up all night.

  • edgar allan no.

    edgar allan no. (100)

    United States
    Liam looked down at her, pausing for a second before he lead her into the suite, following everyone else. "It depends on how much I drink, I guess," he said, smirking faintly. "Unless you're game for some trouble. Then I could almost guarantee that we could find some trouble to get into," he said. He motioned around the room, offering her a small smile. "So this is it. Well, this isn't my room. It's Niall, Zayn, and Louis," he said, laughing softly.
    Jordan looked up at him, rolling her eyes. "It deals with me. It's kind of my business," she said, following him into the suite. She glanced around, surprised at how nice it looked. Their rooms were nowhere near this nice. Then again, they weren't as big as One Direction. "I want... For you to stay with me." The words came out quickly and without thought, but she stood there, a sheepish grin on her face as her cheeks flushed.
    June 12th, 2014 at 02:11am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    "I would love to get into some trouble," Paola said with a smile. She had to admit she was excited about the prospect of what this night had to offer. It was going to be one to remember, of that she was certain. "This is very nice," she said to Liam as she looked around the room, though she wondered if she'd get a chance to see what Liam's room looked like. "When are they going to start drinking?"
    Niall smiled at her as he walked to the drink cabinet, pulling out a bottle of hard vodka. He twisted off the top and grabbed two shot glasses, pouring up one for him and one for Jordan. Passing her cup to her, he raised his in the air for a cheer. "It looks like this is going to be a win-win situation then."
    June 12th, 2014 at 02:19am
  • edgar allan no.

    edgar allan no. (100)

    United States
    Liam tilted his head as he looked down at her, nodding slowly. "Yeah?" He questioned, feeling excitement course through him. "Probably soon?" He asked, glancing over to Niall and Jordan. "You want a drink?" He asked, heading over to the mini fridge. "It's pretty stocked and if it doesn't have what you want, we can order from room service?" He questioned, opening it up.
    Jordan grinned as she watched him, her gaze slipping over his figure as he got out the vodka. She looked away as he poured, not wanting to get caught staring. "Thanks," she said, taking the glass from him. "Looks like it," she replied, raising her glass in the air and clinking it against his before she brought it to her lips, downing it in seconds.
    June 12th, 2014 at 02:46am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    "I'll take whatever you're having," Paola said with a smile. She'd never really been a picky drinker, and she wasn't going to make Liam go out of his way to fix her something fancy. Really, she was just ready to get the night started and spend some more time with Liam, just happy to be around him.
    As soon as they'd finish taking their drinks, Niall had two more poured up. "We'll take these two and then we can slow down a bit, yeah?" He knew no matter how high of a tolerance the two of them had, drinking that many drinks in a row would just make them vomit. He passed Jordan a shot before taking his for himself.
    June 12th, 2014 at 03:03am
  • edgar allan no.

    edgar allan no. (100)

    United States
    Liam nodded, looking through the refrigerator before settling on the vodka that Niall had already gotten out, and two bottles of beer. "Not sure what you wanted to start with, beer or vodka," he said, setting the cold glass bottles onto the counter before looking over at her with a grin. "I'm game for whatever you want to do, really," he said with a shrug, wanting her to decide.
    Jordan nodded her head, feeling the first shot start to work. It didn't do much, just making her feel a bit warmed and relaxed. She took the glass from him, drinking it quickly before she set it back on the counter, looking up at him with a grin. "So now what?" She asked, looking up at him with a grin. After the two shots she was feeling much more relaxed and happy, stepping a bit closer to him.
    June 12th, 2014 at 03:48am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    "Vodka, definitely," Paola said with a smile, nodding her head towards the hard stuff. If they were going to drink, they needed to make it worth their while. None of that pansy beer or fruity drinks. She wanted to see where the night with Liam was going to take her, and she thought vodka would definitely help that along, though she planned on drinking just enough that she'd still remember the night.
    "Now we do whatever you want, Jordan. You are the guest, after all." Niall looked around the suite, where everyone was scattered between the living room portion and the kitchen portion, and he counted the guys' heads to make sure none of them had tried to sneak into their bedrooms in the back. "We could play a game or just keep drinking or I could show you my room."
    June 12th, 2014 at 03:55am
  • edgar allan no.

    edgar allan no. (100)

    United States
    "Good," Liam said, reaching up into the cupboard and grabbing two clean shot glasses. He poured the vodka into the glasses, glancing over to her every so often. He wasn't sure what was going to happen, but he wanted to see where this was going to go. He held out the glass to her, downing his own in mere seconds.
    Jordan looked up at him, smirking faintly. "You're going to have to get a couple more drinks in me before you show me your room, Horan," she said, letting her foot knock against his lightly. "Because we still have a bet to win before anyone is taken to anyone's room," she added, grinning lazily. She could feel the shots in full force, the heady buzz filling up her head.
    June 12th, 2014 at 04:55am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    Paola took the drink from Liam's hand and drank it as quickly as it could, though it was probably the most awful thing she'd tasted in her life. She pulled back with a grimace and smiled at Liam. "That was horrible," she said, laughing, "why didn't you tell me that was horrible?" If that was what she was going to have to drink to get drunk with Liam, it was going to be a long night.
    "Funnily enough, I think you're the only girl that's ever said," Niall said with a laugh before leaning forward so he could whisper in Jordan's ear, letting his warm breath fall against her skin. "Most girls beg me to take them to my room." He pulled back slowly, an evident smirk on his face.
    June 12th, 2014 at 04:05pm
  • edgar allan no.

    edgar allan no. (100)

    United States
    Liam laughed when she grimaced, shaking his head at her playfully. "There's other stuff in the fridge if you want to look," he suggested, motioning towards the refrigerator. "What do you usually drink?" He asked her, pouring himself another shot. He took it, the taste going down fast as he watched her, setting the shot glass on the counter as he waited for her answer.
    Jordan rolled her eyes at him, acting as though his closeness wasn't flustering her in the slightest. "They do?" She questioned, stepping closer to him, smirking faintly. She stood up on her toes, her hands against his chest to balance herself as she whispered in his ear. "I'm not going to the one begging tonight." She pulled away, letting her hands fall to her sides as she looked up at him.
    June 12th, 2014 at 10:02pm
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    "Well," Paola said, watching as Liam downed another shot with ease. "I guess it depends on how drunk we want to get." If they just wanted to get a little tipsy, she usually just mixed something with koolaid and sipped on that. But, if they wanted to get shit faced drunk, she was going to need something much harder than that.
    Niall smirked at her, raising up his eyebrows before he poured them each another shot. "I think you need another drink," he said, passing her the shot glass. "You're not drunk enough yet." Drunk enough for what he didn't know. He was just happy to be spending time with her and somewhat surprised that her weird friend wasn't nagging them again.
    June 12th, 2014 at 11:32pm
  • edgar allan no.

    edgar allan no. (100)

    United States
    Liam gave a shrug of his shoulders, feeling the slow buzz that the vodka was giving him. "You're calling the shots tonight. I'm just along for the ride," he told her. He really didn't care what they did, so he figured that he'd let her choose, and he would go off of that. He wasn't sure how much of a drinker he was, and the last thing that he wanted to do was to make her feel uncomfortable.
    Jordan looked up at him with a smirk, plucking the glass from his fingers. "Are you trying to get me shitfaced, Niall?" She questioned, downing the shot easily. The more she drank, the more attractive he grew (not that she hadn't already been incredibly attracted to him before). She stepped closer to him, grinning wide. "You looked really good up there tonight."
    June 13th, 2014 at 12:01am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    "Really?" Paola asked with her head tilted and lips pressed together. "So that means we do whatever I want?" If this was really an opportunity for her, she was going to take it and run with it, because this was something she absolutely couldn't pass up. Not with Liam.
    Niall laughed at her, shaking his head softly. "I'm trying to win a bet." He watched as she took the shot and quickly took his to match it. He finished it with a smile, his eyes locked on hers as she took a step forward. "Did you just realize this or just decide to tell me?" Niall asked with a smirk, raising his eyebrow up at her.
    June 13th, 2014 at 12:15am
  • edgar allan no.

    edgar allan no. (100)

    United States
    Liam paused, tilting his head. He wasn't sure where she was going with this. But Liam Payne never backed down, even when he probably should. "Yeah, whatever you want," he said, adopting an easy grin, letting himself take a step closer to her. "What do you have in mind, Paola?"
    "You're going to have to give me a lot more to win the bet," Jordan said quietly, smiling up at him. It took a lot to get her drunk. But when she was drunk - truly, incredibly drunk - sh was gone. She was usually unable to remember most of the night when that happened. "I just decided to tell you," she said in a matter-of-fact tone. "But you probably already knew that."
    June 13th, 2014 at 12:38am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    She shrugged her shoulders, flashing him her sweetest smile as she took a step closer. "I don't know. It depends on how lucky you are, I guess." Paola was definitely not always this cocky, but being with Liam made her feel frisky and fun, and it wasn't an opportunity she was going to pass up.
    He poured another shot for himself and her and passed them between the two of them. He did want to win the bet, but at the same time he didn't want to make her sick and ruin their night together. He was stuck between a rock and a hard place. "Knew that you wanted to me? Oh, absolutely." He smirked at her before downing his shot and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
    June 13th, 2014 at 12:45am
  • edgar allan no.

    edgar allan no. (100)

    United States
    "Lucky?" He questioned, his gaze sweeping over her slowly, unashamed. "I should be Irish with how lucky I am," he murmured, a sly smirk taking over his features. "I'm incredibly lucky," he added, dying to know just what she was thinking. Paola was different. He wasn't sure why or how, but it was like no girl before her had intrigued him as much as she had.
    Jordan took the shot from him and drank it instantly. She blinked up at him, the happy-go-lucky feeling swelling within her. She felt like she could do anything in that moment. "Was I making it that obvious?" She teased, nudging her foot against his. She knew her limit, and she had quite a few shots left within her. Granted, getting that drunk might not be the best idea, but she wanted to win the bet. And she planned on winning.
    June 13th, 2014 at 03:05am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    Paola smiled at Liam, licking her bottom lip as she looked at him. With as gorgeous and charming as he was, she was sure she was the lucky one. Guys like Liam were few and far between, and Paola would have felt lucky just to have one night with him. "Why don't we grab that bottle of scotch, head over to your room and see if you can pass a little bit of that luck over to me?" Paola didn't care how forward she was being; she would have done anything for Liam.
    "Well, not too obvious," Niall said, smiling at her confidently as he pour them both another drink. He needed to get her to end this soon, because the sooner he could win the bet, the sooner they could move onto other, better things. "I've just had a lot of practice with this sort of thing. You know, world famous boy band and all that."
    June 13th, 2014 at 06:31am
  • edgar allan no.

    edgar allan no. (100)

    United States
    Liam smirked, his gaze slipping to her lips as she licked over her bottom one. Without another word he grabbed the scotch and her hand, calling out to the boys that they were leaving. He led her through the door and into the hall, heading to the room a couple doors down. "You've been driving me insane all night," he murmured, looking down at her with a dark smirk before he paused at his door, shoving the room key into the slot before it unlocked. He tugged her inside, shutting the door behind him.
    Jordan smirked faintly, shaking her head at him. "You're full of yourself, you know that?" She teased, taking the drink from him. She downed it quickly, finding that the more she drank, the less she minded the taste. "So how do we decide who wins? Because if we go until someone throws up, that would kind of ruin the rest of the night," she said, looking up at him through her lashes.
    June 13th, 2014 at 05:18pm
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    Paola followed Liam out of the room with a large grin on her face, biting her lip as everyone looked at them with knowing eyes. She was surprised but thankful that none of his bandmates made a smart remark to them. "Really?" She asked as they walked through the door, Liam shutting it behind them. She met his eyes and reached her hand over, running her fingers over his bicep playfully as she took a step closer to him. "Why didn't you try to get me alone sooner then?"
    Niall paused, biting his lip softly. It seemed she was coming to the same conclusion that he was. "Well, how about I show you to my room? You might think it's so nice that you'll just decide to forfeit." He knew he might have been really pushing the idea of getting her to his room, but he really just wanted to be alone with Jordan without all of her friends glancing over at them every few seconds. It was mildly creepy and nearly threw him off his game.
    June 13th, 2014 at 05:53pm
  • edgar allan no.

    edgar allan no. (100)

    United States
    Liam nodded his head, setting the scotch on the closest table top. He turned to look at her, smirking faintly. "I was trying to be respectable," he said, his hands settling on her hips. He wasn't drunk. Two shots barely did anything for him, so the fact that he was being this confident while sober kind of surprised him. He wasn't minding it one bit, though. "I've just wanted to get you alone all night," he murmured, pulling her closer to him, his hands gripping her hips lightly.
    In a normal, sober setting, Jordan wouldn't have felt so bold. But due to the multiple shots that she'd had, she was feeling confident, so when she reached out for his hand and intertwined their fingers, she just smiled up at him. "Lead the way, Horan," she said, tapping her thumb against his skin. She ignored her band mates. She knew that they were always protective of her, but she was old enough to know what she wanted. And at that moment, she wanted Niall in his room.
    June 13th, 2014 at 06:08pm
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    Paola loved how big and strong Liam's hands felt on her hips, and she could only imagine how wonderful those hands would feel on the rest of her body. Paola leaned forward and stood on her tiptoes, whispering into his ear as softly as she could, careful to make sure her lips touched his ear just so. "Respectable doesn't suit you, Liam." She pulled back and met his eyes, her body practically on fire as she looked at him.
    Niall didn't fail to notice the half glare one of Jordan's bandmates shot him as he began guiding her towards his room, but he couldn't bring himself to care. He couldn't take his eyes off of her as he guided her down the short hallway to the last room on the left and opened the door slowly. He flicked on the light, if only so she could see it before he shut it off again, and smiled at her, closing the door behind him. "Well, this is where the magic happens," he said with a smirk, looking her up and down and admiring how perfect she looked standing in his room.
    June 13th, 2014 at 06:20pm