Will You Let Me In?

  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ lost in stereo;
    Emmet smiled his thumb coming upto hold her hand. He really liked Hailee and would do just about anything to have a good relationship with her. It didn't matter to him that he had a streak of reckless in him. Emmet was a good guy and he knew it. When David walked out he sighed. "Call me." He said and smiled.

    North felt the car pull to a stop and she shivered. It begain. North hoped they would get it all out now and tomorrow it would be like nothing ever happened. She could only hope that the anger disapated.
    August 16th, 2014 at 08:17am
  • chasingdaisies;

    chasingdaisies; (120)

    United States
    "I'll try," Hailee returned his smile and turned to leave. David stomped off ahead of her and a frown spread across her features, knitting her eyebrows together. "What's wrong with you?"

    "None of your business," he snapped at her and she was taken aback. David never snapped at her. They weren't the kind of siblings that fought with one another; they always had each others' backs.
    David's heart lurched at the sight of hurt on his sister's face. "Look, I'm sorry. I'm just not ready to talk about it, okay?" Hailee nodded but the pout didn't wipe away. He sighed and let his thoughts consume him. It wasn't like there was much to talk about anyways; he hadn't done anything wrong to North, because caring was not a horrible thing to do. He didn't understand what was wrong with that girl.

    @ Jinxling
    August 17th, 2014 at 01:21am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ lost in stereo;
    Emmet went home and laid on his bed listening to music as he thought about Hailee. She was amazing and he could only hope that maybe he would be the lucky one. Emmet smiled as he plan ed for their date.

    North got to the house and walked in. She went up to her room and put her things away preparing herself for the inevitable. North was honestly surprised when they didn't call her down until late. They where sitting at the table. She coukd see it in their wyes and her stomach dropped. This was it...
    August 18th, 2014 at 12:56am
  • chasingdaisies;

    chasingdaisies; (120)

    United States
    Hailee stepped out of the car upon arrival of their house and made a mad dash into the house, and up the stairs. Plopping down on the bed, she whipped out her phone and dialed his phone number. It rang a few times before he picked it up. "Hey there, cutie," she chirped.
    David paced his bedroom floor, he was sure that he was most likely wearing a hole into the carpet. When he glanced down to check, he saw that - in fact - he hadn't fazed the carpet at all. He shook his head before he heard a knock at his door. He opened it to reveal the maid, Josephine. "I don't need your services as of right now," he said softly to her.

    A smile spread across her lips, "I'm well aware of that but you do a quite a bit of muttering when your upset. Would you like to talk about it?" David didn't really know why, but he started to tell Josephine about the girl named North.

    @ Jinxling
    August 18th, 2014 at 02:27am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ lost in stereo;
    Emmet chuckled when Hailee called him. "Hey there beautiful." He teasingly said back. He was glad that she had atleastcalled. He had been working on his math and had just about been ready to toss thebook across the room. "So how was your dsy?" He asked like they hadn't just seen eachother. But he knew that they probably already talked about this more then enough. Emmet wanted to get to know her deeper ut he wasn't sure how to and he didn't want to rush her before they even have a first date.

    North stood as the yelling started. She hadn't done the chores before she had fallen asleep yesterday and they where pissed. "It is all was ask for taking you into our home and providing for your filth. We should have known that a teenager of your kind could never change! You area fucking worthless peice of shit!" The woman slapped her and the man hit her taking North to her knees. North cried out and gasped for air as she felt the blow to her ribs from the kick. North fell to her side craddling her head tearssilently streaming down her face as she took the beating. It wasn't until the blood came that they stopped. The woman threw a rag in her face. "Clean this shit up!" They walked away and North laid there quietly sobbing for a while before cleaning up her blood. She stood and made her way silently up to her room. She locked the door and reached under her bed grabbing a wooden box. North opened it up looking inside atthe few most precious items she valued. A broken compass that was stuck on north srung on a necklace and her razor. North ran her fingers over the compass before grabbing the razor. She took the razor and pulled off her sweater. North looked at her arms covered in mostly old but some new scars. Each one had a reason and not the normal ones but the ones she had gone through after the death of her parents. North pulled the razor across her skin watching the blood pool out of he straight line. She hissed and sighed in releif as she lifted the razor from her skin. She switched arms and made another. North wiped the blade putting it back in the box under the bed. North sighed laying back watching the blood dribble down her skin, her eyes closed in the ecstasy. She finally relaxed the pain was her only comfort.
    August 18th, 2014 at 09:25am
  • chasingdaisies;

    chasingdaisies; (120)

    United States
    "Oh you know, the usual. This odd boy follows me around but he's pretty cute so I think I'm okay with it," Hailee giggles at her own joke. Anticipation was eating at her insides; she was entirely ready to go on her first date.
    Jospehine had listened to his entire story but she hadn't imposed no great wisdom like he had hoped. Now he was alone in hs room again, back to pacing. He desperately wanted to call North but he was terrified to do so. Scared of what she might say; scared that these feelings had creeped up on him and he hadn't had time to push them away. He could feel in his stomach that there was something wrong, but what could he do? Could he make it about their science project? An aggravated sigh slipped through his lips as he yanked at his hair.

    @ Jinxling
    August 18th, 2014 at 04:02pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ lost in stereo;
    Emmet chuckled. "Hey indaviduality and chivalry can be mistaken for weird." He played and smiled. "So..." He bit his lip nlt sure what to say nlw. He wanted to know the stupid things like her favorit collr and what she loved to eat. Emmet wanted to have that with her. He wanted to be able to tell people what she wanted without having to ask her.

    North woke the next day and sighed. She slipped out into the bathroom and cleaned up. She showered hissing at the stinhing of the soap in her cuts. She stood there in the shower for a long time her body hurting so bad. She felt like her rib might be broken if not bruised. Nprth stepped outof the shower looking at the bruises on her face and sighed. She used coverup bit knew it was a poor job. She slipped out to her room dressing and slping her bpx and her cloths into her school bag and slipped it on. The extra weight hurt but she just delt with it. North walked down the stairs and slipped into the kitchen grabbing some food and a water bottle. She slipped out of the house and headed toward the park where no one went anymore. North slipped into the plastic tunnel and laid there crying. She hurt so bad.
    August 18th, 2014 at 05:27pm
  • chasingdaisies;

    chasingdaisies; (120)

    United States
    "So, I still haven't talked to my parents about studying or tomorrow. I'll talk to them at-" Hailee stopped, hearing someone call out her name, "dinner, which is apparently right now. I gotta go, I'll talk to you later." She waited for his response before hanging up and heading down the steps and into the dining room. She sat down in her usual spot and waited for David to join them.
    David slipped into his seat at the dinner table, silently. His mother pursed her lips as her eyes grazed over him; he his hair was disheveled and he hadn't took the time to change out of his school clothes. "David, how was your day?" she asked him and he thought about telling him about his bad day. Instead, "It was nice today, classes were all pretty easy and my grades are up as usual." His mother nodded her head and then turned to Hailee.

    He was dimly aware of his sister asking to go hiking with a friend tomorrow and starting a study group to help some kid with their work. David could feel the eyes of his parents boring into him and he did his best to ignore it.

    @ Jinxling
    August 18th, 2014 at 07:16pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ lost in stereo;
    Emmet was to excitedto sleep in. He got up early and finished preparing for the date. He packed up the carand texted Hailee asking if she was ready. He was a little early but he wanted to make it there before her. Emmet grinned excited for today when he got to show her what normal life was like.

    North groaned as she stretched out. She was soar not only from the beating but from sleeping in the tunnel. North got out knowing she only had one more night to suffer hrough. She finished her homework before pulling out her necklace and running her thumb over the top. She missed her parents desperately.
    August 19th, 2014 at 02:39am
  • chasingdaisies;

    chasingdaisies; (120)

    United States
    Hailee was already awake and alert when her phone buzzed. She paused what she was doing to glance down, seeing a text from Emmett causing a smile to break out across her lips. She sent a quick text back telling him that she was and grabbed her things and headed down the stairs. She peeked in the living room to see her mother reading, "Mom, I'm heading out."

    "Okay, dear. Be careful." Her mother smiled up at her, eyes lightening. It had been easier than she thought to get her parents to agree; apparently they trusted her more than she thought they did. She slipped out the door and headed towards her destination.
    David paced across his bedroom floor, frustrated with just about everything. He couldn't concentrate on his school work because the thought of North kept nagging at his brain. It was like he could feel that something was wrong but he couldn't quite pinpoint it and it had him being a complete trainwreck.

    A growl like noise escaped his lips as he yanked his fingers through his hair, which was a tangled mess no doubt. Glancing out his bedroom window, he decided today was a nice day to go for a run. Maybe, just maybe, that would clear his mind.

    @ Jinxling
    Sorry, my life has been a wreck. Between school and my cat dying... Things are a little hard.
    September 1st, 2014 at 05:08pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ lost in stereo;
    [Its okay sorry about your cat]
    Emmet pulled up to the park as he saw Hailee running down the road. He smiled and hopped out. He really hoped that this would go well. He wanted a relattionship with Hailee more then anyone else. Which honestly surprised him because he knew she was not an easy girl to date. He had heard the stories but Emmet didn't care and he was not giving up.
    "Hey you." Emmet called out as she got closer. He jogged over to her and took her bag before hugging her. Hesmiled as he pulled back and took her hand. He put her bag in the bavk qnd helped her into his jeep like a gentleman. "How did it go?"
    North moved to a swing glad that no kids came to this park anymore. There was a shinner safer one just up the street. She sighed as she started to swing carefully. It was only a light swing because it hurt to do much more. North kept her hood up but since the weather was so nice she pushed her sleeves up her arms. The two bright lines shined with the new cut look. They hadn't had a lot of time to heal yet.
    North watched the sun shimmer over her necklace and she reached out touching it again. She caressed it like it was a loved one she hadn't seen in to long and that she had missed desperately.
    September 2nd, 2014 at 04:28am
  • chasingdaisies;

    chasingdaisies; (120)

    United States
    "Do you mean my parents? They're surprisingly okay with everything. I was a little shocked to be honest." Hailee smiled at him as she got comfortable. She waited as he closed her door and made his way around and into the driver's seat. "So, where are we headed?"
    David leaned against a tree, sweat was dripping off of him everywhere and his lungs were burning. It wasn't enough though; he was still frustrated. While he was gathering his breath, he glanced around not expecting to see anyone. Then he spotted the hooded figure on the swing, causing his head to tilt to the side. He knew that figure, that hoodie.

    @ Jinxling
    September 3rd, 2014 at 12:32am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ lost in stereo;
    Emmet smiled like he wasn't going to tell and honestly he wasn't going to. He started his jeep and started to drive torwardthe country side. Emmet winked at Hailee. "You'll see." He said and rolled down the windows. He turned on the radio and turned it up real loud smirking. Emmet hoped that today would e u forgetable, for he both of them.
    North sat there swinging but when she heard someone slowly approaching she pushed her sleeves down and hid her necklace. She stood and turned looking attheir legs as she kept her face hidden. "I was just leaving." She stumbled with her wirds like she was nervous because she didn't realize who it was but when she heard David call her name she looked up before she could stop herself. She gasped and turned feeling the tears welling up. She knew he saw her like this and she was so ashamed.
    September 3rd, 2014 at 12:54am
  • chasingdaisies;

    chasingdaisies; (120)

    United States
    Hailee smacked Emmett's arm lightly while smiling at him. She propped her feet up on the dash and stuck an arm out the window, while the wind whipped through her hair. After a moment she started singing to the radio and felt as if they resembled a scene from chick flick which caused her smile to widen.
    "Hey, wait." David grabbed her hand lightly. "Look at me, please?" He knew she wasn't going to look at him so when she refused, he took two fingers and tilted her head towards him as gently as he could. His heartached with what he saw; the bruises on her cheeks, her swollen eye, her busted lip. He pulled her into his embrace, refusing to let go, "What happened?" He forced himself to stay calm.

    @ Jinxling
    September 8th, 2014 at 03:12am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ lost in stereo;
    Emmet smiled and looked at her. She looked so beautiul and content. He pulled out his camera and snapped a picture grinning before putting it away driving skilfully with one hand. He was so glad to get her out here. He drove up to a very beautidful place in the red rocks. "It's a bit of a walk but the view is worth it." He said as he turned down the radio. He had enjoyed listening to her voice as he drove the winding roads. Emmet parked now and got out going around and helpping her down. He grabbed the bags handing her own to her. He smiled and offered a hand to her. He hoped that she would love this place as much as he did.

    North felt him grab her hand and she pulled it away as she turned to him keeping her head down as she shaked it. It was like she was trying to tell him not to do this. She turned her head to the side as she felt his fingers but she knew it was to late, he knew and he wasn't going to stop asking questions. North couldn't stop his arms from embrasing her and she didn't stry to pull away even though his grip around her hurt her ribs and made it hard to breath. She hesitated only breifly before wrapping her arms around him her hands grasping his cloths until her knuckles turned white. North turned her head into his neck as she felt the tears roll over her cheeks and down to his neck. Before she realized it a broken sob fell from her lips as she clung to David. North hadn't realized how much she needed his arms, his care. She had hopped that this wouldn't happen but now that he saw how bad it was he could understand. David would now be able to understand why she couldn't get close to anyone, let alone him. North didn't speak as usual but her brokenness reveiled how bad it was and that there was no escaping it.
    September 8th, 2014 at 03:32am
  • chasingdaisies;

    chasingdaisies; (120)

    United States
    Hailee took his hand and followed his lead. "I don't mind much walking. It's good for the soul." She smiled at him, sounding like a hippie and not caring. They treked forward, following what seemed to be a hidden trail. The anticipation at what was going to be at the end was killing her; it was all she could do not to ask him a million times over where they were headed, what was in store for them. Somehow she managed to keep her mouth shut as she moved along the trail beside him.
    David clutched to the girl in his arms, not caring about the amount of pressure he was using. Her pain caused him pain, wether she liked it or not. He didn't why or how or even when it happened, but he cared deeply about this girl; he just couldn't understand it. In that moment, he vowed to himself that he would do his damn best to protect her at all costs and not giving a damn about what she had to say about it. Even if it made her hate him; that was a risk he was willing to take - even if the thought did pain him.

    @ Jinxling
    September 13th, 2014 at 02:10am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ lost in stereo;
    Emmet chuckled seekng her antisapation. He walked to the edge of the trees and stopped having her come up beside him. In front of them was the begining to his world. He smiled at Hailee as he let her look over his secerate place. Emmet lead her in up the stairs to the ruins covered kn flowers and moss. It was a magical place, almost as if out of a fairytale. Emmet watchdd her waiting for her reaction as he set his bag down.
    North calmed after a long cry. She didn't let go though. North looked up at David after a long time. "I want to sit down." She said and shivered. Once he let go she sat back on the swing looking down. How had he found her? What was pushing them together? North waited for him to speak because she honestly didn't know what to say. She wasn't going to tell him. There was no way she could now. He had penitrates her heart like no other and she couldn't risk loosing him. North didn't understand it all yet but she knew that she wanted to be close to David.
    September 13th, 2014 at 03:18pm
  • chasingdaisies;

    chasingdaisies; (120)

    United States
    Hailee's breath hitched in her throat as she looked around the place. "Oh my god," she barely managed to breathe out, "It's so beautiful. How did you find this place?" Her eyes trailed back to him, patiently awaiting his answer. There seemed to be a quite a bit to him and she wanted to know everything there was to know.
    David placed himself in the swing next to hers. "Do you want to tell me what happened to you?" He asked after a moment, though he doubted he would recieve an answer. North seemed to like to keep a lot of secrets and though he hated it, he chose to respect it even though he was determined to get an answer out of her at some point.

    @ Jinxling
    (I'm sorry that I've been such a bad responder. I've barely even thought of this site since I started school and I feel pretty bad about it. I've just barely managed to check up on my contests and that's about it. My spaciness will most likely continue for awhile. I have no idea how long it's going to last, so if that makes you not want to roleplay with me any longer I can understand that. Just know that you're not the only person I'm doing this to.)
    September 19th, 2014 at 12:44am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ lost in stereo;
    [Oh hun I understand. Actually his isn't as bad as other people. And your writing is worth the wait I just wished there was more of it with how infrequent you post. I want to keep writing with you don't worry.]

    Emmet smiled. "Well I do a lot of thinking and hiking in my spare time and between socder seasons. I guess I just got lost and ended up here when my thoughts returned to me." He smiled and pulled out a blanket setting it out. "You hungry?" He asked and pulled out a tin box. He set it down and opened it up pulling out some containers with food in it. He pulled out a water offering it to her. Emmet sat down and pulled out his water taking a long swig. He looked up at Hailee grinning. "So I gather that you like it?"
    North shook her head feeling like the tears where threatening to fall again. She was quiet for a long time before she looked over at him just watching him wondering what he was thinking. North looked around not really wanting to sleep in the park again but how did she tell David that wihout tipping him off. She hoped he didn't know that she had been sleeping here last night. She didn't want him to know how bad it was but deep down she already knew rhat he did. Honestly she was surprised that he wasn't freaking out over the cuts on her arms. She wondered if he had seen the new ones. North felt so ashamed but strangely enough she was comforted with him there. She had feel safe and good in his arms. "David." She whispered his name just wanting to say it. When he looked at her she blushed wishing she didn't look so terrible. His gorgeous face looked at her and hidden in those eyes where the secerates she wished she knew, she wished she was close to him and never had to be scared of loosing him. But that was never going to be a possibility. North looked down at the ground pushing lightly at he ground with her foot causing the swing to rock. She could feel her heart beat speeding up with just the feel of his eyes on her.
    September 19th, 2014 at 06:20am
  • chasingdaisies;

    chasingdaisies; (120)

    United States
    @ Jinxling
    (I try pretty hard to write a decent post but sometimes the words just don't want to come to me, but I'm glad you think it's worth the wait. I'm also glad you don't want to give this up.)

    "Like it?" Hailee giggled a bit, "I love it! It's one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen." She sat down next to him, attempting to help with the organizing of the food. There were sandwhich supplies and vegetables and fruits to chose from. She took a bottle of water into her own hand and smiled at him. "So I'm not trying to be conceited or anything but, I must be pretty special for you to show this place to, huh?" Suddenly she wasn't so sure she wanted his answer; what if he brought lots of girls here? She didn't let her face waver though and prepared herself for his response.
    David took the sight of her in; the bruises, the scrapes and cuts, and the scars. All of it made his heart but what was there for him to really do about it? His teeth gnawed at his lip a bit, the sound of her voice saying his name whirling around in his mind. Deciding to stand, he grabbed at her hand. "Come with me," he said gently. It wasn't a question and he was sure she knew that as she stood with him, following his lead. David didn't understand why things suddenly felt like they were easy with her and it worried him; the last time he thought things were getting easier she ended up screaming at him and he finds her all banged him. A sigh escaped his lips as he led her to his car and opened the passenger door for her, waiting for her to get in.
    September 21st, 2014 at 02:53am