up all night.

  • edgar allan no.

    edgar allan no. (100)

    United States
    That was all Liam needed to hear. He leaned down, his lips on hers in a second. He kissed her deeply, slowly backing her up until she was against the wall. His hands rested on her hips, only stopped from moving because her dress was covering up the rest of her body. After a couple of moments of him kissing her, he pulled away only to drop back down, attaching his lips to her neck. He nipped and sucked at the skin, his tongue darting out every so often to soothe the spot.
    To Jordan, everything felt great and happy. She knew that it was the alcohol talking, but she didn't care. She ignored her bandmates, instead too focused on Niall to really care about anything else. She glanced around his room for a couple of seconds before looking back to him, smirking faintly. "Magic? You overselling yourself?" She teased, stepping towards him until she was mere inches away. "Because you might have to show me what you're talking about. After I win the bet, of course."
    June 13th, 2014 at 06:33pm
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    Paola sighed into Liam's lips, lost in the magic of feeling them for the first time. Kissing Liam was like everything that Paola had thought it would be, and it made her stomach do a little flip. She reached her hands up to scratch at his shaved head, gasping as he threw her against the door. His lips moved down her neck, finally giving hers the freedom to do what they were dying to do, and she was quickly moaning out his name as he sucked on her skin.
    Niall reached down and placed his right hand on her hip, wrapping his finger around her belt loop to pull her just a little bit closer to him. He looked down at her with a smirk and licked his lips just a bit. "It's a shame you're so insistent on winning this bet, because I could make you feel so good, Jordan." He leaned forward until his lips were just inches from hers but never met them. "So good," he breathed out, his warm breath hitting her lips as he looked into her eyes.
    June 13th, 2014 at 07:22pm
  • edgar allan no.

    edgar allan no. (100)

    United States
    Liam let out a low groan as she reached up to scratch at his head, his eyes drifting shut. He kept at it, tasting her skin as though it was the greatest thing he'd ever had. He used his knee to nudge her legs apart, finding it easier to hold against the wall that way. His hands roamed up and down her sides, a low annoyed rasp leaving his lips. "Your dress is annoying," he muttered, his breath hitting her skin in soft puffs as he reached around the back, his fingers fumbling for the zipper.
    Jordan was pretty sure that her heart was going to pound right out of her rib cage. The second his hand was on her hip, her breathing picked up just a tad, suddenly wanting nothing more than his lips on hers. Her pride, however, was getting in the way. "I don't know," she breathed out, looking up at him with a faint smirk. "Winning this bet will feel pretty good." She reached up, dragging a finger down his chest through his shirt. "You might have to prove it to me."
    June 13th, 2014 at 08:03pm
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    "Please, take it off," Paola breathed out, her back arching against the door so he could reach the zipper. She suddenly felt more uncomfortable in her clothes than she ever had in her life, and she thought no matter what Liam did she couldn't have it off fast enough. Her breathing hitched as she felt his fingers fumbling with the zipper, and she moved her hands to his pants, tugging at the belt that held up his jeans.
    Niall loved a challenge, so he smirked at Jordan as he reached up to her face, pushing her hair behind her ear. He rubbed his thumb over her cheek as he looked into her eyes. Biting his lip gently, he leaned slowly forward until he was just inches away from Jordan's lips, keeping his eyes on hers the entire time. "Would it be okay if I kissed you?" Niall asked, his warm breath falling against her lips and his lips nearly touching hers.
    June 14th, 2014 at 07:10am
  • edgar allan no.

    edgar allan no. (100)

    United States
    Liam didn't waste any time, his fingers finally finding her zipper and tugging down, his lips still peppering kiss against her neck. As soon as it was down all the way he pulled back just long enough to tug it down. His hands pulled away from her to get to work on his own shirt, unbuttoning the buttons furiously. He felt like he couldn't wait. He leaned down, his fingers still unbuttoning as he pressed his lips against hers, kissing her feverishly. "Paola," he murmured, his voice low. "Bed," he added, his tone the same as he began to tug her towards the bedroom.
    All Jordan could think of was how bad she just wanted him to kiss her. The thought of him just closing the space between them, his lips on hers, his hands everywhere else... She wanted it. She looked up at him, finding her words failing her. So instead she stood up on her toes to make up for the height difference, and placed her lips against his, her splayed against his neck as she pulled herself closer to him. The kiss felt just as good as she'd anticipated - better even.
    June 15th, 2014 at 05:16am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    Paola moaned as Liam pulled the zipper down her back, his fingers running over her skin so softly as he did so. Her dress was off in just seconds and the cool air hit her body, which just made her want to be closer to him. Paola continued to fumble with his belt buckle as they moved clumsily to the bedroom. She finally managed to get his belt off, and it ended up in the hallway next to her dress. Anyone who came into the room would see their clothes and know what they were doing in the bedroom, but Paola didn't care. She was too focused on getting Liam's button undone and the feeling of him kissing her as they struggled to take off their clothes fast enough.
    Niall never expected Jordan would kiss her, but as soon as she did, he was too wrapped up in kissing her to think about anything else. He thought maybe she was a little bit more stubborn than that, but he was happy to finally have her in his arms. His hands wrapped immediately around her back and pulled her as close to him as he could get her, loving the feeling of her body against his. He knew she looked amazing, but he had no idea just how perfect her body was until he felt it, and he couldn't wait to get her clothes off and see it in its entirety.
    June 15th, 2014 at 07:37pm
  • edgar allan no.

    edgar allan no. (100)

    United States
    Liam managed to continue kissing her while he loosened his tie, tossing it over his head before he shrugged off his button up. The second the air was on his bare chest he pressed closer to Paola, his lips moving feverishly against hers. "I want you so much," he breathed out, kicking off his shoes and helping her unbutton his pants. He almost tripped as he tried to get them off while still moving, a throaty laugh bubbling out against her lips. "So, so much," he breathed, his hands on her hips the second his pants were off, leaving him in his boxers.
    Jordan pressed herself against him, her hands winding in his hair. She bit at his lower lip gently, tugging it between her teeth before she let it go, her fingers raking against his scalp. She usually didn't do this, but she was partially drink and there was just something about him. But after a couple of seconds she pulled away, smirking as she dragged her fingernail down the back of his neck. "I'm not letting you win the bet that easily, Ni," she breathed out, smirking up at him.
    June 15th, 2014 at 08:08pm
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    Paola's body instantly warmed when Liam pressed his bare chest against hers, his perfectly sculpted body making her want to melt against him. She pulled away from his lips just long enough to look into his eyes and smile. "You can have me, Liam. You can have anything you want." She ran her fingernails against his abs, practically groaning at how perfect his body was.
    Niall sighed against Jordan's lips, loving everything that she did to him. That girl was like magic, he thought, and the worst thing that could happen at that moment was for her to pull away. When she did, Niall let out a groan, using his hands to pull her hips back against his. "You don't mean that," he whispered, looking from her eyes down to her lips and back up again. "You want me just as bad as I want you."
    June 15th, 2014 at 08:30pm
  • edgar allan no.

    edgar allan no. (100)

    United States
    Liam was quite sure that he'd never been this turned on his life. There was just something about her that was driving him insane. He let out a groan, the way her nails were dragging against his skin just sending him over the edge. He kissed her feverishly, tugging her into the bedroom and pulling her towards the bed. "Get on the bed," he breathed out, pulling away just long enough to reattach his lips to her neck, kissing down towards her chest.
    It was hard for her to resist pressing her body against his and just giving in, but she was stubborn. She slid a finger down his chest, her heart pounding against her rib cage. "Let me win," she said softly, ignoring the fact that he was right. She wanted him just as bad as he wanted her. "You want me, yeah? Give in and you can have me," she murmured, pushing her hips against his. She'd blame it on the shots, but she was never this forward. She leaned up, pressing her lips against his neck. "I want you so bad, Ni," she admitted, her breath hitting his skin.
    June 15th, 2014 at 08:42pm
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    Paola didn't even have to think before following Liam's order and crawling onto his bed, laying back in only her bra and panties. It had never occurred to her how exposed she was to him until then, but as she looked up and down his toned chest, she wanted nothing more than for all of their clothes to just disappear. She looked at him and licked her lips, eager to see where this was going to go.
    "You know I can't let you do that," Niall said, breathing against her lips as he ran his over hers just once, barely touching. He wanted so badly to just rip her clothes off and show her she wouldn't regret it, but he didn't want to be pushy and he definitely didn't plan on losing the bet. "We're already in my room, Jordan." He ran his fingers over her lips, while his other hand was placed gently on her ass. "Think about how long the walk will be to your room if you win." He moved his hand from her ass to the front of her jeans, where he played with the waistband just above her button. "I can't wait that long to have you, Jordan."
    June 16th, 2014 at 03:18am
  • edgar allan no.

    edgar allan no. (100)

    United States
    His pulse was pounding in his ears. Liam's thoughts were so clouded by this point, only able to think of Paola and her body and her touch and her lips and how he wanted that pretty little mouth all over his body. He stepped forward, taking his time as he crawled onto his bed, his head dipping down and starting a trail of kisses from her belly button up to her chest, peppering kiss after kiss against her skin before he moved up her neck and hesitated right before her lips. He used one hand to keep his balance while the other rested on her hip, pausing as he looked down at her.
    It was like they were playing a game. Jordan had a reaction for every move he made, wanting him to concede and let her win. "Yes you can," she murmured, looking up at him through her lashes. She played with the collar of his shirt, letting her fingers brush against his skin every so often. "I said that if I win, you get to spend the night with me," she began, letting out a sigh when his hand was on her ass. "I never said it had to be in my room," she added, her hips pushing forward in response to his touch. "Let me win the bet and you can have me any way you like, Niall."
    June 16th, 2014 at 06:26am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    "Liam, please," Paola breathed out, arching her back to get closer to Liam. She just wanted to touch him, to feel him, to have him touch her. All that there was to Paola was this moment with Liam, and she wanted to live in it for as long as she could. She lifted her head up, just barely grazing her lips against his as she whispered, "please, Liam, I need you."
    Niall growled at her words, reaching down to grab her ass as tightly as he could. Her body was perfect in every way, and it only made him want her more, but he was just as stubborn as she was. He quickly reached down and pulled his shirt over his head, locking eyes with her as he did. He then moved his hands to his pants, where he undid the button and slid them down to his ankles before stepping out of them. He pulled Jordan as close to him as he could, so she could feel what she was doing to him, as he reached for the hem of her shirt and began sliding it up. "I don't need to let you win to get you to do whatever I want. All I need is a minute and you'll be begging me not to stop." He undid the button on her pants before sliding down the zipper tantalizingly slow, watching her eyes to make sure it was okay.
    June 17th, 2014 at 01:29am
  • edgar allan no.

    edgar allan no. (100)

    United States
    Liam wasn't quite sure what it was that drove him crazy about her. But at that moment, he was pretty sure it was the way her lips brushed against his as she practically begged him for his touch. It was all that he needed, his head dipping down to kiss her properly, his hand slipping down her skin and slipping under the fabric of her underwear, teasing around the spot that he was positive she wanted to feel him at. His legs intertwined with hers, and he was positive that she could feel just how ready he was. After a couple of seconds his thumb started rubbing slow circles against her, a low groan leaving his lips.
    Two could play at that game. Jordan ground her hips against his as he grabbed her ass, her teeth dragging across her lower lip as she looked up at him. She didn't plan on backing down. That's just now how she was. She paused as he pulled his shirt off, her breath catching in her throat. He was gorgeous. Sh didn't realize that she was staring until his pants were already down to his ankles. She jerked her gaze back up to him as he pulled her close. "Begging you? Don't overestimate yourself," she breathed, forcing herself to keep her focus as he began to undo the button on her pants.
    June 17th, 2014 at 03:08am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    Paola moaned at Liam's touch, her back arching up to get more of him. His fingers were like magic against her, and she wanted so badly to reciprocate that touch. She couldn't, though, because her head was foggy from the things he was doing to her - so foggy that she could barely form words. Paola moved her lips to his neck, sucking on his skin between the sighs that left her lips. She wasn't positive whether or not he was going to have a mark. She moved the kisses from his neck to his ear, where she nibbled gently. "Liam, I need to feel you," she breathed out.
    "Don't underestimate me," Niall said, smirking at her before he reached down for her thighs and lifted her straight into the air. He threw her over his shoulders and held her by the back of the knees before throwing her onto the bed, causing her to bounce up just a bit. He crawled on top of her and caught her lips in a kiss. His heart was pounding from how badly he wanted her, and he ground his hips against hers with a groan, moving one hand slowly up her shirt while the other tangled itself in her hair.
    June 18th, 2014 at 04:16am
  • edgar allan no.

    edgar allan no. (100)

    United States
    Liam slowed his movements, his hand rubbing lazy, slow cirlces against her center. He let out a throaty groan at the combination of her nibbling on his ear and her words, his hand already slipping out from her underwear and began tugging them down, using his feet to drag them off once they were far enough and kicked them onto the floor. He pulled away just long enough to tug off his boxers, kicking them off as well as he moved to take off her bra.
    "Niall!" Jordan shrieked in surprise, a laugh bubbling out of her lips as he lifted her up. She let out a yelp as he threw her onto the bed, her eyes never leaving his as she settled onto the mattress.The laugh died on her lips the second he was kissing her, her heart starting to feel as though it was going to burst out of her chest. She let out a moan, pressing her hips up against his, her hand reaching up and tugging on his hair.
    June 18th, 2014 at 03:58pm
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    Paola was barely able to contain herself as Liam peeled off her panties. His bare skin was finally touching hers and it felt like heaven. There was nothing in the world that she wanted more than Liam. Reaching up to capture his lips again, Paola ran her fingers over the back of his neck, pulling him as close to her as she could get him. She lifted her hips up until she could feel him between her thighs, his tip rubbing against her just barely. All she could do was moan out his name, "Liam."
    His fingers grazed against the skin beneath her shirt, touching it tantalizingly soft in a way that he knew would make her body trembled. He loved the way that she was melting beneath him, and thought that maybe he wouldn't even need the full minute before he'd have her. He kissed from her lips slowly to ear, sucking little spots until he was nibbling on the lobe. He breathed out a long breath as he spoke. "Just let me win, Jordan. Let me win and I'll make you feel so good."
    June 19th, 2014 at 04:35am
  • edgar allan no.

    edgar allan no. (100)

    United States
    Liam unclasped her bra, tossing it to the side just as she kissed him, letting himself be pulled down against her. He groaned when he felt her, his eyes drifting shut as he gripped the sheet with one hand, the fabric tightening around his fingers. "Paola," he breathed out, pulling away so he could look down at her. He kept his gaze on hers as he slowly rolled his hips into her, moaning at how good it felt. He leaned down, pressing his lips against hers as he waited for her to give the go ahead.
    Jordan was finding it hard to concentrate with Niall there and only in his boxers. The that he'd just undressed before taking her to bed was something that exuded confidence, and that was a major turn on. She trembled under his touch, a breathy moan leaving her lips. No guy had made her want it this much; his touch, his lips, his body... everything. "I'm not. Giving. In," she said, breathing out each word slowly, her fingers dragging down his chest. She felt like she was going to give in, and soon.
    June 19th, 2014 at 03:26pm
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    He was so close to being inside her that all Paola could do was moan. His body was teasing hers, putting her right on edge without much trying. Wanting someone this much was knew to her, and she wondered if he made every girl feel this way. While she ran her nails over his toned stomach, she reached her other hand between them and gripped him tightly, rubbing up and down his length once before pushing her hips against his so he was finally inside of her. She let out a breathy moan while her back arched. "Oh my god, Liam.
    "That's not what you're body says," Niall breathed into her ear, wanting so badly to take off her clothes but not before she gave him the okay. He kept moving his hand up slowly and slowly until his finger reached the bottom of her bra, where he slid just a finger underneath the fabric. He focused his lips on sucking between her neck and ear, while he rutted his hips against her. He loved the way she was breathing so heavily, and he could just imagine how much she wanted him, wanting so badly to slide his hands under her pants and feel her.
    June 21st, 2014 at 04:30am
  • edgar allan no.

    edgar allan no. (100)

    United States
    Liam let out a moan, her name leaving his lips over and over as she touched him. "Oh my God," he groaned, his breath almost instantly getting ragged. He waited a couple of seconds before he began to thrust his hips, starting out with a painstakingly slow rhythm. He was pretty sure that no other girl had made him this turned on in such a short amount of time. He dropped his lips to her neck, nipping at the skin, punctuating his thrusts with the occasional roll of his hips.
    "Fuck, Ni," Jordan groaned, soft whimpers leaving her lips. All she wanted was for him to just fucking touch her, but she knew that he wouldn't unless she gave in. She arched her chest against his touch, practically shaking with how bad she wanted him. She tangled her fingers in his hair, tugging on it. "Please, just touch me," she finally whined, giving in. Her hips pushed up against his, her fingers already moving to tug her shirt off.
    June 21st, 2014 at 05:01am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    "Liam," Paola moaned out, loving the feeling he was giving her. His hips were moving in a perfect rhythm, which made her body tremble beneath him. He was hitting her in all the right places, making it next to impossible for her to do anything but moan. Her hands gripped onto his biceps, the only thing she could hold onto, breathing out as he sucked against her neck. "You feel so good."
    A slick smile fell to Niall's lips, needing only her words to edge him forward. He reached his hand from her chest slowly down to her pants, giving her a light touch the whole way. As she took her top off, he leaned down and kissed her chest, sucking small bites from the tops of her breasts down to her belly button. He continued lower until he reached her jeans and undid the button with his teeth. As he slowly pulled her zipper down, he looked up at her with a smile. "I knew you'd give in."
    June 21st, 2014 at 05:24am