hold me like you held onto life.

  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    "No one is too old for Candyland," Posey said with a smile, a shock shooting up her back as she felt Liam's hand on it. It was just the alcohol again, she was sure, but Liam's hand felt so big and strong against her skin. When Liam closed the door, Posey took a second to admire his room. She'd never been in it before, but it was so perfectly him that she wouldn't have expected anything else. She quickly moved across the room and sat on his bed, patting the spot next to her. "What now?"
    Zayn tightened his grip on Everett's waist, pulling Everett's hips as close to him as he could get and rutting against him in the way he knew drove Everett wild. "I just wouldn't want you to finish before we even got upstairs," Zayn said in a breathy tone, putting his hot breath on Everett's neck, hoping to give him chills. He just wanted to drive the younger boy wild. The sound of the music wasn't even fueling Zayn's dancing anymore - it was just Everett.

    [ They all get sequels. And that's not even the worst. Fuck My Big Black Ass is a popular one too. And the cover picture matches the title Shocked ]
    June 7th, 2014 at 11:37pm
  • Pug;;

    Pug;; (100)

    United States
    "Now I beat you in Candyland and we drink" Liam said shaking the bottle in his hand before he passes it over to her and then goes in search of the board game he knows he has stashed somewhere. Searching in his closet Liam pulls out the boardgame and grins, feeling accomplished that he even found it so quickly s it usually took him quite a long while, half an hour even since he forgets so easily."Which color do you wanna be? I call dibs on blue, you'll have to fight me for that one" he informs her as he slips his shoes off and climbs onto the bed, crossing his legs and opening the box, setting up the game and making sure he had all of the pieces. Liam bites down on his bottom lip as he fixes the board to sit evenly between them."Get ready to get a bum whooping Posey"
    Everett couldn't fucking speak, all the blood going to only two places, his face and his crotch and he hated Zayn and the way he knows everything that makes him shudder, blush and growl. "That won't happen" Everett breathes as pushes Zayn's hands off his hips and turns around with a smirk, pressing his back against Zayn's chest and presses his ass against the other. One of, if not the best feature of Everett was hands down his bum and he gives all his thanks to his mother for blessing him for one like hers. Tilting his head back to rest against Zayn's shoulder Everett tilts his face and presses a kiss against the mans sharp and prickly jaw, leading one of Zayn's hand to his hip and the other under his shirt, pressing flat against his stomach


    @ Katie Mosing
    June 8th, 2014 at 12:32am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    Posey knew she was getting drunk because all she could think about the whole time Liam spoke was how kissable his lips looked and how he wasn't close enough to her. She hated herself for thinking like that knowing she had Declan, but she'd always found Liam attractive and charming, and alcohol always had a way of making her do what she wanted to do instead of what she should be doing. "Let's drink first," she said, quickly taking a long swig of the vodka, which burned her throat as it went down. She didn't know if she was still drinking to forget about Delan or if she was drinking for an excuse to be dumb.
    Everett knew what his ass did to Zayn, which was probably why he always used it against him. Zayn had to stop himself from groaning when the other boy turned around and pressed himself against him, moving up and down in this perfect motion. Zayn always teased Everett about being easy, but really he thought he was the easy one, though he hid it better. Zayn breathed out, nibbling against Everett's ear as he spoke. "What are you trying to do to me?"

    [I get to go to work now too so yay more porn Weird It's so incredibly awkward. Especially since we know all of their names ]
    June 8th, 2014 at 12:49am
  • Pug;;

    Pug;; (100)

    United States
    Liam reaches over to take the bottle from Poseys hands, but doesn't take a swig yet. "Something tells me that thats only and excuse to start drinking early." Licking his lips, Liam takes a big gulp before setting it down between the two. "I say that with each turn, we each take a hit. I'm curious as to how crazy and competitive this might get over time the more drunk we get." In all honesty, however, he wanted to see where the alcohol could take them. The more drunk they became, the more the nonsensical gibberish became slurred thoughts. After all, drunken words are sober thoughts. He set his blue piece down at the starting spot and waited for Posey to choose.
    Everett smiled confidently, if he ever needed to get the upper hand he always used his ass to get it. It only helped that he knew how to move his hips in Zayn's favor. Everett's lashes fluttered down as he grinded against Zayn,"I'm just dancing Zayn" he tells the other though his voice is smug though a little shaky and he purposely pushes his hips back right against the others crotch. Everett honestly tries to not melt against Zayn and just give in, and he succeeds to a certain point.

    [You know the customer names? lmfao]

    @ Katie Mosing
    June 8th, 2014 at 03:35am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    "That sounds like a great idea," Posey said, curious to see what would happen if they were both alone and drunk. She knew it was bad, and Posey was usually a very good person, but Liam made her not care. She probably should have taken that as a hint to stay away from him, but it made her want to see him more. She quickly grabbed the red piece and put it at the start. "You go first."
    Zayn smirked as he listened to Everett defend himself. He always had some excuse for why he was trying to make Zayn go crazy, as if doing it wasn't reason enough. "And you thought I was gonna let you dance with Damon when you dance like this?" Zayn sneered, paying careful attention to run his teeth across Everett's ear.

    [ it says it on their account XD ]
    June 8th, 2014 at 04:09am
  • Pug;;

    Pug;; (100)

    United States
    Liam couldn't feel the warm tingle in his tummy like he would usually, but he knew in a little while, after a few more long pulls he will get that familiar heated glow in his stomach and the calming sense of intoxication. He was glad he wasn't a crazy drunk, glad he wasn't the type to embarrass himself when he has one too many. If anything Liam seemed sober when he was drunk, he just spoke very slow and started questioning the world and getting into some deep conversations with himself and then he could easily switch off to 'Hey, why did the chicken actually cross the road?'. Grabbing the first card on top of the pile Liam moves his piece to the color purple and smiles,"Looks like I'm doing good" he murmurs as he places the card at the bottom of the deck, back slightly curved as he slouches forward.
    "Maybe I dance like this just for you," Everett murmurs as the song dims out and gets change to another, a more sexually provocative pop song. Tilting his head away from Zayn Everett bares his neck to the other as if he was offering though of course he was just teasing Zayn, showing him something he couldn't have no matter how good he moved his hips or roused up and into it he could get Everett."Wanna let me go and find out? That blonde guy to our right looks pretty interested" Turning back around to face the other Everett presses his cheek against Zayn's chest and looks at the blonde guy with a beer in his hand, leaning against the wall and not even trying to hide how he was looking at the two, eying them up and down before keeping his eyes down and at Everett's ass."I think he might be a better dancer than you Zayn, I wanna find out" Everett tells the other cheekily as he pulls away from Zayn slowly.

    ["George... You've rented this dvd three times this month.... Aren't you tired of 'Fuck My Big Black Ass'? I recommend Fuck My Big Asian Ass " Help those who need it!!!]

    @ Katie Mosing
    June 8th, 2014 at 06:59am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    Posey was taking more than her fair share of drinks between turns, and she was soon so drunk that all she could do was laugh and not play the game. "I'm sorry, Liam," she said with a giggle. "I didn't meant to get so drunk and ruin your game." It was only half true, because she really did mean to get that drunk but she didn't mean to ruin the game. She looked at Liam with her lips pouting and her best sad eyes. "What can I do to make it up to you?"
    "You know what, why don't you go dance with him," Zayn said, smirking at Everett. "We'll see who you come running back to." For reasons Zayn couldn't explain, he got off on the idea of someone else wanting what was clearly his. He liked that jealous feeling in the pit of the stomach that would soon turn to hunger when he pulled Everett away from the other man. "We both know you're mine, Ev." Though he didn't mean it literally because they weren't anything official, but Zayn knew that no one could satisfy Everett the way he could.

    [ it's all about good costumer service lmfao ]
    June 8th, 2014 at 07:18am
  • Pug;;

    Pug;; (100)

    United States
    Liam was filled with laughter, so much laughter he was going to choke on it. Each time they accidentally bump into each other as they lean over the board he would laugh, each mispronunciation of colors he would laugh, each time Posey would smile at him, so soft and sweet and drunk he would laugh. He felt warm inside, warm over his skin and hoped Posey was feeling the same fantastic way."Oi, you're horrible at this game" Liam grumbles with no heat in his voice as he moves her pieces to the color it is suppose to be at, she was currently beating him but honestly after the last couple of drinks all the cards were getting sprawled everywhere he wasn't sure if they were even going to the finish line or the beginning."For starters you can quit and let me win but say I annihilated your ass at this" Liam says with a laugh,"Seconds you could clean up the card mess" he says with a shrug, though he's leaning down and to her personal space.
    Everett was taking this as a challenge and he never backs down in such settings."The only place I may be running to is that guys room" Everett tells Zayn with a chuckle before he's out of Zyn's grasp and makes his way over to the guy, hand on bicep and seductive smile on his lips, it was just a few seconds before he was pulling the other onto the 'dance floor' and dancing with him. The guy was so noticeably bigger than Everett that you'd think his hand would span Everett's back horizontally and as the other got rather cheeky and brave they found it it was just the perfect size. Everett was pleasantly surprised that the blonde wasn't a bad dancer at all, if anything he could give Zayn a run for his money. The blonde was forward and kinda charming, having been friendly enough to tell Everett his name just as his hands lower to grab at his ass. If Everett wasn't doing this to prove a point then he would have definitely taken interest in the other.

    [I'd be so embarrassed if I was the customer jeez, like dammit, this worker knows a lot about me, especially my dvd rental record]

    @ Katie Mosing
    June 8th, 2014 at 07:30am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    Posey laughed at him with a wide smile as he spoke. "I can cleanup the mess, but I can't just let you win," she said, leaning forward with a smirk on her face. She wasn't particularly competitive, but she wanted to see what she could get out of Liam for winning. She quickly put her hands on the board and pushed it aside, tossing it and all the pieces to the floor. "It's all clean," she said with a smile before biting her lip as she looked at him, head tilted just a bit. "Now what do I get for winning?"
    Zayn sneered as Everett walked away, watching the way he purposefully moved his hips to grab Zayn's attention. He knew Everett was just fucking with him and he had half a mind to walk right over there and suck every drop of blood from his neck, but he knew Everett would never speak to him again. Folding his arms across his chest, Zayn watched with his eyes tight as Everett danced with the blonde boy, whose hair was way too white to be natural. He hadn't quite decided how long he was going to let this go on for, but his blood was boiling already.

    [They should know better than to rent porn from a 22 year old girl XD ]
    June 8th, 2014 at 03:36pm
  • Pug;;

    Pug;; (100)

    United States
    "Oi, that's not cleaning up!" Liam said with a laugh, not being able to find it in himself to be upset when this was all too funny for him and Posey was all too charming and cute to ever be u[set at for something so small and meaningless. Biting his lip Liam turns to look at her and shrugs,"Anything you want I guess" he tells her, offering a smile private to her. Liam felt like he was more aware to everything, more away how blue and bright and kinda sea colored Posey's eyes were, how pale and milky her skin was and how her lips were much pinker and lovelier than he ever remembers. And he thinks, that maybe he could get away with kissing hr, that maybe she would laugh it off or play along and that no one would get hurt later on and more importantly, Declan would not know and find out so it wont interfere with everything that had already been set up.
    Everett laughed as he pressed his forehead against the others chest, enjoying himself much more than he thought he would."I'm so serious, Eve, it's okay if I call you that right?" the other asked and Everett shrugged with a smile, honestly not minding though Zayn was the only one who ever used a nickname for him. Everett only had to take one look and he could tell that Zayn was mad and he absolutely loves that. Everett rarely had the upper hand when tings got sexual but when he manged to he definitely milked it out as long as possible. As the song change Everett pushed up against the blonde provocatively, tilting his head far to the side and baring his neck specifically for Zayn to see and the blonde to comfortably press a kiss at.

    [Twitch I'm so embarrassed for them but hey, the people who rent it may not even be embarrassed, who knows if they feel proud aha]

    @ Katie Mosing
    June 8th, 2014 at 04:25pm
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    Posey chuckled softly, giving one shake of her head. "I can't have anything, Liam, because if I could I would have you." She didn't know why she had said that, but it probably had to do with the fact that Liam was absolutely perfect for her and she'd had too much alcohol. Posey had always been way too honest when she was drunk, which was why drinking was usually a bad idea for her, but that might have been why she started drinking in the first place. She looked up at Liam nervously, wondering if he had caught onto what she had said or what he would think about it. She had no reason to believe that he would want her back or that he wouldn't tell Declan she was flirting with him. She'd be dead if he did that.
    That was it. Zayn had officially had it. Everett was teasing him on purpose with his neck - he knew how much Zayn loved to feed when he was turned on, and the thought that he was even playing with the idea when he'd never let Zayn do it to him pissed him off. With a growl in his throat, he walked across the room and straight toward Everett and the blonde. He gave the blonde one quick look and smirked, wrapping his hand around the collar of Everett's shirt. "He's mine," Zayn sneered to the blonde before pulling Everett away from him.

    [My favorites are the couples who come in together like ~~ ]
    June 8th, 2014 at 04:33pm
  • Pug;;

    Pug;; (100)

    United States
    "Me? Really?" Liam asked slapping his thigh as he laughed because why would she want him, he was kinda boring and really easy going and didn't do anything exciting or out of the ordinary wild like Declan does sometimes. He's much too calm for that, much to cautious and careful and very much does think of the consequences, except now, now he couldn't think of anything bad that would happen if he just leans in and kisses Posey. "You could have me" he says, a dopey smile on his face as he leans back against the wall his bed is pressed against, gaze flickering from Posey to the board game pieces that were sprawled over the ground.
    Everett did feel proud he could get Zayn jealous but he felt a little pouty because the blonde was rather interesting and just the right amount of cheeky."I was actually having a bit of fun with him. His name was Seth and he said he liked the way I move my hips, cheeky and forward, just the way I like them" Everett said with a smirk,"Think he was human to, so I wont mind letting him near my neck either" he adds because why not? Because he wants Zayn to be upset and jealous like Everett was, because he wants to be grabbed and sneered at and he wants to bicker or just kiss angrily, he could do with that as well.

    [COUPLES? CONFIDENT COUPLES AHA, THAT'S JUST GREAT BUT WTF, I'd rather search porn up online than physically go out and rent Facepalm

    @ Katie Mosing
    June 9th, 2014 at 12:46am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    Posey smiled at him, her heart fluttering when he spoke. Her lips were beginning to feel tingly and her body felt like she had chills, but she didn't know if it was from Liam or the alcohol. She bit her lip to make sure she could still feel it before she shifted a bit on the bed. She couldn't believe she was going to say this, but the words were out of the mouth before she had a chance to stop them. "Then why don't I?"
    Everett was a cheeky bastard when he wanted to be, and it only turned Zayn on more. He stopped after he'd gotten Everett just a step away and, still holding onto his collar, leaned forward with a smirk on his face. "If you wanna go have fun with him, be my guest, but we both know you'll come running back to me, and by then, I just might not be available." Zayn held Everett's gaze before leaning forward and whispering in his ear, hot and breathy. "I do need to feed, after all."

    [ They're also in their like 50s so I don't think they know how to use the Internet lmfao oh and I forgot to ask what rating you wanted to do! ]
    June 9th, 2014 at 01:05am
  • Pug;;

    Pug;; (100)

    United States
    "I don't know" Liam tells her with a shrug because his mind was too clouded and he couldn't remember why, why they weren't together though the obvious answer was Declan and brothers and a bunch of shit that could end up really messy."You could have me tonight though" he offers, not the least bashful or ashamed of offering himself, he would love to be Posey's for a little while, would love for her to be his for a bit as well. Liam knows he could make her happy, make her feel good for the next few hours and he was hoping that he possibly could. They were both good over tipsy, maybe they won't remember shit tomorrow. Liam hopes he does though, if anything does happen between them that is.
    Sometimes Zayn did things that made Everett want him to feed off of him, and whispering so hot and breathy against his ear was one of those things."You've feed from others before, and I'm sure you'll do fine without my blood" Everett murmured in hopes of stopping himself from actually giving in. Zayn's best chance of drinking from Everett was when he had him horny and a mess, to where he would agree to anything."You may not be available but Damon always is, and a few of your frat brothers wouldn't mind going gay for a night, how'd you feel about sharing me?" Everett's only ever actually been with Zayn and they haven't even gone all the way or anything, everything sexual on him had Zayn's name on it which was great for the possessive side of the vampire.

    [I'm comfortable with all ratings to be honest, I'm good with anything you'd like to do and I can imagine elder little people walking in and whispering to each other 'Does Lick my ass sound good? Or Itty Bitty Titties?'

    @ Katie Mosing
    June 9th, 2014 at 01:32am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    All Posey had wanted since the moment she met him was for Liam to say that she could have him, and now that he had, Posey just couldn't take it anymore. She didn't care about Declan or what would happen the next day or anything else in the world but Liam. All she wanted was to feel him and to know if he would be as amazing as she always dreamed he would be. "Then why are you sitting all the way over there when I'm all the way over here?" Posey asked, her chest heaving up and down so quickly that she was barely even able to say that. Her body felt like it was on fire and Liam hadn't even touched her yet.
    Zayn looked Everett deep in the eyes as he gripped his hands on Everett's waist, guiding his fingers gently underneath his belt, just barely. "Oh, none of them are stupid enough to touch you," he said, baring his teeth to Everett under the dim light. "You have my scent all over you." When a vampire claimed someone as their own, like Zayn had done with Everett, all the other vampires knew not to touch them. There were some vampires who were dumb enough to cross those lines, but none of those types were in Zayn's fraternity.

    [Alright, I'll just follow your lead! I've written super smutty stuff before so I'm good too.
    Oh no none of those titties are itty bitty. Trust me lmfao ]
    June 9th, 2014 at 01:43am
  • Pug;;

    Pug;; (100)

    United States
    Liam shrugged, again, because that just seemed like the right thing to do. He didn't know what else to do or to tell her, he didn't know why he was all the way on the other side of the bed when she was off over there, he wasn't sure why he was still sitting here rather than crawling on top of her. "I don't know but I guess I can go over there" he says as he pushes some of the pillows aside and advances to her, grinning like the loser he was. All eager and pleased to be able to just kiss a girl, he was fine if Posey didn't want anything else, Liam was easy to please and took what he could get without forcing anything on anyone, that wasn't his style."You sure?" he questions, slow and sweet, a hopeful look in his eyes to keep this going.
    Everett loves it when Zayn gets so possessive, it was a great laugh but also made him so tingly and cheeky because 'hell yeah he was Zayn's'."So people can't come after me because I'm yours but you can freely go around charming people left and right" Everett pouts as he presses his lips against Zayn's jaw and starts slowly kissing and nibbling, one hand on his bicep while the other curled over his shoulder to keep him pressed close. Everett rarely ever took interest in anyone. The night Zayn came onto him he was unsure, thinking the other was just being sleazy and a cunt - trying to just sucker him up to drink from him but he was pleasantly surprised when Zayn didn't harass him at all about biting him, not the first time, not the second or any other times they started to mess around.

    @ Katie Mosing

    [I've only ever done hetero sex once so bear with me lmfao
    June 9th, 2014 at 04:52am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    Posey could barely breathe as Liam moved close to her, and she was thankful that they were sitting down, because if they weren't she definitely would have fainted. Every inch he moved closer made her heart beat louder, and he wondered if he could hear it with his heightened vampire senses. "I'm sure," she said, her voice nearly cracking as he looked at her. Liam was all she ever wanted, and now that she could actually have him, there was no way she could say no.
    Zayn moved his fingers from Everett's collar to rub them on his neck, right where his jugular vein stood out, pulsing. "Well, I have to feed on something, and since I can't feed on you, I go for the next best thing." Zayn would never push Everett to let him feed, but he did love to tease him about it. To Zayn, feeding off of Everett wouldn't just be feeding. If he ever got to do it, it would be something much more intimate than that.

    [ Hahaha, that's fine! I've never, ever written slash sex but I have read it so XD ]
    June 9th, 2014 at 05:02am
  • Pug;;

    Pug;; (100)

    United States
    Liam broke out into a face splitting grin when she said she was sure, he didn't ask again before he leaned in and pressed a kiss to her lips. It was quick, just to see, just a sort of taste, gripping what he could work with before he was leaning back in and kissing her tentatively, eager and trying to not laugh because if they leaned anymore to the left then they would tumble down and probably hurt themselves. Curling his hands over her hips Liam tugged her closer to him, shifting their bodies so they they would be more towards the center of his big bed."Imagine if we would have fell" he whispers against her lips, chuckling softly at the thought before peppering her jaw and cheeks with short little stuttering kisses,
    "Maybe I don't let you feed from me because I'm upset you're always biting other peoples necks" Everett quips, running a few fingers threw Zayn's hair and messing up the quiff purposely, he only did love the quiff but he loved his hair down even more on those rare occasions the other was too lazy to fix it up."Maybe I want you all to myself before I let you bite me" he muses. Everett didn't care that Zayn was feeding from others, the other had to drink after all, he just enjoyed teasing the other back. He felt it was too couple like if Zayn started to drink from only him, the two weren't a couple, they were just friends with benefits and Everett liked it just fine this way, wouldn't change it either. He didn't think Zayn would take that sort of interest in him since they were all laughs and jokes.

    @ Katie Mosing
    June 9th, 2014 at 06:22pm
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    Posey's heart leaped the instant their lips touched, and she was completely frozen, lost in the feeling of finally having kissed him after waiting so long. He pulled away, leaving her gasping, before he kissed again, and this time she gathered her thoughts enough to kiss him back, her hands moving instantly to his hair where she scratched her fingers against his scalp. She was breathless as he pulled away, whispering against her lips, and when he kissed against her jaw, she sighed. "I think I've already fallen," she said, the drunken words falling from her lips when she only half knew what they meant.
    "You and I both know that's not the case," Zayn said, sneering at Everett as he tried to fix his hair, which he probably needed a mirror to do. He was done playing games with Everett, entirely sick of his teasing which had Zayn in a mess. "I'm going to give you two options: we can either stay down here and dance and you'll act like a good boy or we can go upstairs and see just how badly you want me."
    June 9th, 2014 at 06:44pm
  • Pug;;

    Pug;; (100)

    United States
    Liam had to stop kissing her jaw to laugh against her neck, taking her words literally,"What? But there's no hole in the bed" he says patting the bed beneath him as if to show how solid it is."Don't worry, I'll hold you, so you won't be falling no more Po" With that Liam wraps his arms around Posey, biceps stretching out the material of his henley before getting back to paying the utmost attention to the column of her neck where he could feel her pule thudding under the skin. The thought of maybe sinking his teeth into her neck and drinking her blood causes all of his own blood to build up under the belt of his pants."I bet you'd taste so sweet, like cotton candy" he murmur opened mouth against her neck, fangs pressuring the skin though not breaking.
    Everett's eyes narrowed, he had wanted to go back into Zayn's room the second he stepped out."Don't sound so sure of yourself Zayn, I like your bed more than I'll ever like you" Everett takes Zayn's hand and turns around, leads it to rest on his hip before starting up the steps to the second floor where he sets his aim to Zayn's bed room down the hall. He wonders if they'll end up lazily kissing and then playing a few rounds of Fifa or if they'll actually get to mess up the sheets a little. Everett was comfortable and used to just kissing and if they were both getting heated then getting each other off - but that only happened about two times. Opening the door of Zayn's room Everett pulls the other inside and lets the door close on its own.
    June 10th, 2014 at 05:20am