw a shirt at him. Slipping it on,
    He chuckled and said, "Thanks." It was one of his older t-shirts. Didn't matter much to him. "Come on, food then bed." He declared with a laugh as he dug into her food. He loved her cooking. Always had. Always would.

    Karasu raised an eyebrow and said, "Because I don't own a pair of pants." She replied. She had grown up thinking women shouldn't wear pants. At least, she shouldn't. She shook her head figuring she should get over that. She sighed hearing them and said, "Yeah yeah." She hummed softly smiling at the villagers sadly.

    @ Death The Angel
    June 23rd, 2014 at 02:30pm
  • "Yes mother~" Kimi teased as she sat down and they begun eating, she glanced up every so often happy that Laxus was enjoying her meals. Once they were done Kimi did the dishes and cleaning up some more before using the bathroom and then collapsing onto Laxus' bed, refusing to move over as she said "make me," with a giggle when he tried to hop into bed with her.
    Once the villagers had left them alone Gajeel turned to Karasu and Lily "The way I see it, we have two options, we stay here for another night, since it's close to evening now or we head back home now and have to do a night ride on the.... train" the thought made him want to hurl.
    June 23rd, 2014 at 03:54pm
  • Laxus chuckled. He ate all the food she gave him before standing up. He yawned softly running a hand through his hair. He did the dishes letting her go get ready. He yawned again getting done. He shed his shut leaving it here he knew he'd find it in the morning. He saw her and went to move her over but she wouldn't move. He grinned and picked her up in his arms and rolled onto the bed keeping her close. He yawns and said, "Goodnight."

    Karasu chuckled and said, "I'll save you te trouble of it and say tomorrow." She laughed. She ran a hand through his short white hair and smiled. She yawns softly and headed towards the inn tiredly. She rubbed at her eyes and said, "sleep.." She looked like a zombie.

    @ Death The Angel
    June 23rd, 2014 at 08:53pm
  • Kimi snuggled in close to Laxus, using his chest as a pillow as she fell asleep in content, she tossed and turned in her sleep seeing Ivan impale her over and over again in her nightmares, she woke up whimpering and searched the room, sighing in relief when she didn't see anything out of the ordinary. She laid back down and hummed a softly lullaby to soothe herself back to sleep, this time she didn't wake until morning.
    Gajeel followed after Karasu with a chuckle, it had been a long day after all so he couldn't blame her for being so tired. He helped her to their room seeing her in a zombie like state, He let her use the bathroom first before using it himself and heading to bed as well.
    June 24th, 2014 at 02:42pm
  • Laxus smiles stroking her hair as they both soon fell asleep. He felt her toss and turn in his arms and woke up and stroked her hair very softly and kissed her head and held her close until she had fallen asleep. He fell back asleep as well and had his forehead on hers when he woke up in the morning. He didn't seem as grumpy when he was like that.

    Karasu took her shower dressing again before falling into bed. She curled into a ball falling asleep rather quickly. She felt him get into bed and shivered lightly curling up closely by him. She buried her face in his chest her small body close to his own body.

    @ Death The Angel
    June 24th, 2014 at 08:17pm
  • (Gah! This is like the fifth time I've tried to reply to our role-plays but have ended up getting pulled away from the computer!)

    Kimi yawned, when she woke up she blinked, rubbing her tired eyes, "I'm sorry for waking you during the night," Kimi murmured as she slipped out of bed and padded to the shower, having one she got out and continued with her morning routine before turning to Laxus "what should we do today?" she asked curiously.
    When Gajeel woke it was early morning, getting up he shook Karasu awake and Lily soon woke up as well. They went about packing up before signing out at the inn and to Gajeel's horror they boarded the train and Gajeel ended up fainting again not long after. When he came too they had arrived at Magnolia and he fled the train, thanking the gods above that he was on stable land.
    June 27th, 2014 at 12:08pm
  • Damn! It'll get less busy hopefully!)

    Laxus shrugged and said, "I wake up seven times a night usually." He told her. "Doesn't bother me. Besides I'd rather help you than be asleep." He smiled. He watched her get up and yawned as he stood. He grabbed his shirt and slipped it on. He chuckled and said, "I don't know. Maybe breakfast will help us brainstorm." He chuckled and turned to the stove to cook.

    Karasu yawned. She had been sleeping like a log. She dressed and got ready. She yawned as she ran a hand through her hair. She comforted Gajeel in the train. She got off the train once there and asked, "You okay?" She offered him a gentle smile.

    @ Death The Angel
    June 27th, 2014 at 08:25pm
  • Kimi smiled and nodded her head as she leant over Laxus, watching him cook, it amused her to see him doing a housewife chore, she'd never admit it but she loved to see Laxus doing things like these. She let him continue as she went to go set the table and once he was done she helped him plate the food as they took a seat and begun to eat. "Yummy," Kimi stated, digging in.
    Gajeel nodded his head as he slowly recovered, once he was able to work he made his way back to Fairy Tail, they had to tell Mira-Jane that the mission had been a success and they were safe and sound back in Magnolia. When they entered the guild Gajeel told Mira-Jane and she smiled at the group, congratulating them on a job well done.
    July 1st, 2014 at 09:55am
  • Laxus chuckled as she leaned over him and watched him cook. He liked cooking sometimes, but very rarely did he do so. He asked, "What to do after this meal?" He questioned. He ate his good Inbetween conversation. He yawned softly and then took a sip of his drink as he continued to eat. He finished up and went to go clean his plate.

    Karasu smiled at Mirajane. She then murmured, "I'll be back. I'm going home." She said as she bid them farewell. She went home and cleaned up before heading back to the guild. She looked around as she did so. She took the long way around, going through the alleys. She heard something and glanced back to see what it was. She frowned not seeing anything. She continues on.

    @ Death The Angel
    July 1st, 2014 at 06:45pm
  • During the meal Kimi nodded her head in approvement as she ate her food, thinking about what to do "I should probably give you some space to spend some time with the Thunder Legion," Kimi thought, finishing her meal and helping Laxus with their dishes, "besides Erza will probably want to catch up and have a girls day," Kimi mused as she placed her shoes on, "I'll catch up with you at the guild later tonight," she pecked Laxus on the lips before leaving the door.
    Gajeel nodded his head at Karasu and had bid her a quick "keep safe". After dealing with Mira he sat at the bar for awhile, drinking a beer and talking about the mission with Lily and also about Karasu "You like her," Lily grinned widely. Gajeel blushed before scoffing and muttering his denial "She's interesting," was his only comment on the matter for now.
    July 6th, 2014 at 12:00pm
  • Laxus yawned and said, "Freed and Bixlow really don't have an issue with you. It's only Ever." He sighed. He watched as she ate. He propped his hands behind his head as he watched. He chuckled and said, "Probably so." He mused softly. "Just keep bandaging your wound is all I ask." He told her. She so much shorter than him. He smiled at the thought. He pecked her lips back waving. He got his stuff together before heading out to find them.

    Karasu heard something else and saw it was just a bunch of drunks, so she calmed down. She realized soon enough that they were wizards as well. They didn't look like good ones. She kept her distance away keeping her head down. She felt someone or something grab her arm and winced in pain. She pulled back and mumbled out, "Don't touch me." She frowned at them. She backed up. She tried to use her power and realized she couldn't. One could deflate magic ? (Forgot what it's called so I'm using deflate lmfao ) She felt herself grabbed again. She pulled away, wrenching her arm from their grasp. She turned around and started to run. They were much faster. "Hey baby!" They grinned. She gasped and wished she didn't have so short of legs. She wasn't that strong with body strength either. She calmed down and kicked one in their stomach before trying to run again. It was useless however.

    @ Death The Angel
    July 6th, 2014 at 06:49pm
  • "I wouldn't have a problem with Evergreen if she knew her boundaries," Kimi mumbled. She found Erza soon enough and they went to the flower field outside of Magnolia. Having a picnic, training and catching up. Toward the late evening Kimi had made both herself and Erza flower crowns and they were laughing as they made their way back. Parting ways Kimi went back to Laxus', opening the door with her spare key and stepping in. "I'm home!" She called.
    Gajeel wondered what was taking Karasu so long, he had finished his meal, caught up with Juvia. He could feel a sinking feeling in his gut and he stood up with a frown tugging his lips. He made his way out of the guild and begun wondering around. Whenever he had a gut feeling it was usually always right thanks to his Dragon Slayer abilities.
    July 12th, 2014 at 02:14pm
  • Laxus nodded in agreement. "True." He told her. "I'll see you soon." Not long after that did he actually head home. Evergreen had started to say something about Kimi and he had given her the stank eye. She had wanted to know what was so special about Kimi and why she seemed to be always hanging around. Ever tried to make him think that she was useless and at that point he had had to leave. He heard her come in and said, "Hey."

    Karasu gasped and tried to get free her crystals useless against this. She had to stop and think. Get the person who was making her magic not work. She looked for him. She couldn't see which one was doing it. They were probably doing it from above. She wrenched free from one guy once more. She tripped him and then squeaked when she was picked up by another guy. She gasped as she was thrown to the ground and then pinned to a wall. She looked up and frowned before kneeing him in the crotch. She was too small. This was not going to work in her favor.

    @ Death The Angel
    July 12th, 2014 at 07:08pm
  • Laxus nodded in agreement. "True." He told her. "I'll see you soon." Not long after that did he actually head home. Evergreen had started to say something about Kimi and he had given her the stank eye. She had wanted to know what was so special about Kimi and why she seemed to be always hanging around. Ever tried to make him think that she was useless and at that point he had had to leave. He heard her come in and said, "Hey."

    Karasu gasped and tried to get free her crystals useless against this. She had to stop and think. Get the person who was making her magic not work. She looked for him. She couldn't see which one was doing it. They were probably doing it from above. She wrenched free from one guy once more. She tripped him and then squeaked when she was picked up by another guy. She gasped as she was thrown to the ground and then pinned to a wall. She looked up and frowned before kneeing him in the crotch. She was too small. This was not going to work in her favor.

    @ Death The Angel
    July 12th, 2014 at 07:08pm
  • Kimi blinked, she tilted her head to the side slightly, "You're back early, everything okay?" Kimi hummed as she set her stuff down and pecked Laxus on the lips before heading over to the kitchen and getting a drink of water. Kimi closed her eyes and breathed deeply, she felt good and her training had been a good work out. Turning to Laxus she gave a small grin. "I had a good day today, yours?" she asked, wondering why he seemed to look slightly put off.
    Gajeel picked up on Karasu's scent and begun following it, leaving Lily behind at the guild as he traced Karasu's steps, suddenly he could smell other scents that seemed to be following her and the knot in his stomach tightened. He didn't know why he was so worried, after all she could handle herself...right? He heard a squeak and finally rounded the corner to see Karasu surrounded by men and he growled, using his iron fists to get to her side.
    July 27th, 2014 at 01:51am
  • Laxus nodded and so as, "Yeah. It's fine." He murmured. He sat down and sighed leaning back against the couch comfortable. He heard her and sake, "I'm glad you had a good day. Mine was...alright" he said softly. He closed his eyes and said, "Evergreen started talking about you so I gave her a pretty mean look and left." He explained. "If I stayed I would've hurt her." He muttered softly. He sighed and felt like he needed a hug. He never said when he did though. He closed his eyes lightly.

    Karasu wasn't exactly strong in muscle. She was very small and very fast though. She looked up relieved when Gajeel arrived. "They can make your magic disappear. And I'm not exactly strong suited with fighting skills.." She mumbled explaining the situation. She had blood on her lip from where one of them had tries to grab her. She had bruises littering her wrists and arms. Looking up at Gajeel she mumbled, "I'm sorry." She bit her lip lightly.

    @ Death The Angel
    July 27th, 2014 at 02:26am
  • Kimi sighed, she supposed that her and Evergreen needed to sit down and have a talk, the fighting was getting ridiculous and it was affecting Laxus pretty bad. Without saying a word Kimi sat down on Laxus' lap and wrapped her arms around his neck, nuzzle into his neck and giving him a cuddle. After awhile Kimi's gripped loosened and she bit her lip. "Have you eaten yet?" she asked, getting up and rubbing her sore muscles.
    Gajeel's eyes narrowed, so they have negating magic, this was going to be a tough fight but he wasn't going to lose. Not in front of Karasu and not with her in danger. "You want a fight geehee, I'll give you one." without hesitating he yelled "iron dragon roar" and blasted the enemies with his dragon slayer magic, throwing them back a good few metres to put more distance between themselves and the enemy.
    August 9th, 2014 at 05:45am
  • Laxus just didn't want them fighting. Because Evergreen knew. Everyone knew, that he would always pick Kimi. He knew it too, whether he wanted to or not. Feeling her crawl onto his lap, he wrapped his arms securely around her and buried his face in her shoulder and sighed softly and relaxed. He nodded and said, "Yeah, Mira fed us." He replied and gave her a smile.

    Karasu frowned softly and said, "I can't exactly fight hand to hand when the people are several feet taller than me and bigger than me." She told him. She sighed hearing him shaking her head knowing he was going to fight anyways. She watched as he did so, and blinked when Lily changed and got in front of her and felt a small smile go onto her face knowing they cared about her.

    @ Death The Angel
    August 11th, 2014 at 05:32pm
  • @ FlyAway;

    (I have to restart because my phone refreshed the browser sigh -.- let's try this again!)

    "That's good," Kimi smiled, she was still full from her picnic with Erza so she didn't need to having anything. "Tomorrow I'll talk to Evergreen and see if we can put our differences aside," she stated, tiredly, only choosing to do this for Laxus. Getting up from Laxus' lap Kimi went off to have a shower, flexing her sore muscles before finishing her shower, hopping out and getting dressed for bed. She settled down and waited for Laxus.
    When Gajeel had finished fighting the enemies he let out a smirk, "to easy," he exclaimed, giving the fallen bad guys a once over before turning to Karasu and making sure she wasn't hurt. Satisfied he begun to leave and Lily motioned for Karasu to fellow them, waiting for her to accompany them back.
    October 22nd, 2014 at 11:55pm
  • Omg my phone HATES Mibba. Like really)

    Laxus smiled back and nodded, "No cooking for you." HJe told her and chuckled. He nodded and said, "No matter if you didn't, she knows, and I know, and you should know, that I would pick you." He murmured and pressed a kiss to her head. He yawned and watched her go get into a shower. He stretched and changed before getting into bed with her.

    Karasu watched and saw the smirk blinking. She frowned and then saw Lilly and let him get into her arms and hugged him as she walked after Gajeel. Watched him, she just hugged Lily as she followed not knowing where they were going. She tilted her head as she began to think.

    @ Death The Angel
    October 23rd, 2014 at 12:07am