
  • @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Blaise laughed and said, "I did. Well, me at least. I figured you'd get tired of Pansy and tell her yes." He said smirking. He chuckled lightly looking out the window as well. He noticed Draco was lacking his lackeys and raised an eyebrow.

    Bella laughed and said, "Mmhmm. What were you so upset about this summer?" She asked, knowing her friend. She closed her eyes, listening to Skylar's words. She ran a hand through her hair, curling into a ball on the seat yawning again, tiredly.

    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    June 11th, 2014 at 08:57am
  • @ Angelic Devil
    Draco shrugged it off, "they probably highjacked the trolley." He laughed out, knowing how all the did was eat. "So you got your eyes on anybody?" He questioned, changing the subject back to there earlier topic.
    Skylar scoffed, "yeah well apparently my parents thinks it's best I don't get involed with any guys, they don't want me to ruin myself before I get married." She nearly spat out, huffing. Her rage firing up agian.
    June 11th, 2014 at 03:03pm
  • Blaise couldn't help but laugh at what Draco said and then added, "More than likely. I wonder if they can do anything besides eat." He told him. He sighed hearing him switch the topic and murmured, "Nope." He knew his parents had said something about an arranged marriage or some crap.

    Bella heard what her parents were saying and said, "Okay then." She chuckled lightly running a hand through her hair. "Don't get so worked up about it Sky." She said. She went over and hugged her best friend. She was about a few inches shorter than Skylar though.
    June 11th, 2014 at 08:27pm
  • @ Angelic Devil
    Draco frowned, "what the almighty Blaise doesn't have a victom in his sights?" He teased his friend, he knew there wasn't really much to choose from. "Sorry I guess you're going to be missing out." He chuckled.
    Skylar sighed, she kept the important piece of imformation from her. "They want me to marry somebody I don't know." She sighed out. "They are arranging a marrage for me," she groaned out. "I get stuck with another pureblood that's self asbore."
    June 11th, 2014 at 08:43pm
  • Blaise laughed again and said, "Nope. He sighed softly running a hand through his hair and said, "My parents want an arranged marriage so to speak." He sighed shaking his head. He then glanced at Draco and said, "Really hope Bella doesn't reject you. But if she does, call me so I can watch." He said teasingly.

    Bella listened to her and nodded still hugging her gently. She said, "Who knows not all pure loods are bad." She told her. She smiled and said, "Yes." She ran a hand through her hair gently and then pulled away from the hug. She looked up at her friend and said, "I promise it'll be okay,"

    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    June 11th, 2014 at 08:54pm
  • @ Angelic Devil
    Draco furrowed his brows, "what do you mean so to speak?" He questioned, not understanding him. An arranged marriage was just that arranged, the bride and groom weren't suppose to see each other till they reached the alter. "Haha your funny." He threw out there about his remark.
    Skylar sighed nodding, "if he's a complete and total ass, I'm blaming you." She told her friend. Thought it was a joke it still came out more like a threat. She smirked at her friends, "so when Draco asks you out what are you going to say?" She asked quickly turning the conversation back.
    June 12th, 2014 at 07:54am
  • @ Angelic Devil
    Draco furrowed his brows, "what do you mean so to speak?" He questioned, not understanding him. An arranged marriage was just that arranged, the bride and groom weren't suppose to see each other till they reached the alter. "Haha your funny." He threw out there about his remark.
    Skylar sighed nodding, "if he's a complete and total ass, I'm blaming you." She told her friend. Thought it was a joke it still came out more like a threat. She smirked at her friends, "so when Draco asks you out what are you going to say?" She asked quickly turning the conversation back.
    June 12th, 2014 at 07:55am
  • Blaise chuckled and said, "That I don't even know who she is," he said. "I don't know ANYTHING about her or anything like that." He said. He smiled softly and shrugged. He ran a hand through his hair. He yawned softly and then looked at him grinning, "Oh you know it." He said laughing.

    Bella laughed and shrugged smiling. "Alright." She though about it and said, "You don't know he'll ask me out. He doesn't even know me." She said. She then yawned and said, "I'm so tired." She smiled softly. She glanced around gently. (Want to skip to where wen they get there?)

    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    June 12th, 2014 at 08:01am
  • @ Angelic Devil
    Draco thought over Blaise words, here he was fretting over a girl he's only ever seen. Maybe not knowing wouldn't be such a bad idea, then again Blaise was getting all those things taken from him. He sighed as his eyes watched the sun slowly setting, they'd be arriving at Hogwarts any minute now. "Is it really a bad thing not knowing her and her life?"
    Skylar begrudgently pulled herself from her seat, shuffling her feet as she left the compartment. She had yet to change into her robes, though she really didn't care to even put them on. Quickly entering the toilet she changed as fast as she could not wanting someone to be subjected to her body.
    June 12th, 2014 at 08:15am
  • Blaise sighed not worrying about his robes. He then saw them approaching the castle and smiled. Hearing Draco's words, he said, "Well, I don't know
    About you but I wouldn't want to marry a person I didn't know." He said. He shrugged and said, "That's just me though." He ran a hand through his hair as he yawned. "You going to change Into robes?" He asked him.

    Bella laughed at her. She glanced out the window as they began to come to a halt. She coughed lightly. She got up and ran a hand through her hair. She opened the compartment and got out of it and looked around. She sighed, waiting for Skylar to get done changing, not wanting to go alone

    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    June 12th, 2014 at 08:20am
  • @ Angelic Devil
    Draco scoffed, "these are my robes, be motioned down to the black clothing covered by his school robe. He really didn't care for the dress code, nor did he feel he should have to wear them. "Well what if it was Pansy, would you really want to get to know her?" He asked, "I mean really our parent might be cruel at times, but they are not going to suit you with the likes of Perkson. They'll want a girl that's refine, and smart, pureblood of course. So really she won't be to bad." He shrugged. "Now your parents don't know your likes so she may be a bit unattractive to you, but she'll be a knock out none the less because they can't have an ugly daughter." He told him.
    Skylar struggled to find things in her bag, but once she found her robes it was a quick change. Tucking her clothing away she exited the bathroom before heading back to her compartment, as the train started to slow. "Bloody idiots," she groaned being knocked into by a couple of students trying to bethe first ones off.
    June 13th, 2014 at 06:49am
  • Blaise raised an eyebrow and sighed before saying, "Don't get in trouble Malfoy." He heard him and said, "actually yeah." He snorted and said, "My mum isn't as self obsessed as your parents." He said. He chuckled walking out of the compartment. He went ahead of Draco. He walked on To the school. Or well, took the carriages this time. He sat in one waiting for it to get full.

    Bella blinked listening to Skylar and laughed softly. She then waited before trying to get out if there. She eventually tried but got knocked to the ground. She winced and felt blood on her knees. She sighed and tried to get up. It hurt. She looked up to see who had bumped into her looking around.

    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    June 13th, 2014 at 06:59am
  • @ Angelic Devil
    Draco shrugged shaking his head, "my mum isn't either." He said quickly jumping to defend his mother. "It's my father." He said shaking his head. "But really your saying that an arranged marrage isn't self obesssed?" He asked sitting beside Blaise. "Because to me it sounds like they're afraid you're going to bring a pregnant mudblood home." He chuckled out.
    Skylar watched as Pansy roughly knocked into Bella, quickly drawing her wand. Pointing it directly at Pansy as she moved her dirrection, Pansy stood frozen in fear. Everybody around them quickly departed or ducked into empty compartments. "Mess with her again Perkson and you'll regret it." She threatened, her eyes squinted and her words dripped malous. This was why she would have done great as a Slytherin. She watched as Pansy moved to draw her own wand. Curling her lip, her glare darkened. Spark of green and red shot from the tip of her wand,almost as if she was warning Pansy she was trained in magic very well, and didn't need to speak her spells.
    June 13th, 2014 at 07:23am
  • "True." Blaise agreed nodding. He ran a hand through his hair again. "Ahh Your father though." He sighed softly, shaking his own head. He ran a hand through his hair once again. "Oh trust me it is. The whole concept about it is." He said sighing. He then said, "Mudblood is seriously not good considering I'm not a pureblood." He said giving him a look. He sighed softly. He noticed commotion from the train and wondered what was going on. He saw Bella come out trying to bring out someone else with her and said, "Hey, is that your girl?" He said pointing to Bella. "Looks like she's bleeding." He said frowning.

    Bella winced at the fall. She saw it was Pansy. She got up seeing Skylar pull her wand out. She then frowned and said, "Hey...Stop." She saw Pansy pull her own wand out. Bella wanted to avoid a fight. She looked around, trying to figure out a way to get away from this. She frowned, biting her lip harshly. She then grabbed Skylar's arm and dragged her out of the train, her hair a mess. She sighed when Pansy followed them. She frowned strongly so and tried to get them to stop again. "Stop!" She mumbled a little louder.

    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    June 13th, 2014 at 07:33am
  • @ Angelic Devil
    Draco's eyes widened, "that is her." He nearly gasped, yet happy she wasn't figment of his imagantion. "What the hell is Pansy doing now?" He groaned stepping from the coach. "Pasny!" He nearly growled out. "Come." He instructed. Hoping to avoid a duel, he knew Skylar. She was an extremely vindictive witch and Pansy would be ashes. He watched as Pansy pouted at him before side listened, "that one." He told her pointing her away from his carrage. He waited for her to coply before his eyes moved to Bella.
    Skylar growled out, "stupid twit." She huffed. Before she quickly composed herself, "are you alright?" She question Bella, quickly performing a spell to heal her cuts. Her jaw still tight and her nose flared, still angry from the odreal.
    June 13th, 2014 at 07:47am
  • Blaise raised an eyebrow hearing him gasp. He laughed softly. He watched smirking at Pansy. He laughed. "You're officially a mutt now." He said to Pansy. He ran a hand through his hair. He watched them. He saw Skylar and said, "Who's she though?" He asked a little curiously. He saw Bella's knees and looked at them concenred. He was probably the nicest Slytherine ever. He didn't even know why he was in Slytherine. He remembered now. It was from his slyness. He smirked. He watched Pansy again, then turned to Draco watching him.

    Bella giggled at Skylar and said, "Come now, Sky. It's Twat/" She giggled again. She nodded adn said, "Just scraped knees. The blood isn't even that bad." She winced as they healed though. She saw her jaw tight and went and hugged her, her head coming to the other girls chin. "Calm." She said as she hugged her smiling.

    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    June 13th, 2014 at 07:51am
  • June 13th, 2014 at 08:12am
  • @ Angelic Devil
    Draco smirked at Blaise, "that's the imfamous Skyalr, she like from a long line of Slythirens but her Brains landed he rin Ravenclaw." The only reason he knew this was because his family knew all the purebloods thst attened Hogwarts. He bit his lip turning his attention to Bella, her firey red hair seeming a mess, but she still looked beautiful as ever.
    Skylar chuckled hearing her words, before groan as her arms wrapped around her. "Okay, okay, ger off you twat." She said pushing her friend away, a smirk on her lips. She started chuckling, before she shook her head. "You're somen else."
    June 13th, 2014 at 08:12am
  • Blaise raised an eyebrow and said, "And i needed to know this why?" He asked, shrugging seeming indifferent. She was rather pretty though. He yawned leaning back against the carriage, closing his eyes. "Pansy seems very dog like." He laughed, hoping that twit could hear him. She was such a jerk to everyone except Draco. He didn't get it.

    Bella smiled and laughed hugging her back, until she felt Skylar push her away. She smiled up at her before saying, "Come on, then. We need to get on a carriage." She said, walking ahead of her friend a little ways. She pushed her red hair back once again. She heard her words and laughed and said, "Just Bella." She smiled.

    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    June 13th, 2014 at 08:18am
  • @ Angelic Devil
    Draco laughed out, "Pansy is a dog." He scoffed, shaking his head. "I kinda was hoping Skylar would have hexed her." He said, with a smirk. "It would have been an amazing thing to witness."
    Skylar smirked at her, "of course." She said, before pushing her toward Draco's carriage. She wanted to see if her theory was correct, not to mention no body else would want to sit in with him.
    June 15th, 2014 at 05:12am