Take a Chance

  • Jordypye

    Jordypye (1400)

    New Zealand
    (I've had this sitting on my laptop for awhile Facepalm Honestly, I think my role-plays with you will be the only ones I update haha Shifty)

    Yumi nodded her head at Gaara as he explained that Rei and Sasuke were roommates, it made her feel a little bit better that she wasn't the only one. She hummed as she pushed her food around a little, before eating small bites of her food at a time. Yumi tried to take in all the information she was being told and she was finding it hard to get use to the new and strange environment, she admitted she was home sick but hoped she'd get used to being at this new school.

    Yumi nodded her head at Rei and gave the other girl a small smile "Gaara's been great really, he offered to take me on a tour, so he's shown me around before coming here to have dinner," Yumi grinned.
    Sasuke mumbled incoherent words under his breath, something along the lines of kicking Naruto's ass, to which Naruto only stuck his tongue out playfully. Sasuke half listened to Rei ask Yumi about how Gaara was treating her and half listened to Naruto go on about something that had happened in P.E and the fact that Sakura had rejected him... again.

    Sasuke shook his head at Naruto "Why don't you give up on Sakura, she's completely friendzoned you Naruto and she's never been nice to you anyway," Sasuke stated, not understanding why his blond friend kept putting himself through the pain of being humiliated and rejected by Sakura. He could almost facepalm in frustration but instead he turned his attention to Rei.
    August 8th, 2014 at 11:41am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (Don't worry! :) I've been on and off Mibba laately, anyways. But, aw, I feel loved. xD)

    Gaara was surprised to hear Yumi talk so highly about him, but it made him feel good nonetheless. He tried not to let it show, of course - which was pretty easy for him. Still, the surprise was a little evident because he wasn't used to people praising him at all. Figuring he'd leave the girls to their conversation, he turned his attention to the guys, arching an eyebrow. "Maybe Naruto's just desperate," he offered as an explanation.

    "Am not!" Naruto quickly shouted - not angrily, of course, - before pouting slightly. "Look, I just like Sakura. It's not like I'm obsessed with her or anything. Besides, I figure that she might take me out of the friend zone eventually, once she gets tired of chasing after Sasuke."
    Even Rei was surprised to hear the news about Gaara, but she smiled and nodded slightly. "That's good. The school's kind of big, so having somebody help you figure everything out will likely help you out a lot," she told the girl. "You seemed to have lucked out with that, really. Gaara's usually not so great to people he isn't close to."

    As if to emphasize her words, she jabbed her thumb towards Naruto and Gaara. "Believe it or not, Naruto there is probably Gaara's closest friend." Mostly because Naruto was so easy to be friends with, but also because Naruto understood Gaara. They were like kindred spirits with polar opposite personalities.
    August 8th, 2014 at 11:53am
  • Jordypye

    Jordypye (1400)

    New Zealand
    (I've managed to sort out a good method for updating like ten role-plays so I hope to be one more often now haha!)

    Yumi hadn’t expected Naruto’s outburst and she visibly flinched at the volume of his voice beside her. Dropping her fork, she clutched her heart as it slowed back down to its normal pace. She tried to laugh off the fright she had gotten but her face was flushed with embarrassment at her reaction to his yelling.

    Focusing on what Rei was saying instead she nodded her head, wondering why Gaara seemed to be acting nice to her then, perhaps it was because they would be rooming together and he didn’t want things to be tense in their shared room. It was expected then but she was happy he was treated her nicely none-the-less. She made a note to thank him later when they got back to their room.
    Sasuke watched the poor new girl get a fright from Naruto and he rolled his eyes at his friend. “Good going, scare the new girl half to death on her first day,” Sasuke scoffed lightly before turning back to his meal and finishing it off.

    “You’ll have to get used to Naruto’s random outbursts, he’s a hyperactive dweeb,” Sasuke explained as Naruto scratched the back of his head nervously and sent Yumi an apologetic smile. “And also stay away from the Akatsuki senior group.” Sasuke muttered, narrowing his eyes at a group in the far corner of the café.
    August 9th, 2014 at 05:55am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (Haha, that's good! And, awesome! :3 I'm hoping to be on more often now, too, so fingers crossed!)

    Gaara turned his eyes on Naruto, eyeing the boy for a long moment when he noticed that the blonde boy had frightened his room-mate. "Try to calm down, even a little," he said before he let out a sigh and shook his head. "Otherwise, you'll make Yumi here regret coming to this school." And that wouldn't be good for the school, really; even though Gaara didn't necessarily care for the school itself, it provided a way to spend time with friends like Naruto.

    Naruto seemed to understand and he let out a sigh before offering a grin. "I'll try," he decided, nodding slightly, though he returned his apologetic smile to Yumi. "And don't listen to Sasuke. I may be hyperactive, but I'm not a dweeb." Gaara had to refrain from snorting at the comment - and, admittedly, it was a slight struggle. He managed, though.
    Rei nodded in agreement to Sasuke's words, turning her attention over towards the aforementioned group before she let out a sigh. "They're real trouble-makers," she said quietly, though she quickly turned her eyes away from them, not wanting them to catch her - or any of them - looking over. Rei may be a bit blunt and slightly stubborn - and maybe even a little reckless - but she definitely didn't want to deal with the Akatsuki group.

    Offering a smile towards Yumi, she shrugged. "Aside from them, though, anybody else is free game to be around. Though you should be careful of Gaara's brother - he's a bit of a perv." She ignored the stare she got from Gaara at the mention of Kankurou; it wasn't like she was lying.

    (Also, I'm unsure if it's Kankurou or just Kankuro, but I've seen the 'ou' ending more, so I'm going with it. xD)
    August 13th, 2014 at 09:14am
  • Jordypye

    Jordypye (1400)

    New Zealand
    (Yay! XD )

    Yumi glanced over her shoulder toward the people that Sasuke was staring at to notice some of them looking their way, she turned back and nodded her head. They didn't look like people she'd want to be around anyway but it was good that Sasuke had warned her at least, she assumed he had a bad experience with them but didn't push the subject.

    Yumi finished her meal while smiling at Naruto's antics, he was very outgoing which made Yumi feel a bit better because she wasn't good at being outgoing. She tried to stifle a yawn, she'd had a long day of travelling and was well worn out but she didn't want to rush back just yet, and she wanted to wait for Gaara to be done as well.
    Sasuke was glad for Rei's support on the matter, maybe it'd help Yumi understand better with Rei's added input although Yumi didn't seem like the type to go with that crowd he never knew what his brother and his friends would try to do. It was always that way though, Itachi use to be a good guy until he started hanging out with that group, now he's a total jerk.

    Sighing Sasuke shook his head subconsciously before turning to Rei "Ready to go when you are," before turning to the others, "Nice to meet you Yumi, we'll catch you guys tomorrow," he said, and without another word Sasuke picked up his tray and dumped his scraps in the bin, placing his try on the counter he waited for Rei at the cafe door. He could still feel his brother eyes on him and wanted to leave as soon as possible.
    August 13th, 2014 at 09:52am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (Yesh~! :D)

    Gaara glanced towards Yumi, having noticed that she looked a little tired. He wasn't sure if it was because of Naruto's antics being tiresome or if she had already been tired before she got there - which was incredibly likely, considering she was a foreign student. "If you're tired, we can go," he offered, knowing it was probably best. He was full by now, anyways, so there wasn't too much of a point in sticking around unless she wanted to meet more people.

    "Aw, you want to leave already?" Naruto asked suddenly, glancing back and forth between the two. Eventually, though, he relented and offered a smile. "Well, I'll see you two tomorrow, then," he decided with a nod as he stood up. "It was nice to meet you, Yumi!" he called before rushing off.

    Hearing Naruto's loud voice made Gaara pinch the bridge of his nose, but he otherwise remained as calm as he could. Seeing that Yumi had finished eating, he went ahead to stand, gesturing her to follow him as he carried his tray to where it belonged after tossing the trash.
    "Ah, wait," Rei said quickly before standing. She offered a smile towards Yumi and she waved. "See you around, Yumi. Later, guys." Picking her tray up, she followed after Sasuke, tossing the trash and placing the tray safely on the counter. When she caught up to him at the door, she folded her hands behind her back and turned her attention ahead. "I'm surprised you wanted to get out of there so soon."

    Really, she almost wished that they could have stayed and gotten to know Yumi a bit more, but she knew that she'd have a chance to get to know Yumi better the next day. Well, hopefully, anyways. Plus, is was getting late and it wouldn't be very kind of her to keep the new kid from being able to go rest up for her first day of school the next day.
    August 13th, 2014 at 10:02am
  • Jordypye

    Jordypye (1400)

    New Zealand
    ( tehe )

    Yumi nodded her head thankfully at Gaara after waving at Sasuke, Rei and Naruto as the three went their separate ways. "S-sorry, it's been a long day," Yumi explained, trying her best not to yawn again. She had to admit she wasn't as nervous as she was when she first arrived, in fact she was relieved that she'd met some really cool people, something she hadn't really been expecting.

    "Thank you, again Gaara, it means a lot that you've helped me," Yumi smiled, a slight blush tinted her cheeks and she looked away as they made their way back to their dorm room. Yumi decided to have a shower before hoping into her pjs that only consisted of a single and some short shorts, if she had of known she would be rooming with a guy she would have bought more appropriate sleep wear but there was nothing she could do about it now.
    Sasuke knew that Rei wanted to stay and talk more to Yumi so he felt kind of bad for making Rei leave with him but he merely shrugged his shoulders instead as he stuffed his hands in his pockets and sighed. "If I didn't leave I would have ended up chucking something at my stupid brother's face," he huffed, annoyed at the situation.

    He admittedly felt better now that he was out of his brothers eye range so he could feel himself relax a bit more. Last year Itachi's friends had beat up Naruto and Rock Lee before hanging them up on the flag pole in front of the main building and Itachi had just stood there and watched, for that Sasuke would never forgive his brother.
    August 13th, 2014 at 10:18am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States

    Gaara shook his head slightly to her words, holding a hand up in dismissal. "You don't have to apologize," he assured her before he stuffed his hands into his pockets as they walked. He glanced over towards her every now and then, a little worried that she would be too tired to walk. She seemed fine so far, though, so he figured she wasn't so tired that she could pass out at any moment.

    He, admittedly, was surprised to hear her gratitude and his eyes settled on her in time to see the blush that tinted her cheeks before she had looked away. He wasn't quite sure why, but seeing the slight tint in her cheeks was a rather nice sight - not that he would admit it, especially aloud. "You don't have to thank me, really." After all, he had wanted to help her. Since they were room-mates, it would make things easier for both of them.
    Rei couldn't help but to grin in reaction to his words. "If you would have done it, he would have known it was you. You should have suggested it to me," she joked lightly, though she had no intention of ever picking a fight with Sasuke's brother or any of his friends. Shifting to let her hands rest at her sides, she couldn't help but swing them back and forth in an almost childish manner as she kept her attention ahead.

    "But, really, I guess it was best that we left. Another minute or two and they probably would have come over and caused trouble." Because they always seemed to know when people were talking about them - likely because of the stares they received every now and then. Well, actually, they received the stares quite often - which was likely why there were so many fights caused by them.
    August 13th, 2014 at 10:29am
  • Jordypye

    Jordypye (1400)

    New Zealand
    Yumi smiled gently at Gaara as she climbed into her bag, she still had unpacking to do but she was too tired to bother with it at the moment. She bid Gaara a good night and fell asleep almost immediately, sleeping through the night.

    When she woke up the next morning she made sure not to disturb Gaara and she padded around unpacking the few things she hadn't done when she arrived before heading quietly to the bathroom to clean herself up and look presentable for her first day of class. When she was done she came back and put her things away before tying her long hair up and waiting for Gaara to be ready.
    Sasuke smirked at Rei's words, shaking his head because he knew she wouldn't do something as stupid as pick a fight with Itachi or the rest of the Akatsuki, she was smarter than that. assume wasn't though, he'd do it if he got the chance too.

    He was both glad and surprised that they had managed to get back to their dorm room without having anyone come up and interrupt them. He was about to say something but decided not to, the peace and quiet was a nice change. "I'm going to stay up awhile and study," he told Rei before changing into pj bottoms and a shirt and taking a seat at his desk. He took his contacts out and placed his glasses on. Rei was one of the only ones that knew Sasuke wore contacts during the day.
    October 24th, 2014 at 12:40am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Gaara had gone to sleep quickly upon returning to the dorm, after changing into more comfortable clothing. He hadn't exactly been tired, not really, but he had wanted to sleep because there were going to be a few tests in some of his classes the next day.

    When he woke up the next morning, he took notice of Yumi already being awake. "Morning," he said slowly, his voice deep from his previous sleep. Moving to stand up, he ruffled up his own hair before making his way into the bathroom to get ready for the day.
    "Have fun," Rei drawled, though she had no intentions of staying up any later. She changed into pajamas and quickly went to bed, curling up in her blanket tightly whilst burying her face into her pillow.

    When she woke up, she tried to avoid waking Sasuke up. Quickly getting ready for classes in the bathroom, she came back out upon finishing and moved to gather what she would need for classes.
    October 24th, 2014 at 08:06pm
  • Jordypye

    Jordypye (1400)

    New Zealand
    "Good morning," Yumi said softly, glancing up and giving Gaara a nervous smile. Today would be her first day in classes and she hoped she would enjoy them. Yumi wondered if Gaara would be annoyed that she had waited for him to go grab breakfast together, maybe he wanted to have time to himself or hang out with his friends.

    "I hope you don't mind I was waiting for you so we could grab breakfast together, but if you'd rather have time to yourself I'll leave you be," she talked quickly, avoiding eye contact with him in embarrassment.
    Sasuke studied long into the night, making sure not to be too loud for Rei, sometimes he couldn't help the low mumble of frustration that he would voice but otherwise he was silent. Only in the early hours of the morning did he finally turn of his desk light and stumble into his bed, asleep within minutes.

    He blinked awake to the sunlight on his face and grumbled in annoyance, squinting he slowly got up, he glanced over to see Rei's empty bed and sighed. He found some clean clothes and threw them on his bed, waiting for Rei to get out of the bathroom.

    While he waited he gathered his school books and supplies, he placed them in his backpack and put it next to the door. "Rei hurry up I need to get in there too." He called out to her.
    October 24th, 2014 at 10:44pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    It surprised Gaara a bit to hear Yumi's words, but he nodded slightly as he absorbed them, letting them sink into his tired brain before he yawned. "No, it's fine," he assured her as he moved to gather his clothes. "I don't mind you waiting on me." It was a first for him, honestly, though, since only his siblings ever waited for him. It was a little nice, though, he decided.

    Moving to the bathroom, he went ahead to get ready for classes. It didn't take him long, since he was usually rather quick about getting ready for classes. Once he got out of the bathroom, he moved back to gather his things. "Are you ready to go, then?" he asked, looking over at her.
    Rei rolled her eyes whilst she finished getting ready before exiting the room and staring blankly at Sasuke. "First lesson as a fake boyfriend, don't rush your fake girlfriend in the bathroom," she told him before she made her way out of the bathroom and moved to gather her book bag. Lifting it, she shifted it onto her shoulder and looked over to Sasuke.

    "I hope you're not expecting me to wait on you." Of course, she was going to; she usually did, as if it was some sort of silent agreement between them. Plus, it decreased the chances of getting too far onto his bad side.
    November 3rd, 2014 at 02:47am