The Game

  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ o Boo Boo o

    *4 Months Later*


    It is official: I am now 6 months pregnant with Matthew's child. And speaking of Matt, he still...hasn't woken up.

    I at least was able to chat with Emilie more than I used to these past many months that came by. I'm glad to have her by my side...and of course, Jason.

    "Ugh," I groaned while rubbing my boulder-like stomach and lying against the back of the couch, "Hormones during pregnancy sucks...especially when...Matt isn't here," I sighed, suddenly feeling a random wave of sadness hit me.

    Mood swings during pregnancy are absolutely the worst and so embarrassing

    "I just wish he would wake up," I whispered, looking away from Jason to hide my tears.

    Owen was now at Ivan's, meaning now I had the entire night with my wife, hoping to maybe lighten up the mood after days of sorrow for us over the fact that Matt was continuing to be in a coma. It is almost as if he would never wake up...but knowing that big fucker, he's going to wake his ass up eventually.

    "Hey," I whispered in Emilie's ear as she remained lying down next to me in our bed while we watched a TV show she liked, "I love you," I smiled.

    Hearing her giggle, I watch her look up at me and reveal a small smile, "Hi. Sorry, I was a bit sleepy."

    "Totally fine," I muttered, moving my fingers with her beautiful blonde hair.
    February 20th, 2015 at 05:47am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I smiled lightly at Brian and leaned over to place a kiss on his soft lips. "I wonder how Matt is doing. I hope he wakes up before the baby is born" I murmured quietly. "He's already missing the process of the pregnancy, it would be a shame if he missed his daughter being born to" i said softly. I sighed before placing my head down on his chest and wrapping my arm around him.

    I smiled lightly at Angel who still looked beautiful even if she had a belly the size of a small boulder. Despite the fact that we lived in California the fire place was lit and the light of the moon lit up the room even more. I looked at her seeing a tear roll down her cheek I sighed and turned her head to look at me. "Don't cry Angel." I said as i wiped away her tear. "He'll wake up. I promise Matt is a strong guy" I informed her. I ran my thumb along her cheek, my face slowly inching closer to hers. "Just try to..." I said my voice trailing off before i leaned in and kissed her lips softly. After I pulled away I looked at her. "Relax..." I whispered.
    February 20th, 2015 at 06:30am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ o Boo Boo o


    My eyes widened a bit when Jason kissed me, a part of me actually really wanting it considering my hormones have been going nuts, " don't have to do this..." I stuttered, not knowing how to react to something like this when it wasn't Matt.

    Jason smiled, "I might get my ass kicked for this...but...after all you have been need some sort of love, in passion. You are going through so much and...I don't know, maybe I should let you relax a bit... You can stop me whenever..."

    I blinked a few times and looked away, "I-I don't know Jason...I know Matt won't be happy if he finds out... I understand what you mean but..."

    Jason suddenly turned my face to look at him before placing his lips against mine in a heated kiss, my hormones now sparking to high levels at the feeling of being touched for the first time in a long time.

    "I'm pretty sure he's going to wake up in time, Emilie," I assured her, my fingers raking gently through her hair that felt like feathers against my fingertips, "Don't worry...I believe in that big lug in getting his ass out of bed in time to see Angel give birth to his daughter. Goddamn, he's going to have the biggest smile on his face when he sees Angel with that big belly and soon, the baby in her arms," I chuckled, "He always wanted a daughter to look after for."

    "Yeah," Emilie said, "I remember him saying that he really wanted a daughter, along with River wanting a sister to look after for. He's going to be one hell of a father for that role."

    "More like taking out the shotgun ever so often when a boy her age walks by," I chuckled.
    February 20th, 2015 at 04:45pm
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I smiled lightly. "I have a feeling when his daughter gets to be a teenager she's going to hate hi for how over protective he's going to be towards her" I said to him before leaning up and kissing his lips. "I wouldnt mind having a daughter some day. I'm out numbered on the gender side here" I said to him with a light giggle. "Just not right now. It's to soon to have another baby. Ir atleast try to have another baby.." I whispered quietly as i felt the tears in my eyes as I remembered what my father did to me a few years back.

    I smiled against her lips and pulled her closer as i contnued to kiss her softly. I ran my fingers down her back and then slid them into her hair. I had wanted to do this for so long, and now, here I was sharing a kiss with this beautiful woman that i would love to call mine. I pulled away when I heard the sound of River's bedroom door opening down the hall way. Soon, he came into view. His hazel eyes were red and puffy and I could see the tears rolling down his cheeks. "M-mommy" he said softly. "What's wrong sweetie? " Angel said as she pushed herself off the couch. "I- I had a nightmare" he sniffled, holding his stuffed minecraft creeper close to his body.
    February 20th, 2015 at 05:06pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ o Boo Boo o


    I frowned down at River, instantly holding his hand and escorting him upstairs to his room, "Come on, buddie. Let me get you back in bed and we can talk."

    Once we entered the room, I closed River's door behind us and let him lay down in his bed while I sat on the edge of it with my fingers stroking his hair, "What was your nightmare about, sweetie?"

    "Dad never woke up...and he was being put in the graveyard," River sniffed, the words hurting my heart more than ever at the true fear of Matt's coma right now, "A-And you were taken away from me," he croaked, gently grabbing my hand and holding on to it tightly for dear life, "I don't want my mommy and daddy to leave."

    "We aren't going to leave, baby," I whispered, leaning down and kissing his cheek, "I love you with my heart and I promise, Daddy will wake up soon and no matter what, I will never leave your side. You are the light of my life, River. I would never leave you alone. You know that, right?"

    River smiled weakly, "Yes... Thank you mommy."

    After muttering a few more words back and forth to each other, I finally kissed his little head and tucked him in comfortably, "Nighty, night, my little man. Sleep tight."

    "Night mommy," he whispered.

    Once I left his room and closed the door behind me, the tears immediately hit my eyes as I walked into my bedroom and leaned over the dresser nearby to take a moment to let the tears flow. It was only moments later where I actually started crying harder than before.

    Seeing the tears in Emilie's eyes, I instantly knew what she was thinking about and I know with the pit of my heart that I would never let that kind of shit happen to her again. She was a complete angel to my eyes and is the most loving wife I could ever ask for. I know she won't want kids anytime soon again...but when the day comes, I would be more than willing to care for them as much as if Owen was my actual biological son.

    "You take all the time you need, baby," I assured Emilie, grasping her face in my hands and gently leaning in to kiss her on her lips, "I love you, Emilie. And I will do whatever it takes to make you happy and will obey any command you give me that involves being patient with certain matters as in having kids. I am no rush," I smiled, moving my fingers along her bare curves under her shirt in a comforting manner.
    February 21st, 2015 at 06:23am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I looked at Brian, My eyes still filled with tears. "I love you Brian..." I whispered quietly. I sighed quietly and looked away. "I'm afraid that i wont be able to give you a deserve one and now you might never have one.." I sniffled quietly as I looked into his chocolate eyes. I snuggled up closer to him as I stared at his chest. I ran my fingers across it as i tried not to start crying my eyes out.

    I sighed quietly and stood up. I put out the fire and turned off all the lights before walking up the steps. i heard Angel crying and I knocked on the door quietly. "Angel?" I called out quietly. "Is everything okay? Did this happen becaise of our kiss? or is this because of Matt?"
    February 22nd, 2015 at 01:23am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ o Boo Boo o


    Hearing Jason's voice on the other side of the door while I remained laying down in my bed, I wiped the tears away from my eyes and cheeks before getting out of bed to head to the closet, "I'm fine can go to sleep now..." I sniffed, opening the closet doors and looking through to find one of Matt's favorite hoodies.

    Jason opened the bedroom door and peaked in before actually heading inside to get a better look at me, "Angel....look, I'm sorry I kissed you... I was only trying to give you the passion you needed so you wouldn't feel so alone... I swore myself I would never go farther than a simple few kisses..."

    I closed my eyes, grabbing Matt's hoodie and embracing it against my chest with my nose buried in it to smell his scent that was still there, "Just...leave me alone...Jason... please? I'm not mad...well...I don't know anymore...just go," I whispered, my free hand roaming over my large pregnant belly.

    "Hey, Emilie," I said while grasping her face and making her look at me, "Stop thinking that... The doctor that performed this on you is a complete fucking scam. I remember looking him up and her barely does decent surgery done right. Meaning, when he tied your tubes up, or so to speak, there is a high chance that he didn't really know what he was doing...because it isn't his speciality... Shane was trying to scare you even more...and you must believe me that you can have a child by me someday," I assured.

    "How can you be so confident?" she sniffled.

    I only smiled, "Because i believe in you, baby. Believe that from me," I ordered before kissing her passionately.
    February 22nd, 2015 at 02:58am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States

    I sighed quietly and rubbed the back of my neck. "Goodnight Angel..."I whispered before leaving her To herself.

    3 months later
    Huntington Beach General Hospital
    1:00 am

    "Matt!" I heard Angel scream out in pain. "Ahhhh!" I was so confused and scared, what the hell was going on? Why couldn't I see? "On the count of three, I want you to push as hard as you can Angel" I heard a doctor say. Wait. Angel was pregnant? Was she in labor? I gotta wake up. I can't miss this. Why couldn't I see? Fuck fuck fuck fuck! Come on Matt! Wake the hell up! I thought. After a moment I felt my eyes open only for them to be greeted by a bright white light. I squeezed them shut only long ebenough to realize that there was something down my throat. I opened my eyes and started to panic. I gagged at the feeling of the tube down my throat. I grabbed onto it, gagging as I tried to pull it out. Soon a nurse came in and grabbed my hands. "Calm down honey. I'll take the tube out." she said. AfTer a moment I felt the tube slide out of my throat and I started to gag. "W-what happened to me?" I croaked out. "where is my son? Where is my wife?" I asked.

    "You were in a coma."

    "Hhow long was I asleep?" I asked confused. "Nine months" shit.."would you like me to call your family?" she asked. "N-no. Just let them sleep. Call them in the morning..." I said softly as I shakily ran my fingers through my long brown hair.
    February 22nd, 2015 at 06:21am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ o Boo Boo o


    I wasn't even hungry this morning; not for anything at the moment. It is month 9 and I was getting so close to my due date. And still, Matt is not hope do I have?

    Sipping some of my orange juice, I suddenly heard the phone ring, causing me to narrow at the device with confusion at who would call at this point in the morning. Getting up, I gently grab it and answer it, "H-Hello?"

    "Is this Angel?" I heard a firm, feminine voice say that caused me to furrow my brows.

    "Yes? Who is this?"

    "This is Nurse Jennings from the Huntington Beach hospital, I'm just letting you know that...your husband is finally awake," she noted.

    My heart immediately stopped for a split second as the phone fell out of my hand and my other hand went to my mouth in shock. Tears immediately began building up and already falling down my face at the true miracle of this moment.

    Matt is finally awake...

    "Jason! Get River ready!" I yelled out after hanging up the phone.

    * * * *

    "Angel, you gotta calm down, you don't want to stress the baby," Jason muttered from the left of me while rubbing my shoulder.

    "Yeah, honey," Emilie said from the right, "Take it easy. I know this is a shock and all but just keep it cool...take deep breaths. Remember, this entire image of you is going to be a shock too. Let River go right in and then you soon follow."

    I nodded anxiously with shakey hands, "O-Okay..."

    "Angel?" A nurse called, "Your husband is awaiting you."

    I nodded and flashed a small smile at the nurse as Emilie helped me to my feet and River walked in front of me. Luckily, the room was not far down the hall but each step felt so heavy...for I was so fucking nervous of how Matt would react to everything that happened from nine months ago...and from what I look like now. This was going to be pretty damn crazy.

    "Daddy!!!!" River screamed out as he ran in the room and hugged him.

    Here we go...
    February 22nd, 2015 at 06:32am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    When River ran up to me and hugged me I started to cry I held him tightly before slowly looking up to see my beaitful wife...with a boulder for a belly. "A-Angel.." I stuttered out. "Baby I- I'm so sorry" I said softly "we're going to have a baby? " I said as she walked over to me as fast as she could. When she reached me I pulled her close to me. "I love you" I said to her. "I'm so sorry for everything I did..." I said quietly. When she looked at me "Don't be sorry Matt...because of what happened you're going to have a're going to have another child" I heard her say. I hugged her tightly "you're going to have a daughter Matt" she sniffled. "I'm so glad I woke up before you had our baby. I love you Angel. I'm so sorry for everything that I've done to you. I'll never do anything like that ever again"
    February 22nd, 2015 at 06:46am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ o Boo Boo o


    It was no doubt that I wanted to just let all the emotions out of what I felt that very day and the past 9 months that slowly came by. There was so much to say...that...I think it would literally cause me a fucking stroke just from venting it out. That is when I learned that in time, eventually things will slowly come to the surface to speak for itself and reveal the true painful emotions within my heart that reflect on what Matt did.

    "I know you won't let it happen again, sweetie," I whispered to Matt, smiling with tears of joy coming down my face, "I'll be staying here tonight until you get discharged when ready. That is, unless i need to be in bedrest. But the doctor said I'm doing so well that bed rest isn't needed and that I can simply lay on a piece of furniture like the couch in this room. I'm due very soon, Matt... Our little daughter will be coming into the world...."

    "Do you have a name?" Matt asked, his voice still a bit raspy from the long coma.

    "It's gonna be Ashley!" River exclaimed, resting on his father's chest very cautiously.

    Matt chuckled down at his son before looking over at me, "Ashley, is it? I love that name..."

    "Do you want to hear her?" I asked with a smile, lifting my shirt up to reveal my large stomach, "Just press your ear against it and you can hear her move around in there. I'm sure she wants to know her Dad is waiting for her... She never was able to hear your voice during her time in here... Why don't you say a little something?" I offered, seeing how excited he got as I scooted over so he could have a better reach.
    February 22nd, 2015 at 07:04am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I smiled lightly and when I heard Ashley inside of Angel's stomach I smiled. I pulled away and rubbed her belly "Hi Ashley, it's your daddy. I can't wait to see sweetie. I love you and nothing is going to ever happen to you.." I whispered. "I love you so much sweetie and I can't wait for you to come into this world" I then looked up at Angel. "After you have the baby, I want to take you out to a nice dinner. You deserve it"
    February 22nd, 2015 at 07:40am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ o Boo Boo o


    "Matt, you really don't have to," I assured him, my fingers moving through his hair delicately, "After the baby, I'm going to need some real bedrest and I suggest you do the same with me. I know you been sleeping for a very long time...but I just...want you to hold me while we watch a movie or something. And since its going to be the first week for the baby, maybe we stay home a bit and...when we first get home, order pizza?" I smiled.

    "Sounds good to me," he nodded, patting a wide-open spot next to him on the bed, "Come over here and lay down with me."

    With his arms to help me in the bed, I gently lie myself down with my upper body propped up with him so we could be face-to-face. Both of us exchanged loving smiles before leaning in to kiss, my fingers moving over his cheek and tears running down my face at the pure relief that he was still here for me, "I missed much..." I sniffed.

    Having the permission to go see what Emilie was up to, I gently wrap my arm around her waist and smile down at her rather concerned look that seems to be aiming to Angel going into labor anytime soon, "Hey, Matt is going to be there for her this time...don't worry, sweetie."

    "It's just...after what happened that day those many months ago, I have a feeling Matt might become...a little too overwhelming for her in terms of 'making up' for the mistakes he did," she sighed, gently patting my hand, "But you are right...let us give them some space before we head in."
    February 22nd, 2015 at 06:27pm
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    "I woke up because I had a dream that you were going into labor and I was missing it " I told her. 'Don't cry baby. I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere. Never again will I leave you like that. I hate myself for it. I never should have done that." I said softly as I ran my fingers through her smooth hair. "I'm sorry i wasn't there for you like I wanted to be.." I said softly. i held River to my chest as I held Angel to my side. I was not going to let go of my family, and I know for a fact that I was not going to sleep any time soon.

    I smiled lightly at Brian and kissed his cheek. "I'm so glad she's smiling again. I bet Matt won't be sleeping for a couple days. Not since he's been in a coma for nine months' I said to him. "I also wouldn't be surprised if Matt tries to get her pregnant again so that he can actually be there for her through her pregnancy. Ya know, since he missed out on this one"
    February 22nd, 2015 at 06:40pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ o Boo Boo o


    I carefully wiped the tears from my eyes and rested my side against his, loving the realization that I was able to be held close to him again for the first time in a while. These months were the longest of my life and now, all I cared for was the result that I was with Matt again...and that we were together as family forever now.

    With the side of my face resting against his shoulder, I smiled peacefully at the thought that I could now rest without the stress of Matt not ever waking up for the first time in months. I couldn't wait to get him home and let us hold on to each other throughout the night. Looking over at his hazel eyes, I smiled and leaned in to kiss him with great passion while his one hand rested on my belly where our child was ready to come into this world in a very short amount of time.

    "I love you so much...," I muttered against his lips, "You are everything to me..."

    "That I could see happening to," I admitted when Emilie mentioned about Matt trying to get Angel pregnant again, "Knowing that big lovable lug, he is for sure going to try to get her to become impregnated with another child just so he can watch over her this time and actually be there every step of the way. But for Angel's sake, I bet it isn't going to be for a long time. It's probably gonna drive Matt nuts," I chuckled.

    "Yeah, you got that right," Emilie said, moving her petite hand along my back soothingly, "Let's give them a few minutes and then we can walk in to give him greetings. I just hope the doctors will get the big guy out of the bed at some point."

    "Oh I'm sure they will, knowing how persistent he must be," I said as a matter-of-fact.
    February 22nd, 2015 at 06:51pm
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I closed my eyes and smiled. "I love you to Angel..I could never love another woman. You're mine and i'm going to make it offical as soon as I possibly can." I informed her. I ran my fingers up and down her back as I looked into her beautiful brown eyes. "When are you due?" I asked softly. "By the end of this week" she whispered, causing me to smile. "Looks like I woke up just in time" I breathed out quietly.

    I smiled at Brian before chewing on my lip. "We need to go out on a date Bri.." I said to him. "Ever since we've met, we've never truly been on a date just the two of us. I think it's time that we've had one. Don't you?" I asked him
    February 22nd, 2015 at 11:12pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ o Boo Boo o

    **Few Days Later**


    It was now the 3rd day since Matt woke up and now, the nurse was preparing his dismissal papers to get him home, along with prescriptions that he should take to get his body back to normal. A physical therapist will be coming to our house twice every week to make sure that he gets back to his physical health, considering he was stuck in bed for 9 months.

    "Slow down on eating that cheeseburger," I giggled, glad to have Jimmy bring Matt some McDonalds to get some calories into his body that doesn't come from the hospital cafeteria, "We don't want you getting heartburn. You still have your large fry to eat so don't scarf down where you get sick."

    Matt smirked, taking the last bite of the entire burger, "I needed good food. Now, where are my overly salted fries?"

    "Right here," I replied while holding two fries out to him and actually feeding him them, "How are they?"

    "Fucking good," he chuckled.

    I laughed and placed the McDonald's bag down, along with placing the fries on the little table top next to his bed, "Now...I got to go get something to drink. So I will be right back," I winked.

    Slowly getting up from my seat, I suddenly felt a very sharp pain in my lower body that made me wince loudly in pain. Painful spasms were forming all over my lower regions, along with a feeling of liquid going down my stretchy black sweatpants.

    "Fuck, I think my water just broke..." I gasped out in pain, trying to hold the side of the bed for support.

    "So, when is Matt coming back to his house today?" I asked Emilie as she straightened up the kitchen while I washed the dishes.

    "Sometime in the next couple hours maybe? Why you ask?" she responded.

    "Just wondering," I chuckled, "I want to actually go bother him with the guys and make him feel more at home than still thinking about the hospital. Maybe a few beers...and a large pizza... Speaking of which, we still on with that date tomorrow night? I made reservations at this beautiful restaurant down by the beach."
    February 23rd, 2015 at 05:40am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    My eyes widened in shock when she saud that her water broke. Being that I was in a coma for nine months I didnt know what to do. I climbed out of bed and helped her into it. I then ran to the doorway seeing a doctor there i looked at him. "Hey! " I shouted, catching his attention "my fiancé is going into labor" I shouted at him. He then began to rush down the hall, followed by some people. They rushed in and looked at her. "We have to get her to the delivery ward. " he said to me. I nodded my head and l grabbed Angel's hand so she could squeeze onto it. "JIm go call Emilie, tell her Angel's in labor" I informed him before rushing out of the room with Angel.

    I giggled lightly and leaned up to kiss him. "Of course we're still going on our date Bri" I said to him. "But I do know, that I'm going to need to go buy a new outfit. For this date" I said to him. "I can most definitely provide the money for my beaitiful wife to find a beautiful outfit' he chuckled. "I might take Angel with me. That way we can have a girls day ot and she can have some-" I was cut off by the sound of Brian's phone going off. I reached into his back pocket and grabbed it. "Yes Jimmy?" I said as I put the phone on speaker phone "Angel's having the baby"
    February 23rd, 2015 at 10:25pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ o Boo Boo o


    To say the pain was excruciating was definitely an understatement; the pain that involved the terrible contractions and need for the baby to come out was extremely unbearable. I heard from Emilie how bad it hurt but dear fucking God, I didn't know it would be this bad. When the doctor's got me into the delivery room and placed me on the assigned bed, Matt quickly went to go change into scrubs that the doctor ordered him to do. Matt refused any help because of his condition, saying that he wanted to be by my side no matter what.

    "Fuck this hurts!" I cried out, holding on to Matt's hand for dear life with his one arm wrapped around my shoulder for comfort, "I-I just want to...end this...goddammit," I said with a strained, concerned voice as tears poured down my cheeks.

    "Alright we are about to start, just hang in there Angel," the doctor said as all the nurses began preparation for the delivery with my legs spread apart and the tiny medical crib prepared for the baby's arrival, "Take deep and and out."

    "I'm trying," I said through gritted teeth with my eyes clenched shut.

    "Brian, I know I want you to drive fast but please, don't kill us!" I heard Emilie yell at me from the passenger seat with River secured in the backseat, "I rather not get in an accident on the way there."

    "Trust me on this, Emilie," I breathed, swerving around cars as the hospital came closer to my view, "I see it, hang on we are almost right there."

    Pulling into the parking lot hastily, I hurriedly park in a spot and turn the car off to soon get River out of the backseat and head into the hospital. I asked the nurse who we wanted to see and unfortunately, we could only wait outside of the room because of the great amount of commotion that was going on inside.

    "Emilie Haner? You can go inside but stay out of the way from the doctors and nurses, okay?" a stationed nurse said to her in regards to her begging of going inside to be able to see Angel through the delivery, "Stand to the side where Mr. Sanders is."
    February 23rd, 2015 at 10:40pm
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I held Angel's hand, truly surprised at her strength when it felt like she was breaking my hand. 'It's gonna be okay baby' I said to her as I held a cool cloth th her forehead. When Emilie rushed inside of the room to be with her best friend she looked at the doctors with a glare. 'You cant just tell her to breath in and out. That shit doesn't work unless you have drugs" I heard her say. "Just make sure everything goes right down there and I'll will walk her through it." she said.

    I looked at Angel and reached across the bed to Grab her hand. "You've got atleast an hour until you actually start the birthing process." I informed her. "The pain is going to get even worse. Just close your eyes and think of all the great things you will get to do with Ashley" I said to her. I heard her whimper in pain "I suggest strangling Matt, it'll help. I did it to Ivan"

    2 hours into the birthing process

    "Angel, you gotta push" I said to her. "One really big push to start it off okay? On the count of three" She looked at me, her forehead already slicked in sweat. "One...Two..Three! Push angel!" I urged her as she squeezed Matt and I's hands with a loud scream of pain.
    February 23rd, 2015 at 11:10pm